PE :: Volume #35

#1939: Finished Great Battle of Witch and Demon forcefully

The infinite glove, is function that slaughters, moreover backlash strength will affect on the glove, in Marvel original work Thanos hit a sound to refer , the infinite glove almost destroyed. 无限手套,乃是杀戮的功能,而且反噬力量会作用在手套上面,漫威原著灭霸打了个响指,无限手套几乎完全毁坏了。 But Dongfang Yu hit a sound to refer, extinguishes half monster race, on the glove presented several fissures, therefore, Dongfang Yu already six infinite gem, again embed to infinite hand link on. 东方玉打了个响指,灭了一半妖族,手套上出现了好几道裂痕,所以,东方玉早就把六颗无限宝石,重新镶嵌到了无限手环上面了。 The function of infinite hand link, takes the energy by six big infinite gem, starts regularity strength, moreover strength backlash of this rule will affect on Dongfang Yu's. 无限手环的作用,是以六大无限宝石作为能源,发动规则性的力量,而且这规则的力量反噬会作用在东方玉的身上。 However, by Dongfang Yu present strength, mortal body formidable, regarding backlash of rule, wants to come also to withstand very serious situation. 不过,以东方玉现在的实力,肉身非常强悍,对于规则的反噬,想来也能承受住非常严重的地步了。 After Dongfang Yu almost entire demon all slaughters completely, lifts up high the palm of oneself, on infinite hand link six infinite gem have shone. 东方玉几乎将整个魔界全都屠戮殆尽了之后,高举起自己的手掌,无限手环上面的六颗无限宝石亮了起来。 Meanwhile, the Dongfang Yu's sound has also spread over entire Great Desolate Continent. 与此同时,东方玉的声音也传遍了整个洪荒大陆 Witch monster two clans, natural disposition is cruel, a war, lets entire Great Desolate lost of life, today I establish the day gauge, pursues Great Desolate Continent the witch monster two clans, resides in demon, from now on the future, two clans can not visit Great Desolate Continent easily!”. “巫妖两族,生性残忍,一番大战,让整个洪荒生灵涂炭,今日我立下天规,将巫妖二族驱逐洪荒大陆,居于魔界之中,从今往后,两族不得轻易踏足洪荒大陆!”。 The Dongfang Yu's words, have spread over entire Great Desolate Continent, falls along with his words, strength of infinite hand link starts. 东方玉的话,传遍了整个洪荒大陆,随着他的话落,无限手环的力量发动起来。 Meanwhile, monster race and witch clan that above Great Desolate Continent changes from, the body all blooms a dense ray. 与此同时,洪荒大陆之上化形的妖族巫族,身上全都绽放出一阵氤氲的光芒。 At once, the witch monster two clans on Great Desolate Continent, all change to star light, vanished from Great Desolate Continent, presents again time, already in demon. 旋即,洪荒大陆上的巫妖两族,全都化作星光点点,从洪荒大陆上消失了,再出现的时候,已经在魔界之中了。 The Dongfang Yu's movement, is such a matter, has cleaned up the demon clan, then all throws the witch monster two clans in demon, making these two clans coexist among in Mojie. 东方玉的动作,就是这么回事,清理了魔族,然后把巫妖两族全都丢在魔界之中,让这两族共居于魔界当中。 As for life and death? That may not be oneself can manage. 至于生死?那可就不是自己能管的了。 The demon clan appears, slaughters in Great Desolate Continent wantonly, although considers as finished karma on Dongfang Yu's, but aroused Great Desolate Continent all living things the heart of revolt with the demon clan. 魔族出现,在洪荒大陆大肆屠杀,虽然算了因果东方玉的头上,但是用魔族激起了洪荒大陆众生的反抗之心。 Therefore Dongfang Yu slaughters demon clan again, it can be said that enjoys the popular support, naturally does not calculate that goes against heaven's will the conduct. 