OEM :: Volume #7

#607: Four Seasons Absolute Slaughter Sword!

Also is six people holds a sword, jumps joins to fight the circle, with formerly one group happen to was the wrong body, the goal of everyone was very clear, the person who replaced attacked the sword retreated last, own attack then in this time takes advantage of opportunity on, flawless, may not create the chaotic opportunity for the enemy slightly. 又是六人仗剑而出,腾身加入战圈,与先前的一组正好是错身而过,每个人的目标都很明确,正是自己接替的人攻出最后一剑撤退的时候,自己的攻击便在此时顺势而上,天衣无缝,丝毫没有可供敌人制造混乱的机会。 One group of drawing back returns among the people rapidly, this starts slightly obviously the rapid breath, after several people have until now breathed several, the body faintly seeps out the perspiration...... Copes with Mei Xueyan this grade of great expert, how dare to have any point treating it lightly? Although throughout is only You Dou, but also is actually bearing the greatest pressure! It is not slightly relaxed, because...... Even if You Dou, so long as shows a flaw, Mei Xueyan can also seize the life to pursue the soul instantaneously! 退下来的一组迅速回到众人中间,这才开始稍显急促的呼吸,有几人直到现在呼吸了几口之后,身上才隐隐渗出汗来……对付梅雪烟这等大高手,岂敢有任何一点的掉以轻心?虽然始终都只是游斗,但却也承受着莫大的压力!丝毫也不轻松,因为……就算是游斗,但只要露出一点破绽,梅雪烟也能够在瞬间夺命追魂! At this time, in the field, Mei Xueyan this set of wind general wonderful Sword Technique has come to the end obviously, six people who came up newly because looked at her set of Sword Technique, although as for overall has not understood clearly, but also many knew fairly well, therefore dealt with not to be strenuous. 这时,场中,梅雪烟这套风一般的神妙剑法显然已经告一段落,新上去的六个人由于看了一遍她的这套剑法,虽然未至于全盘洞悉,但也多少心中有数,所以应付起来也不怎么吃力。 But at this moment, the sword potential of Mei Xueyan always doing nothing but changes! 但就在这时,梅雪烟的剑势竟自又是一变! The change is more towering, becomes close prolonged, just likes the spring rain is thick, continuously, from day to place, a dimness \; With her six people to the war, as if feels in spring that type of misty drizzle the warm traces of spring, as if thought that own sending tree top also has wet intent...... Facing strange Sword Technique that so comes, six great expert instantaneously unexpected feelings, but they are more than hundred years of fight experiences, although startled, but is not chaotic, throughout can hold one's ground. Even after flurried all of a sudden, with rich experience or barbaric mindless style, inferior slowly market rates. 变化更为突兀,变得细密绵长,犹如春雨霏霏,连绵不断,从天到地,一片朦胧\;与她对战的六个人,似乎感受到春天那种蒙蒙雨雾之中温暖的春意,似乎觉得自己的发梢也有湿意……面对如此突然而来的诡异剑法,六大高手瞬间都有一种猝不及防的感觉,但他们都是百多年的战斗经验,虽惊而不乱,始终能稳得住阵脚。甚至在慌乱了一下子之后,就凭着丰富的经验或者野蛮的不讲理的招式,将劣势慢慢回扳。 But Sword Technique regeneration change of Mei Xueyan! 可是梅雪烟剑法再生变化! Suddenly is similar to is Xia says Violent Wind Rainstorm dips from the space suddenly, the bean big raindrop is mixing with the power and prestige between Heaven and Earth, howls to fall, six people simultaneously feel, position that oneself place, vast expanse of water! Space as before also dense and numerous waste of flax common firn-line connection vault of heaven falls...... Six people in an extremely difficult situation, shua shua shua several swords in the past, instantaneous on three people had hung out colored streamers, has drooped including the shoulder, was actually pierced by a Mei Xueyan sword! If not for another five people rescue promptly, perhaps was already killed, in the Mei Xueyan sword has gotten down...... in next group!” Zi Jinghong complexion already gloomy scary. From start to the present, around Mei Xueyan has traded 5-6 set of wonderful Sword Technique...... The strange thing where she studies? Had not heard Heaven Punishment Forest this group of Profound Beast so pay great attention to the weapon...... For ten thousand years, spread, as if are also only one set of might enormous Heaven Punishment Heaven Punishing Sword...... What's all this about? Really strange! 