PDG :: Volume #12

#1103: Battlefield

In Qiming asterisk, Lan Yue city. 3. quickest 启明星号上,蓝月市。3.最快 By a piece of giant artificial sea, has the high spirit to be able the Level men and women to enjoy at present the rare sunlight and beach innumerably. 一片巨大的人工海旁,无数拥有高灵能等级的男女正在享受眼前难得的阳光和海滩。 In this world, beach is the incomparably valuable natural resources, the spirit can Level be lower than below Level 30, almost does not have the opportunity experience present beautiful scene. 在这个世界中,海滩可谓是无比珍贵的自然资源,灵能等级低于30级以下的,几乎一身都没有机会见识眼前的美景。 But before a half hour, in the sky suddenly flashes before the massive sparks, probably is the smoke and fire of explosion same covers entirely the entire sky, the people unknowingly look at the vision to the sky position, looks at more and more crowded flame, explosion and flash, on the face has all revealed the color of shock. 但就在半个多小时前,天空中突然闪现出大量的火花,好像是爆炸的烟火一样布满整个天空,人们不知不觉将目光望向天空的位置,看着越来越密集的火焰、爆炸、闪光,脸上全都露出了震惊之色。 Some people are attacking Qiming asterisk.” “是有人在攻打启明星号。” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Relax, by the defensive measure of spaceship, in this world does not have the person who can attack.” “放心吧,以飞船的防御措施,这个世界上不存在能攻打进来的人。” When all artificial present pictures felt worries about the fear, a silver-haired youth is actually bored to death lies down in the sand beach, looks at the battlefield in sky, but said: Really is troublesome.” 就在所有人为眼前的景象感到担忧害怕的时候,一名银发少年却是百无聊赖地躺在沙滩上,看着天空中的战场,无奈道:“真是麻烦。” The next quarter, golden ray has shone in the entire sky, the humanity on entire Qiming asterisk earth saw shocked one. 下一刻,金色的光芒照耀了整个天空中,全启明星号大地上的人类都看到了着震撼性的一幕。 The dazzling golden light has covered the entire sky, material evaporation that will contact together completely, even the protection field of force of even/including Qiming asterisk outer layer rapidly is also reducing, was exploded unceasingly by this golden light evaporates. 刺目的金光笼罩了整个天空,将一起接触到的物质蒸发殆尽,甚至连启明星号外层的防护力场也在急速消减,被这一阵金光炸得不断蒸发。 Bang! 轰! In sound wave of rushing, covered a golden superhuman hand of city to strike sufficiently directly above the protection field of force, is sufficiently overwhelming, collapses to destroy the strength of mainland shortly to erupt, collapsed directly extinguished ten multi-layered protection fields of force. 澎湃的音浪之中,足以覆盖一座城市的金色巨掌直接拍击在了防护力场之上,足以翻江倒海,崩毁大陆的力量在顷刻间爆发开来,直接崩灭了十多层的防护力场。 Saw that the golden giant such lies above the protection field of force, double fist planetoid hits same are hammering the present Qiming asterisk probably unceasingly, each attack sufficiently perishes the ecosphere on Earth. 就看到金色的巨人这么趴在防护力场之上,双拳好像一次次小行星撞击一样不断锤击着眼前的启明星号,每一次攻击都足以灭亡地球上的生态圈。 Qiming asterisk really had incline slightly in this continual stroking. 启明星号在这连续的击打之中竟然都有了微微的倾斜。 In the man-made sea, overwhelming, the sea anger ate delicacies the impact city, the earth of metal was having slightly the sign of tearing. 人造大海上,一片翻江倒海,大海怒啸着冲击城市,金属的大地则有了微微撕裂的迹象。 The youth of silver hair has stood reluctantly, looked at present the flurried crowd, shook the head saying: Really does not have the means. However makes into this, that slaughter god squad also did want?” 银发的少年无奈地站了起来,看了看眼前慌乱的人群,摇了摇头说道:“真是没办法。不过打成这样,那只屠神小队也要出发了吧?” The next quarter, his both eyes concentrate, as if saw the sky tens of thousands kilometers away, dozens forms shoot up to the sky, flushes away toward the position of golden giant. 下一刻,他双目一凝,似乎已经看到了几万公里之外的天空,数十道身影冲天而起,朝着金色巨人的位置冲去。 But they have not approached, in suddenly eruption trillion sword light by void had been intercepted, execution immortal Sword Technique projection of Fang Xingjian. 但他们还未靠近,就被虚空中陡然爆发的亿万道剑光拦截了下来,正是方星剑的诛仙剑术投影。 