PBS :: Volume #31

#3059: Three the air/Qi unite

East is bright!” “东煌!” At this moment, Wu Di wait/etc. most precious objects, are ya zi want to crack! 这一刻,吴敌等等至宝们,都是睚眦欲裂! Must kill it is also I kills! Dark green, you are anything!” “要杀它也是我来杀!苍,你算个什么东西!” Wu Di exuded the terrifying dragon's roar sound recklessly, the body of Ancestral Dragon toward dark green rushes over! 吴敌发出了恐怖的龙吟声,祖龙之身不顾一切的向着苍冲了过去! Now is one's turn you!” “现在就轮到你!” Dark green wields the sword of Heavenly Emperor, during the figure shuttle is void, sprinkled hundreds of thousands of sword aura, cut above that Ancestral Dragon body. 苍执掌天帝之剑,身形穿梭虚空之中,洒下了数十万道的剑气,斩在了那祖龙身躯之上。 The sound of painful dragon sorrow, reverberated to approach immediately in all directions! 痛苦的龙哀之声,立即回荡向了四面八方! Wu Di!” 吴敌!” The mood of Qin Nan whole body like hot combustion! 秦南全身的情绪如火般燃烧! However, how regardless of he bellows, how regardless of he erupts, that third light glow, has not appeared from beginning to end, he has not awakened from beginning to end again! 然而,无论他怎么大吼,无论他怎么爆发,那第三道光芒,至始至终都未出现,他至始至终都未再次觉醒! Has not responded, his within the body deathly stillness! 没有回应,他体内一片死寂! Sky Dragon Heavenly Seal is really different, you withstand I such many Heavenly Emperor sword aura, can not die unexpectedly, worthily for the head of most precious object!” Dark green eye of flood golden light, „, but! How can that? Heavenly Emperor makes you die, you must die!” 昊龙证天印果然不一样,你承受我如此之多的天帝剑气,竟然还能不死,不愧为至宝之首!”苍目泛金光,“可是!那又能如何?天帝让你死,你必然要死!” He finishes speaking, in that other disciples, had enough more than 50 people of complete one-time to awaken unexpectedly, that boundless vast strength, was turbulent immediately in dark green within the body, made dark green to cry loud and long. 他话音刚落,那余下的门人之中,竟有足足五十余人全部一次性觉醒了,那股磅礴浩瀚的力量,立即汹涌在了苍的体内,令得苍不禁长啸一声。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The innumerable thunder fell, hit on the dark green body, made dark green entire body, became the golden light to be shining. 无数的雷霆落下,打在了苍的身上,令得苍的整个身躯,都变得金光灿灿。 „The Heavenly Emperor true body, concentrates!” 天帝真身,凝!” Dark green exploded drinks one, the thunder baptism finished, on his huge body, released a continuously vague pressure immediately. 苍爆喝一声,雷霆洗礼结束,他那庞大的身躯上,立即释放出来了一缕缕若有若无的威压。 „...... Emperor!” “准……帝!” This, looks like basin ice water, the thorough pouring extinguished Qin Nan all the mood of explosion, making him feel unprecedentedly piercing cold. 这一幕,就像是一盆冰水,彻底浇灭了秦南所有爆炸的情绪,让他感受到了前所未有的刺骨寒冷。 Bah! Would-be emperor on would-be emperor, what Heavenly Emperor true body but also murmured here? You calculate that nonsense Heavenly Emperor, you in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, some countless people can a finger stab to death you!” Wu Di put out a bloody water, disdaining of whole face. “呸!准帝就准帝,还在这里囔囔什么天帝真身?你算个狗屁天帝,就你在诸天万界中,有无数人都可以一根手指戳死你!”吴敌吐出了口血水,满脸的不屑。 Dark green eye pupil one cold. 苍眼眸一寒。 Dies to the father!” “给老子去死!” Wu Di rave, Ancestral Dragon ignited the innumerable fabricated flame, this is Ancestral Dragon final roaring! 吴敌狂吼一声,祖龙之身上燃起了无数虚妄的火焰,这是祖龙最后的咆哮! Meanwhile, there is a sound together, reverberated in the heart of Qin Nan. 同时,也有一道声音,回荡在了秦南的心中。 old Qin, your new master, I recognized! The next generation, fights All Heavens again!” “老秦,你这个新主,我还是认得!下辈子,再战诸天吧!” The tone feels relaxed probably free and easy, but Qin Nan can hear, inexhaustible being unwilling that inside fills. 