PTB :: Volume #3

#288: Hollow square formation and Napoleon artillery

Chapter 288 hollow square formation and Napoleon artillery 第288章空心方阵和拿破仑炮 Few wolves Lord somewhat accidental/surprised, but does not have to be serious. 少狼主有些意外,但也没太当回事。 20,000 armies were routed, defense line that only 2000 militiamen compose, was considered as anything. 两万大军都被击溃了,区区两千民兵组成的防线,又算得了什么。 As for artillery anything, in vault of heaven world high demon world, the flintlock artillery is not the new things, moreover is far from some multi- powerful, artillery anything listens to a sound, historically the dwarf dwarf even tank, floated air-to-ship to study, no did not have the feeling. 至于火炮什么的,在苍穹世界这个高魔世界里,火枪火炮都不是什么新鲜事物,而且也谈不上有多强力,火炮什么的不过是听个响罢了,历史上矮人侏儒可是连坦克、浮空舰都研究出来了,不也没什么存在感么。 Really hits, must look at the strength by type unit of real swords and spears. 真打起来,还是得看真刀真枪的兵种实力的。 At this time orders directly, kills!” 此时直接一声令下,“杀上去!” About thousand frost wolves fight the beast, called to rush. 近千只霜狼战兽,嗷嗷叫着就冲了上去。 Behind lance projects the crowded arrow rain, but falls in the beast group, only caused dozens casualties, suddenly the beast group rushed to the militiaman battleline nearby. 长矛阵后面射出密集的箭雨,但落在兽群之中,只造成了数十的伤亡,眨眼间兽群就冲到了民兵阵线的跟前。 The veterans show the sword( militiaman team leader): Stands firm- stands firm- stands firm- before two rows three stand in line, composes hedgehog!” 老兵亮剑(民兵队长):“稳住-稳住-稳住-二排三排上前,组成刺猬阵!” The following lance militiaman goes forward suddenly one step, the third row goes forward two steps, three rows of militiamen are close, the lance forms three rows of lance like the hedgehog, these frost wolf hit above, immediately was been cool by the passing heart of to bind. 后面的长矛民兵忽然上前一步,第三排的则上前两步,三排民兵紧密相连,长矛如刺猬般形成三排长矛阵,那些霜狼一头撞在上面,顿时被扎的透心凉。 This wave was the reverse speed injury addition. 这一波算是反向的速度伤害加成了。 Titter! Titter! Titter! A charge, over a hundred fought the beast to be gripped the screen by hedgehog, some are still struggling the tear and bite, but in three rows of lance soldiers under jabbed furiously, quick died before. 噗嗤!噗嗤!噗嗤!一个冲锋,就有上百只战兽被刺猬阵扎成了筛子,有的还在挣扎撕咬,但在三排长矛兵的奋力戳刺下,很快就死在阵前。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! A lance following archer and artillery are still launching unceasingly, has more frost wolves to be killed every time. 长矛阵后面的弓箭手和火炮还在不断发射,每时每刻都有更多的霜狼被射杀。 Loving dearly that few wolf lords look, this is the elite army. 少狼主看的心疼不已,这可是精锐部队啊。 Circles, circles attacks to the two sides.” “绕过去,绕到两边进攻。” When the pack of wolves circles toward the two sides, waits for their is actually more lance. 然而当狼群朝着两边绕去的时候,等待他们的却是更多的长矛阵。 The veteran bright sword used these 2000 militiaman groups obstinately a hollow square formation. 老兵亮剑愣是用这两千民兵组了一个空心方阵。 Finally after the casualty nearly half, the remaining wolves disperses instantly. 最终在死伤近半之后,剩下的狼群一哄而散。 Defeated unexpectedly! Few wolves Lord are somewhat hard to accept suddenly, 1000 third-level soldiers, lost to 2000 first-level soldiers unexpectedly. Does the third-level soldier hit the first-level soldier also to lose unexpectedly? 竟然败了!少狼主一时间有些难以接受,一千三级兵,竟然败给了两千一级兵。