NOPTS :: Volume #14 淘汰之异星漂流

#897: Couldn't the can be victorious green skin have been victorious you?

Couldn't the Chapter 897 can be victorious green skin have been victorious you? 第897章打不过绿皮还打不过你? " Lila " is preparing to take some food to Luo Jie, suddenly outside the tent hears noise, can hear neighing of horses faintly. 「德莉拉」正准备去给罗戒取些食物,忽然帐篷外传来一阵嘈杂声,隐隐还能听到马匹的嘶鸣。 But the hunter rabbit tribe does not breed horses, some are only named yak rabbit large-scale domestic animal. 而猎头兔部落是并不养马的,有的只是一种名为“牦兔”的大型牲畜。 Sir Ye Yan waits a bit, I have a look.” 夜魇大人稍等,我去看看。” This goes is nearly a half hour, is preparing to emit in Luo Jie Pipe Fox When searches the news, the curtain of tent lifts, " Lila " complexion ugly walked from outside. 这一去便是近半个小时,就在罗戒正准备放出【管狐】去探探消息时,帐篷的门帘掀开,「德莉拉」脸色难看的从外面走了进来。 „Does Lila, have an accident?” “德莉拉,出了什么事?” Is the empire envoy.” " Lila " sighs, from carrying in the bamboo basket takes out several wild herbs dumplings and have barbecued the dried meat, pours water to Luo Jie, while said: Originally our hunter rabbit clan life outside the northern border of empire, depends on presents tribute year after year some rare and precious furs to the empire and minerals, calculates that actually crossed lives in peace with each other...... may this year be different, heard that the empire in " the Arnous hill " with does not know what enemy battled to lose a battle, 300,000 armies were annihilated, for the payment war indemnity, the empire increased several times of taxation, increased the extra tax revenue to our hunter rabbit clan.” “是帝国使者。”「德莉拉」叹了一口气,从拎回来的竹篮中取出几个野菜团子和熏烤过的肉干,一边给罗戒倒水,一边说道:“本来我们猎头兔族生活在帝国的北方边境以外,靠着年年向帝国进贡一些珍稀毛皮和矿产,也算过得相安无事……可今年却不一样了,听说帝国在「阿尔努斯山丘」与不知什么敌人作战打了败仗,三十万大军全军覆没,为支付战争赔款,帝国加大了几倍的征税,对我们猎头兔族也增加了额外的税收。” „The empire envoys came the ultimatum under a moment ago, said to us the final three days of time, if cannot pay 100,000 gold coins or and other value properties, the big prince must lead troops to attack our tribe, seized to treat as the slave trade being tax-deductible funds us.” “刚才帝国使者是来下最后通牒的,说是给我们最后三天时间,如果不能缴纳十万金币或等价值财物,大王子就要带兵攻打我们部落,将我们捉去当作奴隶贩卖抵税款。” ? Originally the destruction of hunter rabbit tribe happened in this time point...... 哦?原来猎头兔部落的覆灭是发生在这个时间点上么…… However, Luo Jie most cares another information that " Lila " in words disclosed. 不过,罗戒最在意的还是「德莉拉」话语中透露出的另外一个信息。 You said that the empire and unknown enemy do battle? When matter is that?” “你说帝国与未知的敌人作战?那是什么时候的事?” Listened to the group foot merchant saying that probably the beginning of the year matter, these green clothes people have seized the Arnous hill now, but also constructed the fence there, did not plan to walk evidently. The senior statesmen in empire will also split the main action and advocate peace two big factions, daily quarrelled continuous, at present probably the peace advocation group is in the upper hand.” “听行脚商人说,好像是年初的事,现在那些绿衣人已经占领了阿尔努斯山丘,还在那里修建了围墙,看样子是不打算走了。帝国的元老会也分裂成了主战和主和两大派,天天争吵不休,目前好像是主和派占上风。” Luo Jie received " Lila " to hand over to be loaded with the wooden bowl of hot water, is stroking gently the chin gently. 罗戒接过「德莉拉」递来装有热水的木碗,轻轻摩挲着下巴。 At the beginning of the year, that should be they enters this illusion around time. 