PTB :: Volume #4

#354: The road of blood

The road of Chapter 354 blood 第354章鲜血之路 Facing denouncing in word and in writing of people, Adam's complexion gradually becomes becomes flushed. 面对众人的口诛笔伐,亚当的脸色逐渐变得涨红起来。 In his heart panic-stricken, but is angrier. 他心中惊恐,但更加愤怒。 Damn Ge German, has not thought that unexpectedly your boy does such certainly! The father did not sell several NPC, is obstructing your anything matter. 该死的葛德文,没想到啊没想到,你小子竟然做的这么绝!老子不就是卖了几个NPC吗,又碍着你什么事了。 Damn Hesdin, why must save Mladin, if he died did not have so many things. 该死的艾丹,为什么要去救穆拉丁,如果他死了就没有这么多事情了。 Damn Lawrence, Mia, Sean, initially with me together to brushing how saying that now is such a countenance. 该死的劳伦斯,米娅,肖恩,当初和我一起对刷的时候怎么说的,现在又是这样一副嘴脸。 Hateful, hateful! The damn bastard, damn. 可恶,可恶!该死的混蛋,统统都该死。 He gripped angrily tightened the fist, the sharp nail pricked the palm, the blood flowed immediately, dropped in his referring to seams slowly. 他愤怒的攥紧了拳头,尖锐的指甲刺入掌心,鲜血顿时流淌了出来,在他的指缝间缓缓滴落。 Scarlet energy smog winds around in the hand. 一丝猩红色的能量烟雾在手中缭绕。 When the hatred is flooding his innermost feelings, in the mind actually appears an sharp female sound. 就在憎恨充斥着他的内心的时候,脑海中却浮现出一个尖锐的女性的声音来。 Scarlet mother: I have told you, this world is flooding fabricatedly with the lie, has a look at the countenance of these people, they will change to the sacrificial offering you, fills their desires and virulence. 猩红之母:我早就告诉过你,这个世界充斥着虚妄与谎言,看看那些人的嘴脸吧,他们将把伱化作祭品,来填补他们的欲望与恶毒。 You have been on the verge of death my hateful child, awakens, only has the blood and pain can say the truth of the world. 你已经危在旦夕了我可憎的孩子啊,觉醒吧,唯有鲜血与痛苦才能道出世界的真相。 To me prayed that my hateful child, prayed to me, your blood and painful offer with me, I will grant you in the great strength from blood...... 向我祈祷吧我那可憎的孩子啊,向我祈祷,将你的鲜血与痛苦奉献与我,我将赐予你源自鲜血之中的伟大力量…… Only by doing so, you can fortunately survive. 唯有如此,你才能得以幸存。 System prompt: You caused scarlet mother the attention, triggers the plot duty 【The road of blood king. 系统提示:你引起了‘猩红之母’的注意,触发剧情任务【鲜血君王之路】。 Blood king it road( plot duty) 【鲜血君王之路(剧情任务) Task definition: Breaks off with the alliance thoroughly, the incarnation blood prince, steps the chase blood strength the hateful path. 任务内容:与联盟彻底决裂,化身鲜血王子,踏上追逐鲜血力量的可憎道路。 Duty reward: Your heroic template will transform as the BOSS template of same level automatically, you by friendly promote in the prestige of scarlet church for the respect, your relations with the alliance transform to hostilely by the respect. 】 任务奖励:你的英雄模板将会自动转化为同位阶的BOSS模板,你在猩红教会的声望由友善提升为崇敬,你与联盟的关系由尊敬转化为敌对。】 Adam complexion stares, this is evil god who he believes- scarlet mother, his blood magic then learns from this evil god. 亚当脸色一愣,这是他所信仰的邪神-猩红之母,他的一身鲜血魔法便是从这个邪神身上学到的。 Initially he received a duty that turned over in full the evil believer, received after eliminating the evil believer actually from the battlefield bloodstain obtained a strength from evil god, from this took the path of blood magic. 当初他接过一个清缴邪教徒的任务,接过在消灭邪教徒后却从战场的血渍中获得了一股来自邪神的力量,由此走上了鲜血魔法的道路。 Has not actually thought that this evil god actually noticed him at this time. 却没想到这邪神竟然这个时候注意到了他。 Was the hatred in heart and drew the attention of this evil god angrily? 是心中的憎恨与愤怒引来了这个邪神的注意嘛? Can accept this strength? 到底要不要接受这股力量呢? The scarlet mother is the evil god, turns also means, oneself became BOSS thoroughly, inferior (Asia) was careful pit-a-pat to jump madly immediately. 