PBS :: Volume #20

#1961: Gives a big present

Qin Nan, now is not you deliberately create trouble, hurries to salute Ah ! 秦南,现在可不是你胡闹的时候,赶紧行礼啊! Chang Le and split vision of Chang Qing corner of the eye, saw this, had a scare, passes message hurriedly shouts to clear the way. 常乐常清眼角的余光,也看到了这一幕,吓了一大跳,急忙传音喝道。 Must know that in Cang Lan Continent, is impolite to the Qin Nan senior, although crime not until death, but Great Emperor, is Martial God, even more formidable existence, must be punished. 要知道,在苍岚大陆,对秦南前辈无礼,虽然罪不至死,但无论是大帝,还是武神,甚至更为强大的存在,都必然要遭到责罚。 Let alone, is the so grand situation. 更何况,还是如此盛大的场合。 Not this necessity.” “没这必要。” Qin Nan shakes the head to say. 秦南摇头说道。 His voice is not loud, in this is dignified solemnly silent, appears especially clear, on entire third training field, almost majority of Cultivator, hears completely clear. 他的声音不大,但是在这庄严肃静之时,就显得格外清晰,整个第三座道场上,几乎大部分的修士,全部都听得一清二楚。 Instantly, spiritual thought of these Powerhouse and talents, sweeps neatly, after seeing the Qin Nan action, associated to just now that a few words again, the look instantaneously on ice-cold. 霎时之间,这些强者、天才们的神念,齐刷刷扫来,当看到秦南的举动之后,再联想到方才的那一句话,眼神瞬间就冰冷了。 This person, dares so boldly! 此人,竟敢这般大胆! Xiao Ling'er and Chang Le and Chang Qing, complexion was immediately white. 萧灵儿常乐常清,脸色顿时就白了。 They have not thought that this good and evil has achieved Great Emperor cultivation level Qin Nan, dares to make such action unexpectedly! 他们也万万没有想到,这个好歹达到了大帝修为秦南,竟然敢做出这样的举动! This...... 这一下…… Ended. 完了。 When the time comes, including their three people, one punishes unavoidably. 到时候,连他们三人,也免不了一顿责罚。 Relax, has not related.” “放心吧,没关系的。” Qin Nan also knows their three people is the good intention, therefore comforted one. 秦南也知他们三人是好心,故而宽慰了一句。 However, such a few words said that let on training field that Powerhouse and talents, look ice-colder. 但是,这样的一句话说出来,就让道场上那一位位强者、天才们,眼神更加冰冷。 Xiao Ling'er, Chang Le and Chang Qing body simultaneously shakes. 萧灵儿常乐常清身体都齐齐一抖。 The item non- Qin Nan senior, does not follow salutes, you said unexpectedly hasn't related? 目无秦南前辈,不跟随行礼,你居然说没关系? This was also too wild Ah ! 这也太猖狂了啊! Bold!” “大胆!” Two imposing manner imposing about day beasts, have simultaneously exuded sound of the severe drinking, just likes the thunder is ordinary, rolling blasts out in the world. 两尊气势凛然的左右天兽,同时发出了一道厉喝之声,犹如雷霆一般,在天地间滚滚炸开。 Who are you? Disregards the Qin Nan senior unexpectedly, does not salute, talks back the boastful talk!” “你是何人?竟无视秦南前辈,不予行礼,还口出狂言!” Broad murderous aura, volume to four directions. 恢宏杀气,卷向四方。 What?” “什么?” Who is so is bold?” “到底是何人如此大胆?” On another two training field, that Powerhouse and talents, by these words alarming, in the eyes of many person, have revealed have wiped the anger. 另外两个道场上,那一位位强者、天才们,都被这句话给惊动了,不少人的眼中,露出了抹怒意。 Incessantly so, in sky, three ancient ship Gong Yang, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain's Lord wait/etc. person on , heard the following sound. 不止如此,天空之中,三艘古船上的宫杨源道天山之主等等人,也听到了下面的动静。 However, they are only a brow slightly wrinkle, not multibarreled. 不过,他们只是眉头微微一皱,并没有多管。 By about day beast cultivation level, sufficiently solution this matter. 以左右天兽的修为,足以解决这种事情。 Qin Nan smiles lightly, regarding spiritual thought of innumerable say/way, thinks little completely. 秦南淡淡一笑,对于无数道的神念,完全不以为意。 