三级兵打一级兵竟然还能输? The discovery these militiamen of his instinct are not quite a little right. 他本能的发现这些民兵有点不太对劲。 However is unimportant, opposite strange militiaman army only then 2000 people, the key is to reorganize the formation now, before had not dressed ranks, the formation was too chaotic, although defeated opposite militiaman army, but the beast person army was also chaotically thorough the formation. 不过不要紧,对面这支奇怪的民兵部队只有两千人,现在关键是重组阵型,之前没有整队,阵型太乱了,虽然打垮了对面的民兵部队,但兽人大军也彻底乱了阵型。 So long as rallies the formation, kills by the strict military power, these low level militiaman group anything are also dies. 只要重整阵型,以严密军势杀过去,这些低级民兵组什么阵也是个死。 Thinks that here he quickly makes one sound the bugle, the scattered in disorder each branch of the services will remove. 想到这里他急忙让人吹响号角,将散乱的各个兵种撤了回来。 Looks that the beast person retrocedes shortly, Talat collapses long exhales, scary, almost thinks a moment ago must be finished. 看着兽人短暂的后退,达拉崩吧长出了一口气,吓死了,刚才差一点以为要完蛋了呢。 More than 20,000 militiamen were killed 3,000-4,000, is good restores also quickly because of militiaman thing morale, suddenly can fight reluctantly. 两万多民兵足足被干掉3,000-4,000,好在民兵这玩意士气恢复起来也快,眨眼间又勉强能战斗了。 At this time in the crowd actually pushed a person, the opens the mouth scolds, your fool, your dozen of what weaponry , can you direct?” 这时人群中却挤过来一个人,张口就骂,“你个傻子,你这打的什么仗啊,你会不会指挥啊?” Roaring makes Talat collapse turns around fiercely, saw that a militiaman regimental commander face of country character face looks at him angrily. 一阵怒吼让达拉崩吧猛地转过身去,就看到一个国字脸的民兵团长一脸恼怒的看着他。 Talat collapse Baxin said the father solemn prince......, however looks at the eagle same look and severe facial features of that veteran, immediately some however, on the mouth are actually not willing to suffer a loss embarrasedly. 达拉崩吧心说老子堂堂王子……然而一看那老兵的鹰一样眼神和严厉的面容,顿时有些讪讪然,嘴上却不肯吃亏。 „, you that probably said that will go to war.” “靠,说的好像伱会打仗似的。” The veterans show the sword( militiaman team leader): Father can certainly, the father be the regimental commander, has studied the modern military history.” 老兵亮剑(民兵队长):“老子当然会,老子可是当过团长,研究过近代军事史的。” Talat collapses( Prince Otte Rank): I scratch, is so flamboyant, real false, how old are you?” 达拉崩吧(奥特兰克王子):“我擦,这么牛逼,真的假的,您老多大岁数啊?” The veterans show the sword( militiaman team leader): Naturally real, the situation is urgent, gives me the command jurisdiction, must arrange the following tactic immediately, otherwise the next wave must certainly end.” 老兵亮剑(民兵队长):“当然是真的,情况紧急,把指挥权交给我,必须立刻安排接下来的战术,否则下一波肯定要完了。” Talat collapsed and Siegle looked at each other one, Siegle actually shrugged , indicating that my war specialty did not have, you look at the office. 达拉崩吧和西格莱特对视了一眼,西格莱特却是耸了耸肩,表示我一个战争专长都没有,你看着办吧。 Ok, you direct.” Talat collapses is also a decisive lord, knows oneself have no director art, besides farmer rebellion specialty to the skill and specialty that he has not led completely, after all the hero is to strengthen individual combat capability for generally lord, brushed three trash specialties to come out initially one time, he was also insufficient to choose farmer rebellion specialty. “行,你来指挥吧。”达拉崩吧也是个果断的主,知道自己没啥指挥艺术,除了农民暴动这个专长之外对他也完全没有领军的技能和专长,毕竟英雄一般都是强化个人战斗能力为主的,要不是当初一次性刷了三个垃圾专长出来,他也不至于选了农民暴动这个专长。 