RDCF :: Volume #13

#1293: Comes out to suffer to death!

Most top sect gate are actually not willing to construct in these lively places, because of this kind of person many places, often affects to practice, moreover is not the valuable land with a good geomantic omen. 大部分顶尖宗门其实都不愿意建造在那些繁华之处,因为这类人多的地方,往往影响修行,而且也并不是什么风水宝地。 Therefore most sect gate positions in the middle of the famed scenery, the position somewhat are remote. 所以大部分宗门的位置都是在名山大川当中,位置有些偏僻。 But the Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb position is actually the unusual displacement, simply does not seem like in the mountain, but deeply hides in the flooded land jungle deep place. 风云剑冢的位置却是异常的偏移,简直不像是在山中,而是深藏在泽国密林的深处。 Looks from afar, Chen Qingdi and Chu Xiu have been able to see the Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb appearance, not magnificent grand, but also has the construction to give to wrap entire sect gate by the surrounding trees, takes the form of huge grave package of general. 远远望去,陈青帝楚休已经能够看到风云剑冢的模样了,并不辉煌雄伟,而是由周围的树木还有建筑把整个宗门都给包裹起来,形似一个巨大的坟包一般。 Chen Qingdi sneers saying: Of pleasant to hear that „ Sword Tomb Sword Tomb, said that is not grave that buries the person? Don't they like looking at the grave to mourn by the side of the coffin? 陈青帝冷笑道:“剑冢剑冢,说的好听,不就是个埋人的坟地吗?他们不是喜欢看坟守灵吗? Good, today I make them give itself excessively seven to go! ” 那好,今天我让他们自己给自己过头七去!” Chen Qingdi aggressive side is very common, but like the present, with filling side of wild with rage murderous intention is actually very rare, obviously, he impatient wish Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb that group of people, fist, has entered to the bang the grave very much now. 陈青帝霸气的一面很常见,但像现在这样,带着充满狂怒杀机的一面却是很少见,很显然,他现在已经迫不及待的想要把风云剑冢的那帮人,一拳一个,都给轰进坟里了。 Waits for Chen Qingdi and Chu Xiu arrives at the near, the Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb person they had not seen, other martial arts world sect gate people are actually see much. 陈青帝楚休来到近前,风云剑冢的人他们没有看到,其他武林宗门的人却是看到不少。 Oblivious Sword Hut Shen Baochen, the Shangshui Ying Family old ancestor, Pure Yang Dao Sect Ling Yun Zi, good fortune Dao Sect Lu Changliu, unexpectedly even/including the heads under supporting by the arm of Mt. Longhu that Senior Qing, naturally that Senior Qing even compared with the senior heads obviously old, did not seem like the senior head past child Daoist novice, probably the elder was simply common. 坐忘剑庐沈抱尘,商水赢氏的老祖,纯阳道门凌云子,造化道门陆长流,竟然连老天师都在龙虎山那位庆前辈的搀扶下来了,当然那位庆前辈甚至要比老天师都显老,不像是老天师昔日的道童,简直像是长辈一般。 The remaining other schools also came much, especially Western Chu these influences, Ye Shaonan is closing up, but Donghuang Taiyi actually came, even the Western Chu royalty sends, low-key standing in people behind. 剩下其他江湖门派也来了不少,特别是西楚的那些势力,夜韶南在闭关,但东皇太一却是来了,甚至西楚皇族都派人过来,低调的站在众人的身后。 Chu Xiu looks at these people on the scene, false smile say/way: Is comes to see a play?” 楚休看着在场的那些人,皮笑肉不笑道:“诸位都是前来看戏的?” The Chu Xiu power and influenced acquired over a long period still , the people on the scene unexpectedly no one dares to speak at once. 楚休积威犹在,在场的众人一时之间竟然没人敢吭声。 Only had Lu Changliu to sigh a sound said: „ Cult Master Chu, I and others are actually wants to have a look, whether this matter can change a way to be solved. 