RDCF :: Volume #13

#1292: Violent anger Chen Qingdi

Great Luo Heaven, non-Chinese southern person Cangwu county. 大罗天,南蛮苍梧郡。 When Chu Wuji resists Yan Zhi/Rouge , Tang Ya has then arrived at the place of non-Chinese southern person foothold through Formation, reported the news by Secret Skill to Chu Xiu. 褚无忌抵挡燕支的时候,唐牙便已经通过阵法来到南蛮之地的据点,以秘法楚休发了消息。 Although just has the Formation transmission, but the news actually must from the place of non-Chinese southern person foothold, pass to Nan'an Prefecture, then passes to Cangwu county here. 只不过虽然有着阵法传输,但消息却也要从南蛮之地的据点内,传到南安府,然后再传到苍梧郡这里来。 After receiving the news, Chu Xiu frowns immediately tightly. 拿到消息之后,楚休顿时紧皱起了眉头。 How before he was still planning the world of mortals, world of mortals first were never expected that chaotic. 之前他还在谋算着下界如何如何,没想到下界自己却先乱起来了。 Beneath Heaven Alliance had no interest Sword Tomb to break through unexpectedly, this matter was above the expectation of Chu Xiu actually. 天下盟竟然被无心剑冢攻破,这件事情倒是超乎了楚休的预料。 Naturally what is above the Chu Xiu expectation is, by this kind of time, some people dared to provoke his Kunlun Mountains Demon Cult unexpectedly, the opposite party this ate the bear heart leopard guts? 当然更超乎楚休预料的是,到了这种时候,竟然还有人胆敢来挑衅他昆仑魔教,对方这是吃了熊心豹子胆了? In the information, Tang Ya defers to the view of Chu Wuji, described that the opposite party doubts is Vu Tien, no matter but the opposite party is Vu Tien, at this time came Kunlun Mountains Demon Cult, is courting death! 在情报当中,唐牙只是按照褚无忌的说法,形容对方疑是武仙,但不管对方是不是武仙,这个时候来动昆仑魔教,都是在找死! Naturally this matter Chu Xiu cannot light/only go, he must tell Chen Qingdi. 当然这件事情楚休不能光自己去,他还要告诉一下陈青帝 Beat open Chen Qingdi to close up the front door of secret room, Chen Qingdi walked with a face uncomfortable expression. 敲开陈青帝闭关密室的大门,陈青帝带着一脸不爽的表情走了出来。 At present the Chen Qingdi just right card in breaking through and has not broken through in the middle of an extremely mysterious boundary, how the road ahead, must comprehend by him. 眼下陈青帝正好卡在突破和未突破之间一种极其玄妙境界当中,前路如何,全要靠他自己去领悟。 Therefore in Central experience and strength of he obtains, needs he to find the time to digest, at this time was broken by Chu Xiu, he naturally is somewhat uncomfortable. 所以在中州之内他所得到的经验和力量,都需要他找时间去消化,此时被楚休打断,他自然是有些不爽的。 However Chen Qingdi also knows, Chu Xiu works credibly always calm, he breaks himself to close up suddenly, should have some issues. 不过陈青帝也知道,楚休做事向来靠谱沉稳,他忽然打断自己闭关,应该是有了一些问题。 Chu Xiu deeply inspires saying: Alliance Master Chen, had a matter I to tell you, you must have a psychology to prepare.” 楚休深吸了一口气道:“陈盟主,有件事情我跟你说一下,你要有个心理准备。” Chen Qingdi snort/hum: Felt relieved saying that what great storms have not seen, what matter had?” 陈青帝哼了一声:“放心说,某什么大风大浪没有见过,出什么事情了?” Chu Xiu sinking sound said: „ Just my subordinate spread the news, Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb Yan Zhi/Rouge doubts broke through Vu Tien boundary, breaks through Beneath Heaven Alliance, but also killed vice- hegemon Fang Qingteng. 楚休沉声道:“刚刚我的手下传来消息,风云剑冢燕支疑是突破了武仙境界,攻破天下盟,还杀了副盟主方青藤 Now some Beneath Heaven Alliance residual disciples run away my Sacred Cult to seek harbour in place of non-Chinese southern person Branch Palace, Yan Zhi/Rouge have gotten the gate to come. 