OEM :: Volume #10

#907: Do not annoy me!

Said that feels deeply, is actually in Zhan Mubai in war! 说感受最深的,却还是身在战局之中的展慕白 Said too close to the problem, onlooker is clear-headed, but at this moment, is actually the onlooker is clear-headed, authority are clear! 本来都说当局者迷,旁观者清,但此刻,却是旁观者清,当局者更清! Zhan Mubai felt eye advance party existence, is own unsurpassed control! Not is only controlling own life, is controlling own complete soul! Do not say that revolt wholeheartedly, at present is heart raises, even if reading of any tiny bit disobeying, is big is not respectful! Big is unfair to own conscience! 展慕白感觉眼前站着的存在,乃是自己的无上主宰!非但主宰着自己的生命,更主宰着自己的全部灵魂!不要说全心全意的反抗,眼下就算是心底升起哪怕任何一丝一毫的违逆之念,也是大大的不恭敬!大大的对不起自己的良心! In the pupil filled to exterminate the present extreme cruel air/Qi already to vanish into thin air in this moment, the other indescribable meanings with amazement, whole body again does not only have the least bit physical strength, earthshaking Profound Qi that in whole body meridians contains, a point cannot cause unexpectedly! Before gripped tightly long sword in hand, at this moment was also unexpectedly hard to grasp, not to mention can brandish willfully! 眸子中原本充满灭绝眼前的极度暴戾之气在这一刻已然烟消云散,只余下难以言喻的骇然之意,全身上下再无半点气力,浑身经脉中蕴含的惊天动地的玄气,竟然一点也使不出来!之前紧握在手中的长剑,此刻竟也难以握牢,更遑论可以任意挥舞! Among the world, has such overbearing Sword Technique unexpectedly! So gods and ghosts Cultivation Art! 天下间,竟有如此霸道剑法!如此神异的功法 What Sword Technique is this and Cultivation Art?! 这到底是什么剑法功法?! Clear to see dense sword light dodges, overhead chops to fall \; Although Zhan Mubai in the bureau, still had last clear understanding, in this crucial moment, desperate, suddenly bites the tip of tongue maliciously, spouts a blood, the pain of web raids suddenly, the intelligence restores clear understanding in the instantaneous total unexpectedly, in the violent hastiness, the long sword of hanging down raises towering, is mixing with extreme swift and fierce Sword Qi blazingly, flies high to welcome! 眼见得森然剑光一闪,当头劈落\;展慕白虽在局中,却仍有最后一丝清明,在这生死关头,情急之下,突然狠狠地一咬舌尖,“噗”的一声喷出一口鲜血,钻心之痛突然袭来,神智竟于瞬间全数恢复清明,极端的仓促之中,低垂的长剑突兀一扬,夹杂着炽热到极点的凌厉剑气,凌空迎上! Zhan Mubai already did not assign for a long time, clear this point Jun Moxie naturally cannot have slightly keeps the hand, even lost has played with the thoughts of this person! He does not allow Zhan Mubai dead in secret technique backlash, he no doubt must die, but must die in own is clears up accounts! Usually calm Jun Moxie this moment eye actually somewhat blushed, oneself, must chop Zhan Mubai that personally also in the head of gasping for breath, can dispel hate of heart, but also that person justice! 展慕白已然命不长久,清楚此点的君莫邪自然不会有丝毫的留手,甚至失去了玩弄此人的心思!他决不允许展慕白死在秘法反噬之中,他固然要死,但一定要死在自己手里才算清帐!素来冷静的君莫邪此刻眼睛却有些发红,自己,一定要亲手砍下展慕白那还在喘气的脑袋,才能消解心头之恨,还伊人一个公道! Since this war, it may be said that has been Young Master Jun makes a debut the most majestic war! Jun Moxie must in oneself wildest method, probably at the shortest time limit, thoroughly destroy Zhan Mubai! Thus establishes the Evil Monarch greatest prestige! 这一战,可谓是君大少爷出道以来最为堂堂皇皇的一战!君莫邪要以自身最为狂暴的手段,更要以最短的时限之内,彻底摧毁展慕白!从而确立自己邪之君主的莫大威名! Evil Monarch is born, intersects the first war directly! 邪君出世,正面相交第一战! Faces Saint Emperor expert unexpectedly! 竟是面对一位圣皇强者 A resounding, two sword head confrontations, Jun Moxie chops finally outrageously in the day, Zhan Mubai counter-attacks in the place certainly! 一声脆响,两剑终于正面交锋,君莫邪在天悍然劈下,展慕白在地绝地反扑! A loud sound, the naked eye obvious air/Qi field forms light halos loudly, sends out unceasingly outward, location, will get sucked into the ground about one zhang (3.33 m) soil layer simultaneously to shake to fly suddenly, whirls around, will jump the injection midair! Similar to the hurricane attack snow wave, curls up the silvery bright fragment of full universe, as if entire space, is also stave in split second! 轰然一声巨响,肉眼可见的气场形成一道道的光圈,不断往外散发,四下里的场地,突然深陷地面将近一丈的土层齐齐震飞,翻卷而出,迸射入半空!如同飓风袭击雪浪,卷起满乾坤的银亮碎片,似乎整个空间,也在一瞬间破碎! Surrounding area several about 40 zhang (3.33 m) grounds, just like the innumerable giant tree root braces crack in an instant the ground, appeared deep fissures! Zhan Mubai all methods, including his burning sun domain, in this both sides internecine strife under strikes, instantaneous torn to pieces! 方圆几近40丈的地面,刹那间犹如无数巨大的树根撑裂了地面,显出一道道深深的裂痕!展慕白所有的手段,包括他的炎阳领域,在这双方火拼的一击之下,瞬间支离破碎! So the power and influence, made on the scene to observe numerous expert to vacillate for it heart ancient banner all! 如此威势,令在场观战一众高手无不为之心旌动摇! Already guessed that Jun Moxie this Evil Monarch will be very definitely strong, can arrive at so the character of strength, since the itself strength dares to appear to show disdain for world , may collapse at the first blow? 早就已经猜测到君莫邪这位邪之君主必然会很强,能够到达如此实力的人物,本身实力既然敢横空出世傲视天下,又怎么可能会不堪一击? But guessed that is a matter, with own eyes the testimony to is actually a different matter, takes office everyone not to expect again, Evil Monarch of this appearance, can unexpectedly tyrannicalally to such situation! Presses Fourth Level Saint Emperor to hit by the Third Level Saint Emperor skill in turn, instead occupied completely the winning side! 可是猜测到是一回事,亲眼见证到却又是另外一回事,再加上任谁也没有料到,这位横空出世的邪之君主,竟然能强横到了如此的地步!以三级圣皇功力反过来压着一位四级圣皇打,反而占尽了上风! Master mysterious who also, his back also strength is as deep as a well. The apprentices already so, the strength of Master then could be imagined...... Actually should how phenomenon! 还有,他背后还有一位实力更为高深莫测的神秘师傅。徒弟已然如此,师傅的实力便可想而知……究竟该如何的惊天动地! In a twinkling, Cheng Yinxiao and complexions of Qu Wuhui two people completely changed! 