OEM :: Volume #10

#908: Confession? What confessed?!

Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master moves, this handle sword inserted in the ground, the black fire submerged the soil layer, but burnt through the soil immediately, burnt has come up...... unexpectedly is really regardless of anything can burn......” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to sigh: This Young Master shock......” 九幽十四少手一动,这柄剑插在了地上,黑火没入土层,但立即将土壤烧穿,更一路燃烧了上来……“竟然真的是无论什么都能燃烧……”九幽十四少叹了一口气:“本公子震惊不已……” Jun Moxie laughed, modest said/tunnel: This such insignificant ability, making everybody be laughed, ashamed.” 君莫邪呵呵一笑,谦虚地道:“这点雕虫小技,让大家见笑了,惭愧惭愧。” People curls the lip crazily: This unthinkable skill/effort, added unexpectedly is such insignificant ability? Your ‚can big technique burn the day to extinguish the world? 众人一阵狂撇嘴:这种匪夷所思的功夫,居然还说是雕虫小技?那你的‘大技’岂不是要焚天灭世? These words have not spoken incorrectly, if Jun Moxie has enough Spiritual Force support, even if burns the day with Primal Chaos Flame, even burns down the entire world...... That seemingly is not impossible and too strange matter...... Young Master Jun from number Evil Monarch said that worthily evil character, is really the name will follow reality, this method is to suffice to suffice to suffice evilly ruthlessly poisonously spicy enough! But......” Cheng Yinxiao two gloomy looks at Jun Moxie, indifferently said: Now says the matter, you so wantonly slaughter my Sacred Land people, actually certainly needs to give me and other people of confession!” 这句话还真没有说错,若是君莫邪有足够的灵力支撑,就算是用混沌火焚天,甚至焚烧整个世界……那貌似也不是什么不可能、太希奇的的事情……“君公子自号‘邪之君主’不愧称一个‘邪’字,果然是实至名归,这一手段更是够邪够狠够毒够辣!可是……”成吟啸两眼阴沉沉的看着君莫邪,淡淡地道:“今曰之事,你如此大肆屠杀我圣地众人,却一定需要给我等三人一个交代!” Confession? What confessed? What do I want to give you to confess?!” Jun Moxie surprise has smiled: Your four great expert come here from to probably make the arbitration...... But this Young Master asked you to do? You are senior Expert, must make an arbitration, this Young Master in line with respecting the moral excellence of old person, has tacitly consented to turning a blind eye, only however, this arbitration...... How many some fair and rational manner should be? This point, does not know that I do have to speak incorrectly?” “交代?什么交代?我要给你们什么交代?!”君莫邪诧异的笑了起来:“你们四大高手来到这里自把自为要做仲裁……可是本公子求着你们来做的吗?你们是前辈高人,要做个仲裁,本公子本着尊重老人家的美德,也就睁一眼闭一眼的默许了,只但是,这仲裁……怎么也应该是多少有些公平公正的态度吧?这一点,不知道我有没有说错?” That is natural, the arbitration should certainly do the arbitration should for it matter! Fair fair, is we always pursues as the pacificator!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is very affectedly virtuous said/tunnel, although his that always school of gloomy sound really and affectedly virtuous this word cannot relate. “那是当然,仲裁当然该干仲裁应为之事!公平公正,才是我们作为仲裁者一向追求的!”九幽十四少很是“道貌岸然”地道,虽然他那总是一派阴森森的声音实在和道貌岸然这个词联系不起来。 Since the Fourteenth Young Master senior also said that that Young Master spoke frankly, became the senior must confess to me a moment ago? I do not know that I should give anything to confess, instead wants to ask the senior, or is Heavenly Saint Palace all seniors......” “既然十四少前辈也这么说了,那本公子就直说了,刚才成前辈向我要交代?我不知道我该给出什么交代,反而是想问问成前辈,又或者是天圣宫的所有前辈……” Jun Moxie grief and indignation say/way: In a moment ago shortly, under the noses of four big arbitrations, had the people to besiege my event! Moreover, after the arbitrator announced the decisive battle ended! This fact, makes me stare dumbfounded seriously! Speech doesn't also that actually to arbitrate have might? If announced what a moment ago result is Fourteenth Young Master, returns forget it, I remember that announced a moment ago the result seemingly is the tune senior you? Do your arbitrations have an effect?” 君莫邪悲愤的道:“就在刚才不久,就在四大仲裁的眼皮底下,发生众人围攻我一个人的事件!而且,还是在仲裁人宣布了决战结束之后!这个事实,当真让我瞠目结舌!究竟仲裁的说话还有没有威力?若刚才宣布结果的是十四少,也还罢了,我记得刚才宣布结果貌似是曲前辈你吧?