NE :: Volume #11

#1069: Warm

Is very good, in feeling and family/home almost, but is also more convenient than the family/home , the life is newer.” “很好,感觉和家里差不多,但又比家里更便利,生活更新鲜些。” Because has the Teleportation Magic Array intercommunication with Elf Race, in addition Kekeyara made the person vigorously propagandize one wave in Elf Race with Wealth Church, as well as friendly relations of Waukeen City, added that here was quite safe, therefore is willing to arrive at Waukeen City to come traveling a elf to be getting more and more. 因为和精灵族之间有传送魔法阵互通,加之可可亚拉让人在精灵族大力宣传了一波和财富神教,以及渥金城的友好关系,还说这里相当安全,所以愿意到渥金城来‘旅游’一圈的精灵越来越多。 Most elves returned to Elf Forest , but also 1-2 elves are one after another willing to remain, settles down in the south small forest. 1-2 years later, small forest there elf population, broke through 80. 绝大多数的精灵都回到了精灵森林,但陆陆续续也有一两个精灵愿意留下来,定居在南边的小森林之中。一两年下来,小森林那里的精灵人口,已经突破80了。 People were many, the popularity was naturally more exuberant. 人多了,人气自然就旺盛了些。 Waukeen City also built roads, passes through small forest there, the transportation is quite convenient, therefore the elves of small forest arrive in Waukeen City to window-shop to go shopping once for a while. 渥金城还修了条路,通到小森林那里,交通相当方便,因此小森林的精灵们时不时到渥金城中逛街买东西。 Elf Race most people do not have what intuition to money, but they are good at bartering very much, the elf honey, is the candied and preserved fruit of Elf Race manufacture, is the luxurious readily marketable commodities, so long as they put out one can of elf honey casually, can buy many things, meanwhile can trade many gold coins to go back. 精灵族大多数人对金钱没有什么直感,但他们很擅长以货易货,无论是精灵蜜,还是精灵族制作的果脯,都是奢侈畅销品,他们只要随便拿出一罐精灵蜜,就能买不少的东西,同时还能换得不少的金币回去。 Therefore Elf Race is not short of money. 所以精灵族都不太缺钱。 But honey that now Emilia brings, is the high-grade in elf honey. 而现在艾米丽娅拿来的蜂蜜,则是精灵蜜中的上品。 By small seductress/evil spirit collection, and carries on the processing the special honey, even if the Elf Race person, one year could not eat many mouths. 由小妖精采集,并且进行加工的特殊蜂蜜,即使是精灵族人,一年也吃不了多少口。 Xiaoguanzi is the pottery clay makes, in the light red surface, inscribes the flowers and plants insect bird, looks quite fine. 小罐子是陶土所制,淡红色的表面上,铭刻着花草虫鸟,看着相当精致。 Although is sealing, but the sweet delicate fragrance, still faintly passed. 虽然是密封着,但甜甜的清香,依然隐隐透了出来。 Beta is that type subconsciously to the person with a small number of public figures who the smell marks. 贝塔是那种会下意识给人用气味标识的少数人士。 For example Shirley is equal to Sydney, Emma is the strawberry, Angiel is the red apple. 比如说雪莉等于雪梨,艾玛是草莓,安吉儿是红苹果等。 Possibly is Emilia takes the relations that the honey comes frequently, Beta then thought that on her has lightly, sweet, but not greasy honey fragrance. 可能是艾米丽娅常常拿蜂蜜过来的关系,贝塔便觉得她身上有股淡淡的,甜而不腻的蜂蜜香味。 Is away from more than two meters far, Beta also can still smell, partly visible, seems the misconception , seems not. 隔着两米多远,贝塔也依然能嗅到,若隐若现的,似乎是错觉,也似乎不是。 Beta has not focused in this, he continues to ask: That side small forest, what there is to trouble?” 贝塔没有将心思放在这上面,他继续问道:“小森林那边,有什么麻烦吗?” Does not have.” Emilia shakes the head: Your Waukeen City patrol leader, will pass through the small forest surrounding three times every day, moreover we have the barrier protection of Mother Tree, does not have what danger.” “也没有。”