Pastorsets outslowly, takes the fishingtoolto arrive at the bow, looks atLittle Ye Tian in cockpit„to gotoward the north sidecenter of the lake.”帕斯特缓缓起身,拿着钓鱼工具来到船头,看着驾驶舱里的小叶天“朝北边湖心行驶吧。”All the wayexceptionallyuneventful, Water Elementonce for a whilepresentsseveral, the peoplearrive at the center of the lakegradually, Pastorhint the aback, deeplyinspiresto hang up the specially-madebait, flings the fishing poleto startto enter the sitting wellpattern, both eyeshas not left the lake surfacethroughout, is very wholly absorbed.
The lake surfacestartsto seethe with excitement.
湖面开始沸腾。„Started...”SpyingBladeto pull out the long swordto mutter.
“开始了```”刃觑抽出长剑喃喃道。Ye Cangdraws out the lake surface that dual gunstakes a fast look aroundis frothing overunceasingly, Zhang Zhengxiongstandsin the Pastorbodyleaningguard, Fang Cihurriesto summon the shades of twowithering.叶苍拔出双枪扫视着不断冒泡的湖面,张正雄站于帕斯特身侧护卫,方赐赶忙召唤出两只枯萎之影。„Little Wang, your can Water Elementmake the ice surface?”SpyingBladeinquired.
“小王,你的水元素能制造冰面吗?”刃觑询问道。„Ok, withfrozenmagic spell.”NextDoorOldWangnods the head.
“可以,用冰封法术。”隔壁老王颔首。„A whilemakesseveralice surfacesin the lake surface, formeandLele, Little Leimakes the springboard.”SpyingBladeinstructs a region.
“等会儿在湖面多制造几个冰面,供我和乐乐,小雷做跳板。”刃觑指示一片区域。„Came!”Ye Cangsinksto shout to clear the way, the water surfaceemitsseveralbigWater Element.
“来了!”叶苍沉喝道,水面冒出十几只较大的水元素。dual gunsstarts the burst, draws out the handthenattaches the magic bullet. Fire. The blasting cartridge, the fiery redenergyeggstrikesintocentralWater Element, has the fierceexplosion, liftsanotherspear|gunto gather the energyblasting cartridge under strengthFire Elementcrystal coreenergy, Lin Leflingsseveralfrangible grenades, the lake surfaceturns into the sea of fireimmediately, the heat wave and steambravesunceasingly, the Water Elementvolumeslowlyinchangingis small, but a dissipationhassecondto brave, NextDoorOldWangandWu Nastartto helpfor the close combatto build the ice surfacein the sea of fireedge, Ye Cangdo not look atfollowingFrozenCloudexcessively, severalhave come uptoward the ship, transfers the fireto firebackward, severalclose combatsthrew the weaponin the same place, Lin Lelost the fuel oil. Ignites the weapon, graspsflameweapon. The jumping upice surface, dealsfrom the sea of fire, butWater Element, simultaneouslyavoidsto shootWater Cannonandicearrow...unceasingly.双枪开始点射,起手便是附魔弹.火.爆炸弹,火红的能量蛋击入中央水元素,带起剧烈的爆炸,抬起另一只枪蓄力火系晶核能源下的能量爆炸弹,林乐一甩数个燃烧瓶,湖面顿时变成火海,热浪与蒸汽不断冒起,水元素的体积慢慢在变小,但一个消散就有第二个冒起来,隔壁老王与吴娜开始帮忙为近战在火海边缘搭冰面,叶苍别过头看着后面冰云这边,有数只朝船上来了,转火向后射击,几个近战将武器丢在一起,林乐将燃油丢了上去。引燃武器,一抓火焰武器。跳上冰面,应对从火海而出的水元素,同时躲避着不断射出来水炮和冰箭```。Peopleeach onesupports the coordinationmutuallyunusualis tacit, particularlyYe Cangin the remote precisionsuppression of relativetop digit, flame, becausedoes not have the groundto be like that lasting. Undergushing out of Water Element, the fire intensitychangesis gradually smallgradually, the Light Strike Arrayflamegushes outonce more, due to the terrainreason, the mightreducesgreatly, buthas also createdveryconsiderabledamageandstun(ned). Lin Leseizes the chanceonsea of fireto kill and burnonce more, the SpyingBladehotswordcutto killa great deal, thenshouts to clear the way„ice surface to break to pieces! Continue! Do not stop, do not outputto rememberother, completespaves the wayforuson the line!”