到底你们这几位仲裁起了什么作用呢?” Cheng Yinxiao and other people are speechless for a while, the fact at present, is actually not willing to write off the conscience speech by their status! 成吟啸等三人一时无语,事实就在眼前,以他们的身份却是不肯抹杀良心说话的! Your little brat talked nonsense!” Is very unexpected, is Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master opens the mouth to help to break through unexpectedly, sees only him is very said seriously: „Don't others have the arbitration responsibility? Others did not open the mouth to make noise to stop a moment ago!” “你小子胡说八道!”很是出人意料的,竟是九幽十四少开口帮忙解围,只见他很是严肃地道:“人家怎么就没起仲裁责任呢?刚才人家不是开口出声制止么!” Saying, to take joy in other people's misfortunes has smiled two. 说着,幸灾乐祸的笑了两声。 Cheng Yinxiao and other people of one hear of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master backed up, but also thinks this madman today such good person, if he help spoke, but and the others the beautiful mouth quibbled to be better many, but was careful one hear, was this help breaks through? This simply is aggravates the situation and beats severely don't hit a person when he's down! 成吟啸等三人咋一听九幽十四少帮腔,还以为这狂人今天怎么这么好人呢,他若是帮忙说话可是比自己等人红口白牙狡辩要好得太多,但再仔细一听,这是帮忙解围吗?这根本就是火上浇油、痛打落水狗! Was Junior made an indiscreet remark a moment ago, the Fourteenth Young Master senior said in the principle, when their much threw, stopping sound that Junior truly clearly heard two seniors...... Even also incessantly shouted one......” “刚才是晚辈失言了,十四少前辈说得在理,就在他们一伙子扑过来的时候,晚辈确实清楚地听到两位前辈的制止声音……甚至还不止喊了一声……” Jun Moxie said a crop failure, wants the injustice with one type compared with Dou E immediately the expression, forceful asking: But Junior is not clear, even if did not say that the arbitration status of three seniors, on the single said three big protectors in the Sacred Land status, selects the minimum deterrent force not to have? Looks at now this circumstance...... Three protectors' orders, to a Sacred Land people, are only similar to talk nonsense to be the same unexpectedly, all does not care! I felt really maliciously astonishment, Oh, Junior a moment ago was too excited, has not blasphemed you three meanings, you understood......” 君莫邪道了声歉,随即用一种比窦娥还要冤的表情,铿锵有力的问道:“可是晚辈就不明白,就算不说三位前辈的仲裁身份,就单只说三大守护者在圣地的身份地位,就连点起码的威慑力都没有么?看现在这情势……三位守护者的命令,对圣地中人来说,竟然就只如同放屁一样,全不在意!我真是感到了狠狠地惊讶,,晚辈刚才是太激动,可没有亵渎你们三位的意思,你们理解的……” Three people of suddenly blushing ears are red! 三人顿时脸红耳赤! Oneself and other person and 14 people are the arbitrations, actually had the war end, a side gangs up on another side all alone directly the wicked surname event, which regardless of this fading matter to could not say the truth, especially and other people were the people of Three Great Sacred Lands status most veneration, but the underlings completely were actually not serious to own stopping, was in the big surface does not have seriously up. 自己等三人和14人身为仲裁,却发生了战局终结,一方直接群殴另一方孤身一人的恶姓事件,这种衰事无论到哪也是说不出道理的,尤其自己等三人乃是三大圣地地位最尊崇之人,而底下人却对自己的制止全然不当一回事,当真是大大的面上无光。 Three person painful penetrating hearts that Jun Moxie this palm of the hand pulls out are red in the face, actually can only receive...... Three people could not bear stared survival Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu maliciously two people eyes, the vision quite bad! 君莫邪这一记巴掌抽的三个人痛彻心扉面红耳赤,却是只能受着……三人忍不住狠狠地瞪了幸存的海无涯何知秋两人一眼,目光颇为的不善! Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master coldly said: This saying has not talked nonsense actually! Speaking of the view...... This Young Master must ask for an explanation! This Young Master seemingly is also one of the arbitrations, just as Little Brat Jun said that under this Young Master nose, has this to destroy the bad matter that breaks a promise unexpectedly, whether these younger generation little brat work as the bullshit you three words, this Young Master does not have the interest to pay attention, but this grade of procedure has not clearly looked at this Young Master in in the eyes! This matter, to this Young Master, it can be said that seriously tarnished this Young Master reputation! This matter cannot give up in light of this! Even if Little Brat Jun did not investigate, this Young Master must investigate!” 