PDG :: Volume #12

#1109: star explodes

But when several people withdraw, is two fists drops from the clouds, attack tens of millions kilometers away, keeping them from realizing ahead of time, when attack hit can discover, actually also already late. 3. quickest 可就在几人退后的时候,又是两拳从天而降,数千万公里之外的打击,让他们根本无法提前察觉,只有当攻击命中之时才能发现,却也已经晚了。3.最快 In rushing fist vigor, the heaven projection of Fang Xingjian and executes the immortal projection also to be hit to explode. 澎湃的拳劲之中,方星剑的皇天投影和诛仙投影也被纷纷打爆。 Looks that was hit not to have several people of strength to hit back under her attack, Katherine has sneered: Was too small and weak.” 看着在她攻击下被打得毫无还手之力的几人,凯瑟琳冷笑了起来:“太弱小了。” Another side, silver Mage King body the mist virtual image expanded the Earth size, on the one hand can be used to save the common people, on the one hand was under such amount of space occupied, even if were attacked by Katherine, was only that some Martial Intent that the loss contacted. 另一边,银巫王将身体所化的雾气虚像扩张到了地球大小,一方面可以用来拯救平民,一方面则是这样的体量下,就算被凯瑟琳攻击到,也只是损失接触到的那部分武道意志 May this, short two minutes, with the continuous attack of Katherine, his situation is not very good, several million population just were killed under the fist of silver Mage King. 可就算这样,短短两分钟的时间,伴随着凯瑟琳的连续攻击,他的情况也很不好,更是有数百万人口刚刚丧生在银巫王的拳下。 „Haven't you handled?” “你们还没搞定么?” From beginning to end almost does not have what loss, only then the main body is in higher-dimensional Space-Time Fang Xingjian and Ulpian. 从头到尾几乎没有什么损失的,也只有本体处于高维时空方星剑乌尔比安 Hears the silver Mage King issue, the eye of Fang Xingjian concentrates fiercely, two minutes, he surveyed 50000000 kms away finally, the position that Katherine was. 听到银巫王的问题,方星剑的眼睛猛地一凝,两分钟的时间,他终于探测到了50000000公里之外,凯瑟琳所在的位置。 Almost while he discovers, Ulpian also realized. 几乎在他发现的同时,乌尔比安也察觉到了。 „The attack of ordinary three dimensional Space-Time, we most surmount tens of thousands kilometers distance instantaneously, has waited till the Katherine front, was already dodged.” Ulpian said: Now the only means that are the use higher-dimensional attack. In higher-dimensional Space-Time, the three dimensional Space-Time distance does not have the significance.” “普通三维时空的攻击,我们最多瞬间跨越几万公里的距离,等到了凯瑟琳的面前,早就被闪躲掉了。”乌尔比安说道:“现在唯一的办法,就是使用高维打击。在高维时空之中,三维时空的距离没有意义。” In higher-dimensional Sword World, the sword of seven emotions raises high, if lining Sword Qi arrives at three dimensional material, will discover that turned into one monster different scarlet red. 高维剑界之中,七情之剑高高升起,整道剑气如果来到三维的物质界,就会发现已经变成了一种妖异的深红色。 Although because of the distortion of Qiming asterisk, the survival population extremely fast on entire spaceship reduces, but also because of this sudden disaster, the remaining live people almost fell into the unprecedented horridness. 虽然因为启明星号的变形,整艘飞船上的存活人口极速减少,但也因为这突如其来的灾难,剩下的活人几乎都陷入了前所未有的惶恐之中。 Innumerable heart swordsmanship projection walks in crowds, feels that is being rich seems must form the essence same fear. 无数心剑道投影行走在人群之间,感受着那浓郁得好似要形成实质一样的恐惧。 Nine Life Spirals dug in group consciousness most deep place in this moment thoroughly, the innumerable world lived the time line that extinguished to change into the entity in this moment. 九命螺旋在这一刻彻底扎入了群体意识的最深处,无数世界生灭的时间线在这一刻化为了实体。 The sword of unprecedented great strength this moment seven emotions, gathers the entropy that the innumerable world lived to extinguish, in which destructive power including Fang Xingjian is even hard to expect. 这一刻的七情之剑前所未有的强大,汇聚了无数世界生灭的熵,其中的破坏力甚至连方星剑自己都难以预料。 This sword enough ruins Qiming asterisk thoroughly, but I cannot guarantee that can hit surely.” Fang Xingjian said. “这一剑足够彻底毁掉启明星号,但是我不能保证必定能命中。”方星剑说道。 I guaranteed.” During the Ulpian speeches, a hand as if also has grasped above Sword Qi, they have gripped the sword of beautiful and bewitching seven emotions together, cuts maliciously toward a Katherine sword in higher-dimensional Space-Time. “我来保证。”