OPJ :: Volume #4

#305: Capturing of KING

Oh? 唉? wheat Yinshi Fillat bewildered Saitama that looks at to proceed. 麦茵史菲雅一脸茫然的看着自顾自往前走的埼玉。 Was his...... is deliberately bad? 他这是……自暴自弃了吗? Although a moment ago that in the royal palace indeed was a little scary, but approximately also mediocre, the formidable in which legend has not been growing his simplicity the appearance of salt fish, possibly was only the talent skill that a shield formidable was in sole possession. 虽然刚才在王宫里那一下的确是有点唬人,不过大约也不过如此吧,从来没有哪个传说中的勇者是长着他这种简单又咸鱼的模样的,可能只是盾之勇者独有的天赋技能而已。 ...... 还有…… That is KING that he has said...... his friend? 他一直说的那个KING……是他的朋友吗? Helpless with. 无奈跟了上去。 Quick, Saitama goes out of outside the city, arrived on a prairie. 很快,埼玉走出城外,来到了一片草原上。 Looked for sod to sit down, a Saitama fist destroyed the world barrier, the opposite appeared practicing the push-up KING. 找了一块草皮坐下,埼玉一拳打碎了世界壁垒,对面出现正在练习俯卧撑的KING。 „, good work.” “啊,辛苦了。” „...... Is Saitama.” “……是埼玉氏啊。” KING hears the sound, raised the head to see Saitama, saw his behind prairie. KING听见声音,抬头看见了埼玉,也看见了他身后的草原。 Crawled from the ground, wipes away sweat. 从地上爬了起来,擦了擦汗。 KING somewhat curious looks at this strange world, asked: Saitama in different world traveling how, to come across the novel matter?” KING有些好奇的看着这个陌生的世界,问道:“埼玉氏在异世界旅游的怎么样,有遇到新奇的事情吗?” „, Must say that the novel matter, indeed has.” “啊,要说新奇的事情,的确有呢。” Saitama thinks. 埼玉想了想。 Then organizes the language, after passing through the matter to different world said probably. 然后组织语言,把穿越到异世界之后的事情大概说了一遍。 Also explained that before this world, has played the game is very similar. 也说明了,这个世界和以前玩过的游戏很类似。 KING silent long time. KING沉默半晌。 I understood.” “我明白了。” Offered own suggestion: Since is the four Saint formidables in legend, then in other words , this country should also summon in the past four people who take the different weapons, Saitama will be pushed aside, possibly was on formidable of the shield makes anything to let the king unhappy matter......” 紧接着给出了自己的建议:“既然是传说中的四圣勇者,那么也就是说,在过去,这个国家应该也召唤过拿着不同武器的四个人,埼玉氏之所以会被排挤,可能是上一任盾之勇者做了什么让国王不开心的事情……” Saitama gawked: „...... You are quite intelligent, KING.” 埼玉楞了一下:“哦……你好聪明啊,KING。” Speaking of the game, my intuition became very keen.” “说到游戏,我的直觉就会变得十分敏锐了。” KING lowers the head slightly, on the face shows the self-confident smiling face: If this world is a large-scale game, then the main line duty most is certainly started to drive out demon that promulgates by the king ‚’, four Saint formidables cannot grow together, therefore as Saitama of formidable of shield, should the positive recruiting partner, making them strike to kill demon, but Saitama are responsible for protecting them to gain the empirical value......” KING稍稍低下头,脸上露出自信的笑容:“如果这个世界就是一个大型的游戏,那么主线任务当然就是最开始由国王颁布的‘驱除魔物’,四圣勇者不能一起成长,所以作为盾之勇者的埼玉氏,应该积极的招募伙伴,让他们来击杀魔物,而埼玉氏则负责保护他们来获取经验值……” Saitama then looked at one to follow after behind not far away, wheat Yin Fillat who shot a look at toward here: „The words of partner...... only have a person......” 埼玉回头看了一眼跟在身后不远处,正往这边瞥的麦茵史菲雅:“伙伴的话……只有一个人呢……” She is perhaps unreliable.” “她恐怕并不可靠。” Among KING for a short while gives the answer: by king speculated to the Saitama your prejudice of, she is very likely the king to send to monitor your board game piece, will possibly be used to frame Saitama when necessary...... she, so long as pretends the weak trend, Saitama your anything did not talk clearly.” KING第一时间给出答复:“以国王对埼玉氏你的偏见来推测,她很有可能是国王派来监视你的棋子,甚至可能会在必要时候用来陷害埼玉氏……她只要装作弱势,埼玉氏你就什么也说不清了。” Blinking of Saitama salt fish: „...... This.” 埼玉咸鱼的眨眨眼:“……这样啊。” Really is the disadvantageous opening......” “真是不利的开局呢……” On the KING mouth said that but the emperor engine actually resounds suddenly, an unapproachable imposing manner erupts instantaneously: Copes with this aspect, my specialty...... as game, even if opening disadvantage, will be impossible to have the dead end, but will need the partner to promote the formidable of shield, the most simple way out, I think that in should be the different world presumptuously thinks, the common slave market, the support gold/metal used here to be the correct application method.” KING嘴上这么说,可帝王引擎却骤然响起,一股无可匹敌的气势瞬间爆发出来:“不过应付这种局面,才正是我的拿手好戏……作为游戏来说,哪怕开局劣势,也绝不可能会有死局,而需要伙伴才能升级的盾之勇者,最浅显的生路,我想应该就是异世界妄想里,常见的奴隶市场了吧,支援金用到这里应该才是正确的使用方法。” „......” “不过……” At this point, the KING emperor engine subsides suddenly: „If Saitama, does not need these things completely, what demon can also solve?” 