猩红之母是邪神,投靠也就意味着,自己彻底成为BOSS了,亚当心中顿时一阵突突乱跳。 BOSS template have not played, it is said is very strong, but that Hesdin actually frame of reference, after incarnation big dragon, truly is much stronger. BOSS模板自己还没玩过呢,据说很强,不过那个艾丹倒是个参照物,化身巨龙之后确实强得离谱。 In the heart were many for several points to anticipate immediately. 心中顿时多了几分期待。 The god family of evil god, usually follows the intense side effect, but the evil god is also a god, only has to become god family, can take revenge, can pay the price to this damn Ge German. 邪神的神眷,通常都伴随着强烈的副作用,不过邪神也是神啊,唯有成为神眷者,才能复仇,才能对这个该死的葛德文付出代价。 Anticipated the value immediately several points. 期待值顿时又强了几分。 Moreover now are on the verge of death, to go on living must struggle. 而且现在自己危在旦夕,为了活下去也必须挣扎一下啊。 Immediately sets firm resolve, in the heart discussed silently. 顿时下定了决心,心中默默念道。 Great scarlet mother, I prayed to you by the blood and pain, grants me your strength , helping me flee the cage that this false disciple casts.” “伟大的猩红之母,我以鲜血与痛苦向你祈祷,将你的力量赐予我吧,助我逃离这虚伪之徒铸就的牢笼。” His skin color is getting more and more red, at this time the people were still arguing how should process Adam. 他的皮肤颜色越来越红,此时众人却还在争论着该如何处理亚当。 Blayney( Prince Gill): Must die another place, my Royal Father cannot sacrifice in vain, the people in Gill kingdom will not comply, if cannot execute him, Gill kingdom will withdraw from the alliance!” 布莱尼(吉尔尼斯王子):“必须将他处死,我父王绝不能白白牺牲,吉尔尼斯王国的人民也不会答应,如果不能处死他,吉尔尼斯王国将会退出联盟!” Mladin( the king of hill): Right that said that Adam must die, such degenerate, such rebel, does not have any reason of going on living.” 穆拉丁(山丘之王):“说的对,亚当必须死,这样的败类,这样的叛徒,没有任何活下去的理由。” law( Saint Guangda bishop): Ge German your majesty, Adam is pill prince, must make this ruling by you.” 法奥(圣光大主教):“葛德文陛下,亚当是洛丹伦的王子,必须由你来做出这份判决。” In the urging sound of people, on Ge Dewen face showed the painful look, he is grieved: But Adam after all is my blood younger brother, my how being able to get down hand, perhaps we can first arrest him, after the war ended, to him fair judging.” 在众人的催促声中,葛德文脸上露出了痛苦的神色,他惨然到:“可亚当毕竟是我的亲弟弟啊,我如何下得去手,或许我们可以先将他逮捕,等到战争结束之后再给他一个公正的宣判。” Matter already very obvious not, but also has something hesitant.” “事情已经很明显了不是么,还有什么可犹豫的。” Right that said that for these in the war because of betraying the warrior of sacrifice, Adam must die!” “说的对,为了那些在战争中因为背叛而牺牲的勇士,亚当必须死!” Issues the order Ge German your majesty.” “下达命令吧葛德文陛下。” Wuseer stood at this time suddenly, shouts loudly, „ everyone, I thinks that I understand Ge German your majesty difficulty, we once questioned initially Ge German your majesty justice and honor, making him distribute the pledge, before beating the beast person cannot succeed to the throne, but all have understood now, was Prince Adam and beast person colludes to kill Tyner Reyes, now kills Grey Mayen king, Adam was the person who that should receive the penalty. 乌瑟尔此时忽然站了出来,大声喊道,“各位,我想我明白葛德文陛下的难处,当初我们曾经质疑葛德文陛下的正义与荣誉,让他发下誓言,在击败兽人之前不可继承王位,但是现在一切都已经明了了,是亚当王子和兽人勾结害死了泰纳瑞斯陛下,现在又害死了格雷迈恩国王,亚当才是那个应该受到惩罚的人。 But Ge German your majesty, should inherit the position of King pill- without a doubt. 而葛德文陛下,理应继承洛丹伦国王的职位-毫无疑问。 Only has to become the king, has the qualifications to make the ruling to Prince Adam. 唯有成为国王,才有资格对亚当王子做出判决。 