PDL :: Volume #1

#2: A wish

Qin Shi had just gotten back one's composure, by draw before a luxurious restaurant. 秦石刚回过神,就被拉到一座奢华的酒楼前。 This restaurant, named Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant, is on Desolate Town the biggest restaurant. 这座酒楼,名为醉仙楼,乃是荒镇上最大的酒楼。 Was looking at the Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant three characters same place, Qin Shi. This Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant, was he once, was Qin Family Young Master time, place that Chang to come whiled away the time. However nowadays, actually can only become expects. 望着醉仙楼三个字,秦石愣在了原地。这个醉仙楼,可是他曾经,还是秦家大少的时候,常来消遣的地方。但是现如今,却只能成为奢望了。 Walks, Brother Shi, we go.” “走,石头哥,咱们进去。” Liu Yan Bing pays no attention to Qin Shi, drew him to walk directly, looked to sit down after the position of corner, shouted: waiter, your Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant, the most luxurious banquet, takes to me.” 柳颜冰不理秦石,拉着他直接走了进去,找了个靠角落的位置坐下后,喊道:“小二,把你们醉仙楼,最豪华的酒席,都给我拿上来。” Most luxurious banquet?” “最奢华的酒席?” Qin Shi surprised, just wanted to open the mouth to stop, but has gotten back one's composure to think: Bing’er still in Qin Family, this expense regarding her, pours is also nothing, happen to can also make me exit the foul odor, since this is short was expelled Qin Family, this Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant person, does not have been seeing me.” 秦石惊讶下,刚欲开口阻拦,但回过神想到:“冰儿还在秦家,这点费用对于她来说,倒也算不了什么,正好也能让我出口恶气,自从本少被逐出秦家后,这醉仙楼的人,就没正眼看过我。” Thinks of here, he has not stopped. 想到这里,他也就没有阻拦。 Whoops feeds, I at that time was anyone, Qin Young Master?” “哎呦喂,我当时谁,原来是秦大少啊?” Shop waiter just walked, has the expression of satire to ridicule saying: I said Qin Young Master, did you make a mistake? Depending on your this poor and pedantic type, matches to eat here most luxurious banquet?” 小二刚走上来,就带着讽刺的语气揶揄道:“我说秦大少,你搞错了吧?就凭你这穷酸样,也配吃我们这里最奢华的酒席?” Lets on you, you on, which come that many idle talk.” “让你上,你就上,哪来那么多废话。” Qin Shi is disgruntled, refers to finger of Liu Yan Bing saying: You have not seen, my younger sister such? Also feared that can't pay your one banquets?” 秦石不悦,指指柳颜冰道:“你没看见,我妹妹在这么?还怕付不起你们一桌酒席?” Sees Liu Yan Bing, that shop waiter restrains obviously, the intonation is also politer: Originally is Lady Bing’er, good, good, I make the human serve food now to you.” 见到柳颜冰,那店小二明显收敛起来,语调也客气许多:“原来是冰儿姑娘啊,那好,那好,我现在就让人给你们上菜去。” Few idle talk, go!” “少废话,快滚!” Qin Shi, under the domineering racket table, scolded the sentence after wickedly, in the heart is loudly shouts happily: Ahem, hasn't the real air vent, thought? This little also has one day of turning over 秦石,跋扈的拍下桌子,恶狠狠的骂了句后,心中却是大呼痛快:“哼哼,真出气,没有想到吧?本少也有翻身的一天” That shop waiter was scolded the sound, air/Qi itchy of root, but concerned about existence of Liu Yan Bing, pours does not dare hurriedly, turns around to walk after the kitchen. 