PE :: Volume #35

#1938: Dongfang Yu and witch clan separate from each other

Demon is born, Great Desolate vibrates. 魔界出世,洪荒震动。 Perhaps exist(ence) of demon, the new life does not know, but regarding experiencing the Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix person, naturally will not be strange, in the past Demon Ancestor Rāhu, has provoked battle of Earlier Heaven Three Races by a person of strength, initial Rāhu was Boss of demon clan. 魔界的存在,或许很多新生的生命并不知道,但是对于经历过龙凤大劫的人,当然不会陌生,当年魔祖罗睺,以一人之力挑起了先天三族的厮杀,当初的罗睺便是魔族的首领 In the past demon clan, in addition is small and weak, wants to fight with Earlier Heaven Three Races also insufficient, therefore, Rāhu hid demon, has provoked the battle between Earlier Heaven Three Races solitarily. 只是当年魔族尚且弱小,想要与先天三族争锋还不足,因此,罗睺将魔界隐藏了起来,只身一人挑起了先天三族之间的争斗。 Several thousand years passed, Earlier Heaven Three Races already fallen, witch monster two clans after these for several thousand years the development, became on Great Desolate Continent the influence strongest race. 数万年的时间过去了,先天三族已经陨落了,巫妖两族经过这数万年来的发展,已经成为了洪荒大陆势力最强的种族。 These several thousand years, the demon clan hides in the hidden place, strength of savings is similarly highly regarded. 只是,这数万年的时间,魔族隐藏在暗处,积蓄的力量同样不可小觑。 From influence, demon clan, because does not have what the object of competition, in addition monster race was extinguished half by Dongfang Yu, therefore, the demon clan at this moment, influence even also wants on the strong several points compared with the witch monster two clans. 势力上而言,魔族因为没有什么竞争的对象,再加上妖族东方玉灭了一半,因此,此刻的魔族,势力甚至比巫妖两族还要强上几分。 Demon is born, this naturally was a Great Desolate World important matter, sage heart lived to touch, then twisted with rapt attention calculates. 魔界出世,这自然是洪荒世界的一件大事了,各位圣人都心生触动,然后凝神捻算。 Quick, these sages also knew, demon is Dongfang Yu pulls unexpectedly directly directly from the dark abyss. 很快的,这些圣人们也都知道了,魔界竟然是东方玉直接从黑暗深渊当中直接拉扯出来的。 Demon? Why can Dongfang Yu make demon be born? don't tell me? In the past he and can battle between Demon Ancestor Rāhu, mediate one to the present with the demon clan?”. “魔界?东方玉为何要让魔界出世?难道?当年他和魔祖罗睺之间的厮杀,到现在也要和魔族了断一番吗?”。 Calculated after Dongfang Yu has let the news that demon is born, father and the others in the heart guessed goal that secretly Dongfang Yu such makes. 推算出了东方玉让魔界出世的消息以后,老子等人心中暗自猜测东方玉这么做的目的。 This demon is born, henceforth in the world will start a catastrophe, the West teaches, receives and instructs the Daoist to twist considers as finished a moment later, saying that heaves a deep sigh at once. “这魔界出世,从此天地之间又将掀起一场浩劫了啊”,西方教,接引道人捻算了片刻之后,旋即长叹一声的说道。 In the past the Demon Ancestor Rāhu elegant demeanor, until now does not have many people to forget, before that is Dongfang Yu, was known as exist(ence) of Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse. 当年魔祖罗睺的风采,直到现在都没多少人忘记,那可是东方玉之前,号称洪荒大陆最强者的存在啊。 No matter how, along with being bewitched is born, quick, the demon clan has also gone through the demon front door, descend above Great Desolate Continent. 不管如何,随着魔界出世,很快的,魔族也穿过了魔界的大门,降临洪荒大陆之上了。 