PDG :: Volume #12

#1102: Quality and illusion

Along with the eruption of black hole ball, the battleship that massive has not retreated with enough time is towed to entrain by wild gravity directly, stretches curves to fly toward the black hole central place. 随着黑洞弹的爆发,大量没有来得及撤退的战舰直接被狂暴的引力拖拽,拉伸成一条条曲线朝着黑洞的中心位置飞去。 But is seriously battered by the crown prince who this strikes frontage hit, Martial Intent own thought fell into a blank under gravity of that terror, whole person's consciousness as if fell into during the thorough stop. 而被这一击正面命中的太子更是遭受重创,不论是武道意志还是自身的思维都在那恐怖的引力之下陷入一片空白,整个人的意识似乎都陷入了彻底的停顿之中。 Along with the volume and gravity rapid growth of black hole, the other spots of crown prince virtual image crazily were also towed to entrain, have delimited a space of intermittent distortion, flies toward the central spot of black hole. 随着黑洞的体积和引力飞速增长,太子虚像的其他部位也被疯狂拖拽,划过一阵阵扭曲的空间,朝着黑洞的中心部位飞去。 Direction shipboard, reads all sorts of reports of detection unit sending- , the battlefield projects that swallows all fears the light black, Mike - Michitoki spits to vent anger, in heart secret passage: Finally solved.’ 指挥舰上,看着侦查部发来的种种报告,还有战场投影上那吞噬一切的黑怕光影,迈克-道伦吐出了一口气,心中暗道:‘终于解决了。’ He then ordered: Orders all battleships to retrocede, is separated from the black hole the zone of action, waited for the black hole thorough death to attack again.” 他接着下令道:“命令所有战舰后退,脱离黑洞的作用区域,等黑洞彻底死亡再进攻。” Saw that the crown prince soon this black hole ball swallows thoroughly, Ulpian has gotten rid, this gets rid is earthshaking. 眼看着太子即将被这颗黑洞弹彻底吞噬的时候,乌尔比安出手了,这一出手便可谓是惊天动地。 Then saw that the limitless silver light resembled the waterfall to sprinkle from void equally, these energy of by higher-dimensional Space-Time being arrived at just arrived at material, then instantaneously changed into the innumerable photons then to be crushed, each photon of smashing will produce an electron and a positron, the entire process has carried on the mass energy transformation, from can the quantification for the material. 便看到无边无际的银光好像瀑布一样从虚空之中洒落了下来,这些由高维时空降临下来的能量刚刚来到物质界,便瞬间化为无数的光子然后又被粉碎,每一个粉碎的光子都会产生一个电子和一个正子,整个过程已经是进行了质能转换,从能量化为了物质。 Therefore then saw that during is void the innumerable silver light to show, then changed into the dense and numerous silver metals, just like is the silver ocean waves is the same, surging forward flushes away in the black hole direction. 于是便看到虚空之中无数银光展现,然后又化为了密密麻麻的银色金属,宛如是银色的海浪一样,汹涌澎湃地朝着黑洞方向冲去。 After the black hole produces, then crazily will swallow four periphery all materials, even does not let off the light. 黑洞产生以后便会疯狂吞噬四周围的一切物质,甚至连光都不放过。 But this swallowing is not infinite, along with swallowing the quality reaches the limit of black hole, the black hole will start dead. 但这种吞噬并非是无限,随着吞噬的质量达到黑洞的极限,黑洞就会开始死亡。 Now Ulpian does, releases own energy, then carries on the mass energy to transform, the conversion of energy for the material, is used to fill the present black hole. 现在乌尔比安做的,正是释放自己的能量,然后进行质能转换,将能量转化为物质,用来填充眼前的黑洞。 Along with his movement, the appearance of everywhere silver wave really greatly alleviated the proliferation of black hole, even the crown prince also rode this opportunity to restore the action, with fierce trembling, tore the virtual image thoroughly, coerces a less than half body to escape from the black hole edge. 随着他的这一番动作,漫天银浪的出现果然是大大缓解了黑洞的扩散,甚至太子也乘着这个机会恢复了行动力,伴随着一阵剧烈的震颤,彻底将虚像撕裂,裹挟着一小半的身体逃出了黑洞边缘。 Was almost stroked dies, on the face of crown prince is a wild with rage color, everywhere golden light same rippled one just like the wave, changed into one once more with the Earth almost big or medium giant. 差点被一击打死,太子的脸上已经是一片狂怒之色,漫天金光宛如水波一样荡漾了一阵,已经再次化为了一尊和地球差不多大小的巨人。 