OPSA :: Volume #4 星辰大海

#1211: War

Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Bangs on-board explode in inferior (Asia) No. 3. 一声声巨响在亚顿三号星上爆开。 Each deafening sound, heavy blows pound probably on the heart of Duke Aton. 每一次震响,都像是一记重拳砸在亚顿公爵的心脏上。 He angrily roars toward the Carbon Based Alliance negotiations department, the threat destroys the Carbon Based Alliance scutum Combined Fleet, but is useless. 他朝碳基联盟的谈判部门怒吼,威胁摧毁碳基联盟的盾牌座联合舰队,但都没有用。 Regardless how Carbon Based Alliance to the Human fleet routing directive, is unable to prevent the attack of Human fleet to Asian No. 3 star. 无论碳基联盟如何向人类舰队发送命令,都无法阻止人类舰队对亚顿三号星的攻击。 Moreover, fought with the fists the ruins in Asian No. 3 star, the magma spatters in all directions, camouflages the sky the time. 而且,在亚顿三号星被一拳打成废墟,岩浆迸溅,遮蔽天空的时候。 The Perseus 107 trigeminy stars defended the fleet to lose thoroughly. 英仙座107的三联星守备舰队已经彻底输了。 Was hit that moment of exploding in Asian No. 3 star, the trigeminy star defended the morale of fleet to fall the freezing point. 在亚顿三号星被打爆的那一刻,三联星守备舰队的士气就降到了冰点。 When Code Fanji opens Vector Prism to break in the trigeminy star defends the fleet array, this fleet has not made how long resistance, was flushed by a destroyer scattered about. 反击号开着“矢量棱镜”冲入三联星守备舰队阵列时,这支舰队没做多久的抵抗,就被一艘驱逐舰冲得七零八落。 In addition the warship formation of Eve control, directly perishes together with the way and enemy of battleship hit. 再加上伊芙控制的战列舰编队,直接用撞击的方式和敌方战舰同归于尽。 So long as the warship formation the power engine has not discarded completely, will continue to fight, the fight picture may be called savage. 战列舰编队只要动力引擎没有完全报废,就会继续战斗下去,战斗画面堪称凶残。 Hits to put on the enemy warship armor, then happened toward the matter that the enemy warship opened fire several times. 撞穿敌舰装甲,然后朝敌舰内部开火的事情发生了好几次。 The trigeminy star defends the fleet on the despondency, the high level in fleet had received the news that the Duke Aton aspect spreads, thinks that both sides must negotiate. 三联星守备舰队本来就士气低落,舰队中的高层已经收到亚顿公爵方面传来的消息,以为双方要进行谈判。 However the Human fleet has actually been attacking, the meaning of no truce. 然而人类舰队却一直在攻击,没有一点停战的意思。 The trigeminy star defends the fleet by the Code Fanji antimatter torpedo, after attacking and sinking two battleships and cruisers, starts the rout, scatters in all directions to run away. 三联星守备舰队被反击号的反物质鱼雷,击沉两艘战列舰和巡洋舰之后,开始溃败,四散逃走。 Toques looks at the defense fleet of rout, incomparable Wrath, however actually discovers own Divine Nature Energy by present carbon base insect plundering. 亚托克斯看着溃败的守备舰队,无比愤怒,然而却发现自己的神性能量正在被眼前的碳基虫子掠夺。 The Pallese life body after energy, the formed energy storm structure is loose, is very unstable, was affected by the external force specially easily. 帕勒塞生命体在能量化之后,形成的能量风暴结构松散,很不稳定,特别容易被外力影响。 , Divine Nature Energy of his within the body is also at the loose condition for this reason in particular, was plundered easily. 正因为这个原因,他体内的神性能量也处于松散状态,非常容易被掠夺。 Toques discovered after this situation, immediately contracts the energy body, the congealing reality becomes a ten meters high energy body. 亚托克斯发现这个情况之后,立即收缩能量躯体,凝实成一个十米高的能量体。 After the congealing reality becomes the semi-solid energy body, Divine Nature Energy congealed the solid state fluid, hid in the energy body. 凝实成半固态的能量体之后,神性能量凝结成了固态流体,隐藏在能量躯体内部。 Fang Yuan cannot contact, is unable to plunder. 方源接触不到,也就无法掠夺。 Your these carbon base insects, only meet the larceny. Now you cannot steal, can die. Took me, must spit.” Toques gets angry snort/hum said. “你们这些碳基虫子,只会偷窃。