只有陆长流叹息了一声道:“楚教主,我等其实是想要看看,这件事情能否换一个方式解决。 After all reprisal breeds reprisal, Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb and Beneath Heaven Alliance, because of initially that a wee bit quarrel/corners of the mouth, even the enmity is not, made this situation unexpectedly, seriously was unworthy. 毕竟冤冤相报何时了,风云剑冢天下盟,就因为当初那一丁点的口角,甚至连仇怨都算不上,竟然闹到了这种地步,当真是不值得啊。 In recent years on rivers and lakes blustery, has experienced several wars, this time, can not hit, actually good that best not hit. ” 近些年来江湖上风起云涌,已经经历过数场大战了,这一次,能不打,其实最好还是别打的好。” Others looked that brings the strange color to the Lu Changliu vision. 其他人看向陆长流的目光都带着怪异之色。 This many years ago closed up, now also arrives at the Heaven and Earth Fathom Mystery boundary, but seemed like this to shut the brain of closure to fall stiffly, does he also dare to urge Chu Xiu unexpectedly? 这位好多年前就闭关去了,如今也到了天地通玄境界,不过貌似这闭关闭的脑子都僵掉了,他竟然还敢去劝楚休 Past when Chu Xiu wanted destruction Subhūti Zen Yard, Ying Family old ancestor and the others on Kunlun Mountains urged Chu Xiu, finally also not by being a mass of cuts and bruises that Chu Xiu spurted, dingy leaving. 昔日楚休要覆灭须菩提禅院时,赢家老祖等人都上昆仑去劝楚休了,结果还不是被楚休喷的体无完肤,灰溜溜的走人了。 When the people think Lu Changliu can also be so, Chu Xiu is actually calm explained to Lu Changliu. 就在众人以为陆长流也会是如此的时候,楚休却是心平气和的给陆长流解释了起来。 Land Headmaster this word is bad, you also said that this time matter is only because an insignificant quarrel/corners of the mouth produces, actually does that pursue this quarrel/corners of the mouth not to put? “陆掌教此言差矣,你也说了,这次的事情只是因为一件微不足道的口角而产生的,那究竟是追着这点口角不放的? It is not Chen Qingdi, but is his Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb! 不是陈青帝,而是他风云剑冢 Yan Zhi/Rouge gets my Sacred Cult non-Chinese southern person Branch Palace, this tent/account I may not calculate with him. 还有燕支打上我圣教南蛮分殿,这笔帐我可还没跟他算呢。 My Chu Xiu is the reasonable person, others don’t provoke me I don’t provoke others, the protagonist who naturally today acts is not I, but is Alliance Master Chen. 楚休是讲道理的人,人不犯我我不犯人,当然今日出手的主角可不是我,而是陈盟主 Land Headmaster you, even if convinced me is still useless, that side Alliance Master Chen, you whether can convince? ” 掌教你就算是劝动了我也没用,陈盟主那边,你是否能够劝动?” The people on the scene see this, is a surprise of face, the Chu Xiu when temperament became so good, will also give the Lu Changliu calm explanation unexpectedly. 在场的众人看到这一幕,都是一脸的诧异,楚休什么时候脾气变得这般好了,竟然还会给陆长流心平气和的解释。 Naturally Chu Xiu did not acknowledge he feared Ning Xuanji. 当然楚休可不承认他是怕了宁玄机 In Central, how Ning Xuanji said that also helped him open a back door, this was the favor, must. 中州之内,宁玄机怎么说也是帮他开了一个后门,这是人情,怎么也要还的。 That side Great Luo Heaven, Chu Xiu may have no opportunity also Ning Xuanji favor, therefore here, he can only also arrive on his disciples and followers this favor. 大罗天那边,楚休可没什么机会还宁玄机的人情,所以在这里,他就只能把这个人情还到他的徒子徒孙身上了。 Lu Changliu looked at Chen Qingdi one silently, sighed, has not continued to urge actually. 陆长流默默的看了陈青帝一眼,叹息了一声,倒是没有继续去劝。 The Chu Xiu appearance is also gentle, but that side Chen Qingdi, so long as is not the blind people can feel, on Chen Qingdi that powerful murderous intention, just like the volcanic eruption will be soon ordinary. 