PE :: Volume #35

#1696: Goes against heaven's will the conduct

Lunatics, lunatic! 疯子,疯子! Only all Buddha and Bodhisattvas, in heart so is yelling, who this so-called lunatic is, was naturally self-evident. 净界所有的佛陀与菩萨们,心中都是这般的喊叫着,这个所谓的疯子到底是什么人,自然是不言而喻了。 It looks like in all people, Dongfang Yu completely is a through lunatic, does he actually want a person to destroy completely entire Buddha Realm? 在所有人看来,东方玉完完全全就是个彻头彻尾的疯子,他竟然想要一个人灭掉整个佛界 Moreover, in the hand of Tathagata Buddha has Primal Chaos Bell, did he distract the attention unexpectedly has approached oneself these people? don't tell me? Can he withstand Buddha Realm was extinguished the consequence really? 而且,如来佛祖的手中有混沌钟,他居然把目标转移向了自己这些人?难道?他真的能承受佛界被灭了的后果吗? Good, looks at Dongfang Yu this crazy strength, as if no meaning that anything can make him flinch, these Buddha and Bodhisattvas are also speechless, under chasing down of Dongfang Yu God-Slayer Spear, only then, that they can do only escapes, escaped as far as possible. 好吧,看东方玉这疯狂的劲头,似乎没有任何事情能够让他退缩的意思,这些佛陀和菩萨们也无话可说,在东方玉弑神枪的追杀下,他们唯一能做的只有一点,那就是逃命,尽可能的逃命了。 Mixes to rise, how dare this fellow, how dare makes such matter to come......”, in the Tathagata Buddha hand is grasping Primal Chaos Bell, is pursuing Dongfang Yu in behind, helplessly looks that was several people caused heavy losses by Dongfang Yu, even some lives refused stubbornly to know, this let the Tathagata Buddha heart violent anger. “混涨,这个家伙岂敢,岂敢作出这样的事情来……”,如来佛祖手中握着混沌钟,在后面追赶着东方玉,眼睁睁的看着又是几个人被东方玉重创了,甚至有的人生死不知,这让如来佛祖的心头暴怒。 Under the heart contains ones anger, Primal Chaos Bell in Tathagata hand, even lets go to depart, maliciously has pounded toward Dongfang Yu. 心中含怒之下,如来手中的混沌钟,甚至脱手飞出,狠狠的朝着东方玉砸了过去。 Thump! 咚! On the Dongfang Yu's back of the head looked like eyes was steadily same, did not return, but God-Slayer Spear in hand backhanded one group, this Primal Chaos Bell also God-Slayer Spear bumped into, erupted a sad ding once again. 只是,东方玉的后脑勺上就像是长了眼睛一样的,头也不回,只是手中的弑神枪反手一拨,这混沌钟弑神枪相撞,再度爆发出了一阵沉闷的钟声。 At once, that Primal Chaos Bell was deviated by the Dongfang Yu group, at the same time, the Dongfang Yu's body dashes the strength taking advantage of this share, speed was quicker a head, God-Slayer Spear in hand after a Buddha carried on the back, has ripped open a huge opening. 旋即,那混沌钟就被东方玉拨得偏离了一些,与此同时,东方玉的身子借着这股子冲撞力,速度更快了一头,手中的弑神枪又在一个佛陀的后背上,撕开了一道巨大的口子。 Tathagata looks at present this, is the air/Qi a Buddha is born seriously, two Buddha ascended to heaven, he can also look, Dongfang Yu this was not willing to pester with oneself completely, his goal only then, that presenting all Buddhism high levels slaughtered completely. 如来看着眼前这一幕,当真是气得一佛出世,二佛升天了,他也看得出来,东方玉这是完全不愿意和自己纠缠了,他的目的只有一点,那就是将在场所有的佛教高层们都屠戮殆尽。 ! 咻! Under foot Graceful Steps upon the Wave, in this cultivation base all suppressed only middle, displayed the greatest prestige energy, Dongfang Yu figure dodged, mysterious and graceful step, as if dance step, but actually directly arrived at the Guānyīn front. 