语气好像是释然洒脱,但秦南能够听到,那里面充满的无穷无尽的不甘。 Wu Di......” 吴敌……” Qin Nan helplessly looks at this. 秦南眼睁睁的看着这一幕。 Looks at that Ancestral Dragon, reckless suiciding. 看着那头祖龙,不顾一切的寻死。 In the wink of an eye, a greatest despair, looked like the world to open Daankou, embezzled toward him. 瞬息之间,一股莫大的绝望,就像是天地张开了大安口,向着他吞没而来。 This despair, compared with previously that despair, did not know in a big way many times. 这股绝望,比先前那股绝望,不知道大了多少倍。 He was too pitiful! 他太可悲了! He was recognized as to tribulation the child, the Zhou Di reincarnation helps him, War God distributes the big great aspirations to help him, Empress Fei Yue, Princess Miaomiao, Jiang Bilan, Xue Mengyao, Wu Di, Zhou Xundao, Fang Ruyu, Celestial pole list wait/etc. person, all ignore the life and death helps him. 他被认作为应劫之子,周帝转世来助他,战神发下大宏愿来助他,飞越女帝妙妙公主江碧兰薛梦瑶吴敌周寻道方如玉天极榜等等人,皆不顾生死的来助他。 Finally, he did not spell the life! 结果,他连命都拼不了! He can only under this Great Mountain, look at their falls/dies helplessly! 他只能在这大山之下,眼睁睁的看着他们陨落 Only can here weak shouting, weak roaring! 只能在这里无力的嘶吼,无力的咆哮! Boy, uses the small chaos technique!” “小子,施展小混沌术!” At this time, together the familiar and strange sound, made a sound suddenly in the heart of Qin Nan. 就在这个时候,一道熟悉而又陌生的声音,忽然响在了秦南的心中。 You are......” “你是……” The Qin Nan spirit inspires suddenly, as if in the boundless darkness, saw that rays of light. 秦南的精神陡然一振,仿佛于无边的黑暗之中,看到了那一丝光芒 He has no idle talk, stimulated to movement the lord of past Azure Vault to pass on the technique of his small chaos in within the body rapidly! 他没有任何废话,迅速在体内催动起来了当年青穹之主传他的小混沌之术! Dies to me! Heavenly Emperor big hand!” “给我死!天帝大手!” At this moment, dark green is sending out dreadful aura, is suppressing the Wu Di figure, keeping it from moving, the big hand is carrying wisp of vague emperor's prestige, patted toward the Wu Di figure ruthlessly. 此时此刻,苍散发着滔天气息,镇压着吴敌的身形,让它无法动弹,大手携带着一缕若有若无的帝威,向着吴敌的身形狠狠拍了下来。 However, in this is at a crucial moment, has lain down above this sea, several tens of thousands years of ancient motionless great body, the pinky had moved suddenly. 然而,就在这千钧一发之际,一直躺在这片大海之上,已有数万年时间都亘古不动的伟岸身躯,小拇指忽然动弹了一下。 The dark green pupil shrinks suddenly, immediately takes back the hand, the vision looks like toward great body, in the vision was full of the doubt. 苍的瞳仁急剧一缩,立刻收回了手,目光朝着伟岸身躯看来,目光之中充满了狐疑。 In this moment, Qin Nan feels a vast strength, spanned infinitely came, to flood into his body void. 就在这一刻,秦南感受到一股浩瀚的力量,跨越了无穷虚空而来,涌入了他的身躯之中。 Whoosh! 唰! Qin Nan saw, that third light glow! 秦南看到了,那第三道光芒 Awakens to me!” “给我觉醒!” Third light glow, accordingly however cracked, changed to Mysterious incomparable black aura, flooded into Qin Nan body. 第三道光芒,应声而裂,化作了一道道神秘无比的黑色气息,涌入了秦南身躯之中。 Instantly, Qin Nan only felt that his mind, was led into ancient void by a grand strength. 霎时之间,秦南只感觉到他的心神,被一股宏伟的力量带入了一个亘古的虚空之中。 He looks up, every large or small rays of light, are glittering in All Heavens, is that All Heavens and Myriad Realms! 他抬头看去,一颗颗大大小小的光芒,在诸天之中闪烁着,正是那诸天万界 Qin Nan had stared at All Heavens and Myriad Realms, but these time with the previous difference! 秦南曾经凝视过一次诸天万界,但是这一次与上次不同! He saw all kinds of strengths, floods in this All Heavens and Myriad Realms, there is chaos, has Yin-Yang, has the yellow and black...... 他看到了各种各样的力量,充斥在这诸天万界之中,有混沌,有阴阳,有玄黄…… The Qin Nan mind shakes. 秦南心神一震。 