霎时间,成吟啸曲勿回两个人的脸色尽都变了! Jun Moxie howls lightly, with the strength of counter- shaking this puts together, non-stop flies the heaven! 君莫邪一声轻啸,借着这一拼的反震之力,直飞上天! Zhan Mubai is grunt one, two thighs both almost all submerged in soil! Actually sees his one to bellow fiercely, the body week soil layer whirls around once more, turns toward all around to rupture loudly, but in the center of this rupturing, the Zhan Mubai diving posture, the Jun Moxie pursuit toward midair goes! 展慕白则是闷哼一声,两条大腿都几乎尽数没入了土中!却见他猛地一声大吼,身周土层再次翻卷而起,轰然向着四周爆裂,而在这爆裂的中心,展慕白飞身而起,向着半空的君莫邪追击而去! Under this spells, the treasured sword that Zhan Mubai causes, has counted one by one hundred years of winter and summer saber along, unexpectedly has damaged a big gap, several nearly broke half! 在这一拼之下,展慕白所使的宝剑,随身已历数百年寒暑的佩剑,居然损了一个大大的缺口,几近断了一半! But Zhan Mubai this handle sword big famous, it can be said that Divine Sword in legend, fights the soul sword! 展慕白这柄剑可是大大的有名,可说是一把传说中的神剑,战魂剑! This sword quality of material is far different, destroys the hardest defenses, is easy to break sends, cuts iron like mud, its firm degree, for the crown of mainland, several can be said as present age the first famous sword! 此剑质地殊异,无坚不摧,吹毛断发,削铁如泥,其坚固程度,亦为大陆之冠,几可说是当世第一的名剑! Zhan Mubai also because of the chance coincidence, by luck obtains this handle sword \; After his contented this sword, able to move unhindered the world, again does not have the defeat! Even can say, he can achievement one generation of Saint Emperor illustrious prestige, this occupy not the small merit the sword! 展慕白也是因为机缘巧合,才侥幸得到这柄剑\;他自得此剑之后,纵横天下,再无败绩!甚至可以说,他能成就一代圣皇的赫赫威名,这把剑占了不小的功劳! But is a such handle sword, under the bombardment of Jun Moxie Blood of Yan and Huang, a sword gets down, broke half unexpectedly! Then, the long sword in Jun Moxie hand, should be what kind of Divine Weapon? 但就是这样的一柄剑,在君莫邪炎黄之血的轰击之下,一剑下来,竟然已经断了一半!那么,君莫邪手中的长剑,又该是何等神兵 However on the other hand, wrong non- is this war soul sword in legend, how could under the common weapon resists results in Jun Moxie by Blood of Yan and Huang acted fully to kill strikes, looks all around now world, really few weapons can achieve! Fights the soul sword to succeed, only damages a gap, did not lose its in the past illustrious prestige! 不过话又说回来,错非是这把传说中的战魂剑,寻常兵器又岂能抵御得了君莫邪炎黄之血全力施为之下的必杀一击,环顾当今之世,委实没有几件兵器可以做到!战魂剑能成功挺过,只损一缺口,已经不负它往昔的赫赫威名了! But Zhan Mubai at this moment did not have the time to love dearly this Divine Sword, he eyeful is filled with now, only has Jun Moxie this big personal enemy! Although is he is unfair to Jun Moxie obviously, but is not Jun Moxie is unfair to him, but in his mind, Jun Moxie non- refuses stubbornly to be possible! 而此刻的展慕白却已经没有时间心疼这把神剑了,他现在满眼满心,都就只有君莫邪这一个大仇人而已!虽然明明是他对不起君莫邪而不是君莫邪对不起他,但在他的心中,君莫邪非死不可! This guilty of the most heinous crime calamity world evildoer/monstrous talent! Really is too hateful! Because of this evildoer/monstrous talent, the old man is destroyed in a moment several hundred years of clear reputation! Does not kill it, vowed is not the person! 这个罪大恶极的祸世妖孽!实在是太可恶!就是因为这个妖孽,老夫将数百年的清誉尽数毁于一旦!不杀之,誓不为人! sword light such as roaming dragon, twisting enters Qiong clouds! 剑光如游龙,夭矫入琼霄! But above the highest heaven, brighter sword light has pressed together loudly! Jun Moxie takes advantage of somebody's authority to penetrate the upper air, a tumbling, the head puts one's foot down, the double hand-held sword, the tongue splits the spring thunder, gives a loud shout: Zhan Mubai! Dies!” 但九霄之上,一道更加灿烂的剑光已经轰然压了下来!君莫邪借势穿入高空,一个翻滚,头下脚上,双手持剑,舌绽春雷,大喝一声:“展慕白!死来!” Zhan Mubai is grinning fiendishly, does not have the meaning of dodging, long sword blossomless false rapid punctures, in the meantime, his left hand turns from the bosom once more! Silent palm wind, is bringing the air/Qi of boundless destruction, strikes to Jun Moxie! 展慕白狞笑着,全无闪避的意思,长剑毫无花假的迅速刺出,同时,他的左手再次从怀中一翻而出!无声无息的掌风,带着磅礴的毁灭之气,击向君莫邪 Almost with previous time is exactly the same, is a sneak attack! 几乎与上次如出一辙,又是一次偷袭! What a pity, what such as previous time is different has, previous time Jun Moxie does not have to guard, owes the revolt the strength, but Young Master Jun at this moment not only had the astonishing strength, already paid attention his all every action and every movement, laughed, sword light flashed, under circles, from Zhan Mubai holds the wind instant powder to make one group of shatter strength outrageously, was stirred everywhere fragment by Blood of Yan and Huang! 可惜,如上次不同的还是有的,上次的君莫邪全无提防,也欠反抗的实力,而此刻的君大少爷非但拥有了惊人实力,更早已留心了他的所有一举一动,哈哈一笑,剑光一闪,一绕之下,来自展慕白的悍然掌风瞬时散作一团破碎的劲气,被炎黄之血搅成了漫天碎屑 When, two handle long swords meet in the midair once more! 当的一声,两柄长剑再次在半空相会! A light sound, the Zhan Mubai war soul sword breaks accordingly makes two sections, on the half brought bright as snow sword light to fly, sent out unwilling sounding. Jun Moxie eyes flashed, lightens together mock rays of light, a tip of the toe spin, kicks accurately, in that half breaks above the sword. 一声轻响,展慕白的战魂剑应声断作两截,上半截带着雪亮的剑光飞了起来,发出一声不甘的鸣叫。君莫邪目光一闪,闪出一道讥诮的光芒,脚尖一旋,准确地踢在那半截断剑之上。 That half broke the sword is similar to has the life to be ordinary unexpectedly, suddenly accelerated to reverse to return, by compared with the oncoming force must on the speed of quicker several fold, shoot at Zhan Mubai a moment ago! Resembles Zhan Mubai this original Master is causes itself to be been ordinary by the prime culprit who two break around the middle! 那半截断剑竟如同有了生命一般,突然加速倒转而回,以比刚才来势还要更快上数倍的速度,射向展慕白!就好像展慕白这位原来的主人才是导致自己被拦腰两断的元凶一般! The Zhan Mubai saber was interrupted, Jun Moxie Sword Qi together with own Sword Qi crazy but actually has pressed, is suddenly uncomfortable such as wants to spit blood, in this time, that half breaks the sword exactly already the back reflection. Potential like thunder! 