PDG :: Volume #12

#1108: Super velocity of light

Around four of giant robot, innumerable metal mainland float in universe vacuum. 巨大机器人的四周围,无数的金属大陆漂浮在宇宙真空之中。 The crown prince stands in a mainland, looks at the distant place silent call the giant robot, the frown shoulders, subpoenaed likely by other martial arts consciousness people: This thing is not evidently good to cope.” 太子站在一座大陆上,看着远处无声呐喊的巨大机器人,双眉挑起,以武道意识像其他人传讯道:“这东西看样子可不好对付。” Silver Mage King changes into one group of silver mist, has covered the sky of innumerable float mainland, will fly to flee everywhere, or is buried, or is towed by the fortification of throwing away, protects, as far as possible saves these ordinary common people. 巫王化为一团银色的雾气,笼罩了无数漂浮大陆的上空,将到处飞窜、或者被掩埋、或者被甩脱的防御工事拖了进来,保护起来,尽可能的拯救这些普通平民。 Hears the words that the crown prince spoke, silver Mage King said: These person of I cannot see somebody in danger and do nothing, this robot gave you.” 听到太子说的话,银巫王说道:“这些人我不能见死不救,这机器人就交给你们了。” The heaven projection of Fang Xingjian, executed the immortal projection still to stand in the interior of giant robot, looks the space environment that at present changes said: Perhaps the remaining parts had no way to retain completely.” 方星剑的皇天投影、诛仙投影都仍旧站在巨大机器人的内部,看着眼前大变的空间环境说道:“恐怕剩下的部分没法完整保留下来了。” Ulpian controls the white hole to subside slowly, finally has levelled the influence of black hole ball thoroughly, has swept a giant robot of distant place, has not spoken. 乌尔比安控制着白洞缓缓平息,终于彻底抹平了黑洞弹的影响,扫了一眼远处的巨大机器人,却是没有说话。 What to do in Fang Xingjian and the others were discussing, in the entire Qiming asterisk the original indigenous people actually thoroughly collapsed, looks that own city such with ease was changed into the dust in starry sky, several people can accept. 就在方星剑等人商量着怎么办时,整个启明星号上原来的原住民却是彻底崩溃了,看着自己的城市就这么被轻轻松松地化为了星空中的尘埃,又有几个人能接受的了。 Over over 80% population died during just big disintegration, the fighter aircraft and various robot types of large-scale battleships do not have on good many, almost splashed metal fragment, the shooting up to the sky mainland, the robot body of thermal-viseoplastic instability hits torn to pieces. 超过8成以上的人口在刚刚的大解体之中死亡,战机、机器人各种大型战舰也没有好上多少,几乎都被飞溅的金属碎片,冲天而起的大陆,高速变形的机器人身体打得支离破碎。 Regarding the giant robot, looked from afar his speed is very as if slow, but at his amount of space occupied, even if must guarantee that with the moving speed of average man similar speed, the link speed of its each tissue far-end, has often been above dozens times of speeds of sound, few parts are over a hundred times of speeds of sound. 对于巨大机器人来说,远远看去他的速度似乎很慢,但是以他的体量来说,哪怕只是要保证一个和常人差不多速度的动作速度,其各个身体组织远端的线速度,往往都已经达到了数十倍音速以上,少部分更是上百倍音速。 Under such speed and his big quality, almost any battleship, mainland and fortification were scratched, is the results of meeting a cruel death. 在这样的速度和他的大质量下,几乎任何战舰、大陆、防御工事被擦到一点,都是粉身碎骨的结局。 The ponytail young girls of slaughter god squad were still living, just her lower part vanished does not see, the upper part crawls on together the wreckage of drill ground size, looks at the giant robot of that silent call, in both eyes full is incredible. 屠神小队的马尾少女仍旧活着,只不过她的下半身已经消失不见,上半身匍匐在一块操场大小的残骸上,看着远着那无声呐喊的巨大机器人,双眼之中满是不可置信。 Why! Why!” “为什么!为什么!” Sir Katherine, did you like this give up us? Like this has destroyed the entire world?” 凯瑟琳大人,你就这样放弃我们了么?就这样毁灭了整个世界?” In her side, eight members of slaughter god squads still survived, but looks at the giant robot of distant place, the expression on cheeks was also gloomy to the extreme. 在她的身旁,还有八名屠神小队的成员仍旧存活了下来,但是看着远处的巨大机器人,脸颊上的表情也是灰暗到了极点。 Fight that this Fang Xingjian four people invade, it may be said that is hits the moon/month to destroy the star to sink, mainland Beng Hui, the world perishes. 