Regarding these demon clans, although several thousand years treats in demon rests and builds up strength, but regarding the bounty of Great Desolate Continent, these demon clans already drooled with envy, now the demon and Great Desolate Continent seal between broke finally, these demon clans look like virus, rapidly from the demon spread. 对于这些魔族而言,虽然数万年的时间都待在魔界休养生息,但是对于洪荒大陆的地大物博,这些魔族是早就垂涎欲滴的,现在魔界和洪荒大陆之间的封印终于打破了,这些魔族就像是病毒似的,迅速从魔界蔓延出来。 strength of demon clan, naturally is very formidable, under new Demon Ancestor demon Luo's leadership, quick launched the aggression -type war to Great Desolate Continent. 魔族的力量,自然是非常强悍的,在新一任的魔祖魔罗的率领下,很快的向洪荒大陆发动了侵略式的战争。 Great Desolate ten thousand clans, short dozens years, did not know many exterminations of entire extended family under the hand of demon clan. 洪荒万族,短短数十年的时间,不知多少种族灭在魔族的手底下了。 Huge karma strength, appears from Void, twines on Dongfang Yu's. 巨大的因果力量,从虚空之中出现,缠绕在东方玉的身上。 Very obviously, the demon clan did not have such early born, Dongfang Yu made demon appear ahead of time, these demon clans in karma that on Great Desolate Continent created, Dongfang Yu naturally must undertake a large part. 很显然,魔族本来没有这么早出世,东方玉提前让魔界出现了,这些魔族在洪荒大陆上所造成的因果,东方玉自然是要承担很大一部分。 Dozens years, such passed, the demon clan potential is big, in addition the witch monster two clan wars, in addition not measure opening of tribulation, in the world fill invisible killing intent, influencing subtly are infecting the mind of all people...... 几十年的时间,就这么过去了,魔族势大,再加上巫妖两族大战,再加上无量量劫的开启,天地之间弥漫着一股无形的杀机,潜移默化的感染着所有人的心神…… These for dozens years, enter Great Desolate Continent along with being bewitched clan, entire continent as if changed to the Asura purgatory to be ordinary, human life such as worthless, the Great Desolate ten thousand clans, the casualty are it may be said that innumerable. 这数十年来,随着魔族进入洪荒大陆,整个大陆似乎已经化作了修罗炼狱一般,人命如草芥,洪荒万族,可谓死伤无数。 This not measures the tribulation, is Heavenly Dao is doomed, therefore, these sages watch critically, not take action, even also respective admonishment oneself hanger-on Disciple not must join, otherwise, this not measures under the tribulation, even if the sage disciple, is the bad risk is unusual. 此无量量劫,乃是天道注定,因此,这些圣人们都只是冷眼旁观,并未出手,甚至还各自的规劝自己门下弟子莫要加入,否则,这无量量劫之下,即便是圣人门徒,也是凶险异常。 Naturally, there are many sages, the vision places on Dongfang Yu's, why in the heart curious Dongfang Yu must all put secretly these demon clans. 当然,也有很多的圣人,目光都放在东方玉的身上,心中暗自好奇东方玉为何要将这些魔族全都放出来。 Also thinks Dongfang Yu was bearing a grudge past Rāhu, but, dozens years passed by, Dongfang Yu did not have any movement, similarly in the appearance of watching critically, this made in Saint person heart think strange. 本来还以为东方玉是记恨着当年的罗睺,只是,数十年过去了,东方玉却没有任何动作,同样在冷眼旁观的样子,这让诸位圣人心中觉得奇怪。 Naturally , many people feel karma that on Dongfang Yu twines, fearful and apprehensive, these fearful karma, once erupts, even if the sage must peel a skin? 当然,也有很多人感受到东方玉身上缠绕的因果,心惊肉跳,这些可怕的因果,一旦爆发,就算是圣人也得脱一层皮吧? On this day, Dongfang Yu treats in the middle of Bulma's Roar , to continue oneself conventional practice, after practice comes to the end, Dongfang Yu flushed, the vision fell on the body of oneself. 