OEM :: Volume #7

#608: Tyrannical!

If Zi Jinghong knows, oneself thinks is absolutely safe and safest effective the means that racks brains to come out became enhanced the match strength unexpectedly the best hone, will not know really depressed to any degree...... But now what Mei Xueyan is only in suspense: Did Jun Moxie direct to do that hateful Gou Buhai? 若是紫惊虹知道,自己绞尽脑汁想出来的自认为是“万无一失、最为稳妥有效”的办法竟成了提高对手实力的最佳磨刀石,真不知道会郁闷到什么程度……而梅雪烟现在唯一放心不下的是:君莫邪把那可恶的勾不还引过去干什么了? Bustling that Mei Xueyan fights, but that side Jun Moxie had actually ended the fight. 梅雪烟这边战的热火朝天,但君莫邪那边却已是结束了战斗。 Gou Buhai also on the strength of Supreme level, by the Young Master Jun current strength, how he can ask for at best well goes! 勾不还充其量也就不过至尊层次的实力,以君大少爷目前的实力,他如何能讨得好去! Another side: 另一边: Jun Moxie cold expression long sword on the neck of Gou Buhai, coldly looks at this distressed Supreme expert, shouted: Kneels down to the father! Your this bird thing!” 君莫邪冷着脸将长剑架在了勾不还的脖子上,冷冷看着这位一身狼狈的至尊高手,喝道:“给老子跪下!你这个鸟东西!” The Gou Buhai two anger charts, saliva has spat: You are the bird thing, can kill kills, wanting father to kneel you? You have a dream!” 勾不还两眼怒图,一口唾沫吐了出来:“你才是鸟东西,要杀就杀,想要老子跪你?你做梦!” Person is inexpensive! The bone is more inexpensive! The father wants you to kneel!” Jun Moxie brutal smiles, the pēng pēng two feet, a Gou Buhai pitiful yell, two knees were kicked by Jun Moxie crush, soft Thatta has knelt, breaks the leg to touch, the severe pain launches a psychological attack, two turns white, must faint. “人贱!骨头更贱!老子偏偏要你跪!”君莫邪残酷的一笑,砰砰两脚,勾不还一声惨叫,两个膝盖被君莫邪踢地粉碎,软塔塔的跪了下来,断腿触地,剧痛攻心,两眼一阵翻白,就要晕了过去。 Jun Moxie is actually the prompt together Spiritual Force output, is controlling his being clear-headed, does not make him faint, can only exceptionally sober is bearing the inexhaustible pain...... As soon as two people pursued to chase here, under the Jun Moxie ever changing method, Gou Buhai a while got sucked into the earth pit, a while was covered by the heavy snow, a while froze the body coldly, a while raging fire committed suicide by fire...... Early was miserable beyond description \; Jun Moxie simply has not used any effort, is growing black this[ ***] the fellow captures! 君莫邪却是及时一道灵力输出,控制着他的头脑清醒,死活不让他晕过去,只能异常清醒的承受着无穷无尽的痛苦……两人一追一逐到了这里,在君莫邪千变万化的手段之下,勾不还一会儿深陷土坑,一会儿被大雪覆盖,一会儿寒冰冻体,一会儿烈火焚身……早已经是苦不堪言\;君莫邪根本就没费什么劲,就将这个长着乌[***]的家伙生生擒获! Gou Buhai, do you like cannibalizing the flesh very much?” This is the Jun Moxie heart knot is at! 勾不还,你很喜欢吃人肉吗?”这才是君莫邪的心结之所在! Damn, your this son-of-bitch trash goods want to eat my Little Xueyan unexpectedly...... Really was really big your dog guts...... If cannot suffer dead while still alive this scoundrel, how can release the air/Qi of my heart! 他妈的,你这狗娘养的垃圾货色居然想要吃掉我的小雪烟……真真是大了你的狗胆了……若是不能活活地折磨死这个混账,怎能泄我心头之气! The Gou Buhai those words, have brought back the Jun Moxie boundless remnant tyrannical killer intent! From that time, he set firm resolve: This person, I not only need kill! And wants tyrannical killer! Cannot withstand word that wants him dead miserably! 