PE :: Volume #22

#1001: The men cannot touch( 3 / 8 th)

Dongfang Yu Bright Sun Villa lived in one day later, next morning, Dongfang Yu will then hold Bai Feifei to go to Rubik's Cube together, the time also passed some days, the Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons plane matter, the Dongfang Yu's mood also returned to normal, after Rubik's Cube, Dongfang Yu then and Yakushi Kabuto same place, the experience about this plane chatted carefully. 东方玉皓日山庄住了一天之后,次日清晨,东方玉便抱着白菲菲一起去了一趟魔方体,时间也过去了有些日子了,西游降魔篇位面的事情,东方玉的心情也平复了许多,到了魔方体之后,东方玉便和药师兜一起,关于这个位面的经历仔细的聊了一遍。 Knew that Dongfang Yu in the experience of Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons plane, Yakushi Kabuto is also quite surprised, didn't expect Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons plane, military power value although cannot compare The Legend of Zu, after may arrive at Immortal Realm, that All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas strength so is unexpectedly strong. 得知东方玉西游降魔篇位面的经历,药师兜也比较吃惊,没想到西游降魔篇位面,武力虽然比不上蜀山传,可到了仙界之后,那诸天神佛实力居然那么强。 According to me the understanding China Myth, Boss your can come back indeed is the good luck, must know in that Immortal Realm, some more fearful exist(ence), for example Taoist trinity six imperial, five sides five old wait / etc. are very fearful exist(ence), guarantees does not permit to have these big Character(s) take action. “根据我对华夏神话的了解,老板你这一趟能回来的确算是好运了,要知道那仙界之中,还有更加可怕的一些存在呢,比如说三清六御,五方五老等等都是非常可怕的存在,保不准就有这些大人物出手”。 Hears a Guan Yin to appear, can crush Dongfang Yu, saying of some Yakushi Kabuto also fear, obviously about the China classical Xianxia Myth aspect, Yakushi Kabuto very much diligently do a schoolwork. 听到一个观世音菩萨出现,就能碾压东方玉了,药师兜也有些后怕的说道,显然关于华夏古典仙侠神话方面,药师兜很努力做过一番功课的。 Um, yes, the Journey to the West plane water was too deep, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu also selects nod(ded), acknowledged said. “嗯,是的,西游位面的水太深了”,闻言,东方玉也点点头,承认说道。 Actually, what I also want to say was Boss you attaching great importance to degree to crystal point(s) was a little rare, after thinking, Yakushi Kabuto said to Dongfang Yu with start to talk. “其实,我还想说的是老板你对晶点的重视程度有点超乎寻常了”,想了想之后,药师兜跟着开口东方玉说道。 „? Said that looks, hears Yakushi Kabuto this words suddenly, the Dongfang Yu brow raises slightly, start to talk asked. “哦?说说看”,突然间听到药师兜这个话,东方玉眉头微微一扬,开口问道。 Boss, why do you want to gain crystal point(s)? In order to chooses crossed over plane independently, can prepare for the resources that to plan to obtain ahead of time?”, Looks at Dongfang Yu, Yakushi Kabuto start to talk asks. 老板,你想要获取晶点为什么?是为了能够自主选择穿越位面,能够提前作好准备去谋划该得到的资源吧?”,看着东方玉,药师兜开口问道。 Good, naturally so, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded) saying that crystal point(s) can exchange plane crossed over that assigns, the goal naturally was this. “不错,当然如此”,闻言,东方玉点头说道,晶点能兑换指定的位面穿越,目的自然就是这个了。 Um, therefore , the function of crystal point(s), can be counted is actually one of your resources, but, Boss you as if a little held to read to crystal point(s) in my opinion, to gain crystal point(s) mission, even went to and Son Goku|Sun Wukong has to do, was as for going to Heavenly Court and All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas to the war, made oneself fall into the life the danger, two, delayed oneself itself to search for the time of commodity, Boss, you thought that was worth?”, Yakushi Kabuto, earnest looks at Dongfang Yu to ask. “嗯,所以说,晶点的作用,其实也可以算作是你资源的一种,只是,在我看来老板你对晶点似乎有点执念了,为了获取晶点任务,甚至去和孙悟空打交道,乃至于前往天庭诸天神佛对战,一则让自己陷入生命的危险,二则,耽误了自己本身搜寻物资的时间,老板,你觉得值得吗?”,药师兜,认真的看着东方玉问道。 This......”, the Yakushi Kabuto words, making Dongfang Yu be startled slightly, under the heart has cannot help but hesitated. “这……”,药师兜的话,让东方玉微微一怔,心下不由得沉吟了起来。 