PMG :: Volume #3

#789: Seven luminaries stars

Under the strong liquor the throat, Lin Feng and the others only felt that roaring flame burns in within the body, is very painful. 烈酒下喉,林枫等人只感觉一股烈焰在体内燃烧,好不痛苦。 Roar!” Huangfu Long roars, the sound spreads, the liquor unceasing disruption in their hand, swallow, void middle, is sprinkling spirit of liquor, quick. “吼!”皇甫龙怒吼一声,咔嚓的声响传出,他们手中的酒不断的碎裂,入肚,虚空当中,都洒着酒之气息,快哉。 War!” “战!” War!” “战吧!” The sound of shouting angrily puts out from the mouth of Jun Mo Xi as well as Yun Fei Yang, Ancient Bell plays, the golden long gown is eye-catching, fights intent Ling Tian, today, the necessity gives incarnadine this lands. 怒喝之声从君莫惜以及云飞扬的嘴中吐出,古钟奏响,金色的长袍夺目,战意凌天,今日,必要将这片土地给染红。 Lin Feng eyesight has transferred, eye pupil fell on the body of Yu Tianji, from top to bottom, completely was the inexhaustible sword glow, murdered all, destroyed the hardest defenses, all kept off before him, must die. 林枫目光转过,眼眸落在了宇天机的身上,浑身上下,全部都是无穷无尽的剑芒,杀伐一切,无坚不摧,所有挡在他面前的,都要死。 War.” Lin Feng footsteps one cross, is bringing several points of air/Qi floating, the sharp sword glow direct impact clouds, as if have the handle sword ten million/countless simultaneously to howl around his body, wind around in that as if must puncture all Tian. “战。”林枫脚步一跨,带着几分飘然之气,锋锐之剑芒直冲云霄,仿佛有千万柄剑同时在他的身体周围呼啸,缭绕在那,仿佛要刺破诸天。 Good terrifying Swordsmanship spirit.” The eye pupil of crowd one stiff, Lin Feng strength, very strong, is really Swordsmanship will Sixth Layer, was too fearful, by his strength, despises the outstanding heroes sufficiently, now, but does not know that Yu Tianji fierce, a Tianchi youth generation of leader, thinks that disappointingly will not be right. “好恐怖的剑道气息。”人群的眼眸一僵,林枫的实力,好强,果然是剑道意志第六重,太可怕了,以他的实力,足以蔑视群雄,如今,只是不知道那宇天机有多厉害,天池青年一辈的领袖,想必不会让人失望才对。 The people of Tianchi also stare at Lin Feng, the eye pupil are coagulating, has saying that if makes them face Lin Feng, without one is the match, must be cut to kill by Lin Feng easily, the strength of Sixth Layer Swordsmanship will, they are unable to resist, if the war, must die without doubt. 天池之人也一个个盯着林枫,眼眸凝固,不得不说,若是让他们面对林枫,没有一个是对手,轻易就要被林枫斩杀,六重剑道意志的力量,他们无法抵挡,若战,必死无疑。 eyesight looks to Yu Tianji, their eye pupils reveal the sharp meaning, the fairy not measure Yu Tianji, the he and Lin Feng war, who wins who defeats. 目光看向宇天机,他们的眼眸都露出锋锐之意,神鬼莫测宇天机,他与林枫之战,谁胜谁败。 The Yu Tianji victory, that two formidable treasure, will turn over to Yu Tianji to assign, the itself powerful strength adds on the terrifying again the treasure, Yu Tianji will be more fearful. 宇天机胜,那两件强大的宝物,将归宇天机来分配,本身强悍的实力再加上恐怖的宝物,宇天机将会更可怕。 Naturally, if the Yu Tianji defeat, he must give Lin Feng the position of leader, acknowledged that Lin Feng is the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak [lineage/vein] of head, takes Lin Feng as Venerable? 当然,若宇天机败,他难道真要将领袖之位让给林枫,承认林枫为首的天璇峰一脉,以林枫为尊? Will not defeat, Yu Tianji has to receive and instruct the strength of stars, the fairy not measures the energy, even if the Lin Feng sword is mad Ling Tian, same will defeat in the hand of Yu Tianji.” In the person popular-feeling the secret passage, has filled self-confidently to Yu Tianji, Tianchi Xue peak youth generation of leader Yu Tianji, had never heard he has the defeat. “不会败的,宇天机拥有接引星辰之力,神鬼莫测之能,即便林枫剑气凌天,一样会败在宇天机的手中。”人群心中暗道,对宇天机充满了自信,天池雪峰青年一辈领袖人物宇天机,从未听说过他有败绩。