勾不还那句话,勾起了君莫邪无边的残虐杀意!从那时,他就下定决心:这个人,我不仅要杀!而且要虐杀!要他死的惨不堪言! Also is what kind of? Jun Moxie, father also told you, the father not only wants to eat the meat that your was intimate, but also wants to eat your little brat meat, you were waiting for the father, the father must be fed up your Jun Family whole families' meat!” “是又怎样?君莫邪,老子还告诉你,老子不但想吃你那相好的肉,还想吃你小子的肉,你等着老子的,老子还要吃尽你们君家满门的肉!” Gou Buhai hurts on the face at this time wax yellow, the soybean beads of sweat tick-tock falling, actually was still died to support not moaned, his profound Profound Force early was trigged by Jun Moxie, even/including self-destruct was unable \; His mouthful tooth, just right had been broken half by Jun Moxie, does not make him too pain, has not affected to speak, but wants to wag the tongue to commit suicide, actually cannot...... Only do the remaining roots in the gum, how wag the tongue? 勾不还此时疼得脸上一片蜡黄,黄豆般的汗珠滴滴答答的掉下来,却仍是死撑着并不呻吟一声,他本身的深湛玄力早已经被君莫邪制住,连自爆也已不能\;他的满嘴牙齿,都被君莫邪恰到好处的打断了一半,既不让他太疼,还不影响说话,但想嚼舌自尽,却是万万不能了……都只剩下牙根在牙龈里,如何嚼舌? Bone is really hard, worthily is the Supreme expert elegant demeanor, on this occasion the moment, the mouth can also such inexpensively, I, when writes the clothing/taking character to you!” Jun Moxie praised one, suddenly put out a hand, that scoffed at has scratched and torn the Gou Buhai clothes, has revealed chest back big flesh, say/way slowly: Gou Buhai, my this life, only then two people make me hate to the marrow of the bones, must kill! First, is Silver Blizzard City Xiao Han, you should rejoice now very much, because of your second!” “骨头真硬,不愧是至尊强者风采,值此关头,嘴还能这么得贱,我当给你写个服字!”君莫邪夸奖了一句,突然一伸手,嗤的一声抓破了勾不还的衣服,露出了前胸后背一大片肌肤,慢慢的道:“勾不还,我这一生,也就只有两个人让我恨之入骨,非杀不可!第一个,是风雪银城萧寒,你现在应该很庆幸,因为你正是那第二个!” You biggest fault, does not cannibalize the flesh! But is you must eat my wife's meat unexpectedly! Unexpectedly still takes it as an honor before that many people self-satisfied, by my uniform, had not been known to repent, unexpectedly also dares to tell me, must eat my Jun Family whole families......” “你最大的错处,不是吃人肉!而是你竟然要吃我老婆的肉!居然还在那么多人面前引以为荣洋洋自得,被我制服,还不知悔过,居然还敢跟我说,要吃我君家满门……” I, if not well serves you...... How can do right by you?” Jun Moxie ice-cold smiling of: Do not say that you are the Dream Blood Sea person, everybody originally is the foe...... Even if you are the deity son, I must let your pain to dying of extreme! You felt relieved \; My blade will not have killed you, your also some time life can enjoy! Although I the bone is also very hard, but I actually do not like others pretending to be the unyielding person in my hand/surbordinate \; If I cannot make you beg for mercy to me personally, I henceforth did not call Jun Moxie!” “那我要是不好好的伺候伺候你……怎能对得起你?”君莫邪冰冷的笑了笑:“不要说你是梦幻血海的人,大家本就是仇敌……就算你是神仙的儿子,我也要让你痛苦到了极点的死去!你放心\;我绝不会一刀杀了你,你还有一段时间的生命可以享受!