如今天下盟残留的一些弟子逃到了我圣教在南蛮之地的分殿内寻求庇护,燕支已经打上门来了。 Therefore I inform Alliance Master Chen one, goes to the world of mortals as soon as possible, solves the crisis. ” 所以我来通知陈盟主一声,尽快去下界,解决危机。” With a words exit|to speak of Chu Xiu, the Chen Qingdi whole body was covered by an explosion general strength instantaneously. 随着楚休的话一出口,陈青帝的周身瞬间就被一股爆炸一般的力量所笼罩。 Chu Xiu cannot favor, the figure retrocedes instantaneously dozens zhang (3.33 m). 楚休一看不好,身形瞬间后退几十丈。 Wind! clouds! Sword! Tomb! My day your grandmother!” “风!云!剑!冢!我日你姥姥!” Chen Qingdi puts out a character every time, seems the thunderclap is ordinary, resounds through in the world, looks at being popular god coldly one. 陈青帝每吐出一个字,都仿佛是炸雷一般,响彻在天地之间,看得人心神一寒。 Even that strong violent strength, just like the storm to be ordinary simply, circles in the Chen Qingdi whole body, the direct impact clouds. 甚至那股强大的暴烈之力,简直犹如风暴一般,盘旋在陈青帝的周身,直冲云霄。 Chu Xiu is silent, reaching an agreement has seen great storms? 楚休默然不语,说好的见过大风大浪呢? Actually Chu Xiu also understands the Chen Qingdi mood at this time. 其实楚休此时倒也理解陈青帝的心情。 Beneath Heaven Alliance is he starts from scratch to hit after all, although said that by the present Chen Qingdi strength, Beneath Heaven Alliance that influence does not have many help to him, but that actually was still Beneath Heaven Alliance, his Chen Qingdi Beneath Heaven Alliance. 天下盟毕竟是他白手起家打下来的,虽然说以现在陈青帝的实力,天下盟那点势力已经对他没有多少帮助了,但那却仍旧是天下盟,他陈青帝天下盟 If his person accident sentiment, Chu Xiu was the same does not endure. 若是他的人出了什么事情,楚休也是一样忍受不了。 Alliance Master Chen, you really think even the day Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb grandmother, must first world of mortals say again, I in the strength that the place of non-Chinese southern person deploys, may be far from Great Luo Heaven strong, can block a Vu Tien, but is an unknown.” 陈盟主,你就算是真想日风云剑冢的姥姥,也要先下界再说,我在南蛮之地所部署的力量,可远没有大罗天这边强,能不能挡住一个武仙,可还是一个未知数。” Chen Qingdi both eyes follow scarlet in Chu Xiu behind, directly soars the place of non-Chinese southern person to go, called Xie Xiaolou. 陈青帝双目赤红跟在楚休身后,直奔南蛮之地而去,同时也叫上了谢小楼 The successor as Beneath Heaven Alliance, these matter Xie Xiaolou naturally must know. 身为天下盟的继承人,这些事情谢小楼自然也是要知道的。 But after Xie Xiaolou heard the news, is a wild with rage color of face, the eye socket is red. 谢小楼听说了消息之后,也是一脸的狂怒之色,眼眶都已经红了。 What Fang Qingteng died he most unable to accept. 方青藤的是死他最接受不了的。 The way that Chen Qingdi that type educates the apprentice basically is under the club the loyal son, the setback -type education. 陈青帝那种教育徒弟的方式基本上就是属于棍棒底下出孝子,挫折式的教育。 After teaching, made you practice, practices will not hit, fires off practiced again, simple and crude to pinnacle. 教完了之后让你练,练不会就打,打完了再练,简单粗暴到了极致。 Having Fang Qingteng is patient, will frequently comfort Xie Xiaolou, and in the martial arts issues of some foundations, taught him patiently. 只有方青藤耐心温和,经常会安慰谢小楼,并且在一些基础的武道问题上,耐心的教导他。 Even can say, Fang Qingteng is the Xie Xiaolou half master. 甚至可以说,方青藤乃是谢小楼的半个师父。 He dies, even if always character quite good Xie Xiaolou, was the anger of penetrating place. 他一死,哪怕是一向都性格比较好的谢小楼,也是彻地的怒了。 