NE :: Volume #3

#254: The goddess delivered the benefits

The people in power always do not like oneself subordinate extremely in the intelligence, especially that type can guess correctly smart person who own thoughts, this will make the person in power eat restlessly, sleepless. 当权者一向不太喜欢自己的手下太过于聪明,特别是那种能猜到自己心思的聪明人,这会让当权者食不安,夜不能寝。 Beta is not Yang Xiu, he has enough strength self-preservation, words that he spoke a moment ago, nothing but is felt that Second Prince to own dreading, has wanted to remind his point: Your thoughts I understand, do not come to annoy me! 只是贝塔并不是杨修,他有足够的实力自保,刚才他说的话,无非就是感觉到了二王子对自己的忌惮,想点醒他一点:你的心思我明白,别来惹我! Although First Prince is tyrannical, but Second Prince is not the good person. But in the dwarf dials high, Second Prince also will at least make some superficial work, these were then enough. He has not planned in any case becomes the Second Prince staff, so long as attains the wetland the property rights, Second Prince has become the king, has the opinion and discontented to him, he not empty! 大王子虽然暴虐,但二王子也不是什么好人。只不过矮子里拨高个,二王子至少还会做些表面功夫,这些便足够了。反正他又没打算成为二王子的幕僚,只要拿到湿地的所有权,二王子就算成了国王,对他有意见和不满,他也不虚! Heard Second Prince to want him to help to collect grain, Liang Lidong has thought under then complied. 听到二王子要他帮忙筹集粮食,梁立冬想了下便答应了。 Military provisions about 300 people dry rations day of consumptions do not calculate too, if only three days, in the Grand Residence Spell space that small warehouse can install under. Now the only trouble, where is purchases, or collection dry rations. 300人左右的干粮一天消耗的军粮并不算太多,如果只是三天的话,豪宅术空间中那个小仓库都能装得下。现在唯一的麻烦,便是去哪里购买,或者收集干粮。 Royal City naturally cannot go, First Prince will definitely make the person pay attention to large amount flowing of grain, although said that in many noble has the extremely numerous grain in storage, but if wants to buy from their hands, is quite definitely difficult, only if pays enormously, for example 2-3 times of price purchases. 王城自然是不能进去了的,大王子肯定会让人注意粮食的大宗流动,虽然说很多贵族家中都有极多的存粮,可要想从他们手里买到,肯定相当困难,除非付出极大的,比如说两三倍的价格购买。 However Liang Lidong also has the method but actually, after he has rested slightly one next, transmitted Reed Village. 不过梁立冬倒也不是没有法子,他稍微休息了一下之后,传送回了里德村 This time is late at night, he appears in the Waukeen Temple entrance, just opened the front door, Jessica threw from inside, is holding the waist of Liang Lidong, the small head arches in his chest face arch. 此时是深夜,他出现在渥金神殿门口,刚推开大门,洁西卡就从里面扑了出来,抱着梁立冬的腰,小脑袋在他的胸口前拱来拱去。 Just like Husky! 活脱脱一头哈士奇 He taps the head of little girl, after entering to Temple, then put Kyle and the others, said in the entrance set, Emma will then lead the queen to go to the Beyrin home tomorrow morning directly, they relate very well, Kyle wants to rest at home, but Alice must entangle is being admitted to his home, he has then given Alice the house. Oneself run Winterwind City to look for Barbara. 他拍拍小女孩的脑袋,进到神殿中后,便将凯尔等人放出来,说了句明天早上在门口集合,艾玛便带着王后直接去了贝琳家,她们两人关系很不错,凯尔本想在家休息一下,但爱丽丝非要缠着住进他家,他便把房子让给了爱丽丝。自己跑去冬风城笆笆拉 This action, results in the making an effort flexure quilt the Alice air/Qi, one has not had a good sleep in the evening. 这举动,把爱丽丝气得使劲挠被子,一晚上没有睡好。 Liang Lidong rests actually very well, he is optimistic. In addition for these days in being busy fighting, somewhat was truly tired, lay down on the bed to fall asleep. 梁立冬倒是睡得很好,他心宽。再加上这几天一直在忙着战斗,确实也有些累了,一躺到床上就睡着了。 Although has fallen asleep, but is quick he to sober in the nightmare space, is smiling. Piece wisp, pure white such as jade Catherine stands before him. He deeply inspired, asks: You in Winterwind City?” 虽然睡着了,但很快他就在梦魇空间中清醒过来,笑意盈盈。不着片缕,洁白如玉的凯瑟琳站在他面前。