PC :: Volume #8 传说

#1237: With irresistible force

Chapter 1238 第1238章 With irresistible force 势如破竹 Because main forces did not feel relieved Fallarbor Town Ting Shu keeps the Hoenn reason, he main force number is limited at this time. 因为绝大多数主力被不放心秋叶镇庭树留在芳缘的缘故,他此时身上的主力数目有限。 Altaria, Beautifly, Gallade, Gardevoir, Mismagius and Diancie, on Ting Shu then only had their six. 七夕青鸟狩猎凤蝶艾路雷朵沙奈朵梦妖魔蒂安希,庭树身上便只带了它们六个。 Is good are not many because of pokémon that this time Lysandre carries, the number are less than him, but is relying on the Zygarde strength, otherwise Ting Shu wants to cope with Lysandre somewhat to be difficult. 好在此时弗拉达利携带的精灵也不多,数目还比他还少,只是在依赖基格尔德的力量,不然庭树的想对付弗拉达利还真有点困难。 Lysandre wants to solve Ting Shu's Altaria, Ting Shu wants to solve this only Zygarde. 弗拉达利想解决庭树的七夕青鸟,庭树何尝不是想解决这只基格尔德 By the status of Kalos order protector, even Zygarde of 50% shapes still showed ability that restrained X and Y pairs of god these two ecology sustainers, but, 50% strengths were too weak, after Altaria transferred the natural energy, transferred inherits from Mega Diancie this digested beginning generation of Diancie completely , the absorbed Altaria higher Fairy energy, only after the Legend(ary) domain missed half step strong strength the strength, strength about one eruption of Altaria, making the Lysandre facial color ugly. 凭借卡洛斯秩序守护者的身份,即使是50%形态的基格尔德也展现出了克制X与Y双神这两个生态维持者的能力,不过,50%的力量还是太弱了,在七夕青鸟调动自然能量后,调动来自超级蒂安希这个消化了初代蒂安希全部传承,又吸收了七夕青鸟高等妖精能量,只照传说领域差半步的强大战力的力量后,七夕青鸟的力量近一步爆发,让弗拉达利面色难看起来。 This fellow, unexpectedly also/still ample force.” “这个家伙,竟然还有余力吗。” Lysandre criticizes one. 弗拉达利暗骂一声。 Inside and outside Lumiose Gym, the innumerable Fairy energy flow, jumps projects the numerous lasers to sweep to Zygarde. 密阿雷道馆内外,无数妖精能量流动,迸射出重重激光扫向基格尔德 The Kalos order protector, under the light of this innumerable Fairy, was rumbled to fly directly, the huge body, hits fast to behind building. 卡洛斯秩序守护者,在这无数的妖精之光下,直接被轰飞,巨大的身躯,快速撞向身后的建筑物。 The magnificent ruins pour in the smog, was once shielded in its below is destroyed in its collapsing, the giant prism tower, in this strikes to start to crash unexpectedly. 壮观的废墟倒在烟雾之中,曾经受庇于其下的一切都在它的塌中遭到毁灭,巨大的棱镜塔,竟然在这一击下已经开始崩塌。 Whistling whistling!!!!!!!!” “呼呼呼呼!!!!!!!!” Altaria fans the wing, bathes, in Fairy Domain interweaves in the Fairy energy of reflection, sent out dignified sounding. 七夕青鸟扇动翅膀,沐浴在妖精领域交织反射的妖精能量中,发出了一声威严的鸣叫。 The complete strength of receive from Mega Diancie, Altaria short performs the pinnacle, round of Fairy replaced originally Frost Moon in Fairy Domain Yang. 接收来自超级蒂安希的全部力量,七夕青鸟短暂把力量发挥到极致,一轮妖精之阳取代了原本妖精领域中的冰月 What a pity Ninetales not here, otherwise the domain of livelihood same splendor appears, symbolizes Fairy Domain becomes more powerful core tactic. 可惜九尾不在这里,不然日月同辉的领域出现,将标志着妖精领域成为更强大的核心战术。 The innumerable cotton feathers raise with the wind, in which life energy was lit by the bunch flame, seems like the one (piece of) sea of fire to tumble unceasingly. 无数棉花羽毛随风扬起,其中的生命能量被一团团火焰点燃,看上去就像是一片火海在不断翻滚。 