展慕白的佩剑被截断,君莫邪剑气连同自己的剑气被疯狂的倒压了回来,一时间难受如欲吐血,恰在此时,那半截断剑已经回射而来。势如雷霆! In his hand the half breaks the sword to select, Zheng, then broke the sword to strike to fly that half \; But at the same time, Jun Moxie long sword also already simultaneously being near body! Woods cold Sword Qi, has stirred up on Zhan Mubai to have the First Layer goosebumps. 他手中半截断剑一挑,“铮”的一声,便已经将那半截断剑击飞\;但与此同时,君莫邪的长剑也已经同时临体!森寒的剑气,已经激得展慕白身上起了一层鸡皮疙瘩。 Zhan Mubai already did not place the heart own life and death at this moment, facing the so fatal sword, can still keep cool, laughs wildly one, the half in the hand broke the sword to throw without consulting anybody, thorn to the chest of Jun Moxie! 展慕白此刻早已不将自身生死放在心头,面对如此致命一剑,仍能保持镇定,狂笑一声,径自将手中半截断剑抛了出去,直直地刺向君莫邪的胸膛! Meanwhile, his body in midair one, the crazy common hands and feet is uneven, toward the Jun Moxie crazy attack! Every one strikes, contained his whole body Profound Force! Has not paid attention unexpectedly completely forthcoming seizes life sword Zhan Mubai at present is going all out without doubt! 同时,他的身子在半空一挺,疯狂一般手脚齐出,向着君莫邪疯狂攻击!每一击,都蕴含了他全身玄力!竟完全没有理会眼前即将到来的夺命一剑展慕白无疑是在拼命! Moreover, very obvious just do it wrestles a going all out fighting method of perishing together! 而且,很明显就是要搏一个同归于尽的拼命打法! However this humble one flickers, the entire body of Jun Moxie always doing nothing but very much towering vanishes to disappear, but this disappearance process actually quite short, must flicker, moves sideways once more, is in position originally, does not have any change including the personal appearance posture, but is disappearance that flickers, that handle breaks the sword, crossed the position that his body was, goes toward the infinite void rapid flight. 然而在下一瞬,君莫邪的整个身子竟自很突兀地消失不见了,而这个消失过程却又相当的短暂,只得一瞬而已,再次闪身出来的时候,还是处于原本的位置,连身形姿势也没有任何的变化,但就是那一瞬的消失,那一柄断剑,已经越过了他的身体原本所在的位置,向着无穷虚空疾飞而去。 This is one strange phenomenon that is hard to explain. Resembles that handle to break sword not to encounter the resistance of Jun Moxie body slightly, is only the free-flight motion in void...... Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui simultaneously look to Qiao Ying, after all she is this big expert in aspect! The technique of stealth! 这又是一个难以解释的怪异现象。就好像那一柄断剑丝毫没有受到君莫邪身体的阻力,只是在虚空之中自由飞行……成吟啸曲勿回同时看向乔影,毕竟她才是这方面的大行家!隐身之术! Qiao Ying shook the head, said: He, although has the technique of stealth, but the general sense technique of stealth, although is the naked eye is difficult to distinguish, but the main body still really existed, cannot avoid attacking absolutely, Jun Moxie this craftsmanship law, clearly has actually exempted from the attack, I do not ravel, unreadable.” 乔影摇了摇头,道:“他虽然有隐身之术,但一般意义上的隐身之术,虽是肉眼难辨,但本体仍是真实存在的,绝对不能避免攻击,君莫邪这手技法,却分明是豁免了攻击,我也弄不明白,难以理解。” On two faces the color of shock is stronger! 两人脸上震惊之色更浓! When turns the head again, is seeing on the Zhan Mubai vest, a section of sword frontal zone the blood, is dispersing with a crash, is so striking! 再转过头来之时,正正看到展慕白的背心上,一截剑锋带着鲜血,砰然散出,如此醒目! When does not know, Jun Moxie seized a life sword to prick the heart of Zhan Mubai that accurately! 不知在何时,君莫邪已将那夺命一剑准确地刺入了展慕白的心脏! This sword, pierced the atrium of Zhan Mubai honestly immodestly! 这一剑,老实不客气地刺穿了展慕白的心房! The Zhan Mubai whole body shakes, in the eyes ominous brilliant hold, all does not pay attention to insert the long sword of oneself body unexpectedly, the double palm still attacks fiercely toward the Jun Moxie head! Jun Moxie sneers, the long sword withdraws instantaneously, body one side one dodges, had already evaded his attack. 展慕白浑身一震,眼中凶光大盛,竟全不理会嵌入自己身体的长剑,双掌兀自朝着君莫邪头颅猛击!君莫邪冷笑一声,长剑瞬间抽回,身子一侧一闪,已然避过了他的攻击。 He the long sword put on a moment ago, has not started Unlocking Heaven's Fortune Art to destroy the Zhan Mubai heart lineage/vein directly. Because of such one, was actually too cheap he, although oneself decided to want him dead, but how the cause of death, had the research. 他刚才长剑穿进去,并没有直接发动开天造化功破坏展慕白的心脉。因为那样一来,却是太便宜他了,自己虽然打定主意要他死,但如何死法,却还是有研究的。 Cannot be so cheap! 绝不能如此便宜! sword light dodges, suddenly does not see \; Jun Moxie abandons the sword to use to hold, calls out one: Zhan Mubai! Prepares to repay a debt!” 剑光一闪,突然不见\;君莫邪弃剑用掌,暴喝一声:“展慕白!准备还债吧!” The double palm does not have the change to say, the straight whereabouts, the bearing is only broad, holds the strength to be heavier like the mountain, flies high in the midair straight under! 双掌全无变化可言,平直下落,惟气度恢弘,掌力更是重如山岳,就在半空中凌空直下! Zhan Mubai is not willing to sit waiting for death, still wanted to wrestle a luck, raises Profound Qi, takes control of outrageously, however under four palm intersections, Zhan Mubai called out pitifully, in the mouth did not spout the big blood on own initiative, the body, that the wound that used Profound Force to lock instant cracks, two blood holes simultaneously outward splattered! 展慕白自是不肯坐以待毙,仍欲搏个侥幸,强提玄气,悍然出掌,然而四掌相交之下,展慕白惨叫一声,口中不自觉地喷出大蓬鲜血,身上,那用玄力锁定的伤口瞬时崩裂,前后两个血窟窿同时往外喷溅! He takes control of after all hastily, strikes to differ with Jun Moxie fully far more than by the truth idea? 他毕竟是仓促出掌,与君莫邪全力一击相差何止以道理计? Zhan Mubai body this humble one falls, is still actually keeping struggling, in the eyes full is refuses to accept unwillingly. 展慕白的身子在下坠,却还在不停挣扎,眼中满是不甘不服。 Jun Moxie did not neglect, follows closely , the double palm power and influence does not reduce, a palm palm series chops crazily. The pēng pēng sound continuously resounds, has made a sound from the space underground. 君莫邪仍不怠慢,紧随而下,双掌威势丝毫不减,疯狂地一掌一掌连环劈下。