But becomes the king is not a simple matter, the king must have enough personal quality- heroic, intelligent and noble, as well as- fair, told my Ge German your majesty, facing your own family member, you whether can achieve enough fair? ” 但成为国王并非一件简单的事情,国王必须要有足够的个人品质-英勇、智慧、高尚、以及-公正,告诉我葛德文陛下,面对你自己的亲人,你是否能够做到足够的公正呢?” I! Ge German seemed vibrated greatly, the complexion is very suddenly puzzled, as if to trying oneself this blood younger brother does not endure. 我!葛德文仿佛大受震动,脸色一时间无比纠结,似乎对审判自己这个亲弟弟十分不忍。 But finally, on his face showed look resolutely. 但最终,他脸上露出了毅然的神色。 You said to Wuseer, you reminded me, in present this crisis-ridden age, the life or death of alliance is higher than all, even my blood younger brother, I cannot harbor he so evil act. “你说的对乌瑟尔,你点醒了我,在如今这个危机四伏的年代,联盟的存亡高于一切,即便是我的亲弟弟,我也决不能包庇他如此邪恶的行为。 Perhaps I have not been able to achieve the wise monarchy like Royal Father, but fair- I think that I can achieve. 或许我还无法做到像父王那样的英明君主,但公正-我想我可以做到。 I am willing to take the position of King pill, and gives a warrior fair compensation that these died in battle. ” 我愿意接受洛丹伦国王的职位,并给与那些战死的勇士一份公正的报偿。” He was saying looked to Adam, „ was sorry very much Adam- my dear younger brother, everyone must take the consequence for own behavior, although made this matter to make me distressed incomparable( very mother crisp), but I must do that. 他说着看向了亚当,“很抱歉亚当-我亲爱的弟弟,每个人都要为自己的行为承担后果,虽然做出这种事情让我痛心无比(忒尼玛爽了),但我必须这么做。 Accepts the just judgement! 接受正义的裁决吧! In the name of King pill, I rule you to be guilty, but I am benevolent, you also had what words to say, this was your last chance. ” 以洛丹伦国王的名义,我判决你有罪,但我是仁慈的,你还有什么话要说,这是你最后的机会。” Adam's complexion is getting more and more red, might drop to bleed, the red smog winds around around him, seeming like the evil charm is strange. 亚当的脸色越来越红,好像要滴出血来,红色烟雾在他周围缭绕,看起来邪魅而诡异。 The people showed the look of alert, although overwhelms with numerical strength, but everyone knows that Princess Nashir family/home prince each strength is outstanding, is highly regarded. 众人都露出了戒备的神色,虽然人多势众,但人人都知道米奈希尔家的王子公主各个实力拔群,不可小觑。 Adam( blood prince): „ Hahahaha, my stupid Elder Brother, your weakness and makes me feel the nausea naively, right, the Royal Father is I kills, I think that you will be finished with him together, never expected that you actually lived. 亚当(鲜血王子):“哈哈哈哈哈哈,我愚蠢的哥哥啊,你的幼稚和天真让我感到恶心,没错,父王正是我害死的,我本以为你会跟他一起完蛋,没想到你竟然活了下来。 The leaders of alliance are really one crowd of forgetting honor at the sight of profits waste, clear(ly) knows that you had the huge suspicion actually to let off you, for what? Has not wanted you to use the blood of pill People to resist the beast person, withstands the casualties for them. 联盟的领袖果然都是一群见利忘义的废物,明知道你有巨大嫌疑却还是放过了你,为了什么?还不是要你用洛丹伦子民的鲜血去对抗兽人,替他们承受伤亡。 So false, so sinister, so-called just and glorious- is one crowd of spiritless evil and cruel generation of pretence under pretext. 如此的虚伪,如此的阴险,所谓的正义与荣耀-不过是一群懦弱歹毒之辈的托词。 My plan must destroy this decayed alliance, but I almost must succeed, if not the sudden involvements of certain people. 我的计划正是要摧毁这个腐朽的联盟,而我几乎就要成功了,如果不是某些人的突然介入。 But you underestimated me, you think that I did keep the meeting not to take advantage? The strength that I grasp radically is you not unimaginable. 但你们还是低估我了,你们以为我留下来会没有依仗么?我所掌握的力量根本是你们所无法想象的。 That is the great master who I serve grants my terrifying magic! Quick, you will pay the price for your superficialities. ” 那是我侍奉的伟大主人赐予我的恐怖魔法!