脚下凌波微步,在这修为全都被压制的净界当中,发挥出了莫大的威能,东方玉身形一闪,玄奥而优雅的步子,仿佛舞步似的,可是却直接来到了观音的面前。 Meanwhile, God-Slayer Spear lance point Blink the cold and gloomy cold glow, is coming toward the Guānyīn throat straight thrust directly, if this attack carried out, Guānyīn wants to come to die without doubt. 与此同时,弑神枪的枪尖闪烁着森冷的寒芒,直接朝着观音的咽喉直刺过来,这攻击要是落实了的话,观音想来是必死无疑了。 You dare!”, When looks at Guānyīn matter of life and death, Tathagata Buddha complexion big change. “尔敢!”,看着观音生死攸关之际,如来佛祖脸色大变。 Guānyīn although is only a Bodhisattva, but is actually importantly plans Character(s) that the present heads west to learn from experienced people, she cannot die, otherwise also refers to the matter that east uncertain Dharma passes on being probable to go wrong. 观音虽然只是菩萨而已,但却是现在西行取经的重要统筹人物,她可不能死了,否则还指不定佛法东传的事情要出什么乱子呢。 Therefore, when the heart is urgent, Primal Chaos Bell in Tathagata hand proceeds to lose, sees Primal Chaos Bell that rises against the wind, changes to more than two meters high, buckles the body of Guānyīn directly directly in inside. 因此,心中紧迫之余,如来手中的混沌钟往前一丢,迎风见涨的混沌钟,化作两米多高,直接将观音的身子直接扣在里面。 The nature, the God-Slayer Spear lance point punctures on this Primal Chaos Bell, does not have the means to pierce the defense of Primal Chaos Bell. 自然,弑神枪的枪尖刺在这混沌钟上面,也没有办法刺穿混沌钟的防御呢。 Tathagata lost unexpectedly Primal Chaos Bell, obviously the development level of Guanyin Buddha to Buddhism, but, regarding the choice of Tathagata, the Dongfang Yu's look did not have the slight change, was very obvious, these as if within the Dongfang Yu's anticipation. 如来竟然将混沌钟丢过来了,可见观音菩萨对佛教的重要程度,不过,对于如来的这个选择,东方玉的神色却没有丝毫的变化,很显然,这些似乎在东方玉的意料之内。 Keeps off in oneself front Primal Chaos Bell shortly, Dongfang Yu is not angry, the conversely corners of the mouth raise slightly, under foot even/including Dian...... 眼看着挡在自己面前的混沌钟,东方玉也不恼,反倒是嘴角微微一扬,脚下连点…… figure is elegant, the path as if antelope of migration hangs the corner/horn not to have the mark to seek, Dongfang Yu figure dodged, appears in the front of Tathagata, God-Slayer Spear in hand such as the poisonous snake spits the letter to puncture generally. 身形飘逸,移动的轨迹仿佛羚羊挂角般无迹可寻,东方玉身形一闪,出现在如来的面前,手中的弑神枪如毒蛇吐信一般的刺了出去。 pūchī, the spear head held directly the chest of Tathagata, [gold/metal] Body Technique of Tathagata, although tenacious, but also was actually hard to resist the God-Slayer Spear point. 噗嗤一声,枪头直接捅进了如来的胸膛,如来的金身法相尽管坚韧,可是却也难以抵挡弑神枪的锋芒。 You......”, look at Dongfang Yu, on the face of Tathagata are having the surprised look. “你……”,看着东方玉,如来的脸上带着吃惊的神色。 The Dongfang Yu's move transformation was really too quick, was about Tathagata to be hard to respond in a short time that was very obvious, Dongfang Yu does not look after oneself lost Primal Chaos Bell, thinks that changed incurs, but already planned. 东方玉的招数转变实在是太快了,快得如来都难以短时间内反应过来,很显然,东方玉并不是看着自己丢出了混沌钟之后才想到变招过来的,而是早就谋算好了的。 On the Dongfang Yu's face, is having smiling face, in the look is also bringing killing intent is staring at Tathagata. 