所以东方玉再来屠杀魔族,可以说是顺应民心,自然不算逆天行事。 But what is the Great Battle of Witch and Demon essence? although was Heavenly Dao is doomed to let witch monster two clan fallen, may to let these two clans vanishes, moved the space of survival and development to human race. 巫妖大战的本质是什么?虽然天道注定了让巫妖两族陨落,可本质上却是为了让这两族消失,给人族挪出生存和发展的空间来。 Therefore, now Dongfang Yu move the witch monster two clans, similarly complied with Heavenly Dao. 所以,现在东方玉把巫妖两族挪走了,同样算是顺应了天道 But relations between Dongfang Yu and witch clan, the world all knows, even if in the Heavenly Dao cognition, Dongfang Yu and witch clan is also the same place. 东方玉巫族之间的关系,天下皆知,就算是在天道认知当中,东方玉巫族也是一起的。 But exactly Dongfang Yu and monster race have a grudge. 而恰恰东方玉妖族又有仇。 Therefore, if Dongfang Yu simultaneously threw demon the witch monster two clans, some difficult insurance people not saying that Dongfang Yu while this opportunity, helping witch clan eliminate monster race. 因此,若是东方玉同时将巫妖两族丢到了魔界,难保不会有人说东方玉是趁此机会,帮助巫族去消灭妖族 Therefore, Dongfang Yu before the motion, informed the world first, let oneself and Ancestor Witch does not have any relations again, can guarantee oneself this act the fairness. 因此,东方玉在行动之前,先昭告天下,让自己祖巫再也没有任何关系,才能保证自己此举的公正性。 This looks like a lawman, must simultaneously try two people, one is the oneself family member, one is the oneself personal enemy, even if the similar trial, will not make people relieved as before, will make people think Dongfang Yu engaged in malpractice for personal gains. 这就像是一个执法者,要同时审判两个人,一个是自己的亲人,一个是自己的仇人,即便是同样的审判,依旧不会让人放心,会让人觉得东方玉徇私舞弊了。 Therefore, Dongfang Yu first and witch clan draws a line, can guarantee oneself this act the fairness, even if were Heavenly Dao Hongjun came, could not pick up the mistake. 因此,东方玉先和巫族划清界限,才能保证自己此举的公正性,即便是天道鸿钧来了,也挑不出错误。 The Dongfang Yu's behavior, it can be said that makes the world vibrate, has not thought that Dongfang Yu has emptied demon unexpectedly, then all threw the witch monster two clans to demon went, making them run its own course? 东方玉的行为,可以说是让天下为之震动,没想东方玉居然把魔界清空了,然后把巫妖两族全都丢到魔界去了,让他们自生自灭? This is also from another angle, had finished Great Battle of Witch and Demon? 这也算是从另外一个角度,结束了巫妖大战吧? Originally, is this Dongfang Yu's goal?”, To this time, sage has been able to understand reason that Dongfang Yu such makes. “原来,这才是东方玉的目的吗?”,到了这个时候,诸位圣人都能明白东方玉这么做的原因了。 Just time everybody who started Dongfang Yu and witch clan cuts off relations did not understand why, is now, everybody responded, originally Dongfang Yu's behavior, to preserve exist(ence) of witch monster two clans. 刚开始东方玉巫族断绝关系的时候大家都不明白为什么,可是现在,大家都反应过来了,原来东方玉的行为,是为了保存巫妖两族的存在 If Dongfang Yu begins to stop battles of witch monster two clans, or is protects witch clan, did not need Heavenly Dao Hongjun to appear, these sages together will collaborate to cope with Dongfang Yu. 若是东方玉真的动手阻拦巫妖两族的厮杀,或者说是保护巫族的话,都不用天道鸿钧出现了,这些圣人就会一起联手来对付东方玉了。 But now, after Dongfang Yu take action, they actually in consternation discovered that oneself could not find the stop the reason, the reason that even wants to bide one's time for punishment does not have. 