OEM :: Volume #7

#615: Ask one's conscience! Wuhui (No regrets)!

Oh...... could it be our Dongfang Aristocratic Family female...... Can withstand such pitiful destiny unexpectedly?” Old Madame Dongfang raises the head to the day, long sigh, expression chilly fan: Has the female not in Imperial Family, marries off a daughter not to marry the hero! Woman who marries the hero...... Too bitter...... Too tired...... Too sorrowful...... Your three remember, later the Dongfang Aristocratic Family daughter, the rather than common people woman, is not the heroic wife! My rather they marry the ordinary common people families, the man work and women weave cloth, is a happy couple, holds old age, light life! Also does not want to make them undergo like this imposing love again!” “唉……难道我们东方世家的女子……竟然都要承受这样悲惨的命运吗?”东方老夫人仰首向天,长长叹息,神色凄迷:“生女莫在皇家,嫁女莫嫁英雄!嫁给英雄的女人……太苦了……太累了……太悲哀了……你们三个记住,之后东方世家的女儿,宁为百姓妇,莫作英雄妻!我宁愿她们嫁给平凡的百姓人家,男耕女织,夫唱妇随,相扶到白头,平淡一生!也不想让她们再经受这样的轰轰烈烈的爱情!” Because of such matter...... If falls into really...... Often is dissipation of thousands of strip human life, the destruction of entire aristocratic family...... Lowest, is the entire family gloomy cloud and sorrowful fog, life-long cannot eliminate......” “因为这样的事……若是真的陷入……往往就是千万条人命的消逝,整个世家的覆灭……最低,也是整个家族愁云惨雾,终生不可消除……” Although this is what is said that but in world female, which also there is not to marry the able to support both heaven and earth hero? Who does not hope that own man has the unparalleled merit, do ten thousand audiences respect? 话虽这样说,但世间女子,又有哪一个不想嫁给顶天立地的英雄?谁不希望自己的男人有盖世功绩,万众钦仰? A stodger and a Jun Wuhui common hero character, place in front of a female to make her choose, which will she choose? Believes most sincere feelings to the good female of surname, rather with heroic painful life, is not willing to choose a stodger to grow old together! 一个平凡人和一位君无悔一般的英雄人物,放在一位女子面前让她选择,她会选择哪一个?相信大多数至情至姓的好女子,都宁可跟着英雄痛苦一生,也不愿意选择一个平凡人白头到老! Unparalleled young person who a beautiful woman causes the downfall of the nation, how could to be resigned to marry a mountain person is the wife? Rather life-long does not marry, the old and alone person is not willing to be contrary to convictions his entire life, since! Like Mei Xueyan, if not meet Jun Moxie, perhaps also many years later, silently elapses in the wooded mountains certainly for Fang magnificent, lonely changes to wisp of cool breeze, but will not find a person to marry casually...... The young person was since old times star crossed , because of so! 一个倾城倾国的盖世红颜,岂能甘心嫁给一个山民为妻?宁可终生不嫁,孤老一生也不肯违心相从!就如梅雪烟,若是不遇君莫邪,恐怕也就在多年之后,默默地在山林间逝去绝代芳华,孤独的化作一缕清风,而决不会随随便便找个人嫁了……自古红颜多薄命,正是因为如此! In hall silent, has not known how long, Old Madame has waved finally dejected, loses hope such as the grey mouth gas channel with one type: Your three...... Brings Moxie to see his mother...... I... I... Does not pass......” then, she is silent, sits on the chair, lowers the head, motionless...... Only has in underground that she lowers the head, water-damaged, more and more expands...... That is...... The tears of loving mother! 