After Chu Xiu and Chen Qingdi arrive at the world of mortals, he sees, is the Chu Wuji severe wound appearance, Formation totally was destroyed, piece of non-Chinese southern person Branch Palace in confusion. 等到楚休陈青帝来到下界之后,他所看到的,便是褚无忌重伤的模样,还有阵法全部被摧毁,一片狼藉的南蛮分殿 This flash, the Chu Xiu vision was also gloomy, examines a Chu Wuji injury, Chu Xiu sends people shouting immediately highly skilled doctor Feng Buping. 这一瞬间,楚休的目光也是阴沉了下来,查看了一下褚无忌的伤势,楚休立刻派人把神医风不平给喊来。 Chu Wuji weak beckoning with the hand, said with a smile: „ Safe, cannot die, I am also insufficient is so vulnerable. 褚无忌虚弱的摆了摆手,笑道:“无事的,死不了,我还不至于这么脆弱。 However Cult Master Chu, my good and evil is also wounded on official business, you bring these special soul crystals, should many points my two? ” 不过楚教主,我这好歹也算是因公负伤,你带回来那些特殊的魂晶,是不是应该多分我两个?” Let alone two, three have. “别说两个,三个也有。 However actually what's the matter? That has Yan Zhi/Rouge stepped into Vu Tien boundary? 不过究竟是怎么回事?那燕支已经踏入武仙境界了? Formation in non-Chinese southern person Branch Palace? So many Formation, but can also make you be injured? ” 南蛮分殿内的阵法呢?这么多阵法,还能让你受伤了?” Saying, Chu Xiu is looking at Grandmaster Yuan Ji and Chao Huang, the former trembles immediately, although the latter seems has refused to accept not indignation, but under the vision intently watch of Chu Xiu, still hit one to tremble. 说着,楚休将目光转向袁吉大师和晁恍,前者顿时一哆嗦,后者虽然一直都显得不服不忿的,但在楚休的目光逼视之下,仍旧是打了一个哆嗦。 Chu Wuji beckons with the hand saying: „ Do not blame them, is not their issues. 褚无忌一摆手道:“别怪罪他们了,不是他们的问题。 World of mortals most Formation are I supervises to construct, I also think that before the world of mortals will not have problems, therefore put Great Luo Heaven to go most strengths, after all there powerhouse were many. 下界大部分的阵法都是我监督建造的,我之前也以为下界不会出问题,所以把大部分的力量都放到了大罗天去,毕竟那里强者多嘛。 Who predicted that the world of mortals presented a Vu Tien unexpectedly suddenly, our beforehand preparations can say that did without charge. 谁承想下界竟然忽然出现了一个武仙,我们之前的准备可以说都是白做了。 However also has them luckily, temporarily changes Formation, stimulated the strength of no root ceremonial fire, otherwise this time I really miserable. ” 不过也幸亏有他们两个,临时改变阵法,激发出了无根圣火的力量,要不然这次我是真的惨喽。” Chu Xiu shakes the head saying: „ Great Luo Heaven, although the resources are many, the powerhouse are also many, but the world of mortals, is our genuine foundations. 楚休摇摇头道:“大罗天虽然资源多,强者也多,但下界,才是我们真正的根基。 Vu Tien how? Also has to kill, you first go to Great Luo Heaven to heal from a wound, the matter of the world of mortals, I process, this enmity, I also help you report! ” 武仙又怎样?又不是没杀过,你先去大罗天养伤,下界的事情,我来处理,这个仇,我也来帮你报!” Again in addition my!” “再加我一个!” Chen Qingdi facial color gloomy station, cold sound said: Chu Xiu, this time do not snatch with me, extinguishes Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb to give me.” 陈青帝面色阴沉的站出来,冷声道:“楚休,这次不要跟我抢,灭风云剑冢交给我。” Sees the Chen Qingdi so appearance, Chu Xiu must nod, it seems like that this time, Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb really Chen Qingdi enraging. 看到陈青帝这般模样,楚休也只得点了点头,看来这次,风云剑冢是真的把陈青帝给激怒了。 Actually this Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb indeed does was excessive. 