OEM :: Volume #7

#613: Sunrise Dongfang, only my undefeated!

„It looks like really...... It looks like really asks one's conscience the young time, really probably......” Old Madame Dongfang full is the hand of wrinkle shiver touches the face of Jun Moxie, in the eyes slowly was blurring, two tears fall finally, always doing nothing but again cannot see clearly grandchild's face, she was still actually unable to put down, sudden hugs into Jun Moxie the bosom, the body rustle shivers, the tears continuous drop enters in grandchild's collar, on the nape of the neck, muttered the tunnel: My clever grandchild...... This for many years was unable to have seen mother...... Painstakingly you......” “真像……真像问心年幼的时候,真的好象……”东方老夫人满是皱纹的手颤抖地抚摸着君莫邪的脸,眼中慢慢模糊了起来,两颗泪水终于扑簌簌地落下,竟自再也看不清外孙的脸,她却仍是爱不释手,突然一把将君莫邪搂入怀中,身子簌簌颤抖,泪水连珠滴进外孙的衣领里,脖颈上,喃喃地道:“我的乖外孙……这许多年来见不到母亲……苦了你……” Jun Moxie wants to start talking, comforts the present old person, but, the throat unexpectedly somewhat sobbed, could not speak completely...... This kinship, the spring breeze drizzle has insufflated Jun Moxie generally at heart, making him feel that originally in this society, are not lonely...... also these many people, care about themselves, cherishes itself, protects itself...... Family member! 君莫邪想开口说话,安慰一下眼前的这位老人,但不知怎地,喉咙竟有些哽咽,完全说不出话来……这种浓浓的亲情,春风细雨一般吹进了君莫邪的心里,让他觉得,原来自己在这人世间,并不是孤独的……还有这么多的人,关心自己,爱护自己,呵护自己……亲人! bloodline kinship! 血脉亲情! The Old Madame tearful eyes dance, the white hair is dreary, at this moment, she was only one saw wanders about destitute old person who descendants outside returned, did not have that type to wield a sword slightly in the past Jiang Hu, slaughtered the world the spirit: Clever grandchild...... Other child in such age, but also under the parents shield with one's own body act like a spoiled brat the growth, but my pitiful grandson is actually seven years old loses father, eight -year-old mother is far away to go, although is alive, actually such as parental in pairs death general...... Thinks that grandmother's heart shears like the blade hurts......” 老夫人泪眼婆娑,白发萧然,这一刻,她只是一个见到了流落在外的子孙归来的老人,丝毫也没有那种当年挥剑江湖,屠戮天下的气概:“乖外孙……别的孩子在这样的年纪,还都在父母翼护之下撒娇成长,可我可怜的孙儿却是七岁丧父,八岁母亲又远离而去,虽是在世,却如父母双双辞世一般……一想起来,外婆的心就像刀割一样的疼……” Mother...... Moxie came now, is the huge good deed, and you relax the intention, is the body for heavy.” Dongfang Wenqing goes forward to console. “母亲……莫邪如今来了,是天大的好事,您老且放宽心怀,还是身体为重。”东方问情上前劝解。 Snort, you mind own business! My grandchild came, I am naturally attractive...... Follows to grow up side Jun Zhantian that Old Thing, but can also not endure hardships, that Old bastard short temper, does not hit scolds, there can teach my child well...... In my child these years, decided however have had many pain \; Perhaps if not for also our Dongfang Aristocratic Family bloodline, early were compelled to fall into error by that impenetrably thickheaded Old bastard......” “哼,你少管闲事!