厅内沉默了下来,也不知过了多久,老夫人终于颓然地挥挥手,用一种心死如灰的口气道:“你们三个……带莫邪去见他母亲吧……我…我就…不过去了……”然后,她就沉默着,坐在椅子上,低着头,一动也不动了……唯有在她垂着头的地下,一片水渍,越来越是扩大……那是……慈母的泪! The people have drawn back quiet, old woman still from motionless, is ordinary just like the woodcarving clay figure. Until goes out far, Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan can still hear in that hall, Old Madame tears tick-tock tick-tock sound of falling in ground...... Drops the drop such as is stems from heart...... Children pleasant sorrowful, forever worries in mother's heart, mother's heart, forever is twitching along with children's bitter experience...... But pulls out the pain...... Even if already growing up honest Jin/benevolent, even if got married and began a career, even if has borne children , is the same...... We have many people, was making own mother sad accidentally...... Mother who hope the world, no longer sad! Will not be sad! 众人静悄悄地退了出去,老妇人仍自一动不动,宛若木雕泥像一般。直到走出好远,君莫邪梅雪烟依然能听见那大厅内,老夫人的眼泪滴答滴答的落在地面上的声音……滴滴都如是出自心头……子女的喜乐哀愁,永远牵挂在母亲的心中,母亲的心脏,永远在随着儿女的遭遇而抽动……而抽痛……纵然已经长大诚仁,纵然已经成家立业,纵然已经生儿育女,也是一样……我们有多少人,曾经在无意中让自己的母亲伤心过……愿天下的母亲,都不再伤心!都不会伤心! At present is actually a tranquil yard! 眼前却是一个宁静的小院! Around this yard fence, be much higher than other places, is much thicker, the outside big snow covering place, is everywhere boundless, but here, is actually one sight of green happiness...... Even, does not have including snows, clean \; Another also 7-8 plum blossom was welcoming blooms coldly...... Walks, felt that a warm feeling happiness...... saw...... Since this courtyard, ten years, no matter under how big snow, so long as entered this courtyard to melt!” The Dongfang Wenqing sound does not show off, but is...... Heavy: In the past, the younger sister was ill abed, sinks unable to awake \; The mother then exhausts the family property, does not hesitate at all costs collects the warm jade from various mainland places, warm jade, the scrap, buries in this courtyard...... Also does not know that in the end has bought many, has buried many, so long as in any case has, buries...... Short a half year, Dongfang Aristocratic Family is penniless...... But mother is actually not willing to give up, because she knows that the younger sister likes that type of hundred flowers blooming, everywhere the green saying child...... Said that younger sister in such environment, can quicker is good......” 这小院四周的围墙,远要比其他地方都高得多,也厚实得多,外面大雪盖地,满目苍茫,但这里,却是一片绿意融融……甚至,连一片积雪也没有,干干净净\;另还有七八棵梅花在迎寒绽放……一走进来,就感觉到一阵暖意融融……“看到了吧……这院子里,十年以来,不管是下多么大的雪,只要进入了这院子就会融化!”东方问情的声音绝不是夸耀,而是……沉重:“当年,小妹卧床不起,沉睡不醒\;母亲便耗尽家财,不惜一切代价的从大陆各处搜集暖玉,温玉,小块的,就埋在这院子里……也不知道到底买了多少,又埋了多少,反正只要有,就埋下去……只是短短半年,东方世家就已是囊空如洗……但母亲却仍是不肯放弃,因为她知道,小妹喜欢那种百花绽放、满目葱翠的曰子……说小妹在这样的环境中,能更快的好起来……” Jun Moxie had a scare \; Finally understands that in the past was prominent like Dongfang Aristocratic Family, why present saying can such embarrassed...... In the heart cannot help but the rough sea waves dreadful general tumbling, in the chest as if one group of raging fire are burning, the nasal cavity as if had also been stopped up by anything, in heart bitter wants to burst into tears...... The warm jade, warm jade, that completely is the priceless treasure! So long as finger size, wears on the body, can pass in the bitter cold winter unpadded garment, completely will not