NOPTS :: Volume #15 FATE之综漫都市

#1061: Blonde fox female 3 wild spring Ji

Mr. Ye Yan, congratulates your first to rise into LV.2, although the camp is different, but can work together as colleagues in the same family clan with one of the opposite party camp most powerhouses, I equally am honored.” 夜魇先生,恭喜你第一个升入LV.2,虽然阵营不同,但能与对方阵营的最强者之一在同一眷族共事,我同样倍感荣幸。” " Funnel " is deliberately imitating the aristocrat etiquette of gull continent middle ages, but the frivolous intonation makes people unable to feel that any graceful, instead has a whole body by the poisonous snake has licked the fine hair but actually vertical feeling. 「漏斗」刻意模仿着鸥洲中世纪的贵族礼仪,但轻佻的语调却让人无法感觉到任何优雅,反而有种全身被毒蛇舔过的汗毛倒竖感。 Minded that chats alone? My some information, it is estimated that you will definitely be interested.” “介意单独聊聊吗?我这里有些情报,估计你肯定会感兴趣。” Good, goes to that side square fountain.” “好啊,就去那边的广场喷泉吧。” Luo Jie indifferent shrugging, in the square has beast god " Ka Nyssa " a guard of clan to inspect in any case for a long time, he did not worry that the opposite party will assassinate him under this big crowd of people. 罗戒无所谓的耸耸肩,反正广场上有兽神「迦尼萨」一族的卫兵长期巡视,他也不担心对方会在这种大庭广众之下对他进行刺杀。 Three people arrive by the square central fountain retreat together. 三人一同来到广场中央喷泉旁的僻静处。 Day after day the high noon beautiful sunlight shines in the crowded square, blonde son of upper-class family appearance " funnel " lifts the hand to haunch a black parasol, to the Luo Jie apology: Was disrespectful, because of bloodline reason, I, although does not fear the sunlight, but actually does not like this bright environment.” 日渐正午的明媚阳光照耀在人来人往的广场上,金发贵公子模样的「漏斗」抬手撑起一把黑色的遮阳伞,向罗戒歉意道:“失礼了,因为血统原因,我虽然不惧怕阳光,但却并不喜欢这种明亮的环境。” The bloodline not that very high-level blood group of this person, is only most common " vampire " , the quality relatively is possibly high, but has not gotten rid of the habit of that pale skin and dislike sunlight as before, therefore cannot be considers honestly, but is unable to cover up. 此人的血统并不是那种很高级的血族,只是最为普通的「吸血鬼」,可能品质相对较高,但依旧没有摆脱那惨白的皮肤与厌恶阳光的习性,所以并不能算是坦诚相告,只是无法遮掩罢了。 What do you want to say?” Luo Jie thinks otherwise is holding appreciatively Nether world flower buries Sword hilt. “你想说什么?”罗戒不以为然的把玩着【幽冥花葬】的剑柄。 Although the possibility is very low, but he not own safe gambling in possible two characters, if these two really dare to take risk to begin, his blade will have delimited two people throats absolutely immediately. 虽然可能性很低,但他并不会将自己的安全赌在“可能”二字上,如果这两人真敢冒险动手,他的刀绝对会在第一时间划过两人的喉咙。 Un, exchanges the information, rather I must bestow Mr. Ye Yan unilaterally your some information.” “嗯,与其说交换信息,不如说我要单方面赠送夜魇先生你一些信息。” Perhaps is detected that Luo Jie that subtle security, " funnel " lifted another hand that has not opened an umbrella on own initiative, hints itself to have no intention to make war. 或许是察觉到了罗戒那微妙的警戒,「漏斗」主动抬起未撑伞的另一只手,示意自己无意开战。 Mr. Ye Yan can take the lead to rise into LV.2 in all players, should detect that killed the hostile camp players can capture the opposite party " cause " the hidden rule, right?” 夜魇先生能在所有玩家中率先升入LV.2,想必应该已经察觉到了杀死敌对阵营玩家可以夺取对方「伟业」的隐藏规则,对么?” Smiling of Luo Jie shows neither approval nor disapproval, it seems like that the opposite party recognized him to promote through the murder, does not know that he promoted the quick true secret. 罗戒不置可否的笑了笑,看来对方认准了他是通过杀人来升级,并不知他升级快的真正秘密。 But I guess, Mr. Ye Yan definitely does not know also has another two hidden rules.” “但我猜,夜魇先生肯定不知道还有另外两条隐藏规则。” „?” Luo Jie stares slightly, cannot help but starts to reexamine front this son of upper-class family man. “哦?”罗戒微微一愣,不由得开始重新审视面前这贵公子般的男人。 " Funnel " the faint smile affecting corners of the mouth, pour do not have deliberately to keep guessing, said: Actually, except for killing the hostile camp players can capture " cause " , kills this camp player similarly also to capture " cause " , but captures " cause " quantity hostile player 1/4 to about 1/5.” 「漏斗」似笑非笑的牵动嘴角,倒也没有刻意去卖关子,说道:“其实,除了杀死敌对阵营玩家可以夺取「伟业」,杀死本阵营玩家同样也可以夺取「伟业」,只不过夺取「伟业」的数量只有敌对玩家的四分之一到五分之一左右。” Luo Jie knits the brows, he had guessed correctly that before indistinctly may have such rule, has not actually expected this man really to perform the experiment at present unexpectedly crazed. 罗戒皱了皱眉,他之前就已经隐约猜到可能会有这样的规则,却没料到眼前这个男人居然真的丧心病狂去做了试验。 „A hidden rule?” “还有一条隐藏规则呢?” Even if the hostile camp player, the damage of so long as in the same family clan, the attack causing will significantly reduce. In other words, only if the rank differs enormously, otherwise is unable to slaughter with the family clan players mutually.” “哪怕是敌对阵营玩家,只要在同一眷族内,攻击造成的伤害会大幅度降低。也就是说,除非等级相差极大,否则同眷族玩家根本无法互相厮杀。” Un, right, by the way- above two are not applicable to these NPC adventurers.” “嗯,对了,顺便说一句-以上两条并不适用于那些NPC冒险者。” " Funnel " the tone is superficial, but in the words disclosed the information that is the character character drop is actually dripping the blood. 「漏斗」的语气轻描淡写,但话语中透露出的信息却是字字滴淌着鲜血。 Luo Jie deeply inspires, just like understands intention that the opposite party wants to transmit. 罗戒深吸一口气,俨然明白了对方想要传达的意图。 You want to say that you do have no intention with me for the enemy?” “你是想说,你无意与我为敌吗?” Actually- at first I want to get rid of your, after all in the same family clan has the players of other camps to make me feel very uncomfortable. But from hitting to discover that last hidden rule, in addition Mr. Ye Yan your promotion speed, I had totally given up this laughable thought.” “其实-最初我是想干掉你的,毕竟同一眷族内有其他阵营的玩家让我觉得很不舒服。但从打发现那最后一条隐藏规则,再加上夜魇先生你的升级速度,我已经彻底放弃了这个可笑的念头。” I knew, many thanks you told me these.” “我知道了,多谢你告诉我这些。” Luo Jie nods, turns around to leave the square fountain directly, since did not say complies, has not said the rejection. 罗戒点点头,转身径直离开了广场喷泉,既然不说答应,也没说拒绝。 If last hidden rule real, then he truly does not need and " black wild ass " two people makes war with " funnel " . 如果最后一条隐藏规则是真的,那么他确实没必要与「漏斗」和「黑野驴」二人开战。 But this does not mean that he can feel relieved these two people completely. 但这不意味着他就可以完全放心这二人。 After all the murder not necessarily must begin personally, these two have Ys family clan one day, to Luo Jie throughout is a huge hidden danger. 毕竟杀人不一定非要亲自动手,这两人存在伊丝塔眷族一天,对罗戒而言始终都是个巨大的隐患。 Must find the opportunity to remove them. 必须找机会除掉他们。 Believing the opposite party should have the similar idea. 相信对方应该也抱有同样的想法。 ...... …… Love affair street, extremely eastern hall. 风月街,极东馆。 In a private room that fills extremely east wind square, hair is sitting like the sunlight brilliant fox clan young girls before the silver mirror of dressing table, whatever the young maidservant is combing the golden long hair for her, looks to reveal to wipe the light plaintiveness and lonely to the aquamarine eye pupil of out of the window flowering cherry tree. 在一间充满极东风格的私室内,一名毛发如阳光般绚烂的狐族少女正坐在梳妆台的银镜前,任由身后的小侍女为她梳理着金色的长发,望向窗外樱花树的碧绿色眼眸中流露出一抹淡淡的哀怨和孤独。 Spring Miss Ji......” “春姬小姐……” I have said that I now am only the practice prosperous woman, called my spring Ji.” “我说过,我现在只是个见习昌妇,叫我春姬就可以。” Good, spring Sister Ji.” The look ordinary young maidservant puts down the comb, what is skilled is the blonde fox person young girl puts on east the red color side the clothing, binds the waistband for it, while the whole face admires saying: I listened to the brothel other elder sisters saying that had position very high adventurer in the family clan, must receive spring Sister Ji to be the personal maidservant, although did not wait on the concubine, at least did not use the laborious daily reception different guests, other elder sisters envied spring Sister Ji's luck very much.” “好吧,春姬姐姐。”