These flame have not opposed the enemy, but was Constrict above the Altaria body, later the Fairy energy color flame changed into the one layer coat thoroughly, making Altaria have the body of alternative not dying. 这些火焰并未对敌,而是缠绕在了七夕青鸟身躯之上,随后妖精能量颜色的火焰彻底化为一层外衣,让七夕青鸟拥有了另类不死之身。 Bang!!!” “砰!!!” The crushed stone splash of big piece, Zygarde changes into the one blazing white light from the ruins, shows Ting Shu had seen in history the most terrifying speed. 大片的碎石飞溅,基格尔德从废墟中化为一道炽烈的白光,展现了庭树有史以来见到过的最恐怖的速度。 This is...... Extreme Speed Move! 这个是……神速招式 What the terrifying incomparable speed brings is the huge kinetic energy, the impact destroys the one (piece of) street sufficiently, but Altaria actually chose hardly anti- this struck. 恐怖无比的速度带来的是巨大的动能,冲击足以毁坏一片街道,但是七夕青鸟却选择了硬抗这一击。 Zygarde every action and every movement, have not surpassed the foresight of Ting Shu. 基格尔德的一举一动,都没有超出庭树的预见。 He must immediately checkmate this only by the fellow of Team Flare use! 他要立刻将军这只被闪焰队利用的家伙! The fierce impact broke open the flame, but also makes Zygarde fall into the flame in the package, Altaria congealing shocking two giant pair of wings, close up inward, the domineering blocked Zygarde, between their two body flying upside down, happen to formed the one great cocoon, was stranded Zygarde in the midpoint. 凶猛的冲击破开了火焰,但也让基格尔德陷入火焰的包裹之中,七夕青鸟震撼性的凝开两面巨大双翼,向内合拢,强势封锁住了基格尔德,在它们两道身躯倒飞之间,正好形成了一个巨茧,将基格尔德困在了正中央。 Zygarde Extreme Speed, making the Altaria body present a deep flesh dent, revealed the skeleton, but the flame actually lingered fast, flesh and blood restoration. 基格尔德神速,让七夕青鸟的身躯出现了一条深深的血肉凹痕,露出骨架,但是火焰却快速萦绕,将血肉之躯复原。 Recover in Legend(ary) was also mediocre, concentrates the pinnacle the life energy, changes into flame Constrict, making Altaria have a hard anti- Zygarde move of possibility, made Altaria have caused heavy losses to the Zygarde possibility thoroughly. 传说中的自我复原也不过如此了,将生命能量浓缩到极致,化为火焰缠绕自身,让七夕青鸟拥有了硬抗基格尔德一招的可能性,也让七夕青鸟有了彻底重创基格尔德的可能性。 Present fire of life, has the fearful potential, it stems from the Altaria manufacture strength of special Sunny Day and Fairy lives, is the fire of Altaria own Fairy alone, the strength of flame lights the Fairy energy, the flash the terrifying energy detonation, the explosion twinkling will then sweep across. 如今的生命之火,拥有着可怕的潜力,它源于七夕青鸟制造的特殊大晴天妖精之力而生,已经是独属于七夕青鸟自己的妖精之火,火焰之力点燃妖精能量,一瞬间便将恐怖的能量引爆,爆炸瞬息席卷开来。 Also was at this time, the complete pokémon fast retreat of Ting Shu, no longer yearns for in the fight, Mega Diancie Fairy Domain will fluctuate shortly, prevents Pidgey and to them. 也就是这时,庭树的全部精灵快速后退,不再留恋于战斗,超级蒂安希妖精领域顷刻变幻,防止余波波及到他们。 The ray blooms, the vault that Fairy Domain forms was broken through instantaneously directly, the cells of innumerable Zygarde scatter in all directions simultaneously. 光芒绽放间,妖精领域形成的穹顶瞬间直接被冲破,无数基格尔德的细胞同时四散开来。 Lysandre, next, was you.” 弗拉达利,下一个,便是你了。” Zygarde of 50% shapes, had not then been paid attention to by Ting Shu from the beginning, even only then six pokémon in the hand, he have not dreaded. 