have any influence! The thing that but Dongfang Aristocratic Family expenditure sky-high price buys, actually buried in this courtyard...... For lets not have the consciousness daughter to rest comfortably in the deep sleep...... Although clearly knows that she is not necessarily able to feel...... In the courtyards, is lonesome and quiet Little Lou, in ground spotless, surroundings deserted silent, enters here, looked like entered in the picture, entered in the dream...... Two white clothing maidservants appear silently, salutes to several people \; Dongfang Wenqing waves, said: Does not need to be overly courteous, this is Young Lady family's table Young Master and young lady of the house, comes to visit Young Lady, here did not need you to serve, drew back.” 君莫邪吓了一跳\;终于明白往昔显赫如东方世家,如今的曰子为何会如此的窘迫……心中不由得巨浪滔天一般的翻滚起来,胸中似乎有一团烈火在燃烧,鼻腔也似乎被什么堵住了,心中酸涩的直欲流泪……暖玉,温玉,那尽都是无价之宝!只要手指头大小的一块,佩戴在身上,就可以在酷寒冬天单衣度过,全然不会有任何影响!但东方世家花费天价买来的东西,却都埋在了这院子里……为的,就是让在沉睡中毫无知觉的女儿睡得舒服一些……虽然明知道她未必能感觉得到……院子中间,乃是一座幽静的小楼,地面上一尘不染,周围空寂无声,走进这里,就像是走进了画中,走进了梦里……两个白衣侍女无声无息的出现,向几个人行礼\;东方问情一挥手,道:“不必多礼,这位是小姐家里的表少爷和少奶奶,前来探望小姐的,这里不用你们伺候了,都退下去吧。” Two maidservants simultaneously the body shakes, raised the head looks at Jun Moxie, in the eyes lightens surprise expression, the excited tears turn circle to fall suddenly, is sobbing the say|way: Young Lady...... Young Lady son finally...... Came to see her...... Hoped her to be happier......” tearful eyes dimly to watch a Jun Moxie meeting, reluctant to part asking to be excused. 两个侍女同时身躯一震,抬起头来看着君莫邪,眼中闪出惊喜神色,激动的眼泪突然转着圈掉落下来,呜咽着道:“小姐……小姐的儿子终于……来看她了……但愿她能开心一些……”泪眼朦胧的看了君莫邪一会,才依依的告退。 These two people, were your mother's past personal maidservant...... After your mother comes back, has had them to take care, the entire ten years......” Dongfang Wenqing said in a soft voice. “这两个人,便是你母亲当年的贴身侍女……你母亲回来之后,一直有她们两人在服侍,已经整整十年了……”东方问情轻声说道。 Jun Moxie facial expression one entire, gratitude looks at two female backs, said in a soft voice: Many thanks......” that two maidservant bodies tremble, has not actually turned head, lowers the head to walk rapidly, in road surface that they pass through, two lines of eye waterdrops on the ground...... Dongfang Wenjian and Dongfang Wendao, since steps into this courtyard, softly, breathed does not dare loudly, always gruff voice atmosphere Dongfang Third Master, unexpectedly also such as, lest has alarmed any general, all motions were such cautiously...... Jun Moxie looks over a wide area to look in all directions, actually sees in Little Lou to decorate refinedly, the thing or are not many, actually not reveals the half minute to be empty, does not have disorderly, the cleanness that each tidies up, each placing, is original...... Here was occupied by a deep sleep ten years of living corpse, but in air is the half silk unusual smell does not have continually . Moreover, but also is filling the First Layer level elegantly simple flower fragrance faintly...... In the Jun Moxie heart sighed that together with Mei Xueyan tags along after softly holds the staircase to walk with Dongfang Wenqing. Dongfang Wenjian and Dongfang Wendao are excited, does not dare to come up, feared that has alarmed the younger sister, stayed in downstairs...... Arrives in front of the bedroom, felt that a warm aura heads on. Dongfang Wenqing sighed, said: Most complete that together is most greatly warm the jade...... Then has made younger sister's bed......” 