The veteran bright sword is impolite, shouted the militiaman teams leader directly. 老兵亮剑也不客气,直接把民兵队长都喊了过来。 This militiaman regiment biggest problem or the command system were too rough, without the bottom-up command system, collapses this army regimental commander besides Talat completely, again downward was the militiaman team leader, under a militiaman team leader hand many 1800 people, ranged from 100-200 people, is unable to compose too strong army constitution. 这个民兵军团最大的问题还是指挥系统太粗糙了,完全没有从上到下的指挥体系,除了达拉崩吧这个军团长之外,再往下就是民兵队长了,一个民兵队长手底下多则千八百人,少则100-200人,根本无法组成太强的部队构成。 Before was to reassign to work as the cannon fodder gap, really must take the militiaman to go to war on the exposed weakness completely comes. 之前都是抽调出来当炮灰度缺口的,真要全部拿民兵打仗就暴露弱点来了。 The veteran bright sword commanded troops most militiaman teams leader to shout several ranks directly high. 老兵亮剑直接把几个等级最高领兵最多的民兵队长喊了出来。 Gehret, Rex, Ed, Marrs, Napoleon, Beckham, the broadsword king five, the Qin feathers, your eight was responsible for being the regimental commander, formed eight temporary militiaman regiments, everyone chose five militiaman teams leader to be the assistant, sufficiently collected 2000 people the military. “格雷特,雷克斯,艾德,马尔斯,拿破仑,贝克汉姆,大刀王五,秦飞羽,你们八个负责当团长,组建八个临时民兵战团,每人挑选五个民兵队长当副手,把兵力凑够两千人。 Array time deferred to my formation to suspend, the infantry and lance soldier before, the archer, composed the hollow square formation, remembered do not flush randomly, our duties were the defense, so long as defended is the victory, among each square formations was separated by 100 meters, was centered on the artillery position assumed the section paper ring-like to launch, went, immediately acts, our time are not much. ” 列阵的时候就按照我刚才的那个阵型来摆,步兵、长矛兵在前,弓箭手在后,组成空心方阵,记住不要乱冲,我们的任务是防守,只要守住就是胜利,每个方阵之间相隔一百米,以火炮阵地为核心呈九宫格环形展开,去吧,立刻行动,我们的时间不多了。” Was shouted by him several militiaman teams leader who go into action immediately, Talat collapses the surprise that looks, how you do know these people?” 被他喊到的几个民兵队长立刻行动起来,达拉崩吧看的惊奇,“你怎么认识这些人的?” The veterans show the sword( militiaman team leader): Nonsense, since knows to go to war, for these days I was drinking the contact sentiment with this group of militiaman teams leader, can not be ripe, your does actually this commander-in-chief, how including have what person not to know hand/subordinate? For these days I had not seen you to make an appearance in the military compound.” 老兵亮剑(民兵队长):“废话,自从知道要打仗,这几天我都在跟这帮民兵队长喝酒联络感情,能不熟么,倒是你这个总指挥,怎么连手下都有什么人都不知道?这几天我就没见你在军营露过面。” Talat collapses one to blush with shame, to him these militiamen are one crowd of NPC, has anything to be good to chat with NPC, in any case is the populace face, going to war time made them deliver ends. 达拉崩吧一阵汗颜,对他来说这些民兵不过是一群NPC而已,跟NPC有什么好聊的,反正都是大众脸,打仗的时候让他们上去送就完了。 This will see that this strange militiaman team leader player directs with ease and competence, immediately somewhat had nothing to say in reply. 这会看到这个奇怪的民兵队长玩家指挥若定,顿时有些无言以对。 „Do we do?” Siegle asked suddenly. “那我们干啥?”西格莱特忽然问道。 