He looks about to this in day beast the vision, having one to despise. 只是他看向这左右天兽的目光中,带着一丝鄙夷。 Although his look long opened now, the hair color changed, the aura changed, was slightly different from before, but these two dogs, initially followed him a long time. 尽管如今他的相貌已经长开,发色已变,气息已变,和以前略有不同,但是这两条狗,当初跟随了他很长的一段时间。 Now, did not recognize him to come unexpectedly. 现在,竟然认不出他来了。 It seems like that later well gives their muscles and bones, helping them recall well...... 看来,待会得好好给它们松松筋骨,帮助它们好好回忆一下…… Courts death!” “找死!” About the day beast has not expected, this bold Cultivator, dares to visit them with such look unexpectedly, when next shames angry, exuded one to drink severely. 左右天兽万万没有料到,这个胆大包天的修士,竟然还敢用这样的眼神看着它们,当下一阵羞恼,发出了一声厉喝。 Innumerable divine light, gathered above their beast claw, must pat to Qin Nan. 无数神光,聚集在了它们的兽爪之上,就要对秦南拍下。 Qin Nan thinks little, but gained ground, looked to the sky. 秦南不以为意,而是抬起头来,看向了天空。 Whoosh ! 唰! A piece that his vision stares at void, erupted radiant black light suddenly, at the astonishing speed, was attacking about the day beast. 他目光所凝视的一片虚空中,骤然爆发出来了一道璀璨的黑光,以着惊人的速度,直攻左右天兽。 About the day beast pupil micro, rapid backlash, resists. 左右天兽瞳仁微缩,迅速后退,施法抵挡。 What person?” “什么人?” Above three ancient ship, bug, Gong Yang, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain's Lord wait/etc. Powerhouse , had realized instantaneously, from top to bottom, erupted heavens-frightening to move the place the imposing manner. 三艘古船之上,小虫、宫杨源道天山之主等等强者们,瞬间有所察觉,浑身上下,爆发出来了惊天动地的气势。 Haha, this fellow daoist does is very good, true Cang Lan's God, is our evil god Sir, why gives this anything Qin Nan to bow to salute Ah ! “哈哈,这位道友做的很不错,真正的苍岚之神,乃是我们邪神大人,何必给这什么秦南鞠躬行礼啊! A big laughter, reverberates in world, afterward a personal appearance illusory evil shade, appears from inside. 一道大笑声,在天地间回荡开来,随后一尊身形虚幻的邪影,从里面浮现而出。 „Did the Evil God Palace person come?” 邪神殿的人来了?” Powerhouse and talents three training field on, are in the heart one startled, immediately this bold Cultivator, after to the brain of forgetting. 三座道场上的强者、天才们,都是心中一惊,立刻将这个胆大包天的修士,给忘之脑后。 Only sees, bug coldly snort|hum, said: Courage of your Evil God Palace, but also is not really small, trivial person, dares to rush to my Monster God Restricted Area?” 只见到,小虫冷冷哼了一声,道:“你们邪神殿的胆子,还真是不小,区区一人,也敢来闯我妖神禁地?” This is together unreal the evil shade to cup one hand in the other across the chest to say with a smile: Sir Dragon God, overawes Inferior Lower Realm, must fly upwards Nine Heavens, how dare do I and others disturb? This line comes, I am ordered to give Sir Dragon God to deliver the share congratulatory gift.” 这一道虚幻邪影拱手笑道:“龙神大人,威震次下界,如今要飞升九天,我等岂敢来打搅?此行前来,我只是受命给龙神大人送份贺礼罢了。” After saying, his sleeve robe flings, on 13 faces is stained with the full blood, has been full of the thick unwilling head, float in void. 说完之后,他袖袍一甩,13个脸上沾满鲜血,充满了浓浓不甘的人头,就漂浮在了虚空中。 Bug big pupil, shrinks slightly. 小虫诺大的瞳仁,微微一缩。 Gong Yang, Source Dao Heavenly Mountain's Lord wait/etc., the complexion sinks immediately. 宫杨源道天山之主等等,脸色立刻一沉。 That is Howling Dust Martial God!” “那是啸尘武神!” Gathering Spirit Martial God, that is Gathering Spirit Martial God!” 聚灵武神,那是聚灵武神!” On three training field, Powerhouse and talents, after being on the rise saw that head, complexion simultaneously big change. 三座道场上,一位位强者、天才们,抬头看到了那一颗颗头颅之后,脸色齐齐大变。 