乌尔比安说话间,一只手似乎也已经握在了剑气之上,两人共同握住了妖冶的七情之剑,在高维时空之中朝着凯瑟琳狠狠一剑斩去。 Naturally all these are they the understanding in higher-dimensional sensation, higher-dimensional Space-Time their anything in fact has not grasped the movement of sword, all are the abstract polymerizations. 当然这一切都是两人在高维感知之中的理解,事实上的高维时空之中的他们并没有什么握剑的动作,一切都是抽象的聚合。 The next quarter, beautiful and bewitching red light in three dimensional Space-Time presently, the direct sword has stabbed for the first time the body of Qiming asterisk. 下一刻,妖冶的红光在三维时空之中乍现,直接一剑刺中了启明星号的身体。 Realized that the unknown high-energy attack, chest to eliminating the engine caused heavy losses, suggestion immediately by quantum teleportation avoidance attack.” “察觉未知高能攻击,胸口对消灭引擎遭到重创,建议立刻以量子传输躲避攻击。” What?” Listens warning that the artificial intelligence is transmitting, Katherine to stare slightly: „Do they attack me? Why can't I realize? Can they also display the attack of quantum teleportation?” “什么?”听着人工智能传来的警报,凯瑟琳微微一愣:“他们怎么攻击到我的?为什么我没能察觉到?难道他们也能施展量子传输的攻击?” Does not have the time to make the speculation, Katherine starts the quantum teleportation immediately, flashed before 50000000 kms away once more. 没有时间去做推测,凯瑟琳立刻发动量子传输,再次闪现到了50000000公里之外。 But these time appears along with her together, is actually that beautiful and bewitching scarlet red sword light, just like together stretches across the lightning of world to be the same, punctured directly in the robot chest to eliminating above engine, was releasing the destructive energy unceasingly. 但这一次随她一同出现的,却是那妖冶的赤红色剑光,就宛如是一道横跨天地的闪电一样,直接刺在了机器人胸口的对消灭引擎之上,不断地释放着破坏性的能量。 What's the matter? Why hadn't this attack cast off?” “怎么回事?为什么这攻击没有被甩开?” Katherine surprised has carried on three quantum teleportations once more, how but regardless of she moves, the sword of seven emotions follows closely to come, even passes along with the time of three quantum teleportation, the chest of Qiming asterisk surpasses 50% materials to be evaporated by the energy, the power of entire stage giant robot reduced one-fourth all of a sudden. 凯瑟琳惊讶中再次进行了三次量子传输,但不论她怎么移动,七情之剑都紧随而来,甚至随着三次量子传输的时间过去,启明星号的胸口超过一半的物质已经被能量蒸发,整台巨大机器人的功率一下子降低了1。 Cracks a joke!” Katherine is the angry desire is simply crazy, this Qiming asterisk might be considered as her complete sale price, is she final weapon that struggled for over a thousand years to obtain. “开什么玩笑!”凯瑟琳简直是愤怒欲狂,这台启明星号堪称是她的全部身价,是她奋斗了上千年才得到的最终武器。 If this spaceship were ruined, is dies the pain that simply 100 god imperial capitals cannot compare. 如果这艘飞船被毁掉,简直是死上100个神帝都比不上的痛苦。 But following Katherine is this attacks this monster different scarlet-red sword light, but the ultra gravity field, the high-energy beam, is the attack of photon class, is unable to erase this sword light. 但接下来凯瑟琳又是这攻击这道妖异的赤红剑光,但不论是超引力场,高能射线,还是光子类的攻击,都无法抹除这道剑光 This monster different red sword light probably insurmountable peak is the same, any attack arrives at its front to shake the tree just like the fly wasp. 这道妖异的红色剑光就好像一座不可逾越的高峰一样,任何攻击来到它的面前都宛如蚍蜉撼树。 The next quarter, the giant robot consecutively for several quantum teleportations, approached crown prince and the others immediately once more positions, surmounted 10 million kilometers distance to launch the attack directly once more. 下一刻,巨大机器人立刻连续几次量子传输,再次接近了太子等人的位置,直接跨越10000000公里的距离再次发动了攻击。 Then saw that Qiming asterisk wrist|skill spot glittered the dazzling white light, that was two loads the star sphere to be released slowly, once initiated thoroughly, that sufficiently compared favorably with a fist that the star exploded. 便看到启明星号手腕部位闪烁出了刺目的白光,那是两颗装载了恒星的圆球被缓缓释放了出来,一旦彻底引发,那就是足以媲美恒星爆炸的一拳。 This is the star impactor that specially to coordinate the strength of star explosion creates, every time starts needs to consume a star, the high-energy beam and high-temperature attack that each such attack has, will disseminate at the speed of light, burns down a Earth size in one second the star, then fires the flying ash an entire galaxy in the following several months. 