Enters Void and Light Chaser, are not firm and four Sword Intent walk randomly in the projection whole body instant unceasingly cut to kill, in an instant already and so-called slaughter god squad fought one group. 入虚追光、无坚、刹那四道剑意在投影周身不断游走斩杀,转眼间已经和所谓的屠神小队战成了一团。 In the sky erupts an intermittent giant flame once for a while, the scalding hot hurricane appears suddenly, the heavy person who on earth blows scatters in all directions to run away. 天空中时不时爆发出一阵阵巨大的火光,灼热的飓风从天而下,吹的大地上的重人四散而逃。 Is tying up ponytail, grasps the double sword, each sword punctures the woman who can swallow the space to pursue executes the immortal Sword Technique projection to be recent, their running fight, the place visited shock-wave howls, the explosion that the spatial warping, each sword and sword hit triggers instantaneously has been destroying a city. 一名绑着马尾,手持双剑,每一剑刺出都能吞噬空间的女人追得诛仙剑术投影最近,两人且战且走,所过之处冲击波呼啸,空间扭曲,每一次剑与剑撞击引发的爆炸都在瞬间毁灭了一座城市。 In the side of woman, Warrior or holding a gun of several similar wear appearance, or are taking the sword, is various foreknowledges, flickers to move, the ability that sometimes stops emerges one after another incessantly. 在女人的身旁,十几位同样穿着打扮的战士或者持枪,或者拿着刀剑,也都是各种预知,瞬移,时停的能力层出不穷。 Almost is mysteriously appears and disappears same is pursuing to Fang Xingjian unceasingly, this executes the immortal projection 11 to keep off completely by the method that the speed of light migration and space transfer, but also counter-attacks by four Greatsword intent once for a while, several people of blood that kills scatter. 几乎是神出鬼没一样不断对着方星剑追击,全部这诛仙投影以光速移动、空间挪移的手段11挡下,还时不时以四大剑意反攻一番,杀的几人鲜血四溅。 Looks several people that is in hot pursuit at present, the eye of Fang Xingjian narrows the eyes slightly: Man-made person? Almost every not under Divine Level 6th layer.’ 看着眼前紧追不舍的几人,方星剑的眼睛微微眯起:‘人造人么?几乎每一个都不在神级六重之下。’ The next quarter, he has turned the head fiercely, just like has foresight a same sword to puncture, with a sword hit that in void punctures similarly in one. 下一刻,他猛地转过头去,宛如是未卜先知一样的一剑刺出,和虚空之中同样刺出的一剑撞击在了一起。 Two sword junctions strike, the air wave of rushing forms the plasma group toward to well up in all directions, all that will meet all the way evaporate completely. 两剑交击,澎湃的气浪形成等离子团朝着四面八方涌去,将一路上所遇到的一切都蒸发殆尽。 Just wanted to the fighter arm of support also under was striking changes into the flying ash. 刚刚想要冲上来支援的战机部队也在着一击之下化为飞灰。 Looks that a sword does not have the Enters Void spatial woman, the corners of the mouth of Fang Xingjian turns upwards slightly: Interesting Sword Technique.” 看着一剑没入虚空的女人,方星剑的嘴角微微翘起:“有意思的剑术。” That man-made person young girl shouts greatly: Devil, I will not make you destroy this world!” 那人造人少女大喊道:“恶魔,我不会让你们破坏这个世界的!” Another side, by the beach is nobody left, was attacked the earthquake Tsunami of silver hair torn to pieces of by the golden giant here destroying, but that silver-haired youth actually still stood in same place, after looking has executed the immortal projection and combat of slaughter god squad, has turned the head to look to another direction. 另一边,海滩旁已经是空无一人,被金色巨人攻击银发的地震海啸将这里破坏的支离破碎,但那名银发少年却是仍旧站在原地,看了看诛仙投影和屠神小队的作战后,又转过头看向了另一个方向。 Ulpian stands above ten thousand meters upper air, both hands separate throw to strike spatially, each attack actually hits the earth-shattering, has ripped open over a hundred armor plates, sets out toward the core position of Venus unceasingly. 乌尔比安站立在万米高空之上,双手隔空扑击,每一次攻击却都是打得天崩地裂,一口气撕开了上百层的装甲板,朝着启明星的核心位置不断进发。 Four periphery tens of thousands of war airplane groups were the tide same flushed probably, but had been swept by his one eyes completely, directly separated air burst to disperse, changed into the Large expanse of fireball. 