那店小二被骂声,气的牙根之痒,但碍于柳颜冰的存在,倒也不敢造次,转身就朝着后厨走去。 Probably passed half an hour. 大约过了半个钟头。 Color fragrance complete dishes, took the table by shop waiter, on is uneven, his face flattery said with a smile toward Liu Yan Bing: I said Lady Bing’er, you looked at the vegetable entire, did we have the account?” 一道道色香味俱全的菜,被店小二拿上桌来,等全都上齐后,他一脸奉承的朝柳颜冰笑道:“我说冰儿姑娘,你看菜都全了,咱们是不是把账结下?” Hears this saying, Qin Shi wrinkles close, shop waiter this type disregards him directly, calls behavior that Liu Yan Bing pays a bill, making him very uncomfortable, that feeling probably was saying: Your Qin Shi, does not need to think that definitely cannot pay this food, is living by pimping useless person.” 听闻这话,秦石的眉睫皱下,店小二这种直接无视他,叫柳颜冰付账的行为,让他心里很不舒服,那感觉就好像是在说:“你秦石,都不用想,肯定付不起这顿饭,就是个吃软饭的废物。” What's wrong? Also fears me, runs you to be only inadequate?” “怎么?还怕我,跑你们单不成?” Liu Yan Bing also yes snort the sentence, at once only visits her, from the beginning a general gold hairpin pulls out: This fine gold hairpin, the gold inlay, arrives at your this banquets all over the body, should be has more than enough to spare?” 柳颜冰也是哼句,旋即只看她,从头上将一支金簪抽下:“这郁金簪,通体嵌金,抵你们这桌酒席,应该是绰绰有余吧?” Sees the gold hairpin, the shop waiter eye one brightly, hurries to nod to say: Arrives, arrives, naturally arrives, Lady Bing’er, you want with fine gold hairpin, settles accounts this banquets?” 见到金簪,店小二眼睛一亮,赶忙点头应道:“抵得过,抵得过,当然抵得过,难道说冰儿姑娘,你想要拿着郁金簪,来结算这桌酒席?” Bing’er, were you insane?” 冰儿,你疯了?” Sees that hairpin, Qin Shi is actually greatly anxious, snatches it: This fine gold hairpin, is my mother, gives your faith token, can you pay off a debt in labor with it? You have not had money, is how?” 见到那簪子,秦石却是大急,一把将它抢过来:“这郁金簪,可是我娘,送给你的信物,你怎么能拿它来抵债?你没带钱,还是怎么啊?” Under Liu Yan Bing hears that sound, trembles suddenly, the upper teeth bite the lower lip, the emerging eye socket that the tears brush: Money? Where money? Since Brother Shi steals away town evil Suppressing Jade, Evil Spirit recovers, the back side of the mountain was covered by the evil aura, becomes Death Qi is incredible. Therefore, Grandpa Qin is in a rage, gave to expel the main house gate the adoptive father godmothers.” 还有柳颜冰闻声,猛然哆嗦下,上齿咬住下唇,泪水刷的涌入眼眶:“钱?哪里钱啊?自从石头哥将镇邪崩玉偷走,邪魔复苏,后山被邪气笼罩,变得死气荒诞。为此,秦老爷子一怒之下,将干爹干娘都给逐出了家门。” What, what?” “什,什么?” Hears this saying, Qin Shi in great surprise, partly to make a sound has gotten back one's composure: Why can you also lead me to come this? Why also wants the most luxurious banquet?” 听见这话,秦石大惊,半响才回过神:“那你为什么还要带我来这?为什么还要点最奢华的酒席?” I, I only think that only wants to make Brother Shi eat, Brother Shi should eat such banquet.” Liu Yan Bing was scolded, frightens trembles, such grievance: Brother Shi, awakes, do not get down dispiritedly.” “我,我只想,只想让石头哥吃好,石头哥就应该吃这样的酒席。”柳颜冰被呵斥,吓得瑟瑟发抖,那样子委屈极了:“石头哥,醒醒吧,别颓废下去了。” Several words, such as morning bell heavy falling in the Qin Shi ear, making him absent-minded, in item empty pouring on the chair of that solid wood. 