PTB :: Volume #3

#289: The ice and fire song of

The Chapter 289 ice and fire song of 第289章冰与火之歌 When alliance armed forces' right-wing militiaman army struggle beast person, left-wing Alsace, is also leading pill army to attack toward the middle of the mill tribe army. 就在联盟军右翼的民兵大军苦战兽人的时候,左翼的阿尔萨斯,也同样在率领着洛丹伦军队朝着中路部落军攻了过去。 On strict said that this pill army can be in three groups of alliance armies superior horse, pill had solid national strength, therefore compared in the army dispositions of other kingdom many some weak areas, the army of pill kingdom actually was almost the most comprehensive integrated army. 严格上讲,这支洛丹伦军队可以算得上是三路联盟军队中的‘上等马’了,洛丹伦国力雄厚,因此相比较于其它王国多少都有些短板的军队配置,洛丹伦王国的军队却几乎是最为全面的一体化军队。 The close combat has the kingdom infantry, the cavalry has pill Imperial family knight, long-distance has the dwarf mortar, even also provided lots of master and pastor army to be responsible for supporting the combat. 近战有王国步兵,骑兵有洛丹伦皇家骑士,远程有矮人迫击炮,甚至还配备了大量的法师、牧师部队负责支援作战。 With a big end of soldier of Otte Rank this type of water, the legal system depends entirely on recruits the poverty of adventurer to compel the country not to result in temporarily completely compares. 跟奥特兰克这种一水的大头兵,法系全靠临时征召冒险者的穷逼国家是完全没得比的。 The army who however at this time this simultaneous/uniform Zhuang is kept at full strength was actually stopped up by an unexpected enemy in an icefield. 然而此时这支齐装满员的大军却被一个意想不到的敌人堵在了一片冰原之中。 Alsace( Prince pill): Opens fire! Opens fire full power, gave me to rumble that thing!” 阿尔萨斯(洛丹伦王子):“开火!全力开火,把那东西给我轰了!” Rumbling! The mortar unceasing ejection shell, on the ice element feudal lord Locker Hollar crack, the ice piece flies randomly, the snowflake scatters. 轰轰轰!迫击炮不断的射出炮弹,在冰元素领主洛克霍拉身上炸响,冰块乱飞,雪花四溅。 The accompanying the armed forces masters also take risk to near the platoon to become one row, the fireball raindrop shoots towards at present the giant ice element. 随军法师们也冒险抵近排成一排,火球雨点般射向眼前巨大的冰元素。 But these attacks are all counter-balanced by the frost armor that king of that snow and ice produced unceasingly. 但这些攻击全都被冰雪之王那不断生成的冰霜护甲所抵消了。 Bang! Also was a round of fireball shot, looks the wound rapid congealment that exploded restored, along with the military law Teacher shakes the head. 轰!又是一发火球射了出去,看着炸出的伤口迅速凝结恢复,随军法师长摇了摇头。 Lucas( imperial masters): Useless prince, here is Otte Rank of the world of ice and snow, regarding the element lifeform, the home game combat can depend upon the environment to restore the life value unceasingly, particularly the element feudal lord, they inborn have the power of strength of reassignment element, we simply does not have the means to kill that big fellow in this environment, only if-” 卢卡斯(皇家法师):“没用的王子殿下,这里是冰天雪地的奥特兰克,对于元素生物来说,主场作战可以不断的依靠环境来恢复生命值,尤其是元素领主,它们天生就拥有调动元素之力的权能,在这种环境下我们根本没办法杀死那个大家伙,除非-” Alsace( Prince pill): Only if what?” 阿尔萨斯(洛丹伦王子):“除非什么?” Saw the blue crystal stone of that monster chest?” “看到那个怪物胸口的蓝色晶石了么?” Alsace nods, that giant ice element feudal lord, the body that center comprised of the cold ice and rock ice, is sending out the ice blue dazzling ray impressively, releases from that translucent body. 