Gains crystal point(s), is in order to exchanges crossed over plane, better acquired commodity grows, to gain crystal point(s), oneself falls into the danger, even wastes the time to make mission, making the commodity that oneself can plunder not succeed in obtaining on the contrary, like this, to put the cart before the horse? 获取晶点,是为了能兑换穿越位面,更好的获得物资成长,而为了获取晶点,自己陷入危险,甚至浪费时间去做任务,让自己本来能够搜刮的物资反倒没有到手,这样算起来,岂不是本末倒置了? You said are reasonable, appearance of mission, reward of crystal point(s) for me, but is one of the commodity, can naturally be conveniently best, but if the gain does not equal the loss, gave up not relating, you have not spoken incorrectly, I these days, as if looked to crystal point(s) recently heavily, after having hesitated for a long time, Dongfang Yu start to talk said that was acknowledged Yakushi Kabuto said. “你说得有道理,任务的出现,晶点的奖励对我来说,只不过是物资的一种罢了,能顺手为之自然最好,可若是得不偿失的话,放弃了也没关系,你没说错,我最近这些日子,似乎对晶点看得太重了”,沉吟了许久之后,东方玉开口说道,算是承认了药师兜说的话了。 The so-called too close to the problem onlooker is clear-headed, oneself such mentality oneself had not realized, Yakushi Kabuto has realized, reminded oneself, otherwise, when waits for oneself to realize this, has not known that must take many tortuous paths. 所谓当局者迷旁观者清,自己这样的心态自己都没有意识到,还是药师兜意识到了,提醒了自己,否则,等自己什么时候意识到这点,还不知道要走多少弯路呢。 Boss your such situation is also excusable, hear speech/words, Yakushi Kabuto start to talk has comforted Dongfang Yu one actually: Before Boss you, for collection uneven 100 crystal point(s) want Mr. Vampire plane, the innermost feelings excessively have unknowingly valued the crystal point(s) value, is indisputable, was only the present already the collection uneven 100 crystal point(s), you suddenly with enough time have not adjusted crystal point(s) in oneself value at heart. 老板你这样的情况也情有可原”,闻言,药师兜倒是开口安慰了东方玉一句:“之前老板你为了集齐100个晶点想要去僵尸先生位面,内心不知不觉过度看重了晶点的价值,也无可厚非,只是现在已经集齐了100个晶点了,你一时间没有来得及调整晶点自己心里的价值罢了”。 Um, the pocket, many thanks your reminder, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu has selected nod(ded), at once start to talk said to Yakushi Kabuto. “嗯,兜,多谢你的提醒了”,闻言,东方玉点头,旋即开口药师兜说道。 Was polite, my exist(ence) significance, to assist your, expressed gratitude regarding Dongfang Yu's, on the Yakushi Kabuto face was hanging the genial happy expression, beckoned with the hand to say. “客气了,我存在的意义,就是为了辅佐你的”,对于东方玉的道谢,药师兜脸上挂着和煦的笑意,摆摆手说道。 Also with Yakushi Kabuto polite that many, an expression of gratitude had not shown that sufficiently the meaning of oneself, Dongfang Yu selected nod(ded), again after and Yakushi Kabuto chatted several, suddenly the gate of Yakushi Kabuto office had been shoved open, on a face brought freckle woman, in the hand to raise a gift box to walk. 也没有和药师兜客气那么多,一句道谢足以证明自己的意思了,东方玉点头,再和药师兜闲聊了几句之后,突然药师兜办公室的门被人推开了,一个脸上带着一点雀斑的女子,手中提着一个食盒走了进来。 This woman Dongfang Yu recognizes, is not just Yakushi Kabuto girlfriend, no, should say that is the fiancee? 这个女子东方玉认得,不正是药师兜女朋友,不,应该说是未婚妻吗? Boss, you also in? Sorry, I, I exit to wait first, sees Dongfang Yu also in this office, woman as if oneself made the mistake any matter to be the same, during the speeches must turn around to depart, for fear that oneself delayed among them the proper business. 老板,你也在呢?对不起,我,我先出去等着”,看到东方玉也在这办公室里面,女子仿佛自己做错了什么事一样,说话间就要转身离去,生怕自己耽误了两人之间的正事。 Wait / Etc., did not use, we should discuss also has finished talking, Dongfang Yu looked at gift box one in woman hand, start to talk said that at once some profound meanings smiled to Yakushi Kabuto, greeted, said that oneself went to the scientific research unit to walk, then left the Yakushi Kabuto office, not, when the meaning of electric lamp bulb. “等等,不用出去了,我们该谈的也都谈完了”,东方玉看了看女子手中的食盒一眼,开口说道,旋即有些深意的对药师兜笑了笑,打了个招呼,说自己去科研部走一趟,便离开了药师兜的办公室,并没有当电灯泡的意思。 