砰砰的声音连续不断地响起,从天上一直响到地下。 From the beginning clashes in both sides, when afterward, then beat completely unilaterally \; Sound of intermittent skeleton disruption, parched beans general fills in the location that the teachings transmitted from master to pupil over generations to come out from the windblown dust. Surrounds the people everybody eyebrow frame to jump crazily, hears this sound only, does not know that Zhan Mubai bone broke many blocks...... The sudden long and loud cry, sends out from location, a Jun Moxie white clothing flies high, rises the midair 30 zhang (3.33 m), laughed heartily: Zhan Mubai! Comes out to mix, has the debt always to, this is the fate of your this despicable villain!” 一开始还是在双方对撞,待到后来,则完全是单方面的殴打了\;阵阵骨骼碎裂的声音,爆豆一般的从尘烟弥漫的场地中心传出来。围观众人人人眉框狂跳,单听这声音,已经不知道展慕白身上的骨头断了多少块……突然一声长啸,从场地正中发出,君莫邪一身白衣凌空而起,直直地升上半空30丈,哈哈大笑:“展慕白!出来混,有债总是要还的,这就是你这个卑鄙小人的下场!” In his hands, raises was similar to air dried a salt fish common human body! From top to bottom soft clip clop, the hand of Jun Moxie shakes, his body can in airborne such as the snake general sways several. Zhan Mubai! 在他的手中,提着一个如同晾干了的咸鱼一般的一具人体!浑身上下软哒哒的,君莫邪的手一抖,他的身子就能够在空中如蛇一般的摇晃好几下。正是展慕白 The Saint Emperor vitality, seriously is outstanding, was in this situation, Zhan Mubai had not actually died! 圣皇的生命力,当真是不同凡响,已经到了这种地步,展慕白却还没有死! His eye is still rotating, in the eyes full is the color of hatred, but he at this moment could not speak completely, but looks at Jun Moxie maliciously, as if must look at dead Jun Moxie with his hatred look! 他的眼睛还在转动,眼中满是怨毒之色,只是此刻的他已经完全说不出话来,只是狠狠地看着君莫邪,仿佛要用他的怨毒眼神“看”死君莫邪 Jun Moxie pleased laughing, puts out a hand suddenly, the long sword appears in the hand impressively, laughed said: Now said, by the blood of Saint Emperor, offers a sacrifice to the sword!” 君莫邪快意的大笑,突然一伸手,长剑赫然出现在手中,呵呵笑道:“今曰,以圣皇之血,祭剑!” Long sword fierce one horizontal, sword light like the electricity, plunders. The excellent head of Zhan Mubai flew turning round, rotates in the midair rapidly, Blood of Yan and Huang buzz light cry, as if felt infinite satisfies...... When the head that the midair tumbles falls slowly, Jun Moxie happen to flies a foot, kicked a powder to crush this Saint Emperor head! The powder like the dust, scatters in airborne! 长剑猛的一横,剑光如电,一掠而过。展慕白的大好头颅滴溜溜飞了起来,在半空中急速转动,炎黄之血嗡的轻鸣一声,似乎感到了无限的满足……半空翻滚的头颅徐徐落下之时,君莫邪正好飞起一脚,将这颗圣皇头颅踢了个粉粉碎!粉末如尘,散落在空中! Below, in Three Great Sacred Lands everybody person completely is the face darken, the both eyes circle stares like the bell, the tooth bites giggle makes noise! 下面,三大圣地中人人人尽都是脸色阴沉,双目圆瞪如铃,牙齿咬得咯咯作响! Jun Moxie such does, clarifies is in the presence of everyone is hitting the faces of Three Great Sacred Lands all people! 君莫邪这么做,摆明就是在当众打三大圣地所有人的脸! But they actually have no alternative but to receive...... Three big protectors have Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to look, definitely cannot make a move, as for other people be able actually make a move, but make a move is also gives for nothing, did for no reason deliver dish that is not the brain enters the water? 但他们却不能不受着……三大守护者有九幽十四少看着,肯定是不能出手的,至于其他人倒是可以出手,可是出手也是白给的,平白送菜那不是脑子进水了吗? Zhan Mubai that lost the corpse of head to decline from the midair, fell to 50% times, suddenly, wisp of white smoke has braved from his neck cavity, the rapid shape under the sunlight made a small human form. The entire body quantity are most also has one foot length, but there is a hand to have the foot to have the nose to be perforated, was one reduced several times of Zhan Mubai impressively! 展慕白那具失去脑袋的尸体从半空中落了下来,落到一半的时候,突然,一缕白烟从他的颈腔之中冒了出来,在阳光下迅速形作一个小小的人形。整个身量最多也就只得一尺长短,但有手有脚有鼻子有眼,赫然是一个缩小了十几倍的展慕白 Spirit Seed! 灵种 This was also cultivation base to the Saint Emperor situation, peculiar circumstance that will suffice to have. Once Saint Emperor the body dies, will then form Spirit Seed to lose the world, but this Spirit Seed is also different from Cultivation World Nascent Soul, so-called Spirit Seed, is one type visible exists without qualitative. 这也是修为到了圣皇的地步,才会够出现的特殊情况。圣皇一旦身死,便会形成灵种遗世,而这灵种却又不同于修真世界元婴,所谓灵种,乃是一种有形无质的存在。 If Spirit Seed can escape by luck, pours can also look for others reincarnation rebirth. Anticipates to stage a comeback . Moreover, but can also preserve the previous life memory! A most important point, this type Spirit Seed is unable to eliminate with Profound Qi. 若是灵种能够侥幸逃脱,那么,倒也能够找一人家投胎重生。期待卷土重来,而且,还能保留前世的记忆!最重要的一点,这种‘灵种’用玄气是无法消灭的。 Also only has Saint Emperor under that type of nether world dead air/Qi, cannot present Spirit Seed. For example, dies in Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master hand/surbordinate that several people...... Young villain to approach/insult wind in a flash, on the face suddenly appears the startled color, falls from the midair rapidly, wants to run away unexpectedly. 也唯有死在那种幽冥死气之下的圣皇,才不能出现灵种。就比如,死在九幽十四少手下的那几个人……小小人儿凌风一晃,脸上突然现出惊慌之色,从半空之中急速下落,竟然就想逃遁。 Jun Moxie well, said: Unexpectedly also so interesting thing.” Wields a palm conveniently, intention extinguishes kills it, has not thought that blew slightly far that Spirit Seed young child, has not created injures slightly. 君莫邪“咦”了一声,道:“居然还有这般有趣的玩意儿。”随手挥出一掌,意图灭杀之,没想到只是将那灵种小儿吹得稍远了些,没有造成丝毫伤害。 Young villain looked at one toward Jun Moxie, unexpectedly in the eyes full is the biting cold malicious hatred as well as not covers up contemptuous...... Qiao Ying plunders, welcomed rapidly. Her intention naturally actually planned that meets this Spirit Seed, then maintains with secret technique well, until finding appropriate others, let this Spirit Seed voluntarily reincarnation, then Sacred Land will send the specialist to protect this others, when the baby was born, met Sacred Land, planned to train. 