几句话,如晨钟般沉重的落在秦石耳中,让他不由失神,目中空洞的倒在那实木的椅子上。 Shop waiter sees that hurries to snatch fine gold hairpin, has drawn back. 小二见状,赶忙抢过郁金簪,退了下去。 Has not gone to pay attention to shop waiter, after crossing for a long time, Qin Shi the spout foul air, asked matter that he most cares about: Bing’er, were my parents, expelled the main house gate? Now where are they at?” 没去理会店小二,过了许久后,秦石才吐出口浊气,问出他最关心的事情:“冰儿,我爹娘,被逐出了家门?他们现在在哪?” Adoptive father godmother, in Broken Rock Street.” “干爹干娘,在碎石街。” Broken Rock Street?” Qin Shi hears, surprised [say / way]. 碎石街?”秦石听闻,惊讶道。 Broken Rock Street, that is on Desolate Town, most goes down in the world the street that cannot withstand. 碎石街,那可是荒镇上,最落魄不堪的街道。 Um, right, present they, have become the disabled person, living on dishonorably that can only conceal identity, I Liu Yan Bing mentioned these, immediately cried the tears person. “嗯,没错,现在的他们,已经成了废人,只能隐姓埋名的苟活,我”柳颜冰说起这些,马上就哭成了泪人。 What? Have my parents become the disabled person?” “什么?我爹娘成了废人?” Qin Shi leaps however sets out, he remembers clearly that his father, was in the past Qin Family, can be counted on one's fingers talent: My father solemn nine Spirit Tempering Realm, what person can injure to him?” 秦石腾然起身,他清楚记得,自己的父亲,可是当年秦家中,屈指可数的天才:“我父亲堂堂九层淬灵境,什么人能够伤到他?” Is adoptive father in the Liu Yan Bing pupil, dodges the corridor to be sad. “是干爹自己”柳颜冰眸中,闪过道哀伤。 My father from breaking spirit vein? Why does he want such to do?” Qin Shi is more obscure, asks. “我爹自断灵脉?他为什么要这么做?”秦石更加费解,质问道。 Liu Yan Bing hesitant, partly makes a sound responds, said: Because of her!” 柳颜冰犹豫了下,半响才回应,道:“因为她!” She?” “她?” Qin Shi suddenly, in the mind, dodges the corridor frail beautiful figure, the fist heart grips immediately tightly: Is she? Yu Lin’er?” 秦石恍然,脑海中,闪过道单薄的倩影,拳心顿时攥紧:“难道是她?于琳儿?” Not wrong, is she. One year ago, she attains Suppressing Jade, tries to control Evil Spirit , but is actually not able to utilize, therefore walks, hopes that the adoptive father will use the Suppressing Jade method to tell her Liu Yan Bing to say this, is obviously angry: Adoptive father will certainly not tell her, has not actually thought her vicious and merciless, finds the Burning Sky Sect person unexpectedly.” “没有错,就是她。一年前,她拿到崩玉,试图控制邪魔,但是却无法运用,因此才找上门来,希望干爹将使用崩玉的方法告诉她”柳颜冰说道这,明显愤怒起来:“干爹当然不会告诉她,却不曾想她心狠手辣,竟然找上焚天宗的人。” Burning Sky Sect!” 焚天宗!” Qin Shi hears that sound, the fist heart grips is tighter, because of vigorously, causes slightly the sharp nail, pricks to the palm, pulls the stock aching feeling. 秦石闻声,拳心攥的更紧,因为大力,导致略微锋利的指甲,刺入到掌心中,牵起股疼痛感。 Burning Sky Sect, Scarlet Flame Empire, in North District, hugest Sect . 焚天宗,赤炎帝国,北方区域中,最为庞大的宗门 Scarlet Flame Empire, altogether is divided into five regions, in the east , south , west and north, the central Im­pe­r­ial Cap­i­tal strength is strongest, next is East District, West District, South District, North District is most barren. 