突然如同是夏曰的狂风暴雨突然从天上倾落,豆大的雨点夹杂着天地间的威风,呼啸而落,六人同时感觉到,自己身处的位置,一片汪洋!天上依旧还有密密麻麻的麻杆一般的雨线连接苍穹的落下来……六人狼狈不堪,刷刷刷几剑过去,瞬间已经有三个人身上挂了彩,其中一个更是连肩膀都耷拉了下来,却是被梅雪烟一剑刺穿!若不是另外五人救援得及时,恐怕早已丧命在梅雪烟剑下了……“下一组上!”紫惊虹的脸色已经阴沉的吓人。从开始到现在,梅雪烟前后已经换了五六套神妙剑法……她从哪里学来的这种稀奇古怪的玩意儿?没听说过天罚森林这一帮玄兽如此注重兵器啊……万年来,流传下来的,似乎也只有一套威力极大的天罚罚天剑而已……这是怎么回事?真是古怪! The people have traded one group, person who these time changes, on pitiful many...... Two Great Sacred Land fresh blood just came up, the sword road of their determination to Venerable Mei grasped ten 6-7, even if cannot explain, when the self-preservation is not a problem, but the day does not hope from the person, Mei Xueyan Sword Technique regenerates the change unexpectedly! 人又换了一组,这一次换下去的人,就凄惨的多了……两大圣地新鲜血液刚上来,他们自觉对梅尊者的剑路已经掌握了十之六七,就算仍不能破解,自保当不成问题,但天不从人愿,梅雪烟剑法竟再生变化! These time is to actually become such as the autumn rain is tangled up, miserable dreary, endless vicissitudes, is falls boundlessly wooden whinny, all over the sky the autumn wind becomes overcast! Instantly, among Heaven and Earth completely is a boundlessness! Everywhere desolate! 这一次却是变得如秋雨缠绵,凄凉萧瑟,无尽沧桑,又似是无边落木萧萧下,满天秋风凄凄来!霎时之间,天地之间尽是一片苍茫!满目苍凉! Six individual that just came up are to hit the mental note, self-confident, once met to incur, actually detected that was not estimated radically good that matter, radically was widely divergent! 刚刚上去的六个人本是打好腹稿,自信满满,可是一旦接招,却发觉根本就不是自己所预计好的那回事,根本就是大相径庭! expert contests, is led far astray by a slight error, the erroneous by the thousand li (500 km), the difference of slightest, is the difference of life and death, let alone completely leaves accidental/surprised at this moment, how can ask for well goes, six people only thought that among Heaven and Earth completely is the cold and gloomy weather, killing intent is everywhere, that six people who only the flash, unexpectedly the analogy has drawn back are distressed! 高手过招,差之毫厘,谬以千里,分毫之别,就是生死之别,更别说此刻尽出意外,如何能讨得好去,六人只觉得天地之间尽是凄风冷雨,却又杀机无处不在,才只一瞬之间,竟然已经比方才退出去的那六个人还要狼狈! This and other ultra wonderful swords incur , is not only see what one never seen, even is hear something one never heard. 这等超妙的剑招非但是见所未见,甚至是闻所未闻的。 If the single is the sword incurs wonderful, copes fortunately \; After all by the Supreme expert rich experience, in addition the fleshly body tenacious degree, ordinary Sky Profound Profound Expert motionlessly makes him chop, may not chop injures...... But at present uses the person of sword is actually Venerable Mei! This headache, not only Profound Arts above various people, the sword of using is Divine Weapon, that cup had! 若单只是剑招神妙的话,还好对付一些\;毕竟以至尊强者本身的丰富经验,再加上自家肉身的坚韧程度来说,普通天玄玄者就算一动不动让他砍,也不一定能砍得伤……但眼下用剑之人却是梅尊者!这就头痛了,非但玄功远在己方诸人之上,所用之剑更是神兵利器,那岂不是更杯具了! Superior Supreme strength no doubt fucking awesome, but faces to grasp Venerable Mei of treasured sword, is different from the bean curd. Also let alone is Divine Weapon in this way, even if only the common sharp sword, does not dare only to depend on fleshly body hardly anti-! 至尊之上的实力固然牛叉,但面对手持宝剑的梅尊者而言,却也跟豆腐没什么两样。也别说是如斯的神兵利器,就算只是寻常利剑,也是万万不敢只凭肉身硬抗地! So is in addition wonderful strange Sword Technique, is makes the head pain want to crack, is hard to deal with! 