小小人儿向着君莫邪看了一眼,眼中居然满是彻骨的刻毒仇恨以及不加掩饰的轻蔑……乔影一掠而出,迅速迎来。她之意图自然却是打算将这灵种接回去,然后用秘法好好养护,直到找到一个合适的人家,让这灵种自行投胎,然后圣地会派专人守护这家人家,等到婴儿一出世,就接回圣地,着意培养。 After all, Saint Emperor Spirit Seed that this accident/surprise body dies is rare. Saint Emperor that if died in bed of old age/be exhausted, will not present this grade of Spirit Seed. 毕竟,这种意外身死的圣皇灵种非常难得。若是寿终正寝的圣皇,却是决计不会出现这等灵种的。 This grade of character, once growing up honest Jin/benevolent, because is retaining all experiences and Realm of previous life, is advantageous, talent different Bing, the speed of growth without doubt is exceptionally astonishing! When is slightly false said, is shaking the whole world peerless expert! Even, the achievement must be bigger than previous life! 这等人物,一旦长大诚仁,因为保留着前世的所有经验、境界,自是得天独厚、天赋异秉,成长的速度无疑是异常惊人的!只要稍假时曰,便又是一位叱咤风云的绝世高手!甚至于,成就比前世要更大! Young villain looks at Qiao Ying to arrive, on the face appears a heartfelt joy unexpectedly, he has the backer to support on own initiative, turned toward Jun Moxie to give a strange hand signal unexpectedly, on the illusory face, full was the hatred! Jun Moxie gā gā smiles one strangely, how he does not recognize, this hand signal, is you are waiting for the meaning. 小小人儿看着乔影到来,脸上竟然显现出一丝由衷的喜悦,他自觉有靠山撑腰,竟向着君莫邪做了一个古怪手势,虚幻的脸上,满是怨毒!君莫邪嘎嘎怪笑一声,他如何不认得,这手势,乃是‘你等着’的意思。 Obviously, Zhan Mubai wants Jun Moxie to wait for him, he comes certainly back to revenge! 显然,展慕白君莫邪等着他,他一定回来报仇! Jun Moxie chuckled, taunted: „Do you think also that opportunity? Really dream of a fool!” The right hand turns, sudden bunch of swarthy flame, appeared in his fingertip, a finger ball, that the flame brushed flew, has not approached that villain, villain had been imprisoned by strange mysterious strength, welcomed toward the black flame automatically! 君莫邪嘿嘿一笑,嘲讽道:“你以为还有那机会吗?真是痴人说梦!”右手一翻,突然一簇黝黑的火焰,出现在他的手指尖,手指一弹,火焰刷的一声飞了过去,还未接近那小人儿,那小人儿已经被一股诡异的神秘力量所禁锢,向着黑色火焰自动迎了上来! At this time, Qiao Ying distance here, only then less than five zhang (3.33 m) being away from! 这时,乔影距离这里,就只有不到五丈的距离了! The black flame under glare of the public eye, rapid such as the lightning is common, contacted that villain body rapidly, several nearly disregarded the Jun Moxie strong palm wind a moment ago young villain, at this moment in the illusory face always doing nothing but flood appeared violent painful expression, that black flame, has burnt from his two feet, not anxiously not slow, slow graceful, burnt, while static whereabouts...... Presents all expert, including Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, simultaneously retrocedes one step, on the face completely appears the heartfelt startled colors. 黑色的火焰在众目睽睽之下,迅如闪电一般,急速接触到了那小人儿的身上,刚才几近无视君莫邪强劲掌风的小小人儿,此刻虚幻的面孔上竟自泛现出极端痛苦的神色,那黑色火焰,已经从他的两只脚上率先燃烧起来,不急不缓,缓慢优雅,一边燃烧,一边静静的下落……在场所有强者,包括九幽十四少,同时后退一步,脸上尽都现出由衷惊色。 That group of small black flame, implication felt dangerously, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also feels absolutely terrifiedly...... What flame is this? Links Spirit Seed that several nearly destroy the hardest defenses also to cause the damage unexpectedly...... This matter, surpassed has presented obviously the cognition of all people! 那一团小小的黑色火焰,其中蕴涵的危险地感觉,就连九幽十四少也感觉到毛骨悚然……这到底是什么火焰?竟然连几近无坚不摧的灵种也能够造成伤害……这件事,显然已经超出了在场所有人的认知! Qiao Ying halts abruptly, gets angry shouted: Jun Moxie! What do you mean? Zhan Mubai died! You have not been willing to let off him, including his leaves behind Spirit Seed also to extinguish kills?” 乔影嘎然止步,怒喝道:“君莫邪!你这是什么意思?展慕白都已经死了!你还不肯放过他,连他的遗留灵种也要灭杀?” Jun Moxie indifferently said: Unfolds Saint Emperor to have truly?! Not necessarily, you have not seen that child gesticulation hand signal, lets me and others he? I do not have that patience he in 1000, the simple time has all been solved, is convenient!” 君莫邪淡淡地道:“展圣皇真正有死吗?!不见得吧,你没见那小孩比画手势,让我等他吗?我可没那耐心等他1000年,干脆一次过全解决了,多省事!” Qiao Ying air/Qi unable to speak, chest rapid mighty waves are turbulent, face is red, clenches jaws saying: Jun Moxie, your method was also too sinister! Spirit Seed is not willing to let off unexpectedly! Your you...... What does your this and destroy a baby to distinguish personally? You... Simply... Does not have humanity!” 乔影气得说不出话来,胸脯一阵急促的波涛汹涌,粉面通红,咬牙切齿道:“君莫邪,你的手段也太毒辣了!竟连个灵种也不肯放过!你你……你这与亲手毁灭一个婴儿有什么区别?你…简直…毫无人姓!” Baby? You said that is the common baby? Your could it be can not know, this remembers clearly said now all baby said, grows, if hides in the hidden place...... How many people my will Jun Family have dead in his hands?” “婴儿?你道那是寻常婴儿吗?你难道会不知道,这个清晰地记住今曰一切的‘婴儿’曰后成长起来,若是躲在暗处……我君家将会有多少人会死在他的手里吗?” Smiling of Jun Moxie taunt, aggravated baby specially the tones of two characters, the remain calm and composed say/way: „His life, compared with many human lives in my family, which one is more precious, if has changed you, how you will choose, let alone he in my eyes, cannot compare including my Jun Family dog......” 君莫邪嘲讽的笑了笑,特意加重了‘婴儿’两个字的口气,好整以暇的道:“他一条命,与我家里的许多条人命相比,何者更为宝贵,若是换了你,你会如何选择,更别说他在我眼里,连我君家的一条狗也是比不上的……” He smiled toward Qiao Ying, said: Beautiful woman, with me for enemy, even if died...... I can also draw to kill one time him again! Didn't I frankly and uprightly say a moment ago? Now you...... Believed?” 他向着乔影笑了笑,道:“美女,跟我为敌者,就算是死了……我也能把他拉出来再杀一次!刚才我不就光明正大地说了吗?现在你……信了么?” Really was too exasperating, the Qiao Ying whole body trembled! 实在是太气人了,乔影浑身都发起抖来! The black flame combustion in midair is extremely quick, altogether also has short split second, has not fallen the ground, that small Spirit Seed had been burnt down cleanly, has not stayed behind including the little dust ashes. 