阿尔萨斯点了点头,那巨大的冰元素领主,由寒冰和岩冰组成的躯体正中,赫然散发着冰蓝色的耀眼光芒,从那半透明的躯体中释放出来。 Each element feudal lord uses the magic, that ray will also sparkle. 每一次元素领主施展魔法,那光芒都会随之闪耀。 That is the element crystal core, is the energy core of element lifeform, so long as destroys that thing, can kill it.” “那是元素晶核,是元素生物的能量核心,只要摧毁那个东西,就可以将其杀死。” That said that but must achieve absolutely is not easy. 话是这么说,但要做到却绝对没有那么容易。 Ices the element feudal lord to have more than 30 meters high fully, the position of element crystal core, in 77 meters altitude, ices the element feudal lord whole body to wrap the hard glare ice probably, wants to penetrate easier said than done. 冰元素领主足有三十多米高,元素晶核的位置,大概在十六七米的高度,冰元素领主全身都包裹着坚硬的冰壳,想要击穿谈何容易。 Alsace actually clenches teeth, does not have the issue, I will lead the knight to initiate the charge personally, you direct masters to shield us full power.” 阿尔萨斯却是一咬牙,“没问题,我将亲自带领骑士发起冲锋,你指挥法师们全力施法掩护我们。” He was saying pulls out to get angry the happiness, vertical horse comes before. 他说着一把拔出火之高兴,纵马来到阵前。 pill imperial knights, show your courage and honor time arrived, draws out the weapon, along with me charges! Let us complete to these barbaric beast people finally strikes!” “洛丹伦的皇家骑士们,展现你们勇气和荣誉的时候到了,拔出武器,随我冲锋!让我们完成对这些野蛮兽人的最后一击!” As Alsace orders, 500 pill Imperial family knights composed an impact formation, 1000 seal the feudal official knight later the array, Alsace is in this impact formation arrow place, in his heart incomparable excitement, until now he lives under that more than 40 Elder Brother more than 30 elder sisters' shadows, will run into some issue people to handle for him each time ahead of time. 随着阿尔萨斯命令,五百名洛丹伦皇家骑士组成了一个冲击阵型,一千名封臣骑士随后列阵,阿尔萨斯便处于这冲击阵型的箭头处,他心中无比的激动,一直以来他都生活在那四十多个哥哥三十多个姐姐的阴影之下,每次遇到问题都会有人提前替他搞定。 Encounters the danger to would some people for him over. 遇到危险总会有人替他出头。 Encountered the danger to the sea, there are big brother Aidan to command troops to rescue, battled to the storm kingdom and beast person, some Varian this brothers are going against in front. 到了海上遇到危险,也有艾丹大哥率兵来救,到了暴风王国和兽人交战,又有瓦里安这个二哥在前面顶着。 Although he has been participating in the fight from beginning to end, but until now, he can only follow in that leader behind, as a prince, this makes his many not be a little convinced. 虽说他从头到尾都一直在参与战斗,但是一直以来,他都只能跟在那个‘领袖’的后面,身为王子,这让他多少有点不服气。 What Alsace had at heart burden like his ancestors actually not, what was pure was the effort is causing trouble, must say that he really willing did work as a set-off? Cannot actually be justified completely, the heart deep place, he also has to be his pride. 阿尔萨斯倒不是像他上辈子那样有什么心里包袱,纯粹的是好胜心在作祟罢了,要说他就真的这么甘心当一个陪衬?却也完全说不过去,内心深处,他也有属于他的骄傲。 Now, yes proved own strength time! 现在,就是证明自己实力的时刻了! Alsace is thinking, bends down the lower part of the body, gently is touching the cheeks of warhorse, 阿尔萨斯想着,伏下身去,轻轻的抚摸着战马的脸颊, Come invincible, gallops with me together, this ate me to depend entirely on you, rushed to that monster the body, created a making a move opportunity to me!” “来吧无敌,和我一同驰骋,这一吃我可全靠你了,冲上那个怪物的身躯,给我制造一个出手的机会!” As if understood Alsace's words, crotch named invincible the warhorse exudes one to neigh, seems replying him. 