NE :: Volume #12

#1167: Why you are all right

Beta to pair child Goddess Idol this word very sensitive, coming this world to have several years, he had almost not found many and two wife related news. 贝塔对双子女神像这词很‘敏感’,来这个世界已经有好几年了,他几乎就没有找到多少与自己两个‘老婆’有关的消息。 But now, has the doubtful pair of child Goddess Idol matter to appear, how he possibly does not care. 而现在,有疑似双子女神像的事情出现,他怎么可能不在意。 What pair of child Goddess Idol?” Beta advances one step, asks. “什么样的双子女神像?”贝塔走前一步,问道。 Bei silk and An Qila, see the urgency of Beta eye swelling. Since especially An Qila, Beta has given her continuously the impression, is calm steady. 蓓丝儿和安琪拉两人,都看到出贝塔眼肿的急切。特别是安琪拉,贝塔给她一直以来的印象,都是沉着稳重的。 Bei silk thought subconsciously this is the good opportunity of negotiations, but she thinks, according to extinguishing this thought that replied honestly: I am not clear. I only know that is pair of child Goddess Idol, the specific situation, only has the father probably, knew.” 蓓丝儿下意识觉得这是个谈判的好机会,但她想了想,按熄了这个念头,老老实实地答道:“我也不清楚。我只知道是双子女神像,具体的情况,大概只有父亲,才知道了。” Beta sighed, the Sauron corpse in front, seemed chummy, early knew so, first makes him live again is good some time. 贝塔叹了口气,索伦的尸体就在前边,似乎还热乎着,早知道如此,就先让他再活一段时间好了。 Anqi carries off to his side, said low voice: Sorry, have I as if gone bad your matter?” 安琪拉走到他的旁边,小声说道:“抱歉,我似乎是坏了你的事情?” Also no wonder An Qila somewhat was worried, help and benevolence of Beta to their Succubus clan was too big, owes people the benevolence is a very painful matter, she does not want because of oneself matter, to go bad the Beta important matter. 也怪不得安琪拉有些担心,贝塔对她们魅魔一族的帮助和恩情都太大了,欠人恩情是一件很痛苦的事情,她不想因为自己的事情,坏了贝塔的大事。 But now, as if has gone bad. 但现在,似乎已经坏了。 This causes An Qila mood disturbedly. 这使得安琪拉心情忐忑不已。 Beta swings 贝塔摇【 Shaking the head: All right, the thing in Lerbet Danner city, we attacked in any case again there on the line. It rising foot will not run away.” 】摇头:“没事的,反正东西在莱贝丹纳城,我们再把那里攻下来就行了。它又不会自己涨脚跑掉。” An Qila hears word relaxed: Now goes?” 安琪拉闻言松了口气:“现在就去?” Does not use.” Beta beckons with the hand: First helps Bei silk stability here environment, after all, here is one of you very important sources of income, depending on the strength of Bei silk, may not handle her brothers and sisters.” “不用。”贝塔摆摆手:“先帮蓓丝儿稳定这里的‘环境’,毕竟以后这里是你们很重要的经济来源之一,光凭蓓丝儿的力量,可搞不定她的兄弟姐妹们。” Bei silk in the one side, shows permits some the awkward look. 蓓丝儿在一旁,露出许些尴尬的神色。 ............ ………… ............ ………… When cloth city wall withdraws troops from city, is the five days later matter. 当尔布城从佛施亚城撤军的时候,已经是五天后的事情了。 Has fought a big successful battle, your cloth city wall naturally was happy raises the inspiration, Succubus this day drinks high, nonsense, but they, even if in this state, did not have to find the person to press out the juice again. 打了一场大胜仗,尔布城自然是欢掀鼓舞,魅魔们这天都喝高了,胡言乱语,但她们即使在这种状态下,也没有再去找人榨汁。 Now they regard other Demon Realm races, started to have a self-confident feeling. 现在她们看待其它的魔界种族,都开始有了种自信的感觉。 The self-confident person, almost will again not mistreat himself. 自信的人,几乎都不会再作践自己。 