可是现在,东方玉出手了之后,他们却愕然的发现,自己根本找不到阻拦的理由,甚至就连想秋后算账的理由都没有。 don't tell me? Reprimanded Dongfang Yu take action to cope with demon? 难道?斥责东方玉出手对付了魔界吗? This absolutely has no reason to reprimand him, even the entire Great Desolate Continent ten thousand clans also want many thanks Dongfang Yu to resolve the crisis that the demon clan has brought. 这根本就没有理由斥责他啊,甚至整个洪荒大陆的万族还要多谢东方玉解除了魔族带来的危机。 Then? Reprimanded Dongfang Yu witch monster two clans to lose to demon goes? 然后呢?斥责东方玉吧巫妖两族丢到魔界去了吗? Similarly, exist(ence) of witch monster two clans, should be doomed to leave the Great Desolate Continent stage, sets aside the space and resources makes human race develop, now Dongfang Yu such does, conforms to the situation that Heavenly Dao has been doomed. 同样的,巫妖两族的存在,本就该注定退出洪荒大陆舞台,腾出空间和资源让人族发展的,现在东方玉这么做,也算是符合了天道注定的大势啊。 Finally? Reprimanded Dongfang Yu in this manner, has preserved the inheritance of witch clan and monster race? 最后呢?斥责东方玉用这种方式,保存了巫族妖族的传承吗? Heavenly Dao has been doomed witch monster fallen, but, does not make the witch monster two clans exterminate. 天道注定了巫妖陨落,可是,却并非是让巫妖两族灭绝啊。 witch clan not to mention, in world, no matter the fish insect birds, are the jade and so on, so long as obtained the the sun and moon essence and world spiritual energy can become the evil spirit, how could this did exterminate? 巫族暂且不说,天地之间,不管是鱼虫鸟兽,还是玉石之类的,只要得到了日月精华和天地灵气就能成为妖物,这岂能灭绝得了的? Also, Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix time, Earlier Heaven Three Races is also doomed fallen, but, did Earlier Heaven Three Races exterminate? Also not. 再说了,龙凤大劫的时候,先天三族也注定了要陨落的啊,可是,先天三族灭绝了吗?也并没有啊。 Even, Dongfang Yu early cut off the relations with witch clan, even if there is sage to want Heavenly Dao Hongjun there to complain, said that Dongfang Yu this act to protect the inheritance of witch clan has no reason. 甚至,东方玉早早的就和巫族断绝了关系,就算是有圣人想要到天道鸿钧那里告状,说东方玉此举是为了保护巫族的传承都没有理由。 After as no matter how, Dongfang Yu the witch monster two clans all lose demon, the space of demon can be said as the independence beside Great Desolate Continent. 不管如何,随着东方玉将巫妖两族全都丢到了魔界之后,魔界的空间可以说是独立于洪荒大陆之外了。 Heavenly Dao induced to witch monster two clan giant parts exist(ence) left Great Desolate Continent, what also on default was Great Battle of Witch and Demon had finished. 天道感应到巫妖两族巨大部分的存在都已经离开了洪荒大陆,也就默认的是巫妖大战已经结束了。 Murderous aura in the world filling, started to dissipate slowly. 天地之间弥漫的杀气,也开始慢慢的消散了。 Finished? Unexpectedly finished really?”, Houtu (Mother Earth) can very clear feeling the change of secret, on the face have the pleasantly surprised color, muttered said. “结束了?居然真的结束了?”,后土能够很清晰的感受到天机的变化,脸上带着惊喜之色,喃喃说道。 Feels Great Battle of Witch and Demon not measures tribulation to pass, Houtu (Mother Earth) naturally is joyful. 感受到巫妖大战的无量量劫过去了,后土自然是欣喜不已。 