PBS :: Volume #28

#2768: Depressed

After the Lebanese magnificent 14 people get out of trouble, immediately has launched huge spiritual thought, in a meeting, Lebanese magnificent one on sensation to two aura. 黎华14人脱困之后,立即展开了庞大的神念,没过一会,黎华一就感知到了两股气息 A Lebanese magnificent look stares immediately, Supreme Heavenly Venerable? Ruler? 黎华一神色顿时一愣,无上天尊主宰 Will cultivation level so be how weak? 怎么修为会这么弱? Lebanese magnificent one thinks quickly the opposite party definitely intentionally hid cultivation level, to praise sighed: very powerful the technique of covering up, can hide the truth from my spiritual thought unexpectedly.” 黎华一很快想到对方肯定是故意隐藏了修为,赞叹道:“好强大的遮掩之术,竟然可以瞒过我的神念。” Must know, after he has awakened extremely Yang God the body, flesh body, is spiritual thought and soul wait/etc., obtained the enormous sublimation, even if the common God's favored one, is unable to compare with him. 要知道,他觉醒了极阳神体之后,无论是肉身,还是神念和灵魂等等,都是得到了极大的升华,即便是一般的天之骄子,也根本无法与他相比。 Generally so long as he launches spiritual thought, that all will not have to hide. 一般只要他展开神念,那所有一切都会无所遁形。 Walks, we pass. Since the opposite party has two people, then later wins over, the light rain you remember that pays attention to a point.” Lebanese magnificent urged one, launches the fearful speed, flies to that two aura. “走吧,我们过去。既然对方有两个人,那么待会拉拢的时候,小雨你记得注意一点。”黎华一叮嘱了一句,展开可怕速度,向那两股气息飞去。 After how many breaths, did the Lebanese magnificent 14 people see two backs, a Lebanese magnificent brow slightly wrinkle, left that back a little looked familiar? 几息之后,黎华14人就看到了两个背影,黎华一眉头不禁微微一皱,左边那个背影怎么有点眼熟? Two fellow daoist--” Lebanese magnificent one has not thought much, on the face revealed has wiped the temperate smiling face, prepared to cup one hand in the other across the chest to salute. “两位道友——”黎华一没有多想,脸上露出了抹温和的笑容,准备拱手行礼。 In this time, front two person is clearly having a sensation, neat turning head. 正在这时,前面两人显然是有所感知,齐刷刷的回过头来。 Lebanese magnificent one, Li witch, Li Gui, in Li Jinyu four people of mind, divided the electric light instantaneously, near the ear as if have resounded together bang the thunderclap! 黎华一、黎巫、黎归、黎瑾雨四人的脑海中,瞬间劈下一道电光,耳边仿佛响起了轰隆雷声! Another person, they did not know completely, but left this, they were really too familiar! 另外一个人,他们完全不认识,但是这左边的这位,他们实在是太熟悉了! This was not just that famous playboys, ginger Red Sleeves Dao Companion Qin Huan!? 这不正是那位大名鼎鼎的纨绔子弟,姜红袖道侣秦焕吗!? Will he appear here? 他怎么会出现在这里? His is could it be that significant with this Mysterious talent relations? 难道跟这位神秘天才关系匪浅? Lebanese Young Master, met.” Qin Nan said with a smile lightly. “黎少主,又见面了。”秦南淡淡笑道。 A moment ago Lebanese magnificent they the time of recording the light symbol sending, he was also startled, has not thought that this world so was unexpectedly small. 刚才黎华一他们把记光符寄过来的时候,他还吃惊了一下,没想到这个世界居然这么小。 Also is therefore, they return to spiritual thought time on slow a point. 也是因此,他们回神念的时候就慢了一点。 Lebanese magnificent complexion transforms unceasingly, some little time, he has been calm, looks to the Lord of Azure Vault, said with a smile: Has not thought really your excellency made a move to help us, has rescued unexpectedly Qin Family Family Head on the road.” 黎华一脸色不断变换,过好一会,他才镇定下来,看向青穹之主,笑道:“真没有想到阁下出手帮了我们,竟然在路上还救了秦家家主。” Such remarks, Li witch three people of complexions instantaneously good. Young Master said right, Qin Huan here, when possibly was Qin Huan encountered the crisis hits has transported greatly, bumped into this talent! 此话一出,黎巫三人的脸色瞬间就好了起来。少主说的没错,秦焕在这里,只有可能是秦焕遭遇危机时撞了大运,才碰到这位天才! Otherwise, depended on Qin Huan this playboy, to obtain how probably the approval of opposite party? 不然的话,就凭秦焕这种纨绔,怎么可能会获得对方的认可? What has saved the Qin Family Lord? What were you saying? Both of us come together. Must say really rescues, should be both of us has saved you together.” A Lord of face Azure Vault is bewildered. “什么救了秦家主?你在说啥呢?我们俩一起过来的啊。真要说救,应该是我们俩一起救了你。”青穹之主一脸莫名其妙。 The Lebanese magnificent 14 people of expressions solidified instantaneously. 黎华14人的表情瞬间就凝固了。 