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” endless sword air/Qi to put out toward Yu Tianji, the person, has not seemed must separate his body, kills. “嗤、嗤……”无尽的剑气朝着宇天机吐出,人未至,就好似要将他的身体都割裂,杀死。 Snow!” In the mouth of Yu Tianji puts out together sound, immediately, surrounding space as if changed, changes to places of the snow and ice, snowflake Fei Yang \ flying upwards, from airborne sprinkles, above the ground, is covering the hoar frost, the thought moves, making the trim space change, fearful prestige energy. “雪!”宇天机的嘴中吐出一道声音,顿时,周围的空间仿佛变了,化作一片冰雪之地,雪花飞扬,从空中洒落,地面之上,覆盖着白霜,意念一动,让整片空间都变化,可怕的威能。 Will and Sixth Layer.” The eye pupil of crowd concentrates, Lin Feng has the Sixth Layer Swordsmanship will strength, destroys the hardest defenses, but Yu Tianji, has Sixth Layer boundary the will of snow unexpectedly, world Piao Xue. “意志、六重。”人群的眼眸一凝,林枫拥有六重的剑道意志力量,无坚不摧,而宇天机,竟有六重境界的雪之意志,天地飘雪 Bang!” Footsteps numerous treading of Lin Feng above ground, fearful sword air/Qi crazy, all throws toward Yu Tianji, makes the sharp sound, Yu Tianji has Sixth Layer the will of snow, however the Lin Feng brow has not actually wrinkled, only has Ling Tian to fight intent, Yu Tianji is not strong, the war, is insignificant. “轰!”林枫的脚步重重的踏在地面之上,可怕的剑气疯狂了起来,全部朝着宇天机扑过去,发出锐利的声响,宇天机拥有六重的雪之意志,然而林枫却眉头都未曾皱一下,唯有凌天战意,宇天机不强,战,都无意义。 The snowflake floats, extremely cold spirit fills the air in airborne, wants the frozen entire space world, that fearful sword air/Qi seemed frozen by the cold frost, when the might decreases suddenly, arrives at the Yu Tianji side, unexpectedly dissipation in invisible. 雪花飘飘洒洒,极其寒冷的气息弥漫在空中,要冰封整个空间世界,那可怕的剑气都仿佛被寒霜所冻结住,威力顿减,到达宇天机身边之时,竟消散于无形。 Was too formidable, I am not a rival, now when must ride they are fighting captures the treasure, otherwise does not have the opportunity.” In the person popular-feeling has many ideas, had Yun Fei Yang as well as Jun Mo Xi of Ancient Bell as well as long gown was very terrorist, if other Lin Feng and Yu Tianji finished, prevented them again, they will not have the opportunity. “太强大了,我不是敌手,现在一定要乘着他们战斗之时夺得宝物,否则的话更没有机会。”人群心中生出许多想法,拥有古钟以及长袍的云飞扬以及君莫惜已经很恐怖了,若是等林枫宇天机战罢,再阻止他们,他们将没有机会。 Bang terrifying spirit crazy blooming, has spelled, they arrive at the mystical place, to not capture the treasure, formidable oneself, seizes a wisp of chance, now the opportunity in the front, how can firmly not hold. 轰隆的恐怖气息疯狂的绽放,拼了,他们来到秘境,不正是为了夺得宝物,强大自身,夺一缕机缘吗,如今机会就在面前,怎能不牢牢抓住。 Kills.” “杀。” Bang!” “轰隆!” Murdered spirit crazily, the flames of war combustion, Jun Mo Xi and the others early were prepared, does not need to wait till other people to begin, their footsteps in abundance have then stepped forward, Jun Mo Xi was throwing over the radiant golden long gown, speed like lightning, and destroyed the hardest defenses, Yun Fei Yang stimulated to movement Ancient Bell, the ding is playing, just liked the music movement of death \; Huangfu Long Dragon Qi, sweeps away all obstacles \; Tang Youyou foot pedal ramble step, the terrifying palm strength is also playing the powerful might. 杀伐之气息疯狂了起来,战火燃烧,君莫惜等人早有准备,不需要等到其他人动手,他们的脚步便已纷纷跨出,君莫惜披着璀璨的金色长袍,速度如闪电,且无坚不摧,云飞扬催动着古钟,钟声奏响,犹如死亡之乐章\;皇甫龙一身龙气,所向披靡\;唐幽幽脚踏逍遥步法,恐怖的掌力也发挥着强悍的威力。 The war, breaks out instantaneously, this is also the crowd steps into the middle of this mystical place a largest collision, hundred people fight. 大战,瞬间爆发,这也是人群踏入这片秘境当中最大规模的一次碰撞,百人大战。 