他深吸了一口气,问道:“你在冬风城?” Cathy nods, smiles looks like hungry several days, the female fox that sees the meat, she has licked the brilliant red lip, the character and style ten thousand farms said: I continuously in Winterwind City. I have not thought actually, you came back unexpectedly.” 凯瑟瑟点点头,笑得就像是一只饿了十几天,见到肉的母狐狸,她舔了舔自己红艳艳的嘴唇,风情万种地说道:“我一直在冬风城。我倒是没有想到,你居然回来了。” But my present Reed Village, you in Winterwind City, such far distance. Unexpectedly can also draw me?” “可我现在里德村,你在冬风城,这么远的距离。居然也能把我拉进来?” Catherine has pasted, the mature woman fragrance has surrounded Liang Lidong immediately, her both hands hug to hug the waist of man, the entire body sticks on the body of Liang Lidong, then also gently rubs in the critical part: My strength has grown stronger, so is simple.” 凯瑟琳贴了上来,成熟的女人香立刻将梁立冬包围了,她双手抱搂着男人的腰,整个身体粘在梁立冬的身上,然后还轻轻地在要害部位摩擦:“我的实力变强了,就这么简单。” Liang Lidong smiles bitterly, oneself can grow stronger, others naturally can also grow stronger, he coughs, said: Don't anxiously management. My a little matter wants to say with you. You help me prepare 300 people about four days the dry rations, the fodder that 300 warhorses want, needs how much money, was divided to buckle from my gold ore on the line.” 梁立冬苦笑一下,自己能变强,别人自然也能变强,他咳嗽一声,说道:“别急着办事。我有点事情想和你说。你帮我准备300人四天左右的干粮,还有300匹战马要的草料,需要多少钱,从我的金矿分成中扣出去就行了。” Ok. Does not have the issue......” the Catherine aura to become rapid, her slender white hands entered from the lower hem place, touch the chest of man, glanced in the circulation, she has been spouting pink mist to Liang Lidong, was flushed by this pink mist. The Liang Lidong spirit somewhat was absent-minded. “行。没有问题……”凯瑟琳的气息变得急促起来,她纤纤玉手从衣摆处伸入,摸上了男人的胸膛,眼波流转中,她对着梁立冬喷出了一口粉色的雾气,被这口粉色雾气一冲。梁立冬的精神就有些恍惚了。 Then, is a carefree dripping meat play...... Catherine such was anticipating time, actually sees own powder all kinds nightmare space the outer covering place, transmits a loud sound, cracks are the ribbon appear above the space likely generally, has not waited for her to respond, the space broke a large cave/hole, is wearing the golden armor, leading the sacred ray female to fall from day. 接下来,便是一场畅快淋漓的肉戏……凯瑟琳正这么期待着的时候,却看到自己粉色色梦魇空间的外壳处,传来一阵巨响,一条条裂纹像是丝带一般出现在空间上方,还没有等她反应过来,空间就破了个大洞,一名身穿着金色铠甲,带着神圣光芒的女性就从‘天’而降。 The bright golden hair, the golden double pupil, the golden armor, as well as the encirclement side her, these is having the sacred attribute golden ray. 亮金色的头发,金色的双瞳,还有金色的铠甲,以及环绕在她身边,那些带着神圣属性的金色光芒。 Sees her, Catherine felt oneself have met the natural enemy, her body cannot bear is trembling, even including controlling the strength of oneself body cannot cause. 看到她,凯瑟琳就感觉自己遇到了天敌,她的身体忍不住在发抖,甚至连控制自己身体的力量都使不出来。 This person is Waukeen Goddess, she had the vision of carefully examining to look at Catherine...... Light, Catherine then vanished, the pink nightmare space along with it disappearance, then was golden God Kingdom has also taken over control of this stretch of space world. 这人便是渥金女神,她带着审视的目光看了一下凯瑟琳……只是淡淡的一眼,凯瑟琳便消失了,粉红色的梦魇空间也随之消失,接下来便是金色的神国接管了这片空间天地。 Looks at the place that Catherine vanished again, Waukeen Goddess has turned round, arrives at the Liang Lidong front. 再看了一眼凯瑟琳消失的地方,渥金女神回过身,走到梁立冬的面前。 At this time the Liang Lidong brain is quite blurry, body gives off heat, he saw two mountain peaks, the right hand has pressed at present subconsciously. 此时梁立冬脑子相当迷糊,‘身体’发热,他看到眼前有两座山峰,右手下意识就按了下去。 Waukeen looks that the hand of man pinches in own chest, having several points to confuse and hesitate, approximately after having gawked for one second, she patted the right hand of Liang Lidong, then together the golden light projected from her body, scattered confuses sentiment that’ directly Liang Lidong received effect. 