君莫邪神情一整,感激的看着两女的背影,轻声道:“多谢……”那两个侍女身子一颤,却没有回头,低着头迅速的走了出去,在她们经过的路面上,两行眼泪滴在地上……东方问剑东方问刀自从一踏进这院子,就轻手轻脚,连呼吸也不敢大声了,一向粗声大气的东方三爷,竟也如惟恐惊动了什么一般,一切行动都是那么的小心翼翼……君莫邪游目四顾,却见小楼中摆设雅致,东西或者不多,却是无显半分空洞,更无一丝凌乱,每一处都收拾的干干净净,每一处的摆放,都是别具匠心……这里住了一个沉睡十年的活死人,但此间的空气中却是连半丝异味也没有,而且,还隐隐弥漫着一层层淡雅的花香……君莫邪心中感叹,连同梅雪烟尾随跟着东方问情轻手轻脚的扶着楼梯走了上去。东方问剑东方问刀心情激动,不敢上去,怕是惊扰了小妹,就留在了楼下……走到卧室前面,就感到一种温暖的气息扑面而来。东方问情叹了口气,道:“最大最完整的那一块暖玉……便是做成了小妹的床……” In the Jun Moxie heart shakes! 君莫邪心中一震! Opens the door of bedroom gently, the Dongfang Wenqing gloomy say|way: Younger sister in inside, this house...... Oh......” was saying, long sighing. 轻轻推开卧室的门,东方问情低沉的道:“小妹就在里面,这房子……唉……”说着,长长的叹了一口气。 Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan look up, cannot help but thought that in the heart shakes loudly! 君莫邪梅雪烟抬头一看,不由得都是觉得心中轰然一震! They know that is the Jun Moxie mother's bedroom, but under looks over a wide area to look in all directions, except for discovery, in toward the sun is placing beside a bed by south position, again cannot see, this unexpectedly is a bedroom! 两人知道,此间就是君莫邪母亲的卧房,可是游目四顾之下,除了发现在靠南面向阳的位置摆放着一张床之外,就再也看不出,这竟然是一间卧室! Female calmly lying on back on the bed, the body gently is covering the First Layer cotton-wadded quilt \; Actually cannot see clearly the facial features from here, but she rests quite serene...... In her front, is similar to is the emerald carving same emerald green young tree, is emitting the fluorescence of twinkle star slowly...... Is moistening the body of Dongfang Wenxin, but, branches and leaves, already the meanings of some withered curls...... On all around wall, images, entire simultaneously is hanging, Jun Moxie has swept one, the heart shakes suddenly crazily, then weeps copiously! 一个女子静静地仰躺在床上,身上轻轻覆盖着一层棉被\;从这里却是看不清面容,但她睡的颇为安详……在她的胸前,有一棵小小的,如同是翡翠雕刻一样的翠绿的小树,冉冉的放射着星星点点的荧光……滋润着东方问心的身体,但,枝叶,已经有些枯萎卷曲的意思了……四周的墙壁上,一幅幅的图像,整整齐齐的挂着,君莫邪只是扫了一眼,突然间心头狂震,接着就泪如雨下! Jun Wuhui! 君无悔 All is the father Jun Wuhui portrait! 全是父亲君无悔的画像! Puts on Jun Wuhui of military uniform, able to move unhindered Jun Wuhui of battleground, rides in Jun Wuhui that speeds away immediately against the wind, Jun Wuhui of casual attire, Jun Wuhui of white clothing saber, smile Jun Wuhui, Jun Wuhui that frowns, gotten angry Jun Wuhui, affection Jun Wuhui leisurely...... Jun Wuhui of youth, Jun Wuhui of middle age...... Each picture, performs is the writing technique is exquisite, lifelike, each portrait, is lifelike, lifelike \; Any picture, likely with the complete painstaking care irrigation, seems innumerable Jun Wuhui, or is standing in the room, or sits, either walks back and forth, is accompanying the beloved person...... From these pictures, can definitely complete seeing and feeling, even be experiences Jun Wuhui that legend the life, even, is Jun Wuhui disposition...... Absolutely absolutely does not have any point the place of omission...... The eye of each picture, the direction of gaze, only has one: Is that small bed, is the person on this small bed...... As if looks insufficiently, forever and ever will look insufficiently...... As if these vision, have worn out the nether world, has worn out Yellow Spring, the rigid gaze here, forever is not moving! 