年初,那应该就是他们进入本场幻境的时间点前后。 Obviously the system did not plan that strangles the main line plot to the player directly the opportunity. 显然系统根本不打算给玩家直接扼杀主线剧情的机会。 Moreover now has crossed quick one year, even if knocks on the team not to have capital construction crazy demon from that the country of title, but such long time, enough they " the Arnous hill " will have constructed such as the iron bucket to be common. 而且现在已经过了快一年,就算叩队不是来自那有着“基建狂魔”称号的国家,但这么长的时间,已经足够他们将「阿尔努斯山丘」修建得如铁桶一般了。 After all there has gate such important facility, even if the foot basin chicken cannot draw cash to build on a large scale, the back Bald Eagle father spare no effort will also provide various aid absolutely, the degree of protection estimated that can refer to five foot buildings. 毕竟那里有“门”这么重要的设施,哪怕脚盆鸡拿不出钱来大兴土木,背后白头鹰爸爸也绝对会不遗余力的提供各种援助,防护等级估计可以参照五脚大楼。 With Angry day flame spear/gun Carries on the strategic air bombing? 用【怒日炎枪】进行战略轰炸? Giving the devil his due, this is not a great idea. 平心而论,这不是个好主意。 Arnous military base from the design, definitely considered by the possibility of long-distance magic bombing, even he can 24 hours of uninterrupted launch Angry day flame spear/gun, Under air defense of modernization, will not have random one round to fall to the base. 阿尔努斯军事基地从设计之初,肯定考虑了被远程魔法轰炸的可能性,就算他能二十四小时不间断的发射【怒日炎枪】,在现代化的防空体系下,也不会有任意一发能落到基地内部。 From political angle, if knocked on the military base of team to encounter the full-scale bombardment of unclear influence, another side Bald Eagle had good reason to disregard the oppositions of other countries, the control transmission gate, then forcefully put on airs carried out an investigation, compiled one to fear the arrange/cloth organization, started the war machine to send to the freedom and democratic to the different people of the world. 况且,从政治角度来讲,如果叩队的军事基地遭到了不明势力的大规模轰炸,另一边的白头鹰就有充分的理由无视其他国家的反对,强行接管传送门,然后装模作样的搞一番调查,编造出一个恐布组织,开动战争机器给异世界人民送去自由与民主。 Luo Jie does not doubt the situation joint performance gets to this situation, after all this was the traditional art of Bald Eagle country's, no one understood this set compared with them. 罗戒毫不怀疑局势会演变到这种地步,毕竟这都是白头鹰国的传统艺能了,没有人比他们更懂这一套。 But in other words , if no one attacks Arnous military base, even if the hooligan such as the Bald Eagle country, at least must maintain the civilized fig leaf, most is resorts to the diplomacy and trade method turns into dumping of manufactured products this different mainland and produced to expect the habitat, will not face universal condemnation to launch the large-scale aggressive war. 但反过来说,如果没有人攻击阿尔努斯军事基地,哪怕是流氓如白头鹰国,至少也要维持一下文明的遮羞布,最多是动用外交和贸易手段将这块异大陆变成工业产品的倾销地和原产料出产地,绝不会冒天下之大不韪发动大规模的侵略战争。 In other words, before cannot wrecking extinguish the transmission gate assurance, all sorts of rules and balance of modern civilization, are Luo Jie can only be used for in the fire to take the best weapon of chestnut. 也就是说,在没有能够一击毁灭传送门的把握之前,现代文明的种种规则与制衡,就是罗戒唯一可以用来火中取栗的最好武器。 But before then, Luo Jie must obtain one to be able with the position of national level equal dialog. 但在这之前,罗戒必须要取得一个可以与国家层面平等对话的地位。 Is good because has a delivering opportunity at present. 好在眼前就有一个送上门的机会。 