赤炎帝国,总共分为五片区域,东西南北中,中央帝都的实力最强,其次是东方区域,西方区域,南方区域,北方区域最为贫瘠。 Regarding Burning Sky Sect, Qin Shi has hate of not being able to say. 对于焚天宗,秦石有种说不出的恨。 One year ago, when he family Suppressing Jade steals to Yu Lin’er, has not actually thought that Yu Lin’er walks arm in arm unexpectedly, in other man cherishes, but that man, is the Burning Sky Sect disciple. 一年前,他将家族崩玉偷给于琳儿时,却不曾想,于琳儿竟依偎在别的男人怀中,而那个男人,就是焚天宗的弟子。 His spirit vein completely breaks , does obeisance that disciple to bestow. 他的灵脉尽断,也是拜那弟子所赐。 Burning Sky Sect seizes the godmother, threatens the adoptive father with the godmother, requesting the adoptive father from breaking spirit vein, otherwise has killed the godmother.” The Liu Yan Bing weeping sound, makes the human love dearly. 焚天宗将干娘抓走,用干娘来威胁干爹,要求干爹自断灵脉,否则就杀了干娘。”柳颜冰的哭声,是那么的让人心疼。 Bang!! Heard this words, Qin Shi pounds on under the table vigorously, the whole body of air/Qi trembled: Good, good Yu Lin’er, the little former friendship to read well? Burning Sky Sect, my parents already like this, unexpectedly also aggressive 听闻此话,秦石大力的拍了下桌子,气的全身打颤:“好好好,好个于琳儿,连一点点旧情都不念么?还有焚天宗,我父母都已经这样了,竟然还咄咄逼人” Brother Shi 石头哥 Bing’er, do you know? I think that oneself shame to Qin Family, wants to make reparations with the remaining years of life, but they my crime, exert unexpectedly forcefully to my parents Qin Shi break Liu Yan Bing, the corners of the mouth reveal the silk to be ominous. 冰儿,你知道么?我本来以为,自己愧对秦家,想要用余生去赎罪,但是他们竟然将我的罪过,强行施加给我的爹娘”秦石打断柳颜冰,嘴角流露出丝凶厉。 Good Qin Family! Good Yu Lin’er! Good Burning Sky Sect!” “好个秦家!好个于琳儿!好个焚天宗!” I now am clear, I cannot be like this dispirited. I must stand, I must stiffen in a big way, only by doing so, can slaughter, slaughters the world to bully me, person who bullies my parents Qin Shi imposing manner rises suddenly, in inexplicable pressure to human. “我现在才明白,我不能这样颓废下去。我要站起来,我要变强大,只有这样,才能够杀戮,杀戮掉天下所有欺压我,欺压我爹娘的人”秦石气势猛涨,给人中莫名的压力。 During Liu Yan Bing, is absent-minded, as if saw past Qin Family Young Master. 柳颜冰楞下,恍惚之中,仿佛看到了昔日的秦家大少 Bing’er, I want to see my parents.” The Qin Shi half sound, after being tranquil, said the sentence hesitant. He is unascertainable, do his parents meet with him, can forgive this unfilial son. 冰儿,我想要见见我爹娘。”秦石半响,平静下来后,犹犹豫豫的说句。他不能确定,他的爹娘会不会见他,会不会原谅他这个孽子 Liu Yan Bing is startled, at once broken sobs to smile, happy nod: Brother Shi, we are waiting for you, waits for you to go home!” 柳颜冰怔愣下,旋即破泣为笑,开心的点点头:“石头哥,我们都在等着你,等着你回家呢!” Goes out of Intoxicated Immortal Restaurant. 走出醉仙楼 Qin Shi they arrive at Broken Rock Street, in front of former residence that arrives at going down in the world. 秦石两人来到碎石街,走到一座落魄的古宅面前。 This former residence is total wreck, the black wooden door was putrefied, on the wall is also many gaps, looks like exceptionally poor. 这座古宅破烂不堪,黑色的木门已经被腐化,墙壁上也是多处缺口,看上去显得异常寒酸。 Brother Shi, to 石头哥,到了” Liu Yan Bing bites the lower lip, in the pupil is also moist. 