NOPTS :: Volume #15 FATE之综漫都市

#1060: The world of talent, the mortal can only look up to

" Sanjouno spring Ji " . 「三条野・春姬」。 «Making a mistake» original works second quarter most strong character, actor Bell squad future becomes one of the ( hou ) ( gong ) importantly. 《地错》原著第二季的最重要角色,男主角「贝尔」小队未来的最重要成(hou)员(gong)之一。 The race is the fox person of beast person clan, is gentle, looks elegant. 种族为兽人族的狐人,性格温柔,姿容端丽。 The family background extremely east aristocratic family, the father is the god officer who the imperial family appoints to serve the gods. 出身极东贵族家庭,父亲是皇室指派侍奉神明的神官。 When more than ten years old was framed is expelled the main house gate, was first kidnapped by framing, then the halfway encounters half beast person to be abandoned, the bandits and thieves who then by process rescue, detected that was a maiden then roller resells ten thousand li (0.5 km) away labyrinth metropolis Euler beautiful. 十几岁时受人陷害被逐出家门,先是被陷害者劫持,而后半途遭遇半兽人被抛弃,接着被经过的盗贼所救,发觉是处女便一路辗转卖到了万里之遥的迷宫都市欧拉丽。 If other anything person, let alone is one, is three five, " Ys " will also bring to boss around Luo Jie this without hesitation in the future the biggest potential stock. 如果是其他什么人,别说是一个,就是三个五个,「伊丝塔」也会毫不犹豫的拿来笼络罗戒这个未来最大的潜力股。 But " Sanjouno spring Ji " is not good. 可偏偏「三条野・春姬」却不行。 Because the body of this fox clan young girl has an extremely rare magic- Wanbao mallet. 因为这狐族少女的身上有着一种极为罕见的魔法-【万宝槌】。 After starting, may make a adventurer in 15 minutes promotes rank. 发动后,可令一名冒险者在15分钟内暂时提升一个等级。 " Ys " had once checked the literature, knew that can use named that one type east produces extremely Sesshōseki (Killing Stone) The rare item, will have Wanbao mallet The fox person soul seal of ability, then destroys Sesshōseki (Killing Stone), Such each fragment can be used as the magic item, consumes the charm independent employment Wanbao mallet This magic. 「伊丝塔」曾查过文献,得知可以使用一种极东出产的名为【杀生石】的稀有道具,将拥有【万宝槌】能力的狐人灵魂封印,然后再打碎【杀生石】,这样每一枚碎片都可以作为魔法道具,消耗自身魔力单独使用【万宝槌】这一魔法。 This made her see beat old enemy- beautiful god " Frey " hope, therefore then sent people to go east to seek very early in the morning extremely Sesshōseki (Killing Stone), Only treats everything is ready, offers sacrifices this fox female, the lot manufacturing Wanbao mallet. 这让她看到了击败宿敌-美神「芙蕾雅」的希望,于是一早便派人前往极东寻找【杀生石】,只待万事俱备,就献祭这只狐女,批量制造【万宝槌】。 Therefore, " Sanjouno spring Ji " regarding " Ys " , and is not only an ordinary prosperous woman, but is she then expands the family clan influence the important secret weapon. 所以,「三条野・春姬」对于「伊丝塔」来说,并不仅仅是手下的一名普通昌妇,而是她接下来扩大眷族影响力的至关重要的秘密武器。 Even the Luo Jie importance must arrange after " Sanjouno spring Ji " - after all the Luo Jie potential is high, requires the long time to grow, but Wanbao mallet Actually gets quick results to the rise of family clan strength. 甚至就连罗戒的重要性都要排在「三条野・春姬」之后-毕竟罗戒的潜力再高,也需要漫长的时间去成长,而【万宝槌】对眷族实力的提升却是立竿见影的。 But the present situation makes " Ys " a little have a headache. 但现在的情况让「伊丝塔」有点头疼。 The gods are not cannot renege on a promise, may also probably divide the object. 神明不是不可以反悔,可也要分对象。 This named " Ye Yan " the rookie, if nothing unexpected happens inevitably is the family clan future most powerhouse, its importance endures compared with Frey is elegant the family clan " ferocity- Aouta " , if the first promise must renege on a promise, even if following to many compensations, will leave behind the obstruction in the opposite party heart unavoidably. 这名为「夜魇」的新人,如无意外必然是眷族未来的最强者,其重要性堪比芙蕾雅眷族的「猛者-奥塔」,如果第一次许诺就要反悔,哪怕后续给再多的补偿,也难免会在对方心中留下芥蒂。 Perhaps...... can the mortal body donate? 或许……可以肉身布施一下? " Ys " shakes the head in the heart secretly, although she never minded that rewards hand/subordinate some outstanding children with this way, but the situation is different at present, if does that with explicitly indicated that reneged on a promise also no difference. 