Lila, you said a moment ago, the empire envoys gave you to issue the ultimatum, three days later what response will have the army to come to crusade against...... your hunter rabbit clan to have?” “德莉拉,你刚才说,帝国使者给你们下了最后通牒,三天后会有军队前来讨伐……你们猎头兔族有什么应对方案吗?” " Lila " is silent, looks the forced smile saying: What also means can have? This weather is unable to lift the clan to move, freezes to death to starve to death with it on the halfway, the only means can only be take up the weapon with empire- the armed forces spelled.” 「德莉拉」沉默下来,面露苦笑道:“还能有什么办法?这种天气根本无法举族迁徙,与其冻死饿死在半路上,唯一的办法就只能是拿起武器跟帝国-軍拼了。” Saying, her was taking out a cloth sack from the corner of tent, turns around to return said: Sir Ye Yan, very sorry, the fight of our hunter rabbit clan should not also involve you, tomorrow I will put you to leave secretly, under these are I usually save food, hopes that do not shut out.” 说着,她从帐篷的角落里取出了一个布袋,转身返回道:“夜魇大人,很抱歉,我们猎头兔族的战斗不该将您也牵扯进来,明天我会偷偷放您离开,这些是我平时积攒下的一点食物,希望您不要嫌弃。” Luo Jie has not said anything, received the cloth sack to force in son of a bitch " slightly to be possible " conveniently mouth. 罗戒没有说什么,接过布袋随手塞进了身旁的狗子「小可」嘴里。 Saw Luo Jie to accept the dry rations, " Lila " on the face showed the smile, sat also starts to eat the thing by the fire of high-piled firewood together. 罗戒收下了干粮,「德莉拉」的脸上露出了笑容,坐在火堆旁也开始一同吃起东西。 After the food, " Lila " suddenly bites the lip to stand up lightly, beast leather each article flaking. 饭后,「德莉拉」忽然轻咬着嘴唇站起身,将身上的兽皮装一件件剥落。 In the flame of leaping, is the young girl unique healthy curve to throw down to feel the stereoscopic effect in the fair flesh surface the shadow. 跃动的火光中,属于少女特有的健美曲线在白皙的肌肤表面投下充满立体感的影子。 Sir Ye Yan, you...... minded that my is in your human it seems like ugly fur?” 夜魇大人,您……介意我这身在你们人类看来丑陋的毛皮吗?” Luo Jie actually when ate meal a moment ago, the look that dodges from this hunter rabbit clan young girl that has detected anything, expression not slight accidental/surprised and surprised on face. 罗戒其实在刚才吃饭时,就已经从这猎头兔族少女那躲闪的眼神中察觉到了什么,脸上的表情没有丝毫的意外和惊讶。 Human regarding the cognition of rabbit girl, generally is the symbolic long rabbit-ear and wool ball rabbit tail. 人类对于兔女郎的认知,一般是标志性的长兔耳和绒球兔尾。 But outside the people of this world hunter rabbit clan is a little high, the both legs from the instep to the knee above 20 centimeters, the both arms from the shoulder to the small arm center, are covering and hair color same thick hair, only then the face and middle torso is human equally is smooth the soft skin. 但这个世界猎头兔族的人外度有点高,双腿从脚面到膝盖以上二十公分,双臂从肩膀到小臂中央,都覆盖着与发色相同的浓密毛发,只有面部与中间的躯干是人类一样光滑柔软的皮肤。 This is the Demi-Human type is also loathed and discriminated against, the important reason that regards as the savageness wild animal by human. 这也是亚人种被人类所厌恶与歧视,视作未开化野兽的重要原因。 Smiling of Luo Jie not cares, the line of sight stays in " Lila " , in the look was full of the appreciation. 罗戒毫不在意的笑了笑,视线停留在「德莉拉」身上,眼神中充满了欣赏。 Since I see your first, thought that you are a very attractive miss, Lila.” “从我见到你的第一眼,就觉得你是个很漂亮的姑娘,德莉拉。” This saying to be not the word of being contrary to convictions, so long as has shuttled back and forth the certain amount of illusion world, most players will adapt to the aesthetic appreciation of diversification gradually. 