PSME :: Volume #20

#1984: Kills a day of secret

Pen interest pavilion, renewed pill sovereign Emperor Wu most quickly! 笔趣阁,最快更新丹皇武帝! The elf Emperor said: „ Fire spirit definitely involves the special secret, otherwise was insufficient its to recall with the strength of years. I when investigate her spirit wisdom, discovered that she has nothing to remember, in other words, she was really recalled at the beginning of the birth, all memory traces were erased by the years. She does not know who oneself are, she does not know oneself have experienced 精灵帝君道:“火灵肯定是涉及到了特殊秘密,否则不至于用岁月之力将其回溯。我在探查她的灵智的时候,发现她没有任何记忆,也就是说,她真的是被回溯到诞生初期了,所有的记忆痕迹都被岁月抹除了。她不知道自己是谁,她不知道自己经历过 What, she is the real sense makes a fresh start. ” 什么,她是真正意义的重新开始。” Her potential!” Donghuang Gan cannot bear ask. Does the flamelet, really have such secret? “她的潜力呢!”东煌乾忍不住问道。小小火焰,竟然有这样的秘密? Although cannot determine her concrete status, but the potential is terrifying. Through our attempts, she can swallow all flame, turns into own energy, the return purest flame. “虽然不能确定她的具体身份,但是潜力非常恐怖。通过我们的尝试,她能吞噬所有火焰,变成自己的能量,回归最纯粹的火焰。 The most important thing is, after my direction, she has started to evolve the special energy in the primitive flame. ” 最重要的是,经过我的指引,她已经开始在原始的火焰里面演变出特殊能量。” For example?” “比如?” Light! Destruction! Life! Samsara...... wait/etc......” “光明!毁灭!生命!轮回……等等……” The people change color finally, this was equal to proving when hot spirit was that wisp was epoch-making the first wisp of flame? 众人终于变色,这岂不是等于证明了火灵儿就是那缕开天辟地之际的第一缕火焰吗? pill sovereign serious: I do not believe that such flame exists really!” 丹皇神情严肃起来:“我不相信那样的火焰真实存在!” The elf Emperor said: But she truly exists, in that furnace, in this emperor city, side you!” 精灵帝君道:“但她确实存在,就在那座炼炉里,就在这座帝城里,就在你们身边!” pill sovereign makes a fist secretly, sinking sound said: Only has an explanation. Some people according to the tentative plan that this possibility has, molded such existence!!” 丹皇暗暗握拳,沉声道:“只有一个解释。有人按照这种可能存在的设想,塑造了这样的存在!!” This creates the flame of the world in the mold simply. 这简直是在塑造创世之炎。 But similarly extinguishes the flame of the world in the mold! 但同样是在塑造灭世之炎! Jiang Yi realized that the issue was serious, knows that hot spirit has the secret, but has not thought that the so big secret, wants to make the elf Emperor investigate hot spirit the potential, has not thought that finds out such a to extinguish the thing of the world. 姜毅都意识到问题严重了,知道火灵儿有秘密,但没想到如此大的秘密,想让精灵帝君调查火灵儿的潜力,没想到查出这样一个灭世之物。 pill sovereign startled suction port cold air, turns around suddenly suddenly, vision brilliant stares at tight Ye Anran. 丹皇突然惊吸口凉气,豁然转身,目光灼灼的盯紧夜安然 Senior, your is......” “前辈,您这是……” Ye Anran was startled to draw back two steps, really has not seen the pill sovereign so swift and fierce vision. 夜安然都被惊退两步,实在是没见到过丹皇如此凌厉的目光。 pill sovereign pupil glittering, firmly held anything probably. 丹皇眸光闪烁,像是紧紧抓住了什么。 Master?” Jiang Yi looks dignified, pill sovereign has great learning, the experience is widespread, deduces extremely good, what likely guessed correctly, what matter but closes Ye Anran? “师父?”姜毅神情凝重,丹皇学识渊博,见识广泛,也极善推演,很可能猜到了什么,但是关夜安然什么事? Was I remembered incorrectly, you have really said. Did the world gods set up faced directly have killed a day of person?” pill sovereign stares at tight Ye Anran, that guess and train of thought are getting more and more intense. “是我记错了,还是你真说过。世界神树曾经直面过杀天之人?”丹皇盯紧夜安然,那股猜测和思绪越来越强烈。 „ His second disciple, faces directly has killed a day of person, the world gods set up once attempted to assist, was actually killed a day of person to lock. “他的第二任弟子,直面过杀天之人,世界神树曾尝试相助,却被杀天之人锁定。 The world god tree has not said the special details, but said that suffered the heavy losses, the god courtyard nearly vanishes, the bloodlines that over half antiquities left behind were cleaned up, the god set up falls into the deep sleep. ” 世界神树没说具体情况,只是说受到了重创,神庭险些消失,超过半数上古遗留的血脉被清理,神树则陷入沉睡。” pill sovereign brow wrinkle is tighter: He, since found the god courtyard, acted, why does not have to erase the god courtyard! Hasn't ruined inside hot spirit? Hasn't carried off training it? Yes, stays behind intentionally?” 