PC :: Volume #8 传说

#1238: 2 Zygarde

Chapter 1239 第1239章 Two Zygarde 两个基格尔德 Zygarde was exploded is split up, although Altaria is the master who controls this attack, but does not feel better. 基格尔德被炸得四分五裂,七夕青鸟虽然是控制这次攻击的主人,但是也并不好受。 In the energy explosion, it altogether detonated 8 Fairy energies, is discovers the Zygarde weakest weakness, under this short distance observation, Zygarde nowhere hid, so long as made the cell of Zygarde separate by the impact, then its strength nothing to be afraid. 刚才的能量爆炸中,它一共引爆了八次妖精能量,为的就是找出基格尔德最薄弱的弱点,在这种近距离观察下,基格尔德无处遁形,只要凭借冲击让基格尔德的细胞分开,那么它的力量将不足为惧。 Now, this fight has been able to announce the result. 现在,这场战斗已经可以宣布结果了。 Green cell disorderly falling inside and outside Lumiose Gym, the countless cell is turning toward the one core cell to surround, it was a moment ago the brain of that variation Zygarde, is the object of Team Flare main brainwashing control. 绿色的细胞杂乱的掉落在密阿雷道馆内外,数之不尽的细胞正向着一个核心细胞围拢,它是刚才那只变异基格尔德的大脑,也是闪焰队主要洗脑控制的对象。 Saw that these Zygarde cells still very energetic went toward the cytomixis, the Ting Shu complexion has some changes, even must Lysandre that gives up resisting, revealed one startled to accommodate. 看到这些基格尔德细胞仍然非常有活力的向着细胞融合而去,庭树脸色发生一些变化,就连原本已经要放弃抵抗的弗拉达利,也露出了一丝惊容。 However quick, they discovered that oneself guess was completely wrong. 不过很快,他们发现自己的猜测全部错了。 Although recovers fast, but this Zygarde restored 10% strengths merely, turned into the lifeform of one similar dobermann, but just like is exuding white light the eye of hexagon, confirmed its status, in addition, this biological trace also for the green hexagon, not the slightest difference from Zygarde, and on neck green strip object, first left claw that half of green texture, made Ting Shu and the others see the Zygarde shadow from it. 虽然又快速复原成,但是这次基格尔德仅仅恢复了10%的力量,变成了一只类似杜宾犬的生物,不过犹如泛着白光的六边形的眼睛,证实了它的身份,除此之外,这只生物身上的纹路也为绿色的六边形,和基格尔德一般无二,以及脖子上绿色的“条状物体”,前左爪那一半绿色的纹理,都让庭树等人从它身上看出了基格尔德的影子。 Zygarde that attenuates again? 再次弱化的基格尔德 the next moment, Ting Shu discovered the reason. 下一刻,庭树发现了原因。 Other cell, by another strength summon in the past, cannot with its successful integration. 另外的细胞,原来被另外一股力量召唤过去,没能与它成功融合。 Second...... Zygarde.” “第二个……基格尔德。” Saw that in the another lifeform that the building upper extreme presents, Lysandre mutters. 看到在建筑物上端出现的另外一个生物,弗拉达利喃喃道。 Besides this Zygarde, another Zygarde also appeared here, this obviously grasped a stronger strength, has 50% shapes, but also is receiving the cell from this only Zygarde continuously, is carefully examining the another core. 除了这个基格尔德外,另外一个基格尔德也出现在了这里,这只明显掌握了更强的力量,已经有了50%的形态,还在源源不断接收来自这只基格尔德的细胞,审视着另外一个核心。 The Ting Shu mouth opens slightly, but has not expressed anything, but first looked on Lysandre. 庭树嘴巴微微张开,不过也没有表示什么,而是先把目光放到了弗拉达利身上。 He waves slightly, Altaria they toward Lysandre surrounding in the past, by the Lysandre surplus four pokémon strengths, posed the threat to Ting Shu hand/subordinate very much difficultly again. 