Saw the formation that I suspended? This named hollow big square formation, is in the modern war very classical one formation, generally speaking should suspend with the flintlock soldier, but the situation is now urgent , can only assemble is using. “看到我摆出来的这个阵型了么?这个叫做空心大方阵,是近代战争中非常经典的一种阵型,一般来说应该用火枪兵来摆的,不过现在情况紧急,也只能凑合着用了。 My this hollow big square formation comprised of nine hollow small square formations, takes the artillery archer as the output, takes the infantry lance soldier as the city wall, first to defend the potential state to consume the enemy morale and military unceasingly, when the enemy offensive suffers setbacks, goes haywire, then kills to chase down the enemy by the elite cavalry. 我这个空心大方阵由九个空心小方阵组成,以火炮弓箭手为输出,以步兵长矛兵为城墙,先以防守势态不断的消耗敌人士气和兵力,等到敌人攻势受挫,陷入混乱,再以精锐骑兵杀出追杀敌人。 We the biggest problem does not have the elite cavalry now, 我们现在最大的问题就是没有精锐骑兵, In your hands this cavalry was our only mobile military, if both of you had the courage to be this cavalry team leader, when the enemy offensive suffered setbacks, both of you must kill to pursue, forcing the enemy to be defeated and dispersed. ” 你们手里这点骑兵就是我们仅有的机动兵力了,你们俩要是有胆子就来当这个骑兵队长吧,等到敌人攻势受挫的时候,你们俩必须杀出去进行追击,迫使敌人溃散。” Two people have also watched the war movie, hollow square formation anything knows, has not thought unexpectedly some people this application of tactics in game, feels surprisedly. 两人也是看过战争电影的,空心方阵什么的还是知道的,没想到竟然会有人把这种战术运用到游戏里,顿感惊奇。 Talat collapses( Prince Otte Rank): Did not have the issue, the direction army to battle I possibly to miss, led troops to break through enemy lines I to excel very much.” 达拉崩吧(奥特兰克王子):“没问题,指挥大军作战我可能差了点,带兵冲锋陷阵我还是很擅长的。” Siegle( Prince Otte Rank): I do not have the issue, Talat collapses on you, I give behind you to assist.” 西格莱特(奥特兰克王子):“我也没问题,达拉崩吧你上吧,我给你后面辅助。” Talat collapses( Prince Otte Rank): „, Do not think that I do not know, your boy did not say can transfer the duty moonlit night war-god? Also pretends to be the wet nurse, must instigate.” 达拉崩吧(奥特兰克王子):“靠,别以为我不知道,你小子不是说要转职月夜战神了么?还冒充奶妈,要不要这么怂啊。” Siegle( Prince Otte Rank): My this did not call to instigate, my was the manner knows discretely, moreover I had the assignment, to transferring the duty was very far, therefore I can only support you with the magic arts now.” 西格莱特(奥特兰克王子):“我这不叫怂,我这是为人谨慎知道么,而且我只是接了任务,离转职还远得很呢,所以我现在只能用法术支援你啦。” When two people argued, the beast person army in distant place has actually reorganized the good formation, wū wū, with the sad and shrill bugle horn sound, about ten thousand beast person infantries initiated the charge again. 就在两个人争论的时候,远处的兽人大军却已经整理好阵型,呜呜呜,随着凄厉的号角声,近万兽人步兵再次发起了冲锋。 Veteran bright sword greeting, two princes also quickly led this less than 100 knights to crash in the central small square formation of hollow big square formation. 老兵亮剑一声招呼,两个王子也急忙带着这不到一百的骑士冲进了空心大方阵的中心小方阵。 Came!” Veteran bright sword sinking sound said, vision such as electricity looks to the front battlefield. “来了!”老兵亮剑沉声道,目光如电的看向前方战场。 The surface sinks like the water, in the heart is actually similar to tidal continuously, this called the war, kept off so many years soldiers, has not thought that finally had on the battlefield opportunity in the game. 