Lin Feng and Yu Tianji when the middle of crowd, Lin Feng step forward step by step, each steps seems passing the infinite power and influence, sword intent Ling Tian, cuts to extinguish all, is getting stronger and stronger, to at this moment, the trim space completely is the swords, endless sword, such as angry sea raging waves. 林枫宇天机在人群的中间,林枫一步步跨出,每一个跨出去之时都仿佛透着无穷的威势,剑意凌天,斩灭一切,越来越强,到此刻,整片空间已经全部都是剑,无尽的剑,如怒海狂涛。 The sword and lord murder and destroy the hardest defenses, although Yu Tianji the will and Lin Feng snow Swordsmanship will similarly for Sixth Layer, however is unable to resist the murdering of might sword as before. 剑、主杀伐、无坚不摧,虽然宇天机的雪之意志与林枫的剑道意志同样为第六重,然而依旧无法抵挡剑之杀伐威力。 The snowflake was separated by the sword air/Qi unceasingly, Yu Tianji happy does not fear, the look is solemn and respectful, both hands concentrate seal, the direction is void, immediately, as if seven stars were received and instructed , the light of stars endures compared with the hot sun, in Yu Tianji interweaving, changes to the Big Dipper design, stirring. 雪花不断被剑气所割裂,宇天机怡然不惧,神色肃穆,双手凝印,指向虚空,顿时,仿佛有七颗星辰被接引而下,星辰之光堪比烈日,在宇天机身上的交织,化作七星图案,震撼人心。 Receives and instructs the stars.” The eye pupil of Lin Feng concentrates, the light of Sun, sprinkles from the upper air, falls on that endless sword, the handle sword, is passing the light of fearful and eye-catching Sun ten million/countless, as if the sword is burning, only if sharp air/Qi of destroying the hardest defenses, but also is passing nothing which is not the destruction meaning of however. “接引星辰。”林枫的眼眸一凝,太阳之光,从高空洒下,落在那无尽的剑上,千万柄剑,都透着可怕而夺目的太阳之光,仿佛剑在燃烧,除非了无坚不摧的锋锐之气,还透着无所不然的毁灭之意。 This is the union of will and flame will sword, so perfect. 这是剑之意志与火焰意志的结合,如此的完美。 Normalizing sword Secret Art, kills!” Lin Feng shouted angrily, the world delimited one, that endless sword and flame of terrifying combustion merged into one organic whole, the will and the flame will sword also bloomed, the sword invaded the world and roaring flame to burn the day, trim world Du shouted the murdering of sound Tsunami. “归一剑诀,杀!”林枫怒喝一声,天地划一,那无尽之剑与恐怖燃烧的火焰融为一体,剑之意志与火焰意志同时绽放,剑侵天下、烈焰焚天,整片天地都山呼海啸之杀伐声音。 Receives and instructs the stars, does not extinguish brilliance taking advantage of me.” Yu Tianji puts out the sound finally, the stars of seven luminaries links up into a single stretch together, in his front, stars brilliance spreads across, interweaves a dazzling stars design, does not send out the light of extinguishing. “接引星辰,借我不灭之光华。”宇天机最终吐出一道声音,七曜之星辰连成一片,在他的面前,一道道星辰光华纵横交错,交织成一璀璨夺目的星辰图案,发出不灭之光。 Bang!” “轰!” The sword of destruction with burning a day of flame cuts above the stars brilliance, the fearful ray as if must swallow the world, keeping the eye of crowd from opening. 毁灭之剑与焚天之焰斩在星辰光华之上,可怕的光芒仿佛要吞噬天地,让人群的眼睛都无法睁开来。 „!” The sound spreads together, sees only in the stars of seven luminaries, three stars disrupt accordingly, but other four stars slightly gloomy instantaneously, immediately became dazzling, ray circulation continuous. “咔嚓!”一道声响传出,只见七曜之星辰中,有三颗星辰应声碎裂,而另外的四颗星辰稍微暗淡了瞬间,随即又变得璀璨夺目了起来,光芒流转不休。 Um?” Eye pupil of Lin Feng one stiff, Yu Tianji, is very strong, does not know that has any unusual strength, may receive and instruct the stars unexpectedly, turns the seven luminaries stars to use into oneself, even if not depend upon another six people of strengths, as before that formidable, the sword of his fusion Swordsmanship will as well as flame will, but cut to break to pieces three stars. “嗯?”林枫的眼眸一僵,宇天机,果然很强,不知道拥有什么奇特的力量,竟然可接引星辰,化七曜星辰为己用,即便不依靠另外六人的力量,依旧是那么的强大,他那融合剑道意志以及火焰意志的一剑,只是斩碎了三颗星辰。 