PBS :: Volume #31

#3058: Eastern bright falls/dies

The dark green stride steps, the big hand turns toward Wu Di to grasp directly, the unprecedented crisis blasts out in the Wu Di heart, during the body of Ancestral Dragon must escape into to be void instantaneously, however in the dark green palm erupted the dazzling golden light, weakened its scale most, dragon's scales sprinkled the sea. 苍大步一跨,大手直接向着吴敌抓去,前所未有的危机在吴敌心中炸开,祖龙之身瞬间要遁入虚空之中,然而苍的掌心中爆发出了刺目金光,将它一身鳞片削弱大半,龙鳞洒海。 Death!” “死!” In the dark green hand appeared a golden light sword, just like the sword of that Heavenly Emperor, turned toward Through Heavens Dao Tree to cut directly air-splitting. 苍的手中浮现出来了一把金色光剑,宛如那天帝之剑,直接破空向着通天道树斩去。 Senior!” “前辈!” The Qin Nan pupil shrinks, shouts loudly. 秦南瞳仁一缩,大声嘶吼。 Bang! 轰! This unapproachable power and influence, is not Through Heavens Dao Tree can prevent, the sword of Heavenly Emperor cut into the body of Through Heavens Dao Tree directly, gave to nail tight him during was void. 这无可匹敌的威势,根本就不是通天道树能够阻挡的,天帝之剑直接斩入了通天道树的身体,将他给钉死在了虚空之中。 Kills......” “杀……” The Through Heavens Dao Tree difficult emanation sound, grasps the tree sword in hand, as if must cut forward, but it really did not have the strength, vitality thorough elapsing. 通天道树艰难的发出声音,握在手中的树剑,仿佛还要向前斩去,可它实在是没有力量了,生机彻底的逝去。 Until falls/dies that moment, the tree sword in its hand, still aimed at the dark green figure. 直到陨落的那一刻,它手中的树剑,仍然对准了苍的身形。 All these have not left behind any last words to it quickly! 只是,这一切快到它没有留下任何的遗言! However, this is only a start, dark green wielded this sword like lightning, this sword spanned void, at the incomparably astonishing speed, was passing through the chest of Spirit of the celestial poles list directly, him also stared in was void! 然而,这只是一个开始而已,苍闪电般又挥出了这一剑,这一剑跨越虚空,以着无比惊人的速度,直接贯穿了天极榜之灵的胸膛,将他也盯在了虚空之中! Dark green!” “苍!” The eyes of Spirit of the celestial poles list, are staring stubbornly dark green, he can feel, this sword has not embezzled his vitality, but blew his figure thoroughly, this lets his anger! 天极榜之灵的双眼,死死盯着苍,他能够感受到,这一剑并没有吞没他的生机,只是将他身形给彻底镇住了,这让他更加的愤怒! You also use, I will be late to kill you!” “你还有用,我会晚点杀你!” Dark green laughs, lowers the terrifying power, wells up Eastern Bright Universe Chain and other most precious objects. 苍大笑一声,降下恐怖力量,直涌东煌太虚链等至宝们。 Dark green!” “苍!” Qin Nan spans void, carries the boundless anger to come, a blade cut to dark green! 秦南跨越虚空,携带着无边怒火而来,一刀斩向了苍! Ha, Qin Nan, you listened initially my, how to have today? A your catarmaran, is this Great Upper Realm special existence, involved this Great Upper Realm secret inevitably! Therefore, I will not kill you immediately, I will make you look at everyone to pass away, making you look that my important matter is successful, I will obtain this Great Upper Realm everything! with you “哈哈哈,秦南,当初你听我的,怎会有今天呢?你一身双体,乃是这大上界特殊的存在,必然牵连到了这大上界的秘密!所以,我不会立马杀你,我会让你看着所有人逝去,让你看着我大计成功,我会用你得到这大上界一切! The dark green laughter like the thunder, the big hand turns, the strength of Immortal Sovereign wells up crazily, in that nihility, evolved chaos Great Mountain unexpectedly. In addition, this chaos Great Mountain, but also from sea in all directions, attracted more chaos meanings, expanded ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) altitude rapidly. 苍笑声如雷,大手一翻,仙皇之力狂涌而出,竟是在那虚无之中,演化出来了一座混沌大山。不但如此,这混沌大山,还从四面八方的大海之中,吸来了更多的混沌之意,迅速壮大到了万丈高度。 Subdue!” “镇!” A character drinks, just like the Heavenly Emperor law! 一字喝出,犹如天帝法令! Chaos Great Mountain is carrying the boundless power and influence, falls toward Qin Nan loudly, Qin Nan to mountain brandish a blade, the air/Qi and the Innate military force yellow and black continually wells up crazily. 混沌大山携带着无边威势,朝着秦南轰然落下,秦南向山挥刀,玄黄之气和先天武力不断狂涌而出。 However, this strength was really terrifying, the resistance that Qin Nan made, simply has not given to shake him slightly, it then gave the town/subdues Qin Nan directly in the sea level. 然而,这股力量实在是太恐怖了,秦南所做的反抗,根本没有将他给撼动丝毫,它便直接将秦南给镇在了海面上。 Bang! 轰! In the Qin Nan mouth spouts the blood of yellow and black, golden light piece! 秦南口中喷出玄黄之血,金光一片! This Great Mountain, his all angry, unwilling, lamented, gave the town/subdues completely! 这一座大山,把他的所有愤怒,不甘,悔恨,全部都给镇了下来! The war had not ended, blood also by far insufficient, dark green only god in the world, meets no resistance general, moves of sweep away to forward. 