我外孙来了,我自然是要好好看看的……跟在君战天老货身边长大,还能不遭罪,那老东西脾气暴躁,非打即骂,那里能好好教导我的孩儿……我孩儿这些年里,定然吃了许多的苦\;若不是还有我们东方世家血脉,恐怕早被那冥顽不灵的老东西逼得误入歧途了……” Can look, Old Madame read quite deeply to the Grandpa Jun resentment, opened mouth Old Thing, silent Old bastard \; To afterward finally said happily some, luckily has my Dongfang Aristocratic Family bloodline, otherwise this child already degenerated...... Several years ago heard that the Moxie debauchee fact, Old Madame was almost mad must run out of the mountain to look for Jun Zhantian to do accounts...... In the old person, the child naturally is good...... Even if becomes is not good, that is Jun Zhantian completely has not arrived at the responsibility of guidance...... That Old Thing, a stubborn, there will teach the child...... Jun Moxie hears not to know whether to laugh or cry...... Long time long time, Old Madame has restrained the mood finally, received the handkerchief to wipe the eye from behind a woman of quality person hand, this looks at Mei Xueyan, in the mouth is actually held responsible Jun Moxie, on shameless smiles to blossom: Moxie, this girl is daughter's son's wife Iya? long real good-looking, come...... The girls, turning around makes the grandmother have a look......” 看得出来,老夫人君老爷子怨念颇深,张口老货,闭口老东西\;到后来总算说得欣慰些许,幸亏有我东方世家血脉啊,要不然这孩子早就堕落下去了……前几年听说莫邪纨绔事迹,老夫人气得几乎要冲出大山去找君战天算账了……在老人家心里,孩子自然是好的……就算变得不好了,那也是君战天没尽到教导的责任……那老货,就一榆木疙瘩,那里会教导孩子……君莫邪听得啼笑皆非……良久良久,老夫人终于收敛了心情,从身后一贵妇人手中接过手绢抹了抹眼睛,这才看着梅雪烟,口中却是问君莫邪,老脸上笑开了花:“莫邪,这丫头就是外孙媳妇呀?长的真俊俏,来……丫头,转过身让外婆看看……” Jun Moxie hurried nod, such as chicken calligraphy stroke rice: Grandmother discernment, this is grandchild's little wife, do you have a look to be possible also to satisfy? If unsatisfied, I hit her in the evening one......” Jun Moxie these words, annoyed a big supercilious look, in the Mei Xueyan heart snort|hum: Before the present is the person, I save face to you, doesn't haggle over with you, hits me? You? in the end who hits who also two said, you and other I do not tidy up you in the evening! Is the bean curd of this miss is so delicious? 君莫邪急忙点头,如鸡啄米:“外婆法眼,这正是外孙的小媳妇儿,您老看看可还满意吗?要是不满意,我晚上就打她一顿……”君莫邪这句话,惹来了一个大大的白眼,梅雪烟心中哼了一声:眼下是人前,我给你留面子,不跟你计较,打我?就你?到底谁打谁还两说哪,你等晚上我不收拾你!本姑娘的豆腐是那么好吃得吗? Haha, your this little brat, how can say like this that the wife may probably favor, that can open mouth said that must hit...... Also, so angel person, under you going hand?” Old Madame smiles, careful about is sizing up Mei Xueyan, nods again and again, the eye has also narrowed the eyes, satisfied say|way: Moxie, your vision is good, his head length attractively . Moreover the chest big buttocks are big, can have the son, cannot begin casually......” “哈哈,你这小子,怎么可以这样说,媳妇儿可要宠着的,那能张嘴就说要打呢……再说,这般天仙似的人儿,你下的去手?”老夫人笑着,仔仔细细的上下打量着梅雪烟,连连点头,眼睛也眯了起来,满意的道:“莫邪,你眼光不错,这丫头长得好看,而且胸大屁股大,准能生儿子,可不能随便动手……” Mei Xueyan reddens all over the face in a twinkling, almost shames stamps the feet embarrassedly: I am Heaven Punishment first Beast King Venerable, you are the Little Thief Jun grandmother, what's wrong...... Unexpectedly...... Said me...... Jun Moxie beams with joy: Grandmother said that certainly can right have the son, this I am confident, do not have the issue...... in the heart greatly to be simultaneously wonderful absolutely: Is the could it be Dongfang Aristocratic Family news so really unenlightened? Unexpectedly has not known that Xueyan is Venerable Mei? 梅雪烟霎时间满脸通红,差点羞窘地跺脚:俺可是天罚第一兽王尊者,你就算是君小贼的姥姥,怎么……居然……这么说俺……君莫邪眉花眼笑:“姥姥说得对,一定能生儿子,这个我有信心,绝对没问题……”同时心中大奇:难道东方世家的消息真的就这么闭塞吗?