PDL :: Volume #1

#1: Wedding night

Desolate Town. 荒镇 Sun Family’s mansion, before the gate, is pasting antithetical couplet, is hanging the great happiness red candle. 孙家府邸,门前贴着对联,挂着大喜的红灯。 Brat, gets the hell out quickly, let alone has not warned you, but today the day of Young Master Sun great happiness, little here pesters endlessly.” “臭小子,快滚蛋,别说没警告你,今天可是孙少爷大喜的日子,少在这里胡搅蛮缠。” In the day of such jubilation, three strong robust mans goes out from the mansion. Their both hands are lifting Qin Shi, his throwing maliciously on the ground. 就在这样喜庆的日子,三个膀大腰圆的壮汉从府邸中走出。他们双手举着秦石,将他狠狠的扔在地上。 Dang! 咣当! Qin Shi was fallen on the ground, rubbing buttocks that eats the pain, indignant exclaiming: You know that who I am? Dares like this to me? I and your family Young Master Sun, that is the family friendship of many generations, if made him know, has not broken your dog-legs.” 秦石被摔在地上,吃痛的揉揉屁股,气愤的吼道:“你们知道我是谁么?敢这样对我?我和你们家孙少爷,那可是世交,若是让他知道了,还不打断你们的狗腿。” „, Family friendship of many generations?” “嗤嗤,世交?” Three person sneering sounds, reveal the look that despises: I said Qin Shi, is short feigns ignorance in this, do you think own Qin Family Young Master? Present you, but is useless person that spirit vein performs.” 三个人冷笑声,流露出鄙夷的神色:“我说秦石,少在这装蒜,你以为自己还是秦家大少呢?现在的你,不过就是一个灵脉尽断的废物。” useless person! 废物 Two characters, fall on the chest of Qin Shi. 两个字,落在秦石的胸口。 This lets his fist heart, fierce grips tightly under. But has only continued the moment, by his loosening slowly, secret passage: „, Really is bamboo fence Pingyang. Back then, this was short in Qin Family is in power, this bastard surnamed Sun, but gathered round my Elder Brother Shi , before daily calling after Elder Brother Shi.” 这让他的拳心,猛的攥紧下。但只持续了片刻,就被他缓缓的松开,暗道:“呵,真是虎落平阳。想当年,本少在秦家得势,这姓孙的杂种,可是天天围着我石哥石哥后的叫。” Nowadays, I have gone down in the world, this bastard gets angry does not recognize people, including several dogs that he raises, dares so to me.” “现如今,我落魄了,这杂种就翻脸不认人,连他养的几条狗,都敢这般对我。” Suddenly, quite a lot feeling. 一时间,颇多的感慨。 If that several robust mans said that present Qin Shi, already was not Qin Family Young Master, but was useless person that spirit vein performed. 如那几名壮汉所言,现在的秦石,早就不是什么秦家大少,只不过是个灵脉尽断的废物 But reason that he will reduce to so the situation, because of that woman. 而他之所以会沦落到这般地步,都是因为那个女人。 Yu Lin’er. 于琳儿 Whenever thinks about that form, his heart like by the needle grips the ache. 每当想起那个身影,他的心就像被针扎般的疼痛。 The Qin Shi disposition, is actually trifle without respect, loose uninhibited. But after knowing Yu Lin’er, all changed. Yu Lin’er, completely changed his life path. 秦石的性格,其实本是玩世不恭,风流不羁。但从认识于琳儿后,一切都变了。于琳儿,彻底改变了他的人生轨迹。 For Yu Lin’er, he has it can be said that paid all. To seek the young person smiles, is willing to shoulder the infamy of betrayal family, town evil Suppressing Jade gives to steal away, the Evil Spirit present world of harming Qin Family the treasure of shaking clan, harms the world. 为了于琳儿,他可以说是付出了一切。就为博取红颜一笑,甘愿背负背叛家族的骂名,将秦家的震族之宝‘镇邪崩玉’给偷走,害的邪魔现世,危害人间。 