OSH :: Volume #14

#1303: The original sin of human

Toyah's expression gradually becomes in the dreariness puzzled. 宾尔托亚的表情在沉寂之中逐渐变得困惑起来。 Mr. Ye Chen 耶尘先生” Your meaning is “您的意思是” Hope Saint light pure land can turn into the fairy tale, that type will not have any tragedy, can all people forever the happy joyful place, right?” “希望圣光净土能够变成童话故事之中,那种不会发生任何悲剧,所有人们永远都能够幸福快乐的地方,是吗?” Ye Chen hear, eyes one bright, at once makes an effort to nod. 耶尘听罢,双眼一亮,旋即用力点了点头。 Fairy tale “童话” Right fairy tale.” “没错童话。” Perhaps I want, is one piece just like the fairy tale, far away from the world of all contamination.” “或许我想要的,就是一片宛如童话般,远离所有污秽的世界呢。” Saw meaning that Ye Chen has not cracked a joke completely, Toyah's look gradually returns tranquilly. 见到耶尘完全没有开玩笑的意思,宾尔托亚的眼神逐渐回归平静。 But, Mr. Ye Chen, is similar to this that you said that the fairy tale calls it the fairy tale , because it is not a reality, we can never jumble together the two.” “可是,耶尘先生,正如同你说的这样,童话之所以称之为童话,就是因为它并非现实,我们永远不能将二者混为一谈。” Can be the story of ending to be different from a writer simple outline, reality that we place, the factor and unavoidable accident/surprise that needs to consider were too many were too many, particularly regarding human society huge and complex community.” “和作家一句简单的概述就能作为结尾的故事不同,我们所身处的现实,需要考虑的因素和无法避免的意外实在是太多太多了,尤其是对于人类社会这个庞大而复杂的群体而言。” Wants absolute quality to erase all tragedies, is almost the not possible matter, even if regarding the holy ghost is also so.” “想要绝对性地抹除一切悲剧,几乎是不可能的事情,哪怕对于圣神来说亦是如此。” We can only prevent accidents before they happen, and develops the social overall unceasingly, exhaust ability establishes and improves all orders.” “我们只能防患于未然,并且不断发展社会总体,竭尽所能地建立与完善所有的秩序。” Only has this, the world can conscientious improve slowly, everyone can achieve the mutual understanding finally truly, the coexistence, enjoys a good and prosperous life hand in hand “唯有这样,世界才能脚踏实地慢慢变好,所有人最终才能够真正做到相互理解,携手共存,安居乐业” Anything is impossible to get it done in one action.” “任何事情都不可能一蹴而就的。” Finally, facing Toyah's view, Ye Chen asked back suddenly: 结果,面对宾尔托亚的看法,耶尘却是突然反问道: However, is the fact really this?” “然而,事实真的是这样吗?” Actually holy ghost is to have no way to prevent “圣神究竟是没法阻止呢” Said, she, has not thought from the start does that?” “还是说,她,压根就没想过这么做?” Facing this sudden interrogation, Toyah five senses congeal, the whole person again becomes silent. 面对这番突如其来的质问,宾尔托亚五官凝结,整个人再次变得默然。 „” “” The youth look up to that Saint light god picture that is hanging in the church big wall midpoint, silent, revealed the aspiration to nun subsequently at a moderate pace, 青年抬头望向那副悬挂在教堂大壁正中央的圣光神画,沉默一阵,继而不紧不慢地向身边的修女袒露起了心声, I, live today, has hated many things.” “我,活到今天,仇恨过许多事物。” „, Abyss, proportion time longest foe in my heart.” “其中,深渊,是在我心中占比时间最久的仇敌。” Past I, once believe that so long as some day can destroy completely this evil ethnic group in the future, the whole world can become thorough peaceful “过去的我,一度认为,只要未来有朝一日能够灭掉这个邪恶的族群,整个世界都能变得彻底太平” But, until now, all kinds of experiences, make me gradually realize “不过,时至今日,各种各样的经历,却让我逐渐认识到” Abyss, even if extinguished, the thing that I am hostile toward, will still never disappear!” “深渊就算灭了,我所仇视的东西,也永远不会消失!” That evil intention that because, the abyss contains, is not she is in sole possession of!” “因为,深渊所蕴含的那份恶意,并不是她独有的!” But is world myriad things all