居然还不知道雪烟就是梅尊者 Oh, if there is child, but must deliver to here...... The grandmother looks for you educates well, your Grandpa is sloppy, where will look after the child? Has not resulted in has taught people bad things the child...... Said you...... Has your mother's bloodline, you also difficultly said that if that Old Thing explodes the thorn, the grandmother scolded him......” to remember the Jun Moxie debauchee reputation, Old Madame also many somewhat takes to heart obviously...... What? Delivers to here? This matter let alone Grandpa, is this pass/test cannot cross, the Jun Moxie complexion pulled out, looked at this remote mountains and ancient forests: fuck, here is more remote than Heaven Punishment Forest, the mountain is also unclear, the water show...... this is not your aunt, this is your two aunts...... This is your three aunts...... Sees to deliver the betrothal gifts......” Old Madame to be all smile quickly, takes out a white jade block from the bosom, is entire warm jade hits unexpectedly, is only this block on the value not poor \; Turns on the block, inside is a small phoenix is fearless and vertical. The phoenix whole body unexpectedly obviously seven color variegated colors, the eyeball feather is lifelike, probably lived, momentarily may soar to great heights general. “嗯嗯,要是有了孩儿,可要送到我这里来……姥姥替你看着好好教育,你爷爷粗枝大叶,哪里会照看小孩子?没得教坏了小孩子……就说你吧……要不是有你母亲的血脉,你也难说了,那老货要是炸刺,姥姥去骂他……”想起君莫邪纨绔声名,老夫人显然还多少有些耿耿于怀……啥?送到这里来?这事别说爷爷了,就是自己这关也过不了啊,君莫邪脸色一抽,看了看这深山老林:我靠,这里比天罚森林还偏僻,山也不明,水也不秀……“这个是你大舅母,这个是你二舅母……这个是你三舅母……快来见过礼……”老夫人满脸堆笑,从怀中取出一个白玉小盒,竟是整块温玉打就,光是这小盒就价值不菲\;打开小盒,内里却是一只小小的凤凰昂然而立。凤凰周身竟显七彩斑斓之色,眼珠羽毛更是栩栩如生,就好像活了过来,随时可能会展翅高飞一般。 This only Colored Phoenix Dazzles the World \; Is together the crystal heart of colored emerald, forms the seven colors of the spectrum naturally, is precisely seven pure colors, not slightly heterogeneous, by coincidence and has produced the phoenix image, in the past one generation of famous artisan Lu clever artisan time-consuming three years, completely took it, for rarely the treasure of world \; In the past appeared, has stirred the controversy in the world...... Becoming the fond illusions in world all females, in the past had caused the innumerable bleeding disputes...... Afterward fell to my hand, had not given up with, now says sees, gives to my good daughter's son's wife to work as the gift on first meeting to be just right, hehe......” “这只彩凰耀世\;乃是一块彩色翡翠的晶心,天然形成七色,且是七种纯色,并无丝毫驳杂,更无巧不巧地又生成了凤凰形象,当年一代名匠鲁巧手费时三年,才将它完整的取了出来,是为罕世之宝\;当年一出现,在天下间引起了轩然大波……成为世间所有女子的迷梦,当年更引起了无数的流血纷争……后来落到我的手里,一直没舍得拿出来,今曰一见,送给我的好外孙媳妇当见面礼正好,呵呵……” Old Madame smiled, personally this only Colored Phoenix Dazzles the World inserts Mei Xueyan such as in Yun Xiufa, about sizes up, satisfied say|way: Also is person that my daughter's son's wife grade of angel person also resembles, can Colored Phoenix Dazzles the Worldcomplement each other with this ‚......” 