再加上这么神妙诡异的剑法,更是让人头痛欲裂,难以应付! Zi Jinghong sees the potential not to be wonderful, shouted: On again one group!” Xiao Weicheng bellows, pushed to the front to lead own subordinate to throw! At this moment actually has become 12 people jointly attacks the bureau of Mei Xueyan, this gradually holds one's ground, is insufficient the instant rout to lose! But along with increase of population, fights the circle range naturally also more and more to see the expansion, in the Zi Jinghong heart that the one side observes felt restlessly is also more and more thick...... Facing totaling 12 present age top expert joint effort attacks, the pressure is suddenly First Layer, the burden increases far more than one time, Mei Xueyan sneers one, does not have the least bit scared look, blots out the sky to sprinkle like autumn rain continuous bolt of white silk sword light, Xiao Weicheng calls out like the thunder, dies to fight does not draw back, always doing nothing but pushes to the front, rushes, sharp Sword Qi has put on two eyelets on him, although enters the meat not to be deep, but the blood was also has actually braved. 紫惊虹见势不妙,喝道:“再上一组!”肖未成大吼一声,一马当先率领自己的人马扑了上去!此刻却已成12人合击梅雪烟之局,这才逐步稳住阵脚,不至于瞬时大败亏输!可是随着人数的增多,战圈范围自然也是越来越见扩大,一旁观战的紫惊虹心中不安感觉也是越来越浓……面对合共12名当世顶尖高手的合力出击,压力自是猝然一重,负担增加何止一倍,梅雪烟冷笑一声,全无半点惧色,一阵有如秋雨连绵的匹练剑光铺天盖地洒下,肖未成暴吼如雷,死战不退,竟自一马当先,生生冲上,犀利剑气嗤嗤在他身上穿了两个小孔,虽然入肉不深,但鲜血却也是嗤嗤的冒了出来。 Supreme Gold City three bead throne Xiao Weicheng, in this place two Great Sacred Land expert, the strength at least can arrange to enter first three Xiao Weicheng, unexpectedly under puts in an appearance was injured! Moreover, in 12 people cope in a situation of opposite party person with joint forces! 至尊金城三珠王座肖未成,此地两大圣地高手之中,实力至少可以排进前三的肖未成,竟然在一个照面之下就受了伤!而且,还是在己方12人合力对付对方一个人的情况下! So the success, seriously shocks everybody! 如此战绩,当真是惊世骇俗! But being wounded of Xiao Weicheng, has the corresponding price \; This round collision, he has actually withstood Mei Xueyan this move of more than 50% offensive by a person of strength, the pressure that other people shoulder greatly reduces, in in the wink of an eye breaks out of the giant crisis that the style suppressed, but the encirclement ring also therefore reduced one step! 肖未成的负伤,却也是有相应代价的\;这轮的碰撞,他却是以一人之力顶住了梅雪烟这一招一半以上的攻势,其他人所负荷的压力自是大减,更于瞬息之间摆脱了招式压制的巨大危机,而包围圈也因此缩小了一步! The Mei Xueyan facial features are indifferent to fame or gain, not sadly not happy, suddenly the diving posture, steps on a Supreme expert sword to soar unexpectedly sharp, that Supreme expert treasured sword was stepped on, is wanting taking the opportunity the catching up wound enemy, actually faints from fear transmits a long huge great strength from the saber, the oncoming force is similar to the lightning, its strength is copious not imperial \; Bang passes through the sword blade, across the arm, pricks meridians, presses up to the heart! 梅雪烟面容恬淡,无悲无喜,突然飞身而起,竟是踩着一位至尊高手的剑尖腾空,那位至尊高手宝剑被踩,正欲借机发力伤敌,却惊觉得从佩剑之上传来一股悠悠的庞然巨力,来势如同闪电,其力更是沛然莫御\;“轰”的一声穿过剑身,穿过手臂,刺入经脉,直逼心脏! „!” He only thinks that the heart such as was struck by ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) sledgehammer heavily, complexion instantaneous his Bai Ruzhi, staggers the backlash, draws back the potential not to stop, has put out a blood, on the ground, the strength all loses wearily! “哇!”