仿佛听懂了阿尔萨斯的话,胯下名为‘无敌’的战马发出一声嘶鸣,仿佛在回答他。 Alsace is confident immediately. 阿尔萨斯顿时信心满满。 Draws a sword!” “拔剑!” Brushes, a sword blade has the sound of sheath. 刷刷刷,一阵剑刃出鞘的声音。 Charge!” “冲锋!” With a Alsace call, 1500 knights initiated the charge. 随着阿尔萨斯一声呐喊,一千五百名骑士发起了冲锋。 The ground is shivering, the pill knight uniform rewiring cavalry, person harness armor, 1500 equitation collective charges, potential, if racing thunder. 地面在颤抖,洛丹伦骑士清一色的重装骑兵,人马具铠,一千五百骑马集体冲锋,势若奔雷。 But in the both sides, the infantry regiment also launched the coordinate attack. 而在两侧,步兵军团也发起了配合进攻。 The king of snow and ice is not a person is certainly fighting, if independent BOSS, the battle efficiency cannot withstand an attack of entire only army again, in the under foot of ice element feudal lord, the innumerable tribe players is defending, looked opposite this battle formation also moves restlessly immediately. 冰雪之王当然不是一个人在战斗,如果是单独一个BOSS,战斗力再强也顶不住一整只军队的进攻,在冰元素领主的脚下,还有无数部落玩家在防守呢,一看对面这阵势顿时也躁动起来。 Motley crew( soldier): Nest grass is two fools, everyone on, did this goods to send together.” 乌合之众(战士):“窝草是二傻子,大家一起上啊,干了这货就发啦。” Trump card killer( bandits and thieves): „, To be why dry, everyone is a wounded person, does with anything.” 王牌杀手(盗贼):“靠,干什么干,大家都是伤员,拿什么干啊。” That arrow sad( hunter): Pile head/number of people, our so many people, pile of also piles died he, this goods were a kid, how to do does not die.” 那一箭的忧伤(猎人):“堆人头啊,我们这么多人,堆也堆死他了,这货就是个小屁孩,怎么就干不死。” Such creates a clamor, but also really brings in the interests of many player. 这么一阵鼓噪,还真就引来不少玩家的兴趣。 This is the future witch monster king, if this can get rid of, blows out several leg wools casually rare also enough their. 这可是未来的巫妖王啊,这要是能干掉,随便爆出几根腿毛也够他们稀罕的了。 During the key is the present is the plot campaign, gets rid of Alsace to be able completely to change the plot, this seduction is not general big, although the head/number of people big probability will be calculated in the ice element feudal lord head......, but will equip will not be short. 关键是现在属于剧情战役期间,干掉阿尔萨斯就能够彻底改变剧情,这种诱惑可不是一般的大,虽说人头大概率会被算在冰元素领主头上……但装备是不会少的。 Therefore Yang Yang's tribe player then gathered toward the center. 于是乌央乌央的部落玩家便朝着中央汇聚了过来。 Then was hit by 1500 rewiring cavalries. 然后就被一千五百重装骑兵撞了个正着。 Bang! pill Imperial family knights irresistible hit in the player pile directly, the carbine beast people will shoulder to pass through. 轰!洛丹伦皇家骑士势不可挡的直接撞进了玩家堆里,骑枪将一个个兽人挑起贯穿。 These beast person players generally only then ten multistage 20 multistage, is similar to the earth mud tile block to be the same before 46 levels of pill Imperial family knights simply, Large expanse was knocked, was struck to fly. 这些兽人玩家普遍只有十多级二十多级,在四十六级的洛丹伦皇家骑士面前简直如同土泥瓦块一般脆弱,成片的被撞翻,被击飞。 On the king of Locker Hollar of player behind snow and ice emits dazzling blue light suddenly- frost link! 玩家身后的冰雪之王洛克霍拉身上忽然冒出耀眼的蓝光-冰霜之环! The giant frost link toward spreads in all directions. 巨大的冰霜之环朝着四面八方扩散开去。 Place visited all objects are been in-situ by the freeze. 所过之处一切物体都被冻结在原地。 Jump! Alsace bellows, jumps to jump invincibly, leaps is 45 meters high. 跳!阿尔萨斯大吼一声,无敌纵身跃起,一跃就是四五米高。 