说到这里,KING的帝王引擎忽然平息:“如果是埼玉氏的话,完全不需要这些东西呢,不论是什么魔物也能解决的吧?” „...... Probably.” “……大概吧。” Saitama thinks, then stands up: In brief...... many thanks you, KING.” 埼玉想了想,然后站起身来:“总之……多谢你了,KING。” No.” “没什么。” KING shakes the head with a smile: On the other hand, the setting of this game different world is actually very interesting, if later Saitama have what issue, asked momentarily I have not related.” KING笑着摇摇头:“话说回来,这个游戏异世界的设定倒是很有趣,如果以后埼玉氏有什么问题,也随时问我没有关系。” „, Good.” “啊,好的。” Saitama beckons with the hand, the world barrier closes up. 埼玉摆摆手,世界壁垒合拢。 Thought is no interesting. 原本就觉得没什么意思。 After listening KING said captured, probably does not have the meaning...... 听KING说了攻略后,好像更没意思了呢…… Saitama looks up the day, 埼玉抬头望天, The dead fish eye is empty, sentiment. However since KING said the slave market, has a look......, although in the family/home has raised a dog, does not know that was anything's thing. 死鱼眼空空洞洞,么的感情。不过KING既然说了奴隶市场的话,还是去看看吧……虽然家里已经养了一条狗,还有一只不知道是什么的东西了。 Thinks of here. 想到这里。 Saitama turns around to walk toward wheat Yin Fillat: „......, The wheat...... what is coming, you know that nearby has the slave market?” 埼玉转身朝着麦茵史菲雅走去:“……嗯,麦……啥来着,你知道附近有奴隶市场吗?” Is wheat Yinshi Fillat.” “是麦茵史菲雅。” wheat Yinshi Fillat clenches teeth, smiled somewhat reluctantly: „Does formidable Sir want to purchase the demon slave the operational promotion? Actually not Taijian discussed does that the natural disposition of demon was flagitious, can honest obedient not say, if after buying, instead attacked the formidable Sir, that may be the catastrophe......” 麦茵史菲雅咬牙,笑的有些勉强:“勇者大人是要购买魔物奴隶来作战升级吗?其实不太建议这么做呢,魔物的本性凶残,会不会老实听话不说,如果买回来后,反而攻击勇者大人,那可就是大灾难了……” „, That are not related.” “啊,那个没关系。” Saitama beckons with the hand: „ I strong....... 埼玉摆摆手:“我超强的。嘁…… wheat Yinshi Fillat spat one secretly. 麦茵史菲雅心里暗啐一声。 This fellow is seemingly silly dull, has not thought that will also have this type to solve the combatant short means. 这家伙看起来傻傻呆呆的,没想到还会有这种解决战斗员短缺的办法。 Is he wants to come out? 是他自己想出来的吗? Discussed the result after that staff officer named KING a moment ago? 还是刚才和那个叫做KING的参谋商量后的结果? Prepared to instigate this loathful fellow to buy a armor, then stole away to give Yuankang Sir, if 800 silver coins were bought the demon beast slave by him, but had no way to steal away. 原本准备怂恿这个讨人厌的家伙买一身盔甲,然后偷走送给元康大人的,如果八百银币被他买了魔兽奴隶的话,可就没法偷走了。 Right. 没错。 What that said a moment ago not obedient, attacked master anything, talks nonsense. 刚才说的什么不听话、攻击主人什么的,都是放屁。 Slave business some are the means makes the demon beast slave little darling listen to the words of master. 奴隶商有的是办法让魔兽奴隶乖乖听主人的话。 At this moment. 事到如今。 Without means according to plan. 既然没有办法依照计划。 Then made him waste completely the initial support gold/metal! 那么就让他把初始的支援金全部浪费掉好了! Since this......” “既然这样的话……” In wheat Yinshi Fillat heart decides: Formidable Sir and I come together, I know a very good slave business, his there has the slaves of many high quality, the demon beast or natives of Asia have.” 麦茵史菲雅心中打定主意:“勇者大人和我一起来吧,我认识一个非常不错的奴隶商呢,他那里有很多高品质的奴隶,不论是魔兽还是亚人都有。” Native of Asia?” “亚人?” Saitama asked curiously: What is that?” 埼玉好奇问道:“那是啥?” wheat Yinshi Fillat explained: Simultaneously has the population of human and demon beast characteristics, for example the werewolf or the cat mother, the formidable Sir original world of should have similar thing.” 麦茵史菲雅解释:“就是同时拥有人类和魔兽特征的种群,例如狼人或是猫娘,勇者大人原来的世界应该也有类似的东西吧。” This.” “这样啊。” Saitama thinks: „...... And the odd person is very similar.” 埼玉想了想:“……和怪人很相似呢。” ...... …… Quick. 很快。 wheat Yinshi Fillat brought Saitama to arrive in that hearsay very good slave business there...... 麦茵史菲雅就带埼玉来到了那个传闻中非常不错的奴隶商那里…… bao tooth rabbit, little yellow chicken and long fabric dark blue eye cat...... 龅牙兔、小黄鸡、长绒毛蓝眼猫…… Small and exquisite. 一个个小巧玲珑。 Clever lovable, the tumbling sells to sprout/moe. 一个个乖巧可爱,翻滚卖萌。 In the shop also the women of several woman of quality appearances are laughing and playing direction. 店铺里还有好几个贵妇模样的女人正在嬉笑着指指点点。 Enters the shop. 走进店铺。
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