这话并不是违心之言,只要穿梭过一定数量的幻境世界,大多数玩家都会渐渐适应多元化的审美。 So long as the appearance is not specially strange, sometimes will even discover, once accepted this setting also very to have the feeling. 而且只要长相不是特别怪异,有时甚至会发现,一旦接受了这种设定还挺带感的。 If you did not mind that sleeps together...... " " Lila four to kneel with my female beast like this fully on the ground soft animal skin, to submit to absolutely the stance crawls before the body of Luo Jie, three days later I could die in the battlefield, I hope that my body is changing cold at that moment, inside can feel that as before Sir Ye Yan you leaves my warmth.” “如果您不介意与我这样的雌兽同寝……”「德莉拉」四足跪在地面柔软的兽皮上,以绝对臣服姿态爬到罗戒的身前,“三天后我可能会死在战场上,我希望我的身体在变冷那一刻,里面依旧可以感觉到夜魇大人您留给我的温暖。” The body is drawing close, lens actually in move back. 身体在贴近,镜头却在拉远。 Full is in the ash deposit firepit, the dry firewood was being licked by flame greedy licking, demanding, burning, often is sending out clearly delightful flip-flop sound. 满是积灰的火塘中,干燥的木柴被火焰贪婪的舔舐着,索取着,燃烧着,不时发出清脆悦耳的噼啪声。 In draws draws...... 噼里啪啦里啪拉啪拉啪啪啪啪…… ...... …… After three days . 三日后。 Early morning the low and deep bugle horn sound that was heard by the archer's tower breaks tranquilly, the huge hunter rabbit tribe was activated by announcement of this fight instantaneously. 清晨的宁静被箭楼传来的低沉的号角声打破,庞大的猎头兔部落被这战斗的宣告瞬间激活。 Silver-haired old woman, the child who is childish, takes up the respective short sword and bow and arrow, is chewing the hard dried meat, while in threes and fours rushes to the altar open area situated in tribe center fast. 无论是白发苍苍的老妪,还是稚气未脱的儿童,都纷纷拿起各自的短刀与弓箭,一边嚼着硬邦邦的肉干,一边三五成群的飞快赶往位于部落中心的祭坛空地。 Is decorating the head of the clan tent of magnificent feather and in animal bones accessory, the hunter rabbit clan beautiful woman who has the snow white hair color and fur/superficial knowledge, wears the sacrificial offering splendid attire to sit well before the same time the bronze mirror, whatever the maidservant smudges on the face for her in the red totem greasepaint. 装饰着华丽羽毛和兽骨饰品的族长帐篷内,一名有着雪白发色与皮毛的猎头兔族美人,身着祭祀盛装端坐于一面铜镜前,任由侍女为她在脸上涂抹在红色的图腾油彩。 Hunter rabbit queen who a head of the clan of hunter rabbit clan biggest tribe, the tribe alliance selects- " Dewe " . 正是猎头兔一族最大部落的族长,部落联盟共选出的猎头兔女王-「蒂尤蕾」。 Head of the clan Sir.” “族长大人。” Lila? Comes.” “德莉拉么?进来吧。” Hunter rabbit queen " Dewe " wielded draws back has completed the maidservant of work, set out to take up to hang the double blade and bow and arrow on wall, looked at single knee in the efficient love of ground, in the ruby eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes low-spirited. 猎头兔女王「蒂尤蕾」挥退已经完成了工作的侍女,起身拿起挂在墙壁上的双刀与弓箭,看了一眼单膝跪在地上的得力爱将,红宝石般的眼睛中掠过一抹黯然。 „Were person in attendance?” “人都到齐了吗?” And does not have the baby of combat capability except for several severely wounded not hunting team members, the other 1273 tribe members have arrived in full completely, only you ordered to go to battle.” “除了几名重伤未愈的狩猎队成员和没有战斗能力的幼儿,剩余的一千二百七十三名部落成员已经全部到齐,只等您下令出战。” Empire......” " Dewe " an angry blade cut off was used to hang the wooden frame of clothes on hand, deeply inspired, looked to kneeling in front " Lila " , asked: Heard that you do let go the man who that first several days caught?” “帝国……”「蒂尤蕾」愤然的一刀斩断了手边用来挂衣服的木架,深吸一口气,望向跪在面前的「德莉拉」,问道:“听说你放走了那个头几天抓来的男人?” " Lila " knows how long this matter could not hide the truth from, the nod acknowledged: Subordinate felt, the war is about to begin, I as the hunting team leader, am inappropriate divert attention at this matter again......, moreover he is a human, once makes war with the empire, might become the unstabilizing factor in tribe very much.” 