这是专门为了配合恒星爆炸之力所创造出来的恒星冲击器,每一次发动都需要消耗一颗恒星,每一次这样的攻击产生的高能射线和高温攻击,都会以光速传播出去,在一秒钟内焚毁一颗地球大小的星球,然后在接下来几个月内将一整个恒星系烧成飞灰。 The beam and meteor that even then disseminates will be observed one after another by the entire galaxy in tens of thousands years. 甚至接下来散播的射线、流星都会在几万年内陆续被整个星系观测到。 Such pure macrozonality striking power, let alone Fang Xingjian, even Ulpian is hard to compare favorably. 这样单纯的广域攻击力,别说方星剑了,甚至乌尔比安都难以媲美。 This obviously is a weapon of far ultra Katherine existing technology, does not know her from there lane. 这显然又是一件远超凯瑟琳现有技术的武器,不知道她又是从那里弄来的。 Meanwhile, the Katherine sound has spread over four periphery broad star territories in the way of quantum teleportation. 同时,凯瑟琳的声音以量子传输的方式传遍了四周围的广阔星域。 Immediately stops your attacks, otherwise I kill off all living thing in this starry sky!” “立刻停止你们的攻击,不然我就杀光这片星空中的所有生物!” Her sound listens to incomparable breathless and angry, because in this short time, the sword of seven emotions slides, stirred a piece by piece metal fragment the chest belly of robot. 她的声音听上去无比的气急败坏和愤怒,因为就在这短短的时间里,七情之剑一路下滑,将机器人的胸口肚子都搅成了一片片金属碎片。 Large expanse of explosion in repeatedly occurred, various types of reactors and spirits can the engine lose the function unceasingly. 成片成片的爆炸在其中不断发生,各种反应炉、灵能引擎不断失去作用。 This makes the entire Qiming asterisk the power rapidly reduce, makes the family property that Katherine saves be evaporated unceasingly, is the ratio shears her meat also to make her uncomfortable simply. 这让整艘启明星号的功率一路飞速降低,也让凯瑟琳积攒的家底不断被蒸发,简直是比割她的肉还让她难受。 The sensation the change of opposite party wrist|skill spot, Fang Xingjian slightly was also acclaiming: This degree of macrozonality attack, this Qiming asterisk in the destructive power of material, has reached the pinnacle.” 感知着对方手腕部位的变化,方星剑也微微赞叹:“这种程度的广域攻击,这台启明星号在物质界的破坏力,已经是登峰造极了。” Ulpian has selected nodded: In material such did is the limit of performance, many destructive power were actually meaningless, after all the universe majority was the vacuum, can destroy stars most to have the procedure of performance-to-price ratio accurately.” 乌尔比安点了点头:“物质界中这么做已经是性能的极限了,更多的破坏力其实毫无意义,毕竟宇宙的大部分不过是真空而已,能够准确的销毁掉一颗颗星球是最具性价比的做法。” During the speeches, actually saw that the crown prince and silver Mage King have the common people and metal mainland, even the slaughter god squad 11 to vanish in void. 说话之间,却看到太子、银巫王还有大片大片的平民、金属大陆、甚至屠神小队都11消失在虚空之中。 Fang Xingjian looks at the sphere in hand saying: „Before fortunately, has gathered many this type of star catchers. Now is used to shift them.” 方星剑看着手中的圆球说道:“还好之前收取了许多这种星球捕捉器。现在正好用来转移他们。” Originally when they and Katherine battle, already prepared for Katherine attacking the crown prince their, therefore the use star catcher comes the one breath to install the people in starry sky. 原来就在他们和凯瑟琳作战的时候,早就做好了凯瑟琳袭击太子他们的准备,于是使用星球捕捉器来一口气装下星空中的众人。 These all people put in the star catcher completely, then has sent in the Fang Xingjian higher-dimensional world, making Katherine lose the goal all of a sudden. 这一下所有人被全部放入星球捕捉器之中,然后送入了方星剑的高维世界,让凯瑟琳一下子失去了目标。 Looks at the starry sky of being empty, Katherine is whooshing angrily, the star impactor of wrist|skill spot releases to compare favorably with the destructive power that the supernova explodes sufficiently. 望着空无一物的星空,凯瑟琳愤怒地嘶吼起来,手腕部位的恒星冲击器释放出足以媲美超新星爆炸的破坏力。 In the dark starry sky lightens color break-up to get up, the next quarter has lightened boundlessly this dark, changes into the most basic corpuscle microsome the material that all contact, will put in order the Qiming asterisk to embezzle thoroughly completely. 黑暗的星空中一点亮光闪起,下一刻点亮了这无边黑暗,将一切接触到的物质化为最基本的微粒子,也将整艘启明星号彻底吞没殆尽。
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