我虽然自己骨头也很硬,但我却绝不喜欢别人在我手下硬充硬骨头\;我若是不能让你亲口向我求饶,那我就从此不叫君莫邪了!” My Gou Buhai said that now drops the trap that by mistake your little brat sets up, is speechless, your little brat kills me is easy, but wants this Sir to beg for mercy...... Jun Moxie, you have thought mistakenly your heart, has any skill to cause freely, this Sir knitting the brows head, is not considered as that a real man!” Gou Buhai suppresses the knee place pain to enter the marrow general feeling, collapse say/way from gap between teeth. “我勾不还今曰误堕你小子设下的陷阱,无话可说,你小子杀我自是容易,但想要本大爷求饶……君莫邪,你想错了你的心,有什么本事尽管使出来,本大爷皱皱眉头,就不算是好汉!”勾不还强忍着膝盖处痛入骨髓一般的感觉,从牙缝里崩道。 Real man! But when actually must think your this real man to be able hardly to!” A Jun Moxie show, shua shua several, the chest back on him have delimited several blood-stained mouth respectively. “好汉子!倒要看你这好汉子能硬到几时!”君莫邪手一展,刷刷几声,在他身上前胸后背各划了几道血口子。 Gou Buhai is shivering grinning fiendishly: Jun Moxie, do you such select the trick? Might as well told you, your fine powder methods fell far short! Told you, the father not only liked eating the meat of beautiful woman, liked eating the meat of young fellow, even if were old man that can the outmoded old meat, all comes are welcome! If this Sir can run away birth day, Jun Moxie, I am the pig will rear in a pen generally your Jun Family photograph, separates for several days to butcher one. Clean drinking that washes. Hahaha...... Heard that Jun Zhantian goes on an expedition for a lifetime, old or old, thinks that meat is very solid...... I like certainly eating...... En, heard that your little brat is lascivious, your another cohabitant Guan Qinghan long appearance quite good, Jun Moxie, I will take care of her, I will not have died to her her little eating finally...... Slowly is listening to her moan...... Hahaha......” 勾不还颤抖着狞笑:“君莫邪,你就这么点伎俩吗?不妨告诉你,你这些微末手段可是差得远了!告诉你,老子不仅爱吃美人的肉,爱吃少年人的肉,就算是老头那能老掉牙的老肉,也来者不拒!若是本大爷能够逃出生天,君莫邪,我会将你们君家人像是猪一般圈养起来,隔几天就宰一个。洗的干干净净下酒。哈哈哈……听说君战天一辈子征战,老或者老点,想必身上的肉还是很结实……我一定喜欢吃……恩,听说你小子好色得很,你的另一个姘头管清寒长的样子相当的好,君莫邪,我会照顾好她的,我会将她一点点的吃到最后还不会她死……慢慢地听着她呻吟……哈哈哈……” Some Gou Buhai as if anomalies general is extending the red tongue, in the eyes full is ferocious, hung to focus to look at Jun Moxie slightly, the whole person fell into tyrannical pleased: I heard that also Dugu Xiaoyi, yes? Such little girl, the father must certainly taste well, Haha, in your room also little girl? Called anything to come, does not manage, father will not let off in any case, first was suspicious, then ate the liver...... Again......” Here, suddenly long sound pitiful yell! 勾不还似乎有些变态一般的伸着通红的舌头,眼中满是狞恶,微微吊着眼看着君莫邪,整个人陷入了一种残虐的快意之中:“听说,还有独孤小艺,是吧?这样的小丫头,老子肯定也是要好好尝尝,哈哈,你房里还有小丫头?叫什么来着,不管了,反正老子一个也不会放过,先吃心,再吃肝……再……啊”说到这里,突然长声惨叫! You will not have this opportunity. The life of your family member, cut off because of your words actually! Today, I according to the foreword, making you a through bird thing, the anticipation!” Jun Moxie was saying callously, surface like the expression, in the hand grabs snow white salt surface, gentle sprinkling in the Gou Buhai wound, has not wasted. “你不会有这个机会的。倒是你的家人的生命,也因为你这句话而断绝了!今天,我会依照前言,让你成为一个彻头彻尾的鸟东西,期待吧!”君莫邪冷酷的说着,面如表情,手中抓着一把雪白的盐面儿,轻柔的洒在了勾不还的伤口里,一点也不浪费。 