OSH :: Volume #14

#1301: Said goodbye the nun

( How was I?) (我到底是怎么了?) ( General situation all have become understand obviously now clearly) (明明如今大局的一切都已经变得这么清晰明了) ( The 48 divine object fragment hunted for group complete collections of inspiration simultaneous/uniform) (启示录的四十八件神物碎片被猎团全部集齐) ( The main body of god of disasters Harvey Jordan was also grasped by me firmly in palm) (恶神哈维约旦的本体也被我牢牢握在掌心) ( Then, that side abyss, was equal to fall into absolute disadvantage without doubt) (如此一来,深渊那边,无疑等同于陷入到了绝对的劣势之中) ( However we, so long as defends future this year, when safely inspiration opens completely, eliminates together with all her lackeys from this world Harvey Jordan at one fell swoop overall, then obtained final victory, everyone can welcome complete result, not?) (而我们只要守住今后的这一年,安然等到启示录完全开启,一举将哈维约旦连同她的所有爪牙从这个世界上全盘清除,便是得到了最终的胜利,所有人都能迎来圆满的结局,不是吗?) ( Such being the case, I why under present this good, disturbed, blows hot and cold, hesitates?) (既然如此,我又为什么会在现在这个良好的局面下,心绪不宁,摇摆不定,踌躇不前?) ( I) (我) ( What to hesitate?) (到底在犹豫什么?) ( To what intention anger?) (又到底对着什么心怀怒火呢?) Ye Chen closes eyes quietly, while the heart self-examined, but cannot easily find out to answer the tuart suddenly 耶尘一边闭目沉寂,一边们心自问,可是一时间并不能轻易想出答桉 Then, the feature that in a while, he tightens stretches eventually generally just like the white clouds, the entire vice- body bathes under flowered window brilliance shining, temporarily throws the worry train of thought in heart in one side, fell relaxed, and comfortable darkness 然后,没过多久,他紧锁的眉目终究宛如白云一般舒展开来,整副身体沐浴在花窗光辉的照耀之下,暂时将心中的烦恼思绪抛在一边,就这么落入了放松且舒适的黑暗 Really, regardless of past many years, regardless of experiences many matters, grows up Ye Chen that in the church, forever can seek for own tranquility in this similar atmosphere 果然,无论过去多少年,无论经历多少事,在教堂长大的耶尘,永远都能在这种相似的氛围之中寻找到属于自己的宁静 In the dark world for a long time , a strange fragrance starts to sift the Ye Chen mind quietly slowly. 在黑暗的世界沉寂许久,不知不觉之间,一股奇异的芳香开始慢慢飘入耶尘的脑海。 After this , his starts to reappear gradually at present the strange picture. 在这之后,渐渐地,他的眼前开始浮现出了奇怪的画面。 Ye Chen sees an old woman of sketch to bend the waist to sit above the bench 耶尘看见一名只有剪影的老妇人弯腰坐在长椅之上 In her bosom is holding by the baby who the swaddling clothes bind tightly 她的怀中抱着被襁褓裹紧的婴儿 Her back blooms the brilliance of myriad holy sparkles 她的背后绽放出万千圣洁闪耀的光辉 Whenever the baby starts to sob time, the old person will be swinging the baby gently, coaxes him to go to sleep, coaxes him to sleep soundly 每当婴儿开始哭泣的时候,老人就会轻轻摇着婴儿,哄他入睡,哄他安眠 Warm picture that such seems like the eulogy kinship, in Ye Chen at present stays for a long time for a long time 这样一幅看似讴歌亲情的温馨画面,在耶尘的眼前停留了许久许久 Although does not understand implication, but has to acknowledge, light/only visits it, Ye Chen felt that constrains for a long time deep place mind, started unexpectedly inexplicably becomes relaxed 虽然不明白其中的涵义,但是不得不承认,光是看着它,耶尘就感觉压抑已久的深处心灵,竟是莫名开始变得放松了下来 All resumed the consciousness until him from this strange dreamland finally. 一切直到他最终从这道奇怪的梦境之中恢复了意识。 ?” “唔?” Opens the awake song sleepy eyes slowly, Ye Chen then discovered that one side of the body was closely being pasted by anything, turns the head to look, immediately saw that to wear the Saint light to teach the female who the nun overpowered. 缓缓睁开惺忪的睡眼,耶尘这才发现身体一侧被什么东西紧紧贴着,转头望去,随即望见了那名身穿圣光教会修女制服的女性。 It is not others 不是别人 Was fondly remembered by him cultivates female guest Toyah for a long time! 正是被他怀念已久的修女宾尔托亚! At this moment, Toyah leans on one side of the body of Ye Chen unexpectedly, before looking like him, such fell asleep safely! 此时此刻,宾尔托亚竟然倚靠于耶尘的身体一侧,就像是他之前那样安然睡着了! But has lingered in the fragrance of Ye Chen tip of the nose, the sending tree top that hangs from opposite party that several wisps sends out! 而一直萦绕于耶尘鼻尖的芳香,正是从对方那几缕垂下来的发梢所散发出来的! „!?” “啊!?” So sudden made Ye Chen instantaneously fear, following close on is being the subconsciousness moved out of the way a distance with Toyah. 如此突如其来的一幕令得耶尘瞬间惊住了,紧跟着便是下意识和宾尔托亚挪开了一段距离。 The youth have not thought , the friend who oneself do not see for a long time, will suddenly appear in this form in own front finally unexpectedly! 青年着实万万没有想到,自己许久不见的朋友,最后竟然会以这种形式突然出现在了自己的面前! And, as he of six heavy nightmare induction, before then unexpectedly has not felt the opposite party close to and contacts! 