九幽十四少冷冷地道:“这话倒是没有胡说八道了!说到说法……本公子也要讨一个说法!本公子貌似也是仲裁之一,正象君小子说的,居然在本公子眼皮底下,发生这等毁诺背信的恶劣事情,那些个后辈小子是否把你们三个的话当屁话,本公子没兴趣理会,但这等作法分明就是没有将本公子看在眼中!这件事,对本公子而言,可说是严重地损害到了本公子的声誉!此事绝不能就此善罢甘休!就算君小子不追究,本公子也还是要追究的!” Three people of complexion pain, patronized a moment ago were deliberately considering that Jun Moxie this little brat, how has forgotten also this...... Then can not know what to do? This lunatic cannot common sense it, this not occupy the principle especially, troubled...... Jun Moxie then said: Yes, even if did not say the Fourteenth Young Master face countenance and honorary issue, also this Young Master life security problem! Three protectors ask me to confess, this Young Master also expressed the understanding, after all died that many people...... But, at that time they threw, perhaps if this Young Master make a move revolt, cannot dismember a body by them in split second, could it be...... In your mind, should I resign oneself to extinction inadequately?” 三人脸色一苦,刚才光顾着寻思君莫邪小子了,怎地忘记了还有这茬……这下可如何是好?这个疯子可是不可以常理度之的,尤其这次自己这边还不占理,麻烦了……君莫邪接着说道:“是啊是啊,就算不说十四少的颜面、名誉问题,还有少爷的生命安全问题呢!三位守护者找我要交代,本少爷也表示理解,毕竟是死了那么多人……但,当时他们已经扑上来了,若是本少爷出手反抗的话,恐怕在一瞬间就能被他们大卸八块,难道……在你们的心中,我就应该那么束手待毙不成吗?” Their singing a duet thus and such and such, press on step by step, suppressed the liver colored face of three protectors...... Jun Moxie curled the lip: Or, in three protector Sir cognition, only permits your Sacred Land to start a fight when losing and demand his money when winning, actually doesn't permit me to have any counter-attack action? Did you sneak attack besiege dead person also to be just in addition to the person of barely escaping unexpectedly, look for the view? Big of this rather slippery world checked...... Three protector Sirs, could it be your can't Heavenly Saint Palace, such lose? Three seniors, you consider, is this truth?” 两人如此这般的一唱一和,步步紧逼,将三位守护者的脸面憋成了猪肝色……君莫邪撇了撇嘴:“又或者,在三位守护者大人认知之中,只准你们圣地输打赢要,却不准我有任何的反击举动?你们偷袭加上围攻死了人居然还要向险死还生之人要公道,找说法?这未免有些滑天下之大稽了吧……三位守护者大人,难道你们天圣宫,就这么输不起?三位前辈,你们斟酌一下,是不是这个道理呢?” Saying, Jun Moxie two one, black flame were jumping from the ground suddenly, slowly melts one group, then returned to around the palm of Jun Moxie, the palm turns, vanishes does not see...... not being able to lose these three characters, just said from the Qu Wuhui mouth, accuses He Zhiqiu \; Now the Jun Moxie original words bestowed on their three people. 说着,君莫邪两手一张,一朵朵黑色火焰突然从地上跳了起来,慢慢的融成一团,然后回到了君莫邪的手掌周围,手掌一翻,消失不见……“输不起”这三个字,刚刚才从曲勿回嘴里说出来,指责何知秋\;现在君莫邪原话赠送到了他们自己三个人身上。 Your little brat talks nonsense! How we could not lose!” Cheng Yinxiao shouted angrily. “你小子放屁!我们怎么就输不起了!”成吟啸怒喝一声。 Three big protectors are very angry! But they do not have the means that even does not have the excuse of rebuttal, because their originally is a side that is in the wrong, ganged up to surround and beat up the event just to finish, what couldn't lose is?! 三大守护者都很愤怒!可是他们却毫无办法,甚至没有反驳的说辞,因为他们本就是理亏的一方,围殴事件才刚刚结束,不是输不起又是什么?! In the heart is oppressed difficult, Qu Wuhui toward Hai Wuya and other people of fierce shouted: Mean thing, has not gone, in what?!” 心中憋闷难出,曲勿回向着海无涯等四人厉声喝道:“下作的东西,还不快滚,在等什么?!” Go away? Even if must get lost/roll, also gives this Young Master to confess first, certainly get lost/rolls!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master cold coldly snorted: „Before I have not spoken allows to pass, I but actually must have a look, which dares get lost/rolled?!” “滚?就算真要滚,也得先给本公子交代之后才准滚!”