living things the thing that may ferment to come out!” “而是世间万物众生都有可能酝酿出来的东西!” „It looks like these various rebels from hunting for the group brave!” “就像是过去那些从猎团里面冒出来的各种叛徒!” „Since as well as a lot of years this society has eradicated not various criminals!” “以及千百年以来这个社会一直根绝不尽的各类罪犯!” Even if the abyss really can be exterminated by us in the future completely “哪怕深渊未来真的能够被我们完全灭绝” Harvey Jordan also having no way brings these domestic animals and trash vanishes from the world's future history together permanently!” “哈维约旦也没法带着这些畜生和垃圾一起从世界未来的历史之中永久消失!” On the contrary, they in we pledge to fight to the death in the human descendant of security, continuously, emerges one after another incessantly, kills not, cuts the ceaselessness, thus continues under the wheel of history, leaves behind one after another evil contamination with the desire of their these no lower limit!” “相反,他们会在我们誓死保卫的人类后代之中,源源不断,层出不穷,杀之不尽,斩之不绝,从而继续在历史的车轮之下,用他们那些毫无下限的欲望留下一道又一道罪恶的污秽!” Ye Chen more said is more excited, more said is more hot tempered, the facial expression stance as if changed person suddenly, the tranquil eye pupil now is the puffiness the fierce blood threads, but flooded among the fold in features is reveals for several points to constrain the long time anger in the heart indistinctly. 耶尘越说越激动,越说越暴躁,神情姿态仿佛突然变了一个人似的,原本平静的眼眸如今已是胀满了狰狞的血丝,而充斥在眉目之间的褶皱更是隐约流露出了几分在心中压抑多日的怒火。 Sister Toyah, you said a moment ago, we can only through the development, change all slowly, finally can make the entire Saint light pure land be close to the happiness infinitely, right?” “宾尔托亚修女,你刚才说,我们只能通过发展,慢慢改变一切,最终才能让整个圣光净土无限接近于美好,对吧?” But, first did not discuss the result that you said that human whether in Saint light instruction under the stick together realizes “但是,先不讨论你说的这个结局,人类到底能否在圣光的‘教诲’之下团结友爱地加以实现” Issue is, even if supposed that human can achieve “问题是,就算假设人类能够做到” How long time does this process need to spend specifically?” “这个过程具体又要花费多久时间?” Later can human make same mistakes over again?” “之后人类又到底会不会重蹈覆辙?” And the midway how many innocent good weak people, have to the destiny that because these days killed, died a tragic death some unknown corner with tears in the river of history!?” “以及中途又有多少无辜的善弱之人,不得不因为那些天杀的命运,含泪惨死在历史长河中某片不为人知的角落!?” At this point, Ye Chen at present as if sees these evil refugee who once again is hard to count, as if once again saw that forgot by the world, only has family that he himself can engrave on one's memory! 说到这里,耶尘的眼前仿佛又一次看见了那些难以计数的孽都难民,仿佛又一次见到了那个被世人遗忘,唯有他自己才能铭记于心的一家老小! These submerge unfair tragedy under historical current “那些淹没在历史洪流之下的不公悲剧” I am unable to endure, actually has to accept!” “我无法忍受,却又不得不接受!” However this most makes me feel the uncomfortable reality!” “而这才是最让我感到难受的现实啊!” Toyah is gazing at the Ye Chen vicious facial features silently, is listening respectfully to the Ye Chen weak spoken language silently, has not expressed own any view at once. 宾尔托亚默默注视着耶尘凶狠的面容,默默聆听着耶尘无力的言语,一时之间没有发表自己的任何看法。 „” “” The Ye Chen virgin hole expands the contraction in the anger unceasingly, but, occupies truly in that virgin hole deep place is actually deep-rooted helpless and loses 耶尘的童孔在怒火之中不断扩大收缩,但是,真正盘踞在那童孔深处的却是根深蒂固的无奈和失落 However, in a while, a miraculous glow comes in the Ye Chen mind suddenly for the first time presently. 但是,没过多久,一点灵光突然在耶尘的脑海之中乍现开来。 