OSH :: Volume #13

#1293: Boundless bloodshed

The grayish white thick fog that measures strangely not spreads rapidly! 诡异莫测的灰白浓雾迅速蔓延! The dark red bloodshed of stretching to the horizon tilts the surface! 一望无垠的深红血海倾覆地表! All kinds of weapon wreckage drifting world! 各式各样的武器残骸飘浮世间! In addition, above the fog, the thunder, the flame winds around! 除此之外,云雾之上,电闪雷鸣,火光缭绕! But this piece floods mystically, strange and magnificent, is shocking, with raw hate, cruel and other all kinds of atmosphere element world, Ye Chen by own nightmare scene as the spirit world substitute that the prototype creation becomes! 而这片充斥着神秘、诡异、壮观、震撼、凶狠、暴戾等各式各样氛围元素的世界,正是耶尘以自身噩梦景象作为原型创造而成的灵界替代品! The named- boundless bloodshed! 其名为-无涯血海! Therefore, suddenly, Kui Ze then placed in the dead center of this blood red fog seas. 于是,眨眼之间,奎泽便是身处在了这片血红雾海的正中心。 Looked down just to overflow the dark red bloody water of table foot, Kui Ze does not speak, in the look was full of the interest gloss actually. 低头看了看刚刚没过桌脚的深红血水,奎泽不语,眼神之中倒是充满了兴致的光泽。 ......” “呼......” The original Yellow Springs world will become bloodshed vastness Ye Chen instantaneously completely, the expression slightly exhales foul air exhaustedly, smiles bitterly to say toward Kui Ze again: 瞬间将原先的黄泉世界全部变为血海汪洋的耶尘,表情略显疲惫地呼出一口浊气,再是向着奎泽苦笑道: Mr. Kui Ze, how is this my recent research results...... you feel?” “奎泽先生,这就是我近日以来的研究成果......您觉得怎么样?” Kui Ze expression appreciation nod comments: 奎泽表情赞赏地点头评价道: Is good.” “非常不错。” This grand scene, as well as with complete separation the closed room characteristics, almost achieved the same effect with the real spirit world.” “这道宏伟的场景,以及与外界完全隔离开来的封闭空间特性,几乎和真实的灵界达到了相同的效果。” Just......” “只不过......” Kui Ze voice falls, the arm takes up by near the jet black cane in wheelchair, immediately stick point to air gently one stroke. 奎泽话音落下,手臂拿起靠在轮椅边上的漆黑手杖,随即将杖尖对着身边的空气轻轻一划。 . 唰。 Delimits in the air along with the cane has wiped the brilliant trace, the Kui Ze's surrounding air seems like the white paper to tear at once generally. 伴随着手杖在空气之中划过一抹绚烂的痕迹,奎泽周围的空气旋即像是白纸一般撕裂开来。 But presents the scene picture outside slit, changed Yellow Springs scene that hunted for the world soul source. 而呈现在缝隙之外的场景画面,又变回了猎世魂源的黄泉景象。 Kui Ze looked at a crack, then reminded to Ye Chen: 奎泽看了一眼裂缝,转而向耶尘提醒道: Although the superficial work does very proper, the space quality of material appeared weak, I made an effort slightly, can tear here outer covering.” “虽然表面功夫做得很是到位,不过空间的质地还是显得过于薄弱了,我稍微用力一下,就能撕裂这里的外壳。” If must draw an analogy, the world that you show now looks like knockoff that lumber puts up, however I request is actually a fortress of steel casting.” “如果要打个比方的话,你现在展现的世界就像是一座木材搭设的山寨,然而我要求的却是一座钢铁铸造的堡垒。” Defense waits for enhancing.” “防御方面还是有待提高呐。” Facing Kui Ze this pertinent sharp review, the Ye Chen expression lowers the head to reply ashamed: 面对奎泽这番一针见血的锐利点评,耶尘表情惭愧地低头回答道: Yes, you said very correctly, about this fatal shortcoming, I also knows in heart, in the future can temper this surely with emphasis, on the one hand......” “是的,您说得非常正确,关于这个致命的缺点,我自己也心里有数,未来必定会重点磨炼这一方面......” Kui Ze returns the home position the cane , to continue to suggest moderately: 奎泽将手杖放回原位,语气平和地继续建议道: Moreover, you mold this space time needed, was long.” “另外,你塑造这个空间所花费的时间,过于漫长了。” Completes the present all these, you total spent a moment ago for enough 5 seconds.” “完成眼前的这一切,你刚才总计花费了足足五秒钟。” However I to you request in actual combat, most not over 10 milliseconds.” “而我对你在实战中的要求,最多不超过十毫秒。” The Ye Chen hear, nods layer on layer/heavily. 