But, has not actually thought 可是,却不曾想 All these, unexpectedly are only a plot! 这一切,竟只是一场阴谋! Yu Lin’er, you play me, from beginning to end, you are playing me, you have not loved me. You not only use me, my skill that but also harms completely loses, spirit vein completely breaks me to hate you!” 于琳儿,你耍我,从始至终,你都是在耍我,你根本就没有爱过我。你不仅利用我,还害的我功力尽失,灵脉尽断我恨你!” Spunk, full spunk. 怒意,满腔的怒意。 However, that three robust mans do not give the Qin Shi sigh with emotion opportunity, sees meaning that he do not walk, approaches several steps, scolds saying: Is gawking doing? Quickly hasn't rolled? Do not affect my family young master happy expression.” 但是,那三个壮汉可不给秦石感慨的机会,见他没有要走的意思,又逼近几步,呵斥道:“愣着干什么?还不赶快滚?别影响了我家少爷的喜气。” But at this time, marriage sedan, arrived in the mansion just in time. 可这时,一间花轿,正巧抵达府邸。 In marriage sedan sits, is the tonight's leading lady, the Sun Family new bride. She sees this, curious revelation curtain screen: What's the matter? Today is my wedding night, you wanton mischief anything in this.” 花轿里面坐着的,正是今晚的女主角,孙家的新娘子。她见到这幕,好奇的揭开帘子:“怎么回事?今天可是我的新婚之夜,你们在这瞎胡闹什么呢。” Young lady of the house?” “少奶奶?” Has not been all right, look has a beggar to mix, we give to drum out immediately.” Several robust mans see the new bride, the movement on hand immediately stop, laughs foolishly accordingly. “没没事,这不,有个乞丐想混进去,我们马上就给轰走。”几个壮汉见到新娘子,手上的动作马上停止下来,憨笑的应声。 Qin Shi?” Actually does not think that the new bride, recognizes Qin Shi unexpectedly. 秦石?”却不想,那新娘子,竟然认得秦石 Qin Shi shot a look at a new bride , is startled under. This new bride he knew, not only knew, but also is familiar, is one year ago, daily flatters own brothel chief among flowers, Li Juanjuan. 秦石瞥了一眼新娘子,也是怔愣下。这新娘子他认识,不仅认识,还非常熟悉,乃是一年前,天天巴结自己的青楼花魁,李娟娟 He he, no wonder, this chop suey surnamed Sun does not dare to make me go . The sentiment married to give instead of taking master in the past, the woman who the masters did not want, Ha Ha, ha, was really the huge joke.” Realizes this, he face upwards to laugh wildly. “呵呵,怪不得,这姓孙的杂碎不敢让我进去。感情娶了个当年倒贴爷,爷都不要的女人,哈哈,哈哈哈,真是天大的笑话。”意识到这点,他不由的仰天狂笑。 Heard the Qin Shi words pale, the Li Juanjuan's complexion to the extreme. 听见秦石的话,李娟娟的脸色铁青到了极点。 Brat, what did you talk nonsense?” After three robust mans see, has scared, for fear that Li Juanjuan blames them, hurries to pull up the leg, must to going forward to teach Qin Shi. “臭小子,你胡说什么?”三个壮汉看见后,都吓坏了,生怕李娟娟怪罪他们,赶忙拔起腿,就要冲上前教训秦石 Slow.” “慢着。” But at this time, a good-looking youth, went out from the mansion. The youth are not others, is Sun Family young master: Sun Yuyun. 可这时,一名俊俏的青年,从府邸中走出。青年不是别人,正是孙家少爷:孙语云 He gets to the entrance, lifted the hand to block three robust mans. 他走到门口,抬起手将三名壮汉拦了下来。 Three robust mans were blocked, is unwilling, disturbed [say / way]: young master, he just insulted young lady of the house, such considers as finished?” 三名壮汉们被拦下来,心有不甘,又忐忑的道:“少爷,他刚刚辱骂少奶奶,难道就这么算了?” Qin Shi sees that in the heart is actually more balanced: Ahem, calculates this Sun Yuyun, but also a little conscience.” Naturally, he has not known now, after next second, because of these words, he wishes one could to slap a resounding face maliciously. 