Then, the youth has not looked to the nun, but is put out a hand to rub the disorderly sending tree top, while the expression hesitated to say looking pensive in a low voice: 接下来,青年没有看向修女,而是一边伸手揉起了凌乱的发梢,一边表情若有所思地低声沉吟道: Only if “除非” Holy ghost is willing to stand personally “圣神愿意亲自站出来” Through her vast incomparable supernatural power, changes all these personally.” “通过她那浩瀚无比的神力,亲手改变这一切。” The Toyah's double pupil shines slightly, the sound inquired calm: 宾尔托亚的双眸微微亮起,声音波澜不惊地询问道: How to change?” “如何改变?” Ye Chen opens the eyes, the deductive thinking said: 耶尘睁大双眼,发散思维道: „The evils of social group, come from each individual “社会群体的各种罪恶,源自于其中的每一名个体” However the evil of each individual, then came from various desires in the middle of will of the people.” “而每一名个体的罪恶,则是源自于人心当中的各种欲望。” Also is the church ordinary remarks life seven crimes arrogant and greedy, lust, envy, guzzling, anger and lazy.” “也就是教会常谈的生灵七宗罪傲慢、贪婪、色欲、嫉妒、暴食、愤怒、怠惰。” World 99% artificial crimes, because these ugly desires live.” “世间百分之九十九的人为罪行,正是因为这些丑恶的欲望而生。” But, I remember, teaches the interior all by the Saint follower who the Saint light selects, own seven emotions and six sensory pleasures will be swept across within the body the strength of Saint light to wash out peaceful, not?” “但是,我记得,教会内部所有被圣光选中的圣信徒,自身的七情六欲都会被席卷体内的圣光之力冲刷澹化,不是吗?” This means “这样就意味着” Wanting the holy ghost is willing by the thought of own strength thorough entire human race, making everyone all turn into Saint follower who the desire declines “只要圣神愿意让自己的力量深入全人类的思想,让大家一个个全都变成欲望衰退的圣信徒” That, the Saint pure land cannot only turn toward in the middle of my ideal state, stepped about one stride directly?” “那么,圣光净土不就能够向着我理想当中的国度,直接迈近一大步了吗?” Listens to Ye Chen this slightly frightened incredible idea, Toyah to fall into the stunned sign language suddenly, finally asked back finally slowly in the surprise tone: 听完耶尘这番略显惊悚的荒诞想法,宾尔托亚一时间陷入错愕的哑语,最后终是以诧异的语气缓缓反问道: Mr. Ye Chen, your speech, is earnest?” 耶尘先生,你的发言,是认真的吗?” Supposition holy ghost, if really makes so absurd behavior “假设圣神如果真的做出如此荒唐的行为” „, Probably your within the body are flowing the hunters and descendants of different strength, what dangerous standpoint at the appointed time will face?” “那么,像是你们这些体内流淌着不同力量的猎人以及后代,届时又将会面临什么样的危险立场?” However, what making Toyah not think, facing this being well-founded question, Ye Chen actually not lift replies in a low voice ; 然而,让宾尔托亚万万没有想到的是,面对她这番有理有据的质疑,耶尘却是头也不抬地低声回答道; It doesn't matter.” “无所谓。” In any case, Ao spirit hunts for the most important significance that the group has, to exterminate abyss!” “反正,奥灵猎团存在的首要意义,就是为了剿灭深渊!” Such being the case, once the abyss perishes, the necessity that then this organization continues to have will also naturally also collapse!” “既然如此,一旦深渊灭亡,那么这个组织继续存在的必要性自然也会随之坍塌!” If the Saint light is really capable of terminating world all sins and ugliness “倘若圣光真的有能力终止世间一切的罪孽和丑恶” That, even if our these hunters will leave the historical arena, that is also natural, ultimately, favored result!” “那么,哪怕我们这些猎人将会就此退出历史舞台,那也是理所当然,大势所趋,众望所归的结局!” For this reason, if the Saint light really planned looked like me to say did “正因如此,如果圣光真的打算像我说的那么做” „The later all results, I, am willing to accept.” “之后的一切结果,我个人,甘愿接受。” Even is it can be said that glad to accept is not overrated!” “甚至可以说是乐意接受也不为过!”
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