耶尘听罢,重重点了点头。 Yes, you said right, this I will also engrave on one's memory.” “是,您说得对,这点我也会铭记于心的。” Kui Ze turns the head to look all around, the observation long time, inquired again toward Ye Chen: 奎泽转头环顾四周,观察良久,再是向着耶尘提问道: „, This world, how long do you test to maintain?” “那么,这座世界,你有测试过自己能够维持多长时间吗?” The Ye Chen expression smiles bitterly to say awkwardly: 耶尘表情尴尬地苦笑道: I have truly conducted the test, but has never touched own limit truly, because the midway is always broken by all kinds of things. For example longest one time happened when yesterday, I altogether maintained this world about 14 hours was long. Then, I was direct the time hunt for the tea party that participated in you to conduct extremely.” “我确实有进行过测试,但是从未真正触及过自身的极限,因为中途总是被外界各种各样的事情被打断。比如最久的一次就发生在昨天,我总共维持这个世界大约14个小时左右的时长。然后,我就直接过来参加您举办的此次极猎茶会了。” Kui Ze smiles kindly. 奎泽和蔼一笑。 Hehe, so that's how it is, then, I when the long aspect does not need to be worried actually completely, after all was 14 hours is only long enough.” “呵呵,原来如此,这么说来,我在施法时长方面倒是完全不需要担心了,毕竟光是14个小时就已经够久了呢。” After this, Kui Ze stops slightly, is the look summarizes calm: 在这之后,奎泽稍稍停顿,便是神色淡定地总结道: Un, was almost these.” “嗯,差不多就是这些了。” Ye Chen hear, expression one ignorant. 耶尘听罢,表情一懵。 „...... This?” “啊......就这样?” Kui Ze shows a faint smile. 奎泽微微一笑。 Right, this.” “没错,就这样。” Was insufficient besides two I just mentioned, you almost did are impeccable.” “除了我刚才提到的两个不足以外,你做得几乎已经无可挑剔了。” „, You return to the Saint light pure land not to have many days, can within the so short time, single borrows the strength accomplish so a broad and complete world, this made me really very difficult to continue to find fault again.” “算起来,你回到圣光净土也没多少天,能够在如此短的时间之内,单借自身力量造就如此一座恢弘而完整的世界,这让我实在很难再继续挑刺了啊。” The Ye Chen silent several seconds, request to say immediately earnestly: 耶尘沉默几秒,随即认真要求道: But, this matter and duration irrelevant, the shortcoming is a shortcoming, I hope you can me more opinions and prompts, for example have the place that which can strengthen......” “可是,这种事情和时间长短无关,缺点就是缺点,我还是希望您能给我更多意见和提示,比如还有哪些可以加强的地方......” Kui Ze shakes the head. 奎泽摇了摇头。 No, the child, these aspects needed yourself to explore with concentration, after all here always belongs to your world, its all growth routes personally were decided by your master completely, I may not have the qualifications to continue to gesticulate as the bystander.” “不,孩子,这些方面就需要你自己潜心探索了,毕竟这里始终是属于你的世界,它的一切成长路线全部由你这个主人亲自决定,我作为外人可没有资格继续指手画脚。” Hears here, the Ye Chen expression replied unfortunately: 听到这里,耶尘表情略显遗憾地回答道: This...... good, was I was greedy, please forgive.” “这样吗......