You... This is courting death!” “你们…这是在找死!” Sword Intent spreads from the body of crown prince, emperor imperial Sword Technique starts, crown prince at this moment is unretentive. 一股剑意从太子的身上扩散出来,天子御剑术发动,此刻的太子再无保留。 Achieved the Divine Level 7th layer crown prince to erupt, the destructive power that had fully also has even surpassed her imagination. 达到神级七重的太子全力爆发,产生的破坏力甚至也超过了她自己的想象。 Then saw that trillion sword light have shot from the body surface of crown prince, just like is a star collapses, the supernova explodes, the dazzling ray has embezzled all optical observation methods, the wild electromagnetic wave has burnt down all electronic instrumentations on entire spaceship directly, the high temperature the trim void cauterization, innumerable battleships by direct evaporation bunch of plasmas. 便看到亿万剑光从太子的体表射了出来,宛如是一颗恒星坍缩,超新星爆炸,刺目的光芒吞没了所有光学观察手段,狂暴的电磁波直接烧掉了整支飞船上的所有电子仪器,高温将整片虚空烧灼,无数的战舰被直接蒸发成了一团团等离子体。 Looks that the number of entire fleet reduces by a naked eye obvious rapid rate, directs the shipboard Mike Michitoki startled anger to occur simultaneously saying: „ Prevents her quickly! Damn, why did black hole ball stop the expansion? 看着整支舰队的数目以一种肉眼可见的速度飞速减少,指挥舰上的迈克道伦惊怒交加道:“快阻止她!该死,黑洞弹为什么停止了扩张? Large explosion where comes? 哪里来的大爆炸? Why did the weapon malfunction? ” 为什么武器都失灵了?” The entire fleet totals military defeat shortly, Mike Michitoki must order again: Shrinks draws back the artillery, starts once more shrinks draws back the artillery! Do not let her approach!” 眼看着整支舰队兵败如山倒,迈克道伦只得再次下令道:“缩退炮,再次发动缩退炮!别让她靠近过来!” To this time, he has not been haggling over the plan of Qiming asterisk, can cope with the present monster for him is the matter of primary importance. 到了这个时候,他已经没在计较启明星号的打算,能够对付掉眼前的怪物对他来说已经是最重要的事情。 But after he just ordered, actually indoor the direction of discovery sea of people, did not see a person's shadow. 但就在他刚刚下令之后,却发现原本人山人海的指挥室内,已经不见一个人影。 Before all control desks, is the nobody left, the huge direction indoor aloneness, could not hear including a sound. 所有的操作台前,全都是空无一人,巨大的指挥室内一片孤寂,连一丝声响都听不到了。 Sees present, Mike Michitoki stares slightly, he has stood fiercely, shouts toward the spacious command post greatly: Person? Where did the people go to?” 看到眼前的这一幕,迈克道伦微微一愣,他猛地站了起来,朝着空旷的指挥室大喊道:“人呢?人都去哪里了?” A strange and frightened feeling raids his heart slowly, the next quarter, in his ear heard crash-bang crash-bang the sound of bang suddenly, the ocean waves sound that hears in the hometown seashore is the same just like him. 一种诡异、恐惧的感觉缓缓袭上他的心头,下一刻,他的耳中突然听到了哗啦哗啦的巨响之声,就宛如他在家乡海边听到的海浪声一样。 However in this piece of universe vacuum, indoor the direction of spaceship, to have how possibly the ocean waves sound. 但是在这一片宇宙真空之中,在飞船的指挥室内,又怎么可能会有海浪的声音。 When he felt extremely puzzled, the ocean waves sound strengthened once more, Mike Michitoki turns the head to look fiercely that then saw the rough sea waves that a blood composes have welled up from the front door place. 就在他感到万分不解的时候,海浪的声音再次加强了,迈克道伦猛地转头看去,便看到一股鲜血组成的巨浪从大门处涌了过来。 The smell of blood of irritating the nose heads on, that choked the flavor of nose strongly seems must form is substantive same. 刺鼻的血腥味扑面而来,那浓烈呛鼻的味道好似要形成实质了一样。 Viscous blood wave expands in an instant rapidly, has embezzled the most command post instantaneously, finally curls toward Mike Michitoki's body. 粘稠的血浪转眼间飞速扩张,瞬间吞没了大半个指挥室,最后朝着迈克道伦的身体卷去。 Looks the blood wave that comes, Mike Michitoki only with enough time retrocedes two steps, then thoroughly was submerged by the blood of blotting out the sky. 看着汹涌而来的血浪,迈克道伦只来得及后退两步,便被铺天盖地的鲜血彻底淹没了。 Fang Xingjian appears from the blood wave, in his eyes, where also has any blood wave at present, an entire command post tranquility, countless servicemen actually fall down, fell into the stupor. 