although said that at this time witch clan left Great Desolate Continent, was lost to demon went, but, from one side has actually protected witch clan, this at least compared with witch clan, in not measures in the tribulation the casualty to come miserably importantly well? 虽然说这个时候巫族已经离开了洪荒大陆,被丢到魔界去了,但是,却也算是从侧面保护了巫族,这至少比巫族在无量量劫中死伤惨重要来得好吧? At this time, Dongfang Yu also left demon, but the Dongfang Yu's complexion somewhat was pale. 这个时候,东方玉也离开了魔界,但东方玉的脸色却有些苍白。 No matter how, absorbed the witch monster two clans to lose to demon forcefully, even established these two clans unable to leave demon easily the rule, backlash that Dongfang Yu received was very strong, body had some injuries. 不管如何,强行摄取了巫妖两族丢到魔界,甚至设定了这两族不能轻易离开魔界的规则,东方玉所受到的反噬很强,身体有了些伤势。 although is not serious, but actually does not feel better. 虽然不严重,但却也不好受。 The matter that Dongfang Yu must handle has completed, after leaving demon, naturally returned to Great Desolate Continent. 东方玉要做的事情做完了,离开了魔界之后,自然是回到了洪荒大陆这边了。 Dongfang Yu is preparing that side human race to have a look, but in Void the ray flashes through, woman appears in front of Dongfang Yu's. 只是,东方玉正准备去人族那边看看,但是虚空之中光芒闪过,一个女子出现在东方玉的面前。 Nuwa, what matter do you have?”, Looks woman that this presents, Dongfang Yu start to talk asked that look the beforehand time must be desolater. 女娲,你有什么事吗?”,看着这个出现的女子,东方玉开口问道,神色比以前的时候要冷淡很多。 although already had the preparation to the Dongfang Yu's manner, but looks at the Dongfang Yu desolate appearance, the Nuwa look is somewhat low-spirited. 虽然东方玉的态度早就有了心理准备,可是看着东方玉冷淡的模样,女娲的神色还是有些黯然。 However silent the moment, Nuwa has hit the spirit, said: I represent monster race many thanks you, although you initially extinguished half monster race, but the action of today, has actually preserved the monster race foundation. 不过沉默了片刻,女娲还是打起了精神,道:“我代表妖族多谢你,虽说你当初灭了一半妖族,可今日之举,却也保存了妖族的根基”。 You do not need to thank me, my this act for anything, the Dongfang Yu's look that you also know is tranquil, saying that hear word shook the head. “你不用谢我,我此举是为了什么,你也知道的”,东方玉的神色平静,闻言摇了摇头的说道。 „......”, Nuwa Bei Chiqing is nipping the lower lip, was silent the moment, said: You may be really good to Sister Houtu (Mother Earth). “……”,女娲贝齿轻咬着下唇,又是沉默了片刻,道:“你对后土师姐可真好”。 The Nuwa words, a little sour taste, Dongfang Yu naturally can hear. 女娲的话,有一点酸溜溜的滋味,东方玉自然是能够听得出来。 Has not answered regarding these words, but in the Dongfang Yu's mind cannot help but flashed through in the past Beginning of the Universe, oneself first time saw Houtu (Mother Earth) time. 对于这句话并未作答,只是东方玉的脑海中不由得闪过当年天地初开,自己第一次见到后土的时候。 At that time was only Young Miss Houtu (Mother Earth) is also chased down by a phoenix, at this time recalled that the initial matter, just liked yesterday. 那个时候还只是小姑娘后土被一只凤凰追杀,这个时候回想起来,当初的事情,恍如昨日啊。 Was good, my also a little matter needs to leave, later is predestined friends meet again|goodbye. “好了,我还有点事情需要离开,以后有缘再见吧”。 Silent a moment later, both sides did not have the words saying that atmosphere unexpectedly a little awkward feeling, at once Dongfang Yu to Nuwa say goodbye. 