很快,你们都将为你们的短视付出代价。” Murphy hears a face to be shocked, I scratch, what insanity this goods sent, all recognized unexpectedly? 墨非听得一脸震惊,我擦,这货发了什么疯,竟然全都认了? Suddenly he noticed Adam's head title changed, turned into the blood prince from Prince pill. 忽然他注意到亚当头上的称号变了,从洛丹伦王子变成了鲜血王子。 Blood prince? What occupation is this? 鲜血王子?这又是什么职业? Moreover Adam's name also turned into the red hostile color from the green union color, the frame of head picture, turned into the BOSS head picture from the hero. 而且亚当的名字也从绿色的同盟色变成了红色的敌对色,就连头像的边框,也从英雄变成了BOSS的头像。 Others also noticed Adam's change, naturally was mainly externally, that evil red demon fog obviously was not the normal thing. 其他人也注意到了亚当的变化,当然主要是外观上的,那邪恶的红色魔雾明显不是什么正常的东西。 Killed him!” “杀了他!” Solves it!” “解决它!” Gets rid of him!” “把他干掉!” With the name of Saint light.” “以圣光之名。” The flash people make a move together, the Saint light, magic and sword, greeted the past altogether, but Adam actually hides has not hidden, was rumbled is cut is passed through by the chaotic sword turned into beach bloody water and flesh lump instantaneously. 一瞬间众人一起出手,圣光、魔法、刀剑,一股脑的招呼了过去,但亚当却躲都没躲,被轰被砍被乱剑贯穿瞬间变成了一滩血水和肉块。 The flesh lump melts rapidly, his face still appears in that bloody water indistinctly. 肉块迅速融化,他的脸还在那血水中隐约浮现。 Adam( blood prince): Too late...... my mortal body has been liberated...... king of Zhongjiang blood to return...... this world...... to submerge in the blood tide of scarlet mother...... you will certainly destroy...... gurgle toot toot 亚当(鲜血王子):“已经太迟了……我的肉身已经得到解放……鲜血之王终将归来……这个世界……将淹没在猩红之母的鲜血浪潮之中……你们必将毁灭……咕嘟嘟嘟” As that blood emit one skewer of blood blisters, entire Prince Adam disappears to disappear thoroughly. 随着那摊鲜血冒出一串血泡,整个亚当王子彻底消失不见了。 System prompt: Completes the sudden plot eventRevolting of blood prince, You witnessed blood prince Adam's degeneration and betrayal with own eyes, he as if summoned the strength of some evil god, successfully fled seizing of alliance. 【系统提示:完成突发剧情事件【鲜血王子的叛变】,你亲眼见证了鲜血王子亚当的堕落与背叛,他似乎召唤了某个邪神的力量,成功逃离了联盟的抓捕。 According to you performance in this event, you obtained 75 plot points, this event had been recorded and vault of heaven annal: In BOSS biography. 】 根据你在本次事件中的表现,你获得了75点剧情点数,本次事件已经被记录与苍穹编年史:BOSS列传中。】 75 plot points...... 75点剧情点数…… Murphy heart reaches an agreement, this arises suddenly plot event truly to have nothing to have the feeling. 墨非心说好吧,这个突发剧情事件里自己确实没什么存在感。 He understands why suddenly Adam will all embrace the charge a moment ago on oneself. 他忽然明白刚才亚当为什么会把罪名全都揽在自己身上了。 It is estimated that must brush some plot points, since wants blackening that naturally to want the blackening thoroughly, evil reputation value higher BOSS is stronger. 估计是要多刷一些剧情点数吧,既然要黑化那当然要黑化的彻底一点,恶名值越高BOSS就越强啊。 Is only one in Prince pill, now does conspiracy destruction alliance the person of evil big BOSS to suppose to oneself directly, was very has quick-witted. 原本只是洛丹伦王子中的一个,现在直接给自己搞了个阴谋毁灭联盟的邪恶大BOSS的人设,也算是挺有急智了啊。 Mladin( the king of hill): Odin's beard, what is that?” 穆拉丁(山丘之王):“奥丁的胡子啊,那到底是什么?” law( Saint Guangda bishop): Saint light on, that is- the strength of scarlet mother, in the legend is born in the evil god in blood and pain, so that's how it is, this Adam has turned to the evil god, no wonder so will be evil.” 