「德莉拉」知道这事瞒不了多久,点头承认道:“属下只是觉得,大战在即,我作为狩猎队队长,不合适再在这种事上分心……况且他是个人类,一旦与帝国开战,很有可能会成为部落中的不稳定因素。” " Dewe " smiles, the red eye pupil as if has seen through " Lila " innermost feelings. 「蒂尤蕾」笑了笑,红色的眼眸仿佛已看穿了「德莉拉」的内心。 Although I know what you said is the lie, you like that human male......, but, did not matter, I am also insufficient, because that hateful empire vents anger other innocent human. Let alone, he perhaps now is my tribe in the future some child's father, not?” “虽然我知道你说的是假话,你喜欢那个人类男性……不过,无所谓了,我还不至于因为那可恶的帝国就去迁怒其他无辜的人类。更何况,他说不定现在已经是我部落未来某个孩子的父亲了,不是么?” " Lila " complexion red, subconscious light is caressing as before the smooth compact lower abdomen slightly. 「德莉拉」脸色微微一红,下意识的轻抚着依旧平坦紧致的小腹。 Subordinate......” “属下……” No, does not need to explain anything.” " Dewe " bends down the hand builds in " Lila " the shoulder on, the tone said gently: As the queen of hunter rabbit clan, although I cannot grab the male who likes like you at will for the clan and tribe multiplication heir, but not cannot understand that your at this moment...... was happy, the time was similar, we should go to battle.” “不,不用解释什么。”「蒂尤蕾」俯身将手搭在「德莉拉」的肩膀上,语气柔和道:“身为猎头兔族的女王,我虽不能像你们那样随意劫掠喜欢的男性为部族繁衍子嗣,但并非不能理解你此刻的心情……好了,时候差不多了,我们该出征了。” Yes.” “是。” Along pressing the level snow road walks up the high stair, under more than 1000 eyes simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform will look on the sacrificial altar that to select the snow white beautiful form high. 沿着压得平实的雪路走上高高的台阶,下方一千多双眼睛齐齐将视线投向祭台上那高挑雪白的美丽身影。 Clansmen, forcing of empire have made us draw back do not have to draw back, our only choices only then take up the blade in hand, making the empire people know that our hunter rabbit clan will not submit to any enemy!” “族人们,帝国的逼迫已经令我们退无可退,我们唯一的选择只有拿起手中的刀,让帝国人知道我们猎头兔族绝不会向任何敌人屈服!” " Dewe " draws out the waist short sword, refers to the day swearing, the snow white long hair flutters in the cold wind high. 「蒂尤蕾」拔出腰间短刀,指天立誓,雪白的长发在寒风中高高飘扬。 I wish in this, I am willing to offer sacrifices my rou body, ignites the ceremonial fire of sacrificial offering...... the sun god Frey inferior (Asia), war-god admires Louie, deep god Hatty, god of Delto pledge are many, god of Rappin revenge...... I seize the sword of life the incarnation, ruins the enemies of my hunter rabbit clan completely!” “我在此祈愿,我愿献祭我的禸身,燃起祭祀的圣火……太阳神芙蕾亚,战神艾慕洛伊,冥神哈迪,誓约之神德尔托多,复仇之神帕拉潘……我将化身夺命之剑,将我猎头兔族之敌全部葬送!” Ruins completely-!” “全部葬送-!” Below sword stands in great numbers, shouts "kill" heavenshaking! 下方刀剑林立,喊杀震天! ...... …… Meanwhile, on a mountain top kilometer away. 与此同时,千米以外的一处山头上。 Was crowded around by several thousand soldiers is sitting well the blonde youth above white steed, grasps in the scene of the telescope completely to receive in the eye hunter rabbit clan and tribe, on the handsome face revealed sneering of Yin duck. 