50%形态的基格尔德,从一开始便没被庭树放在眼里,即使只有六只精灵在手,他也没有丝毫畏惧。 He has not been that needs to put out the complete strength facing Groudon and Kyogre, Trainer that deals with cautiously. 他早就不是那个面对固拉多盖欧卡需要拿出全部力量,小心翼翼应对的训练家了。 If were overthrown here, what discussed destruction rainbow Team Rocket. 如果在这里就被打倒,何谈覆灭彩虹火箭队 Saw that the Zygarde strength was suppressed by Altaria in turn, the Lysandre complexion cannot help but sinks, discards communicator that in the hand the signal did not have. 看到基格尔德的力量被七夕青鸟反过来压制,弗拉达利脸色不由得一沉,扔掉了手中信号全无的通讯器 Zygarde 基格尔德是由许多如同细胞的个体所结合而成的聚合体,主要分成核心与细胞两个部分。 The cells of Zygarde do not have any will and ponder process, cannot use any Move, now the researchers are still discussing them whether belongs to pokémon. 基格尔德的细胞们不存在任何的意志和思考过程,也不能使用任何招式,现在研究者们仍在探讨它们是否属于精灵 However, the core component of Zygarde is actually brain of a similar cells, simultaneously exceeds existences of other cells, because the cores have the self-awareness, and can exchange through Telepathy with other cores, can observe other region/place outside oneself place by the viewpoint of cells. 不过,基格尔德的核心部分却是一种类似细胞们的大脑,同时又超越其他细胞的存在,因为核心们有自我意识,并能与其他核心通过心灵感应进行交流,也能借由细胞们的视点来观测自身所处地点以外的其他地方 The core can also change the shape with other cell unions, that can perform with is proportional in light of the number, this only Zygarde that Lysandre operates, gathered obviously Zygarde 50% strengths the lifeform of one cell core. 核心还能与其他细胞结合来改变形态,能发挥的力量与结合数目成正比,弗拉达利所操纵的这只基格尔德,显然就是集合了基格尔德50%力量的一个细胞核心的生物。 However now, the Mega Evolution energy of control most core cell, under this attack, is been completely clean by Altaria fire of life Burn. 不过如今,控制最核心细胞的超进化能量,已经在这次攻击下,被七夕青鸟生命之火完全灼烧干净。 Strength that they unify, was been loose by the thorough bang. 它们结合的力量,也被彻底轰散。 The cell of Zygarde has to go beyond the Altaria fire of life reproductive property, now by this terrifying attack blasting open, but has not made them destroy, after the dark red Mega Evolution energy was purified, the Zygarde cell the changed back original green, no longer is immediately threatening. 基格尔德的细胞拥有超越七夕青鸟生命之火的再生能力,如今被这道恐怖的攻击炸裂,但是并未让它们毁灭,暗红的超进化能量被净化后,基格尔德细胞立刻变回了原本的绿色,不再具有威胁。 How possibly...... this strength......” “怎么可能……这种力量……” Lysandre retrocedes slightly, sees the present situation, he is not how clear, Team Flare by checkmated. 弗拉达利微微后退,看到眼前的局势,他怎么还不明白,闪焰队将军了 No wonder of another space and time must leave ahead of time. 怪不得另外一个时空的自己要提前离开。 Sole one Fairy Elite Four, suffices Team Flare to eat a pot, Trainer of this achieving Legend(ary) level, without grasping true Legendary Pokemon, is hard to resist radically. 单单一个妖精天王,就够闪焰队吃一壶的了,这种达到传说层次的训练家,如果没有掌握真正的传说精灵,根本难以对抗。 I understand why finally you must leave...... you ahead of time are also a loser.” “我终于明白你为什么要提前离开了……你也是失败者。” Remembers the another space and time the mysterious action, the Lysandre look concentrates. 想起另外一个时空的自己神秘的举动,弗拉达利眼神一凝。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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