PMG :: Volume #3

#790: May I ask the secret

Fierce.” The indifferent drinking sound transmits together, the stars annihilation, actually ice cold spirit arrives, bang the tremor sound spreads, Lin Feng lifts to look at the day, the world was covered, the whole body as if must frozen stiff. “厉害。”一道冷漠的喝声传来,星辰湮灭,却有一股冰寒至极的气息降临,轰隆的颤动声响传出,林枫抬起看天,天地都被遮挡,浑身都仿佛要被冻僵。 Sees only Yu Tianji to be built on void above, hand is holding a giant snowy mountain, Yu Tianji at this moment, seems the snow and ice great god, the arm trembles, immediately a snowy mountain pounds down toward Lin Feng loudly, bang the trembling sound as if must this day this crashing. 只见宇天机立于虚空之上,手托着一座巨大的雪山,此刻的宇天机,仿佛是冰雪巨神,手臂一颤,顿时一座雪山朝着林枫轰然砸下,轰隆隆的震颤声响仿佛要将这天这地给压垮来。 Many people feel this terrifying the pressure, eyesight have transferred, looks like toward here, saw that Yu Tianji holds the snowy mountain, shock must open the mouth, is unable to say the words to come, during the Tianchi empire was weakest the empire to revive from the past gradually, to present power and influence, town country influence Tianchi Xue peak youth one generation was really each generation produces talented people, his youth generation of leader was unexpectedly formidable to this grade of degree, haunched a snowy mountain by the hand, must crash Lin Feng. 许多人感受到这恐怖的威压,目光转过,朝着这边看来,见到宇天机手托雪山,一个个震惊得张开嘴巴,无法说出话来,天池帝国从昔日最弱之中品帝国渐渐复兴,到了如今的威势,其中镇国势力天池雪峰青年一辈果然是人才辈出,其青年一辈领袖人物竟然强大到这等程度,以手撑起一座雪山,要将林枫压垮。 Town!” Shouted angrily, the snowy mountain pounded down toward Lin Feng, bang the bang sound spread, under the snowy mountain as if must frozen live, the body of Lin Feng as if became stiff. “镇!”怒喝一声,雪山朝着林枫砸下,轰隆的巨响声传出,雪山之下都仿佛要冰封住,林枫的身体都仿佛变得僵硬。 Bang!” The snowy mountain twinkling arrives, oppresses in the Lin Feng top of the head, Lin Feng stares at an above snowy mountain, whole body brilliance is pasting continuous, the strength of Buddha demon crazy, the Lin Feng whole person as if changes to Venerable of realm of the devil, both hands lifts, wants to hold the day by the hand. “轰隆隆!”雪山瞬息降临,压迫在林枫头顶上,林枫盯着上空的一座雪山,浑身光华流转不休,佛魔之力疯狂了起来,林枫整个人仿佛化作一座魔道之尊,双手抬起,欲以手托天。 Bang!” Sound of tremor world a billowing rupturing, the snowy mountain was rumbled a hole, however the entire snowy mountain continues to oppress, must the Lin Feng suppression death. “轰!”一声滚滚的爆裂之音颤动天地,雪山都被轰出了一个窟窿,然而整座雪山继续压迫下来,要将林枫镇压死亡。 This time Yu Tianji steps on above the snowy mountain, footsteps maliciously treads, the inexhaustible strength spreads toward under by the snowy mountain, the entire snowy mountain potential is fiercer, Lin Feng whole person, by thorough burying snowy mountain, does not know that had by the snowy mountain suppression death. 此时的宇天机踩踏在雪山之上,脚步狠狠的一踏,无穷无尽的力量透过雪山朝着下方蔓延,整座雪山更加势猛,林枫整个人,也被彻底的埋葬到了雪山当中,也不知道有没有被雪山镇压死亡。 eyesight of many people are staring at that giant snowy mountain, a silence, was too strong, transforms together the snowy mountain as the attack method, buries the person, this terrifying strength, can lord it over absolutely here. 许多人的目光都盯着那座巨大的雪山,一阵沉默,太强了,幻化出一道雪山作为攻击手段,将人埋葬,这种恐怖的战力,绝对能够在这里称王称霸。 Ka and......” the sound of disruption spreads, above the snowy mountain, had a crack, immediately this crack is getting bigger and bigger, as if entire snowy mountain must split. “咔、咔嚓……”碎裂的声响传出,在雪山之上,出现了一道裂缝,随即这裂缝越来越大,仿佛整座雪山都要裂开来。 