楚休的模样还算是平和,但陈青帝那边,只要不是瞎子都能够感觉出来,陈青帝身上的那股强大杀机,犹如即将火山爆发一般。 Chen Qingdi this living person near appearance do not suspend, Lu Jianghe then knows, the opposite party is iron core must fight with Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb, who urged to be useless. 陈青帝这幅生人勿近的模样一摆出来,陆江河便知道,对方已经是铁了心要跟风云剑冢一战了,谁来劝都没有用。 Looks to Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb, Chen Qingdi one step treads, the land that the powerful strength trembles instantaneously just like the Land Dragon to turn over/to stand up general, that powerful strength makes the people facial color on the scene suddenly change. 望向风云剑冢,陈青帝一步踏出,强大的力量瞬间震颤的大地犹如地龙翻身一般,那股强大的力量让在场的众人面色骤然一变。 „The Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb young animals, come out to suffer to death!” 风云剑冢的小崽子们,出来受死!” This flash, the sound such as thunder howl, lets the world look changes unexpectedly, in the flash midair the overcast sky. 这一瞬间,声如雷吼,竟然让天地色变,一瞬间半空中阴云密布。 Chu Xiu looked up a weather, in the eye also revealed wiped the surprised color. 楚休抬头看了一眼天色,眼中也是露出了一抹惊奇之色。 Chen Qingdi has not broken through in Central, the road peak that he walks actually where, no one knows. 陈青帝中州之内并没有突破,他走的这条路巅峰究竟在哪里,谁也不知道。 But after Central one line, his strength obviously went a step further. 中州一行之后,他的实力明显更进一步了。 Although Chen Qingdi is also not Vu Tien, but his strength, has achieved degree that can affect strength of the part of rule. 陈青帝虽然还不是武仙,但他自身的力量,也已经达到可以影响一部分规则之力的程度了。 In Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb, sound of dragon Yinjian the calling resounds through the world. 风云剑冢之内,龙吟剑鸣之声响彻天地。 Black Dragon sword intent cuts the broken vault of heaven, then stirs that dark clouds instantaneously completely broken. 黑龙剑意斩破苍穹,瞬间便将那阴云全部搅碎。 Yan Zhi/Rouge treads to empty to come, whole body sword qi winds around, mixes the rule, causes surrounding void sent out feelings of the shake. 燕支踏空而来,周身剑气缭绕,搅动规则,使得周围的虚空都发出了一股股的震荡之感。 Ying Family old ancestor and the others looked to the Yan Zhi/Rouge vision is to bring color with amazement. 赢家老祖等人看向燕支的目光都是带着骇然之色。 Before they were still having doubts, does not know why Yan Zhi/Rouge bold enough to will act to Beneath Heaven Alliance unexpectedly suddenly, even also dares to capture to Kunlun Mountains Demon Cult Branch Palace. 之前他们还在疑惑,不知道为何燕支竟然会忽然大胆到对天下盟出手,甚至还敢攻入到昆仑魔教分殿内。 Now they were knew, Yan Zhi/Rouge , trod unexpectedly their long-awaited last step! 现在他们算是知道了,燕支,竟然踏出了他们梦寐以求的最后一步! These martial artist of the world of mortals, any existence that reached the Heaven and Earth Fathom Mystery boundary, no one does not want to tread that last step. 下界的这些武者,凡是达到了天地通玄境界的存在,无人不想要踏出那最后一步。 But the difference is, some people noticed that the front road does not have, breaks through repeatedly does not have the little advance, then has given up. 只不过区别是,有些人看到前方的路已经没有了,多次突破没有寸进,便已经放弃了。 Some like Ye Shaonan, even if knows the uncertain future, so long as he has an opportunity, will arrive at the bottom. 还有一些则是像夜韶南一样,哪怕知道前途渺茫,但只要他有一丝的机会,也会走到底。 If we had known Yan Zhi/Rouge trod unexpectedly such a step, they must come here in advance, regardless of paid any price, they must ask that actually Yan Zhi/Rouge how trod this. 