「伊丝塔」在心中暗暗摇头,她虽从不介意用这种方式去奖励手下一些表现优秀的孩子,可眼下情况不同,如果这么做,跟明确表示反悔也没什么区别了。 Finally, under her reluctant point, opens the mouth saying: I can make the maidservant that fox female designation to you, but you must accept my condition.” 最终,她勉强点下头,开口道:“我可以将那狐女指派给你做侍女,但你必须答应我一个条件。” Sir Ys please say.” “伊丝塔大人请讲。” You can incite her to do anything willfully, but cannot have the sentiment beside servant to her...... the future some day, I may recall her, you can elect other maidservants again, but cannot question, even is makes a move to stop. Can you achieve?” “你可以任意指使她做任何事,但不可以对她产生奴仆以外的感情……未来的某一天,我可能会召回她,你可以再选其他侍女,但绝不可以质疑,甚至是出手阻拦。你能做到吗?” Luo Jie knows, regarding " Sanjouno spring Ji " , " Ys " is not possible easily to relent to release people it regards as the secret weapon, this supplemental condition is her final bottom line. 罗戒就知道,对于「三条野・春姬」,将其视作秘密武器的「伊丝塔」是绝不可能那么轻易松口放人的,这个附加条件就是她最后的底线。 Sir Ys spoke discreetly, I want is just one can fold the maidservant of warmed bed, but she exactly is quite long conforms to my aesthetic standard, east comes extremely, does not need to teach in the habits and customs again.” “伊丝塔大人言重了,我想要的只不过是一个可以叠被暖床的侍女罢了,而她恰好长得比较符合我的审美观,又是极东出身,在生活习惯上不需要再重新去教导。” Listened to the explanation of Luo Jie, " Ys " suddenly felt oneself were really possibly oversensitive. 听了罗戒的解释,「伊丝塔」忽然觉得自己可能是真的多心了。 Wanbao mallet Secret, except for her own, only then in the family clan the limited several trusted subordinates know, the opposite party not possibly joins the family clan also in less than half a month, at all to learn this matter from any channel. 【万宝槌】的秘密,除了她自己,只有眷族内有限的几名亲信才知道,对方加入眷族还不到半个月,根本不可能从任何渠道得知这件事。 Perhaps just like the opposite party said that selected " Sanjouno spring Ji " , settled on her appearance and family background merely. 或许正如对方所言,选中「三条野・春姬」,仅仅只是看中了她的容貌和出身。 Un, words saying that fennec female truly is much longer, has both the alien races and foreign dual characters and styles, if no Wanbao mallet Like this rare magic, 嗯,话说那只小狐女确实长得不错,又兼具异族和异国双重风情,如果不是身怀【万宝槌】这样的罕见魔法, " Ys " planned that allows her to enter the headquarters becomes high-level prosperous woman who receives the distinguished guest. Good, hopes that you can observe to my commitment.” " Ys " long puts out wisp of smog, is leaning against the bed, the manner again becomes lazy, waves saying: I was tired, you first draw back, that fennec female I will send people to give you to deliver later, how with me, no matter, but do not play.” 「伊丝塔」都打算让她进入总部成为接待贵宾的高级昌妇了。“好吧,希望你能遵守对我的承诺。”「伊丝塔」长长的吐出一缕烟雾,斜倚着床榻,神态再次变得慵懒,挥挥手道:“我累了,你先退下吧,那只小狐女待会我会派人给你送过去,怎么用我不管,但别玩死了。” Does not dare exhausted Sir Ys, " Sanjouno spring Ji " that side I can receive, but also asked Sir Ys to tell that love affair street that side, do not arrange her to sit the show/unfolds window starting from tonight again.” “不敢劳烦伊丝塔大人,「三条野・春姬」那边我会自己去领取,还请伊丝塔大人吩咐风月街那边一声,从今晚开始不要再安排她坐展窗了。” Ok, knew, you went to find a person to say one casually on the line, said that was my order.” “行了,知道了,你出去随便找个人说一声就行,就说是我的命令。” " Ys " impatient waving, puts down the smoke pole horizontally on the cot, closes one's eyes no longer says a word. 「伊丝塔」不耐烦的挥挥手,放下烟杆横于榻上,闭眼不再言语。 Luo Jie bows to salute, calm withdrawal room. 罗戒躬身施礼,从容的退出房间。 ...... …… Next day, the news that comes brand-new detonated Euler Li's main street and small alley, the stir that it causes even surpassed yesterday " more Taulos violent walks event " and " shallow layer adventurer chaos fights " . 次日,一则崭新出炉的消息引爆了欧拉丽的大街小巷,其造成的轰动甚至超过了昨日的「弥诺陶洛斯暴走事件」和「浅层冒险者大乱斗」。 Some people broke by " sword Ji- " quickest promotion record of creation, moreover enhances is also not a tiny bit, only used in less than half a month, from the LV.1 rise LV.2. 有人打破了由「剑姬-艾丝」创造的最快升级记录,而且提高的还不是一星半点,仅用了不到半个月时间,就从LV.1升到了LV.2。 