穿着军装的君无悔,纵横沙场的君无悔,骑在马上迎风疾驰的君无悔,便装的君无悔,白衣佩剑的君无悔,微笑的君无悔,皱着眉头的君无悔,发怒的君无悔,深情款款的君无悔……少年的君无悔,中年的君无悔……每一幅画,尽都是笔法细腻,活灵活现,每一幅画像,都是栩栩如生,惟妙惟肖\;任何一幅画,都像是用全部的心血浇灌而成,似乎是无数个君无悔,正在房中或站着,或坐着,或走来走去,在陪着自己心爱的人……从这些画里,完全能够完整的看出、感受、甚至是经历君无悔那传奇的一生,甚至,是君无悔姓格……绝对绝对没有任何一点的遗漏之处……每一幅画的眼睛,注视的方向,只有一处:就是那张小床,就是这小床上的人……似乎看不够,永生永世都看不够……似乎这一道道目光,穿破了幽冥,穿破了黄泉,执着的注视着这里,万世不移! Initially the younger sister came back, but also active...... She is supporting the body, three days three nights watch, drew these pictures one after another \; No matter what who urged not to listen, during that time, she very crazy...... The facial expression also is very tranquil \; Whenever draws one, she crazily watches a meeting, will cry one to smile a meeting, will then choose a place to hang, will then draw then...... At that time thinks that she drew to suffice, does not draw...... Which thinks, after the younger sister she drew the last picture, as if did not have any strength, all people defended side her, visits her, her a pair of eyes actually no one looked, but empty looked in void, then she such empty opened the eye to look...... As if Jun Wuhui...... Stands there...... Until......” “当初小妹回来的时候,还能动……她强撑着身子,三天三夜不眠不休,一笔一笔的画出了这些画\;任谁劝也不听,那段时间,她很疯狂……神情却又很平静\;每当画好一幅,她就痴痴地看一会,哭一会笑一会,然后选个地方挂起来,然后再接着画……那时候都以为,她画够了,也就不画了……哪想到,小妹她画完了最后一幅画之后,就仿佛是没有了任何一点力气,所有人都守在她身边,看着她,她的一双眼睛却谁也不看,只是空洞洞的看在虚空,然后她就这么空洞洞的睁着眼睛看着……仿佛君无悔……就站在那里……直到……” The Dongfang Wenqing sound sobbed: Until that night, she spoke suddenly, all person great happiness want crazily \; But after she said that several poems, slowly has closed the eye, after this has not opened again...... To the present, already ten years! Entire ten years!” 东方问情的声音哽咽起来:“直到那天晚上,她突然说话了,所有人都大喜欲狂\;但她说出了那几句诗之后,就慢慢的闭上了眼睛,从此之后再也没有睁开过……到现在,已经十年!整整十年!” The Jun Moxie tearful eyes are dim, blur to look that sees only in the Dongfang Wenxin top of the head position, is hanging a character, this is also in the entire room, has not hung a picture only the alike place...... „ this life Wuhui (No regrets), Wuhui (No regrets) \; Your already Wuhui (No regrets), concubine also Wuhui (No regrets) \; Where asks one's conscience? 君莫邪泪眼朦胧,模糊着看出去,只见在东方问心的头顶位置,悬挂着一幅字,这也是整个房间里,唯一没有挂画像的地方……“今生无悔,生生无悔\;君既无悔,妾亦无悔\;问心何在? After all Wuhui (No regrets) \; Heaven and Earth Wuhui (No regrets), life and death Wuhui (No regrets)! ” 终归无悔\;天地无悔,生死无悔!” On bed person, the wife of Jun Wuhui, mother of Dongfang Wenxin peaceful falling asleep Jun Moxie, her corners of the mouth, also several points of tranquil gentleness \; As if a also several points of happy expression, in her sleep, thinks the person who Jun Wuhui her deeply love, has been accompanying her, has been visiting her...... Still relatively was talking openly with her, but also and her mutual respect between husband and wife...... In the dream, grows old together, has me, there are you. 床上之人,君无悔之妻,君莫邪之母东方问心安静的睡着,她的嘴角,还有几分恬静的温柔\;似乎还有几分幸福的笑意,在她的睡梦中,想必君无悔这个她深爱的人,一直在陪着她,一直在看着她……还在与她相对谈心,还在与她举案齐眉……在梦里,白头偕老,有我,也有你。 