若是早知道燕支竟然踏出了这么一步,他们怎么也要先行来到这里,不论付出什么代价,他们都要问出燕支究竟是怎么踏出这一步的。 But now, Yan Zhi/Rouge or Chen Qingdi, both sides have not listened to the plan that they spoke obviously. 但现在嘛,不论是燕支还是陈青帝,显然双方都没有听他们说话的打算。 Is staring at Chen Qingdi, the Yan Zhi/Rouge cold sound said: „ I also think that you will fear does not dare to appear, never expected that I actually look down on you. 凝视着陈青帝,燕支冷声道:“我还以为你会怕到不敢出现呢,没想到我却是小瞧你了。 Initially you here, your fist bang broke to pieces my Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb Formation, stepped on my Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb face countenance on the ground. 当初你就在这里,你一拳轰碎我风云剑冢阵法,将我风云剑冢的颜面踩在地上。 Another fist caused heavy losses to the founder, making him leave the world one year later low-spirited. 又一拳重创了祖师,使得他老人家在一年后黯然离世。 Can not say you, I to today's this boundary. 可以说没有你,我到不了今天这个境界。 Without your initial action, Beneath Heaven Alliance cannot the destruction. 没有你当初的举动,天下盟也不会覆灭。 Chen Qingdi, do you have the regret, initially when acted, disregarding another's feelings like that! ” 陈青帝,你有没有后悔,当初出手时,那般的不留情面!” Chen Qingdi nods, said with the sound without sentiment slightly: I indeed regretted.” 陈青帝点了点头,用不带丝毫感情的声音道:“我的确后悔了。” The people on the scene stare immediately, was Chen Qingdi this recognizes instigates? 在场的众人顿时一愣,陈青帝这是认怂了? Should not, by them the understanding Chen Qingdi, even if even if the opposite party really trod peak one step, entered Vu Tien boundary, with the Chen Qingdi character, such recognizing easily will not instigate that was right. 不应该啊,以他们对陈青帝的了解,哪怕就算对方真的踏出了巅峰的一步,进入了武仙境界,以陈青帝的性格,也不会就这么轻易的认怂才对。 The next quarter, Chen Qingdi raised the head suddenly, on the face had been twisted by the violent anger murderous intention. 下一刻,陈青帝忽然抬起头,脸上已经被暴怒的杀机所扭曲。 Father is the regret, why did not have a fist hammer dead initially that old codger, why does not have to deliver you Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb this group of bastards to go to the western heaven!” “老子是后悔,为什么当初没有一拳锤死那个老不死的,为什么没有送你们风云剑冢这帮王八蛋都上西天!” As the Chen Qingdi voice falls, his fist pounds to fall loudly, the fist that but pounds, actually seems the meteorite crashes general, sends out a deafening explosive, the space shivers, vitality even instantaneous blasting open in midair dissipates. 随着陈青帝的话音落下,他的拳头轰然间砸落,但砸出的这一拳,却仿佛是陨石坠落一般,发出一声震耳欲聋的爆响来,空间都为之颤动,半空中的元气甚至都瞬间炸裂消散。 Sees power and influence of Chen Qingdi this fist, the Yan Zhi/Rouge facial color finally changed. 看到陈青帝这一拳的威势如此之强,燕支的面色终于变了。 In building up to melt the strength of sword soul, after oneself step into Vu Tien boundary, actually Yan Zhi/Rouge have not noticed, oneself have a master's lonely feeling, that is the strength rises suddenly, and after has not seen the truly powerful strength, one void that brings. 在炼化了剑魂之力,自身踏入武仙境界之后,其实燕支自己都没注意到,自己有一种高手寂寞的感觉,那是力量暴涨,并且没见过真正强大的力量后所带来的一种空虚感。 Therefore when to Beneath Heaven Alliance acts, to Chu Wuji acts, actually Yan Zhi/Rouge has not used the full power, but comes the steamroll with the strength simply, perhaps in his opinion, these people do not use the full power with oneself. 