半空中的黑色火焰燃烧可是极快的,一共也只得短短一瞬间,还未落到地上,那小小的灵种已经被焚烧得干干净净了,连一点点尘埃灰烬也没有留下。 Zhan Mubai, one generation of Saint Emperor, several hundred years of cultivation base, divine soul entirely extinguished, forever vanishes in this world in light of this! 展慕白,一代圣皇,数百年修为,就此神魂俱灭,永远消失在这个世界上! The black flame fell on the ground, did not extinguish , to continue the slow actually graceful sustained combustion, although must be so a handful, actually can probably burn to the Heaven and Earth end...... Soil that he contacts, burns slowly...... Jun Moxie shakes, the black flame of that terrifying returns to his fingertip instantaneously, turns again, vanishes does not see. 黑色火焰落在了地上,仍自不熄,继续缓慢却优雅的持续燃烧,虽然就只得那么一小撮,却好像能够一直燃烧到天地的尽头……他所接触的土壤,也慢慢地燃烧起来……君莫邪手一抖,那恐怖的黑色火焰瞬间回归他的手指尖,再一翻,消失不见。 A rapid panting sound resounds from the opposite, several person everybody both eyes that Three Great Sacred Lands only saves are red, the whole face resented, suddenly neat bellows, simultaneously flushed! 一阵急促的喘息声从对面响起,三大圣地仅存的十几个人人人双眼通红,满脸愤恨,突然整齐的一声大吼,同时冲了过来! Has killed this Devil! This little brat is crazed, exterminates humanity! Has killed him!” “杀了这恶魔!这小子丧心病狂,灭绝人姓!杀了他!” Has killed him, to unfold Saint Emperor revenges!” “杀了他,为展圣皇报仇!” Revenges for the brothers!” “为兄弟们报仇!” .................. “………………” Qu Wuhui gives a loud shout: Stops completely!” 曲勿回大喝一声:“全部住手!” Qu Wuhui the shouted at the acoustic shock four wildly, but everybody fell into to be wild during now, simply nobody obeyed his order. 曲勿回的这声断喝声震四野,但现在人人已经陷入狂暴之中,根本就没有人听从他的命令。 On the Jun Moxie face becomes ices the general coldness suddenly, chuckled sneers, said: Revenges?! Come, comes up together! This Young Master did not mind, extended welcome, big welcome!” 君莫邪脸上突然变得冰一般的寒冷,嘿嘿一声冷笑,道:“报仇?!来啊,一起上来吧!本少爷可是一点都不介意,表示欢迎,大大的欢迎!” Suddenly the palm turns, gives a loud shout toward opposite: Falls to the father!” 突然手掌一翻,向着对面大喝一声:“给老子陷!” Bang, the opposite surrounding area in 60 zhang (3.33 m), suddenly presented an endocrater, or should say, deeply does not see the bottom directly the broad mouth cavern! Under numerous position expert that only started, including two Saint Emperor, were caught off guard, bang fell down completely! 轰隆一声,对面方圆60丈之内,突然出现了一个巨坑,又或者应该说,直接就是深不见底的广口洞穴!刚刚起步的众位高手,包括两位圣皇在内,措手不及之下,轰隆一声全部掉了下去! Jun Moxie laughs wildly, on the face appears cruel expression, the right hand wields, that say/way exceptionally terrifying black flame appears once again. 君莫邪一声狂笑,脸上现出残忍至极的神色,右手一挥,那道异常恐怖的黑色火焰再度出现。 Burnt down Spirit Seed a moment ago also only then a handful, but now, presented the area size close two zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area black flame, the Jun Moxie eye narrowed the eyes, coldly shouted: Goes!” 刚才焚烧灵种的还就只有一小撮而已,但现在,却是出现了覆盖面积大小接近两丈方圆的黑色火焰,君莫邪眼睛一眯,冷喝道:“去!” Departure that the black flame brushes, always doing nothing but loudly sonic boom disperses the black flame in broken bits, a handful all-around have covered sky over big hole entire, falls slowly! 黑色火焰刷的飞出,竟自轰然一声爆散成细碎的黑色火焰,一小撮一小撮的全方位笼罩了大坑的整个上空,缓缓下落! It looks like the justice is inescapable, is sparse and leakproof! 就像是天网恢恢,疏而不漏! Stop! Stops quickly!” Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui see that also bellows, the diving posture has plundered. But Jun Moxie such as Three Great Sacred Lands like that expert, completely also has not paid attention. Since he proposed personally makes war by live person, by deceased person result, he simply has not thought must let off these people! “住手!快住手!”成吟啸曲勿回见状,同时大吼,飞身掠了过来。但君莫邪亦如三大圣地那般高手,全然没有理会。自从他亲口提出‘以活人开战,以死人结局’,他就根本没有想过要放过这些人! Now such heaven-sent opportunity, is he willing to stop? 现在这样的天赐良机,他又怎么肯住手呢? If moves to locate, what now accepts to slaughter is entire group, then some people shouted that stops, Zhan Mubai and the others can stop? No matter what the answer everyone is understands that simply was one laughable to the extreme matter! 若是易地而处,现在接受屠戮的是自己一行人,那么有人喊住手的话,展慕白等人会否住手?答案任谁也是明白的,那根本就是一件可笑到了极点的事情! Is tenderhearted to the enemy, is to oneself to own family member is most greatly cruel! 对敌人心软,就是对自己对自己亲人的最大残忍! Jun Moxie thought oneself will never be such kissing/betrothal pain and enmity quick brain remnant matter of! 君莫邪觉得自己从来也不会做那样亲者痛、仇者快的脑残事情! Sound of pitiful yell one after another has made a sound one after another, that is actually a pitiful yell sound of painful penetrating soul, if no to hear with one's own ears, believes that no one is able to imagine, now these people in soil cave, is withstanding any torture...... So a small soil cave, even if seems like deeply does not see the bottom, seriously can actually deep? Can could it be also really be able to surround Saint and Saint Emperor? But the people waited for a long time, actually to stare nobody to come up...... expert in pit truly had bad luck! 惨叫的声音接二连三的陆续响了起来,那却是一种痛彻灵魂的惨叫声,若是没有亲耳听到,相信谁也无法想象,现在正在土洞中的这些人,正在承受着什么酷刑……如此一个小小的土洞,纵然看似深不见底,实际又当真能有多深?难道还真能困得住圣者圣皇?但众人等了好久,却愣没有一个人能够上来……坑中的高手们可是真正倒了大霉! Reason that they a moment ago flushed, even all did not pay attention to the order of Qu Wuhui, came truly is because Zhan Mubai body and spirit entirely extinguished caused the righteous indignation, two came is they experiences fierce of this black flame combustion Zhan Mubai Spirit Seed, in the heart has saved heart of the fear: If makes Jun Moxie this person live, the shy people will not only feel at ease...... Can extinguish including Spirit Seed, such person was extremely is really fearful! 