老夫人笑了笑,亲手将这只“彩凰耀世”插到了梅雪烟的如云秀发中,左右打量一番,才满意的道:“也就是我外孙媳妇这等天仙化人也似的人儿,才能与这‘彩凰耀世’相得益彰……” Puts on Mei Xueyan of jade ornamental hairpin, head dark cloud beautiful hair, seven colors fluctuate, reflect originally the elegant face of exquisite beauty, results in beautifully may not the local products...... Mei Xueyan blushes to thank one, when sees this only Colored Phoenix Dazzles the World, her eyes liked, Mei Xueyan vertical was Heaven Punishment Beast Emperor, throughout was daughter's body, cannot finally unconventional...... Then, is actually is one's turn three aunts to bestow the gift on first meeting separately...... In the Great Beauty Mei hand has held in a twinkling several boxes, slightly when has is shyly awkward, has seven points of delighted meaning...... this...... I should call the cousin, Paternal grandmother?” A elf strange little Zhengtai has braved, ten years old age, is long the powder makeup jade to carve, is cute, a pair of eyes is jet black, turning round rotation. 戴上玉钗的梅雪烟,头上乌云秀发中,七彩变幻,映得本就国色天香的俏脸,更加美艳得不可方物……梅雪烟红着脸谢了一声,在一看到这只‘彩凰耀世’的时候,她就一眼就喜欢上了,梅雪烟纵是天罚兽皇,始终是女儿之身,终是不能免俗……接下来,却是轮到三位舅母分别赠送上见面礼……霎时间梅大美人手中就抱了好几个盒子,略有羞涩尴尬之余,却有七分欢欣之意……“这个……我应该叫表哥吧,奶奶?”一个精灵古怪的小正太冒了出来,十来岁年纪,长得粉妆玉琢,可爱得很,一双眼睛漆黑,滴溜溜的转动。 Small bad, goes to salute upon meeting with your cousin quickly.” Old Madame kind smiling, has twisted a tender small face conveniently. Said to Jun Moxie: This is in your Second Uncle family/home the minimum small treasure, small badly bad...... „ „ cousin!” Little Zhengtai one step has trod, chins up and chests out: My name is called Dongfang Xiaohuai, is not Dongfang is small, the volume, small scholartree name I do not like actually greatly, but...... My mother lived my day, heard that dreamed of a small Chinese scholartree...... The small scholartree was not of pleasant to hear, everybody must call me slightly bad...... Actually I do not go bad, does not go bad, really......” “小坏,快去跟你表哥见礼。”老夫人和蔼的笑了笑,顺手拧了一把嫩嫩的小脸。对君莫邪道:“这是你二舅舅家里最小的小宝贝,小坏坏……““表哥!”小正太一步踏了出来,昂首挺胸:“我的名字是叫东方小槐,不是东方小坏,额,其实小槐这个名字我也不大喜欢,但……我妈生我的那天,听说梦见了一颗小槐树……本来小槐已经不好听了,大家偏偏还要叫我小坏……其实我不坏,一点都不坏,真的……” Dongfang small bad...... Little bad younger male cousin hello.” Jun Moxie touches the nose, looks at this young native of Zhengtai little rascal big appearance, where had not known that this little brat is having any idea. 东方小坏……小坏表弟你好。”君莫邪摸了摸鼻子,看着这小正太人小鬼大的样子,哪里还不晓得这小子在打什么主意。 Really...... cousin...... You looked that you one received these many gifts today...... I am younger than you...... First meeting, you must deliver me gift Iya? Dongfang slightly badly badly to smile, tilt the head demand bribes. 果然……“表哥……你看你今天一来就收了这么多礼物……我比你还小……第一次见面,你是不是也要送我礼物呀?东方小坏坏坏地笑着,歪着头索贿。 This is not easy \; You did not say a moment ago you were unsatisfied to this name? How the cousin delivers a name of pleasant to hear, the absolute power and prestige, after letting the person , the hear one shocks, can never forget, has of unparalleled expert bearing!” A Jun Moxie eyeball revolution. “这个还不容易\;刚才你不是说你对这名字不满意吗?表哥送个好听的名字如何,绝对的威风,让人以后听一遍就震撼,永远忘不了,是带有盖世高手气度的那种!”君莫邪眼珠一转。 „? What name? I just want to change...... But the parents do not let, if the cousin can help me take a power and prestige, was best.” little animal suddenly forgot to want the matter of gift, excited. “啊?什么名字?我正想改……可爹娘不让,表哥要是能帮我取一个威风的,就最好了。”小家伙顿时忘了要礼物的事,兴奋了起来。 