渥金看着男人的手捏在自己的胸口,带着几分迷惑与迟疑,约愣了一秒钟后,她拍开了梁立冬的右手,而后一道金光从她的身上射出,直接驱散了梁立冬受到的‘迷情’效果。 Liang Lidong blinked, he is somewhat surprised: Goddess? When do you come here?” 梁立冬眨了眨眼睛,他有些惊讶:“女神?你什么时候来到这里的?” The Waukeen faint smile said: „Did I as if hit to worry about your good deed? Wants me to help you pull back that hybrid Succubus again?” 渥金似笑非笑地说道:“我似乎打忧了你的好事?要不要我再帮你把那个混血魅魔拉回来?” Liang Lidong beckons with the hand hastily: Does not use, exhausted goddess takes the trouble. Does not know that goddess Secondary God falls, has any Oracle.” 梁立冬连忙摆摆手:“不用了,劳烦女神费心。只是不知道女神这次神降下来,有什么神谕。” Does not need to install the appearance of awe.” Waukeen beckons with the hand, said ill-humoredly: I know that you do not have many respect to me, but has regarded a quite formidable life me. This coming, I am something want to chat with you.” “不用装得那么敬畏的模样。”渥金摆摆手,没好气地说道:“我知道你对我没有多少敬意,只是把我当成了一个相当强大的生命。这次过来,我是有些事情想和你谈谈。” Please say.” “请说。” Waukeen transfers Divine Power, caused two golden thrones, she sits quite high that then thinks, has raised Liang Lidong that gold/metal throne, is orthogonal with, then asked Liang Lidong to sit down, and said: I have the premonition, this world must start the new holy war quickly, but our strengths were too small and weak. Small and weak, must stick together to survive, the light is our words, very difficult to survive in this disaster, therefore we must result in the joint together small and weak gods.” 渥金调动神力,弄出了两张金色的王座,她坐上比较高的那张,然后想了想,又将梁立冬那张金王座调高了些,和自己平齐,然后这才请梁立冬坐下,并且说道:“我有预感,这世间很快就要掀起新的圣战,但我们的力量还是太弱小了。弱小者,就必须抱团才能生存下去,光是我们自己的话,很难在这次劫难中存活下来,所以我们必须得联合一起弱小的神明。” For example?” “比如说?” Forest Goddess, Flame Goddess, or...... Goddess of Love!” 森林女神,火焰女神,或者……爱神!” Flame Goddess, Goddess of Love truly is the small and weak gods.” Liang Lidong is somewhat surprised: But Forest Goddess but can the superior gods, how be the small and weak goddess?” 火焰女神,还有爱神确实都是弱小的神明。”梁立冬有些惊讶:“但森林女神可是上等神明,怎么会是弱小的女神?” Waukeen shakes the head, the waterfall attractive bright gold/metal long hair rocks slightly, is extremely attractive: Forest Goddess more than 300 years ago, by very strange different strength attack, was lost most Divine Power suddenly, was sneak attacked by Demon God, almost died, Light God, Storm Goddess has drawn her, she already looked like me to be common, by the seal in the crack of Plane, is unable to come out...... Perhaps said, she will be more miserable than me.” 渥金摇摇头,瀑布般漂亮的亮金长发微微晃动,极是漂亮:“森林女神在300多年前,突然被很古怪的异界力量袭击,损失了大半的神力,而后又被魔神偷袭,差点死掉,要不是光明神,还有风暴女神拉了她一把,她早就像我一般,被封印在位面之隙中,无法出来……或许说,她会比我更惨。” Flame Goddess, Goddess of Love Pope is not difficult to look.” Liang Lidong nods: But Forest Goddess Pope is Elf Empress...... She hides in Elf Forest , to ask her to form an alliance, difficultly is very very difficult.” 火焰女神,爱神教皇都不难找。”梁立冬点点头:“但森林女神教皇精灵女皇……她躲在精灵森林中,要想找她结盟,很难很难。” Indifferent.” Waukeen beckons with the hand: If can relate on nature to be good, relates on does not matter. So long as Goddess of Love and Flame Goddess can with our alliance, in the forthcoming turmoil, we at least also be able to be many some energy.” “无所谓。”渥金摆摆手:“如果能联系得上自然好,联系不上也无所谓。只要爱神火焰女神能和我们联盟,在即将到来的动乱中,我们至少也能多些底气。” Liang Lidong nods to indicate that understood. 梁立冬点点头表示明白了。 Waukeen Goddess then said: Actually I have had am paying attention to you...... Exactly said that pays attention to your soul fluctuation. You after to become Grandmaster Level Class Holder, the soul fluctuation are very as before steady, as if is not excited, aren't you to your strength promotion, the interest big?” 渥金女神接着说道:“其实我一直都有在注意你……确切地说是注意你的灵魂波动。