他微微挥手,七夕青鸟它们朝着弗拉达利包围过去,凭借弗拉达利手下剩余四只精灵的力量,很难再对庭树造成威胁。 Receiving the chief criminal who must want this Team Flare restrains according to the law, Team Flare was very difficult to raise what storm, but was indistinct, Ting Shu always thought where was not right. 接下要只要把这个闪焰队的罪魁祸首绳之以法,闪焰队就很难掀起什么风浪了,不过隐约间,庭树总觉得哪里不对劲。 Strange, facing at present this huge adversity, Lysandre not distressed meaning, does not have the meaning of resistance, instead has a good laugh. 诡异,面对眼前这种巨大的逆境,弗拉达利并无狼狈之意,也没有反抗的意思,反而仰天大笑起来。 Fairy Elite Four, I acknowledged that you are very strong, is I have seen strongest Trainer, but, you think that this finished.” 妖精天王,我承认你很强,是我见过最强的训练家,但是,你以为这样就结束了吗。” Do not forget, left that I, is all these origins .” Lysandre only feels a mind pure brightness. “不要忘记了,走掉的那个我,才是这一切的起源,咳咳。”弗拉达利只感觉头脑一阵清明。 another Lysandre stops planning to anything that he said temporarily, extorted 300 ultra evolutionary stone to strengthen the Mega Evolution energy installment from the alliance, the excuse of plentiful Team Flare wing, now looked like is really laughable, he has believed firmly, another concealed a more important matter absolutely. 另外一个弗拉达利对他说的什么暂时中止计划,从联盟勒索300块超进化石强化超进化能量装置,丰满闪焰队羽翼的说辞,现在看来实在是太可笑了,他已经确信,另外一个自己绝对隐瞒了更重要的事情。 Heard Lysandre saying that Ting Shu consciousness suddenly, indeed, this Lysandre was only indigenous that's all of this world, Lysandre of another from different space and time, was rainbow Team Rocket a member, truly thorny fellow, because he knows very well the future. 听到弗拉达利这么说,庭树突然意识过来,的确,这个弗拉达利只是这个世界的土著而已,另外一个来自异时空的弗拉达利,才是彩虹火箭队一员,真正棘手的家伙,因为他熟知未来。 Without judging wrong, Team Flare present's all plans, are completely the boosts that Lysandre provides, but at this time Lysandre of different space and time...... already before Ting Shu acts, then left here. 如果没有判断错,闪焰队如今的一切计划,全部都是那个弗拉达利提供的助力,而此时异时空的弗拉达利……已经在庭树出手之前,便离开了这里。 Where another Lysandre went.” 另外一个弗拉达利去了哪里。” Ting Shu asked. 庭树质问道。 Does not know, but I think that he has certainly a profounder plan, but has been concealing me, although is not resigned to be deceived by oneself very much, but I also understand what person oneself are, I can imagine, another I will still pass through my Lysandre ideal, this gambling, but also had not finished, Fairy Elite Four.” “不知道,不过我想他一定有着更深远的计划,只是一直在隐瞒着我,虽然很不甘心被自己欺骗,不过我也明白自己是什么样的人,我可以想象到,另外一个我依然会贯穿我弗拉达利的理想,这场博弈,还并没有结束,妖精天王。” Lysandre discards the Mega Evolution energy installment in hand, looked to the distant place, looked to two Zygarde. 弗拉达利丢掉手中的超进化能量装置,看向了远方,看向了两只基格尔德 What is unthinkable, after listening to the description of Lysandre, the Zygarde core that latter catches up with moved unexpectedly, jumped down to arrive in front of the another core. 匪夷所思的是,听完弗拉达利的描述后,后赶来的基格尔德核心竟然动了,一跃而下来到了另外一个核心面前。 As for Ting Shu and Lysandre these two human, were completely disregarded. 至于庭树弗拉达利这两个人类,则被完全无视。 