众人各自相互支援配合的非常默契,尤其是叶苍在相对高位的远程火力镇压,火焰由于没有地面那般持久。渐渐在水元素的涌出下,火势逐渐变小,光击阵的火光再次涌出,由于地形原因,威力大减,不过也造成了非常可观的伤害和眩晕。林乐趁机会再次上火海阵烧杀,刃觑火剑斩杀良多,回头喝道“冰面要碎了!继续!别停下来,不要输出想起其他的,做好为我们铺路就行!”Wu Nahurriesto continueto inspire the iceismagic spellpaves the way. NextDoorOldWangisGentotBillahopens the iceroadtowater surfacefully.吴娜赶忙继续引动冰系法术进行铺路。隔壁老王更是让托比拉到水面去全力开冰路。Fang Cilaunches the shadowarrowstrafe of staff, directs the retinuehelpsto attackat the same time, unceasingexerts the cursetoWater Element that comes outnewly, secretly said, the resistance of elementbiologytocurseis quite high, the effectis very common.方赐发射法杖的暗影箭扫射,使唤仆从去帮忙攻击的同时,不断的对新出来的水元素施加诅咒,暗道,元素生物对诅咒的抗性好高,效果很一般。
The close combat of Little Ye Tianunceasingtreatmentfront, brandishes the Mithrilscepter, holdsup the shieldforpeoplein addition. Sighed, tookmanymoves of 1-2trustworthyhas assisted, the Brother A'Xiongprimary interestwas the guardworks. Although can also actauxiliary, the desperateprayiseasy-to-use, butmight as welltransfer that the dutycomesto distributeinevitablydoes not needto lose concentration.小叶天不断的治疗前线的近战,挥舞秘银权杖,为众人加持光盾。叹了口气,还是要多招一两个信得过的辅助了,阿雄哥的主要职责是护卫工作。虽然也能充当辅助,绝望祈祷更是好用,但是必然不如转职来的那般分不用分神。Water Elementmorebraves, severalcircleto the shipsthat sidefrom one side, SpyingBladelooks atLin Leto say„Lele, makingLittle Leigo backto supportA'Xiong. Coming that althoughA'Xiongdeals with, butis absolutely safeforinsurance. Does not makeWater ElementattackPastor...”水元素越冒越多,有数只从侧面绕到船只那边,刃觑看着林乐说道“乐乐,让小雷回去支援阿雄。虽然阿雄应付的过来,但为保万无一失。不让水元素攻击到帕斯特```”„Um, Little Lei. YouhelpBrother Little Xiong!”Lin Leordered, the Tiger-kinLittle Leidoublehotblade edgechanged, severalsuperpowerleap that madeSpyingBladesigh, returned to the shipsrange„to giveLittle Lei and A'Xiongshopice surface!”
“嗯,小雷。你去帮助小雄哥!”林乐下令道,虎人小雷双火刃转向,几个让刃觑感叹的超强力跳跃,就回到了船只范围了“给小雷和阿雄铺冰面!”Wu Nafeelsquitebusily, looks atmanaunceasingreduction, spreadsseveralice surfaces, hurriesto sit downto put out the magicspring waterto startto drink„Little Wang, youtemporarilylimelight...”吴娜感觉好忙,看着魔法值不断的削减,铺好几个冰面,赶忙坐下拿出魔法泉水开始喝“小王,你暂时多注意点```”NextDoorOldWangalsobusybeing heavily engaged, coming that butdeals with, rejoicedownWater Elementmanawas highdid not saythatrestored the speedquiteto be also considerable, but can also supporta while.隔壁老王也忙的不可开交,但还是应付的过来,不禁庆幸自己水元素魔法值非常高不说,恢复速度也相当可观,还能支持一会儿。Zhang Zhengxiongjumps down the ships, is stepping onWater Element that ice surfaceandLittle Leideal with be caughtto come, regardingWater Cannon, icesarcheryZhang Zhengxiongdirectlyto eathardly, isPastorkeeps offfully.张正雄跳下船只,踩着冰面与小雷应对落网而来的水元素,对于水炮,冰箭术张正雄直接硬吃,全力为帕斯特挡下。ShiprearFrozenCloudwith the help of Ye Cang, the pressurereducesgreatly, the remote precisionsuppression of Team Leader was too fierce, turning head[say / way]„Team Leader, deals withcame, youhelpfront!”
船后方的冰云在叶苍的帮助下,压力大减,队长的远程火力镇压真的太猛了,回头道“队长,应付的过来了,你去帮前面的吧!”Ye Cangturns aroundto opento overloadto fire atpatternrapidly, flameenergy bulletstartsto inclineto the sea of fire, experiencesunceasinglybraves, SpyingBladewas sighingthisbrushes the experience is really crisp, thesedeal withWater Element that the scenecomes outare the eliteranks, the experienceis quite high!.叶苍转身开启过载急速射击模式,火焰能量弹开始向火海里倾斜,经验不断的冒起,刃觑感叹着这刷经验真是爽,这些应对场景出来的水元素都是精英级别的,经验相当高!。
The speed that Water Elementbravesgraduallyreducesgreatly, the lake surfacebelongs tograduallytranquilly, after the sea of fireextinguishes, the lake surfacefullis the Water Elementcorpse( bangle) is floating, the peoplerelaxed, a SpyingBladebrowwrinkle„do not relaxvigilant....”