大战还没结束,鲜血还远远不够,苍就宛如天地间唯一的神祗,如入无人之境一般,一招招横扫向前。 The strength of his fist, directly Eastern Bright Universe Chain eastern sovereign's body, making into smashing! 他一拳之力,直接将东煌太虚链的东皇之身,给打成了粉碎! His palm lays out, during body of primordial chaos giant beast, patted into to be void forcefully, exploded the innumerable beast blood! 他一掌拍出,就将鸿蒙巨兽的身躯,给硬生生拍入了虚空之中,爆开了无数的兽血! His sword cuts, that Absolute Holy Light Book boundless square character, cut the larger part forcefully! 他一剑斩下,就将那绝白圣书的无边真字,给硬生生斩掉了一大半! Lord of refinement Azure Vault most precious object how? The anger of Heavenly Emperor, ten thousand destruction, you must today destruction in this!” 青穹之主炼制的至宝又如何?天帝之怒,万道崩灭,你们今天都得崩灭在此!” Also some disciples awaken, strength that the dark green body erupts, is getting more and more terrifying, is getting more and more fearful, he must cut to kill the nihility seven big most precious objects completely! 又有门人觉醒,苍身上爆发出来的力量,已经越来越恐怖,越来越可怕,他要将七大至宝全部斩杀成虚无! Qin Nan by the town/subdues under Great Mountain, he looks at this, looks that good friend lover spat blood, visits them to come to the verge of death, how could he was resigned under this mountain, he struggled fiercely, but is actually not able this Great Mountain shaking slightly! 秦南被镇在大山之下,他看着这一幕,看着那一个个挚友爱人吐血,看着她们濒临死亡,他岂能甘心在这山下,他剧烈挣扎,可却始终无法将这大山给撼动丝毫! Unwilling! 不甘! He willing does not suppress in this! 他不甘心镇压在此! He gets angry! 他怒! He must for the Heavenspan Senior revenge! 他要为通天前辈复仇! His regret! 他悔! Why he regretted initially, has not used all strengths, dark green will kill to thorough cutting, he had detected obviously dark green was fearful! 他后悔为何当初,没有倾尽所有的力量,将苍给彻底的斩杀,他明明已经察觉到苍的可怕了! He hates! 他更恨! He hates his oneself, why he so small and weak, such being incapable! 他更恨他自己,为何他如此的弱小,如此的无力! The Qin Nan mood surges suddenly, within the body the air/Qi of yellow and black, that Innate military force, surges rapidly. 秦南情绪急剧激荡,体内的玄黄之气,还有那先天武力,也是迅速激荡起来。 Whoosh! 唰! , Qin Nan saw some pictures suddenly. 恍然间,秦南看到了一些画面。 Dark green becomes true Heavenly Emperor, had the unapproachable strength, his big hand wields at will, then has the sword of Heavenly Law to drop from the clouds, cut Empress Fei Yue above that Great Mountain! 苍成为了真正的天帝,拥有了无可匹敌的力量,他大手随意一挥,便有天道之剑从天而降,将飞越女帝斩在了那大山之上! His shoots a finger, Myriad Laws all moves, Ji Xuan was killed the nihility by the thunder bang! 屈指一弹,万法皆动,季玄被雷霆轰杀成虚无! Gu Fe was killed by not border and coastal water immersion! 古飞被无边海水浸杀! Princess Miaomiao was passed through void by the long blade! 妙妙公主被长刀贯穿了虚空! Jiang Bilan was broken the state of mind by the hierograph! 江碧兰被神符震碎了神魂! Xue Mengyao was killed by the town/subdues directly in endless void, the corpse drifts! 薛梦瑶直接被镇杀在无尽虚空中,尸体漂泊! Also, Sky Dragon Heavenly Seal, Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain and Heaven's Ancient Lamp fragments, spread in the vast land! 还有,昊龙证天印周天不死山方天古灯的碎片们,散布在了浩瀚大地上! Bang! 轰! At this moment, the mood of Qin Nan whole person as if exploded, that is unwilling, the anger and lamentation meaning, was enlarged innumerable times in his heart suddenly! 这一刻,秦南整个人的情绪仿佛爆炸了开来,那股不甘、愤怒、悔恨之意,在他心中骤然被放大了无数倍! Ah! 啊! The Qin Nan face upwarding rave, is struggling under that mountain fiercely! 秦南仰天狂吼,在那山下剧烈挣扎着! If you are that third physique, that awakens to me, I need the strength! I need the strength!” “倘若你是那第三种体质,那就给我觉醒吧,我需要力量!我需要力量!” Qin Nan roar, as if soon his itself Sea of Consciousness breaking! 秦南的吼声,仿佛都快要把他自身识海给震碎! He has seen, that a light! 他看到过,那一道光 Since he should tribulation the child, since he has what secret, that awakens, eruption! 既然他是应劫之子,既然他有着什么秘密,那就觉醒吧,爆发吧! Even if he lives to might as well die, even if he will enjoy forever lonely, even if the perishing hell, he also wants forever! 哪怕他生不如死,哪怕他永享孤独,哪怕永远沉沦地狱,他也愿意! Bang! 轰隆! At this time, in the world resounded an extremely loud and clear bellow, even resounded through the entire world of human beings! 这个时候,天地间响起了一道极为洪亮的轰鸣声,甚至是响彻了整个人界! Under dark green terrifying the bombardment of violent storm, Eastern Bright Universe Chain has not supported unexpectedly, explodes completely, changed to everywhere golden light! 在苍恐怖的狂风暴雨的轰击之下,东煌太虚链竟然没有撑住,完全爆裂开来,化作了漫天金光! It was rumbled to kill! 它被轰杀了!
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