柳颜冰咬住下唇,眸中又湿润起来。 Puff passes! 噗通! Qin Shi is startled, is looking at present former residence in confusion, takes back ordinary uninhibited and stubbornnness, the knees kneels down. This knelt, fills has rebuked oneself with the regret, he has not thought that his father and mother, because, reduced to so the situation unexpectedly: Father, mother, Shi’er is unfilial 秦石怔愣下,望着眼前狼藉的古宅,收回平常的不羁与顽劣,双膝不由跪下。这一跪,充满了自责与悔意,他没有想到,自己的爸妈,竟然因为自己,沦落到这般地步:“爸,妈,石儿不孝” In the Desolate Town vault of heaven, fills the haze the fog, the misty light rain drops, drips wet their clothes. 荒镇的苍穹上,弥漫起阴霾的云雾,蒙蒙小雨滴落而下,淋湿两人的衣裳。 Heaven was ridiculing me!” “苍天都在嘲笑我吧!” Supine beginning of Qin Shi taunt, nobody realizes that in his pupil, drop of tears was cleaned by the drizzle: Yu Lin’er, you harm me to be with one's family broken up and decimated, if the heaven has eyes, can make me restore spirit vein, I must kill you surely personally 秦石嘲讽的仰起头,没有人察觉到,在他的眸中,一滴泪水被细雨擦拭:“于琳儿,你害我家破人亡,若是苍天有眼,能让我恢复灵脉,我定要亲手杀了你” Squeek ~! 吱~! At this time, the former residence door, was shoved open suddenly, a frail thin and pale woman, slowly went out, she was the Qin Shi mother, named: Qiong Shuyao. 这时,古宅的房门,突然间被推开,一名单薄憔悴的妇女,从中缓缓走出,她正是秦石的母亲,名为:琼淑瑶 Bing’er, you return 冰儿,咳咳,你回” She goes out of the door, just wanted to open the mouth, startled is in-situ. 她走出房门,刚欲开口,却惊愣在原地。 Mother “娘” The Qin Shi breaking by biting lower lip, he is looking at present the thin and pale woman, the Chest is similar to by the needle grips the ache. 秦石咬破下唇,他望着眼前憔悴的女人,心口如同被针扎般的疼痛。 Less than one year of time, he can realize obviously that his mother was older, once the pitch-black pretty black hair, now by sending temple, was reappears grayly. 一年不到的时间,他能够明显察觉到,自己的母亲苍老了许多,曾经乌黑靓丽的青丝,如今在发鬓两边,都是浮现出了花白。 Shi’er?” 石儿?” Qiong Shuyao looks at the son who one year has not been seeing, looks at his distressed appearance, the sentiment of maternal love is revealing immediately. About one year ago matter, did not say a word, on the contrary before was rushed, Qin Shi holds in the bosom, cried the concern saying: Shi’er, Shi’er, you came back finally, how you make into this, hum ~!” 琼淑瑶望着一年未见的儿子,望着他那狼狈的模样,母爱之情马上流露出来。关于一年前的事情,却是只字未提,反倒是冲上前,一把将秦石抱在怀中,哭着关怀道:“石儿,石儿,你终于回来了,你怎么弄成这样,呜呜呜~!” Mother, you do not blame me “娘,你不怪我么” Qin Shi was grasped, he does not dare to look straight ahead Qiong Shuyao. 秦石被抱住,他不敢直视琼淑瑶 Silly child, the body sends the skin, by it parents, how even if you are again wrong, is mother's flesh and blood.” Qiong Shuyao not only the punishment, instead has not revealed intense loving dearly. “傻孩子,身体发肤,受之父母,就算你再怎么错,也是娘的骨肉啊。”琼淑瑶非但没有责罚,反而流露出强烈的心疼。 Child damn, child does not have the honor to say goodbye you.” “孩儿该死,孩儿没脸面再见您们啊。” Qin Shi hear that, sobbed immediately. He does not know how should express own mood, he is not willing to set out, Qiong Shuyao is this, the remorse feeling of his innermost feelings, even more sincere. 