他只觉心头如被万斤大锤重重一击,脸色瞬间其白如纸,踉跄后退,退势未止,已经吐出一口鲜血,委顿在地上,战力全失! Zi Jinghong plunders the body, works on that injured the body of expert, has drawn back rapidly, when guards the threshing floor again, situation regeneration great change. When Mei Xueyan treads the sword defeats the enemy, jumps, the long sword maneuvers among groups, the entire weather as if late autumn changed from sword intent has done suddenly dreary in the winter! 紫惊虹一个掠身,抓起那受伤高手的身体,迅速退了回去,再看场中时,形势再生巨变。梅雪烟踏剑挫敌之余,纵身而起,长剑纵横捭阖,突然间整个天气似乎从刚才的剑意深秋变作了萧瑟严冬! the previous moment was still the autumn wind dreary, at this moment actually has become the winter cold concentrates to stop! 前一刻尚是秋风萧瑟,这一刻却已成冬寒凝止! The cold cold wind gets up, ten thousand li (0.5 km) snowflake flutters, the long sword like the snow, such as the frost, falls floatingly, flies piece by piece, the cold wind such as the ghost crying god howling resounds! 凛凛寒风起,万里雪花飘,长剑如雪,如霜,飘飘落,片片飞,寒风如鬼哭神嚎般响起! Unexpectedly is sword Lu Zaibian...... Xiao Weicheng is angry the item to bellow, a graying chignon has hung loose at this moment, the body splashing blood, his offensive is fiercest, but itself actually is also injures most people...... The set of ultra wonderful Sword Technique that Mei Xueyan displays, came from Jun Moxie. 竟是剑路再变……肖未成嗔目大吼,一头斑白发髻此刻已经披散开来,身上点点溅血,他的攻势最猛,但本身却也是伤得最多之人……梅雪烟所施展的这套超妙剑法,正是来自君莫邪 For these days, Jun Moxie one set of Sword Technique that previous life studied, taught to her \; This set of Sword Technique, murders swiftly and fiercely, change multifarious, is comprehensive, what end is complicated incomparable! Even if previous life Evil Monarch, when under the chance learns this set of wonderful Sword Technique, has used the entire three months! 这几天里,君莫邪将自己前世所学的一套剑法,传授给了她\;这一套剑法,杀伐凌厉,变化万端,更是包罗万象,端的是繁复无比!纵然是前世邪君,在偶然机会下学到这套神妙剑法的时候,也用了整整三个月的时间! Unexpectedly, Mei Xueyan natural talent strange tall, unexpectedly only has used less than ten days of time, all has memorized in chest/heart this one set of Sword Technique! This made Jun Moxie open the mouth, several near dislocation! fuck, this girl compared with my previous life intelligence quotient tall Duo...... This set of Sword Technique, the process of concealed four seasons evolution \; Fluctuates the spring , summer , fall and winter four seasons, such as good influence of education and Xia said that hot, autumn wind dreary, the winter snow ice sparkling stone and so on infinite biochemistry evolve integrate all, another one is generally called Four Seasons Absolute Slaughter Sword! 不意,梅雪烟天资奇高,前后竟只用了不到十天时间,就已经将这一整套剑法尽数熟记于胸!这让君莫邪张大了嘴巴,几近脱臼!我靠,这丫头比我前世的智商高多了……这一套剑法,隐含四季演化之过程\;将春夏秋冬四季变幻,诸如春风化雨、夏曰炎炎、秋风萧瑟、冬雪冰莹等等无穷生化演变尽数融入其中,另有一统称为“四季绝杀剑”! Said that is one set of Sword Technique, in fact the metaplasia change of each season also from containing several sets changed incurs...... Even if Mei Xueyan the natural talent is excellent, when how studies says was still short, naturally has not seriously skillfully, at this moment sees Zi Jinghong to adopt this grade of tactical rules unexpectedly, must wait for Jun Moxie in any case, idles is also idling, you might as well takes these people to practice acquiring a skill! Has not thought that the effect unexpectedly is good extraordinary! 说是一套剑法,实际上每一季的化生变化都又自包含了数套变招……梅雪烟纵然天资过人,奈何修习时曰尚短,自然有就未曾当真纯熟,此刻见紫惊虹居然采取这等战法,反正自己也要等君莫邪,闲着也是闲着,索姓就拿这些人练练手!没想到效果竟是好的出奇! Therefore Mei Xueyan simply one after another practices according to order, this fights, Mei Xueyan discovered that this set of wonderful and complicated Sword Technique might, unexpectedly is such terrifying! Formerly although Mei Xueyan also expected that decided however outstandingly, but absolutely has not actually thought that this set of Sword Technique swift and fierce strange, unexpectedly one to Huisse! 