四周围成千上万的战机群好像是潮水一样冲了上来,但全部被他一眼扫过,就直接隔空爆散开来,化为了成片成片的火球。 Solely is the method that the space transfers, these fighter aircraft cannot approach him, has not approached directly to be transferred some fuselages, explodes disperses in the midair. 单单是空间挪移的手段,这些战机根本接近不了他,还未靠近就被直接挪移掉了部分机身,爆散在半空之中。 The silver-haired youth shook the head, looked to tall Tower the position, then saw tall Taqian who Katherine was , another 100,000 meters high golden giants have flashed before suddenly. 银发少年摇了摇头,又看向了高塔的位置,便看到凯瑟琳所在的高塔前,又一个100000多米高的金色巨人陡然间闪现了出来。 Although present giant compared with the virtual image of crown prince small many times, but seems is more concise and, in the golden epidermis as if can see that the innumerable traces are swaying from side to side, every time will sway from side to side to erupt the overlapping field of force. 眼前的巨人虽然比太子的虚像小了许多倍,但看上去却更加凝练和实在,金色的表皮上似乎能看到无数的纹路在扭动,每一次扭动都会爆发出层层叠叠的力场。 Fang Xingjian martial arts projection of High Heaven Grand Dao. 正是方星剑皇天大道的武道投影。 The projection just a appearance, move of High Heaven Big Handprint maliciously had patted toward the present high tower. 投影刚刚一出现,已经一招皇天大手印朝着眼前的高塔狠狠拍去。 The Martial Intent brilliance and 1st stratum plasma protected the shield to hit in the midair directly in one, the brilliance that the innumerable molecular atom shatter explosion, had directly has embezzled a surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) position in an instant. 武道意志的光辉和一层等离子护盾在半空中直接撞击在了一起,无数的分子原子直接破碎爆炸,产生的光焰转眼间吞没了方圆百里的位置。 Fang Xingjian, you court death!” 方星剑,你找死!” In the purple star and in the snake King Jingkong vision, Crystal color giant machine armor has shot up to the sky under the operation of Katherine, hit with the heaven projection maliciously in one. 在紫星和蛇王惊恐的目光之中,一台水晶色的巨大机甲已经在凯瑟琳的操纵下冲天而起,和皇天投影狠狠撞击在了一起。 Then was this machine armor has destroyed the star of purple star and snake king, extinguished has killed their civilization, at this moment saw this machine armor once more, in their eyes reappeared once more desperate color. 便是这台机甲毁灭了紫星和蛇王的星球,灭杀了他们的文明,此刻再次看到这台机甲,两人的眼中再次浮现出了绝望之色。 That was the innumerable top powerhouses encircles has killed entire three days three nights, the result of actually finally being annihilated. 那是无数顶尖强者围杀了整整三天三夜,却最终全军覆没的结果。 The heaven projection facial color past and present do not have the wave, not sadly not happy, facing present Crystal machine armor, are the time accelerate a palm that adds on the space to transfer directly, the rushing strength in the Crystal machine armor interior explode directly. 皇天投影面色古今无波,无悲无喜,面对眼前的水晶机甲,直接就是时间加速加上空间挪移的一掌,澎湃的力量直接在水晶机甲的内部爆开。 But has not waited for the demolition strength to erupt truly, Crystal machine armor has flashed before the one side instantaneously, has evaded this attack. 但还未等爆破的力量真正爆发,水晶机甲的已经瞬间闪现到了一旁,躲过了这一次攻击。 Useless, this extinguished the god machine to assemble the quantum sensation organ, can see all future attacks, you were impossible to defeat his.” The Katherine sound with a fluctuation, transmits directly in the mind of heaven projection: „ Feeling fear, Fang Xingjian. “没有用的,这台灭神机装配了量子感知器官,能够看到所有未来的攻击,你是不可能击败他的。”凯瑟琳的声音伴随着一阵波动,直接在皇天投影的脑海中传递出来:“感受恐惧吧,方星剑 You to the matter that my son handles, I will let you ten times of hundred times of coming back. ” 你对我儿子做的事情,我会让你十倍百倍的还回来。” As machine armor of Katherine driving gets rid, in Qiming asterisk innumerable cave entrance opens, the dense and numerous fighter aircraft were the insect group same have emerged probably, the entire metal continentalization for a stretch of battlefield. 随着凯瑟琳驾驶的机甲出手,启明星号上无数的洞口打开,密密麻麻的战机好像是虫群一样涌现了出来,将整个金属大陆化为了一片战场。
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