并且,身为六重噩梦感应者的他,在此之前居然没有感受到对方的靠近和接触! ( How like this should also be even if unlikely matter is completely right in sleep!) (怎么会这样哪怕是在睡梦之中这也应该是完全不可能发生的事情才对!) Ye Chen frowns to ponder. 耶尘皱起眉头思考起来。 ( Pure is only because she is a mortal, body does not have any unusual aura, in addition familiar smell, did this make me relax subconsciously vigilantly?) (难道单纯只是因为她是一名凡人,身上不具备任何超凡气息,再加上熟悉的气味,这才让我下意识放松了警惕?) () (唉罢了) ( The present recalls, before seemed to have also had similar condition) (现在回想起来,以前似乎也发生过类似的状况) ( No matter how said, this picture is not fortunately visual to Europe, has not caused unnecessary misunderstanding) (不管怎么说,还好这种画面没给欧可看见,没有引起不必要的误会) ( Otherwise, with her temper, will cause havoc absolutely makes one especially) (否则,以她的性子,绝对会大闹特闹一番) When thinks of this to the Ye Chen season spirit is willing, nearby Toyah also wakes ignorant. 待到耶尘心有余季地想到这点,一旁的宾尔托亚亦是懵懵懂懂地醒了过来。 Well?” “咦?” Sees only her to stretch out the fair finger, the look confused to rub the young eyelid, was looks up again to awkward Ye Chen. 只见她伸出白皙的手指,神色迷惑地揉了揉年轻的眼皮,再是抬头看向一脸尴尬的耶尘 Why does Mr. Ye Chen you think so me?” 耶尘先生你为什么这么看着我?” „” “啊难道说” I such sat in your side a moment ago fall asleep!?” “我刚才就那样坐在你身边睡着了!?” The Ye Chen facial expression continues maintains replies awkwardly in a low voice: 耶尘神情继续保持尴尬地低声回答道: Right, is this appearance “没错,就是这个样子” Toyah covered the complexion of blushing immediately. 宾尔托亚顿时捂住了羞红的面色。 Day, was really sorry!” “天呐,真是抱歉!” I was very long have not seen you, returned to here time a moment ago, saw exactly you sat seem like such took a nap here in the past peacefully, therefore wants to sit in side has a look at the change of your appearance, the result has not thought that finally even I also fell asleep together!” “我只是很久没有见到你了,刚才回到这里的时候,恰好见到你坐在这里像是以往那样安静小睡,于是就想坐在旁边看看你样子的变化,结果没想到最后连我也一起睡着了!” This I was really rash excessive really embarrassed!” “这我实在是冒失过头了实在不好意思!” Facing a Toyah's apology, Ye Chen clears throat, immediately replied well-mannered: 面对宾尔托亚的一番道歉,耶尘清了清嗓子,随即彬彬有礼地回答道: Hehe, is this, I knew, that makes us neglect this minor matter,” “呵呵,原来是这样,我知道了,那就让我们忽略这个小事吧,” Sister Toyah, is really does not see for a long time.” “宾尔托亚修女,真是好久不见。” Where did you go to before?” “你之前都去哪里了呢?” Facing the understanding and regards of Ye Chen, Toyah regains the smile, replied moderately: 面对耶尘的理解和问候,宾尔托亚重拾笑容,语气温和地回答道: Truly long time no see, Mr. Ye Chen, I went back that side the Saint light city to occupy some time before.” “确实好久不见了呢,耶尘先生,我之前回去圣光城那边居住了一段时间。” Because of the reason of war, I the family member who works in the church did not feel relieved, therefore summoned me ahead of time.” “因为战争的缘故,我在教会之中工作的家人不放心,所以才把我提前召了回去。” But, I strove for their agreement a short time ago, can therefore return to here to continue now in the church to serve as the nun as honest follower.” “不过,我前不久争取到他们的同意,所以如今又能回到这里以一介诚信徒的身份作为修女继续在教堂侍奉了。” Really, comparing in sacred light the city is extremely grave and serious atmosphere, I like for a long time occupying in hunter town/subdues all flowers blooming together local work ~ “果然,相比于圣光城太过庄重和严肃的氛围,我还是更喜欢在猎人镇这片百花齐放的地方工作久居呢~” The Ye Chen level tone replied: 耶尘平声回答道: Originally is this, good “原来是这样,挺好的” After all under nowadays this tense, the Saint light city and hunter town/subdues, can actually be said as the Saint light pure land safest place.” “毕竟在现今这个紧张的局面下,圣光城和猎人镇,其实都可以说是圣光净土最安全的地方。” Therefore, where regardless of you treat, can the highest level personal protection.” “所以,无论你待在哪边,都能够得到最顶级的人身保障。” Toyah expression approves the person of same belief earnestly: 宾尔托亚表情认真地赞同道: Yes, this is also one of viewpoints I insist.” “是的,这也是我坚持回来的观点之一。” In any event, very high heart sees you to be all right, Mr. Ye Chen.” “无论如何,很高心看见你没事,耶尘先生。” After all, as far as I know, Ao spirit hunted for all hunters of group as if to join in the previous that war, many brave hunters to protect our state heroic deaths.” “毕竟,据我所知,奥灵猎团的所有猎人似乎都投身到了先前的那场战争之中,很多勇敢的猎人都为保护我们这片国度壮烈牺牲了。” „The live broadcast of a while ago that hunter memorial service, I also looked, is really makes people feel the incomparable sadness and regrettable “前段时间的那场猎人悼念仪式的直播,我也看了,实在是让人感到无比的悲伤和遗憾” But , I rejoiced for this reason very much, today can also see you here.” “但是,正因如此,我很庆幸,今天还能在这里见到你。” Mr. Ye Chen, you can come back, was really good.” 耶尘先生,你能回来,实在是太好了。”
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