面沉如水,心中却如同潮水般此起彼伏,这才叫大战啊,挡了这么多年的兵,没想到最后在游戏里有了上战场的机会。 Tide common beast person infantry, solid collision in front three hollow square formations. 潮水一般的兽人步兵,结结实实的撞在了前排的三个空心方阵上。 The brutal hand-to-hand fighting launches immediately. 残酷的肉搏战顿时展开。 Opens fire!” The veteran bright sword issues the instruction. “开火!”老兵亮剑发出指令。 The artillery rumbling projects the shell, the large expanse of beast person will rumble to turn kills, each artillery can rumble several hundred thousand injuries, Talat collapses and Siegle one face curious has looked at these artilleries, the hollow square formation uses the modern military technology to be understandable, but these artilleries seemed like also make two people look familiar at this time. 火炮轰轰射出炮弹,将成片的兽人轰翻射杀,每一炮都能轰出几百过千的伤害,达拉崩吧和西格莱特都一脸好奇的看着这些火炮,空心方阵用了近代军事的技术还是可以理解的,可此时就连这些火炮看起来也让两人十分眼熟。 Talat collapses( Prince Otte Rank): I go, this is Napoleon artillery.” 达拉崩吧(奥特兰克王子):“我去,这是拿破仑炮啊。” Siegle( Prince Otte Rank): Napoleon artillery? Haven't you misread? In this game has Napoleon artillery?” 西格莱特(奥特兰克王子):“拿破仑炮?你没看错吧?这游戏里有拿破仑炮么?” Talat collapses( Prince Otte Rank): Absolutely without misreading, my empire era entry spread innumerably, most likes using was Napoleon artillery, where the brother did you from make the blueprint?” 达拉崩吧(奥特兰克王子):“绝对没看错,我帝国时代通关无数遍了,最喜欢用的就是拿破仑炮了,老哥你从哪弄得图纸?” Veteran bright sword directs the artillery to shell the gap place crowded beast person infantry between battlelines, saying that while does not care at all: Naturally is I draws.” 老兵亮剑一边指挥着炮兵轰击阵线之间的缺口处拥挤的兽人步兵,一边满不在乎的说道:“当然是我自己画的了。” Siegle( Prince Otte Rank): What? Do yourself draw? Your engineering skill to the sect division level?” 西格莱特(奥特兰克王子):“什么?你自己画的?你的工程学技能到宗师级了?” If the engineering skill promotes to the sect division level, can the DLY blueprint, but this matter the heroic player , is expert in the engineering can do, how does a veteran bright sword militiaman team leader achieve? 工程学技能如果升级到宗师级,是可以自己DLY图纸的,但这种事情只有专精工程学的英雄玩家才能搞的吧,老兵亮剑一个民兵队长怎么做到的? The veteran bright sword is stranger than two people, „ what engineering? Does not understand completely you are saying anything, I draw according to the memory, then looked for one group of dwarf blacksmith help to build, you really let alone, these short and stout person liquor were not much, drank many does the frame, but the craftsmanship also really cannot dispute, the blueprint that I drew they can do. 老兵亮剑却比两人还要奇怪,“什么工程学?完全不明白你们在说什么,我就是照着记忆中画的,然后找了一帮矮人铁匠帮忙打造出来,你还真别说,那些矮胖子酒品不咋地,一喝多就干架,但手艺还真没的说,我画的图纸他们都能做。 I drank eight liquor with them, drank to them comfortably, not only without wanted the overtime pay to give back to my artillery Riga with me what silver anything gold/metal, how it is said to rumble does not bring the burst in the bore, did not know the false of true understanding. 我跟他们喝了八顿酒,给他们喝舒服了,不仅没跟我要加班费还给我的火炮里加了什么银什么金的,据说怎么轰都不带炸膛的,也不知道真的假的。 Let alone these useless, prepares, you must attack. ” 别说这些没用的,准备好,你们要出击啦。” Such several minutes of times, the front three hollow square formation had been hit to collapse quickly, the militiaman after all is only a militiaman, even if the morale is high, the formation is good, how long could not go against, when particularly these storm giants crashed in the battlefield, after the storm attack easily destroyed the front militiaman, three hollow square formations immediately creaky. 