Where asks one's conscience, after all Wuhui (No regrets)! Wuhui (No regrets) asks one's conscience, asks one's conscience Wuhui (No regrets)! Although in the reality did not have, permanent lost, but in the dream, can until the end of time, be able to...... Heaven and Earth end...... Although often cannot awake, but she is actually very joyful...... Also very happy...... Therefore she is not willing to wake up, dies is not willing to wake up...... Once because wakes up, did not have...... Lost one time to be enough, regained, is greatest lucky, if lost again, felt sad?! 问心何在,终归无悔无悔问心,问心无悔!现实中虽然没有了,永久的失去了,但在梦里,可以一直到地老天荒,可以一直到……天地的尽头……所以虽然常睡不醒,但她却是很快乐……也很幸福……所以她不愿醒来,死也不愿醒来……因为一旦醒来,就没有了……失去一次就已经足够了,失而复得,已是莫大幸运,若是得而再失,情何以堪?! How therefore regardless of she is not willing to wake up! Ostium...... Shut tightly! 所以她无论如何也不愿醒来!心门……紧闭! Jun Moxie suddenly thought one always never like today frail, has swayed two bodies, suddenly sat to fall to the ground weak slowly, tears fountain general flowing...... He uses two hands to hold his head, only thinks a confusion \; In the mind, in the heart, is this shocks the Heaven and Earth affection, the love! 君莫邪突然觉得自己平生从未像今天这样脆弱,摇晃了两下身体,突然无力地慢慢坐倒在地,眼泪喷泉一般的流了出来……他用两只手捧着自己的头,只觉得一片混乱\;脑海中,心中,全是这震撼天地的深情,爱情! What is the love? 什么是爱情? At this moment, in calmly is lying down on Dongfang Wenxin, displays incisively! 这一刻,在静静地躺着的东方问心身上,表现得淋漓尽致! The love, is unchanging even to death! 爱,就是至死不变! The love, is the life and death is faithful! 爱,就是生死不渝! The love, is the Yin-Yang not abandoned! 爱,就是阴阳不弃! The love, not complained about Wuhui (No regrets)! 爱,就是无怨无悔 Loved, loved \; Among Heaven and Earth, does not have again other, can replace own love! Replaces own love! Forever and ever, generation after generations! 爱了,就是爱了\;天地之间,再也没有别的,能够代替自己的爱!代替自己的爱人!永生永世,生生世世! Perhaps, in the dream, this likes still continuing, forever and ever is continuing...... There happy married life, there affectionate deep attachment quan, there until the end of time dry seas and crumbling rocks! 或许,在梦中,这份爱依然在延续,永生永世的延续着……那里花好月圆,那里深情缱绻,那里地老天荒海枯石烂! The women, the life most real sentiment, only give one person! 女人啊,一生最真的感情,只给一人! Especially these cause the downfall of the nation outstandingly beautiful, unparalleled young person...... Is rigid scary, the fearfulness of insisting! But such sentiment, is the true feelings, is forever! 尤其是这些倾国绝色,盖世红颜……更是执着的吓人,坚持的可怕!但这样的感情,才是真情,才是永远! Perhaps to other family members, this, truly is relative cruel, is quite selfish \; But, to Dongfang Wenxin, she has not actually been able to worry again...... She is not does not care about mother, is not does not care about the son, is not does not care about the bloodline kinship...... But is her heart, emptied...... Died...... Could not accommodate other, she was unable to consider that was unable to ponder...... Dongfang Wenqing with tears, has drawn back quietly...... The Mei Xueyan tears the class comes out, by in the shoulder of Jun Moxie, silent sob...... Facing such love, facing such true feelings, who can not change countenance? 