秦石见状,心中倒是平衡许多:“哼哼,算这孙语云,还有点良心。”当然,他现在还不知道,下秒钟后,就是因为这句话,他恨不得狠狠的抽自己一个响亮的巴掌。 Ok? How can consider as finished?” “算了?怎么能算了?只是” Your lessons, are too light, too cheap he. Teaches him, should like me, be able to make him grow the memory.” Sun Yuyun was saying, bone-chilling cold that the pupil changes, wields the hand to throw two spiritual power, brushing maliciously on the face of Qin Shi. “你们的教训,太轻,太便宜了他。教训他,应该像我这样,才能够让他长记性。”孙语云说着,眸子变的凛冽,挥起手就扔出两道灵力,狠狠的抽打在秦石的脸上。 Bang!! Qin Shi pulled out by the palm of the hand of usual spiritual power, flutters directly in the place, a face unbelievable facial expression, exclaimed: Sun Yuyun, do you, you dare to hit me unexpectedly?” 秦石被惯有灵力的巴掌抽下,直接翻飞在地,一脸难以置信的神情,吼道:“孙语云,你,你竟然敢打我?” Shrugging of Sun Yuyun not to accept as correct, despises saying: Hits you? Hits you to be what kind of? Looked in the past friendship, hurried to give me to leave, otherwise did not hit you, but has killed you.” 孙语云不以为然的耸耸肩,蔑视道:“打你?打你又能怎样?看在以往的交情,赶紧给我滚,否则就不是打你,而是杀了你。” Hears this saying unwillingly, Qin Shi grips the tight fist, mused: Thinks my Qin Shi, solemn Qin Family big young master, will reduce to so the field unexpectedly. And bullies by this small Sun Yuyun devastation 听见这话,秦石不甘的攥紧拳头,暗想:“想我秦石,堂堂秦家的大少爷,竟然会沦落到这般田野。被这小小的孙语云蹂躏与欺压” What's wrong? Isn't willingly?” “怎么?不甘心?” Moves wrist, Sun Yuyun scolds sound. 活动活动手腕,孙语云又呵斥声。 The ordered tone scolds, Qin Shi gains ground fiercely. 被命令的口吻呵斥,秦石猛地抬起头。 In his look, filled was angry and unwilling, suddenly, saw only him to turn fiercely sets out, one step rushed goes, hit toward the lower abdomen of Sun Yuyun: Sun Yuyun, your To forget Favors and violate Justice bastard, I dies, must draw in you.” 他的眼神中,充满了愤怒与不甘,忽然间,只见他猛的翻起身,一步冲上前去,朝着孙语云的小腹打下去:“孙语云,你个忘恩负义的畜生,我就是死,也要拉上你。” „, But also wants to hit back?” “呵,还想还手?” Sun Yuyun satire sound, but he lifts the hand slightly, relaxed holds Qin Shi, and high uphold leg, a foot kicks in the chest of Qin Shi: To forget Favors and violate Justice? Good, since you said that I simply do, comes the human thoroughly, punches him to me!” 孙语云讽刺声,只是他微微抬手,就轻松的将秦石抓住,并且高高的抬起腿,一脚踢在秦石的胸口:“忘恩负义?好,既然你都这么说了,我就干脆做的彻底点,来人啊,给我揍他!” Nearby three robust man hear that, the nod has complied with the sound, has the meaning of giving vent to indignation greatly, without the slightest hesitation rushes, to Qin Shi right in the face hits. 旁边的三个壮汉闻言,点头应了声,大有泄愤的意思,毫不犹豫的就冲上去,对着秦石劈头盖脸的打下去。 Smack! 碰! This Desolate Spirit Continent, takes Wu as, the strength is supreme. 荒灵大陆,以武为尊,实力至上。 Present Qin Shi, was beaten by one group of servants, both hands hold the head to sway back and forth on the ground, profound feeling this: Here, does not have the strength, anything is not, I am not willingly, is not willingly 如今的秦石,被一群下人殴打,双手抱着脑袋在地上打滚,深刻的感受到这点:“在这里,没有实力,什么都不是,我不甘心,不甘心” In the heart of Qin Shi, is burning the intense anger. 秦石的心中,燃烧着强烈的怒火。 