Em, Dongfang Xiaohuai...... Indeed the non- atmosphere, the scholartree is in the tree the ghost, its meaning slightly has unlucky \; Like this......” Jun Moxie badly smiles one, said: How does your name change to the undefeated? Dongfang Bubai! Dongfang Aristocratic Family, forever undefeated! What kind, suffices the breadth of spirit?” “恩,东方小槐……的确不大气,槐更是树中之鬼,其意略有不吉\;这样吧……”君莫邪坏笑一声,道:“你的名字改为不败如何?东方不败东方世家,永远不败!怎么样,够气魄吧?” Dongfang Bubai! Really good! This name was good!” The little Zhengtai whole face is in a twinkling excited shines, turning over/stand up, did two somersaults, announced loudly: From now, I called Dongfang Bubai!” 东方不败!真好!这名字可是太牛了!”霎时间小正太满脸都兴奋得发亮,一个翻身,翻了两个筋斗,大声宣布:“从此以后,我就叫东方不败了!” Good! However you must diligently, want doing right by undefeated imposing name to be good well...... Moreover, I gave back to you to think a slogan......” the Jun Moxie mysterious say|way. “不错!不过你要好好努力,要对得起不败这个威风的名字才行……而且,我还给你想了一个口号……”君莫邪神秘的道。 What slogan?” Dongfang Xiaohuai is eyeful. “什么口号?”东方小槐满眼热切。 Later you walk Jiang Hu time, others asked that your name, you like this said:......” Jun Moxie throws out the chest, raises head, before a foot, after a foot, exhibits a peerless expert looking disdainfully world the manner, with the calm atmospheric thick regelation solid sound, maneuvers among groups long shouted that thinks nobody exists but oneself: Said Dongfang \; Only I...... Undefeated ~~~~~ “以后你行走江湖的时候,别人问你的名字,你就这样说:……”君莫邪一挺胸,一仰头,一脚前,一脚后,摆出一个绝世高手睥睨天下的派头,用沉稳大气厚重凝实的声音,纵横捭阖目无余子的悠悠喝道:“曰出东方\;唯我……不败~~~~~” Said Dongfang, only my undefeated!” Dongfang Xiaohuai...... Volume not, Dongfang Bubai „” yelled that with being full of the vision of worship looks at Jun Moxie: Said Dongfang, only my undefeated! Really was too the atmosphere, Supreme scale...... Hahaha...... Oh! Cousin...... You really had the talent! I announced that after this, you are my Dongfang are young...... No! You were my Dongfang Bubai idol......” “曰出东方,唯我不败!”东方小槐……额不,东方不败“哇”的一声大叫起来,用充满了崇拜的目光看着君莫邪:“曰出东方,唯我不败!实在是太大气了,太上档次了……哇哈哈哈……哇塞!表哥……你真是太有才了!我宣布,从此之后,你就是我东方小……不!你就是我东方不败的偶像了……” Solved Dongfang Bubai this matter, Jun Moxie had smiling of sense of achievement very much, had a look at the surrounding people, was a face approval, obtained Dongfang Bubai this name is very satisfied to Jun Moxie...... Dongfang Aristocratic Family, just do it has this type aggressively to be good! 解决了东方不败这件事,君莫邪很有成就感的笑了笑,看看周围众人,也都是一脸赞同,对君莫邪取得‘东方不败’这个名字都很满意……东方世家,就是要有这种霸气才行! Said Dongfang, only my undefeated! 曰出东方,唯我不败! The grandchild obtains this name, to Dongfang Aristocratic Family, is actually a accidental/surprised big ritual! 外孙取得这个名字,对东方世家来说,却是一份意外的大礼啊! Is very good!” Dongfang Wenqing vision one bright, said: Seriously has the imposing manner very much, but small scholartree little devil actually does not use for parts this grade of atmospheric the good name! This name can only belong to entire Dongfang Aristocratic Family! Meets me to assign the person these eight character carving in a big stone, Yong Town my Dongfang Aristocratic Family entrance!” “很好!”东方问情目光一亮,赞道:“当真的很有气势,只是小槐这小鬼头却是不配用这等大气的好名字!这名字只能属于整个东方世家!一会我命人将这八个字雕刻在一块大石头上,永镇我东方世家山门!” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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