渐渐水元素冒起的速度大减,湖面渐渐归于平静,火海熄灭后,湖面满是水元素的尸体(手镯)漂浮着,众人松了口气,刃觑眉头一皱“别放松警惕````”„Right...”Ye Cangeagle eyeslooks at the lake surface, the thunderousfishcame out, swims awaytoward the Pastorbaitposition, butatthis time, is fiercer, the spiritstrength that the lake surfaceseethed with excitementbravedlargely, SpyingBladeand the othersnot far awayevenpresented the giantvortex, the peoplehurriedto step onis attractedunceasingly the ice surfacestartedtoward the shiponRapid Retreat.
“没错```”叶苍鹰目看着湖面,雷鸣鱼出来了,朝帕斯特的鱼饵位置游去,而就在这个时候,湖面沸腾的更加厉害,灵力大幅冒起,刃觑等人不远处甚至出现了巨大的漩涡,众人赶忙踩着不断被吸过的冰面开始往船上急速撤离。Somewhatcould not escape from the vortexto encirclebynearSpyingBlade, Ye Cangkeenly blowing, went againstLittle Blue Feather that the parapetstood and waited for a long timeto flysuddenlyin the ship, SpyingBladefiercejumped, the ice surfacefell into the vortexto disruptimmediately, soarsto hold the Little Blue Feather'sclaw.
靠得较近刃觑有些逃不出漩涡圈了,叶苍尖啸一声,在船顶栏杆伫立的小蓝毛猛然飞去,刃觑猛的一跳,冰面顿时陷入了漩涡中碎裂,腾空抓住了小蓝毛的爪子。Little Blue Featheropeningaccelerates, towed the SpyingBladeglideto haul back the shipsforcefully, SpyingBladestepped on the ice surfaceto leap the jumping upships, the narrow squeak, had the warhawkfortunately, looks that Little Blue Feathersaid with a smile„thanked...”.小蓝毛开启加速,强行拖着刃觑滑翔拖回了船只这边,刃觑踩着冰面一跃跳上船只,好险,还好有战鹰,看着小蓝毛笑道“谢了```”。„Fool! Fools!”Little Blue Featheris similar to the parrotschool.
The SpyingBladecold sweatagain and again, his dayhas taughtthisbirdanything, among the glaringssawdanceskeep it uppoordemonWeak Saucein the ashoresafety seat, the Team Leaderpetlittle friend is really .....刃觑冷汗连连,他到底一天都教了这只鸟什么,晃眼间看到了在岸上安全位置跳舞加油的劣魔小弱鸡,队长的宠物小伙伴真是````。
The peoplecloselylook at the vortex, butPastordoes not haveanydisturbedpeacefulfishingas before, butlooks at the bait, calmmakesSpyingBladeand the othersgasp in admiration.
The vortexspouts the giantwater columnsuddenly, a about16metersgreatspatelumpappears, a pair of gianthandlinkreveals true colors, butlinkswithbodybelow and laketogether.
漩涡猛然喷出巨大的水柱,一只近16米的巨大水疙瘩出现,一对巨大的手环现形而出与身体下面与湖泊链接在一起。Ye Cangnarrows the eyeto recognize.叶苍眯眼辨识着。LakeWater Elementfeudal lord( High RankLeader. Element. Abyss): PerchesWater ElementLeaderinlake, the aggressivityis ordinary, butgets angryis dangerous, excels atWater Elementmagic, does not haveanyuse value, candivide the independenceitsconstitutionShuichengactually very goodwater quality.
The Water Elementfeudal lordwields the fist, the gianttiderushes the people, Ye Canghurriesto startto displayTidal Wave, goescompared with the smalltidehedge, in front ofboat the wavescatters, the two sidestideshave raidedfrom the ship, the hullhas swayedandis not affected much.水元素领主一挥拳头,巨大的浪潮涌向众人,叶苍赶忙开始施展水浪冲击,较小的浪潮对冲而去,将小船面前袭来的浪打散,两边的浪潮从船两边袭过,船身摇晃了一下并无大碍。„Ice surfaceopening! Lele, adds on the fuel oilourweaponsagain!”SpyingBladehurriesto throw the weapon, Lin Leisseveralpeople of weapongoodfuel oil, NextDoorOldWangandWu Nahurriestowater surfacecasting magic, severalice surfaces, the peoplejumpedto step on the ice surfaceto fire intoWater Element.
“冰面开路!乐乐,再将我们的武器加上燃油!”刃觑赶忙丢出武器,林乐为几人武器上好燃油,隔壁老王与吴娜赶忙对水面施法,几个冰面而出,众人跳下去踩着冰面冲向了水元素。„FrozenCloud, youandIstay behindprotectPastor.”Ye CangkeptFrozenCloud, oneselfnotnecessarilyworry about, NanaandLittle Wangalmostdo not haveanywheel trackregardingWater Element. ( to be continued )
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