OEM :: Volume #7

#616: strength of wood! For mother!

What to do should? 到底该怎么办? Saw that the deep sleep on mother face carries the happiness, satisfied and tranquil unexpectedly, this moment Jun Moxie is utterly confused. 看到沉睡的母亲脸上竟是满载着幸福、满足、恬静,这一刻的君莫邪心乱如麻。 I am evil! I never denied that I am evil! I never am a good person! 我是邪!我从不否认我邪!我从不是好人! I am work only for myself, how to does not pay attention to other people \; Always only in line with own fondness conduct, fearless, unscrupulous! 我是做事只为自己,向不理会他人如何\;从来只本着自己的喜好行事,无所畏惧,肆无忌惮! But...... The present person is actually my mother! 但……眼前之人却是我的母亲! I can really only for my missing, for my happiness, the moment tender feeling of mother and child attentive reunion for earnestly seek, awakens from her fond dream her, leads into one brutally to the reality that is unable to accept? 我真的能够只为了自己的思念,为了自己的幸福,为了自己渴求的母子温存团圆的片刻温情,就把她从她的美梦中惊醒吗,带入一个残酷到无从接受的现实之中吗? If wakes up seriously, is going to face not to have husband's saying child once again, must die two cruel realities facing three sons \; Asked how makes her withstand? Saw the maternal home again, for she fell this and other dreary aspects, how she had can feel at ease!? also, also own mother for a night of old age, by suffering ten years...... Can she be much guiltier? 若是当真醒来,将要再度面对没有丈夫的曰子,更要面对三个儿子死去了两个的残酷现实\;试问让她如何承受?再看到娘家为了她落到了这等惨淡局面,她有如何能心安!?还有,还有自己的母亲为了自己一夜白头,倍受煎熬十年……她会不会愧疚得无地自容? The heart died, how can recover? 心已死,如何能复苏? Let a woman of losing hope face once again, although lives the painful life that dies especially, how?! 让一个心死的女人再度面对虽生尤死的痛苦生活,怎么可以?! Can I be so selfish? Really? 我可以这么自私吗?真的可以吗? Jun Moxie was asking itself silently \; Always murders to make a decision not loathsome Evil Monarch, at this moment true dilemma! 君莫邪默默地问着自己\;一向杀伐决断绝不拖泥带水的邪君,这一刻真正的进退两难! If can rescue not to rescue, how manner? Conscience where? Can the conscience settle? Whom let say that is also the unacceptable matter: A son looks that oneself mother falls into the deep sleep, can rescue actually does not rescue...... This is actually the what kind of heartlessness! 若是能救而不救,如何为人子?天良何在?良心又怎能安?让谁说一说也是不能接受的事:一个儿子看着自己的母亲陷入沉睡中,能救却不救……这却是何等的丧尽天良! Your what happened?” Mei Xueyan also for present all was sobbing, but cultivation base unparalleled she had detected keenly Jun Moxie did not suit. “你到底怎么了?”梅雪烟也为眼前的一切而哽咽着,但修为盖世的她敏锐地发觉了君莫邪的不对劲。 Jun Moxie shakes the head painfully, shivering extending make a move, grips the young tree that on mother that will soon wither, in that moment of contact, suddenly felt that the mind shakes, the fluorescence of twinkle star that above sends out, is contacting the instance of skin, was felt unexpectedly clearly, own flesh increased many vigor unexpectedly...... Among the world really has such wonderful treasure! 君莫邪痛苦地摇摇头,颤抖的伸出手,握住了母亲身上那棵即将枯萎的小树,在接触的那一刻,顿时感到心神一震,那上面散发的星星点点的荧光,在接触到皮肤的瞬间,竟是清晰地感到了,自己的肌肤竟增加了许多活力……天下间竟然有如此奇宝! So gods and ghosts treasure, no wonder can continue ten years of life for Dongfang Wenxin in deep sleep! 