PWE :: Volume #5

#455: Again with Pastor

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Joining of Ogre meats, the effect deviation Stamina aspect originally, making the HP promotion of people big, people but who the price in underground twitches. 食人魔肉类的加入,原本的效果更加的偏向体力方面,让众人的生命值提升较大,只不过代价是在地下抽搐的众人。 Really degree of hazard very big... of new ingredients Little Ye Tian wakes up each time, the calm analysis said. “果然每次新料理的危险程度都非常大```小叶天率先醒来,冷静的分析道。 Supplemented the people who good food condition arrive at the lake range, at this time at nightfall, the spirit strength of lake has been similar to the firefly luminous spot gushes out from the water surface, is passing the spiritual energy, momentarily night the lake actually emits the light gloss to be exceptionally beautiful. 补充好食物状态的众人来到湖泊范围,此时已经入夜,湖泊的灵力如同萤火虫光点般从水面涌出,透着灵气,随时夜晚湖泊却散发着淡淡的光泽异常美丽。 Similar to the lump Water Element matter rushes, the hand of doubtful double fist brings a pair of bangle, Ye Cang dual guns to be ready, to the people was saying that prepared.” 如同疙瘩般的水元素事儿涌向而出,疑似双拳的手部带着一对手镯,叶苍双枪就绪,对着众人说道“都准备好了吧。” Obtains the nod of people, Ye Cang inserts dual guns two flame crystal core, drew a pistol to open suddenly directly has overloaded rapidly, the flame bullet starts to act crazy under the addition that was expert in newly, Zhang Zhengxiong and other near offense and defenses waited for in the lakeside that SpyingBlade frowns, Fire Element Mage of team were too few! Must supplement that Fire Element Mage, was unable always to act as Fire Element Mage by Team Leader this tiger balm! He is inferior to Fire Element Mage after all like that full-time! Person who this team must recruit also has many, the full-time Goddess Association plant summon department, misses auxiliary! The Fire Element words, naturally NalanPureSoul is the first first choice, but that obviously impossible.... 得到众人的点头,叶苍将两枚火焰晶核嵌入双枪,猛然拔枪直接开启了急速过载,在新专精的加成下火焰子弹开始发飙,张正雄等近战守在湖畔等待,刃觑皱着眉头,队伍的火系法师太少了!必须要补充火系法师了,不能老是由队长这个万金油来充当火系法师!他毕竟不如火系法师那般专职!这个队伍要招收的人还有不少,专职女神协会的植物召唤系,辅助都差!火系的话,当然纳兰清魂是第一首选,但是那明显不可能``` Flame energy bullet damage is considerable, continually wells up on Water Element that comes ashore the steam to brave unceasingly, comes ashore the then rushed close combat, solves under the Lin Le fatal frangible grenade, quick brushed the links of 30 Water Element, but Wu Na and NextDoorOldWang function was minor, Water Element magic spell to these Water Element was the immunity. 火焰能量弹伤害非常可观,不断涌上岸的水元素身上蒸汽不断冒起,上岸便被冲上的近战,在林乐致命的燃烧瓶下解决,很快就刷到了30个水元素之环,而吴娜隔壁老王作用非常小,水系法术对这些水元素是免疫的。 Ye Cang changes crystal core, inspected under has stockpiled, many Fire Element crystal core. Was brought pit NalanPureSoul, LordAsked and the others mounts at this time the stock that many, big treasure chest was beckoning to oneself!! 叶苍换下晶核,检查了下储备,还有很多火系晶核。本来是拿来坑一下纳兰清魂,君莫问等人来镶嵌此时股不了那么多了,大宝箱在向自己招手!! Walks randomly along the lake, Ye Cang saw a dock, where has probably seen. Looks that in the dock rested cool uncle to think immediately, was Pastor! Shouts Uncle Pastor!!” 沿着湖泊游走,叶苍看到了一处船坞,好像在哪里见过。看着船坞上歇凉的大叔顿时想起来了,是帕斯特!喊道“帕斯特大叔!!” How Pastor in reorganization mentality fishes the fish that in this lake that most treasures, sees Ye Cang, Zhang Zhengxiong, Lin Le, the hearty laughter sets out „. Is you, has not thought that you left Really New Village, arrived at outside world wanderer .. to say some worried... 帕斯特在整理思路如何钓上这座湖泊中那条最珍惜的鱼,看到叶苍,张正雄,林乐,朗笑起身“哈哈。是你们啊,没想到你们真的离开了真新镇,到外面的世界闯荡``正说有些苦恼``` SpyingBlade , etc. has not completed the fishing quest person with Ye Cang, indicated the doubts, did they know? 