法奥(圣光大主教):“圣光在上,那是-猩红之母的力量,传说中诞生于鲜血与痛苦中的邪神,原来如此,这个亚当早就已经投靠了邪神,怪不得会如此邪恶。” Wuseer( Saint knight feudal lord): Look, I have said that the evil strength will certainly bring to degenerate with the evil conduct, this is the best illustration.” Was saying looked at one to Murphy. 乌瑟尔(圣骑士领主):“看吧,我早就说过,邪恶的力量必将带来堕落与恶行,这就是最好的例证。”说着冲着墨非瞄了一眼。 Mladin actually stares immediately, what to do the present should?” 穆拉丁却立刻瞪了回去,“现在该怎么办?” Ge Dewen pondered the moment, he is very accidental/surprised to the Adam final approach, although Adam is accumulating the evil reputation value to oneself, but also without a doubt side helped him clear the suspicion thoroughly. 葛德文沉思了片刻,他对亚当最后的做法很是意外,虽然亚当是在给自己积累恶名值,但也毫无疑问侧面的帮他彻底洗清了嫌疑。 However Ge German does not think that naively Adam did not have to him maliciously, he can feel, later he and Adam must have a battle. 不过葛德文并不会天真的认为亚当对他没有恶意了,他能感觉得到,以后他和亚当少不了一番争斗。 However to that time, is between the King pill and evil blood princes wicked struggled, he quite anticipates actually. 不过到了那个时候,就是洛丹伦国王与邪恶的鲜血王子之间的正恶之争了,他倒是颇为期待呢。 Ge Dewen( prince regent pill): Initiates to Adam issues a warrant for arrest, issues to chase down the duty to the adventurer association, any can cut the warrior who kills Adam, can be rewarded the honor and alliance otherwise, as well as epic equipment reward from pill royal family treasure house.” 葛德文(洛丹伦摄政王):“对亚当发起通缉,向冒险者协会发布追杀任务,任何能够斩杀亚当的勇士,否可以获得联盟的荣誉和奖励,以及来自洛丹伦王室宝库的史诗装备奖励。” Can complete Ge German your majesty, your rightness makes me feel admiring with the determination, the fact has understood your qualifications, salutes to you- King pill!” “做得好葛德文陛下,你的公正与决心让我感到钦佩,事实已经明了你的资格,向你致敬-洛丹伦国王陛下!” Wuseer is saying, unexpectedly straight ordering knee knelt. 乌瑟尔说着,竟然直接单膝跪了下来。 The Saint knights of hands of several other silver, kneels down to salute in abundance. 其它几位白银之手的圣骑士,也纷纷下跪行礼。 Is this must make the established facts? 这是要制造既定事实嘛? Murphy looks that at present all these cannot help but gasps in admiration, who said that Wuseer was old-fashioned stodgy, you look at this performing skill are not very proper. 墨非看着眼前这一切不由得一阵叹服,谁说乌瑟尔古板迂腐了,你看这演技不是很到位嘛。 Slaughters Stan Sohm regarding historically Alsace, but Wuseer chooses that phase of history that travels, has had two different views. 对于历史上阿尔萨斯屠杀斯坦索姆,而乌瑟尔选择跑路的那段历史,一直有两种不同的说法。 The first view is, Wuseer is fair and stereotypical, therefore was infected by the disaster plague facing Stan Sohm's resident, meets this dilemma to choose quite conservatively, therefore order that refused Alsace to massacre city. 第一种说法是,乌瑟尔为人公正且呆板,因此面对斯坦索姆的居民被天灾瘟疫感染,遇到这种两难抉择会选择比较保守的,所以拒绝了阿尔萨斯屠城的命令。 Another view is, Wuseer is old compels Yin, knows that will massacre city this matter to shoulder the infamy, therefore found an excuse to sneak off simply, left Alsace this hot choice. 另一种说法则是,乌瑟尔是个老阴逼,知道屠城这种事情会背负骂名,所以干脆找了个借口开溜了,把这个烫手的选择留给了阿尔萨斯。 Before the Murphy indefinite truth how, Murphy actually looks now, Wuseer is old compels absolutely Yin, although is not an unprincipled person, but under the semblance of not solemn, actually absolutely is not in the surface looks that simple, the city mansion is actually extremely deep. 以前墨非并不确定真相如何,现在墨非却看出来了,乌瑟尔绝对是个老阴逼,虽然不是坏人,但是道莫岸然的外表下,却绝对不是表面上看起来那么简单,城府却是极深的。 Earns the support of Saint knight feudal lords, Ge German actually saw to pill royal family several princes and princesses. 获得圣骑士领主们的支持,葛德文却又看向了洛丹伦王室的几个王子和公主们。 