OPSA :: Volume #4 星辰大海

#1210: Do the negotiations of Carbon Based Alliance, what relations have with my Human?

No! No! No!” “不!不!不!” Is separated by the scutum radius arm 5000 light years away, Duke Aton has been paying attention to the campaign of No. 3 capital star. 相隔5000光年外的盾牌座旋臂,亚顿公爵一直在关注着三号首府星的战役。 Each he has not let off instantaneously. 每一个瞬间他都没有放过。 He looks with own eyes Dyce comet little approaches No. 3 capital star, the little oppression, is oppressing his mood. 他亲眼的看着戴斯彗星一点点的逼近三号首府星,一点点的压迫,压迫着他的情绪。 From being born starts in this world, Duke Aton never such anxious. 从诞生在这个世界开始,亚顿公爵就从来没有这么紧张过。 When saw that Dyce comet will soon run upon No. 3 capital star, his energy body inflates rapidly, even wants to rush to Perseus 107 to fight this campaign immediately. 在看到戴斯彗星即将撞上三号首府星的时候,他的能量躯体急速膨胀,甚至想要立即奔回英仙座107去打这一场战役。 In that moment. 在那一刻。 He regretted. 他后悔了。 He regretted that has not given up the scutum battlefield turning back in order to help friendly forces the Perseus capital star. 他后悔没有放弃盾牌座战场回援英仙座首府星。 What he regrets, without appears in the Human fleet in Perseus 107 star system earliest possible time goes back. 他更后悔的是,没有在人类舰队出现在英仙座107恒星系的第一时间就回去。 If first goes back, three capital stars can preserve, will not discover the following matter. 如果第一时间回去,三颗首府星都能保住,根本不会发现后面的事情。 How he has not thought, a Initial Level Civilization fleet, can actually destroy his two capital stars, moreover forced the last capital star to arrive at the destruction edge. 他怎么都没想到,一支初级文明舰队,竟然能够摧毁他的两个首府星,而且还逼迫得最后一颗首府星也到了毁灭的边缘。 If he has the heart, when Dyce comet crushes Asian No. 3 star 10,000 kilometers upper air, his heart will definitely jump from the body. 如果他有心脏,在戴斯彗星压倒亚顿三号星一万公里高空的时候,他的心脏肯定会从身体里跳出来。 The Perseus 107 trigeminy star capitals are his basic plate, has lost two capital stars, making him regret incomparably. 英仙座107的三联星首府是他的基本盘,已经失去两颗首府星,让他后悔无比。 But the last capital star was threatened, makes him anxious extremely. 而最后一颗首府星遭到威胁,更让他紧张万分。 However, the fight changes is too quick. 不过,战斗变化太快。 In a flash, the energy of light of Toques incarnation fights the halberd, spans 40 light second of distances, strikes to destroy Dyce comet, the bang becomes myriad fragments broken, the fragment explodes the powder like the fireworks. 转瞬之间,亚托克斯化身的光能战戟,跨越40光秒距离,一击摧毁戴斯彗星,轰碎成万千碎片,碎片如烟花般爆散的时候。 His heart stabilized suddenly. 他的心突然就安定了下来。 The flash of Dyce comet disruption, he thought that all finished, Toques achieved the final success. 戴斯彗星碎裂的一瞬间,他觉得一切都结束了,亚托克斯获得了最后的胜利。 However, he also not with enough time self-satisfied. 然而,他还没来得及得意。 The matter of next flash, actually destroyed his all mood directly. 下一瞬间发生的事情,却直接摧毁了他所有的情绪。 That Dragon Shape Fist Vigor pours into Asian No. 3 star together instantly, in his eye saw desperately. 那一道龙形拳劲灌入亚顿三号星的刹那,他的眼中看到了绝望。 The land splits, planet destruction. 大地裂开,行星毁灭。 That picture had how splendidly before gorgeous, at this moment had how brutally ice-cold. 那画面在以前有多么精彩绚丽,此刻就有多么残酷冰冷。 Because, before destroyed planet, is these cleaned up pitiful Low Level civilization. 因为,以前被摧毁的行星,都是那些被清理的可悲的低级文明。 Now, destroyed is actually he operates ten thousand years of capital stars. 现在,被摧毁的却是他经营万年的首府星。 Consecutively three capital stars, one after another was destroyed. 连续三颗首府星,一颗接一颗的被摧毁。 When every is one time that Dragon Shape Fist Vigor appears together, the end then arrives. 每一次都是那一道龙形拳劲出现时,末日便降临了。 