刃觑等未和叶苍完成过钓鱼任务的人,表示疑惑,他们认识? Ye Cang leads the people to arrive at the dock. 叶苍带着众人来到船坞。 Pastor looks at Lin Le to walk. Pinched the shoulder of Lin Le what Rare fish to fish?” 帕斯特看着林乐走了过去。捏了捏林乐的肩膀“有钓到什么稀有的鱼类吗?” Lin Le earnest thinking returns to [say / way] not to know that others have forgotten... 林乐认真的想了想回道“不知道,人家忘记了``` Some Pastor cold sweat are quite speechless. 帕斯特颇有些冷汗无语。 Zhang Zhengxiong hurried to jump, watch out! Meets quest 100 general outline first! Uncle Pastor, looks at your face anxious look, thinks that has anything to need to help.” 张正雄赶忙跳了出来,看招!接任务100句之总纲第一句!“帕斯特大叔,看你一脸愁容,想必是有什么需要帮忙的吧。” SpyingBlade, FrozenCloud and the others speechless Zhang Zhengxiong novice 100 meet quest, others are speechless to you, where has any anxious look. 刃觑,冰云等人无语张正雄新手100句接任务,人家只是对你们无语,哪有什么愁容。 Good. Lake is a spirit strength lake, perches one name named Thunder Hunyu the Super Rare fingerling, but here Water Element are quite many. Repels the rodman very much, I do not fear these Water Element actually, but will disturb me to fish... to hope that you can escort for me once more, does not make me divert attention, its catches... Pastor to nod the head with single-hearted devotion said. “不错。克扎维湖泊是一座灵力湖泊,其中栖息着一种名叫雷魂鱼的超稀有鱼种,但是这里水元素相当多。很排斥垂钓者,我倒是不怕这些水元素,但是会干扰到我垂钓```希望你们能再次为我护航,不让我分心,专心将其捕获```帕斯特颔首说道。 Uncle Pastor, gives us.” Ye Cang said with a smile indifferently. 帕斯特大叔,交给我们吧。”叶苍淡然笑道。 Pastor looks at the Ye Cang attire. Front medal teasing line, this how long. Mixes good, count .... 帕斯特看着叶苍装束。胸前的勋章打趣道“行啊,这才多久。混的不错嘛,伯爵```` Where. Where.” Ye Cang modest [say / way]. “哪里。哪里。”叶苍谦虚道。 You embark to prepare, after a half hour embarks, I adjust the condition.” Pastor said that sits looks at the water surface to enter the ponder near the dock, the mouth twittering is fishing the mermaid to go back the warm bed, fishes the mermaid to go back warm bed ... “你们上船准备一下吧,半个小时后出发,我调整一下状态。”帕斯特说罢坐在船坞边上看着水面进入沉思,嘴里呢喃着“钓起美人鱼回去暖床,钓起美人鱼回去暖床``”。 SpyingBlade doubts looks at Ye Cang, FrozenCloud said in a soft voice this is I and Team Leader they triggers NPC in random that Really New Village meets, the reward is rich, quest NPC... that this should in the world non-periodically walk randomly 刃觑疑惑的看着叶苍,冰云轻声道“这是我和队长他们在真新镇遇到的一个随机触发npc,奖励非常丰厚,这应该是全世界不定期游走的任务npc``` SpyingBlade remembers Lin Le to fish, immediately understood, steps onto the steamship, closed right up against the parapet blowing, Little Ye Tian embarks to inspect the equipment, spied on to construct casually, carried on to force the ability to analyze through the engineering, then shook the head, lacked the core technologies, must disassemble the core the sunglasses engine and compress can know, but other totals were explained by her, has adjusted the control system. 刃觑想起林乐会钓鱼,顿时明白了,走上小轮船,靠着栏杆吹风,小叶天上船检查了一下设备,随便窥探一下构造,通过工程学进行强制能力解析,然后摇了摇头,还是缺乏核心技术,必须要拆开核心的墨镜引擎和收缩器才能知道,但其他全数被她解释完毕,调整了一下控制系统。 Ye Cang jumping up ship top sits, has inspected the crystal kinetic energy of spear|gun, changed has used 50% crystal core, exchanged brand-new, quality good Fire Element crystal core, FrozenCloud looked on the ship everywhere, when the time comes rear area defended A'Xiong, you were mainly responsible for the frontage, must be careful... 叶苍跳上船顶坐着,检查了一下枪的晶体动能,换下了用了一半的晶核,换上全新的,品质较好的火系晶核,冰云在船上到处看了看,到时候自己还是守后方“阿雄,你主要负责正面,一定要小心``` Zhang Zhengxiong has embraced FrozenCloud Little Dino, haven't I, you felt relieved? Ha Ha, dyes elder sister there to socialize by you... 