就这么几分钟的功夫,前面的三个空心方阵已经快被打崩了,民兵毕竟只是民兵,哪怕士气再高,阵型再好,也顶不了多长时间,尤其是当那些风暴巨人冲进战场,用风暴打击轻易的摧毁了前排的民兵之后,三个空心方阵顿时就摇摇欲坠起来。 However their functions have also displayed, the offensive of beast person army by these three hollow square formation absorptions, therefore the front beast person all fell into the tangled warfare completely, inadequate formation, but here six hollow square formations are actually also maintaining the complete establishment, putting arrow that the archer in square formation non-stop. 不过它们的作用也已经发挥出来了,兽人大军的攻势完全被这三个空心方阵吸收,因此前排的兽人全都陷入了混战,不成阵型了,而这边六个空心方阵却还保持着完整的编制,方阵里的弓箭手不停的放箭。 The artillery is also shelling the formation of enemy unceasingly. 火炮也在不断的轰击敌人的阵型。 Concentrated fire power, the bang kills these big fellows, tops up the medicine to me, full power rumbling his mother.” “集中火力,轰杀那些大块头,给我加满药,全力轰他娘的。” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! A storm giant suffered 56 rounds of shells instantaneously, each round made the armor piercing attack. 一个风暴巨人瞬间挨了五六发炮弹,每一发都打出了破甲攻击。 The storm giants of more than 10,000 volumes of blood were rumbled forcefully up the blood strip, drops down loudly. 一万多血量的风暴巨人硬生生被轰光了血条,轰然倒下。 Another storm giant is more hapless, was hit the head by a round of shell unexpectedly, explodes the head directly, made fatally struck. 另一个风暴巨人更加倒霉,竟然被一发炮弹击中了脑袋,直接爆头,打出了致命一击。 Considering the hit probability of this type of muzzle-loading artillery, the luck ingredient is obviously bigger. 考虑到这种前膛炮的命中率,运气成分显然更大一些。 With the storm giant 11 was struck to kill by the artillery, the offensive of beast person army stagnates immediately. 随着风暴巨人被火炮一一击杀,兽人大军的攻势顿时就停滞下来。 Although they beat three hollow square formations, however the momentum of charge has also hit not to have, before waiting for these beast person infantries to rush to the second row of three hollow square formations, direct and front militiaman infantry fell into the battle of attrition, is unable to break through. 他们虽然击垮了三个空心方阵,但是冲锋的势头也已经打没了,等这些兽人步兵冲到第二排的三个空心方阵前,直接和前排的民兵步兵陷入了消耗战,根本无法突破了。 This battle of attrition to the alliance side is actually extremely advantageous, because has suspended the formation, the artillery and archer in hollow square formation can the output injury of maximum efficiency. 这种消耗战对联盟方却是极为有利,因为已经摆好了阵型,空心方阵里的火炮和弓箭手可以最大效率的输出伤害。 But the beast person actually can only depend on the forefront that row to slaughter. 而兽人却只能靠着最前面的那一排厮杀。 Suddenly beast person infantry dropping down of one after another, the following support troops cannot get up completely. 一时间兽人步兵一排一排的倒下,后面的支援部队完全上不了来。 Few wolves Lord unceasing makes the wolf cavalry hand/subordinate circle to the rear area of enemy, but the hollow big square formation does not have the back row completely the concept, the wolf cavalry circles to is still the hollow square formation of being ready in full battle array behind faces, just like the wolf to catch the hedgehog, nowhere end opening. 