Bang!” The air/Qi of indifferent realm of the devil soars to the heavens wants the trembling vault of heaven, the Yu Tianji form to soar instantaneously, immediately sees under his body, Demon Shadow soars to the heavens together, held a huge hole that vast snowy mountain, rushes to the clouds, the body just like gust, kills toward the Yu Tianji bang of soaring, the strength is greatly boundless, the potential may break the day. “轰!”冲天的冷漠魔道之气要震颤苍穹,宇天机身影瞬间腾空而起,随即就看到在他的身下,一道魔影冲天,将那浩瀚的雪山捅了个天大的窟窿,冲上云霄,身体宛若一阵风般,朝着腾空的宇天机轰杀过去,力大无边,势可破天。 Buries!” Yu Tianji gives a loud shout, holds the strength to rumble, fearful snow groups bury toward Lin Feng, good vraisemblance must give burying Lin Feng, void middle, as if there is landing that the meteorite of snow keeps, pounds toward Lin Feng. “葬!”宇天机大喝一声,掌力轰出,一道道可怕的雪团朝着林枫葬去,好似真的要将林枫给埋葬,虚空当中,仿佛有雪之陨石不停的降落,朝着林枫砸过去。 Lin Feng double palm Qi Qihong, the strength of circulation Buddha demon, the strength is greatly infinite, nothing which is not extinguishes, these snow groups were rumbled to disrupt directly. 林枫双掌齐齐轰出,佛魔之力流转,力大无穷,无所不灭,那些雪团直接被轰得碎裂掉。 Finally, two forms oppose once again, but actually stands above void at this moment, stares mutually, their bodies, pass incomparably formidable rushing to fight intent as before. 终于,两道身影再度对立,不过此刻却是站在虚空之上,相互凝望,两人的身上,依旧透着无比强大的澎湃战意。 I thought that you have what method.” The Lin Feng indifferent putting out sound, the seven luminaries bloom together do not extinguish brilliance, is disillusioned before him as before the disruption, the snowy mountain is unable to make him ruin the life, Yu Tianji, but can also have what magical powers and his sword of resistance destroying the hardest defenses. “我看你还有何手段。”林枫冷漠的吐出一道声音,七曜绽放不灭光华,依旧在他面前破灭碎裂,雪山更无法让他葬送生命,宇天机,还能有何神通与他那无坚不摧之剑对抗。 „A last method.” Yu Tianji has smiled, is smiling to Lin Feng, that smiling face, somewhat is unexpectedly strange. “还有最后一种手段。”宇天机笑了,对着林枫而笑,那笑容,竟有几分诡异。 My, Yu Tianji, Lin Feng, I make you have a look, the Tianchi young generation of leader, actually has how magical powers method.” The Yu Tianji voice falls, both hands hold up, immediately, the hundred days in the sky, as if have the light of stars to bloom splendid light, the light of Big Dipper, the shining world, and Sun is equally bright. “我名,宇天机,林枫,我就让你看看,天池年轻一辈的领袖,究竟有怎么的神通手段。”宇天机话音落下,双手举起,顿时,百日当空,却仿佛又有星辰之光绽放出华光,北斗七星之光,照耀天地,和太阳一样明亮。 Must borrow the stars strength.” Lin Feng eyesight, this Yu Tianji method was too with deep veneration unique, with the strength of stars, perhaps this is also related with the Yu Tianji the magical powers method of talent and practice. “又要借用星辰力量吗。”林枫目光肃然,这宇天机的手段太独特了,借星辰之力,恐怕这也与宇天机的天赋和修炼的神通手段有关。 The powerhouses as for many Tianchi gain ground, are staring at the void dazzling stars brilliance, muttered whispers: Fairy not measured that knows secret.” 至于许多天池的强者则抬起头,盯着虚空中的耀眼星辰光华,喃喃低语:“神鬼莫测,知天机。” Stars splendid light of space becomes more and more radiant, in the Yu Tianji front, snowflake crazy dancing in the air, shines with the stars. 天上的星辰华光变得越来越璀璨,在宇天机的面前,雪花疯狂的飞舞,与星辰辉映。 