你在成为大师级职业者后,灵魂波动依旧很平稳,似乎并不怎么兴奋,难道你对自己的实力提升,兴趣不大?” Liang Lidong has gawked, he has not thought actually, Waukeen will pay attention to itself unexpectedly. 梁立冬愣了一下,他倒是没有想过,渥金居然会注意自己。 In the game, he early is the legend, therefore naturally does not have any special view regarding the Grandmaster Level, but he cannot speaks frankly the matter and Waukeen, thinks then saying: Possibly is my this person not too easy excited.” 在游戏中,他早已经是传奇,所以对于大师级自然没有什么特别的看法,但他总不能把事情和渥金直说吧,想了想便说道:“可能是我这人不太容易激动吧。” After Waukeen watched a Liang Lidong meeting, slightly said with a smile: I work as truly am so...... I should walk, although said that recently believed my person to be many, but dreamland Divine Descent, is still a very laborious matter.” 渥金看了梁立冬一会后,才微微笑道:“那我就当确实是如此吧……我该走了,虽然说最近信仰我的人多了些,但梦境神降,依然还是件挺辛苦的事情。” Sees off the goddess.” “恭送女神。” Waukeen fluttered, golden God Kingdom gradually becomes fuzzy, at present she must disappear, she suddenly has actually remembered a matter, said: Was right, don't old and these dirty hybrid Succubus mix up, although said that you are Class Holder, but they will absorb your energy, what is most important, you are my Pope, cannot fool around together with that low status lifeform, since you like that matter, later I then deliver you a pure companion, you do not need to thank me, does not use politely, this is the reward that you should win.” 渥金飘了起来,金色的神国渐渐变得模糊,眼前她就要消失的时候,她却突然想起了点事情,说道:“对了,别老和那些肮脏的混血魅魔混在一起,虽然说你是职业者,但她们会吸取你的精力,最重要的是,你是我的教皇,不能与那么低等的生物厮混,既然你喜欢那种事情,待会我便送你一个纯洁的伴侣,你不用谢我,更不用客气,这是你应该得的奖赏。” Then, she does not wait for Liang Lidong to answer, then vanishes in the dreamland. 接着,她不等梁立冬回话,便消失在梦境中。 But Liang Lidong woke quickly, at this time is in the morning, he gets out of bed to wash the face, will transmit Winterwind City, gathers the military provisions from Catherine there the time, actually hears the Temple backyard bang, as if there is heavy item to pound. 梁立冬很快就醒了过来,此时已经是早上,他起床洗了把脸,正要传送去冬风城,从凯瑟琳那里收取军粮的时候,却听得神殿后院轰隆一声,似乎有重物砸下来。 Because the fear is the enemy raids, Liang Lidong jumps from window there, runs up to the backyard to look, discovered there was pounded a gulf, golden color, circular magic guard/shield. After several seconds, the magic guard/shield vanishes, inside is standing an attractive young girl of wear white long skirt. 因为害怕是敌袭,梁立冬从窗户那里跳出去,跑到后院一看,发现那里被砸出了一个深坑,还有一个金色的,圆形的魔法护罩。几秒钟后,魔法护罩消失,里面站着一个穿着白色长裙的漂亮少女。 She has the bright golden long hair, pure white skin, what is most important, this young girl grows and Waukeen is extremely similar, besides lacking Waukeen that Divine Attribute temperament, other places almost exactly the same. Liang Lidong suspected, this young girl, absolutely and Waukeen has the direct relations. 她有着亮金色的长发,洁白的皮肤,最重要的是,这少女长得和渥金极其相似,除了缺少渥金那股神性气质外,其它地方几乎都一模一样。梁立冬怀疑,这少女,绝对和渥金有着直接的关系。 The young girls see Liang Lidong, in the pale golden double pupil reveals a happy expression, she leapt gently arrived at the Liang Lidong front, then the single knee knelt down, said with the admire look: Pope your majesty, the goddess makes me take care you, from now henceforth, I am your scabbard.” 少女看到梁立冬,淡金色的双瞳中露出一丝喜色,她轻轻一跃就到了梁立冬的面前,然后单膝跪下,用爱慕地眼神说道:“教皇陛下,女神让我来服侍你,从今以后,我就是你的剑鞘。” Liang Lidong pats the forehead fiercely, is quite speechless, he thinks that Waukeen casually said that finally also really delivered a woman to come. What is most important, why does this young girl grow such looks like with her? 梁立冬猛地一拍额头,相当无语,他本以为渥金只是随便说说,结果还真送了个女人过来。最重要的是,为什么这个少女长得和她这么像? Is Divine Attribute clone?( To be continued.) 难道是神性分身?(未完待续。)
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