He felt, he saw the say/way. 他感觉,他看见了道。 True Grand Dao, covers this All Heavens and Myriad Realms Grand Dao! 真正的大道,笼罩这个诸天万界大道 Bang! 轰! In this flash, suppressed Qin Nan under that Great Mountain, within the body erupts radiant white light suddenly, punctured the smashing that chaos Great Mountain directly, broke in the clouds. 在这一瞬间,镇压在那大山之下的秦南,体内猛然爆发出来了一道璀璨的白光,直接将那混沌大山刺成了粉碎,冲入了云霄之中。 The world changes into a daytime instantaneously, everywhere withering aura, the complete dissipation does not see, what replaces it is a sacred reverberation. 天地瞬间化为一片白昼,漫天的肃杀气息,全部消散不见,取而代之的是一股神圣回荡。 Does not know the singing sound that from where comes, reverberated in the entire world of human beings! 不知从何而来的歌声,回响在了整个人界! Qin Nan?” 秦南?” Severe wound Spirit of the celestial poles list, Empress Fei Yue, Princess Miaomiao, Xue Mengyao, Jiang Bilan, Ji Xuan, Gu Fe, Wu Di and the others, all looks at this. 重伤之中的天极榜之灵飞越女帝妙妙公主薛梦瑶江碧兰季玄古飞吴敌等人,皆是怔怔的看着这一幕。 Awakened the body of Innate? Three bodies? Body of coexistence two Innate?” “又觉醒了先天之体?一身三体?两种先天之体共存?” Dark green eye of reveal shocking look, but quick transforms, for joyful! 苍目露震惊之色,但很快又转变为了欣喜! Really right, on the body of Qin Nan, is hiding secret that is concerning the Great Upper Realm secret! 果然没错,在秦南的身上,隐藏着关乎着大上界秘密的秘密! Why didn't he fear? 他为何不怕? Even if awakens the body of Innate , can only help the Cultivator broken big boundary, Qin Nan now is Immortal King, the broken big boundary is also only Immortal Sovereign! 纵然是觉醒先天之体,也只能助修士破一大境,秦南现在是仙王,破一大境也只是仙皇 Even if three body coexistence, have some mysterious change, Qin Nan also certainly not possibly is Immortal Emperor, most also endures compared with the would-be emperor! 哪怕三体共存,发生某种玄妙变化,秦南也绝无可能是仙帝,最多也就是堪比准帝! Endures compared with the would-be emperor, he has ten 2-Rank lotuses in the body, why must does he fear it? 堪比准帝而已,他有十二品道莲在身,他何须惧之? However, in this moment, that radiant white light suddenly changes, turned into black rays of light. 然而,就在这一刻,那璀璨的白光豁然一变,变成了黑色的光芒 That resounds through the world of human beings the indistinct singing sound, suddenly becomes soaring, seems acclaiming some great birth. 那响彻人界的缥缈歌声,骤然变得高昂起来,仿佛在赞叹某种伟大的诞生。 Qin Nan figure, voluntarily float in vault of heaven, sent out unprecedented aura. 秦南的身形,自行悬浮在了天穹之中,散发出来了一股前所未有的气息 At this moment, the dark green behind ten 2-Rank lotuses, the sensation to anything, bloomed probably fierce golden glow, attacks black light with that. 这一刻,苍身后的十二品道莲,像是感知到了什么,绽放出来了剧烈的金芒,与那黑光冲击起来。 This aura...... not right to...... this is not one in Ten Big Innate Bodies......” on dark green face, revealed quickly wiped the color of shock, said: could it be that...... is this body of 11 th Innate? One type brand-new, has never presented the body of Innate?” “这股气息……不对不对……这不是十大先天之体中的一种……”苍的脸上,很快露出了抹震撼之色,道:“难道……这是第十一种先天之体?一种全新的,从未出现过的先天之体?” At this moment, in Qin Nan Sea of Consciousness. 此时此刻,秦南识海之中。 Qin Nan can feel, the boundless vast Mysterious strength, in the baptism his body, making him more and more powerful. 秦南能够感受到,磅礴浩瀚的神秘力量,正在洗礼着他的身躯,让他越来越强大。 But! 但! This strength, but also is far from enough! 这股力量,还远远不够! Dark green but the boundary of would-be emperor, ten 2-Rank lotuses! 苍可是准帝之境,还有十二品道莲! Boy, does not see for a long time.” “小子,好久不见。” The sound echo in Qin Nan Sea of Consciousness, Qin Nan looks together suddenly, only sees a youngster, at the back of an immortal sword, is visiting him with a smile. 