Evades the ice link that pasted comes perfectly, his behind knights may so not be lucky, an ice link froze 700-800, only then 200-300 rode to follow the example hid. 完美的躲过了贴地而来的冰环,他身后的骑士们可就没这么幸运了,一个冰环冻住了700-800,只有200-300骑有样学样的躲了过去。 This is terrifying place of BOSS in battlefield, one big move often is the entire screen attack. 这便是BOSS在战场上的恐怖之处,一个大招往往都是全屏攻击。 The knight who these were frozen has to same place and periphery beast person slaughters, Alsace has not actually stopped, his vision stubbornly is staring at the king of that giant snow and ice, is staring at that element feudal lord chest front element crystal core. 这些被冻住的骑士不得不原地和周围的兽人厮杀起来,阿尔萨斯却没有停,他的目光死死的盯着那巨大的冰雪之王,盯着那元素领主胸前的元素晶核。 The element crystal core shone once again, the king of snow and ice lifts the hand, the frost energy changes to crazy fierce cold ice wind blast immediately. 元素晶核又一次亮了起来,冰雪之王一抬手,冰霜能量立刻化作狂猛的寒冰气流吹袭而来。 Ice cone technique! 冰锥术! This magic is the foundation ice of master is the magic arts, generally is away from also 78 meters away, however is put by the ice element feudal lord, over a hundred meters away, range included the front most regions fully. 这个魔法是法师的基础冰系法术,一般施法距离也就七八米远,然而由冰元素领主放出来,却足有上百米远,施法范围更是囊括了前方大部分区域。 Alsace wants to hide does not have to hide, but he does not become alarmed, he is some people supports. 阿尔萨斯想躲都没地躲了,不过他并不着慌,他可是有人支援的。 Lucas( imperial masters): „The flame elf, obeys my summon, changes to invisible knot, prevents severely cold with snow and ice- flame ties!” 卢卡斯(皇家法师):“火焰的精灵,听从我的召唤,化作无形的结界,阻挡严寒与冰雪-火焰结界!” The flame formed a defense cover that around Alsace is sparkling the scarlet red flame, resisted this to strike forcefully, but tied the ray was also gloomy. 火焰在阿尔萨斯周围形成了一个闪耀着赤红色火光的防护罩,硬生生抗住了这一击,但结界的光芒也随之暗淡。 Alsace is not accidental/surprised to such result, even has felt happily, this is the accompanying the armed forces master for the final support that he provides, then looks own. 阿尔萨斯对这样的结果并不意外,甚至已经感到欣慰了,这是随军法师为他提供的最后支持,接下来就看自己的了。 As soon as he kicks the warhorse, prepares to circle to Locker Hollar's side, is rushed by the body slope face of cold ice constitution following its, actually ices the element feudal lord lifts the right hand, the snow and ice instantaneously in it short around the arm to cover the congealment unexpectedly, condensed a more than ten meters giant arm, the fist situated in arm terminal had the house size fully, pounded toward Alsace overhead. 他一踢战马,准备绕到洛克霍拉的侧面,顺着它那由寒冰构成的躯体坡面冲上去,却不料冰元素领主一抬右手,冰雪瞬间在它‘短小’的手臂周围覆盖凝结,凝聚出了一只十几米长的巨大手臂,位于手臂末端的拳头足有房子大小,朝阿尔萨斯当头砸了过来。 Ended! In Alsace heart one cool, has not thought that this thing really also has the close combat skill. 完了!阿尔萨斯心中一凉,没想到这玩意竟然还有近战技能。 He holds up the shield preparation standard to keep off, in the heart is ungodly, that cold ice condenses the fist that becomes to have the house size fully, the shield in his hand actually be only three chi (0.33 m) width, the vast volume gap will make him have to plant to be pounded the meat patty by a fist the misconception. 他举起盾牌准备格挡,心中却毫无信心,那寒冰凝聚而成的拳头足有房子大小,他手中的盾牌却只有三尺宽,巨大的体积差距让他有种会被一拳头砸成肉饼的错觉。 