The Gou Buhai long sound called out pitifully, the sound greatly was sad and shrill, the whole body twitched to continue \; The Jun Moxie facial color does not have the least bit expression to stand side him indifferently, one is scattering white Yan the place, indifferently said: Comfortable? Gou Buhai? This is the first wheting the appetite side dish!” 勾不还长声惨叫,声音大是凄厉,浑身抽搐不止\;君莫邪面色漠然全无半点表情地站在他身边,一把把地撒着白盐,淡淡地道:“舒服吗?勾不还?这是第一道开胃小菜!” Gou Buhai Aaah yelled, actually saying with a smile of pain: Comfortable...... Was comfortable, Jun Moxie, you planted/type! This means good...... If one day caught the Jun Family person, I like this scatter certainly with the salt drink again...... You...... Your bastard!” 勾不还啊啊大叫,却还是痛楚的笑道:“舒服……舒服极了,君莫邪,你有种!这个办法不错……若是有一天抓到了君家人,我一定这样用盐撒一撒再下酒……你他妈的……你个畜生!” Really is the real man! The good dish to have one after another!” Jun Moxie shakes the head, does not know that grasps chill power from there, has sprinkled in his wound carefully evenly, gentle say/way: Gou Buhai, felt that now was crisper?” “真是好汉!好菜陆续有来!”君莫邪摇摇头,也不知道从那里抓出一把辣椒面,又仔细均匀地洒进了他伤口里,轻柔的道:“勾不还,现在感觉是不是更爽了?” A Gou Buhai body stiffness, wants with the cry to divulge the pain of body, actually as intense as the extreme pain holding, actually completely could not scream, the whole body blue vein roused from the muscle suddenly at the same time, two almost roused the eye socket, the pupil enlarges in this moment suddenly, then reduced...... Although heard the Jun Moxie words, did not have strength to reply again, but opens mouth, is maintaining a posture, has hurt the whole body to cramp...... seriously is the unyielding person! His can also bear unexpectedly! Enduring patiently of Supreme expert is really not a lid! Has the dish not to have the thick soup greatly is monotonous, I help the real man make bowl of good thick soup, moistens the throat!” Jun Moxie smiled, flies high conveniently grasps, ground big group snow arrived in his hand suddenly, Jun Moxie Profound Arts transports darkly, in a twinkling turns into the large bowl that white snow has congealed, is two chill power throws in the bowl, has in a big way grasped one snow, melts in congealing in the solid snow bowl...... Then when his action, are not many, inside hot pepper water pit-a-pat the emitting steam, boiled suddenly \; Sign that but surprisingly, that snow bowl has not melted unexpectedly slightly...... Hot pepper water boiling gets up, the Jun Moxie sudden hand twists his nose, another hand this entire bowl of hot pepper water but actually. Has rinsed in the Gou Buhai belly completely...... Awooo Gou Buhai strange yelling, only felt that in the belly had a big group fire to burn, in a twinkling true being rent with grief, miserably exclaimed: Jun Moxie...... You killed me to kill me 勾不还身子一阵僵硬,有心要以叫声宣泄身体的痛苦,却又被强烈到极点的痛苦将之生生憋住,竟然完全叫不出声,浑身的青筋突然在同一时间从肌肉里鼓了出来,两眼几乎鼓出眼眶,瞳仁在这一刻突然放大,然后又缩小……虽然听到了君莫邪的话,却已是再没有力量回答,只是张着嘴,保持着一个姿势,已经疼得浑身都抽了筋……“当真是硬骨头啊!丫的居然还忍得住!至尊高手的忍耐果然不是盖的!有菜无羹大是单调,我帮好汉弄碗好羹,润润喉咙!”