一道声音回响在秦南识海之中,秦南豁然看去,只见到一名少年,背着一把仙剑,正笑吟吟的看着他。 The lord of Azure Vault! 青穹之主! „Do you leave leeway will in this? How can rout dark green?” “你留有意志在此?如何才能击溃苍?” Qin Nan gets up excitedly, does not have any idle talk, enters the subject. 秦南心情激动起来,没有任何废话,直入主题。 Really moved, such long does not see, unexpectedly did not exchange greetings. Really has not thought that I have thought that is only a dream, has not thought that exists, it seems like these exist.” “真让人伤感,这么久不见,居然也不寒暄一下。真是没想到啊,我一直以为那只是一场梦,没想到是真实存在的,看来那些都是真实存在的。” The lord of Azure Vault sighed, looks at the Qin Nan facial features, the complexion belongs to gradually tranquilly, but also has wipes guilty, said: Boy, was I do not do right by you, I attempted to change, but all these were the fate, I had no way to help your anything. I only know, three air/Qi normalizing, the soul of combustion Innate, can suppress ten 2-Rank lotuses thoroughly.” 青穹之主感叹了一句,看着秦南的面容,脸色渐渐归于平静,还有着一抹愧疚,道:“小子,是我对不住你了,我尝试过要改变,但这一切都是宿命,我没法帮你什么。我只知道,三气归一,燃烧先天之魂,方能将十二品道莲彻底镇压。” Three air/Qi normalizing? The soul of combustion Innate?” The Qin Nan brow wrinkled, three air/Qi normalizing he is very good to understand, should be body of the Innate he just awakened, in addition Innate yellow and black body, Innate Martial body. “三气归一?燃烧先天之魂?”秦南眉头皱了起来,三气归一他很好理解,应该就是他刚刚觉醒的这种先天之体,再加上先天玄黄体,还有先天武体 But, the soul of Innate why? 可,先天之魂为何? How to burn? 如何燃烧? „After you awaken, you then can the sensation to the soul of that Innate.” The lord of Azure Vault put out a hand to pat the shoulder of Qin Nan, in the look filled complex, said: Wish to be able with you altogether to go to the grand meeting next life.” “待你觉醒之后,你便能感知到那先天之魂。”青穹之主伸手拍了拍秦南的肩膀,眼神里充满了复杂,道:“愿来世能与你共赴盛会。” After speaking these words, his body advantage of terrain dissipates in the nihility. 说完这句话之后,他身形便消散于虚无。 The Qin Nan consciousness belongs to the body, he looks at distant imposing manner dreadful dark green, looks at his whole face pleasantly surprised expression, then had instantaneously clearly became aware. 秦南意识归于身体,他看着远方气势滔天的苍,看着他满脸惊喜的表情,瞬间便有了明悟。 At this moment, he understands the soul of Innate is anything. 这一刻,他明白了先天之魂是什么。 At this moment, he also understands why the lord of Azure Vault will have the guilt. 这一刻,他也明白,青穹之主为何会有愧疚。 He also understands finally why he will awaken the body of 11 th Innate. 他也终于明白,他为何会觉醒第十一种先天之体。 This is his mission. 这是他的使命。 Qin Nan, making me experience, the body of your 11 th Innate, what kind of strength has!” Dark green face upwards the long and loud cry, swept across the terrifying imposing manner of blotting out the sky, flushed toward Qin Nan. 秦南,让我来见识见识,你这第十一种先天之体,到底拥有着怎样的力量!”苍仰天长啸,席卷起来了铺天盖地的恐怖气势,朝着秦南冲了过来。 The prestige of would-be emperor, incisiveness of eruption! 准帝之威,爆发的淋漓尽致! When this unrivalled war breaks out, Qin Nan looked at Spirit of the celestial poles list, looked at Empress Fei Yue, Princess Miaomiao, Jiang Bilan, Xue Mengyao, Wu Di and the others, seems the attachment, seems does not abandon. 在这场旷世大战爆发之际,秦南看了一眼天极榜之灵,看了一眼飞越女帝妙妙公主江碧兰薛梦瑶吴敌等人,似有眷恋,似有不舍。 Finally, the look changes incomparable sharp. 最后,眼神变的无比犀利。 „The Innate soul burns, three air/Qi normalizing!” 先天魂燃,三气归一!” Boundless purple aura, sweeps across the world of human beings instantaneously surely. 磅礴紫气,瞬间席卷人界千万里。
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