这一日,东方玉待在布玛号当中,继续自己常规的修炼,当修炼告一段落之后,东方玉冲洗了一下,目光落在自己的身上。 In Energy Tester a digital beat, quick, framed in a digit. 能量测试仪中数字一阵的跳动,很快,定格在一个数字上了。 39680! 39680! Looks at the oneself present energy value, Dongfang Yu point nod(ded) secretly, but also is satisfied. 看着自己现在的能量值,东方玉暗自的点点头,还算满意。 In the past oneself was suppressed in the East Blue sea eye several hundred years, the energy value does not rise instead to fall, from 36,000 descended 33,000 situations, these for dozens years under oneself practice, promoted close 40,000 situations the energy value actually. 当年自己被镇压在东海海眼数百年,能量值不升反降,从36000降落到了33000的地步,这数十年来自己修炼之下,倒是将能量值提升到了接近40000的地步了。 Under the habit the oneself energy value has promoted, nature, Super Saiyan changes the body condition, with when production costs rise , prices rise too. 常态下自己能量值提升了,自然,超级赛亚人的变身状态,也跟着水涨船高了。 To the Great Desolate Continent person, Dongfang Yu's practice speed, it can be said that ten thousand li in a day described. 相对于洪荒大陆的人而言,东方玉的修炼速度,可以说是一日千里来形容了。 Naturally, these dozens years of matters, Dongfang Yu not only also pure in practice, is watching the Great Desolate Continent aspect similarly. 当然,这数十年的事情,东方玉也不只是单纯的在修炼而已,同样在观看着洪荒大陆的局面。 After being bewitched clan appears, because of powerful of demon clan, the witch monster two clans also gradually has put down some both sides' disputes, branches out part of strength to resist the demon clan respectively. 随着魔族出现之后,因为魔族的强大,就连巫妖两族也渐渐的放下了一些双方的争执,各自分出一部分的力量去对抗魔族。 The war of witch monster, how said again is also among the Great Desolate Continent races the oneself battle, but looks like in other people, exist(ence) of demon clan actually likely is the invasion of external race, therefore, war of both sides original witch monster are whole-heartedly, but now, is actually faint has formed a feeling of the confrontation among three forces. 巫妖之战,再怎么说也是洪荒大陆种族间自己的争斗,可是在其他人看来,魔族的存在却像是外来种族的入侵,因此,本来巫妖之战双方是全力以赴的,可现在,倒是隐隐间形成了一种三足鼎立的感觉了。 seems, dozens years passed, the opportunity was also similar, on this day, after Dongfang Yu had finished oneself practice, suddenly, mouth in a low voice twittering saying. 看样子,数十年的时间过去了,时机也已经差不多了”,这一日,东方玉结束了自己修炼之后,突然,嘴里低声呢喃的说道。 During the speeches, figure dodged, left Bulma's Roar, to the direction of witch clan Pangu palace. 说话间,身形一闪,离开了布玛号这边,到了巫族盘古殿的方向。 Regarding the Great Desolate ten thousand clans, Dongfang Yu arrives at witch clan this not to have what quite strangely, all people deep understands that relations between witch clan and Dongfang Yu, is not witch clan, but actually surpasses witch clan. 对于洪荒万族而言,东方玉来到巫族这并没有什么好奇怪的,所有人都深深的明白巫族东方玉之间的关系,不是巫族,但却胜似巫族 Quick, another lets Great Desolate Earth for the news that it shocks, has spread over entire Great Desolate Continent quickly, making all people feel in consternation. 只是,很快的,又一个让洪荒大地都为之震撼的消息,很快传遍了整个洪荒大陆,让所有的人感觉到愕然。 Originally, Dongfang Yu in the Pangu palace, does not know that what dispute had with witch clan, Dongfang Yu unexpectedly and witch clan slaughters. 原来,东方玉盘古殿,也不知道和巫族发生了什么样的争执,东方玉竟然和巫族厮杀起来了。 