brilliance of stars, will extinguish never.” “星辰的光华,是永远不会熄灭的。” The Yu Tianji light putting out sound, sees only that seven luminaries stars design together, four stars past crazily, shortly, was cut the broken three stars by Lin Feng, shone the eye-catching light once again. 宇天机淡淡的吐出一道声音,只见那七曜星辰图案,四颗星辰疯狂流转,顷刻间,那被林枫斩碎的三颗星辰,再度亮起了夺目之光。 In the Lin Feng eye reveals the strange color, the good unusual magical powers ability, the world really every possible strange thing of martial arts, is not he can estimate that various formidable magical powers abilities are innumerable, said this Yu Tianji, can actually receive and instruct the stars, the stars of strength yun seven luminaries, blooms not to extinguish brilliance. 林枫的眼中露出奇异之色,好奇特的神通能力,武道的世界果然无奇不有,不是他能够揣度的,各种强大的神通能力数不胜数,就说这宇天机,竟然能够接引星辰,酝七曜之星辰力量,绽放出不灭之光华。 „It is not right, the might was weaker.” Lin Feng has a sensation, heart like the bright mirror, that three becomes the radiant stars, brilliance had been inferior that another four are so radiant, even if the light of stars, possibly does not extinguish. “不对,威力弱了些。”林枫的有所感知,心如明镜,那三颗重新变得璀璨的星辰,光华已经不如另外四颗那么璀璨,即便是星辰之光,也不可能是不灭的。 Kills!” “杀!” The Lin Feng footsteps tread loudly, immediately is the light of inexhaustible sword glow direct impact that stars, the bang ka, is two stars disrupts, the light of seven luminaries, remaining two were only most eye-catching. 林枫脚步轰然一踏,顿时又是无穷无尽之剑芒直冲那星辰之光,轰咔,又是两颗星辰碎裂掉,七曜之光,只剩下了两颗最为夺目了。 The Yu Tianji eye pupil concentrates, has not thought that Lin Feng had suddenly discovered the mystery, in the corners of the mouth is passing together the indifferent meaning, his double palm trembles, immediately the light of seven luminaries stars revolves crazily, oppresses Lin Feng from void, with the strength of world stars, suppresses Lin Feng, sword, as if weakened. 宇天机眼眸一凝,没想到林枫竟然发现了其中奥秘,嘴角中透着一道冷漠之意,他的双掌一颤,顿时七曜星辰之光疯狂旋转,从虚空中压迫林枫,借天地星辰的力量,来镇压林枫,剑,仿佛削弱了许多。 Very fearful destruction strength.” The light of seven luminaries covers his body, how regardless of he dodges as if cannot avoid shining of stars, his body as if had a stiffness, the light of that stars starts to exterminate the space, strangles to death to come toward him, spirit of dying out is formidable. “很可怕的毁灭力量。”七曜之光将他的身体笼罩住,无论他如何闪躲仿佛都避不开星辰的照耀,他的身体都仿佛有了一丝僵硬,那星辰之光开始剿灭空间,朝着他绞杀而来,寂灭之气息强大无比。 Gives me to break.” Lin Feng finger of Qingtian, the fingertip completely is destroying the hardest defenses sword intent, sees only the endless sword gasification to do melts in two sharp swords finally, punctures that final two stars, the light of seven luminaries, immediately became gloomy. “给我破。”林枫一指擎天,指尖全部都是无坚不摧的剑意,只见无尽的剑气化作最终融于两道利剑,刺破那最后两颗星辰,七曜之光,顿时变得暗淡了许多。 Really.” After Lin Feng is disillusioned seven stars, although the light of seven luminaries is also pasting, but was dim. “果然。”林枫破灭七颗星辰之后,七曜之光虽然还在流转,但已经黯淡了很多。 Broken, broken and broken......” body soars to the heavens, the Lin Feng fist bang above the seven luminaries, bang the destruction sound spreads, the seven luminaries disruption, vanishes in puff of smoke! “破、破、破……”身体冲天,林枫的拳头轰在七曜之上,轰隆的毁灭声响传出,七曜碎裂,灰飞烟灭! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 789 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第789章 Seven luminaries stars address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 七曜星辰地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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