君莫邪笑了笑,随手凌空一抓,地上一大团雪突然到了他的手中,君莫邪玄功暗运,霎时间变成了一个白雪凝成的大碗,又是两把辣椒面扔在碗里面,又抓了一大把雪,融化在凝实的雪碗里……然后他一只手端着,不多时,里面的辣椒水突然突突的冒出热气,开了锅\;但让人惊奇的是,那雪碗居然丝毫没有融化的迹象……辣椒水沸腾起来,君莫邪突然一只手拧住他的鼻子,另一只手就将这一整碗辣椒水倒了进去。全部灌进了勾不还肚子里……“嗷呜勾不还一声奇怪的大叫,只感觉肚子里有一大团火燃烧了起来,霎时间真正的五内俱焚,不由惨吼道:“君莫邪……你杀了我吧杀了我” „Were you take?” Jun Moxie sleeve start stands before him: Gou Buhai, looked before you, is also unyielding, so long as you said that took, knelt to kowtow to me, I immediately have killed you! Does not make you receive this suffering again!” “你可是服了?”君莫邪袖着手站在他面前:“勾不还,看你之前也算硬气,只要你说一声服了,跪下来向我磕个头,我就立即杀了你!不让你再受这活罪!” You...... Resting...... Thinks... I... Dry... You...” Gou Buhai grievance wants to crack, did not relent unexpectedly. “你……休……想…我…干…你…”勾不还睚眦欲裂,竟仍自不松口。 Is very good, is seriously unyielding enough, it seems like that the full meal is not good.” The Jun Moxie body in a flash, vanishes suddenly, at once appears, in hand were many 5-6 only woodchuck \; Another hand, actually grabs a 7-8 snake \; The creeping motions of lazily, are hibernating very much obviously, had actually been dug by Jun Moxie. “很好,当真够硬气,看来不上正餐是不行了。”君莫邪身子一晃,突然消失,旋即出现,手中已经多了五六只山鼠\;另一只手,却抓着七八条蛇\;一条条懒洋洋的蠕动,很明显是正在冬眠,却被君莫邪生生挖了出来。 Jun Moxie looked at Gou Buhai one lightly, has smiled saying with a smile: Gou Buhai, you beg for mercy now, but also with enough time! Or this Young Master entertained you to use the full meal! Only feared that you regret not and!” 君莫邪淡淡的看了勾不还一眼,笑了笑道:“勾不还,你现在求饶,还来得及!要不本少爷就招待你用正餐了!只怕你追悔莫及!” Snort!” The Gou Buhai clenching teeth revolutions is excessive. “哼!”勾不还咬着牙转过了头。 Hero! We hope that you can the hero to finally! My watch closely, do not disappoint me!” Jun Moxie in underground throws the snake and mouse, the Profound Qi control, the snake and mouse do not dare to move, obediently is staying \; Then Jun Moxie has gripped the Gou Buhai two pants legs \; In waist, the 5-6 only mouse entered the Gou Buhai pants leg conveniently, scurries about everywhere...... Gou Buhai the throat was calling out pitifully, felt the mouse to stick to the flesh to crawl on oneself, absolutely terrified \; in the eyes reveals frightened expression finally...... Suddenly, his pitiful yell, the whole body trembles, originally the mouse had discovered the flesh and blood of his knee disruption place, crawled to gnaw unexpectedly...... Eats the person of person, today makes the mouse eat...... elders people to say unexpectedly, the snake eats mouse a half year, the mouse eats snake a half year, nemesis of snake of winter woodchuck hibernation, you said that on you have these thing comparisons to look like the snake? If some words, may result in are really careful!” Jun Moxie said leisurely. “英雄!希望你能英雄到最后!我看好你啊,千万不要让我失望!”君莫邪把蛇和老鼠在地下一扔,玄气控制,蛇和老鼠都不敢动,乖乖的呆着\;然后君莫邪就将勾不还的两只裤管扎了起来\;随手在腰间一拉,五六只老鼠已经进了勾不还的裤管,嗤嗤的到处乱窜……勾不还直着嗓子惨叫起来,感受着老鼠在自己身上紧贴着肌肤爬来爬去,毛骨悚然\;眼中终于露出恐惧的神色……突然,他一声惨叫,浑身都哆嗦起来,原来老鼠已经发现了他膝盖碎裂处的血肉,竟然爬上去啃了起来……一个吃人的人,今天竟然让老鼠吃了……“老辈人说,蛇吃鼠半年,鼠吃蛇半年,冬天的山鼠正是冬眠之蛇的克星,你说你身上有那些物件比较象蛇呢?万一真有的话,可得小心了!”君莫邪悠悠地说道。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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