少狼主不断的让手下的狼骑兵绕向敌人的后方,但空心大方阵完全不存在后排的概念,狼骑兵绕到后面面对的仍然是严阵以待的空心方阵,犹如狼抓刺猬,无处下口。 The beast person army casualties soar shortly, over 3000, few wolves Lord have only been able to make the soldier remove the rallying formation but. 眼看着兽人部队伤亡直线上升,已经超过三千,少狼主无奈之下只能让士兵撤下去重整阵型。 Beast person infantry chaotic in the future retreating , the veteran bright sword sees is actually at present one bright. 兽人步兵乱纷纷的往后撤退,老兵亮剑见了却是眼前一亮。 Opportunity came, attacks quickly!” “机会来了,快出击!” Attacks? Cracks a joke, Talat collapses looks that front several thousand beast person infantries somewhat were still scared, under their hands aren't these 100 cavalries, pursuing deliver? 出击?开什么玩笑,达拉崩吧看着前面仍有数千的兽人步兵有些傻眼,就他们手底下这一百骑兵,追不去不是送么? You understand anything, where the army retreats is so easy, hurries to clash, the non- jarring machine will miss, remembers stare to tighten opposite cavalry, do not pursue is too far, kills one to come back. 你懂什么,部队撤退哪有那么容易,赶紧冲,再不冲机会就错过了,记住盯紧对面的骑兵,不要追的太远,杀一阵就回来。 Talat collapses clenches teeth- kills! 达拉崩吧一咬牙-杀! The infantry making way path of square formation, Talat collapsed and Siegle leads 100 cavalries to kill. 方阵的步兵让开道路,达拉崩吧和西格莱特率领着一百骑兵杀了出去。 Clash/To installs the heavy cavalry in ten dragons that forefront Luo Lan leads, just like a shaving cutter, the beast person infantry who will block the way knocks to kill in the place. 冲在最前面的罗兰率领的十名龙装重骑兵,犹如一把剃刀,将拦路的兽人步兵纷纷撞翻砍杀在地。 100 cavalries said that were many, says little much, strongly initiates the charge, every can rout several hundred beast person infantries one time, created huge killing. 一百骑兵说多不多,说少不少,集中发起冲锋,每一次都能击溃数百兽人步兵,对其造成巨大的杀伤。 Key these beast person infantries are at the retreating condition, the organization has the counter-attack very much difficultly again. 关键这些兽人步兵正处于撤退状态,很难重新组织起反击。 Moreover that ten dragons install the heavy cavalry charge might is too fierce, dashing of entire feeling of heaviness in the limbs armor in the past, the beast person could not withstand even. 而且那十名龙装重骑兵冲锋威力太猛,全身重甲的冲撞过去,就算是兽人也顶不住啊。 Talat collapses emerging that kills, completely forgot the urging of veteran bright sword, leads the cavalry to flush away toward the place that the beast person infantry huddles together by all means. 达拉崩吧杀的兴起,完全忘记了老兵亮剑的叮嘱,只管率领骑兵朝着兽人步兵扎堆的地方冲去。 Few wolf lords look that the corners of the mouth actually gradually curled upwards, courting death of mother! 少狼主看着嘴角却逐渐翘了起来,妈的找死! Wolf cavalry- charge!” He personally led about thousand wolf cavalries to initiate the counter- charge. “狼骑兵-冲锋!”他亲自率领近千狼骑兵发起了反冲锋。 This wolf cavalry unit can be said as in his hand final elite, looked the wolf cavalry who Yang Yang outflanks, Talat collapsed flusters immediately. 这支狼骑兵部队可以说是他手里最后的精锐了,一看乌央乌央的狼骑兵包抄过来,达拉崩吧顿时就慌了。 Retreats, removes-” “撤退,撤-” The point that but, few wolf lords have cut into without enough time is exquisite, shut off the escape routes of these 100 cavalries directly from one side. 但已经来不及了,少狼主切入的点非常精妙,直接从侧面切断了这一百骑兵的退路。 Saw that these 100 cavalries fall into the encirclement, Talat collapses and Siegle is flurried. 眼看着这一百骑兵陷入包围,达拉崩吧和西格莱特正慌乱间。 Roar! 吼! In the sky resounds dragon howl suddenly, shakes the penetrating clouds. 