这一场方星剑四人入侵的战斗,可谓是打得月毁星沉,大陆崩毁,世界灭亡。 But to kills people finally many, the true thorough destruction entire world, is actually Katherine that they have trusted, this makes them feel at once is hard to accept. 但到最后杀人最多的,真正彻底毁灭整个世界的,却是他们一直所信赖的凯瑟琳,这让他们一时之间都感觉到难以接受。 Another side, the core position of giant robot, Katherine operates is extinguishing god machine sitting well, was wrapped by the information fluid of 1st stratum level from top to bottom, can help her give the information, operates the entire stage giant robot. 另一边,巨大机器人的核心位置,凯瑟琳操纵着灭神机端坐其中,浑身上下都被一层层的信息液所包裹,能够帮助她传递信息,操纵整台巨大机器人。 In addition, has artificial intelligence to monitor every action and every movement of entire robot, the operation of auxiliary Katherine. 除此之外,更是有着人工智能监控着整个机器人的一举一动,辅助者凯瑟琳的操作。 One crowd of thing.” Katherine naturally knows that Qiming asterisk the full power changes the body can cause the fearful disaster, however just that situation, if her invariable body carries on the counter-attack, perhaps the entire Qiming asterisk only will become will treat butchers the lamb, has not made including the counter-attack is cut to explode. “一群混账东西。”凯瑟琳自然知道启明星号的全功率变身会造成何等可怕的灾难,但是刚刚的那种情况,如果她不变身进行反击的话,恐怕整艘启明星号都只会成为待宰羔羊,连反击都没做出就被斩爆了。 Innumerable cities on this spaceship, trillion population, various jurisdiction systems built the spirit can the productive system, spend her many painstaking care, now has suddenly gone away, was makes Katherine shame the anger to want simply crazily. 这艘飞船上的无数城市,亿万人口,各种权限制度打造出了的灵能生产体系,花费了她多少心血,现在说没就没了,简直是让凯瑟琳羞怒欲狂。 At this moment, the artificial intelligence broadcasts the sound: Master, the hull interior discovers the Fang Xingjian trail.” 就在这时,人工智能传来声音:“主人,船体内部发现方星剑的踪迹。” Throws off him with the quantum teleportation.” “用量子传输甩掉他。” During the speeches the entire giant robot changes into the light empty shade dissipation fiercely, next one already after appearing beyond tens of millions kilometers, the range that the speed of regardless of starting, grasps, was far in excess of the space to transfer obviously. 说话间整个巨大机器人猛地化为淡淡的虚影消散,下一刻已经出现在数千万公里之外,不论启动的速度,掌握的范围,显然都远远超越了空间挪移。 But along with this quantum teleportation, the execution immortal projection and heaven projection of Fang Xingjian all was also remained same place, was equal to cleaning up from the robot. 而随着她这一次量子传输,方星剑的诛仙投影、皇天投影也全都被留在了原地,等于从机器人内部清理了出来。 But tens of millions kilometer transmissions, have exceeded the range that the common observation method has been able to retrieve completely, after all there ray and electromagnetic wave passes on, distance here person can see Katherine, takes several minutes. 而数千万公里的传输,已经完全超过了寻常观测手段所能检索到的范围,毕竟那里的光线、电磁波传过来,距离这里的人能够看到凯瑟琳,也需要好几分钟的时间了。 However the eye of Ulpian narrows the eyes, immediately has actually made the judgment: Is quantum teleportation, has this method, so long as determines the Coordinate, even if surmounts several galaxies, several million light years are flash's matters.” 但是乌尔比安的眼睛一眯,却是立刻做出了判断:“是量子传输,有这种手段,只要确定坐标,哪怕跨越数个星系,几百万光年都是一瞬间的事情。” Fang Xingjian hears the word look one cold: That must fight a battle to force a quick decision, if makes her run away, that no end of trouble for the future.” 方星剑闻言眼神一凛:“那就必须速战速决了,如果让她逃走,那后患无穷。” How does that do?” Hears one quantum teleportation to surmount several million light years the distances, the brow of crown prince deeply wrinkles, has the goal of this displacing force, so long as she wants, perhaps did not have too many methods to kill her. “那怎么做?”听到一个量子传输就能跨越几百万光年的距离,太子的眉头都深深皱起,拥有这种移动力的目标,只要她愿意的话,恐怕已经没有太多手段能够杀死她了。 