Next second- bang! A lightning is shooting in the joint place of that arm, forcefully the smashing that the arm explodes. 下一秒-轰!一道闪电正射在那手臂的关节处,硬生生将手臂炸的粉碎。 Alsace fends off the broken ice piece with the shield, raised the head saw that in the sky a storm big dragon is circling to pass over gently and swiftly. 阿尔萨斯用盾牌挡开碎冰块,一抬头就看到天空中一只风暴巨龙正盘旋掠过。 Aidan Delon( storm Dragon King): Goes to the young warrior, completes you the mission, killed that monster.” 艾丹德隆(风暴龙王):“去吧年轻的勇士,完成伱的使命,杀了那只怪物。” Is big brother’s voice! In Alsace heart surges suddenly, although that sound becomes very low and deep, he can still hear. 是大哥的声音!阿尔萨斯心中一时间激荡不已,尽管那声音变得十分低沉,他依然听得出来。 ‚The king of snow and ice Locker Hollar( ice element feudal lord): Go away, the impolite reptile, do not prevent Locker Hollar will.” ‘冰雪之王’洛克霍拉(冰元素领主):“滚开,无礼的爬虫,不要阻挡洛克霍拉意志。” The light of polar region! 极地之光! The miserable white light beam direct lighting on storm Dragon King, on the storm big dragon covers glare ice together immediately, not only the speed slows down, even there is a trend of freeze gradually. 一道惨白色的光束直照在风暴龙王身上,风暴巨龙身上立刻覆盖了一层冰壳,不仅速度变慢,甚至有渐渐冻结的趋势。 ( I scratch, this goods is a little fierce, worthily is the element feudal lord of disaster level.) Murphy is thinking, was several thunder spits the breath to shoot. (我擦,这货有点厉害啊,不愧是灾难级的元素领主。)墨非想着,又是几道雷霆吐息射了过来。 Everyone is BOSS, although the position jumped several levels, but two moves. 大家都是BOSS,虽然位阶差了几级,但过两招还是可以的。 Saw that the ice element feudal lord was attracted the attention by the sudden wind tyrannosaurus, Alsace was not hesitating, kicks the warhorse, jumps to fly invincibly, rushes following the incline of Locker Hollar body. 见到冰元素领主被突然出现的风暴龙吸引了注意力,阿尔萨斯不在迟疑,一踢战马,无敌纵身飞起,顺着洛克霍拉身体的斜面就冲了上去。 Locker Hollar the discovery right, the body, did not want to turn around at this time fiercely in a flash, stumbles invincibly immediately, falls from the ice layer. 洛克霍拉这时也发现不对,猛地一晃身躯,想要转过身去,无敌顿时马失前蹄,从冰层上滑落。 However at this time Alsace only has 78 meters distance to that element crystal core. 然而此时阿尔萨斯离那元素晶核却已经只有七八米的距离了。 Cuts dauntlessly! 无畏斩! Alsace is stepping on the invincible back, jumps furiously, in the midair wields a sword furiously. 阿尔萨斯踩着无敌的脊背,奋力跃起,半空中奋力挥出一剑。 ! This sword is falling on the chest of king of that snow and ice, scalding hot sword blade deep jabbed into the glare ice. 咔嚓!这一剑正落在那冰雪之王的胸口,灼热的剑刃深深的刺进了冰壳之中。 Alsace partly hangs above, actually discovered a very awkward matter- sword is not very long! 阿尔萨斯半挂在上面,却发现了一个十分尴尬的事情-剑不够长! Is good is not ordinary because of his sword. 好在他这把剑也不一般。 Weapon special effect casting- starts! 武器特效熔铸-发动! Weapon special effect 2: Casting. Your attack to the armor of enemy will cause the destruction, reduces the armor value and armor of enemy is durable, this/should effect can only restore through the repair. 武器特效二:熔铸。你的攻击会对敌人的护甲造成破坏,降低敌人的护甲值和护甲耐久,该效果只能通过修理来恢复。 Sees only the fire happily to jump suddenly projects the dazzling scalding hot ray, screens to project the scarlet red ray in the glare ice, that thick solid ice outer covering melts rapidly, Alsace punctures furiously toward the interior, half body searched into, finally passed through a that cold ice nucleus sword. 