九幽十四少冷哼了一声:“我未说话放行之前,我倒要看看,哪一个敢滚?!” Cheng Yinxiao restrains the anger forcefully, after breathing heavily two tones, difficult say/way: This matter, is we were not right, but also asked Fourteenth Brother to excuse me. The Sir are massive, has uncovered this matter in light of this, do not feel embarrassed with these juniors again.” 成吟啸强行抑下怒气,喘了两口气之后,才艰难的道:“此事,原是我方不对,还请十四兄见谅。大人大量,就此揭过此事,不要再与这些小辈为难了。” Own such everybody person had been slaughtered a cleanness by others, a oneself view cannot ask, instead must compel to apologize to others...... In Cheng Yinxiao heart this aggrieved and humiliation, it can be imagined! 自己那么一大伙人被人家屠杀了个干净,自己连个说法都讨不来,反而要逼着向别人道歉……成吟啸心中这份憋屈和屈辱,可想而知! If seriously is the Jun Moxie mistake, the Cheng Yinxiao three people rather put together a body dead, must put together with Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master completely, will not let off Jun Moxie. 若当真是君莫邪的错,那么,成吟啸三人宁可拼个身死,也要与九幽十四少拼个尽,更加不会放过君莫邪 But...... The cause of matter, what is solid is Sacred Land this side directs! That method truly was also quite mean a point, a troop person besieges an under 20-year-old child, this really did not say of pleasant to hear a point! 但……事情的起因,却实实在在的是圣地这一方引起来的!那手段也确实比较下作了一点,一大群人围攻一个不满20岁的孩子,这委实好说不好听了一点! Has not thought, in entire process, not only has refuted the four people of faces, but also died most people, finally completely has also delivered to all initiatives the enemy hand! This called any matter! Even if you are not concerned about face, we are concerned about face! Damn, now that also face? Lost unable to look! 没想到,整个过程中,不仅驳了自己四人的面子,而且死了绝大多数的人,最后还将所有的主动权尽都送到了敌人手中!这叫什么事啊!就算你们都不要脸了,我们还是要脸的!他妈的,现在那还有脸了?都丢得找不回来了! Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui clench teeth, in the heart secretly is making a determined effort: Waits to return to Sacred Land, these fellows, cannot let off! Must tidy up them to be good well! 成吟啸曲勿回咬着牙,心中都在暗暗发狠:等回到圣地,这几个家伙,一个也不能放过!必须要好好的收拾他们才行! Oh? Since Brother Cheng opens the mouth to admit mistakes personally, this Young Master was usually magnanimous, so...... This time such forget about it.” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master broadminded say/way: Now you can get lost/roll!” ?既然成兄亲自开口认错,本公子素来大度,如此……这次就这么算了吧。”九幽十四少宽宏大量的道:“现在你们可以滚了!” Slightly the distant place, Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu two people in the eyes almost must spout the fire, but when Qu Wuhui two people severe vision, a few words had not said, turns around to go, are not many, vanished the person's shadow...... Only has Qiao Ying, had not participated to argue, but looks at a blank the location, enough 30 great expert! Before that big price, compensated innumerable face, the people who guaranteed with great difficulty, such skill/effort of a blink, all were buried here! 稍远处,海无涯何知秋两人眼中几乎要喷出火来,但在曲勿回两人严厉的目光之中,一句话也没有多说,转身而去,不多时,已经消失了人影……唯有乔影,一直没有参与争论,只是怔怔的看着一片空白的场地,足足30名一等一的高手!之前许出那么大代价,赔出无数脸面,好不容易才保下的众人,就这么一眨眼的功夫,尽数葬身在这里! These manpower, may all be the Heaven Seizing War strengths! Has elapsed these many suddenly...... The effect on Heaven Seizing War, is absolutely pivotal, endures the influence general situation fully! If there is not boosted to join, by the Sacred Land existing strength, this time Heaven Seizing War, must defeat without doubt! 这些人手,可全是夺天之战的战力!骤然逝去了这么多……对夺天之战的影响,绝对是举足轻重的,足堪影响大局!若是没有助力加入,以圣地现有的实力,这一次的夺天之战,已是必败无疑! This matter, stops!” Qu Wuhui makes a prompt decision, said solemnly: Jun Moxie, you won gambling stake Exquisite Lotus, is you takes with us? Waits for us to send for giving you to deliver to Heavenly Punishment Forest to go?” “这件事,到此为止!”曲勿回当机立断,沉声道:“君莫邪,你赢得赌注玲珑莲,是你跟着我们去拿?还是等着我们派人给你送到天罚森林去?” These two choices that the Jun Moxie knitting the brows head, Qu Wuhui gives, is not the good way of doing things. 君莫邪皱了皱眉头,曲勿回给出的这两个选择,都不是什么好路数。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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