In this year , after removing the Qin Family young master corona, he it can be said that experienced suffering the humiliation, actually these he already became accustomed. 这一年里,褪去了秦家少爷的光环后,他可以说是受尽了屈辱,其实这些他早就已经习以为常了。 However today, how does not know is, possibly because of the Sun Yuyun reason, making him exceptionally indignant. 但是今天,不知是怎么,可能是因为孙语云的缘故,让他异常的气愤。 Sun Yuyun, I have taken down, do not give the opportunity that I Qin Shi stand up from failure, otherwise my non- kills you he to withstand the pain and humiliation personally, in the middle of the innermost feelings, is actually burning the intense anger. 孙语云,我都记下了,别给我秦石翻身的机会,否则我非亲手弄死你”他承受着痛苦与屈辱,内心当中,却燃烧着强烈的怒火。 Brother Shi? You make anything, gives me Scram!.” 石头哥?你们做什么,都给我滚开。” At this time, a pretty young girl, passed by the lane coincidentally. 这时,一名貌美的少女,刚巧路过巷子。 She sees this secretly, anxious runs to go forward, has drawn from the crowd Qin Shi, the concern said: Brother Shi, you are what kind, where does wound arrive at?” 她见到这幕后,惶急的跑上前,将秦石从人群中拉了起来,关怀道:“石头哥,你怎么样,伤到哪里没?” Bing’er?” 冰儿?” The young girls see the Qin Shi distressed appearance, grips the tight pink / white fist, angry exclaimed toward Sun Yuyun: All that Sun Yuyun, you have now, is my Brother Shi gives you, do you such treat your benefactor?” 少女看见秦石狼狈的样子,攥紧粉拳,愤怒的朝孙语云吼道:“孙语云,你现在拥有的一切,都是我石头哥给你的,你就这么对待你的恩人?” I consider anyone, originally is Lady Bing’er.” “我当是谁,原来是冰儿姑娘啊。” Sun Yuyun sees the young girl, at present one bright, the vision color narrows the eyes falls on the chest of young girl: Undeserved, this matter does not blame me. Your family young master put on a beggar, made the servants of our family misunderstanding likely, today is the day of my big marriage, what unluckiness also does not want to glue on, can come to drink the cup celebration drink?” 孙语云见到少女,眼前一亮,目光色眯眯落在少女的胸口:“冤枉啊,这事不怪我。你家少爷自己穿的像个乞丐,才让我们家的下人给误会了,罢了罢了,今天是我大婚的日子,也不想粘上什么晦气,要不要进来喝杯喜酒?” Ahem, waits next time, to drink together!” “哼哼,等下次,一起来喝!” The young girls spoke without reservation, was full of the satire hum, at once also pays no attention to Sun Yuyun, drew Qin Shi to walk toward the distant place. 少女直言不讳,充满讽刺的哼声,旋即也不理孙语云,拉着秦石就朝远处走去。 Is looking at two of walking away, the eyeground of Sun Yuyun, dodges the corridor bone-chilling cold cold brightness: Damn smelly woman, depends Qin Family to be the backing, dares with this little wild? If there is an opportunity, must advance on the bed you, had a look at that time, can you also come out wildly!” 望着走远的两人,孙语云的眼底,闪过道凛冽的寒光:“该死的臭娘们,仗着有秦家做后盾,就敢跟本少猖狂?若是有机会,非要把你推到床上,看看到了那个时候,你还能不能猖狂的出来!” Naturally, Qin Shi they, do not know in the Sun Yuyun heart to think, after having gone out of the lane entrance, stops the body. 当然,秦石两人,并不知孙语云心中所想,一直走出巷口后才停下身子。 Stops behind, Qin Shi pats dust, remembered just humiliation, indignant could not bear curse angrily: Sun Yuyun, the good bastard, you to dare unexpectedly so to me?” 