Stars to direct, may I ask secret.” Yu Tianji both hands are solemn and respectful, put out together the holy voice, immediately, the light of endless stars as if gathers fearful sword glow, in the middle of the sword glow, there is a flame to bloom, but Yu Tianji on me, seems actually turning round a brilliance of realm of the devil, is cold and formidable, making the person look that then meets the innermost feelings to tremble. “星辰为引,借问天机。”宇天机双手肃穆,吐出一道圣洁的话音,顿时,无尽的星辰之光仿佛汇聚成一股可怕的剑芒,剑芒当中,又有火焰绽放,而宇天机本人身上,却仿佛覆着一层魔道的光华,寒冷、强大,让人看一眼便会内心震颤。 Um?” A pupil suddenly contraction of Lin Feng, what's the matter, this is how possible! “嗯?”林枫的瞳孔猛然一阵收缩,怎么回事,这怎么可能! The Swordsmanship will, the strength of terrifying sword, has the flame, endless burns a day of fire \; Demon air/Qi, Yu Tianji as if changes to Ancient Demon. 剑道意志,恐怖的剑之力量、还有火焰,无尽的焚天之火\;还有魔气,宇天机仿佛化作古魔 At this moment, the Lin Feng shock must unable to speak, three magical powers strengths, are belong to his strength completely, the fairy not measure Yu Tianji, may I ask the secret, is borrowing the Lin Feng strength. 这一刻,林枫震惊得说不出话来,三种神通力量,全部都是属于他的力量,神鬼莫测宇天机,借问天机,是在借用林枫的力量。 The sword and flame, as well as the strength of Buddha demon, Lin Feng had used a moment ago the strength, this moment Yu Tianji, he inspires the stars, taking advantage of uses it. 剑、火焰,以及佛魔之力,刚才林枫使用过的力量,此刻宇天机,他引动星辰,借而用之。 Lin Feng eyesight is staring at Yu Tianji, saw only at this time that pair of pupil of Yu Tianji becomes the monster different, seemed not eyesight of person, but was brilliance of stars, that pair of pupil penetrated the stars, as if must see through all. 林枫目光盯着宇天机,只见此时宇天机的那双眸子变得妖异了起来,仿佛不是人的目光,而是星辰的光华,那双眸子透过星辰,仿佛要看穿一切。 Good fearful magical powers method.” Lin Feng mind maliciously trembles, so long as he had used a moment ago the magical powers method, Yu Tianji, can borrow unexpectedly, the fairy not measures and knows the secret, this probably is the origin of this words, a Tianchi Xue peak youth generation of leader, is really out of the ordinary. “好可怕的神通手段。”林枫心神狠狠的一颤,只要他刚才使用了过的神通手段,宇天机,竟然都可以借用,神鬼莫测、知天机,这大概便是此话之由来吧,天池雪峰青年一辈的领袖人物,果然非比寻常。 Lin Feng thinks that despises any talent by own magical powers method sufficiently, but some people can resist with him eventually, fights with him. 林枫以为凭借自己的神通手段足以蔑视任何天才,但终究有人能够与他对抗,与他一战。 The leaders of these terrorist forces, the strength will be how weak. 那些恐怖势力的领袖人物,实力岂会弱。 The brilliance of as well as the sword glow crazy gathering flame, the stars are the embellishment, terrifying spirit howls in void, is gathering, as if Yu Tianji this strikes, must defeat Lin Feng. 火焰之光华以及剑芒疯狂的汇聚,还有星辰为点缀,恐怖的气息在虚空中呼啸,在聚集,仿佛宇天机这一击,就要将林枫击败。 Lin Feng eyesight stubbornly is staring at Yu Tianji, this is his strength, is only present Yu Tianji, gathers his strength at completely, attaches by the strength of strengths and snow and ice of stars again, to the inconceivable situation, he wants to explain this to strike formidable, the strength add also to compared with he had used a moment ago more formidable attack method, otherwise, he must defeat. 林枫目光死死的盯着宇天机,这都是他自己的力量,只是如今的宇天机,将他的力量全部聚集在起来,再附以星辰的力量和冰雪的力量,强大到不可思议的地步,他想要破解这一击,就要比刚才他使用过的力量加起来还要更强大的攻击手段,否则,他必败。 Too certainly, by the Yu Tianji powerful method, who and he fought to be able not to put out the terrifying strength to come, once took, will use for him, the strength that you put out was more formidable, he may I ask it by the stars, was stronger. 