现在你偷不到了,可以死了。拿了我的,全都得吐出来。”亚托克斯怒哼道。 Fang Yuan looks at him to congeal the qualitative body, the corners of the mouth brings back truthfully wipes the dangerous curve: „Haven't you discovered? Opponent who I most like, is the solid state. Like you shape of that type of energy storm, fought with the fists a moment ago, looking like hits on the cotton is the same, not stress. If you condense the present shape, you did not have.” 方源看着他凝如实质的躯体,嘴角勾起一抹危险的弧度:“你难道还没发现吗?我最喜欢的对手,就是固态的。像你刚才那种能量风暴的形态,一拳打过去,就像是打在棉花上一样,一点都不受力。你要是凝聚成现在的形态,那你没了。” Toques arrogant cold snort/hum, lifts the arm, the shape turns into the energy of light to fight the halberd slowly, the sharp tip aims at Fang Yuan, erupts Curvature Storm suddenly, the lasing goes out. 亚托克斯倨傲的冷哼一声,抬起手臂,缓缓形变成光能战戟,锋利的尖端对准方源,猛然爆发曲率风暴,激射出去。 Throw! 扑! Toques fights the halberd bang on Fang Yuan Battle Armor, the Fang Yuan left hand seizes to fight the halberd, was thrust to slide backward by his greatness, has a gulley in the ground plow. 亚托克斯战戟轰在方源战甲上,方源左手掐住战戟,被他的巨力推得向后滑去,在地上犁出一条深沟。 Fang Yuan loudly shouts, the High Level Strength strengthening opens, palm fierce effort, pinches dead Toques to fight the halberd, the right fist rumbles simultaneously Dark Matter Dragon Fist. 方源大喝一声,高级力量强化开启,手掌猛的用力,捏死亚托克斯战戟,右拳同时轰出暗物质龙拳 Toques vision concentrates, immediately retrocedes rapidly, Curvature Storm under support, the speed approaches the speed of light, in inferior (Asia) No. 3 on-board with lightning speed. 亚托克斯目光一凝,立即飞速后退,“曲率风暴”支撑下,速度逼近光速,在亚顿三号星上风驰电掣。 Fang Yuan also starts Curvature Storm, pursues Toques. 方源也同时启动“曲率风暴”,追击亚托克斯。 Within one second, both sides circle Asian No. 3 star to speed along three, the storm that starts, raises to fly like waves the rock layer of planet surface. 一秒之内,双方绕亚顿三号星飞驰三圈,掀起的风暴,将行星表面的岩石层如海浪般掀飞起来。 Locks Toques's position, the start curvature blocker.” Fang Yuan sees Toques speed is too quick . Moreover the opposite party is not willing to stop to spell hardly, immediately informs the fleet use curvature blocker to support in the communication channel. “锁定亚托克斯的位置,启动曲率阻断器。”方源见亚托克斯速度太快,而且对方不肯停下来硬拼,立即在通信频道中通知舰队使用曲率阻断器支援。 Toques uses Curvature Storm Flying in the planet near-earth region, wants the latched position is almost not possible. 亚托克斯在行星近地区域使用曲率风暴飞行,想要锁定位置几乎是不可能。 However, can according to the path, sentence the position in advance. 不过,可以根据轨迹,预判位置。 Even if sentences the rate of accuracy of position is not high in advance, attempts several times, can always hit. 即便预判位置的准确率不高,多尝试几次,总能命中。 Ye Zheyu according to Toques's axis of movement, in the click that on the total information celestial chart non-stop. 叶折羽根据亚托克斯的移动路线,在全息星图上不停的点击。 Every time clicks on a position, nearby battleship toward that position launch curvature blocker. 每点击一个位置,附近的战舰就朝那个位置发射曲率阻断器。 When clicks on the 16 th point. 在点击到第16个点的时候。 Buzz! 嗡! Toques banged into the curvature blocker coverage scope, the speed reduces rapidly. 亚托克斯撞入了曲率阻断器覆盖范围,速度急速降低。 He just wants to enhance the energy output, breaks through the stop of curvature blocker. 他刚想提高能量输出,冲破曲率阻断器的阻拦。 However, radically without enough time. 然而,根本来不及。 Fang Yuan has pursued, bang a fist bang, in he concentrates truthfully on the qualitative body. 方源已经追上去,“嘭”一拳轰在他凝如实质的身体上。 Bang! 轰! The fist vigor shakes, Toques stuffy snort/hum, the half energy body explodes to disperse. 拳劲震荡开来,亚托克斯闷哼一声,半边能量躯体爆散开来。 