From all sides, he saw three Dragon Shape Fist Vigor, every carries off his capital star one time. 前前后后,他看到了三次龙形拳劲,每一次都带走他的一颗首府星。 That shakes the dragon of penetrating world to howl, seemed ridiculing incompetent that his stupidity, ridiculed Toques. 那震彻天地的龙啸,仿佛是在嘲笑他的愚蠢,嘲笑亚托克斯的无能。 In Asian No. 3 star destroyed that moment. 在亚顿三号星被毁灭的那一刻。 In volcano like that moment of salute eruption. 在火山如礼炮般喷发的那一刻。 Sprays in the magma, camouflages that moment of sky. 在岩浆喷洒,遮蔽天空的那一刻。 Toques's pledge still reverberates in his mind, spoken language that vows solemnly and ensure can guard No. 3 capital star. 亚托克斯的誓言还在他的脑海中回荡,那信誓旦旦的言语,保证能够守卫三号首府星。 At this moment. 这一刻。 Duke Aton understands a truth finally, cannot believe pledging of loser. 亚顿公爵才终于明白一个道理,不能相信失败者的发誓。 When the first two capital stars were destroyed, he should understand this truth. 在前两颗首府星被摧毁的时候,他就应该明白这个道理。 However, he actually stupid choice believes the data. 然而,他却愚蠢的选择相信数据。 No mistake, from data, Toques's strength above Human Super Soldier. 没有错,从数据上来看,亚托克斯的战力远在人类超级战士之上。 So long as is the brain normal lifeform, thought that Toques can easily pinch that flock of carbon base insects. 只要是脑子正常的生物,都觉得亚托克斯能够轻易捏死那群碳基虫子。 However, finally actually so brutal. 然而,结果却是如此的残酷。 Toques destroyed Dyce comet. 亚托克斯摧毁了戴斯彗星。 But Human Super Soldier, destroyed his last capital star. 人类超级战士,摧毁了他的最后一颗首府星。 Duke Aton wishes one could to pinch Toques, then all late. 亚顿公爵恨不能将亚托克斯捏死,然后一切都晚了。 Now wants to save the territory, the only means are...... 现在想要拯救领地,唯一的办法是…… Negotiations!” “谈判!” Duke Aton has not immersed in Wrath, promptly wants to initiate the negotiations with Carbon Based Alliance. 亚顿公爵没有沉浸在愤怒之中,当机立断想要和碳基联盟发起谈判。 Although three capital stars were hit to explode, the loss is serious, but lost is unable to recall, can only attempt to recall has not lost. 虽然三颗首府星都被打爆了,损失惨重,但已经损失的无法挽回,只能尝试去挽回还没有损失的。 That is the trigeminy star defends the fleet. 那就是三联星守备舰队。 Now the trigeminy star defends the fleet is not attacked and sunk completely, this is three standard fleets, always 36 battleships. 现在三联星守备舰队还没有被全部击沉,这是三支标准舰队,总36艘战舰。 In addition, on the Perseus radius arm also has the huge quantity of resources stars. 除此之外,英仙座旋臂上还有数量庞大的资源星。 Moreover, although three capital stars suffered a fist, but the Human fleet does not have the time consumption capital on-board resources. 而且,三颗首府星虽然都挨了一拳,但人类舰队没有时间消耗首府星上的资源。 Although three capital stars became the ruins, but the above resources have the possibility of rescue. 虽然三颗首府星都成了废墟,但上面的资源还有抢救的可能。 Although Duke Aton Wrath, but as high-rank, very clear present should make anything. 亚顿公爵虽然愤怒,但作为一个上位者,很清楚现在应该做什么。 In comparison, resources of Perseus compared with rich of scutum. 相比之下,英仙座的资源远比盾牌座的要丰富。 Therefore, he starts the war to negotiate to Carbon Based Alliance immediately, and requests the Perseus 107 battlefields immediately the truce. 所以,他立即向碳基联盟发起战争谈判,并要求英仙座107战场立即停战。 This in the war rule, is the normal procedure/program. 这在战争规则中,是正常的程序。 So long as both sides initiate the negotiations, involves the battlefield of talks conference should the temporary truce. 只要双方发起谈判,牵涉到谈判会议的战场应该暂时停战。 Naturally, the other side of war can decline to negotiate. 当然,战争的另一方是可以拒绝谈判的。 Just, Carbon Based Alliance three civilization Combined Fleet of scutum, are hit now a little miserably, they also want to negotiate. 只不过,现在盾牌座的碳基联盟三文明联合舰队,被打得有点惨,他们也想要谈判。 