如此神异的宝物,难怪能够为沉睡中的东方问心延续了十年的生命! In the Mei Xueyan astonishment puzzled vision, Jun Moxie closes the eye, wholeheartedly, stimulation of movement of complete strength strength of wood in within the body! At this moment, his mind in the unprecedented sadness, launches the relation with Hongjun Pagoda, connects a body rapidly, all pure energies, changed to strength of wood all! 梅雪烟惊讶不解的目光中,君莫邪闭上眼睛,全心全意,全部力量的催动了体内的木之力!这一刻,他的心神在空前的哀伤中,与鸿钧塔展开联系,迅速联成一体,将所有精纯的能量,尽数都化作了木之力 For...... Mother! 为了……母亲! You are not willing to awake really again...... Perhaps you rather continue the copolymerization lifetime long-cherished wish in the dream...... May be the dream, I also hope that can melt in your dream, I want your this dream to do am more comfortable...... strength of wood! 或者您真的不愿意再醒……也许您宁可在梦中继续共聚一生的夙愿……可就算是梦,我也希望能融进您的梦里,我更要您这个梦做得更舒服一些……木之力 After Jun Moxie since obtains this new ability, has had cultivation, not tired, but has never used...... But, what is strength of wood!? 君莫邪自从得到这个新能力之后,一直都有修炼,不曾倦怠过,只是从未使用过……可,到底什么是木之力呢!? strength of wood, what represents is among Heaven and Earth air/Qi of the purest plant essence! So long as there is enough strength of wood, can germinate to put forth branches to blossom and bear fruit instantaneously maturely any gods and ghosts seed...... So long as there is enough strength of wood, can make a big tree achieve its life the final age limit to wither the death in the flash, but can also cause a dying plant, radiates the complete life vigor in a flash...... Seizes the good fortune of Heaven and Earth, gathers saying that moon/month of essence, melts Spiritual Qi of five elements! 木之力,代表的乃是天地间最精纯的植物精华之气!只要有足够的木之力,可以将一颗任何神异种子瞬间发芽抽枝开花结果成熟……只要有足够的木之力,也可以在一瞬之间让一颗大树达到它生命的最终年限枯萎死亡,还可以令到一棵垂死的植物,弹指之间焕发出全部的生命活力……夺天地之造化,聚曰月之精华,化五行灵气 strength of wood! 木之力 Shocks everybody? Exposed strength? Reveals the card in a hand? 惊世骇俗吗?暴露实力吗?泄露底牌吗? Now, Jun Moxie had not considered, he wholeheartedly, first makes a peaceful and comfortable environment for mother...... The Mei Xueyan astonishment puzzled vision a moment later was turning into shocking, transferred again panic-strickenly! 现在,君莫邪一点都没有考虑,他只是全心全意的,先为母亲制造一个安适的环境……梅雪烟惊讶不解的目光在片刻之后变成了震骇,再转为了惊骇! The what kind astonishing change can cause calm her so to be so shocking! 到底何种惊人的变化可以令到如此的沉稳的她如此震惊! Because only the present all are extremely really inconceivable...... In the hand of Jun Moxie, the gods and ghosts young tree that will soon wither, always doing nothing but once again gives full play to the vitality at the naked eye obvious speed, the Divine Light circulation, a fluorescence sees more and more crowded, symbolizes the plant life sight of green to be also getting more and more exuberant, the branches and leaves that several nearly withered, slowly are also restoring the green luster, then the exuviae turn into the bottle green, afterward...... Green to transparent same situation...... Including the entire room, because of again germination machine of young tree, but mapped a set the tender and delicate green, is full of the healthy energy...... The change of gods and ghosts is far from stopping, in the peak of that young tree, somewhere the branch slowly wriggles suddenly, drum slowly a