天空中忽然响起一声龙吼,震彻云霄。 Siegle raised the head, immediately the whole face is the pleasant surprise. 西格莱特一抬头,顿时满脸都是惊喜。 Is Brother Aidan!” “是艾丹老弟!” The next second, storm Dragon King dives , a thunder spits the wolf cavalry of breath bang to be off their feet. 下一秒,风暴龙王俯冲而下,一个雷霆吐息轰的狼骑兵人仰马翻。 Murphy pull-up altitude, circles this, under while looks at the dense and numerous beast person armies, in the heart is somewhat surprised, the heart said that this Talat collapses is a little fierce, unexpectedly depends on more than 20,000 militiamen to fight opposite 10,000 beast person armies has to have. 墨非拉升高度,一边盘旋这,一边看着下面密密麻麻的兽人大军,心中有些意外,心说这达拉崩吧有点厉害啊,竟然靠着两万多民兵跟对面一万兽人大军打的有来有回。 Was headstrong, good, made me help your helping hand, mixed an experience while convenient. 就是莽了点,也好,就让我助你一臂之力吧,顺便也混点经验。 Looked for a rightful position, a direct pair of wings show/unfolds. 找了个合适的位置,直接双翼一展。 Dragon thunder storm! 龙雷风暴! Sky wind and thunder gathering, scarlet cloud surges. 天空风雷汇聚,赤云翻腾。 Rumbling rumbling! Immediately dragon Leiru the rain, rumbles the beast person army is more frightened. 轰轰轰轰!龙雷如雨,顿时将兽人大军轰的更加惶惶然。 This may Napoleon artillery be more powerful, everywhere the beast person casualty of red caps and dynamite is serious. 这可比拿破仑炮给力多了,漫天的红雷炸的兽人死伤惨重。 The veteran bright sword looks also covets, this firepower, at least is also the B52 rank. 老兵亮剑看的也是眼热,这火力,最起码也是B52级别的了吧。 It seems like even if in the game goes to war, the air force is still important. 看来就算是游戏里打仗,空军也是至关重要啊。 Or the father turn head also does several dragons to raise, buys the air force, does again the machine gun tank, when the time comes the land , sea and air three services get together, even if could not do the modern warfare, the good and evil still drew the scientific and technological standard to the second war level. 要不老子回头也搞几条龙来养养,把空军置办起来,再把机枪坦克都搞出来,到时候海陆空三军齐聚,就算搞不了现代战争,好歹也把科技水平拉到二战水平吧。 Present indulging in flights of fancy has not delayed him to hold to fight the technique. 现在的胡思乱想没有耽搁他抓住战技。 At this time the time with, the veteran bright sword jumps up a big stone, attacks comprehensively!” 此时时机以到,老兵亮剑跳上一块大石头,“全面出击!” The militiaman army is not maintaining the hollow square formation immediately, launched the general attack. 民兵大军顿时不在保持空心方阵,发起了全面进攻。 Murphy then notices to direct the militiaman army seemingly is not Talat collapses, but is some militiaman team leader. 墨非这才注意到指挥民兵大军的貌似并不是达拉崩吧,而是某个民兵队长。 He does not have to care, instead actively coordinates, specially dragon Leihong to the beast person most crowded place. 他也没有太在意,反而积极配合,专门将龙雷轰向兽人最密集的地方。 Whenever the beast person wants to gather to tie a resistance, his several rounds of dragon Leihong passes, simultaneously orders the controlling dragon survey dive bombing. 每当兽人想要聚集起来结阵抵抗,他就几发龙雷轰过去,同时命令驭龙巡天者俯冲轰炸。 Right now the beast person army cannot withstand again, the morale collapsed completely, crowds was repulsed. 这下子兽人大军再也顶不住了,士气完全崩了,一群群的败退了下去。 Few wolves Lord look at storm Dragon King one that the sky wreaked havoc wickedly. 少狼主恶狠狠的看了天空肆虐的风暴龙王一眼。 Retreats!” “撤退!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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