被数千士兵簇拥着端坐于白色骏马之上的金发青年,手持单筒望远镜将猎头兔部族中的这一幕景象尽收眼中,英俊的的脸上露出了阴鹜的冷笑。 One crowd smelts the iron not female beast, unexpectedly also wants to revolt against my empire army, when oneself are that group of green skin people of Arnous hill?- Biography I order, attack!” “一群连冶铁都不会的雌兽,居然还想反抗我的帝国大军,当自己是阿尔努斯山丘的那群绿皮人么?-传我命令,进攻!” Shield like city, long spear/gun like forest, fully-armed empire- soldier parade advances slowly, the serious step treads on the hard land, just like one person neatly. 盾牌如城,长枪如林,全副武装的帝国-士兵列队徐徐推进,沉重的步伐踏在坚硬的土地上,整齐犹如一人。 ...... …… The fight has not continued too for a long time, then to collapse to come to an end by the hunter rabbit clan armies on all fronts. 战斗没有持续得太久,便以猎头兔族大军全线崩溃而告终。 " Lila " is leading the elite soldier of hunting team, is protecting queen " Dewe " and a clansman retreats fighting, but as a result of implications of lots of wounded soldier, finally by empire- army surrounded on a bleak hillside. 「德莉拉」带领着狩猎队的精英战士,保护着女王「蒂尤蕾」和一众族人且战且退,但由于大量伤兵的拖累,最终还是被帝国-軍队包围在了一处荒凉的山坡上。 Incarnadine the empire soldier of armor had not been further acted by the blood, but made way suddenly a channel, revealed rear one big blonde youth who wears the magnificent dress. 被鲜血染红了铠甲的帝国士兵没有进一步行动,而是忽然让开了一条通道,露出了后方一名身穿华服的高大金发青年。 The empire's first position successor- big prince " Szo Caesar " Dewe, hunter rabbit queen. ” Big prince " Szo " covers the face exudes the insolent laughter, after the moment, draws in the smile, sits well is carefree and content to say immediately: Queen, I thinks that you do not want to look your people do die under the blade in vain? Was inferior how we did discuss a condition?” 帝国第一顺位继承人-大王子「索莎尔・埃・凯萨」蒂尤蕾,猎头兔女王。”大王子「索莎尔」掩面发出张狂的笑声,片刻后收拢笑容,端坐于马上悠然自得道:“女王阁下,我想你也不想看着你的这些子民白白死在刀下吧?不如我们谈个条件如何?” During the speeches, he hit the sound to refer , before one group of captured hunter rabbit soldiers the soldier advanced, crude pushing over in ice-cold snowy area. 说话间,他打个了响指,一群被俘的猎头兔战士被士兵推到了阵前,粗暴的按倒在冰冷的雪地上。 " Dewe " shoves open is stopping near the top her " Lila " , abandons the short sword and bow and arrow in hand, is looking at the blonde man dozens meters away indifferently. 「蒂尤蕾」推开阻拦着她靠前的「德莉拉」,扔下手中的短刀与弓箭,冷眼望着数十米外的金发男子。 Lets loose my clansman, I talked to you.” “放开我的族人,我跟你谈。” Very good.” Big prince " Szo " pinches the chin, look greedy about is taking a look at " Dewe " that to select the beautiful physique high, hit a sound to point out again: To demonstrate your sincerity, first takes off your clothes- wild animal should not study the person to wear the clothes.” “很好。”大王子「索莎尔」捏着下巴,眼神贪婪的上下打量着「蒂尤蕾」那高挑美艳的身姿,再次打了个响指道:“为展示你的诚意,先脱掉你的衣服-野兽是不该学着人穿衣服的。” Asked the ticket...... on section Caidan to paste the kings to be black the street to have the Demi-Human little elder sisters of technology, today should the strong request of Liangshanpo, paste the hunter rabbit queen, do not complain that put on a lot, has little put on is unable examining, being interested can look in the second quarter the first volume. 求票……上一章彩蛋贴了王都黑街有技术的亚人小姐姐们,今天应“梁山泊”们的强烈要求,贴出猎头兔女王,不要抱怨穿得多,有穿得少无法过审,感兴趣的可以自己去看第二季第一集。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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