Even, to surround Dongfang Yu, witch clan had suddenly revealed the strategy that never has the person to know, was known as that Shierdu day evil deity big, this strategy was known as can inspire the malignant influences between world to oppose the enemy. 甚至,为了困住东方玉,巫族竟然亮出了一个从来都没有人知道的阵法,号称十二都天神煞大阵,这个阵法号称能引动天地间的煞气来对敌。 This strategy, the book is the witch clan strongest strategy, but at this moment not measures the day that the tribulation erupts, the malignant influences between world are much richer than at any time, therefore this is collaborated day evil deity big under arrange by 12 Ancestor Witch, erupted to threaten strength of sage unexpectedly sufficiently. 这个阵法,本就是巫族最强的阵法,而此刻是无量量劫爆发的日子,天地间的煞气比任何时候都要浓郁得多,所以这由12位祖巫们联手布下的都天神煞大阵,竟然爆发出了足以威胁到圣人的力量 My Dongfang Yu, will inform world from now on, with the witch clan gratitude and grudges rival in love, writes off, since then does not have any connection again! Generation after generations. “我东方玉,自此告知天地,与巫族的恩怨情仇,一笔勾销,从此再无任何瓜葛!生生世世”。 After this fights, under the Dongfang Yu violent anger, clear and resonant voice start to talk, the sage pronounced, the billowing voice has spread over entire Great Desolate Continent. 这一战之后,东方玉暴怒之下,朗声开口,圣人发音,滚滚声浪传遍了整个洪荒大陆 Startled, Dongfang Yu this word exits, spreads over Great Desolate, is makes the world shock seriously. 惊,东方玉此言出口,传遍洪荒,当真是让天地为之震撼。 Relational who between Dongfang Yu and doesn't witch clan know? Other not to mention, Houtu (Mother Earth) can to become Sheng, almost be a Dongfang Yu person of merit, so the relations, actually said that broke? Actually did Dongfang Yu have what that side witch clan? 东方玉巫族之间的关系谁人不知?别的暂且不说了,后土能够成圣,几乎是东方玉一人之功,如此关系,竟然说断就断了?东方玉巫族那边究竟发生了何事? Along with Dongfang Yu start to talk, after the sound has spread over entire Great Desolate Continent, nature, innumerable can count to twist greatly calculates that wants root that figures out between Dongfang Yu and witch clan separates from each other, is only, under the secret confusion, actually anything cannot calculate. 随着东方玉开口,声音传遍了整个洪荒大陆之后,自然,无数的大能掐指捻算,想要算出东方玉巫族之间分道扬镳的根源,只是,天机混乱之下,竟然什么都算不出来。 Strange, strange......”, father sits in Bajing Palace, the mouth in a low voice twittering. “怪哉,怪哉啊……”,老子坐于八景宫,嘴里低声呢喃。 Dongfang Yu and witch clan do not have the indication to separate from each other suddenly, no longer has any gratitude and grudges rival in love, all these really make people think strange, is caught off guard. 东方玉巫族毫无征兆突然分道扬镳,不再有任何的恩怨情仇,这一切委实让人觉得奇怪,措手不及。 Hahaha, why although did not know that Dongfang Yu with the witch clan shape with the stranger, but Dongfang Yu already informed the world, then their shape has settled with the stranger, later that side witch clan, but did not have Dongfang Yu to look after. 哈哈哈,虽不知那东方玉为何与巫族形同陌路了,但东方玉既已告知天地,那么他们形同陌路已是定局了,以后巫族那边,可就没有东方玉照拂了”。 Fiend Emperor Emperor Jun, heard Dongfang Yu's Grand Dao to send greetings, face jonin did not live in saying of smiling face. 妖帝帝俊这边,听到了东方玉的大道传音,脸上忍不住笑容的说道。 