他们刚才之所以冲上来,甚至全不理会曲勿回的命令,一来确实是因为展慕白形神俱灭激起了义愤,二来就是他们见识过这种黑色火焰燃烧展慕白灵种的厉害,心中都存了一份恐惧之心:若是让君莫邪这种人活着,只怕人人都不会安心……连灵种都能灭死,这样的人实在是太过于可怕了! After this was equal to exterminating them dead the future! This person, cannot remain! 这等于是灭绝了他们死后的前途!这种人,绝不能留! Therefore they perform choice make a move as if by prior agreement, must eradicate this future trouble! 所以他们尽都不约而同的选择出手,一定要铲除这个后患! Now, after Jun Moxie war, Profound Arts at least also lost most probably, but his present range Three Great Sacred Lands camp was near, is away from his team to be instead far...... The genuine heaven-sent opportunity, everybody closes, all people completely are High Rank Saint, has also included two Saint Emperor expert, such lineup can cut Jun Moxie in the contact in hand/surbordinate absolutely instantaneously! 现在,君莫邪正是大战之后,玄功起码也已经损耗了大半,而他现在距离三大圣地的阵营非常近,距离他自己的队伍反而远了……真正的天赐良机啊,大家一拥而上,所有人尽是高阶圣者,其中还包括了两位圣皇强者,这样的阵容绝对可以在接触瞬间就能将君莫邪斩于手下 Therefore their noisy crowd flushed! 所以他们一窝蜂地冲了上来! But they have not thought that Jun Moxie fearful was in this situation unexpectedly! Lifted the hand, the ground presented such a big hole! Moreover, he can the grass vertical black flame also by far incessantly a moment ago that little, actually cause these many...... Since the black flame blocked sky, all expert were taking control , the intention the flame blows out these empty was fluttering, even can strike to fly and compel to draw back is also good \; But what they have not thought is...... Regardless of they use the big strength, does not have any influence to these black flame, can only see they slowly, graceful downward falls. 但他们万万没有想到,君莫邪的可怕竟然已经到了这种地步!就只是一抬手,地上就出现了这么一个大坑!而且,他所能艹纵的黑色火焰还远远不止刚才那的一点点,竟然弄出这么多……自从黑色火焰封锁住了上空,所有高手都在出掌,意图将这些虚虚飘着的火焰吹熄,甚至能击飞、逼退也是好的\;但他们万万没有想到的是……无论他们用出多大的力气,对这些黑色火焰都没有任何影响,只能眼看着它们缓缓地、优雅的往下落。 Along with whereabouts, crevice between flame and flame getting smaller. originally is links a person's shadow unable to drill, now was to link half body cannot exit...... Finally Saint level expert first cannot support the air/Qi, whish takes off robes, brushes upward is flushing away. All people are spirit/mind shake, concentrate the item to look that this dares first to eat the crab the person, so long as he can clash by luck, then, the people can also on going, even he cannot flush, if can wash out the battle formation of black fire, had the sacrifice value. 随着下落,火焰与火焰之间的空隙越来越小。原本就是连一个人影也钻不出去,现在更是连半个身体也出不去了……终于有一位圣级强者首先撑不住气,哗的一声脱下长袍,抽打着往上冲去。所有人都是精神一震,凝目看着这个敢于第一个吃螃蟹的人,只要他能够侥幸冲出去,那么,众人也都能上的去,甚至他就算冲不出去,若是能将黑火的阵势冲散,也还是有牺牲价值的。 But their hopes, look like soap bubble general, was disillusioned rapidly...... That Saint just contacted that black flame, robes that he brandishes in instantaneous silent was pierced by the black flame, then fell on his body at a moderate pace...... Then this sword adds the body, to use in the world all torture also not necessarily to be able the Saint immediate sad and shrill pitiful yell of moaned, tumbled to fall, get lost/rolled on the ground, calling out pitifully, the whole body was twitching, twisting...... But how regardless of he tumbles, attaches is constant in his black flame, that at a moderate pace sustained combustion...... Along with his tumbling, his black flame also intentionally or otherwise moistened others' body, then the person of these non- lucky strike suddenly went crazy the general pitiful yell, tumbled on the ground...... The black flame is common like the plague, has burnt on their bodies...... Along with their tumblings, causing more people to stain the black flame...... That trend looks like makes a snowman general, gets bigger and bigger, the affected area is also getting bigger and bigger...... But in the midair, the also innumerable black flame, look like the black snowflakes, calm graceful fell slowly...... By luck not by black fireclay and Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu change color with amazement, look at each other in blank dismay, sees the opposite party in the eyes frightened meaning! Suddenly, He Zhiqiu gets a sudden inspiration, shouted: Digs! Digs exits from another direction!” 但他们的希望,就像是肥皂泡一般,迅速的破灭了……那位圣者才刚刚接触到那黑色火焰,他挥舞的长袍就在瞬间无声无息的被黑色火焰洞穿,然后不紧不慢地落在了他的身上……然后这位刀剑加身、用遍世上所有酷刑也不见得能够呻吟一声圣者即时凄厉的惨叫起来,翻滚着摔了下去,在地上滚来滚去,惨叫着,浑身抽搐,扭曲着……但无论他如何翻滚,依附在他身上的黑色火焰始终如一,就那么不紧不慢的持续燃烧……随着他的翻滚,他身上的黑色火焰也有意无意地沾到了别人的身上,然后那些不好彩的人就突然间发了疯一般的惨叫起来,在地上翻滚起来……黑色火焰就像瘟疫一般,也在他们的身上燃烧了起来……随着他们的翻滚,导致更多的人身上沾上了黑色火焰……那趋势就像是滚雪球一般,越滚越大,波及面也就越来越大……而半空之中,还有无数的黑色火焰,就像是黑色的雪花,从容优雅的缓缓落了下来……侥幸没有被黑火波及的海无涯何知秋骇然变色,面面相觑,都看到对方眼中的恐惧之意!突然,何知秋灵机一动,喝道:“打洞!打洞从另一个方向出去!” Hai Wuya suddenly awakens, two Saint Emperor attack with joint forces, at this moment, does not know that with several tenths True Qi, suddenly/violently sound of bang, has made one to have several feet big hole in the front immediately fully, two people have not even modestly declined, bends the waist, got in this hole competitively...... Also two Fourth Level Saint followed...... But other people, the body completely has moistened the black flame, was calling out pitifully and wails unceasingly...... Saint that on catches fire is shouting wildly, suddenly had discovered this hole, on his face has burnt did not have half, but actually goes all out plunders toward this hole, was actually flown by a He Zhiqiu maliciously palm racket...... In the ground of bang, the dust flies upwards. He Zhiqiu and Hai Wuya also another two Saint leapt dirtily, two delay. 海无涯顿时醒悟,两位圣皇合力出击,这一刻,也不知道用了几成的真气,轰的一声暴响,立时在面前打出一条足有十几丈长的大洞,两人甚至都没有谦让一下,一弯腰,争先恐后地钻进了这个洞中……身后,又有两位四级圣者跟了上来……而其他的人,身上尽都有沾过黑色火焰了,正在不断惨叫、哀号……一位身上着火的圣者狂叫着,突然发现了这个洞,他的脸上已经烧没了一半,但却拼命的向着这个洞中掠来,却被何知秋狠狠一掌拍飞了出去……地面上轰的一声,尘土飞扬。