An Qila as the queen, she can see the occurrence of this situation very much happily, was eaten to the full to put on warmly by own sisters, has the living in contentment place, is wish that she most starts, but now her the wish changed. 安琪拉作为女王,她很高兴能看到这种情况的发生,让自己的姐妹们吃饱穿暖,有个安居的地方,是她最开始的心愿,但现在她的心愿变了。 She hopes that the entire Demon Realm sisters live have the dignity. 她希望全魔界的姐妹们活得有尊严。 This desire is very big, idealizes very much. 这个愿望很大,很理想化。 On this day, An Qila is hugging in Beta that on oneself outputs, asked low voice: You have helped my.” 这天,安琪拉抱着在自己身上输出的贝塔,小声问道:“你会一直帮我的吧。” We are the friends, naturally can!” “我们是朋友,当然会!” Beta replied very much earnestly. 贝塔很认真地回答道。 An Qila was happy immediately, then goes all out puts forth himself to flatter the skill of man, any vacuum black hole, limit oppression wait/etc. powerful styles have caused. 安琪拉顿时开心不已,便更加地卖力地使出了自己讨好男人的本事,什么真空黑洞,极限压迫等等强力招式都使了出来。 The scene was once intense. 场面一度非常激烈。 One week later, Le Toucheng the army appears outside of Lerbet Danner city. 一个星期后,乐头城的军队出现在莱贝丹纳城的外边。 But this Lerbet Danner city does not have any resistance unexpectedly, hung the white flag in the top directly. 但这次莱贝丹纳城居然没有任何抵抗,直接就在墙头挂出了白旗。 A city main Jeremy own bootstrap the white flag from airborne is flying. 一城之主的杰里米亲自举着白旗从空中飞下来。 You may really understand that sizes up the situation.” Looks at face flattering color Jeremy, some of An Qila: I really am also thinking how you will revolt.” “你可真是懂得审时度势啊。”看着一脸谄媚之色的杰里米,安琪拉有些克奈:“我还真想着你会怎么反抗呢。” City has not withstood you, how we possibly can achieve.” Jeremy said lightly: Moreover, the grain in our city are not many, the strength, is the time, us, simply did not surrender, at least might retain something.” “佛施亚城都没有顶住你们,我们怎么可能做得到。”杰里米淡淡地说道:“况且,我们城里的粮食也不多了,无论是实力,还是时间,都不在我们这边,干脆投降了吧,至少有可能保留住一些东西。” Jeremy's procedure is actually very common in Demon Realm, without any odds of success, surrenders to the powerhouse, the opportunity of receiving in exchange survival, is very fairly, nobody will discriminate. 杰里米的做法在魔界其实很常见,在没有任何胜算的情况下,向强者投降,换取生存的机会,是很合情合理的,没有人会歧视。 Rather, hits a not any odds of success the tough battle, instead will be regarded the fool by others. 倒不如说,打一场没有任何胜算的硬仗,反而会被别人当成傻子。 An Qila stands in front of Jeremy, is facing up to him: You offered the city, what guarantee wants to obtain?” 安琪拉站在杰里米面前,正视着他:“你把城献出来了,想得到什么样的保证?” I hope that can take away part my wealth, my equipment.” Jeremy somewhat desolately said: „If possible, hopes that the queen you can also bleed off my child lineage.” “我希望能拿走一部分我的财富,我的装备。”杰里米有些落寞地说道:“如果可能的话,希望女王你也能放走我的子裔。” An Qila turns head to look at Beta. 安琪拉扭头看着贝塔 Beta makes noise to ask: Double child Goddess Idol, you know that is what?” 贝塔出声问道:“双子女神像,你知道是什么吗?” The Jeremy complexion becomes somewhat gloomy, he sighed: „The person in city, said this matter with you?” 杰里米脸色变得有些阴郁,他叹了口气:“佛施亚城的人,也和你们说了这事?” Beta and An Qila have not spoken. 贝塔和安琪拉都没有说话。 Jeremy looks own front cloth city wall army, he somewhat struggles, but gave up finally. 杰里米看着自己前边的尔布城军,他有些挣扎,但最后还是放弃了。 Double child Goddess Idol in my underground secret, I leads you to go.” “双子女神像就在我的地下秘室中,我带你们去。” Afterward the city gate opens greatly, your cloth city wall soldier non- blade blood entered in the city, has taken over control of all. 