Cheats! Certainly cheats! I used for five years to rise LV.2, seven years arrived at LV.3, how possibly did some people promote are so quick?!” “作弊!一定是作弊!我用了五年才升到LV.2,又七年才到LV.3,怎么可能有人升级这么快?!” The before bulletin board of adventurer association, the adventurers of several facial features old distresses make the defeat dog to bark wildly, if the shape the insanity, were taken along the pull-off hall that entrains by the travelling together partner immediately continually. 冒险者公会的布告栏前,数名面容苍老苦楚的冒险者做败犬狂吠,状若疯魔,随即被同行伙伴连拉带拽的拖出大厅。 Naturally, has after all a few of so extremely displaying, although most adventurers are unwilling, but more indeed is envied and sighed. 当然,有如此过激表现的终归还是少数,绝大多数冒险者虽心有不甘,但更多的确是羡慕与感叹。 When they have not been the beginning of that year entered Euler beautiful the smug youngster, the brutal reality has smoothed by grinding their edges and corners, made them understand a truth-, even if did not look at the family background, between the person and person were also unfair. 他们早已不是当年初入欧拉丽时踌躇满志的少年,残酷的现实早已磨平了他们的棱角,更让他们懂得了一个道理-哪怕不看出身,人和人之间也是不公平的。 The world of talent, the average person is unable to attain, even is close unable to achieve. 天才的世界,普通人根本无法企及,甚至连接近都做不到。 In Euler beautiful this place, startled certainly the colorful adventurer too were many, initial " ferocity- Aouta " so, afterward " sword Ji- " also so, even again many named " Ye Yan " the fellow, should not make a fuss about nothing. 在欧拉丽这个地方,惊才绝艳的冒险者实在太多了,当初的「猛者-奥塔」如此,后来的「剑姬-艾丝」也如此,就算再多个叫「夜魇」的家伙,也没什么值得大惊小怪的。 If each talent must envy, they thorough will fall like that several adventurers who before towed sooner or later insanely. 如果每个天才都要嫉妒,他们早晚会像之前拖出去的那几个冒险者一样彻底疯掉。 Let alone, the temporary rank is in the lead does not represent anything, has too such as sits the rocket high-speed upgrade earlier, later actually the card in some first-level clips on several years of even more than ten years unable to break through the example of bottleneck. 更何况,一时的等级领先并不代表什么,有太多前期如坐火箭般高速升级,后期却卡在某一级别上几年甚至十几年无法突破瓶颈的例子。 Everyone has the chance respectively, can laugh last, is the true winner. 每个人各有机缘,能笑到最后的,才是真正的赢家。 In brief, this announcement made Luo Jie become famous in Euler Li's adventurer thoroughly, later mounted. the blacklist meter of Australian area player with emphasis attention 总而言之,这一则公告让罗戒在欧拉丽的冒险者中彻底出名了,随后更是登上了米澳区玩家重点关注的黑名单。 Advantages are accompanied by disadvantages of this result regarding Luo Jie. 这个结果对于罗戒来说有利有弊。 The advantage is, everyone knows that his first rose into LV.2, the absolute rank disparity will have the shock and awe to other players, significantly reduced by the possibility that the hostile camp ambushed. 好处是,所有人都知道他第一个升入了LV.2,绝对的等级差距会对其他玩家产生震慑,大幅度降低被敌对阵营伏击的可能性。 The fault is, once were attacked, will be the most powerhouse of hostile camp, the fight difficulty will also soar inevitably. 坏处是,一旦遭到攻击,就必然是敌对阵营的最强者,战斗难度也将直线上升。 Goes out of the adventurer association hall under the innumerable mood complex line of sight gaze, Luo Jie is preparing to return to the love affair street to receive that only to be big fee/spent flustered to the golden hair fennec female who " Ys " must come, actually does not want just to go out is the fellow of acquaintance keeps off by two in reluctantly front. 在无数情绪复杂的视线注视下走出冒险者公会大厅,罗戒正准备返回风月街去领取那只大费周章向「伊丝塔」要来的金毛小狐女,却不想刚出门就被两个勉强算是熟人的家伙挡在了面前。 With is the hostile camp members of Ys family clan- blonde son of upper-class family " funnel " and glossy black muscle brother is expensive " black wild ass " . 同为伊丝塔眷族的敌对阵营成员-金发贵公子「漏斗」与油黑肌肉兄贵「黑野驴」。 «Space and time the Number-one Player» correct chapter will continue to renew in the new books pavilion novel net novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommend the new books pavilion novel net! 《时空之头号玩家》无错章节将持续在新书海阁小说网小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐新书海阁小说网! 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