张正雄揽过冰云小龙,我,你还不放心吗?哈哈,染姐那里就靠你周旋一下``` FrozenCloud the look is bad immediately, an elbow strikes the bang in its abdomen, but regarding Zhang Zhengxiong superficial, quite somewhat sour turning around did not need you to say! Hangs silk .. smelly 冰云顿时神色不善,一记肘击轰在其腹部,不过对于张正雄来说不痛不痒,颇有些酸的转身“不用你说!臭吊丝`` The Zhang Zhengxiong big hand grasps FrozenCloud once more, the forehead had been forcing up to the forehead, both eyes looking at each other said with a smile Little Dino, how actually I did not care about your appearance, life experience how, because I had also found from shatter, but now I and could not with you in the same place, I have a premonition, if I very much in the same place, I will lose very important thing now, can give some time?” 张正雄再次大手抓过冰云,额头对着额头顶了上去,双目对视笑道“小龙,其实我并不在乎你的样貌如何,身世如何,因为我也是从破碎中找到了自我,但是现在我和还不能和你在一起,我有种预感,我如果现在很在一起的话,我会失去非常重要的东西,能多给些时间吗?” FrozenCloud looks at Zhang Zhengxiong that silly smiling face, feels is holding of face to the powerful big hand, immediately blushes to bleed, the sound more said that is smaller whose... who must like you, I cannot... 冰云看着张正雄那傻傻的笑容,感受着捧着自己脸的那对有力的大手,顿时脸红出了血般,声音越说越小“谁```谁要喜欢你,我才不会呢``` You is a good woman, is the same with my elder sister, Little Dino, no matter you do like me, I only hope your health, so long as health anything is good, a healthy body is a healthy mind... no matter other, even if the friend, does not matter, because only will then go on living has the future, had .. acid ` sweet ` ` spicy... Zhang Zhengxiong to let loose FrozenCloud to carry giant axe to arrive at the bow painstakingly to look at the moonlight. “你是个好女人,和我姐姐一样,小龙,不管你喜不喜欢我,我只希望你身体健康,只要健康就什么都好,身体好才是真的好```不管是其他,哪怕是朋友,都无所谓,因为只有活下去才有未来,才有``酸`甜`苦`辣```张正雄放开了冰云扛着巨斧来到船头望着月色。 Regarding the Zhang Zhengxiong words, FrozenCloud does not know why nose acid, looks the Zhang Zhengxiong back dumbfounded. 对于张正雄的话,冰云不知为何鼻子一酸,看着张正雄背影呆住了。 Wu Na embraces FrozenCloud A'Xiong not to visit him to be tall, often punches the person, is actually very gentle careful, the fellow of being with good intention, once, sells the colored miss to sell the narcissus flower, a 200 federal coins price, but that miss selling quotation 20,000, he has not bought many times hesitant, will save and Ye Cang money has almost squandered, I thought at that time he is love child hobby + sb, finally I knew that in that miss family|home is very poor, the father serious illness, needs money to help in an emergency, you know the father who that young miss who is?” 吴娜揽过冰云阿雄别看他五大三粗,动不动就揍人,其实是个很温柔细心,善解人意的家伙,有一次,一个卖花的姑娘推销水仙花,一株200联邦币的价格,但那个姑娘喊价20000,他没有犹豫买了很多次,将自己积蓄和叶苍的钱几乎花光了,我当时觉得他是恋童癖+sb,最后我才得知,那个姑娘家里很穷,父亲重病,需要钱救急,你知道那个小姑娘的父亲是谁吗?” FrozenCloud shook the head. 冰云摇了摇头。 Actually you had seen recently frequently, is night market Old Wang, Old Wang exempted the list to them repeatedly, but Ye Cang insists on giving money with him, otherwise does not come... A'Xiong that fellow heart to be actually better than the heart of young miss, but he actually makes to be dreadful he appearance .... Wu Na to remember exquisite saying with a smile under Zhang Zhengxiong that semblance. “其实你最近经常见过,就是夜市老王,老王本来一再给他们免单,但叶苍与他执意给钱,不然就不来了```阿雄那家伙心地其实比小姑娘的心都要善良,但是他却老是做出让人害怕他的样子````吴娜想起张正雄那外表下的细腻笑道。 Zhang Zhengxiong looks at the moonlight, the elder brother, I gradually am also grasping the essence of younger sister hand, dyes the elder sister, waits for roaring of great artillery! ( to be continued ) 张正雄看着月色,哥,我也在逐步掌握把妹手的精髓,染姐,等待巨炮的怒吼吧!(未完待续)
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