packet, then stretches...... Also changed to a flake clear green leaf, then another piece...... Another piece...... Mei Xueyan only felt that own two legs are weak, is incapable of supporting unexpectedly, must sit slowly falls down, is filled with shocks, opens mouth, is links a sound unable to send out unexpectedly...... This and other mysterious strength, she, has heard never, this has surpassed legend the miracle...... Slowly, originally only then the palm of the hand size trees of 45 defeated leaves, in this shortly, transformed unexpectedly, not only the leaf reappears the sight of green, the proliferation and growth, reached 14-15 leaves at this moment much, moreover young tree also increases suddenly to head size, trunk and branches also sturdy at least three times...... If that young tree Origin Qi of originally if can support a Dongfang Wenxin ten years of time, then, present at least can also support 100 years of years much! 只因为眼前的一切实在太过不可思议……在君莫邪的手中,那棵即将枯萎的神异小树,竟自以肉眼可见的速度再度焕发生机,神光流转,点点荧光越来越见密集,象征着植物寿命的绿意也越来越旺盛,原本几近枯萎的枝叶,也在慢慢恢复葱翠色泽,进而蜕变成深绿色,再后来……绿到透明一样的地步……连整个房间,也因小树的再萌生机,而被映成了娇嫩的绿色,充满健康的活力……神异的变化远远没有停止,在那小树的顶端,突然某处枝桠慢慢地蠕动,慢慢的鼓出一个小包,然后舒展开来……又化作了一小片晶莹的绿叶,然后又一片……又一片……梅雪烟只感觉自己的两腿酥软,竟已是无力支撑,只得慢慢地坐倒在了地上,满心都是震骇,张着嘴,竟是连一点声音也发不出……这等神奇的力量,就连她,也是从未听说过,这是超过了“传说”的神迹……慢慢的,原本只有45片残败叶子的巴掌大小树,在这顷刻之间,竟已经蜕变了许多,非但叶子重现绿意,更增生、增长,此刻已是多达十四五片叶子,而且小树个头也猛增到人头大小,枝干也粗壮了至少三倍……如果说,原本的那棵小树的元气若是能够支撑东方问心十年光阴,那么,眼前的这棵起码也能多支撑100年的岁月! Jun Moxie closes one's eyes, the tears seep out from the corner of the eye as before unceasingly, but Spiritual Force in within the body from not having the reservation outputs continuously...... The manpower is sometimes poor, plant also naturally so, that young tree, even if the gods and ghosts, have its limit regarding the load of Heaven and Earth essence, in Jun Moxie not stops under the irrigation that rests, Origin Qi finally full filled/surplus of young tree! 君莫邪闭着眼睛,眼泪依旧不断地从眼角渗出,而体内的灵力也自全无保留地源源不断输出……人力有时穷,植物也当然如此,那小树纵然神异,对于天地精华的负荷也有其极限,在君莫邪无止休的灌注之下,小树的元气终于满盈! Instills into again, Jun Moxie does not dare...... If hold Ji fades...... He stops the hand finally, actually as before closes one's eyes, the irreverence of whole face, holds mother's delicate hands, is stroking gently on own face gently, is feeling this gentle exquisite touch, tears, moistened mother's palm...... This is I hopes...... This is I vainly hopes for...... He not hesitant, transports Unlocking Heaven's Fortune Art once again, instills into mother's meridians by within the body purest Spiritual Force slowly, careful is combing any impurity in mother each meridians...... Sorry...... Although you want the deep sleep, rather the following father in the underground, holds Monarch's hand, grows old together with Monarch, but...... As I of person child actually cannot make you go in light of this \; That feared that your deep sleep pays no attention to me for a lifetime, with did not speak a few words with me...... But I also eventually am one have mother's child...... The Dongfang Wenxin heart lineage/vein place, has one group of greatest haze, is similar to the mist is ordinary, is thick is similar to the essence is ordinary, Jun Moxie is very clear, only need open this group of material being qualitative haze, Dongfang Wenxin can wake up immediately, but...... Jun Moxie before has not made up mind, lays aside to pay no attention temporarily. If...... Makes her wake up seriously, if committed suicide again immediately...... That may on all gain does not equal the loss! 