秦石闻言,顿时哽咽了。他不知道该怎么表达自己的情绪,他不肯起身,琼淑瑶越是这样,他内心的自责感,就越发的厚重。 Mother Shi’er is unfilial, you scolded me, you hit me, I “妈石儿不孝,您骂我吧,您打我吧,我” Regarding him, the extravagant demands forgiving, his rather Qiong Shuyao maliciously has not always scolded his. 对于他来说,从来都未奢求过原谅,他宁愿琼淑瑶狠狠的责骂他一顿。 Snort, hits you?” “哼,打你?” Hits you to be useful? Hits you to prevent Evil Spirit ? Hit you to be able dead Qin Family to reactivate?” At this moment, the dignified sound resounds together, goes out of the famous middle-aged man from former residence, the man bends at the waist, is leaning on turning, appears very miserable. “打你能有什么用?打你就能够阻止邪魔?打你就能让死去的秦家人复活了么?”就在这时,一道威严的声音响起,从古宅中走出名中年男子,男子弓着腰,拄着拐,显得非常凄凉。 Father “父亲” Qin Shi saw the man to be shocked: „Is the man of this senile, really my father? Past the Qin Family talent, nine Spirit Tempering Realm peak will Qin Tianqing, how reduce to so the scene?” 秦石望见男子愣住了:“这个老态的男子,真的是我的父亲么?昔日秦家的天才,九层淬灵境巅峰秦天擎,怎会沦落到这般光景?” Suddenly, the fist grips tightly, the hatred of Qin Shi innermost feelings, will be forever fierce. 一时间,拳头攥紧,秦石内心的恨意,更加的永烈。 Stands to me!” “给我站起来!” A low roar, the walking stick in Qin Tianqing hand, pounding maliciously in ground, whole face stern scolding: My Qin Family son, does not need the coward, if my son, stands to me, where tumbles, where stands!” 一声低吼,秦天擎手中的拐杖,狠狠的砸在地面,满脸严峻的呵斥:“我秦家男儿,不需要懦夫,如果还是我的儿子,就给我站起来,从哪里跌倒,就从哪里站起来!” Under Qin Shi trembles, the heart is similar to by the giant stone is suppressed. 秦石哆嗦下,心头如同被巨石压住。 Where tumbles, where stands?” “哪里跌倒,哪里站起来么?” He tries hard the gentle his state of mind, at once fierce standing up, vision blazing looking at each other own father: Father, I can result, sooner or later will have the day, I will be leading you and mother, returns to Qin Family, recaptures to belong to all our.” 他努力平缓自己的心绪,旋即猛的站起身,目光炽热的对视着自己的父亲:“爹,我会得,早晚有天,我会带着您和娘,回到秦家,夺回属于我们的一切。” These words were forceful, have filled the heart of renouncing. 这句话铿锵有力,充满了决绝之心。 Reverts Qin Family, this matter not to mention, you, if also recognizes my this father, helped me this wish, said accurately, made reparations for you.” The Qin Tianqing start to talk, in the words has been full of the dignity. “归回秦家,此事暂且不说,你若还认我这个父亲,就帮我了了这桩心愿,准确的说,也是替你自己赎罪。”秦天擎开口,话语中充满了威严。 Qin Shi hesitant not hesitant, the nod that renounces responded: Father, you said that you are let on child the mountain of sword, will get down the sea of fire, child will not wrinkle the brow absolutely.” 秦石犹豫都没犹豫,就决绝的点头回应:“爹,您说,您便是让孩儿上刀山,下火海,孩儿也绝对不会皱下眉头。” Good, now, Evil Spirit recovers, the world catastrophe, this is the root of trouble that you set the record.” The Qin Tianqing start to talk, changes on the thread of conversation Evil Spirit . “好,如今,邪魔复苏,天下浩劫,这本就是你创下的祸端。”秦天擎开口,将话锋转向邪魔身上。 I want you to stop Evil Spirit .” “我要你去阻拦邪魔。”
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