或许对其他的亲人来说,这样,确实是相当之残忍的,也是相当自私的\;但,对东方问心来说,她却已经不能再顾虑了……她不是不在乎母亲,不是不在乎儿子,不是不在乎血脉亲情……而是她的心,已经空了……已经死了……已经容不下别的,她已经无法考虑,已经不能思考……东方问情含着泪,悄悄地退了出去……梅雪烟眼泪哗哗的流出来,靠在君莫邪的肩头,无声的哭泣……面对这样的爱情,面对这样的真情,谁能不动容? Especially they, the book is the person of feeling emotion, the person of affection! 尤其他们两人,本就是有情之人,深情之人! Mei Xueyan suddenly clear feelings...... If paints a portrait, is Jun Moxie...... Then, is lying down on the bed now, is her Mei Xueyan...... Feeling that this god is overwhelmed with emotion, lets her sadly from the heart, again not duplicate in the past elegantly simple...... Jun Wuhui, Dongfang Wenxin \; A matchless hero, certainly for young person! 梅雪烟突然有一种清晰的感觉……若是画像上的,是君莫邪……那么,现在在床上躺着的,就是她梅雪烟……这种神销魂断的感觉,让她悲从心来,再无复往昔之淡雅……君无悔,东方问心\;一位盖世英雄,一位绝代红颜! Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan their existences, have not affected the atmosphere in room slightly...... Dongfang Wenxin still indifferent to fame or gain smiles, is tranquilly happy, is lying down peacefully...... Jun Wuhui in portrait still concentration of vision affection on own beloved wife, instantaneously does not move, firm and lasting...... Different portraits, different vision \; As if is lying down to worry for Dongfang Wenxin, as if for wife mischievous in smiling of toleration, as if for asking one's conscience is not obedient in pissed off, seems showing gentle smiling for the wife happy resting posture, all vision, all are gentle, performing is favors to drown...... Although Jun Wuhui the body is not, but his sentiment, is actually so strong blazing, floods in this space, floods in this Heaven and Earth...... Dongfang Wenxin body also, but her heart was not , the sentiment also departs from the body, in this midair, in this nothingness, liked each other with the Jun Wuhui two sentiments, affectionate deep attachment quan, is a happy couple, tolerates willfully...... Jun Moxie calmly is staying, is feeling among the parents this until death faithful love, suddenly is very vacant: What to do? What to do should I? I should choose, can choose!? 君莫邪梅雪烟两人的存在,丝毫没有影响房中的气氛……东方问心依然恬淡地笑着,平静地幸福着,安宁地躺着……画像中的君无悔依然将目光深情的投注在自己的爱妻身上,瞬间不移,坚决而持久……不同的画像,不同的目光\;似乎是在为了东方问心躺着不起而着急,似乎又为了妻子的调皮在纵容的笑,似乎为了问心的不听话在生气,似乎在为了妻子甜蜜的睡姿而展现出一幅温柔的笑,所有目光,全是温柔,尽是宠溺……君无悔虽然身体不在,但他的情,却是如此浓烈炽热,充斥在这个空间,充斥在这个天地……东方问心身体还在,但她的心已不在,感情也已经离体而出,就在这半空中,就在这虚无里,与君无悔两情相悦,深情缱绻,夫唱妇随,恣意纵容……君莫邪静静地呆着,感受着父母之间这至死不渝的爱情,突然很茫然:怎么办?我该怎么办?我应该怎么选择,可以怎么抉择!? Depending on Hongjun Pagoda vast Spiritual Qi, Jun Moxie has ten tenths assurance to make Dongfang Wenxin wake up...... But, how wakes up? What to do wakes up? Jun Wuhui already not in! How can Dongfang Wenxin live alone? Instead in the dreamland, they can also defend until the end of time, is that plan good to mother? 鸿钧塔的浩瀚灵气,君莫邪有十成的把握可以让东方问心醒来……但,醒来又如何?醒来又怎么办?君无悔已经不在!东方问心如何能独生?反而在梦境中,他们还可以相守到地老天荒,那个方案对母亲更好一些? Is also in good health in her unconscious beforehand three sons, sleep wakes up, then told her...... Did three sons die two? The husband trapped piece loses...... After you make her wake up, feels sad? 在她昏迷之前三个儿子还都健在,一觉醒来,然后再告诉她……三个儿子已经死了两个?夫死子又丧……你让她醒来之后,情何以堪? Does that fresher might as well die? 