沉默了片刻之后,双方都没有话说,气氛竟然有点尴尬的感觉,旋即东方玉女娲道别 A word falls, Dongfang Yu extends the take action direction in oneself forehead, at once, figure dodges, left here directly, presents again time, already in the summit of Kongtong Mountains. 一言落下,东方玉出手指点在自己的眉心处,旋即,身形一闪,直接离开了这里,再出现的时候,已经在崆峒山之巅了。 Master, you as for coming back, for dozens years ago heard your to become Sheng news, may celebrate encouraging. “师父,你至于回来了,数十年前就听到你成圣的消息了,可喜可贺”。 As Dongfang Yu arrives at the summit of Kongtong Mountains, wears white one crowd of woman, was red a pair of women's football, the hand is holding Kongtong seal to arrive in front of Dongfang Yu's, start to talk said. 随着东方玉来到崆峒山之巅,一个身穿白色一群的女子,赤着一双女足,手捧着崆峒印来到了东方玉的面前,开口说道。 Little Xue, several hundred years does not see, you also grew up, looks in front of oneself graceful bearing remarkable woman, Dongfang Yu somewhat sigh with emotion saying. 小雪,数百年不见,你也长大了啊”,看着自己面前风姿卓越的女子,东方玉有些感慨的说道。 Good, in the past Dongfang Yu was suppressed, when East Blue sea eye, Dongfang/East(ern) Little Xue kept human race, because she was the Dongfang Yu Disciple reason, therefore past human race, presented her for the unmarried female, even gave Dongfang/East(ern) Little Xue to wield supreme treasure Kongtong seal of human race destiny. 不错,当年东方玉被镇压在东海海眼的时候,东方小雪就留在人族了,因为她是东方玉弟子的缘故,所以当年的人族,奉她为剩女,甚至将人族气运的至宝崆峒印都交给了东方小雪执掌。 These for several hundred years, human race tried to find out voluntarily the method of practice, the Little Xue body had the human race big destiny, naturally was also practice has. 这数百年来,人族自行摸索出了修炼之法,小雪身具人族大气运,自然也是修炼有成了。 Un, Master, your this coming, is the preparation in the human race long-time housing?”, Dongfang/East(ern) Little Xue look bright is staring at Dongfang Yu, is having an anticipation color asking. “嗯,师父,你这次过来,是准备在人族长久居住的吗?”,东方小雪眼神熠熠的盯着东方玉,带着一丝期待之色的问道。 No, I come with your say goodbye, passes on your cultivation method while convenient, was performs to work as the responsibility of master, hear word, Dongfang Yu shook the head to say. “不,我是来和你道别的,顺便传你功法,也算是尽到了当师父的责任”,闻言,东方玉摇了摇头说道。 During the speeches, Dongfang Yu extends the take action direction in Dongfang/East(ern) Little Xue forehead, taught God Fire Art to her. 说话间,东方玉出手指点在东方小雪的眉心处,将神火诀传授给了她。 Meanwhile, Dongfang Yu opened Mangekyo , uses Myriad Manifestation of Mirror's Heart ability, similarly has given her four dark really hot duplications of oneself God Fire Art. 同时,东方玉开启了万花筒,利用万象镜心眼能力,同样将自己神火诀的四昧真火复制给了她。 Had flame of four dark really hot 20 ten thousand energy values, Dongfang/East(ern) Little Xue in this Great Desolate Continent, so long as does not face the sage, somewhat also self-preservation some ability. 有了四昧真火20多万能量值的火焰,东方小雪在这洪荒大陆,只要不面对圣人,多多少少都还有些自保的能力了。 Master, where do you want to go to?” Four dark really hot ability powerful that although Dongfang Yu duplicates, but Dongfang/East(ern) Little Xue actually not happy appearance, but the eye band of light is not abandoning looks at Dongfang Yu. “师父,你要去哪里?”,虽然东方玉复制过来的四昧真火能力强大,可东方小雪却并没有高兴的样子,只是目光带着不舍的看着东方玉
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