This person, related with Qin Huan unexpectedly significantly!? 此人,竟然和秦焕关系匪浅!? Was right, I must tell you, you did not accept our three conditions. This first condition , helping me. The other two conditions, must look at the opinion of Qin Huan this boy. However you could rest assured that wants you to handle the matter that definitely will not make you difficult to do.” The Lord of Azure Vault smiles to say. “对了,我得跟你们讲讲,你们不是答应了我们三个条件嘛。这第一个条件呢,就是帮我。剩余的两个条件,就要看秦焕这小子的意见了。不过你们放心,要你办的事情,肯定不会让你们难做。”青穹之主笑眯眯道。 What? That certainly impossible!” Lebanese magnificent one almost does not have any hesitation, declined directly! “什么?那绝不可能!”黎华一几乎没有任何犹豫,直接就回绝了! Qin Huan has robbed his beloved woman, now do help him unexpectedly? 秦焕可是抢走了他心爱的女人,如今竟然自己去帮他? Let alone, many talents, who does not know that he wanted to renovate Qin Huan, if helped Qin Huan work in turn, if this were known by other talents, which his face toward put!? 更何况,诸多天才们,谁不知道他想要整治秦焕,要是反过来帮秦焕做事,这要是被其他天才们知道了,他的面子往哪儿搁!? „Are you want to break a promise?” Lord of eyes Azure Vault narrow the eyes, said: I told you, I have sent the light symbol, if you renege on a promise, that image spreads over five inevitably!” “你这是想要毁约?”青穹之主眼睛一眯,道:“我跟你说,记光符我已经派出去了,你要是反悔的话,那段影像必然传遍五界!” You--” Lebanese magnificent complexion immediately changes extremely ugly, if passed on , their faces of Li lost in a big way, this life will also shoulder the mark that was perfidious. “你——”黎华一的脸色登时变的极其难看,要是真的传了出去,那他们黎家的面子就丢大了,他这一生也会背负起背信弃义的标记。 The Lebanese witch three people of complexions are also Yin clear uncertain, has not thought, will develop this unexpectedly. 黎巫三人的脸色也是阴晴不定,万万没想到,竟然会发展成这样。 Lebanese Young Master, you may result in think that clear replied again.” Advocation of cold snort/hum Azure Vault. “黎少主,你可得想清楚再回答。”青穹之主冷哼一声。 Lebanese magnificent restrains by force the foul odor of chest, the look gloomy and cold has swept Qin Nan one, things have gotten to this point, he already completely clear, definitely was Qin Huan has paid very big price, therefore invited such talent to assist! 黎华一强压住胸口的恶气,眼神阴冷的扫了秦南一眼,事已至此,他已经完全明白,肯定是秦焕付出了很大代价,故而请来了这样的天才相助! Your excellency, Qin Huan can your, me also be able your, even he cannot to your, me still be able to give you. With its help/gang waste, why not to collaborate with our Li Jia?” A Lebanese magnificent sincere say/way. “阁下,秦焕能够给你的,我也能给你的,甚至他不能给你的,我依然能给你。与其帮这样一位废物,何不与我们黎家联手呢?”黎华一诚恳道。 Right, this little elder brother, our Young Master always extremely respects to the talent, is extremely natural. Does your excellency why collaborate with this playboys?” The Lebanese Jin rain beautiful pupil flashes, the sound is gentle, sweet and pretty body, does not show trace approaches to the Lord of Azure Vault. “对啊,这位小哥,我们少主一向对天才都是极为尊重,也是极为大方的。阁下何必跟这种纨绔子弟联手呢?”黎瑾雨美眸闪动,声音轻柔,娇美的身躯,不露痕迹得向青穹之主靠近。 You must do! To my distant point!” Lord of one breath Azure Vault has drawn back several steps, a face looks at Li Jinyu vigilantly: I told you, you gave up any idea of occupies me to be cheap!” “你要干什么!离我远点!”青穹之主一口气退了好几步,一脸警惕的看着黎瑾雨:“我跟你说,你休想占我便宜!” Lebanese Jin rain complexion becomes flushed instantaneously, this kind of beautiful woman approaches on own initiative, does the opposite party so shut out unexpectedly? 黎瑾雨脸色瞬间涨红,她这样一个美人主动靠近,对方竟然如此嫌弃? „, Lebanese magnificent one, you are thinking anything, my very clear. Was a pity very much, I have to your opportunity.” Lord of light say/way Azure Vault. “还有,黎华一,你在想什么,我心里非常清楚。只是很可惜啊,我并不是没有给过你们机会。”青穹之主淡淡道。 Do the Lebanese magnificent first-grade people stare, have given the opportunity? What opportunity? 黎华一等人一愣,给过机会?什么机会? Wants initially I to peddle the map in law immortal training field, your actually nobody believes. Only bought, but also thinks that I have deceived him, simply was impervious!” The main road of Azure Vault: Finally, believes me on the Brother Qin younger brother.” “想当初我在法仙道场兜售地图,你们竟然没有一个人相信。唯一一个买了的,还认为我骗了他,简直是不可理喻!”青穹之主道:“最后,也就秦兄弟相信我。”
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