再灌输下去,君莫邪也不敢了……万一若是盛极而衰……他终于停下手来,却依旧闭着眼睛,满脸的虔诚,牵住母亲的纤手,轻轻在自己脸上摩挲着,感受着这温柔细腻的触感,泪水点点而下,打湿了母亲的手心……这就是我盼望的……这就是我梦想的……他没有犹豫,再度运起开天造化功,以体内最精纯的灵力慢慢地灌输进母亲的经脉,细心的梳理着母亲每一条经脉中的任何一点杂质……对不起……虽然您愿意沉睡,宁可相随父亲于地下,“执君之手,与君偕老”,但……身为人子的我却不能让您就此而去\;那怕您沉睡一辈子不理我,不跟与我说一句话……可我也终究是一个有妈的孩子……东方问心的心脉处,存有一团莫大的阴霾,如同雾气一般,浓密得如同实质一般,君莫邪很清楚,只需打开这团有形物质的阴霾,东方问心就能即时醒来,但……君莫邪在没拿定主意之前,还是暂时放置不理。若是……当真让她醒来,如果再立即寻了短见……那可就一切都得不偿失了! Therefore, Jun Moxie can only mother's meridians, all, adjust the optimum condition now, but heart lineage/vein here, he actually cannot move, does not dare to move...... Long time long time, Jun Moxie opens the eye, looks at the front that the eye is at a loss, in that position, a father Jun Wuhui portrait, to the smile that he comforts...... Jun Moxie long exhaled, the gloomy place, seems the say/way that thought aloud: What to do should I? My present choice really correct? Xueyan, I can save to wake mother...... Also can make her body restore to the optimum condition...... But, her heart, I actually cannot achieve...... Xueyan, you told, should I do? How should I do?” 所以,君莫邪现在只能将母亲的经脉,所有的一切,都调整到最佳状态,但心脉这里,他却不能动,也不敢动……良久良久,君莫邪睁开眼睛,眼睛迷惘的看着前方,在那个位置,父亲君无悔的一幅画像,正在向他安慰的微笑……君莫邪长长吐了一口气,低沉地,似乎是自言自语的道:“我到底该怎么办?我现在的选择真的正确吗?雪烟,我能够把母亲救醒过来……也能让她的身体恢复到最佳状态……可,她的心,我却做不到……雪烟,你告诉,我该怎么做?我到底该怎么做?” Speech time, the Jun Moxie look is gazing at front void as before, looks at the vision in front father's warm portrait, as if...... In inquiring the father in this Misty...... Mei Xueyan has been startled being startled, for a while actually completely does not know how oneself should reply is good, for a long time for a long time, she shaking the head of slowly, said finally at a loss: I do not know...... Gives the devil his due, this originally is a non-solution fast knot...... Stands in a standpoint of woman...... If this portrait is you, but on the bed is I...... I am not willing to wake up...... Rather deep sleep to until the end of time...... The reason does not have him, in dream or illusory, has you to accompany...... Although bustling place really...... Does not have you to defend......” 说话的时候,君莫邪的眼神依旧注视着面前的虚空,看着面前父亲温煦的画像中的目光,似乎……在询问这位飘渺中的父亲……梅雪烟怔了怔,一时竟然完全不知道自己该怎样回答才好,许久许久,她终于缓缓的摇了摇头,茫然道:“我也不知道……平心而论,这本就是一个无解的死结……站在一个女人的立场……如果这画像上是你,而床上是我……我也不愿意醒来……宁可沉睡到地老天荒……原因无他,梦中或者虚幻,却有你相伴……红尘虽真……却无你相守……” She smiled mournfully, said: Asking one's conscience mother she before the deep sleep, has drawn such multi- Wuhui (No regrets) father's portrait, is accompanying her, obviously has prepared all...... She has fictionalized one perfect world that for oneself has the father to have...... If we draw forcefully her, was too rather cruel...... Therefore, she has absolutely the reason of full continuation deep sleep...... There, is, we who she pursues perhaps really should not disturb her, if mother Sir can the wish probably recompense, delighted joyful, what doesn't compare to be strong?......” 