其实这次风云剑冢的确是做的过分了。 Initially that war, said the sentence was not of pleasant to hear, was the quarrel/corners of the mouth dispute between juniors, your Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb made martial artist of elders make a move, itself had gone bad the custom. 当初那一战,说句不好听的,就是小辈之间的口角争执而已,你风云剑冢让老辈的武者出手,本身就已经是坏了规矩了。 Moreover Chen Qingdi also showed mercy in that war absolutely. 而且陈青帝在那一战当中也是绝对手下留情了。 Otherwise resisted with all one's strength half step Vu Tien boundary strength on by Chen Qingdi at that time sufficiently, in the Zhongli Mu three fists is killed by the Chen Qingdi bang. 要不然就以陈青帝当时足以力敌半步武仙境界的实力,钟离牧三拳之内就会被陈青帝轰杀的。 Finally Zhongli Mu very more than one year of time died, this tent/account must be the head of Chen Qingdi, this indeed some excessive. 结果钟离牧挺了一年多的时间才死,这笔帐也要算到陈青帝的头上,这的确是有一些过分的。 Chu Xiu and Chen Qingdi have not gone to Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb to revenge directly, but advanced Beneath Heaven Alliance. 楚休陈青帝并没有直接前往风云剑冢报仇,而是先行去了一趟天下盟 Although entire Beneath Heaven Alliance most people run away, but the part was actually also killed, there are few people to choose dead to fight, for example Fang Qingteng. 整个天下盟虽然大部分人都已经逃出去了,不过却还有一部分被杀,也有一部分人选择死战到底,比如方青藤 After Chen Qingdi sees the Fang Qingteng corpse, on the face of whole person could not have seen an expression. 陈青帝看到方青藤的尸体后,整个人的脸上已经看不到一丝的表情。 After long time, Chen Qingdi then put out a hand, helping Fang Qingteng close the eye, put out a few words: Idiot! What can't be victorious to flaunt? The father saved you in the past, is to make you bring death here?” 半晌之后,陈青帝这才伸出手,帮方青藤闭上了眼睛,吐出了一句话来:“白痴!打不过逞什么强?老子当年救你,是让你在这里送死的?” After speaking these words, in the eye of Chen Qingdi revealed a rich murderous intention: Walks, goes to Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb!” 说完这句话之后,陈青帝的眼中露出了一幕浓郁的杀机来:“走,去风云剑冢!” Chu Xiu and Chen Qingdi whereabouts have not been hiding the truth from others, in the middle of the Beneath Heaven Alliance ruins, many rivers and lakes Information Intermediary is then focusing on this matter. 楚休陈青帝的行迹并没有瞒着其他人,在天下盟的废墟当中,便有不少江湖风媒紧盯着此事。 These days the Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb reputation was actually getting bigger and bigger. 这段时间风云剑冢的名声倒是越来越大了。 First extinguishes Beneath Heaven Alliance, gets Kunlun Mountains Demon Cult in the Branch Palace important person of place of non-Chinese southern person, routs Kunlun Mountains Demon Cult non-Chinese southern person Branch Palace two Formation, causes heavy losses reputation big Chu Wuji in Kunlun Mountains Demon Cult, this is these years, dares the influence that begins only with Kunlun Mountains Demon Cult, lets actually , since north-south Buddha sect by destruction, correct path sect Menwei who could not raise the head was inspired by it spirit. 先灭天下盟,紧接着又打上昆仑魔教在南蛮之地的分殿要人,击溃昆仑魔教南蛮分殿的两座阵法,重创在昆仑魔教内名声不小的褚无忌,这可是这些年来,唯一敢跟昆仑魔教动手的势力,倒是让自从南北佛宗被覆灭之后,一直抬不起头的正道宗门为之精神一振。 Although this matter actually most starts to have no relations with Kunlun Mountains Demon Cult from the start. 虽然这件事情其实最开始跟昆仑魔教压根就没什么关系。 In Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb, Yan Zhi/Rouge , since coming back, then has been closing up. 风云剑冢内,燕支自从回来之后,便一直都在闭关。 He just stepped into Vu Tien boundary, before that month, actually forces suppressing to affably the strength smooth. 他刚刚踏入武仙境界,之前那一个月的时间,其实只是勉强把力量给压制到舒缓平顺而已。 In fact, wants to control Vu Tien boundary strength perfectly, needs about a year to be good. 实际上,想要完美掌控武仙境界的力量,怎么也要一年左右的时间才行。 How long however has not waited for him to close up, the outside world then has the news to transmit, said that is Chen Qingdi and Chu Xiu directly soars Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb. 不过还没等他闭关多长时间,外界便有消息传来,说是陈青帝楚休直奔风云剑冢而来。 These two, once caused heavy losses to his Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb, steps on their Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb dignity in the powerhouse of under foot, one is north and south the destruction the Buddha sect, unsurpassed Demon Lord of prestige Linjianghu, these two people make a move together, which sect gate will feel that such as the mountain general pressure raids. 这两位,一个是曾经重创他风云剑冢,将他们风云剑冢的尊严踩在脚下的强者,还有一个更是覆灭南北佛宗,威临江湖的无上魔主,这两个人一起出手,哪个宗门都会感觉到如山一般的压力袭来的。 However after Wind and Cloud Sword Tomb martial artist comes up the news report, Yan Zhi/Rouge is nothing responded. 不过当风云剑冢武者把消息报上去之后,燕支却是没有任何反应。 He narrows the eye saying: Now was gives up? Happen, one and is solved!” 他只是眯着眼睛道:“现在才算是舍得出来了吗?正好,一并解决!” Since stepping into Vu Tien boundary, the Yan Zhi/Rouge state of mind also had some changes. 自从踏入武仙境界之后,燕支的心境也是发生了一些变化。 Has impact that the sword soul has, making his character cold, even Vu Tien's boundary, made him have a master's lonely feeling. 有剑魂带来的影响,使得他的性格都变得冷冽了一些,甚至武仙的境界,都让他生出了一种高手寂寞的感觉。 Now can the world, fight with him, how many people that has the qualifications with and has he fights? 当今天下,能跟他交手,有资格跟他交手的又剩下几人? By strength that Chen Qingdi showed initially, he is half, north and south Buddha sect by the Chu Xiu destruction strength that shows, he is also half. 以当初陈青帝所展现出来的实力,他算是半个,以楚休覆灭南北佛宗时所展现出来的实力,他也算是半个。 These two people add, happen to can treat as his hone, the penetrating helps he stable nowadays strength boundary. 这两个人加起来,正好可以当做他的磨刀石,彻地帮他稳固现如今的力量境界。 Opens the eye, unexpectedly is also black sword intent that in the middle of both eyes of Yan Zhi/Rouge walks randomly. 睁开眼睛,燕支的双目当中所游走的,竟然也是黑色的剑意。 He has enough confidence, but why does not know, initially the ridicule of Chu Wuji that shortsighted person was the time is actually reverberating in his mind, making him feel somewhat irritably. 他有足够的信心,只是不知道为何,当初褚无忌那井底之蛙的嘲弄却是时刻都在他的脑海中回响着,让他感觉有些别扭。 While Yan Zhi/Rouge has been ready, Western Chu martial arts world, even is the Great Sect powerhouse of entire rivers and lakes, is being too busy is hurrying to toward Western Chu, wants to witness this war. 就在燕支已经做好了准备的同时,西楚武林,甚至是整个江湖的大派强者,也都是忙不迭的在往西楚赶去,想要目睹这一战。 In the past far away from the area south of Yellow River, the tranquil incomparable Western Chu martial arts world, actually seethed with excitement at this time thoroughly. 以往远离中原,平静无比的西楚武林,此时却是彻底沸腾了起来。
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