Therefore, when Duke Aton initiates the negotiations, Carbon Based Alliance has not argued how long, agreed with the negotiations, both sides truce. 因此,当亚顿公爵发起谈判的时候,碳基联盟内部没有争论多久,就同意了谈判,双方停战。 Scutum 217 Planet Fortress in imminent danger, had the opportunity of panting for breath in the fire of Pallese aristocrat fleet finally. 岌岌可危的盾牌座217行星要塞,终于在帕勒塞贵族舰队的炮火中获得了喘息的机会。 Under recommendation, I recently using reading app, App The book source are many, books entire, renews quickly! 推荐下,我最近在用的看书app,【app】书源多,书籍全,更新快! ...... …… Another side, is separated by 5000 light years Perseus 107 star system. 另一边,相隔5000光年的英仙座107恒星系内。 A Fang Yuan fist destroys Asian No. 3 star, immediately received the communication of Zhao Anya. 方源一拳摧毁亚顿三号星,立即接到了赵安雅的通信。 Carbon Based Alliance transmits the communication, they and Duke Aton signed the negotiations agreement, both sides armistice talks. Duke Aton, calling for us immediately to stop the attack to the trigeminy star, and withdraws from Perseus 107 star system immediately.” 碳基联盟传来通信,他们和亚顿公爵签署了谈判协议,双方停战谈判。亚顿公爵,要求我们立即停止对三联星的攻击,并立即退出英仙座107恒星系。” Suddenly receives this information. 突然收到这个信息。 The Human fleet high level is compels ignorant, this must obtain the campaign to win shortly, suddenly wants the truce, this wants the feeling stifled person simply. 人类舰队高层都是懵逼的,这眼看就要取得战役胜利,突然要停战,这简直是要憋死人。 Stops a hammer! We also do not belong to Carbon Based Alliance, they discussed their, we hit our.” “停个锤子!我们又不属于碳基联盟,他们谈他们的,我们打我们的。” Fang Yuan was saying a fist bang to Toques , to continue to plunder Divine Nature Energy. 方源说着一拳轰向亚托克斯,继续掠夺神性能量 Toques restores from the shock, surprised uncertain saying: Carbon Based Alliance has signed the negotiations agreement, the agreement truce, do you want dead?!” 亚托克斯从震惊中恢复过来,惊疑不定的说道:“碳基联盟已经签署谈判协议,协议停战,你想死吗?!” „Are you mental handicap? Does the Carbon Based Alliance negotiations agreement, what relations have with my Human?” Fang Yuan another fist is broken his Divine Nature Energy core bang, frenzied plundering Divine Nature Energy. “你是智障吗?碳基联盟的谈判协议,和我人类有什么关系?”方源又一拳把他的神性能量核心轰碎,疯狂掠夺神性能量 You court death!” Toques is furious, condenses the energy of light to fight the halberd counter-attack. “你找死!”亚托克斯震怒,凝聚光能战戟反击。 both sides rumbling fight, hits the earth-shattering. 双方轰轰轰大战起来,打得天崩地裂。 Meanwhile, the both sides fleets also start to the bang. 同时,双方舰队也开始对轰。 The automated warship formation enters the stadium, bombs Asian No. 3 star to defend the fleet crazily. 自动化战列舰编队入场,疯狂炮击亚顿三号星守备舰队。 When Asian No. 3 star defends the fleet was destroyed in the capital star, went haywire, suddenly cannot organize the counter-attack, was hit to be caught off guard. 亚顿三号星守备舰队在首府星被摧毁时,陷入了混乱,一时间组织不起反击,被打了个措手不及。 After the reluctant organization has the counter-attack, starts to bomb the Human warship formation, actually discovery this warship formation like mad dog fierce, bombing while hits directly, even does not hesitate to perish together. 勉强组织起反击之后,开始炮击人类战列舰编队,却发现这支战列舰编队像疯狗一样凶猛,一边炮击一边正面撞上来,甚至不惜同归于尽。 Code Fanji in Vector Prism under absolute defense, breaks in defends in the fleet, showed the battleship invincible condition, the place visited, the antimatter torpedo bang exploded all battleships. 反击号在“矢量棱镜”绝对防御下,冲入守备舰队之中,展现出了战舰的无敌之态,所过之处,反物质鱼雷轰爆一切战舰。 In a flash, Asian No. 3 star defends the fleet to be flushed scattered about. 转瞬之间,亚顿三号星守备舰队就被冲得七零八落。
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