Left the Yakushi Kabuto office, Dongfang Yu's had smiled at heart actually, looked that woman made the meal to deliver personally to Yakushi Kabuto, poured enviablly , the meal was not main, but contained in cordiality is moving, Dongfang Yu was also Yakushi Kabuto feels happy. 离开了药师兜的办公室,东方玉的心里却笑了笑,看那女子亲自做了饭菜给药师兜送过来,倒真的让人羡慕呢,饭菜不是主要的,但是蕴含在其中的情意却让人感动,东方玉也为药师兜感到高兴。 In original work he was also Character(s) of tragedy, bringing back to Real World can find the oneself happiness, was good deed one. 原著中他也算是一个悲剧的人物了,带回现实世界能找到自己的幸福,也是好事一桩。 After scientific research unit here, Dongfang Yu naturally saw Professor Mu and Dr. Gero they, because of previous and reason of Dongfang Yu talk, Dongfang Yu has permitted their research strength stronger Android, therefore these days, they are trying hard for this. 到了科研部这边之后,东方玉自然是见到了穆教授盖洛博士他们了,因为上次和东方玉谈话的缘故,东方玉已经允许他们研究实力更强的人造人了,所以这些日子,两人都在为了这个而努力。 Naturally, most noteworthy also has that side Internet game, in had measured had days, the feedbacks in various aspects are very good, recently Rubik's Cube had prepared for about one month, can start national open beta. 当然,最值得注意的还有网络游戏那边,内测了已经有一段日子了,各方面的反馈都很良好,最近魔方体已经预备一个月左右的时间,可以开始全国公测了。 „About one month? Also similar, obtains this news, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded). “一个月左右的时间啊?也差不多啦”,得到这个消息,东方玉点头 Now is almost in mid May, about one month? That is about mid June, college entrance exam also ended, almost quickly to summer vacation time, that time has promoted open beta, faces the nation to obtain the player opportunity to be also appropriate officially. 现在已经差不多是五月中旬了,一个月左右?那就是六月中旬左右啦,高考也完了,也差不多快到暑假的时候了,那个时间段推出公测,正式面向全国得到玩家时机也算恰当。 About the hard helmet of total information web, the web company that Rubik's Cube and S. W China minority were at working overtime has been producing, has prepared national shop goods, although said that now this total information virtual web was very high in global attention, but that side the web company did not keep the ample force pounded some large sum of money to create the propaganda, even during put out some to measure the picture. 关于全息网游的头盔,魔方体与莫家所在的网游公司已经在加班加点的生产了,做好了全国铺货的准备了,虽然说现在这款全息虚拟网游已经在全球关注度很高了,但网游公司那边还是不留余力的砸了些重金下去作宣传,甚至拿出一些内测之中的画面来。 Tall and pleasing to the eye, but the vivid and lifelike total information virtual technology, lets the player in world, even if were not the people of web player has filled with the anticipation. 美轮美奂、但是却又栩栩如生的全息虚拟技术,让全球的玩家,就算不是网游玩家的人都充满了期待。 Said about the gate ways of these web that was the company that the S. W China minority was was naturally more adept, therefore Dongfang Yu and Rubik's Cube could be said as releasing authority make them do, cooperation, what Rubik's Cube here was responsible for was the development research quality problem of product, but marketing these naturally were make them do. 关于这些网游方面的门门道道,自然是莫家所在的公司更加拿手了,所以东方玉魔方体这边可以说是放权让他们去搞,合作嘛,魔方体这边主抓的是产品的开发研究质量问题,而营销这些自然是让他们来搞了。 Regarding this web, to be honest Dongfang Yu also quite anticipated that is also quite satisfied regarding here advancement, again and Dr. Gero they chatted after some Android aspect detail issues, Dongfang Yu then left Rubik's Cube. 对于这网游,说实话东方玉也比较期待的,对于这边的进程也比较满意,再和盖洛博士他们聊了聊关于人造人方面一些细节性的问题之后,东方玉便离开了魔方体了。 Naturally, in this period reminder Dongfang Yu of Dr. Gero same old tune long talk walked randomly various day of plane time, met has been worth the bloodlines of research, must collect gives him, after all made a Android words need better material to be also good. 当然,期间盖洛博士老调长谈的提醒东方玉游走诸天位面的时候,遇上了值得研究的血脉,一定要收集一些给他,毕竟制造人造人的话也需要更好的材料才行。 