那岂不是更加生不如死? Cannot think that my Jun Moxie previous life is an orphan, although this life the father compared early passed away, but actually the there is still one mother can hope \; Although mother the deep sleep, has not actually died...... Jun Moxie longs for very much that has been very urgent, even, has no plan a imagination, if bends down seriously in mother's bosom, what that can be felt? Warm? Happy? Relieved? 想不到我君莫邪前世本是孤儿,今生虽然父亲较早亡故,但却还有一个母亲可以期盼\;母亲虽然沉睡,却未死……君莫邪一直很渴望,一直很迫切,甚至,心中无数次的想象过,若是当真伏在母亲的怀中,那会是一种什么感觉?温暖吗?甜蜜吗?安心吗? The arms of mother, is praising the arms of mother...... But I...... But I seriously saw mother now, is actually such being in a dilemma choice...... could it be my Jun Moxie is destined, can be short of this? This life cultivation Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune, the dropping samsara, surpassed three beside, do not have the life and death since then since then again, but...... The kinship of world...... Actually was only short of the father to love maternal love, could it be, from now henceforth forever again didn't have this opportunity? 都说母亲的怀抱,都在赞扬母亲的怀抱……可我……可我现在当真见到了母亲,却又是这样的两难抉择……难道君莫邪命中注定,就要少了这一项?今生修炼开天造化功,从此不堕轮回,超出三界之外,从此再无生死,但……人间的亲情……却独独少了父爱母爱,难道,从今以后永远再也没有了这个机会? Mother! Maternal love! I have hoped entire two lives, I have longed for entire two lives, I have also fantasized two lives, experienced two time...... In dream recollections far more than a lot of chapters...... could it be can't I have eventually? 母亲啊!母爱!我盼望了整整两世,我渴望了整整两世,我也幻想了两世,经历了两个时间……梦中浮想过何止千百回……难道我终究还是不能拥有吗? Jun Moxie staggering has stood, before arriving at the bed slowly, suddenly has knelt slowly, admits in the forehead the right hand of Dongfang Wenxin gently, suddenly in heart bitter infinite, is sore to want...... I...... What to do should? What to do I should...... Who can tell me! 君莫邪踉踉跄跄的站了起来,缓缓走到床前,突然慢慢的跪了下去,将额头轻轻放进东方问心的右手里,突然间心中酸涩无限,酸痛欲死……我……该怎么办?我该怎么办啊……谁能告诉我! Jun Moxie from unprecedented felt pacing back and forth, weak, no use...... Is feeling on the forehead that gentle touch, that is mother's hand, the Jun Moxie pain whole body twitches, he sobbed, could not speak, as if heart also tight is clutching hurting fuzzily, the tearful eyes...... Was asking silently, did not make noise was asking front Dongfang Wenxin: Mother...... What to do do you let me? What to do do you let me? What to do...... Mother......” 君莫邪从所未有的感到了彷徨,无力,无助……感受着额头上那温柔的触感,那是母亲的手,君莫邪痛苦的浑身抽搐起来,他已经哽咽,已经说不出话,似乎心脏也在被紧紧的揪着疼,泪眼模糊……只是默默地问着,不出声的问着面前的东方问心:“母亲……你让我怎么办?您让我怎么办?怎么办啊……妈……” Called this mother, Jun Moxie only thought in heart oppressed was similar to the explosion is ordinary, hope for long, hope, dream...... In this moment, completely converged nothingness? 叫出这一声“妈”,君莫邪只觉得心中憋闷的如同爆炸一般,长久以来的渴望,盼望,梦想……在这一刻,就全部归为虚无了吗? I am not willingly! I am not willingly! I am not really willingly! 我不甘心啊!我不甘心啊!我真的不甘心啊! Jun Moxie gains ground, silent whooshing, the tears able to move unhindered, the flood slides the corner of the eye, has slipped into his mouth, that anguished, painstakingly had as if arrived at heart...... Also forever pain will get down...... I...... Good pain! Good pain...... 君莫邪抬起头,无声的嘶吼,泪水纵横,滂沱滑出眼角,滑进了他口中,那份苦涩,似乎一直苦到了心里……还将永远的苦下去……我……好苦!好苦…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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