Lawrence, Sean, Mia, until now in Nashir royal family you and my relations are not close, but the present is the pill life or death critical moment, I hope that you can speak frankly fairly, you thought I do have the qualifications to become the king?” “劳伦斯、肖恩、米娅,一直以来米奈希尔王室中你们和我的关系都不怎么亲密,但是如今是洛丹伦存亡的关键时刻,我希望你们能够公正直言,你们觉得我有资格成为国王吗?” Lawrence, Sean, Mia are understanding immediately, this is standing in line time. 劳伦斯、肖恩、米娅立刻会意,这是站队的时候了。 Several people are also quite afraid, in pill royal family faction, most opposed that several of Ge German run up to Northern to go, was their faction, originally gathered around Adam can make German be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, mutual resistance, but such a does today, wanted to sit on the fence to wait and see again is impossible. 几个人也比较心虚,洛丹伦的王室派系里面,最反对葛德文的那几个已经跑到诺森德去了,接下来就是他们这一派系了,本来聚集在亚当周围可以让葛德文投鼠忌器,互相对抗,但是今天这么一搞,想要再骑墙观望已经不可能了。 In addition they also participated to brushing the activity, was quite afraid, at this time almost reacts immediately. 再加上他们也参与了对刷活动,也是比较心虚的,此时几乎立刻做出了反应。 Lawrence( Prince pill): Big brother, you are the favored king, only has you to lead pill.” 劳伦斯(洛丹伦王子):“大哥,你是众望所归的国王,唯有你才能领导洛丹伦。” Sean( Prince pill): Said right, leading the alliance armies to resist the beast person, holds the post of king name will follow reality by you.” 肖恩(洛丹伦王子):“说的没错,率领联盟大军对抗兽人,由你担任国王实至名归。” Mia( Princess pill): Big brother, we support you.” 米娅(洛丹伦公主):“大哥,我们都支持你。” Ge German actually looked to the leaders and representative. 葛德文却又看向了各国领袖和代表。 „Did everyone, how you also say?” “各位,你们又怎么说呢?” How can also say, Ge German situation has become, at this time must sing an opposing tune with Ge Dewen, that will undoubtedly become the criminal who the destruction alliance unites. 还能怎么说,葛德文大势已成,这个时候要跟葛德文唱反调,那无疑将成为破坏联盟团结的罪人了。 If Ge German comes one move to retreat in order to advance, announced the withdrawal of troops directly, that alliance do not hit. 要是葛德文来一招以退为进,直接宣布撤军,那联盟就别打了。 The Blayney's first approval, after all he is also one of the suspects. 布莱尼第一个赞同,毕竟他也是嫌疑人之一。 Blayney( Prince Gill): Salutes to you, King pill.” 布莱尼(吉尔尼斯王子):“向你致敬,洛丹伦国王陛下。” Mladin( the king of hill): I did not like your Ge German, but has saying that today your actions enough on a status of king.” 穆拉丁(山丘之王):“我一直不怎么喜欢你葛德文,但是不得不说,今天你的所作所为够得上一位国王的身份。” Lya( knight-errant general): Salutes to you, King.” 奥蕾莉亚(游侠将军):“向你致敬,国王陛下。” Hesdin( Prince Otte Rank): Salutes to you, King.” 艾丹(奥特兰克王子):“向你致敬,国王陛下。” Rosa, Torbern Prince and the others also took a stand. 洛萨、托尔贝恩王子等人也纷纷表态。 Nod of law Archbishop is as deep as a well, I announced in this, Ge German succeeds the title and power of King pill officially.” 法奥大主教高深莫测的点了点头,“那么我在此宣布,葛德文正式继任洛丹伦国王的头衔与权力。” 【 The world announced: pill Prince Adam turned to the scarlet mother, becomes the family member of evil god, he sent out the prediction of scarlet end before escaping, in the near future, might start a fearful crisis very much. 【世界公告:洛丹伦王子亚当投靠了猩红之母,成为了邪神的眷属,他在逃脱前发出了猩红末日的预言,在不久的将来,很有可能将会掀起一场可怕的危机。 The common testimony of big feudal lord rolls under pill royal courts and the monarchy and silver hand of knight, pill prince regent Ge German Nashir officially becomes King pill. 在洛丹伦王室、各国君主、白银之手骑士团的大领主的共同见证下,洛丹伦摄政王葛德文・米奈希尔正式成为洛丹伦国王。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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