In Android like original work, did not collect these bloodlines of Saiyan to manufacture? 原著中的人造人沙鲁,不就是收集了那些赛亚人的血脉才制作出来的吗? Um, knows, this matter I will place well at heart, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded) to say. “嗯,知道,这件事我会好好放在心里的”,闻言,东方玉点头说道。 Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons plane, although everywhere is the demon ghost and immortal Buddha, is these immortal Buddha and demon from the angle of gene and bloodlines, does not have much difference actually with the ordinary animal and person, is only pure, because strength strong on the research words, were the bloodlines of oneself already passed by research? 西游降魔篇位面,虽说遍地都是妖魔鬼怪和仙佛,可是那些仙佛和妖魔从基因和血脉的角度上来说,与普通的动物和人其实并没有太大的区别,只是单纯的因为力量强就研究的话,自己的血脉早就被研究透了吧? After leaving Rubik's Cube, Dongfang Yu thinks, has dialed Shangguan Xiaohua that side telephone, because of the matter of previous bar, therefore this time made their couple to come out directly get together. 离开了魔方体之后,东方玉想了想,又拨通了上官小花那边的电话,因为上次酒吧的事情,所以这次是直接约了他们两口子出来聚一聚 Looked for the midnight snack booth to sit, in the evening after having gotten off work, Shangguan Xiaohua and Shi Shengnan couple naturally appeared, got out, Dongfang Yu actually saw that Shangguan Xiaohua was supporting by the arm Shi Shengnan carefully, this made Dongfang Yu smile to tease: What's wrong? The marriage these days, did you such quickly lose the sovereignty of man? Starts to act servilely?”. 找了个夜宵摊坐着,晚上下班了之后,上官小花施胜男两口子自然出现了,不过下车的时候,东方玉却看到上官小花小心搀扶着施胜男,这让东方玉笑了笑打趣道:“怎么?结婚才这些日子了,你这么快就丧失男人的主权了?开始卑躬屈膝?”。 Does not have the means that in her belly had still side Treasure Sword, hear speech/words, the Shangguan Xiaohua whole face was happy, may actually do intentionally the sorrowful appearance to shrug to say. “没办法啊,她肚子里有尚方宝剑呢”,闻言,上官小花满脸幸福,可却故作悲哀的模样耸耸肩说道。 „? Was pregnant?”, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu slightly one startled, at once is also oneself this Younger Brother feels happy. “啊?怀孕了?”,闻言,东方玉微微一惊,旋即也为自己兄弟感到高兴。 „, A good attractive arctic fox, after having sat down, Shi Shengnan looks at Bai Feifei eyes one brightly, cannot bear trace Bai Feifei. “呀,好漂亮的一只白狐呢”,坐下了之后,施胜男看着白菲菲眼睛一亮,忍不住过来摸了摸白菲菲 „It is indeed attractive, hear speech/words, saying of Shangguan Xiaohua also exclamation, during the speeches similarly puts out a hand to stroke. “的确很漂亮呢”,闻言,上官小花也惊叹的说道,说话间同样伸手过来抚摸。 , Dongfang Yu actually impolite wiped out the hand of Shangguan Xiaohua. 只是啪的一下,东方玉却不客气的把上官小花的手打掉了。 This fox, woman can touch, the man cannot, wipe out the hand of Shangguan Xiaohua, Dongfang Yu ill-humored saying, although is the shape of fox, can also be oneself girlfriend? How could to make other man wipe? Younger Brother is no exception. “这只狐狸,女人可以摸,男人不可以”,打掉了上官小花的手,东方玉没好气的说道,虽然是狐狸的形态,可到底也是自己女朋友了吧?岂能让别的男人抹?兄弟也不例外。 „......”, Dongfang Yu this overbearing words, making Shangguan Xiaohua not know whether to laugh or cry, shake the head, has not said anything. “……”,东方玉这霸道的话,让上官小花哭笑不得,摇摇头,没有多说什么。 The Younger Brother two big evenings drank several cups, Shi Shengnan has been pregnant in the body, naturally cannot drink, has not arrived late, but sat the hour, Dongfang Yu made Shangguan Xiaohua accompany her wife to go home, Dongfang Yu also held Bai Feifei to leave. 兄弟两个大晚上多喝了几杯,施胜男有孕在身,自然是不能喝酒,也没有到多晚,只是坐了个把小时,东方玉就让上官小花陪着她老婆回家了,东方玉也抱着白菲菲离开。 Then, Dongfang Yu lived in some days Bright Sun Villa, then took the oneself special plane to return to A City until the end of May. 接下来,东方玉又在皓日山庄这边住了些日子,直到五月底这才乘坐着自己的专机回到了A市 To May 31, Dongfang Yu has been holding Bai Feifei, opened Plane Elevator, started oneself 25 th plane crossed over. 到了5月31号这一天,东方玉抱着白菲菲,开启了位面电梯,开始了自己第25次位面穿越了。
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