These 13 heads, separately are 13 Martial God Powerhouse ! 这13个头颅,分别是13位武神强者 Moreover, they are existences of Martial God peak! 而且,他们还是武神巅峰的存在! Their many people in surprise, why had not seen these Martial God forms, the result have not thought that unexpectedly by the Evil God Palace person killing. 原本他们不少人还在诧异,为何没见到这些武神的身影,结果没有想到,竟然被邪神殿的人给杀了。 At once, in the eyes of many person, braved the billowing anger. 一时之间,不少人的眼中,冒起了滚滚怒火。 Evil God Palace cuts to kill their 13 Martial God Powerhouse , now still in this grade of time, specially throws the head, is clearly trampling them, extremely arrogant! 邪神殿斩杀他们13位武神强者,如今还在这等时刻,特意将头颅丢出来,分明就是在践踏他们,狂妄至极! Evil God Palace wishes in this, Sir Dragon God flies upwards nine Heavenly Immortal territories to be successful!” 邪神殿在此预祝,龙神大人飞升九天仙域成功!” The evil shade regarding the anger of people, does not think that instead smiles saying: Then, only remaining sea main Sirs.” 邪影对于众人之怒,毫无所觉,反而笑眯眯道:“如此一来,就只剩下海主大人了。” Present Cang Lan Continent, most formidable two person, is Dragon God and Gong Yang. 如今的苍岚大陆,最为强大的两人,便是龙神宫杨 Although some, cultivation level is also also insufferably arrogant, but their whereabouts is uncertain, for a long time has not appeared in Cang Lan very much. 虽然还有一些,修为也不可一世,但他们行踪不定,很久都没有出现在苍岚了。 Death!” “死!” Bug look ice-cold, huge dragon claw, directly evil shade tearing into shreds. 小虫眼神冰冷,庞大的龙爪,直接将邪影给撕碎。 Passes on my command, elaborate funeral they!” “传我之令,厚葬他们!” The bug said in a low voice. 小虫低声说道。 Person's shadows, flew from the Monster God island immediately, 13 bloody heads, takes away completely. 一道道人影,立刻从妖神岛四周飞了过来,将13个血淋淋的头颅,全部收走。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Also in this time, the end of sky, that innumerable thunder, seems received some stimulation to be the same, together, unceasingly has divided together then. 也在此时,天空的尽头,那无数的雷霆,似乎是受到了某种刺激一样,一道接着一道,不断的劈了下来。 All sorts of phenomenon, start to evolve unceasingly. 种种异象,开始不断演化。 The destruction aura, blew to all directions. 毁灭般的气息,吹向了四面八方。 The original bug also needs a double-hour, after carrying on all ceremonies, will contend to fly upwards Great Tribulation, but was evil a moment ago the shade appearance, has brought certain stimulation. 本来小虫还需要一个时辰,进行完所有仪式之后,才会去抗衡飞升大劫,但是刚才邪影的出现,给它带来了一定的刺激。 Dragon God, crosses the tribulation relieved, flies upwards Nine Heavens! And you felt relieved, so long as I in Cang Lan Continent, this Evil God Palace forever do not want to occupy Cang Lan Continent on the 1st.” 龙神,安心渡劫,飞升九天吧!你且放心,只要我在苍岚大陆一日,这邪神殿就永远也别想占据苍岚大陆。” The Gong Yang sinking sound said. 宫杨沉声说道。 Other people also to bug 11 nods. 其他人也对小虫11点头。 Sea Lord, that then gave you.” “海主,那便交给你们了。” The bug inspired gently, starts to contend to fly upwards Great Tribulation. 小虫轻轻吸了口气,开始抗衡飞升大劫 Nobody saw that in its look has a complaint, but also a little clenches jaws. 只是没有人看到,它的眼神中有着一丝埋怨,还有点咬牙切齿。 After waiting this time to fly upwards Nine Heavens, it must find Qin Nan that bastard, asks him well, dozens years passed by, did not come back Cang Lan Continent to look! 等此次飞升了九天之后,它一定要去找到秦南那个王八蛋,好好问问他,都几十年过去了,怎么也不回来苍岚大陆看一下! could it be that, after experience to the sceneries of nine Heavenly Immortal territories, Cang Lan Continent, they, gave to forget? 难道,见识到九天仙域的风景之后,就把苍岚大陆,还有他们这些人,都给忘了吗?
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