好吧,是我过于贪心了,请您谅解。” Kui Ze closes with a smile. 奎泽对此一笑置之。 Hehe, is all right.” “呵呵,没事没事。” „, The issue about spirit world, later gave yourself to go to improve completely slowly, I felt that I do not need to worry completely again.” “那么,关于灵界方面的问题,之后就全部交给你自己去慢慢完善了,我感觉自己完全不需要再操心了。” Good, since the proper business has consulted, then, discussed these issues you just mentioned.” “好,既然正事已经协商完毕,接下来,就来谈谈你刚才提到的那些问题吧。” Hears here, the Ye Chen expression changes, the heartbeat sped up several points immediately. 听到这里,耶尘表情一变,心跳顿时加快了几分。 „, Can ask quickly......” “啊,这么快就可以问了么......” However , Kui Ze added: 然而,紧接着,奎泽却是这么补充道: „, The child, my offensive talk first said in front.” “不过啊,孩子,我丑话先说在前头。” I will not give you in all issues an answer.” “我并不会在所有问题上都给你一个答案。” If something, I feel not to need, or is too early, then, I will jump over directly, do not brace oneself to continue to closely examine, like this Ok?” “如果有些东西,我觉得没有必要,又或者是为时过早,那么,我会直接跳过,你也不要硬着头皮继续追问,这样可以吗?” Ye Chen hears word, the look immediately seems quite complex, but still readily agreed that after all he may have no power of choice. 耶尘闻言,眼神顿时显得颇为复杂,但是仍然一口答应下来,毕竟他可没有什么选择的权力。 Un, I knew.” “嗯,我知道了。” Kui Ze backs on the wheelchair, sets level the body, the tone reminded indifferently: 奎泽背靠轮椅,将身体放平,语气淡然地提醒道: Good, such being the case, you can start to inquire.” “好,既然如此,那你可以开始提问了。” Ye Chen raised the first question in heart without hesitation. 耶尘毫不犹豫地提出了心中的第一个疑问。 First, you can tell me, on that day after my stupor, exactly what happened?” “首先,您能告诉我,那天在我昏迷之后,到底发生了什么事情吗?” But Kui Ze also returns to the covered passageway without hesitation: 而奎泽亦是不假思索地回复道: I through the special method, helping you erase the abyss disaster in within the body thoroughly, the long and short of the story were so simple.” “我通过自己特殊的手段,帮你彻底抹除了体内的深渊祸害,来龙去脉就这么简单。” Saw that Kui Ze does not plan to disclose detail obviously, Ye Chen, although feels in one's heart helpless, but also can only compromise to give up. 见到奎泽明显不打算透露其中的细节,耶尘虽然心感无奈,但是也只能妥协作罢。 Good......, the second issue...... I remember, you routed the butcher soon after to rush to the scene in me initially?” “好吧......那么,第二个问题......我记得,您当初是在我击溃屠夫不久之后才赶到现场的吧?” But, looked like a short time ago in such that in the summary conference spread, you said that I had suffered his captivity, but all these really had its matter completely......” “可是,就像是前不久在总结会议上传开的那样,您说我曾经遭受过他的囚禁,而这一切全部确有其事......” As the matter stands, I have doubts very much, after you obviously, rushes to my front, how also to know before that between I and him story?” “这样一来,我就很疑惑,您明明之后才赶到我的面前,又是怎么知道在那之前,我和他之间的故事呢?” Kui Ze replied coolly: 奎泽面不改色地回答道: In I help you eradicate the abyss in the process, I almost glanced over all memories, experiences and scene your life......, therefore, is not only story between you and butcher, you have encountered from infancy to maturity any together milestone, I glance over to look completely clear.” “在我帮你铲除深渊的过程之中,我几乎浏览了你人生之中的一切记忆、经历、场景......因此,不光是你和屠夫之间的故事,就连你从小到大遭遇过的任何一起重要事件,我全部浏览看得一清二楚。”
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