她凄然地笑了笑,道:“问心妈妈她在沉睡之前,画了如此之多无悔父亲的画像,陪着她,显然已经是做好了一切的准备……她为自己虚构了一个有父亲存在的完美世界……若是我们将她强行拉出来,未免太残忍了……所以,她有着绝对充分的继续沉睡的理由……那里,才是她所追求的,我们或许真的不该打扰她,若母亲大人可以心愿得偿,欢欣喜悦,不比什么都强吗?……” Sighing of Jun Moxie pain, said: I also think that is......” 君莫邪痛苦的叹了一口气,道:“我也是这么认为的,可是……” But you, since is capable of making her wake up...... Actually does not cause her to wake...... Only feared that is also incorrect......” Mei Xueyan deeply said: One, mother such is lying down, suffers is actually two Great Aristocratic Family...... Dongfang Aristocratic Family, for the asking one's conscience mother has paid too many were too many, Old Madame is said that the night of place experiencing suffering pain suffers, lives to might as well die...... also Wuhui (No regrets) father's enmity...... also Jun Family hates...... also son's injustice \; also you...... could it be, can these, throw the shed? This similarly is the Heaven and Earth human relations......” “但你既然有能力让她醒来……却不令到她醒过来……只怕也是不行的……”梅雪烟沉沉的道:“一来,母亲就这么躺着,折磨的却是两大世家……东方世家,为了问心妈妈已经是付出了太多太多,老夫人更是曰夜地受尽痛苦折磨,生不如死……还有无悔父亲的仇……还有君家的恨……还有儿子的冤\;还有你……难道,这些,就都可以抛舍吗?这同样是天地人伦……” If, making her wake up!” Suddenly, a depressed depressing sound resounds in out of the door, two people look up stunned, sees only the Old Madame Dongfang whole face is the tears, trembling standing in entrance...... This pitiful mother, eventually was...... The old people are shivering the body, walking stick heavily in hand on the floor, bang a sound, Old Madame has duplicated one: Makes her wake up!” Said unusual urgent, categorical, unquestionable! “若是可以,让她醒来吧!”突然,一个沉闷的压抑的声音在门外响起,两人愕然抬头看去,只见东方老夫人满脸是泪,颤巍巍的站在门口……这位可怜的母亲,终究还是跟着来了……老人家颤抖着身体,手中的拐杖重重地顿在地板上,“砰”地一声响,老夫人重复了一句:“让她醒来!”说的异常迫切,斩钉截铁,不容置疑! Then she walked, in the eyes braves the tears, actually is also full of huge surprise, decides looks at Jun Moxie, say/way every single word or phrase: Moxie, since you are capable of making her wake up! Then, what do you in hesitate? Let her instantly wake up! Immediately! Immediately!” 然后她才走了进来,眼中冒着泪花,却也饱含着巨大的惊喜,定定的看着君莫邪,一字一句的道:“莫邪,既然你有能力让她醒来!那么,你还在犹豫什么?让她即刻醒来!马上!立刻!” Jun Moxie pain say/way: Grandmother, I think...... But...... Grandmother, mother she...... After awaking? What to do? How does she face? Must let mother really facing in this way brutal reality 君莫邪痛苦的道:“姥姥,我何尝不想……可……姥姥,母亲她……醒了之后呢?怎么办?她如何面对?真的要让母亲面对如斯残酷的现实” Cannot face, must face! The life is alive, must have, does not want to face, matter that actually has to face!” Although Old Madame vision with tears, clear glittering, but is actually severe Lie scary, blazing such as wants to melt the soul of person to be ordinary, heavily say/way: Moxie...... Your mother, what status is, have you thought?” “不能面对,也要面对!人生在世,总要有许多,不想面对,却又不得不面对的事情!”老夫人眼光虽然含泪,晶莹闪烁,但却是厉烈的吓人,炽热的如欲融化人的魂魄一般,重重的道:“莫邪……你母亲,是什么身份,你想过吗?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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