Yes, although cannot nose the reason that between Dongfang Yu and witch clan run counter, but at this moment among them relations, since has spread over Great Desolate Continent by the sound of Grand Dao, that has settled, then, no matter makes anything to witch clan, Dongfang Yu did not have the qualifications to meddle. 是啊,虽然查探不到东方玉巫族之间背道而驰的原因,但此刻他们之间的关系,既然以大道之音传遍了洪荒大陆,那就是定局了,那么以后不管对巫族做什么,东方玉都没有资格插手了。 Oh, started?”, In the nether world hell, Houtu (Mother Earth) naturally also heard Dongfang Yu's to send greetings, in the heart spooky sighed, the look was blurred, does not know that was thinking anything. “唉,开始了吗?”,幽冥地府之中,后土自然也听到了东方玉的传音,心中幽幽一叹,眼神迷离,也不知道在想些什么。 The Dongfang Yu's movement keeps, informed the world along with his start to talk, already after witch clan any has not related, Dongfang Yu arrived in demon. 只是,东方玉的动作不停,随着他开口昭告天地,已经和巫族没有任何关系了之后,东方玉紧接着来到了魔界之中。 The billowing demon air/Qi, making people think unusual is uncomfortable, the common life survives in this demon, decides however is uncomfortable. 滚滚魔气,让人觉得非常的不舒服,寻常的生灵在这魔界之中生存,定然非常难受。 Dongfang Yu, you come my demon to do really!?”, Demon Ancestor demon Luo, arrives in front of Dongfang Yu's, in the look is having the hatred, brings to dread the color, start to talk said. 东方玉,你来我魔界作甚!?”,魔祖魔罗,来到东方玉的面前,眼神中带着仇恨,却也带着忌惮之色,开口说道。 Demon has naturally filled evil intent(ion) to Dongfang Yu, if not for in the past Dongfang Yu and Rāhu fought, perhaps today was demon rule entire Great Desolate Continent. 魔界对东方玉自然是充满了恶意的,当年若不是东方玉罗睺相斗,或许今日就是魔界统治整个洪荒大陆了。 Demon, several thousand years ago, should exterminate in Great Desolate Continent, today your demon clan invades Great Desolate, lost of life, my this comes to be enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven. “魔界,早在数万年前,就该灭绝于洪荒大陆了,今日你们魔族入侵洪荒,生灵涂炭,我此来乃是替天行道的”。 Dongfang Yu Aura shakes, changes to the Super Saiyan 3 shapes instantaneously, at the same time, the energy value also rose dramatically more than 590,000 to have the degrees. 东方玉气息一震,瞬间化作超级赛亚人3的形态,与此同时,能量值也跟着飙升到了590000有余的程度。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 powerful strength, has almost passed through entire demon, by Dongfang Yu present strength, other strength actually people of sage level can resist? 强大力量,几乎贯穿了整个魔界,以东方玉现在的力量,圣人层次的力量又其实其他人能够抵挡的? The inadequate Saint is the ants, these words does not crack a joke finally. 不成圣终是蝼蚁,这句话可不是开玩笑的。 Demon Ancestor demon Luo's energy value about 300,000, but shortly, a Dongfang Yu person of strength, almost slaughters demon completely. 魔祖魔罗的能量值不过300000左右罢了,不过顷刻间,东方玉一人之力,几乎将魔界屠戮殆尽。 Great Battle of Witch and Demon, is Heavenly Dao is doomed, Dongfang Yu naturally cannot meddle, but demon not in this row, Dongfang Yu freely the entire demon all slaughter, does not calculate that goes against heaven's will the line. 巫妖大战,乃是天道注定,东方玉自然是不能插手,但魔界不在此列,东方玉尽管是将整个魔界全都屠了,也不算逆天而行。 After being bewitched almost the Dongfang Yu slaughter extinguishes completely, Dongfang Yu has held up the palm of oneself, on the infinite hand link, six infinite gem start to bloom radiant brilliance...... 随着魔界几乎被东方玉屠灭殆尽之后,东方玉举起了自己的手掌,无限手环上面,六颗无限宝石开始绽放出璀璨的光华……
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