只见火之高兴猛然迸射出耀眼的灼热光芒,在冰壳上映射出赤红色的光芒,那厚厚的坚冰外壳迅速融化,阿尔萨斯奋力朝内部刺去,半个身子都探入了进去,终于将那寒冰晶核一剑贯穿。 Not ..................!” “不………………!” Ices the element feudal lord to give out angry roaring of pain ! The ice element energy in cold ice nucleus drops, by the sword blade of blazing flame constitution, was frozen by this energy. 冰元素领主发出痛苦的怒吼,咔嚓!寒冰晶核里的冰元素能量狂泻而出,就连由炽热火焰构成的剑身,都被这股能量冻结。 Bang! With a radical explosion, king of that huge body snow and ice changes to the innumerable giant ice pieces to collapse loudly, 轰!随着一声剧烈的爆炸,冰雪之王那巨大的身躯化作无数巨大的冰块轰然倒塌, Alsace drills from the snow drift, in heart incomparable excitement, ha, succeeded, I succeeded, my Alsace cut to kill an element feudal lord!” 阿尔萨斯从雪堆中钻出,心中无比的激动,“哈哈哈,成功了,我成功了,我阿尔萨斯斩杀了一个元素领主!” He just wanted to lift the sword celebration, was actually shocked fiercely. 他刚想要举剑庆祝,却猛地愣住了。 The fire the happy that flame sword blade was frozen, formed one frozen the strange weapon of flame frost, the strength of ice and fire formed the perfect balance, the sword blade interior of cold ice is the stagnation flame, seems like the mystical. 火之高兴那火焰般的剑身被冰霜冻结,形成了一把冰封着的火焰的奇异武器,冰与火的力量形成了完美的平衡,寒冰的剑身内部是静滞的火焰,看起来十分神异。 What situation is this?” “这是什么情况?” Alsace looks at the ice hot long sword in hand to be surprised, he has a feeling, this as if grown stronger the sword, what a pity he could not notice that the name on sword said that if saw, it is estimated that will be more excited. 阿尔萨斯看着手中的冰火长剑一脸惊讶,他有种感觉,这把剑似乎变强了,可惜他看不到剑上的名字介绍,如果看到了,估计会更加激动。 Ice and fire it song( both hands sword / legend)...... 【冰与火之歌(双手剑/传奇)…… After five minutes,- 五分钟后- A wolf cavalry distressed rushed to Sarru Farr not far away. 一名狼骑兵狼狈的冲到了萨鲁法尔不远处。 Sir Sarru Farr, the king of snow and ice was cut to kill by pill Prince Alsace, these adventurers of tribe were routed, our military's left-wing defense line had been punctured.” “萨鲁法尔大人,冰雪之王被洛丹伦王子阿尔萨斯斩杀,部落的那些冒险者被击溃,我军左翼的防线已经被打穿了。” Brockes Sarru Farr( high rank military governor): What! This is how possible, but the king of snow and ice ice element feudal lord, only human prince......” 布洛克斯・萨鲁法尔(高阶督军):“什么!这怎么可能,冰雪之王可是冰元素领主,区区一个人类王子……” Is the wind tyrannosaurus, the king of snow and ice is attacked by storm big dragon, therefore was sneak attacked to cut to kill by the human prince.” “是风暴龙,冰雪之王遭到风暴巨龙的攻击,因此被人类王子偷袭斩杀。” When Sarru Phaltan the complexion is ugly, damn, is not then wonderful- is unimportant, so long as the few wolf Lord armies launch the attack, all will be good. 萨鲁法尔顿时脸色难看起来,该死,这下可不妙了-不要紧,只要少狼主的军队发起进攻,一切都会好起来的。 Also was a wolf cavalry flushed, this he actually recognized is before sends to that few wolf lords transmitted orders. 又是一名狼骑兵冲了过来,这一个他却认得就是之前派去给少狼主传令的那个。 Sir Sarru Farr, few wolf Lord attack fail! His army was blocked by the reserve unit of human, is unable to come to be able with.” “萨鲁法尔大人,少狼主的进攻失败了!他的军队被人类的后备部队挡住,无法前来会和了。” What! Sarru Farr thoroughly was then scared, how possible, the reserve unit of human is some militiamen, how does he link one group of militiamen not to be victorious?” 什么!