相貌普通的小侍女放下梳子,熟练的为金发狐人少女披上大红色的极东服饰,一边为其绑扎腰带,一边满脸艳羡道:“我听娼馆内其他的姐姐说,有位在眷族内地位很高的冒险者,要收春姬姐姐做贴身侍女,虽然不是侍妾,至少也不用再辛苦的每天接待不同客人,其他姐姐们很羡慕春姬姐姐的运气呢。” Because of the status of contamination, the prosperous woman of love affair street simply has not possibly married into the true aristocrat rich and powerful family, even marries the civilians to expect for the wives, some social climbing adventurer becomes waits on the concubine, is the best home to return to that they can obtain. 因为污秽的身份,风月街的昌妇根本没可能嫁入真正的贵族豪门,甚至嫁给平民为妻都是奢望,攀附某冒险者成为侍妾,便是她们所能得到的最好归宿。 Even so, is not every prosperous women can have such luck. 即便如此,也不是每个昌妇都能有这样的运气。 Most people's final destiny, is as old, brings the savings and a pain that the lifetime accumulates leaves Euler beautiful, spends one's last years in some Mumei small village lonely. 绝大多数人的最终命运,都是随着年老色衰,带着毕生攒下的积蓄和一身病痛离开欧拉丽,在某个无名的小村独自一人孤独终老。 On the blonde fox person young girl face shows some bitter and astringent smiles, sighed one lightly: This is any good luck, but changes another shackles from a shackles.” 金发狐人少女脸上露出些许苦涩的微笑,轻叹一声:“这算什么好运气,不过是从一个牢笼换到另一个牢笼罢了。” Her subconscious touching to the metal collar on nape of the neck, the hard ice-cold touch made her take back the finger instantaneously, the complexion was even more low-spirited. 她下意识的摸向脖颈上的金属项圈,坚硬冰冷的触感令她瞬间收回手指,脸色愈发黯然。 Ok, said you will not understand...... Sir Ys are not possible to allow me to leave Euler beautiful, I will also never probably gain the true freedom.” “算了,说了你也不会懂……伊丝塔大人是不可能允许我离开欧拉丽的,我也永远不可能获得真正的自由。” In the meantime, out of the door broadcasts a voice of maidservant. 就在此时,门外传来一名侍女的声音。 Spring Miss Ji, did you prepare? That adventurer Sir has arrived.” “春姬小姐,请问您准备好了吗?那位冒险者大人已经到了。” I have prepared, asking that Sir to come.” “我已经准备好了,请那位大人进来吧。” Yes.” “是。” Listens the sound of footsteps that maidservant is going far away, the blonde fox clan young girls deeply to inspire, lift the hand to send away for the young maidservant who she combs the hair and wash the face, sits well to the front door right person. 听着门外侍女远去的脚步声,金发狐族少女深吸一口气,抬手屏退了为她梳洗的小侍女,面向大门正身端坐。 Actually all have not mattered to her. 其实一切对她而言早已无所谓。 Her life should be expelled the main house gate to end by the father in 11 -year-old at that moment, all with " Ys " giving shelter and attendance of Aisha of young lady Sir, she lived on dishonorably for five years. 她的生命本该在十一岁被父亲逐出家门那一刻就结束,全凭着「伊丝塔」大人的收留和「阿伊莎」小姐的照顾,她才又苟活了五年。 The work of practice prosperous woman, becomes the maidservant of some adventurer Sir, using temporarily as returns Ys family race's graciousness to her giving shelter raising. 无论是见习昌妇的工作,还是成为某位冒险者大人的侍女,权当是回报伊丝塔眷族对她的收留养育之恩了。 The hedgerow gate of room pulls open, a male adventurer in black takes a step to walk into the room. 房间的障子门拉开,一名身着黑衣的男性冒险者迈步走入房间。 Made you wait for a long time, Master.” “让您久等了,老爷。” " Sanjouno spring Ji " forehead touches bends down to salute, when she raised the head again, cannot help but on the spot. 「三条野・春姬」额头触地俯身施礼,当她再次抬起头,却不由得愣在原地。 Well? Are you...... Your Highness Ye Yan?” “咦?你是……夜魇殿下?” «Space and time the Number-one Player» correct chapter will continue to renew in the new books pavilion novel net novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommend the new books pavilion novel net! 《时空之头号玩家》无错章节将持续在新书海阁小说网小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐新书海阁小说网! Likes the space and time the top player asking everyone to collect:() Space and time the number-one player new books pavilion novel net refresh rate is fastest. 喜欢时空之头号玩家请大家收藏:()时空之头号玩家新书海阁小说网更新速度最快。
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