方星剑从血浪之中浮现出来,在他眼中,眼前又哪里有什么血浪,整个指挥室一片平静,无数的军人却是倒在地上,陷入了昏迷之中。 They completely by various type or terror, or strange, either the sad illusion fainted to the lane. 他们全部被各种或恐怖,或诡异,或悲伤的幻象给弄晕过去了。 Fang Xingjian that at present presents, is the heart swordsmanship projection, he has destroyed the will of this entire director shipboard person by the top imaginary technique directly. 眼前出现的方星剑,正是心剑道投影,他以顶尖的幻术直接摧毁了这一整艘指挥舰上的人的意志。 At this moment, stupor past Mike Michitoki actually suddenly opened the eye, the whole person has struggled to stand, actually saw but actually fleet Warrior everywhere. 就在这时,原本昏迷过去的迈克道伦却是陡然间睁开了眼睛,整个人挣扎着要站起来,却看到了倒了满地的舰队战士 Oh?” Fang Xingjian has turned the head, sees at present a face panic-stricken commander, actually shows a faint smile: Good willpower, I did not need extremely to keep the hand.” “喔?”方星剑转过头,看到眼前一脸惊骇的指挥官,却是微微一笑:“不错的意志力,那我也不用太过留手了。” In Mike Michitoki's eyes, the black hair man originally suddenly starts to melt, in an instant changes into the blood demon that galloping roared to be strange, opens the big mouth, is the head of his allies is all making an effort to struggle and beg for mercy, sad Hao, has linked a hell just like this demon strange mouth. 迈克道伦的眼中,原本的黑发男子突然开始融化,转眼间化为了一头奔腾咆哮的鲜血魔怪,张开大嘴,其中全是他战友们的脑袋在使劲挣扎、求饶、悲嚎,宛如这魔怪的嘴巴就链接了一个地狱。 You... You... You are any things!” Mike Michitoki loudly exclaimed. “你…你们…你们到底是什么东西!”迈克道伦大吼道。 The next quarter, the demon strange mouth publicizes crazily, last swallowed down his whole person. 下一刻,魔怪的嘴巴疯狂张大,最后一口将他整个人吞了下去。 !!!! 啊!!!! Enters in the mouth, was the innumerable pale palms has extended, seemed must drag toward the hell deep place him, called out in alarm with one, the commander has fainted thoroughly. 一进入嘴中,便是无数的苍白手掌伸了过来,好似要将他朝着地狱深处拖去,伴随着一阵惊叫,指挥官已经彻底晕死了过去。 But falls into the stupor along with the serviceman of entire command ship, the fleet of entire silver shade empire also thoroughly fell into the paralysis, is unable to resist the offensive of crown prince again. 而随着整艘指挥舰的军人陷入昏迷,整个银影帝国的舰队也彻底陷入了瘫痪,再也无法抵挡太子的攻势。 The heart swordsmanship projection walks in the direction shipboard, in the heart has made the judgment secretly: „ The strength of this fleet, if attacks the ability to judge by the frontage, actually also above the Divine Level 6th layer even Divine Level 7th layer powerhouse. 心剑道投影行走在指挥舰上,心中暗暗做出了判断:“这支舰队的战力,如果以正面攻伐能力来判断,其实还在神级六重甚至神级七重的强者之上。 The frontage spells hardly, the light is that black hole ball, in our several people can keep off except for Ulpian nobody. 正面硬拼,光是那黑洞弹,我们几人里除了乌尔比安便无人可挡。 However the victory and defeat is the frontage attacks incessantly hardly, if compares the speed of light to move, the space transfers the application in exquisite aspect, this fleet is not good, they have no way like the Divine Level powerhouse having one's wish carries on the space to transfer with the speed of light migration to carry on the attack and dodging, at this time the driver was the biggest weakness. ” 但是胜负不止是正面硬攻,如果比较光速移动,空间挪移在小巧方面的应用,这支舰队就不行了,他们没法像神级强者那样随心所欲的进行空间挪移和光速移动来进行攻击和闪躲,这个时候驾驶者就是最大的弱点了。” Walks, his consecutively several spaces transfer, shuttle back and forth in the ships, then arrived in the universe, looks that still crazily was attacking the crown prince of fleet saying: Was good, here had finished, prepares Qiming asterisk there matter.” - 行走之间,他连续几个空间挪移,穿梭在船舰之间,便来到了宇宙之中,看着仍旧在疯狂攻击舰队的太子说道:“好了,这边已经结束了,准备启明星号那里的事情吧。”—— A chapter has written today without enough time, tomorrow makes up, everybody was sorry. 还有一章今天来不及写了,明天补上,各位抱歉。
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