随后城门大开,尔布城兵不刃血地进到了城中,接管了一切。 The Lerbet Tong Nacheng residents anything too big expression, whom City Lord has not changed to work as is the same, does not have the difference. 莱贝彤纳城的居民们没有什么太大的表示,城主换谁来当都一样,没有差别。 Has changed person of paying taxes. 只是换了个交税的人罢了。 But Beta, An Qila come to his underground secret with Jeremy. 贝塔,安琪拉两人跟着杰里米来到他的地下秘室中。 From the beginning draws also some worries according to Qi is the trap, but discovered afterward Jeremy accepted fate. 一开始按琪拉还有些担心是陷阱,但随后发现杰里米真的是认命了。 The underground secret is very big, is piling many valuable thing, for example a gold coin jewelry and so on. 地下秘室挺大,堆着许多值钱的玩意,比如说金币一珠宝之类的。 In the angle, a pair and the others the white statue of height, Beta walk, touches two faces that one will have been familiar with gently, the expression is very strange. 在角度里,还有一双等人身高的白色雕像,贝塔走过去,轻轻地抚摸了一会熟悉的两张脸,表情很是奇怪。 Anqi carried off, watched a meeting, said: On that Emblem with your back of the hand is exactly the same, who are they?” 安琪拉走了过来,看了一会,说道:“和你手背上的那个纹章一模一样,她们是谁?” My wife.” “我的妻子。” Two goddesses?” An Qila is somewhat surprised. “两个女神?”安琪拉有些惊讶。 Jeremy hears this saying in side , is very surprised. 杰里米在旁边听到这话,也很是惊奇。 As the Demon Realm lifeform, they can feel on Divine Idol to contain, quite weak Divine Attribute. 作为魔界生物,他们两人都能感觉到神像上蕴含的,相当微弱的神性 Beta shakes the head: I, no matter they are the gods, in my opinion, they are my wife, but does not know where ran is off.” 贝塔摇头:“我不管她们是不是神明,在我看来,她们两人就是我的妻子,只是不知道跑哪里去罢了。” An Qila shrugs. 安琪拉耸耸肩。 Jeremy's complexion somewhat weak satire, seemed ridiculing Beta indulging in fantasy, overreaching oneself. The captive, he definitely will laugh. 杰里米的脸色有些微弱的讽刺,似乎在嘲笑贝塔的‘异想天开’,‘不自量力’。要不是阶下囚,他肯定会大笑出来。 Because regarding the lifeform of Demon Realm, said that the goddess is oneself wife, regardless of in Qigai said that the princess is oneself wife is equally absurd laughably. 因为对于魔界的生物而言,说女神是自己的妻子,无论于乞丐说公主是自己的妻子一样荒谬可笑。 Beta has touched the period of time two stone carvings faces gently, then turns head to ask: Why you and do Sauron want to compete for this pair of child Goddess Idol?” 贝塔温柔地抚摸了一阵子两个石雕的脸,然后扭头问道:“你和索伦为什么要争夺这个双子女神像?” Jeremy has hesitated a meeting, finally said: Once in a while, this pair of child Goddess Idol will release some unusual Magic Power materials, the quality is very high. After the absorption, has certain advantage to our strength growth.” 杰里米迟疑了一会,最后还是说道:“每隔一段时间,这座双子女神像就会释放出一些奇特的魔力物质,质量很高。吸取后,对我们的实力成长有一定好处。” Is so mysterious?” An Qila puts out a hand, wants to move the statue, but just fell to extend, the fingernail was escaped by the unusual dodging electric shock. “这么神奇?”安琪拉伸出手,想去触碰一下石像,但刚落伸过去,就噼叭一声,手指甲都被奇特的闪电震脱。 Jeremy cannot bear laugh: This is the order gods department, usually I do not dare to depend too near.” 杰里米忍不住哈哈大笑:“这可是秩序神明系的,平时我都不敢靠太近。” Quite sore!” An Qila looks at Beta: „ How you are all right! „ “好疼!”安琪拉看着贝塔:“你怎么没事!“ Jeremy responded immediately, right, why at present this black warrior does not have the matter! 杰里米顿时反应过来,对啊,眼前这黑武士为什么没有事!
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