丹皇眉头越皱越紧:“他既然找到神庭了,也都出手了,为什么没有抹除神庭!没有毁掉里面的火灵儿?或者是没有将其带走培养?难道是,故意留下的?” Master, what did you think of? Hot spirit is with killing a day of person related?” Jiang Yi could not accept, this speculation somewhat was slightly absurd, how hot spirit can pull there? “师父,您想到了什么?火灵儿跟杀天之人有关?”姜毅接受不了了,这推测略微有些荒唐了,火灵儿怎么能扯到那里? What kills a day of person?” The elf Emperor asked that which direction was this is extending? „ 30,000 years ago, real reason that the emperors destroy, is actually one said that killed the mysterious life of day of person to arrive at the revelation battlefield, hunted and killed the Emperor, slaughtered the god demon. Since great antiquity, that killed a day of person to arrive several times, 30,000 years ago “什么杀天之人?”精灵帝君反问道,这是在往哪个方向延伸呢?“三万年前,帝君们毁灭的真正原因,其实是一个自称杀天之人的神秘生灵降临到了天启战场,猎杀了帝君,屠杀了神魔。从洪荒至今,那个杀天之人数次降临,三万年前 World recent one time, proceeds again is 100,000 years ago. ” 世最近的一次,再往前就是十万年前。” pill sovereign spoke thoughtlessly, is continuing own thinking. 丹皇随口说着,继续着自己的思索。 But the elf Emperor and all elves were actually startled completely there. 但精灵帝君和所有精灵们却全部惊在了那里。 pill sovereign shakes the head slowly: I have the speculation, but has not grasped, making me think well, slowly strokes.” 丹皇缓缓摇头:“我只是有推测,但没有把握,让我好好想想,慢慢捋捋。” The elf Emperor observes closely them, said seriously: Gave me to say in detail, what killed a day of person?” 精灵帝君则盯住他们,严肃道:“给我详细说说,何谓杀天之人?” Jiang Yi explained: This is it to own name, every several other thousand years, even is longer, will arrive suddenly one time. Before arriving each time, will provoke the fierce reaction of universal system, has eternal six six to bury with various days......” 姜毅解释道:“这是它给自己的称呼,每隔数万年,甚至是更久,就会突然降临一次。每次降临之前,都会引起世界体系的激烈反应,产生出永恒六道和诸天六葬……” A detailed introduction, making the elves that just braced oneself be startled again absent-minded. 一番详细的介绍,让刚刚提起精神来的精灵们再次惊得恍惚起来。 The life outside world? 世界之外的生灵? Comes the hunting god demon regularly? 定期前来狩猎神魔? What here regarded, god demon breeding farm? 把这里当成什么了,神魔养殖场吗? This exceeded them to understand the category without doubt, challenged their world outlook! Jiang Yi looked that pill sovereign is still deeping frown, consideration deduction, then oneself introduced: „ He only cleans up the revelation battlefield, never easily arrives at the world of mortals, moreover arrives suddenly, writes off forcefully, later vanishes directly, does not give the world preparation and response, really 这无疑是超越了他们理解范畴,挑战了他们的世界观!姜毅看丹皇还在眉头紧锁,思量推演,便自己介绍道:“他只清理天启战场,从不轻易降临下界,而且都是突然降临,强行抹杀,随后直接消失,不给世界准备、反应,甚 For those the time of experience, the material that therefore the world of mortals leaves behind is very few. 至是经历的时间,所以下界留下的资料少之又少。 100,000 years ago that time, should to successful recent one time, investigates the strength that can resist to kill a day of person truly, is seals the god grand ceremony and primordial chaos milestone. ” 十万年前的那次,应该是离成功最近的一次,也调查出了能真正对抗杀天之人的力量,也就是封神大典和鸿蒙丰碑。” The atmosphere in palace becomes subtle, originally slightly anxious meeting, turned into the deliberation of universal system unexpectedly. 殿里的气氛变得微妙起来,本来略显紧张的见面,竟然变成了世界体系的研讨。 However that confrontation feeling that both sides start, changed under this cognition impact one after another pale. Jiang Yi said: „ I know that you peace-loving, but meets the Emperor is only we arranges to kill the final stage of day of war, if successful, we will rally the world, prepares completely safe, if failed, this world will make same mistakes over again, after 不过双方开始的那股对峙感,也在这接连的认知冲击下变淡了很多。姜毅道:“我知道你们爱好和平,但迎战帝君只是我们筹备杀天之战的最后阶段,如果成功了,我们将重整世界,做好万全的准备,如果失败,这个世界将会重蹈覆辙,继 Is continuing the great antiquity until now 1 million years of fate. But Emperor you, as well as on the scene the has god level elf and spirit body, will be harvested to hunt and kill. ” 续着洪荒至今百万年的宿命。