东方玉的脸上,带着笑容,眼神中也带着杀意的盯着如来。 Indeed, Tathagata wants not to have wrong, Dongfang Yu had already guessed correctly Tathagata will lose Primal Chaos Bell, therefore, Dongfang Yu already had also prepared such. 的确,如来所想没有错,东方玉早就猜到了如来会丢出混沌钟的,所以,东方玉也早就作好了这样的准备。 After all Tathagata is the Lord of genuine Buddhism, how Dongfang Yu that easily gives up to the thoughts that he starts? 毕竟如来才是真正的佛教之主,东方玉岂会那么轻易的就放弃对他下手的心思? The wrist|skill turns, the God-Slayer Spear spear head naturally is gratefully swayed from side to side in the chest of Tathagata, after pulling out, has carried over a big gold(en) Buddha blood, at once trampled a foot maliciously. 手腕一扭,弑神枪的枪头自然是毫不客气的在如来的胸口扭动了一圈,拔出来之后更是带出了一大蓬的金色佛血,旋即狠狠的踹了一脚。 The Dharmakaya of Tathagata Buddha, was kicked directly, the body lies down on the ground, struggles unable to crawl for a long time. 如来佛祖的法身,直接被踢飞了出去,身子躺在地上,挣扎着许久都没能爬起来。 Although the Dharmakaya of Tathagata, vitality certainly is very exuberant, may be innate supreme treasure God-Slayer Spear, this murderous aura is more fearful, not only the lance point can cut the defense of Dharmakaya, in God-Slayer Spear murderous aura of contain, can destroy all vitalities. 虽说如来的法身,生命力一定是非常旺盛的,可作为先天至宝弑神枪,这杀气更加可怕,不只是枪尖能够划破法身的防御而已,弑神枪中所蕴含的杀气,更加能够破坏一切的生机。 Directly God-Slayer Spear that holds from the chest, naturally also injured and to the heart of Tathagata, fearful murderous aura was wreaking havoc crazily the vitality of heart. 直接从胸口捅进去的弑神枪,自然也伤及到了如来的心脏,可怕的杀气正在疯狂的肆虐着心脏的生机。 Together greyish white color death air/Qi, on the face of Tathagata Buddha slowly appears, this is the dead air/Qi, in God-Slayer Spear fearful murderous aura of contain, has invaded the result that the heart has created, Tathagata naturally also feels own condition, the complexion also becomes very ugly. 一道灰白色的死气,在如来佛祖的脸上慢慢的浮现出来,这是死气,弑神枪之中所蕴含的可怕杀气,已经侵入了心脏所造成的结果,如来自然也感受到了自身的状况,脸色也变得非常的难看。 If in beside, these murderous aura only the invasion heart, the destruction oneself vitality recklessly, although is troublesome, but cultivation base of Tathagata, can find the way to solve, at least can suppress some time temporarily. 若是在净界之外的话,这些杀气侵入心脏的话,肆意的破坏自己的生机,虽然麻烦,可如来的一身修为,还是能想办法解决的,至少能够暂时压制一些时间。 But, this, cultivation base completely loses only, faces murderous aura that these are attacking, Tathagata absolutely does not have what good countermeasure. 可是,这净界之中,修为完全丧失,面对着这些侵袭过来的杀气,如来完全是没有什么良好的对策。 Buddha!”, Saw that Tathagata Buddha had been injured heart such critical place by Dongfang Yu, all Buddha and Bodhisattvas complexion big change. “佛祖!”,眼看着如来佛祖东方玉伤了心脏这样的要害之处,所有的佛陀和菩萨们脸色大变。 Especially Guānyīn, on the face has been full of the guilty color, if not for protects oneself with Primal Chaos Bell, Buddha oneself will be injured by Dongfang Yu? 特别是观音,脸上更是充满了愧疚之色,若不是用混沌钟来保护自己的话,佛祖自身怎会被东方玉所伤? On the Dongfang Yu's face is bringing killing intent, the look ice-cold looks at Tathagata. 东方玉的脸上带着杀意,眼神冰冷的看着如来。 