停下身后,秦石拍掉身上的尘土,想起刚刚的屈辱,就气愤的忍不住怒骂:“孙语云,好个畜生,你竟然敢这般对我?” Strength , because does not have the strength, if I can restore spirit vein, I must make these insult me surely, bullying my person to regret that Sun Yuyun, I must butcher you surely personally.” “实力,都是因为没有实力,若是我能恢复灵脉,我定要让那些侮辱我,欺压我的人后悔,还有孙语云,我定要亲手宰了你。” Qin Shi from infancy to maturity, the first such urgent wish strengthen, the first such hope practice, he but who, spirit vein performs, being incapable like that. 秦石从小到大,第一次这样迫切的想要变强,第一次这样的渴望修炼,可是,灵脉尽断的他,是那般的无力。 Brother Shi 石头哥 At this time, the young girl looks at Qin Shi, loved dearly must cry. 这时,那少女看着秦石,心疼的都要哭了。 Qin Shi has gotten back one's composure, sees that young girl, receives to review the vicious tendencies, flows out a rare tender feeling: Silly does Bing’er, what cry? All right, your Brother Shi, Pi Caorou is thick, anti- is punching.” 秦石回过神,望见那个少女,才收回眸中的戾气,流出一丝罕见的温情:“傻冰儿,哭什么?没事啊,你石头哥,皮糙肉厚,抗揍着呢。” This young girl, named Liu Yan Bing, is an orphan, initially the Qin Shi parents look pitifully, then receives under the knee, has been the daughter, is the Qin Shi adopted younger sister. 这少女,名为柳颜冰,本来是个孤儿,当初秦石的父母看着可怜,便收入膝下,做了干女儿,也算是秦石的干妹妹。 Sees the younger sister once more, making the Qin Shi innermost feelings touch slightly. 再次见到妹妹,让秦石的内心稍有触动。 But sobbing that but Liu Yan Bing cannot bear. “可是可是”柳颜冰还是忍不住的抽泣。 At this time, Qin Shi lifted the hand, routine traces Liu Yan Bing luxuriant, said: Was good, relax, said again, Brother Shi that you understand, is person who that type can suffer a loss? What do you take a look at this are?” 这时,秦石抬起手,习惯性的摸摸柳颜冰的秀发,道:“好了,放心吧,再说了,你了解的石头哥,是那种会吃亏的人么?你瞧瞧这是什么?” Here, he rubbed gu to rub gu in his pocket, pulled out one to put on extremely incompatible exquisite silk purse with him. On that exquisite silk purse, is embroidering the shining grandson character. 说到这,他在自己衣兜里蹭咕蹭咕,掏出一个和他穿着极为不符的锦绣钱袋。那锦绣钱袋上面,绣着个金灿灿的孙字。 Originally just, he Sun Yuyun beat, quick of eye and hand the purse of Sun Yuyun waist grasping, 原来刚刚,他被孙语云殴打的时候,眼疾手快的将孙语云腰间的钱袋子给抓了下来, Snort, dares to hit me? I must make him spit a blood.” The Qin Shi strange raising corners of the mouth, one gives that purse in reverse, falls several gold coins, silver coin large bundle. “哼,敢打我?我也要让他吐点血。”秦石诡异的扬起嘴角,一下将那钱袋子给倒过来,从中掉落出几枚金币,还有大把大把的银币。 He he, this harvest is not it seems like small, unexpectedly some these much money?” “呵呵,看来这次的收获不小呢,竟然有这么多钱?” Right Bing’er, hasn't eaten meal? Walks, the elder brother leads you to eat meal.” Holds these gold coins and silver coins, Qin Shi smiles grins with ear to ear. “对了冰儿,还没吃饭吧?走,哥带你吃饭去。”抓住那些金币和银币,秦石笑的都合不拢嘴。 But, short several words, fall in the ear of Liu Yan Bing, somewhat is actually uncomfortable, her secret passage: Past Brother Shi, went down in the world this unexpectedly, for several gold coins laughed 可是,短短的几句话,落在柳颜冰的耳中,却有些不是滋味,她暗道:“昔日的石头哥,竟然落魄成这样,为了几枚金币开怀大笑” Thinks of this, she closes tightly jaw, holds on Qin Shi, said: Brother Shi, walks, I lead you to go to a place.” 想到这,她咬紧牙关,一把拉住秦石,道:“石头哥,走,我带你去个地方。”
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