艾米丽娅摇头:“你们渥金城的巡逻队,每天都会经过小森林外围三次,而且我们自己也有母亲树结界保护,没有什么危险。” That is good.” “那就好。” Beta nods satisfied. Now the relations of Waukeen City and Elf Race are quite good, ships in the artware that from Elf Race there, the honey, the candied and preserved fruit and so on special product, so long as hands over, can make at least one time of profit, now trades the Elf Race local product, but also the profit, has nearly accounted for about 15% of entire Waukeen City gross income. 贝塔满意地点点头。现在渥金城精灵族的关系相当不错,从精灵族那里运来的艺术品,蜂蜜,果脯之类的特产,只要一转手,就能多赚至少一倍的利润,现在贩卖精灵族的土特产,还来的利润,已经差不多占整个渥金城总收入的15左右了。 But the small forest, constructs in the bridge between Waukeen City and Elf Forest . 而小森林,就是建在渥金城精灵森林之间的桥梁。 Definitely cannot have any matter. 肯定不能出什么事情。 Saw that the Beta mood seems to be good, Emilia thinks, said: Under the Pope crown, can I request your matter?” 看到贝塔心情似乎挺好,艾米丽娅想了想,说道:“教皇冕下,我能不能请求你一件事情?” Please say, so long as I can achieve.” “你请说,只要我能做得到。” Number of times that although Beta met with Emilia, but he also knows, the Emilia every other 1-2 months visit to visit one time, will be raising the best honey each time. The favor intercourse, such little accumulates. 贝塔虽然和艾米丽娅见面的次数,但他也知道,艾米丽娅每隔一两个月就来上门拜访一次,每次都会提着最好的蜂蜜而来。人情往来,就是这么一点点累积起来的。 Each time and Shirley they chat on 1-2 hours to leave. 每次和雪莉她们闲聊上一两个小时就会离开。 In more than one year, Emilia mixed with the Beta women ripe, looks like in Beta, this is the neighbor who winds very much ripe. 这一年多来,艾米丽娅已经和贝塔的女人们混熟了,在贝塔看来,这是一个很熟络的邻居。 Among the neighbors naturally must help mutually. 邻居间自然是要互相帮助的。 I hope Wealth Cat , can arrive in our small forests to live!” Emilia looks at the eye of Beta , to continue saying: Wealth Cat , although the dandruff and we were different, but their essentially still elf. I discovered a while ago, the life energy of Wealth Cat within the body is not quite full, this long-term life in the underground reason, another was they contacts the time of forest to be too few first.” “我希望招财猫们,也能到我们的小森林中居住!”艾米丽娅看着贝塔的眼睛,继续说道:“招财猫虽然肤皮和我们不同了,但他们本质上依然还是精灵。我前段时间发现,招财猫们体内的生命能量不太足,这一来是长期生活在地下的原因,另一个就是他们接触森林的时间太少了。” Beta makes the ponder slightly. 贝塔稍作思考。 Emilia continues saying: Also please feel relieved, we do not have any other thoughts, will not say with Wealth Cat on own initiative, making them return to the forest.” 艾米丽娅继续说道:“也请放心,我们没有任何其它的心思,更不会主动和招财猫们说,让他们回到森林里来。” „, Why?” “哦,为什么?” Emilia said with a smile: Regarding us, can let these pitiful clansmen, is separated from the influence of Spider Empress, making them live under the sunlight, enough has made us happy. We do not think that the extravagant demands are more.” 艾米丽娅微笑道:“对于我们来说,能让这些悲惨的族人们,脱离蛛后的影响,让他们重新生活在阳光之下,就已经足够让我们开心了的。我们不想奢求更多。” The gentle tone, is joined to the temperate expression, the Emilia words, to person a quite belief strength. Moreover, Beta also knows, Emilia said truly is the truth. 温柔的语气,配上温和的表情,艾米丽娅的话,给人一种相当信服的力量。而且,贝塔也知道,艾米丽娅说的确实是实话。 Elf Race to half-elf, extremely cherish, let alone these in fact, with them completely with blood homogeneous clansman. 精灵族们对半精灵,都是极其爱护,更何况这些实质上,与他们完全同血同种的族人。 