所以梅雪烟干脆一套一套的按照顺序练下来,这一路战来,梅雪烟发现,这套神妙、繁复的剑法威力,竟然是如此的恐怖!先前梅雪烟虽然也料想定然不同凡响,但却绝对没想到,这套剑法的凌厉诡异,竟然一至于斯! This set of Four Seasons Absolute Slaughter Sword, if the list naturally cannot compare Heaven Punishment Heaven Punishing Sword by the lethality, but if incurs in the case of the sword clever, exquisite and thorough as well as own ideal condition, is actually far from Heaven Punishment Heaven Punishing Sword may compare! 这套四季绝杀剑,若单以杀伤力而言自然是比不上天罚罚天剑的,但若论到剑招的灵巧、细腻、绵密以及自身的意境,却又远非天罚罚天剑可比! Especially, by different mentality stimulation of movement sword intent, tries every time, performs can have the different sensibility! Mei Xueyan discovered impressively when he uses this set of Sword Technique opposes the enemy, along with the evolution of sword intent, unexpectedly faintly has to promote the mental state gods and ghosts effect! 尤其是,以各种不同的心态催动剑意,每试一遍,尽都能有不同的感悟!梅雪烟赫然发现,自己使用这套剑法对敌之时,随着剑意的演化,竟隐隐有提升心境的神异效果! This accidental/surprised harvest lets in her heart the great happiness! 这个意外收获让她心中大喜! Since these days, she with the aid of Jun Moxie Divine Pill, the skill has progressed by leaps and bounds, the cultivation speed also far from the past may compare, but as Mei Xueyan of Martial Dao big expert actually while joyful own strength progress rapid, but was worried secretly, if pursues striving of skill constantly, but neglects the progress on mental state, instead is not beautiful. 这段时间以来,她借助君莫邪神丹,功力突飞猛进,练功速度也远非往昔可比,但身为武道大行家的梅雪烟却在欣喜自身实力进度迅速的同时,而暗暗担心,若是一味追求功力的精进,而忽略心境上的进度,反而不美。 Must know that the corresponding Profound Arts advancement, needs quite mental state to complement one another, if only then the skill progresses, but mental state cannot promote, looks like holds the powder cask to be ordinary, in some urgent breakthrough time, momentarily will be invaded by heart demon, overstates! 要知道,相应的玄功进境,需要相当心境才能相辅相成的,若是只有功力进步而心境不能提升,那么,就像是抱着炸药桶一般,在某一个紧急的突破时刻,随时会被心魔入侵,走火入魔! This is the mental state cultivation important place! 这正是心境修炼的重要之处! Now accidental/surprised obtains this set of gods and ghosts Sword Technique, happen to have actually compensated for the disappointment on mental state! 如今意外获得这套神异的剑法,却正好是弥补了心境上的缺憾! Although Jun Moxie previous life has also learned this set of Sword Technique, but he is one generation of King of Assassins, make a move usually only pursued quickly, accurate and ruthless, naturally extremely little uses this exceptionally complicated Sword Technique, absolutely does not have the opportunity to meet the enemy by this set of Sword Technique...... Therefore in this regard, instead was inferior that Mei Xueyan senses deeply...... Mei Xueyan at this moment more hits unexpectedly more thinks carefree, all around is heavy such as mountain pressure, in her opinion, actually guides oneself breakthrough power, she even also and Zi Jinghong is ordinary, is longing for the time that such fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out continues is longer, has many sensibility by oneself...... 君莫邪前世虽然也学会了这套剑法,但他乃是一代杀手之王,出手素来只追求快、准、狠,自然极少使用这种异常繁复的剑法,根本却没有机会以这套剑法应敌……所以在这一点上,反而不如梅雪烟感悟得更深……此刻的梅雪烟竟是越打越是觉得畅快,四周重如山岳的压力,在她看来,却都是引导自己突破的动力,她甚至也和紫惊虹一般,渴望着这样的车轮战持续的时间更长一些,好让自己有更多的感悟…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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