Although looks at the Tathagata present appearance, has neared at the point of death, who knows that copes method that what the Lord of this Buddha Realm also has to maintain life? 尽管看如来现在的模样,已经是临死在即了,可谁知道对付这佛界之主是不是还有什么保命的手段? God-Slayer Spear selects, punctured once more, this time goal, points to the opposite side throat place. 弑神枪一挑,再次刺了出去,这一次的目标,直指对方的咽喉处。 The Dongfang Yu's movement expressed the oneself firm faith very much obviously, that kills people! 东方玉的动作很明显的表达了自己坚定的信念,那就是杀人! Monstrous talent! Stops quickly!”, Sees this, all Buddha and Bodhisattvas, although shocks in strength that Dongfang Yu has, but sees Tathagata Buddha on the point of death, screaming of these Buddha and Bodhisattvas with amazement discoloration. “妖孽!快住手!”,看到这一幕,所有的佛陀和菩萨们,虽说震撼于东方玉所拥有的力量,但眼看着如来佛祖命在旦夕之间,这些佛陀和菩萨们都骇然色变的叫出声来。 They left at this time by far, even if wants take action to rescue, already without enough time. 只是,他们这个时候都离得远远的,就算是想要出手救援,也已经来不及了。 Also, by Dongfang Yu present strength, they clashes the rescue, how could to block. 再说了,以东方玉现在的力量,他们就算是冲上来救援,岂能挡得住。 Saw the God-Slayer Spear lance point, must hit the Tathagata Buddha throat time, suddenly, Dongfang Yu feels all between world, as if became very slow, obviously consciousness of oneself also very clear, was speed on oneself, actually very slow. 只是,眼看着弑神枪的枪尖,就要命中如来佛祖咽喉的时候,突然,东方玉感觉到天地间的一切,似乎都变得非常缓慢了似的,明明自己的意识还非常的清楚,可是自己手上的速度,却非常的慢。 All between world, as if likely slowed down dozens times...... 天地间的一切,仿佛都像是放慢了数十倍…… Meanwhile, a palm appeared, does not have the indication, held God-Slayer Spear. 与此同时,一只手掌出现了,毫无征兆,一把抓住了弑神枪 As if the iron hoop common palm, grabs Dongfang Yu's God-Slayer Spear, how whatever Dongfang Yu makes an effort, is difficult to enter the slightest. 仿佛铁箍一般的手掌,抓着东方玉的弑神枪,任凭东方玉如何用力,都难进分毫。 Is you!?”, Can some people unarmed hold oneself God-Slayer Spear unexpectedly? When the Dongfang Yu heart shocks, gained ground, looks that this suddenly appears, even can hold the oneself God-Slayer Spear person, the complexion actually slightly changed. “是你!?”,居然有人能徒手抓住自己弑神枪东方玉心中震撼之余,抬起头来,看着这个突然出现,甚至能够抓住自己弑神枪的人,脸色却是微微变了变。 Not only because of the opposite side status, but also some are opposite side the contain energy value. 不只是因为对方的身份,还有的是对方蕴含能量值。 Yes, here is only, cultivation base of all people lost, therefore, the Energy Tester also complete measument the energy value, in this only , the Dongfang Yu's vision touches all people, and even oneself time, the energy value is 0. 是的,这里是净界,所有人的修为都丧失了,所以,能量测试仪也完全测量不出能量值来,在这净界之中,东方玉的目光触及到所有人,乃至自己的时候,能量值都是0。 Because all energy are dead situations, in any event had not responded, therefore, survey. 因为所有的能量都是一潭死水般,无论如何都没有反应,所以,也测量不出来。 But, this sillhouette, has the energy value at present unexpectedly, his exist(ence), has disregarded unexpectedly completely only environment? 可是,眼前这个人影,居然有能量值,他的存在,竟然完全无视了净界的环境? Naturally, this person, Dongfang Yu is also recognizes, he is not others, was initially beginning Dongfang Yu Journey to the West plane time, in Ancestor Subhuti that Mount Innerheart meets. 