而帝君您,以及在场的所有神级精灵和灵体,都将被收割猎杀。” The elf Emperor facial expression is strange, this unexpected piece of news, done she is caught off guard. 精灵帝君神情怪异,这突如其来的消息,搞的她措手不及。 Jiang Yi last leaving time, has forecast that mysterious crisis, but always has no train of thought. 姜毅上次离开的时候,就已经预测到那场神秘危机,但始终没有任何思绪。 Other emperors are thinking processes Jiang Yi, deals with that crisis again slowly. 就连其他帝君们都想着处理完姜毅,再慢慢应付那场危机。 Finally? Their cognition to the crisis is so unexpectedly immature! They do not know existence of what terrifying oneself must face!! 结果呢?他们对危机的认知竟然如此稚嫩!他们根本就不知道自己要面对什么样恐怖的存在!! No wonder the world so cares for Jiang Yi!! 怪不得世界如此眷顾姜毅!! What is this? 这算是什么? Day electing child? 天选之子? If Jiang Yi they have not lied, perhaps she must reconsider the certain deployment of elf emperor clan. 如果姜毅他们没有说谎,她恐怕要重新考虑精灵帝族的某些部署了。 After all before then, she also to whether helps Jiang Yi meet the Emperor somewhat to worry, perhaps now...... she is the help/gang must help, does not help also probably help. 毕竟在这之前,她还对是否帮助姜毅迎战帝君有些顾虑,现在……她恐怕是帮也得帮,不帮也得帮。 The elf Emperor asked: That what...... un...... kills a day of person, when will come?” 精灵帝君问道:“那个什么……嗯……杀天之人,什么时候会来?” pill sovereign deeply raised the tone at this time, restores from the ponder, the connection said: 30,000 years ago that crisis, appears from the world inheritance to scattering the disaster arrives is almost 50 years, but the situation is now special, we must prepare ahead of time.” 丹皇这时候深提口气,从沉思里恢复过来,接口道:“三万年前那场危机,从世界传承出现到撒灾难降临差不多是五十年,但现在情况特殊,我们要做好提前的准备。” Approximately?” “大致呢?” „About ten years.” “十年左右吧。” Such short time, how many new emperors can the world be born? You and Jiang Cang ? It is not I suspected that the strengths of others, empty of half emperor requires the time, Jiang Yi you are the different kind, does not represent others is the different kind. “这么短的时间,世界能诞生几个新的帝君?你、姜苍,还有呢?不是我怀疑其他人的实力,半帝的虚化是需要时间的,姜毅你属于异类,不代表其他人都是异类。 30,000 years ago, eight emperors have not blocked that mysterious person, 30,000 years later, depends on 35 to achieve? ” 三万年前,八位帝君都没拦住那个神秘人,三万年后,就凭三五个就能做到?” Normal promotion is not possible, but if hunted and killed other emperors, should be hopeful.” “正常提升是不可能,但如果猎杀了其他帝君,应该有希望。” Half emperor is not feeds, let alone from half emperor to the Emperor, needs to greet a day of tribulation, the risk that also has, not who can easily break through.” “半帝不是喂养出来的,何况从半帝到帝君,需要迎接天劫,也存在的危险性,并不是谁都能轻易突破。” Your meaning is......” the Jiang Yi strange question, in this saying has the words. “您的意思是……”姜毅奇怪的反问,这话里有话啊。 You can actually consider, stirs up rebellion several emperors.” The elf Emperor shakes the head secretly. She was looks, this lunatic was really insane, never imagined the matter of cooperation unexpectedly. All hunts and kills the Emperor, remoulds own Emperor! Emperors hate to the marrow of the bones about me, not possible to work with me. Let alone do I make them work with me with what?” Jiang Yi shook the head directly, overruled this idea. Naturally, he do not slaughter all emperors, but wants in starting the town/subdues “你其实可以考虑,策反几个帝君。”精灵帝君暗暗摇头。她算是看出来了,这疯子是真疯,竟然想都没想过合作的事。全是猎杀帝君,重塑直属于自己的帝君!“帝君们对我恨之入骨,不可能跟我合作。何况我拿什么让他们跟我合作?”姜毅直接摇头,否决了这个想法。当然了,他不是要屠杀所有帝君,只是想要在开始的时候镇 Kills several, then finds the way to tidy up several other, for example the control, for example forms an alliance. „After everything must attempt, knows to be good. Your this type is not willing to attempt the attempt, really does not have the means that but is you are not willing to try to find the solution!” The elf Emperor reminded Jiang Yi seriously. She made the Emperor 30,000 years, the bearing capacity strove to excel relatively, secret that after the understanding killed a day of person, immediately starts to consider toward the distant place. Like the wonderful day empress they , some have not recovered now. 杀几个,然后再想办法收拾其他几个,比如掌控,比如结盟。“凡事都要尝试之后才知道行不行。你这种连尝试都不愿意尝试的,不是真没办法,而是你不愿意想办法!”精灵帝君严肃的提醒姜毅。她做帝君三万年了,承受能力相对要强,在了解杀天之人的秘密后,立刻就开始往远处考虑了。不像妙天女皇他们,现在还有些没有回过神来。
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