However what they do not know, Qiming asterisk of Katherine operation has not achieved to stretch across several million light years the situations, because own amount of space occupied and quantum teleportation installment is incomplete, she highest transmitting range is about about 50 million kilometers. 不过他们不知道的是,凯瑟琳操纵的启明星号并没有达到横跨数百万光年的地步,因为自身的体量和量子传输装置的不完全,她最高的传输距离大约是50000000公里左右。 Time that several people discussed that another side Katherine had the motion once more, then saw that the double fist of giant robot pinched tightly, does not have what plasma artillery, did not have any high energy laser cannon, did not have what black hole ball. 几人商量的功夫,另一边的凯瑟琳已经再次有了行动,便看到巨大机器人的双拳捏紧,没有什么等离子炮,没什么高能激光炮,更没有什么黑洞弹。 Gets hold of the fist of North American mainland size merely, the strong gravity field then produces in the palm, then a fist separates to pound fiercely spatially, the fist Huawei empty shade dissipates, then appeared in the top of the head of crown prince. 仅仅是将北美大陆大小的拳头握紧,超强引力场便在掌心之中生成,然后猛地一拳隔空捣出,拳头华为虚影消散,然后出现在了太子的头顶。 Tens of millions kilometer distances of made a connection with the bang to approach the position of crown prince by this fist directly maliciously. 数千万公里的距离被这一拳直接打通狠狠轰向了太子的位置。 Surmounts thousands of kilometers distance instantaneously, although is the quantum teleportation achieves, but this also calculates on is the super velocity of light struck. 瞬间跨越千万公里的距离,虽然是量子传输做到,但这也算的上是超光速的一击了。 Must know the speed of light also 300000 km per second, tens of millions kilometer distances, even even/including light also takes 1-2 minutes to transmit, in other words before several big Divine Level masters realized that sees Katherine wields this fist, the attack arrived. 要知道光速也不过每秒钟300000公里,数千万公里的距离,甚至连光也要一两分钟才能传递过来,也就是说在几大神级高手察觉到看到凯瑟琳挥出这一拳之前,攻击就已经到了。 Let alone the ultra gravity space in fist heart has almost achieved has formed the marginal value of black hole, has not actually formed the black hole, but changed into ** bare violence. 更何况拳心之中的超引力空间几乎已经达到了形成黑洞的临界值,却又没有形成黑洞,而是化为了**裸的暴力。 Bang! 砰! In the vacuum does not have the sound wave to transmit, but saw that this people as if can still imagine what bang both will bump into to have. 真空之中没有声波传递,但看到这一幕的众人似乎仍旧能够想象到两者相撞应该会有什么样的巨响。 Crown prince felt one looked like by a Sun of hundred times of speed of sound is hit maliciously, whole person's consciousness fell into a blank instantaneously, entire brain Sea of Consciousness as if completely crushed. 太子感觉自己就像是被一颗百倍音速的太阳给狠狠撞击了一下,整个人的意识瞬间陷入一片空白,整个大脑识海似乎都彻底粉碎了。 Strikes merely, crown prince the golden giant was then contained ultra gravity space fist directly Beng to extinguish by this, golden will just like extinguishing star same dissipation in flame. 仅仅一击,太子所化的金色巨人便被这蕴含了超引力空间的一拳直接崩灭,金色的意志宛如熄灭的恒星一样消散在火焰之中。 Master who extremely Divine Level 7th layer, a person destroys a world sufficiently, the crown prince such fought with the fists the severe wound, even must condense Martial Intent does not get up. 神级七重,足以一人毁灭一个世界的绝顶高手,太子就这么被一拳打得重伤,甚至连武道意志都要凝聚不起来了。 Dispersing!” The Fang Xingjian vision concentrates: „The opposite party can carry out the super velocity of light attack by the quantum teleportation, before we realize he attacks, he can project on us.” “散开!”方星剑目光一凝:“对方能够以量子传输进行超光速打击,我们察觉他攻击之前,他就能打到我们了。” During the speeches, three big Divine Level masters simultaneously transferred to draw back by the space, the crown prince whole person changed into the boundless light fog to scatter in the vacuum, seems unable to condense the formation at once. 说话间,三大神级高手同时以空间挪移退了起来,太子整个人则化为无边的光雾飘散真空之中,似乎一时之间都无法凝聚成型。
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