How then you must do, you have felt.” “接下来你要怎么做,你已经感受到了吧。” I do not plan to act, since you believe human, gives human to solve.” “我不打算出手,既然你相信人类,就交给人类自己去解决吧。” Are they...... exchanging? Although is unable to know that two Zygarde were concrete is saying anything, but Ting Shu can feel them among the psychic force the collision of that ophthalmological induction. 他们……在交流?虽然无法知道两只基格尔德具体在说什么,但是庭树凭借精神力还是可以感受到它们之间那种心电感应的碰撞。 The exchanges of two Zygarde, should not be said that Ting Shu one fog, even if is Lysandre is the one fog. 两个基格尔德的交流,不要是说庭树一头雾水,就算弗拉达利都是一头雾水。 By Zygarde of Team Flare control, had not been shown any Rage, all seem like anything not to happen are the same, light incomparable. 闪焰队控制的基格尔德,没有展现出任何的愤怒,一切都像是什么没发生过一样,平淡无比。 ...... …… ...... …… Appears from Ting Shu in Lumiose Gym, after the 1 hour 37 minutes, in the card Kalos League history largest anti-terrorist actions came to an end. 庭树出现在密阿雷道馆,截至1个小时37分后,卡洛斯联盟史上规模最大的一次反恐行动宣告结束。 The Kalos region situation is each local most dangerous one, but is separated from the control to start from the final weapon, the Team Flare favorable conditions lose one by one. 卡洛斯地区的局势原本是各个地区最危险的一个,但是从最终兵器脱离掌控开始,闪焰队的有利条件逐一丧失。 In this process, because the liberation of Lumiose City has joining of Champion and Elite Four, fastest, when Diantha and other card Kalos League the members arrive at Lumiose Gym again, is early scared! 在这个过程中,密阿雷市的解放因为有着冠军四天王的加入,最为快速,当卡露乃等卡洛斯联盟的成员再次来到密阿雷道馆时,早都已经傻眼了! Stave Lumiose Gym becomes Ting Shu and Lysandre and only witness of Zygarde battle, its wound told the bad risk that Diantha and the others this fought. 破碎的密阿雷道馆成为了庭树弗拉达利基格尔德交战的唯一见证者,它身上的创伤告诉了卡露乃等人这一战的凶险。 At this time, Ting Shu and Lysandre oppose to regard, Lysandre pokémon has been scarred completely, Zygarde disappears without a trace, this has clarified the tactical situation, is Ting Shu wins total victories. 此时,庭树弗拉达利对立而视,弗拉达利精灵已经全部伤痕累累,基格尔德更是不知去向,这已经摆明了战况,是庭树大获全胜。 Lysandre after Zygarde is defeated, the Mega Evolution energy expires, then without revolting, but is the choice independent surrender, but Ting Shu knows, meaning that Lysandre has not given up absolutely, he wants, how to come to see another to perform a overturning program in this way. 弗拉达利基格尔德败下阵来、超进化能量失效后,便没有反抗了,而是选择自主投降,不过庭树知道,弗拉达利绝对没有放弃的意思,他只是想以这种方法,来看另外一个自己如何上演一场翻盘的戏码。 Actually what happened......” Diantha arrived here time, Ting Shu is knitting the brows slightly, is recalling anything with Rotom Pokédex. “究竟发生了什么……”卡露乃来到这里的时候,庭树正微微皱眉,和洛托姆图鉴回忆着什么。 Card Miss, please let the alliance trace the another Lysandre trail immediately.” “卡小姐,请立刻让联盟追查另外一个弗拉达利的踪迹。” Two Zygarde strange exchanges, and light departure, making Ting Shu feel that on covered the one layer shadow, can hardly be removed. 两只基格尔德诡异的交流,以及平淡的离去,让庭树感觉头上笼罩了一层阴影,挥之不去。 He knows, at present the Kalos crisis is also far from relieving. 他知道,眼下卡洛斯的危机还远没有解除。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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