I will consider this issue. In 2-3 days will have answer.” “我会好好考虑这个问题的。两三天内就会有答复。” Emilia appears quite happy, stands, bends the waist to say slightly: Thank under the Pope crown, your heart with forest same length and breadth.” 艾米丽娅显得相当高兴,站起来,微微弯腰说道:“感谢教皇冕下,你的心胸和森林一样广袤。” Beta has smiled, accepted the praise of opposite party. 贝塔笑了下,接受了对方的赞美。 But at this time, Emilia in a soft voice said: Under crown, please do not move!” 但就在这时候,艾米丽娅却轻声说道:“冕下,请别动!” Beta somewhat is in a daze. 贝塔有些发愣。 At this time, Emilia arrived in front of Beta, bent the waist, from the Beta lead(er), took up two flowers to be confused, very thin flower was confused. 这时候,艾米丽娅走到贝塔面前,弯腰,从贝塔的领边上,拿起两条花紊,很细的花紊。 Two people suffer at this time very nearly, Beta can smell the honey taste as if becomes richer. 两人此时挨得很近,贝塔能闻到蜂蜜味似乎变得更浓郁了些。 Moreover therefore Emilia changes the relations of waist, under neckband low, Beta one passes shortly, saw two small sharp earthen mounds, as well as on mound point small pink grain of rice. 而且因此艾米丽娅变腰的关系,领口下低,贝塔一眼看过去,就看到了两处小尖丘,以及丘尖上小小的粉色米粒。 Beta turns away immediately. 贝塔立刻移开视线。 After Emilia takes up two flowers are confused, subconsciously helps Beta gently reorganize the collar, very natural appearance, a point unusual expression does not have. 艾米丽娅拿起两条花紊后,更下意识帮贝塔温柔地整理了一下衣领,很理所当然的样子,一点异常的表情也没有。 Then she said with a smile: I asked to be excused first.” 而后她微笑道:“那我先告退了。” Beta nods. 贝塔点点头。 The Emilia sound expression very much normally, normally looked like is very intimate with the friend, or between the family member can have the movement that did not have a being out of sorts feeling. 艾米丽娅刚才的动静表情都很正常,正常地就像是十分亲近朋友,或者亲人间才会有的动作,没有一丝的违和感。 Beta has not felt from her, even if expressions of other differences, for example is anxious, shy, or is... Joyful, does not have. 贝塔没有从她身上感受到哪怕是一丝其它异样的表情,比如说紧张,害羞,或者是…喜悦,统统都没有。 Emilia simply left very much. 艾米丽娅很干脆地离开了。 Beta looks at her back, thought that a little selects strangely, but the opposite party extremely in the light performance, that slightly affectionate movement, was only in Elf Race very ordinary matter seemed to be same a moment ago. 贝塔看着她的背影,觉得有点点奇怪,但对方太过于平淡的表现,似乎刚才那种略显亲昵的动作,只是精灵族中很平常的事情一样。 Since thinks Elf Race always the person on one's own side to the disposition that hides shortcomings extremely, then suddenly thinks very normal. 想想精灵族一向以来对自己人极其护短的性格,便突然觉得很正常。 Emilia left the City Lord mansion, returns to the small forest directly, then sees own husband, Calvert stands crossroad there is waiting for itself. 艾米丽娅出了城主府,径直回到小森林,然后便看到自己的丈夫,卡尔弗特站在路口那里等着自己。 Calvert in Elf Forest , was the public security officer in small town, but the wife is not willing to go home, for this reason they also quarrelled, afterward he then applied to transfer to other locations to small forest here, was here public security officer. 卡尔弗特本来在精灵森林中,做个小城的治安官,但妻子一直不愿意回家,为此他们两人还吵了一架,随后他便申请外调到小森林这里,做上了这里的治安官。 Although he does not like leaving Elf Forest , but can live with the wife, this matter is not anything. 虽然他不太喜欢离开精灵森林,但能和妻子一起生活,这点事情并不算什么。 He sees the wife to come back, on the face shows the warm smiling face. 他看到妻子回来,脸上露出温暖的笑容。
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