当然,这个人,东方玉也是认得的,他不是别人,正是当初东方玉初来西游记位面的时候,在方寸山遇上的菩提祖师 What Dongfang Yu didn't expect is, this matter, will make Ancestor Subhuti appear unexpectedly . Moreover, for stops oneself!? 东方玉没想到的是,这件事情,居然会让菩提祖师出现,而且,还是为了来阻拦自己!? Dongfang Yu, the life is alive, why goes against heaven's will the conduct, Rao Renchu, and Rao people......”. 东方玉,人生在世,何必逆天行事,得饶人处且饶人吧……”。 Ancestor Subhuti, held Dongfang Yu's God-Slayer Spear tranquilly, the look visits him, start to talk said that although expression very tranquil, but actually gives people one type not the feeling that allows to resist. 菩提祖师,抓住了东方玉的弑神枪,眼神平静的看着他,开口说道,虽然语气非常的平静,但是却给人一种不容抗拒的感觉。 223860. 223860。 The Dongfang Yu's vision looks at oneself front Ancestor Subhuti, the opposite side energy value appears in the oneself front, enough 220,000 energy values, since this has been Dongfang Yu walks randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the most terrorist energy value of seeing. 东方玉的目光看着自己面前的菩提祖师,对方能量值出现在自己的面前,足足220000的能量值,这是东方玉游走诸天万界以来,看到的最恐怖的能量值。 For these years, Dongfang Yu has seen high also the most accurate energy value digit, is oneself, 150,000 over, Ancestor Subhuti although knows that in the past he had the energy values of over 150,000 survey upper limits, but the specific figure actually does not know. 这么多年来,东方玉见到过最高也最准确的能量值数字,就是自己,150000出头,菩提祖师当年虽然就知道他拥有了超过150000测量上限的能量值,但具体的数字却并不知道。 Today is clear saw, actually didn't expect, unexpectedly reaches as high as 220,000. 今天才算真切的看到了,却没想到,竟然高达220000。 Has blocked oneself Ancestor Subhuti shortly, saw that opposite side cultivation base not by only influence, enough reaches as high as 220,000, Dongfang Yu is very clear, Ancestor Subhuti take action stopped the oneself words, oneself to decide however does not have the means again under killer. 眼看着拦住了自己菩提祖师,眼看着对方修为不受净界影响,足足高达220000,东方玉很清楚,菩提祖师出手阻拦自己的话,自己定然没有办法再下杀手了。 Therefore, silent a moment later, Dongfang Yu has selected nod(ded), complied with Ancestor Subhuti. 所以,沉默了片刻之后,东方玉点了点头,答应了菩提祖师 Saw that Dongfang Yu so understands what has to done, Ancestor Subhuti selects nod(ded) actually, very gratified appearance, points at one stroke, easily cuts left only the space crack. 眼看着东方玉如此识时务,菩提祖师倒是点点头,挺欣慰的样子,手指一划,轻易的就划开了一条离开净界的空间裂缝。 All people, one after another leaves from this space crack...... 紧接着,所有的人,陆陆续续的从这空间裂缝之中离开…… As leaves only, Dongfang Yu can feel the oneself within the body as if stagnant water general energy value, became has enlivened, walked randomly the whole body. 随着离开净界,东方玉能感受到自己体内仿佛死水一般的能量值,变得活跃了起来,游走周身。 Super Saiyan shape! Open! 超级赛亚人形态!开! gene shackle fourth rank! Open! 基因锁第四阶!开! pūchī! 噗嗤 Does not have the indication, God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu hand, rapid, if lightning take action, has passed through the throat of Tathagata instantaneously...... 毫无征兆,东方玉手中的弑神枪,迅若闪电的出手,瞬间贯穿了如来的咽喉……
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