But he withstood the fist vigor might with the energy armor forcefully, Divine Nature Energy core protection in body. 但他还是用能量护甲强行顶住了拳劲的威力,将神性能量核心保护在身体内部。 A Fang Yuan fist bang explodes his half body, the left hand seizes he ten meters high body, according to the ground, the right hand lifts, camouflages the ray of star, then fierce falling. 方源一拳轰爆他的半边身体,左手掐住他十米高的躯体,按在地上,右手抬起,遮蔽恒星的光芒,然后猛的落下。 Bang! 嘭! A fist bang in Toques's top of the head. 一拳轰在亚托克斯的头顶。 Then, the fist pounds like the violent storm bang under. 然后,拳头如暴风骤雨般轰砸而下。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 嘭!嘭!嘭…… The fist is getting quicker and quicker, one. several thousand seconds the fists, hit the ground to come, the fist vigor pours into the land, the vibration turns to all around like waves wells up, the land caves in layer upon layer. 拳头越来越快,一秒数千拳,打得地面开来,拳劲灌入大地,震动如波浪般向四周翻涌,大地层层塌陷下去。 Toques wants to revolt, but just condensed is up an energy, was scattered by the fist of that terrifying. 亚托克斯想要反抗,但刚凝聚起一点能量,就被那恐怖的拳头打散。 Fang Yuan rumbled over ten thousand fists, not only has not stopped, the left hand also moves, the double fist bang bang bang the bang, will congeal such as the body bang of entity to pound the smashing, becomes energies to explode to disperse broken. 方源轰了上万拳,不仅没有停下,左手也活动起来,双拳嘭嘭嘭的轰在,将凝如实体的身体轰砸成粉碎,碎成一股股能量爆散出去。 „!......” “嗷!嗷……” Toques struggles the resistance, but he discovered panic-stricken, at present this carbon base insect him estimates is much more powerful. 亚托克斯挣扎反抗,但他惊恐的发现,眼前这个碳基虫子比他预想中的要强大得多。 Regardless how he struggles, cannot withstand that terrifying fist. 无论他怎么挣扎,都顶不住那恐怖的拳头。 Saw that the entity body must be hit to explode, he can only bellow, gives up the entity body, explodes to disperse the energy. 眼看实体身躯就要被打爆,他只能大吼一声,放弃实体身躯,爆散成能量。 A Fang Yuan fist explodes the energy his body bang, holds Divine Nature Energy that has not exploded to disperse completely, forces in the mouth directly, swallows, absorbs in the abdomen slowly. 方源一拳将他的躯体轰爆成能量,抓住没有完全爆散开来的神性能量,直接塞进嘴里,吞咽下去,在腹部慢慢吸收。 No!” “不!” Collection free good book Pays attention to v.x Book friend supreme headquarters Recommends novel that you like, gets the cash red packet! 【收集免费好书】关注v.x【书友大本营】推荐你喜欢的小说,领现金红包! Toques noticed that Divine Nature Energy of entire group was swallowed, roaring of Wrath. 亚托克斯看到一整团的神性能量被吞掉,愤怒的咆哮。 That group of Divine Nature Energy, the total quantity reaches 5 million units much. 那一团神性能量,总量多达500万单位。 Roaring of his Wrath, condenses Toques to fight the halberd, punctures toward Fang Yuan, wants to tear into shreds this damn carbon base insect, recaptures Divine Nature Energy. 愤怒的咆哮,凝聚出一根根亚托克斯战戟,朝方源刺去,想要把这只该死的碳基虫子撕碎,夺回神性能量 Divine Nature Energy regarding Pallese Sacred Hall Knight, is the foundation of strength. 神性能量对于帕勒塞圣堂武士来说,就是战力的基础。 He had 8 million Divine Nature Energy, now was plundered 5 million, only remains 2 million, encountered the fatal heavy losses. 他原本拥有800万的神性能量,现在被掠夺了500万,只剩200万,遭到了致命重创。 He goes crazy attack Fang Yuan, however attacks more and more weakly. 他发疯般攻击方源,然而攻击越来越弱。 Fang Yuan is fighting, fast absorption Divine Nature Energy, the body intensities and various Attribute rise dramatically in the fight rapidly. 方源则是在战斗中,快速的吸收神性能量,身体强度、各项属性在战斗中急速飙升。 Strength first tops 50000 points, then tops 60000 points, is getting stronger and stronger, fights with the fists casually, can shake the energy fragments Toques. 力量先是突破50000点,然后突破60000点,越来越强,随便一拳打出,都能将亚托克斯震成能量碎屑。
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