这下萨鲁法尔彻底傻眼了,“怎么可能,人类的后备部队都是些民兵,他怎么连一群民兵都打不过?” Is the wind tyrannosaurus, originally is about to win, but the storm big dragon breaks in the battlefield suddenly......” “是风暴龙,本来已经快赢了,但是突然有一只风暴巨龙冲入战场……” Sarru Farr that called speechless, how which to have the wind tyrannosaurus to enter the war? 萨鲁法尔那叫一个无语,怎么哪哪都有风暴龙参战? This was the advantage of flying unit, where in the battlefield had to need to fly where, the plot of audience can the ginseng/partake uniting foot, be able to brush everywhere has the feeling. 这便是飞行单位的优势了,战场上哪里有需要就飞哪里,全场的剧情都能参合一脚,可以到处刷存在感。 Drake Tull( frost wolf prophet): What to do Brockes?” 德雷克塔尔(霜狼先知):“怎么办布洛克斯?” Brockes Sarru Farr( high rank military governor): Did not have other means that you lead the army to retreat immediately, I brought up the rear.” 布洛克斯・萨鲁法尔(高阶督军):“没有别的办法了,你立刻带领军队撤退,我来断后。” Drake Tull complexion changes, the reinforcements were repelled, the left-wing defense line was punctured, this means that here must become the battlefield that the alliance armies besiege immediately, if oneself carry off part of armies again, that- 德雷克塔尔脸色一变,援军被击退,左翼的防线又被打穿,这意味着这里马上就要成为联盟大军围攻的战场,自己如果再带走一部分军队吗,那岂不是- Perhaps other means.” “或许还有别的办法。” Brockes cold snort/hum, „ you are not clear, we had been defeated, but the failure must leave behind anything, I fell short of Aogerui commission, disappointed Du Longtan trust, therefore I must remain to shoulder my responsibility, I am a person who kills the human king, to take revenge they will certainly not let off me, so long as I remain, you can seize the chance to retreat. 布洛克斯冷哼一声,“你还不明白吗,我们已经失败了,而失败就必须留下些什么,我辜负了奥格瑞姆的嘱托,辜负了杜隆坦的信任,所以我必须留下来承担我的责任,我是杀死人类国王的人,为了复仇他们一定不会放过我,只要我留下来,你们就可以趁机撤退。 The frost wolf clan cannot do without you, walks quickly, did not walk without enough time. ” 霜狼氏族不能没有你,快走吧,再不走就来不及了。” Drake Tull sighed, he knows what Brockes said was right, met again Brockes- I will tell your heroic fearless name to others.” 德雷克塔尔叹了口气,他知道布洛克斯说的是对的,“再会了布洛克斯-我会将你的英勇无畏之名告诉给其他人的。” Drake Tull said, is no longer scruple, greeting, leading the beast people of frost wolf clan to start to retreat. 德雷克塔尔说完,不再迟疑,一声招呼,带着霜狼氏族的兽人开始撤退。 Brockes actually looks to the alliance army who periphery besieged gradually. 布洛克斯却看向了周围渐渐围攻过来的联盟大军。 He turns over/stands up to ride the seat of honor wolf, charges into the army of alliance directly. 他翻身骑上座狼,直接冲向联盟的中军。 Brockes Sarru Farr( high rank military governor): I am Brockes Sarru Farr, the high rank military governor of tribe, comes facing me the dregs of your alliance!” 布洛克斯・萨鲁法尔(高阶督军):“我是布洛克斯・萨鲁法尔,部落的高阶督军,来面对我吧你们这些联盟的渣滓!” Tribe's here sound naturally cannot escape the eyes of alliance prince. 部落这边的动静自然逃不过联盟众王子的眼睛。 Tribe must run!” “部落要跑!” Pursues! Cannot make them run.” “追上去!不能让他们跑了。” „The pursuit, must wrap the circle them separately!” “分头追击,一定要把他们包圆了!” The princes also want to pursue respectively, but Sarru Farr has opened the wild direct resentment to come. 众王子还想要分别追击,但萨鲁法尔已经开启了狂暴直接怼过来了。 Your opponents are I!” “你们的对手是我!” Bloody wild- charge- tornado cuts! 血腥狂暴-冲锋-旋风斩! Brushes, Sarru Farr slaughters like the meat grinder generally crazily, shortly will leave behind place the corpse, no longer considered when director and tactic, completely by the status investment fight of soldier, Sarru Phaltan erupts the astonishing battle efficiency. 