所以不论是在对天下盟出手时,还是对褚无忌出手的时候,其实燕支都没有动用全力,只是简单用力量来碾压,或许在他看来,这些人已经不配自己动用全力。 Therefore Chu Wuji will say that he is shortsighted person, obtained Vu Tien boundary strength, but has not obtained the Vu Tien boundary proper state of mind. 所以褚无忌才会说他是井底之蛙,得到了武仙境界的力量,但却没得到武仙境界应有的心境。 In rivers and lakes history, even if world of mortals each generation still would such 12 individuals even, closes right up against startled certainly the colorful talent with the will, steps into this boundary. 江湖历史上,哪怕就算是下界每一代也总会有那么一两个人,靠着惊才绝艳的天赋跟毅力,踏入这个境界。 But they pay the thing, must be much more than Yan Zhi/Rouge of shortcut. 但他们所付出东西,远比走捷径的燕支要多得多。 Ye Shaonan and senior head who steps into this boundary, perhaps be much steadier than the Yan Zhi/Rouge state of mind. 不论是夜韶南和老天师谁踏入这个境界,恐怕都要比燕支的心境稳得多。 Therefore at this time saw prestige energy that Chen Qingdi this fist exposes, although the boundary is not Vu Tien, but the prestige energy has actually been close to Vu Tien, in the heart of Yan Zhi/Rouge has not actually met that war intent of rival to be excited, instead is somewhat flurried, probably own thing, by general that anyone seizes. 所以此时看到陈青帝这一拳所展露出来的威能,虽然境界不是武仙,但威能却是已经接近武仙了,燕支的心中却并没有遇到对手的那种战意兴奋,反而有些慌乱,好像是自己的东西,被什么人所夺走的一般。 The next quarter, a Yan Zhi/Rouge forehead, black radiance is pasting, a black long sword transforms from his forehead unexpectedly. 下一刻,燕支一点眉心,黑色的光华流转着,一柄黑色长剑竟然从他的眉心幻化而出。 That black long sword appears dragon Xing, the sword hilt is the dragon's head, the sword blade is the dragon body, the sword point is Dragon's Tail. 那黑色长剑呈龙形,剑柄为龙头,剑身为龙身,剑尖为龙尾。 This is the long sword that the sword soul transforms, strong of its sword intent, has no almighty troops long sword to be able to hold it. 这是剑魂所幻化出来的长剑,其剑意之浓重,已经没有任何神兵长剑能够容得下它了。 A sword punctures, everywhere dragon recited the sound of sword cry to resound through the world, the surrounding world vitality started to twist, changed to boundless sword qi, instantaneously then Chen Qingdi covering! 一剑刺出,漫天的龙吟剑鸣之声响彻天地,周围的天地元气都开始扭曲着,化作无边的剑气,瞬间便将陈青帝给笼罩! Swords called the sound of explosive to transmit, in the entire midair could not have seen the person's shadow, some were only boundless sword qi. 一声声剑鸣爆响之声传来,整个半空中已经看不到人影了,有的只是无边的剑气 The people on the scene are the look change, Yan Zhi/Rouge this sword they keep off with effort, but innumerable sword qi condense now, treads that last step prestige energy, is so seriously terrifying? 在场的众人都是神色微变,燕支这一剑他们挡下来都费力,但现在无数剑气凝聚,踏出那最后一步的威能,当真这般恐怖? Chu Xiu is to actually cross the hands behind the back to stand at this time, in the eye does not have slight worry. 楚休此时却是负手而立,眼中没有丝毫的担忧。 The Chen Qingdi beforehand strength has then hung to hit half Vu Tien sufficiently, but even if now faces truly Vu Tien, Chu Xiu is also confident to him. 陈青帝之前的实力便已经足以吊打半步武仙了,而现在哪怕是面对真正武仙,楚休也对他有信心。 Moreover he, although does not know how Yan Zhi/Rouge steps into Vu Tien boundary, but he can actually feel, the aura of this Yan Zhi/Rouge within the body seems like some is not steady, probably had not fully understood that this boundary is the same. 而且他虽然不知道燕支是如何踏入武仙境界的,但他却能感觉出来,这燕支体内的气息似乎有些不稳,好像还没有完全了解这个境界一样。
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