何知秋海无涯还有另外两位圣者灰头土脸地跃了出来,两眼呆滞。 Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master and the others gathered in that edge of big pit watches, saw clearly Saint that on that catches fire was hit the muscle to break the scene that the bone fracture flies upside down by a He Zhiqiu palm...... At this moment, turns head to look at the complexions of these four people, brings to despise...... No matter stemming from any reason and reason, in the dangerous moment toward own ally make a move person, forever is the objects who everybody despises! 九幽十四少等人已经聚在那大坑边上观看,清晰地看到了那位身上着火的圣者何知秋一掌打得筋断骨折倒飞出来的情景……此刻,扭头看着这四个人的脸色,都带着鄙视……不管是出于什么理由、原因,在危难关头向着自己的战友出手的人,永远都是大家鄙夷的对象! In hole scene at this moment, actually causes the people afraid. Profound Arts excel expert expert, at this moment in inside, majority only remaining half body. Still is still actually wriggling, calling out pitifully, burning...... On the Qiao Ying face a paleness, went crazy suddenly has stamped two feet generally maliciously, the earth of big piece such as mountain flooding turns toward in the hole to fall in torrents generally...... Her 12,000 does not endure to see the present all, simply wants to bury these people, avoids them receiving the pain much, can simply die...... But...... A stranger matter occurred. 洞中此刻的情景,却令到众人不寒而栗。一个个玄功高强的强者高手,此刻在里面,大多数都只剩下了半截身体。却兀自还在蠕动着,惨叫着,燃烧着……乔影脸上一片惨白,突然发了疯一般狠狠跺了两脚,大片的土如山洪暴发一般向着洞中倾泻……她12000分不忍见到眼前的一切,干脆想要将这些人埋住,也避免他们多受痛苦,可以干脆的死去……但……更离奇的事情发生了。 The soil layer stone that inclines, then fills up the entire hole instantaneously, but short split second, suddenly downcast downward slowly, the time is not just long, without a trace that vanishes unexpectedly, in the hole, presents that innumerable black flame again, slow graceful combustion...... This broadminded, burns these earth unexpectedly instantaneously cleanly...... Inside nobody called out pitifully, all bodies, were only remaining one after another...... Appearance that soon will burn...... Four people also turn around, shock and dread, the incredible vision, looks to Jun Moxie. 倾斜下去的土层石块,瞬间便将整个洞填满,但只不过短短的一瞬间,突然间慢慢的往下陷落,时间不长,竟然消失的无影无踪,洞中,再次出现那无数黑色的火焰,缓慢优雅的燃烧着……这豁然,竟然瞬间将那些土燃烧得干干净净……里面已经没有人惨叫,所有的身体,都只是剩下了一块一块……即将燃烧完毕的样子……四人同时转身,震惊、忌惮、不可置信的眼光,望向君莫邪 Jun Moxie serene is standing, light smiling, the white robe flutters, handsome tall and straight, such as faces the wind Yushu, good corrupt world good Young Master, handsome beautiful youngster. 君莫邪云淡风轻的站着,淡淡的笑着,白袍飘扬,英俊挺拔,如临风玉树,好一个浊世佳公子,翩翩美少年。 But now, four great expert look at his look, actually looks like looks at Devil! Even Number One Under the Heaven madman Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is no exception! 但现在,四大高手看着他的眼神,却就像是看着一个恶魔!甚至连天下第一狂人九幽十四少也不例外! This fellow, is actually a person, is the evil spirit? 这个家伙,究竟是人,还是妖魔? Jun Moxie light smiling, extends make a move to come, to point at that the person of four being survivor of disaster suddenly, gently said: Your Three Great Sacred Lands, should better not to annoy me again...... My enduring patiently surname really limited! The consequence, you cannot bear......” 君莫邪淡淡的笑了笑,突然伸出手来,指着那四个劫后余生的人,轻轻地道:“你们三大圣地,最好不要再惹我……我的忍耐姓真的有限!后果,你们负担不起……” He smiled gently, shook the head, sighed gently, bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind say/way: Hehe, I do not want to kill the final these people, but I am one very much fear the troublesome person, if I receive the hand not to kill...... Can you think that I am very tenderhearted? After can, will have such matter? In order to avoid troubling, I have to show that looks to you...... Surely surely, do not think that my Jun Moxie is very good to bully, actually...... I kill you, is similar to the slaughter chicken butchers the dog!” 他轻轻笑了笑,摇了摇头,轻轻地叹了一口气,悲天悯人的道:“呵呵,我本不想杀最后的这些人,可是我又是一个很怕麻烦的人,若是我收手不杀……你们会不会认为我很心软?会不会以后还会有这样的事情呢?为了避免麻烦,我只好证明给你们看……千万千万,不要认为我君莫邪很好欺负,其实……我杀你们,就如同屠鸡宰狗!” A silence! 一片寂静! Now, to Jun Moxie these words, nobody will suspect again! 现在,对君莫邪这句话,再没有人会怀疑! Especially just from hole four people, look at Jun Moxie in the eyes, only then frightened! 尤其是刚刚从洞中出来的四个人,看着君莫邪眼中,就只有恐惧而已! That hell general picture, even if dies, they do not want to experience again the second time! 那种地狱一般的景象,就算是死,他们也不想再经历第二次! Really was too fearful! 实在是太可怕了! Their gallbladders broke, heart was cold! 他们的胆已破,心已寒! Even links that three big protector, looks at the Jun Moxie look, some...... Inexplicable meaning...... good! Good Jun Moxie! Really is rampant enough!” The pa pa applause sound gets up, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is patting the palm slowly, looks at Jun Moxie, in the eyes full is the happy expression, is actually the prudent say/way: Has saying that although you now were still young, but now actually qualified became our matches. Your this type of mysterious flame, if not careful by you cloudy one...... Only fears continually this Young Master, is unable to escape by luck!” 甚至连那三大守护者,看着君莫邪的眼神,也有些……莫名的意味……“好!好一个君莫邪!果然够嚣张!”的鼓掌声响起来,九幽十四少慢慢地拍着手掌,看着君莫邪,眼中满是笑意,却是慎重的道:“不得不说,你如今虽然尚年少,但现在却已经够格成为我们的对手了。你这种神奇的火焰,若是不小心被你阴一下的话……只怕连本公子,也是无法幸免的!” In the hand of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, takes is not knowing that is a whose handle sword, on the sword point, black flame is beating, but the sword blade, was being burnt slowly...... Without the melting, is only little fever, has burnt place, has become nothingness...... 九幽十四少的手中,拿着不知道是谁的一柄剑,剑尖上,一朵黑色的火焰正在跳动,而剑身,正在缓慢地被燃烧……没有融化,只是一点点的烧过来,烧过的地方,就成了虚无…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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