太绝了,凭借宇天机的强悍手段,谁和他战能不拿出恐怖的战力来,一旦拿出来了,就将为他所用,你拿出的战力越强大,他以星辰借问之,也就更强。 Yu Tianji, must win.” Some people are still waiting and seeing the void fight, secret passage. 宇天机,要胜了。”有人还在观望虚空的战斗,暗道一声。 Did not have the suspense, this Yu Tianji, was too truly fearful, the fairy not measured.” “没有悬念了,这宇天机,确实太可怕了,神鬼莫测。” At this moment, all people by the Yu Tianji method shocking, have thought that the fight did not have the suspense, Lin Feng, was impossible to defeat Yu Tianji again, his where also possibly used compared with add also to want the terrifying a moment ago the attack method. 这一刻,所有人都被宇天机的手段给震撼到了,认为战斗已经没有悬念,林枫,已经不可能再战胜宇天机,他哪里还可能使用出比刚才加起来还要恐怖的攻击手段。 Lin Feng eyesight is staring at Yu Tianji, the double pupil is solemn and respectful, now was in so the situation, evades not to be possible to evade, only makes the breakthrough, fights. 林枫目光凝视着宇天机,双眸肃穆,如今已经到了如此地步,避无可避,唯有突破自我,去战。 The eye pupil shuts, unceasing interweaving reverberation of 80 together designs in mind, that design, as if must not melt the same place. 眼眸微闭,80一道图案在脑海当中不断的交织回荡,那一道道图案,仿佛要相融不一起。 A fearful sword intent winding of dying out around the body of Lin Feng, crazy is howling, void middle, completely is the endless sword glow, the handle sword eats delicacies in the anger ten million/countless, just likes the mountain eats delicacies at the avalanche and sea in the anger. 一股寂灭的可怕剑意缠绕在林枫的身体周围,疯狂的呼啸着,虚空当中,全部都是无尽的剑芒,千万柄剑在怒啸,犹如山在崩塌、海在怒啸。 Good talent.” Yu Tianji is staring at Lin Feng, has not thought that Lin Feng saw his method is unexpectedly happy does not fear, but can also have so fearful war intent, release so formidable sword glow. “好一个天才。”宇天机盯着林枫,没想到林枫看到他的手段竟怡然不惧,还能有如此可怕的战意,释放如此强大的剑芒。 Lin Feng, you could rest assured that I will not kill you, Tianchi youth [lineage/vein], I for the leader, you am my assistant, your my two people in, what worried that Tianchi does not dominate Dry Region.” Yu Tianji said lightly, said: Was careful.” 林枫,你放心,我不会杀你,天池青年一脉,我为领袖,你做我副手,你我二人同在,何愁天池不称霸乾域。”宇天机淡淡的说了一声,道:“小心了。” The sword is roaring, flame to tumble in combustion and demon spirit , the stars are radiant, the snow and ice like the cold winter, five powerful strengths, in this flash, bloom. 剑在怒吼、火焰在燃烧、魔之气息翻滚,星辰璀璨,冰雪如寒冬,五种强悍的力量,在这一瞬间,绽放。 Sees only together the colorless sword glow, is having the unequalled destruction strength, cuts. 只见一道无色剑芒,带着无与伦比的毁灭力量,斩出。 Looks at Lin Feng again, he as if has not felt that to destroy all sword light, the sword glow, simultaneously the normalizing, has not shot ten million/countless, but covered on his body, the Lin Feng whole person, seemed has burnt, his form disappeared does not see, but in position that he stood, presented a handle sword, but also was bringing several wisps of human form swords, sword of destroying the hardest defenses. 再看林枫,他仿佛没有感受到那毁灭一切的剑光,千万剑芒,同时归一,没有射出去,而是覆盖在了他的身上,林枫整个人,好似燃烧了起来,他的身影消失不见,而在他所站立的位置,出现了一柄剑,还带着几缕人形的剑,无坚不摧的剑。 Lin Feng whole person, the first time, true, melts the sword! 林枫整个人,第一次,真真正正的,化剑! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 790 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第790章 May I ask the secret address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 借问天机地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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