刷刷刷,老萨鲁法尔如同绞肉机一般疯狂杀戮,顷刻间留下一地的尸体,不再考虑指挥和战术,完全以战士的身份投入战斗,老萨鲁法尔顿时爆发出惊人的战斗力。 The princes are angry, has not thought that was so rampant at this time. 众王子大怒,没想到都这个时候了还这么嚣张。 Immediately gangs up to surround and beats up. 立刻围殴上来。 Did not have the wet nurse also to fear you! 没有了奶妈还怕你啊! Murphy has not paid attention to the following tangled warfare, he had sought too many limelight in this plot campaign, this head/number of people gives others. 墨非没有理会下面的混战,他在这场剧情战役中已经出了太多风头了,这个人头还是给其他人吧。 Happen to seizes the chance to kill slightly some rises to promote strangely. 正好趁机多杀一些小怪升升级。 Murphy is thinking, is spitting the breath to the beast person army crazy emitting thunder of retreating. 墨非想着,对着撤退的兽人大军疯狂的喷吐雷霆吐息。 The supernatural power value has almost exhausted, the dragon thunder storm unable to use, but the thunder spits the breath to be the foundation skill, does not consume the supernatural power value, can use casually. 法力值已经几乎耗尽,龙雷风暴是用不了了,但雷霆吐息属于基础技能,不消耗法力值,可以随便用。 The one breath pursues more than ten li (0.5 km), until encountering the round of salvo of tribe air defense crossbow artillery, Murphy gave up chasing down. 一口气追出去十几里,直到遭遇了部落防空弩炮的一轮齐射,墨非才放弃了追杀。 Slaughtering of this day gets down, he rose four levels unexpectedly, now has reached as high as 39 levels, really goes to war the promotion to be quick. 这一天的杀戮下来,他竟然足足升了四级,如今已经高达39级了,果然打仗升级就是快啊。 When he returns to the battlefield time, the world announced that also resounds finally. 等到他回到战场的时候,世界公告也终于响起。 【 The world announced: As high rank military governor Brockes Sarru Farr was cut to kill by Prince Otte Rank jointly, iced the wolf original war also to finish, the tribe failed badly in this war, lost massive armies, and died in battle Brockes and Du Longtan two key leaders. 【世界公告:随着高阶督军布洛克斯・萨鲁法尔被奥特兰克王子联手斩杀,冰狼原之战也随之结束,部落在这场战争中遭受了惨败,损失了大量部队,并阵亡了布洛克斯和杜隆坦两名关键领军人物。 The failure of this campaign announced the end of tribe north road regiment offensive, indicates that the alliance did not have the trouble of impeding again, can focus on resisting the invasion of tribe, all -out war of an alliance and tribe, will soon start. 这场战役的失败宣告了部落北路军团攻势的终结,也预示着联盟再也没有了掣肘之患,可以集中力量来对抗部落的入侵,一场联盟与部落的全面战争,即将打响。 As a result of retreating of Duke Barov, causing the left wing of Otte Rank Regiment to beset with a crisis, Duke Barov leads the fact fission with Otte Rank kingdom to be a foregone conclusion, in addition dying in battle of King Eden, Otte Rank kingdom power struggle also gradually surfaced. 由于巴罗夫公爵的撤退,导致奥特兰克军团的左翼陷入危机,巴罗夫公爵领与奥特兰克王国的事实分裂已成定局,再加上艾登国王的战死,奥特兰克王国内部的权力斗争也逐渐浮出水面。 Mysterious storm Dragon King Aidan Delon comes to the battlefield with this war, his appearance as if also indicates, more unusual strengths start to involve this war that affects the entire Eastern mainland. 神秘的风暴龙王艾丹德隆与此战中现身战场,他的出现似乎也预示着,更多的超凡力量开始介入这场波及整个东方大陆的战争。 This event had been recorded and in the vault of heaven annal. 】 该事件已经被记录与苍穹编年史之中。】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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