NGTFOW :: Volume #10 晓域

#2237: Lin Chuan bothers

This...... is not quite good, after all the truth has not investigated thoroughly completely, takes step zhi directly, was some are careless?” “这……不太好吧,毕竟事情的真相还没有完全查清楚,就这么直接拿下步骘,是不是有些过于草率了?” Also at this moment, has stood in saying of step dust behind thin and tall old man brow slightly wrinkle. 也就在这时,一直站在步尘身后的一名瘦高老者眉头微皱的说道。 Under the stage, had prepared the begins Bu Family guard to hear this saying, temporarily stopped the movement in hand, looked . the dust and Sixth Elder step 台下,原本已经准备动手步家守卫听到这话,暂时停下了手中的动作,看向了步尘和六长老 This person is Second Elder in family, cultivating of Great Ascension Stage Great Perfection is, is not my father lineage/vein person, the past standpoint was quite neutral, this was also the step dust not to the reason that he acted.” Bu Lianshi answered side Lin Chuan. “这人是家族中的二长老,大乘期大圆满的修为,并非我父亲一脉的人,以往的立场都是比较中立的,这也是步尘没有对他出手的原因。”步练师林川身边解释道。 According to step zhi, after my father is missing, the power falls into the step dust hand, is this Second Elder compromises, makes the step dust not act to few people, otherwise step zhi that group of people perhaps exactly less than now.” “据步骘说,我父亲失踪之后,大权落入步尘手中,也是这二长老从中调和,才使得步尘没有对一部分人出手,否则步骘那批人恐怕活不到现在。” Lin Chuan nods, although this Second Elder is not the person of step buddhist, but works also has own criterion, can stand in the neutral position, explained some of his indeed skills. 林川点了点头,这二长老虽然不是步梵的人,但是做事却也有自己的准则,能够站在中立的位置上,也说明他的确有些本事。 Second Elder, the evidence is solid now, do you want to harbor step zhi?” Sixth Elder coldly looked at Second Elder to say. 二长老,如今证据已经确凿,你这是要包庇步骘吗?”六长老冷冷的看了一眼二长老说道。 Two people this does not gather, at this time does not need scruples each other face. 两人本就不合,这个时候也没必要顾忌彼此的面子了。 Only depending on the azure gold sand concluded that is related with step zhi, isn't this careless? Although this thing only then the desert territory has, but cannot buy, so long as has a mind, anybody can get so far as this thing.” The Second Elder complexion sinks saying that concentrates. “仅凭青金砂就断定与步骘有关,这难道还不草率吗?这东西虽然只有大漠域才有,但也不是买不到,只要有心,任何人都可以弄到这东西。”二长老面色沉凝的说道。 Second Elder, we take step zhi, for quickly quicker fact-finding truth, to prevent the suspect runs away, your rest assured, we will certainly give fair findings.” 二长老啊,我们拿下步骘,是为了更快更快的查明真相,也是为了防止嫌疑人逃走,你放心,我们一定会给出一个公正的调查结果的。” At this time, the step dust that had not spoken opened the mouth, leisure saying, the vision stayed the moment on the body of Second Elder, the threat meant very thickly. 这个时候,一直没怎么说话的步尘开口了,慢条斯理的说道,目光在二长老的身上停留了片刻,威胁意味很浓。 These years, Second Elder indeed hindered the decision of many step dust, the step dust also indeed considered to make some concessions for the general situation. However now, the time is different, Bu Family has basically fallen into. during the control of dust now completely, even if Second Elder really has what idea, was impossible to raise what storm the step 这些年,二长老的确阻碍了不少步尘的决定,步尘也的确为了大局着想做出了一些让步。但是现在,时代已经不同了,步家现在基本上已经全部落入了步尘的掌控之中,就算二长老真的有什么想法,也不可能掀起什么风浪了。 To put it bluntly, was the step dust does not fear Second Elder. 说白了,也就是步尘已经不怕二长老了。 Second Elder clenches teeth, the complexion is somewhat ugly. 二长老咬了咬牙,脸色有些难看。 He helps step zhi, is actually also helping itself in disguised form, present Bu Family, his right to speak already getting smaller, when once the step dust cleans up the person who these buddhists remained, perhaps the next goal is he. 他帮助步骘,其实也是在变相的帮助自己,如今的步家,他的话语权已经越来越小了,一旦等到步尘清理了这些步梵残留下来的人,恐怕下一个目标就是他。 „, Hoping the family can investigate clearly.” “罢了,希望家族能够调查清楚吧。” Long time, Second Elder shakes the head, without is continue insist, because he was clear, only then his insistence radically uselessly, if he really tears to pieces the facial skin with the step dust here, that following, step zhi no one can help. 良久,二长老摇了摇头,没有在继续坚持下去,因为他清楚,只有他一个人的坚持根本没用,如果他真的在这里跟步尘撕破脸皮,那接下来,步骘就更没人能够帮助了。 However step zhi was taken at this moment, almost also had no opportunity of overturn, Second Elder can do , has a look at opportunity insurance to stop the zhi life. 不过步骘此刻被拿下,几乎也就没什么翻盘的机会了,二长老能做的,也就是看看有没有机会保住步骘的性命吧。 This was not early good.” Sixth Elder sneers saying that at once hints the guard under stage to take step zhi. “早这样不就好了嘛。”六长老冷笑一声说道,旋即示意台下的守卫将步骘拿下。 Holds on a minute!” “且慢!” Also at this moment, Lin Chuan stood up directly the body, broke Bu Family again regarding arresting of step zhi. 也就在这时,林川直接站起了身,再次打断了步家对于步骘的缉拿。 Instantaneously, everyone's vision looked that to reviewing stand that Lin Chuan was. 瞬间,所有人的目光都看向了林川所在的观礼台。 Who is this person? Dares to meddle the Bu Family matter unexpectedly?” “这人是谁啊?竟然敢插手步家的事情?” Did not know, is very evidently young, which not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth young fellow possibly is.” “不认识,看样子很年轻,可能是哪家不知天高地厚的毛头小子吧。” Dares to make noise at this kind of time, this person fears the brain is not easy-to-use.” “敢在这种时候出声,这人恐怕脑子不好使吧。” ...... …… At this moment, facing making noise of Lin Chuan, the people discusses spiritedly, but is very obvious, everyone has not been serious Lin Chuan, no one thinks that at such Bu Family congress, the person who comes to attend the ceremony can prevent anything, even the successor of first-level Cultivation influence, does not dare such recklessly the unseemly behavior. 此刻,面对林川的出声,众人议论纷纷,不过很显然,大家都没把林川当回事,谁也不认为在这样的步家大会上,一个前来观礼的人能够阻止什么,即便是一级修真势力的继承人,也不敢这么肆意妄为吧。 Let alone this moment Lin Chuan appearance after the camouflage, everyone does not know Lin Chuan, in addition they cannot feel the powerful Spiritual-Power fluctuation on the body of Lin Chuan, likely sees this sufficiently is the yellow wool boy of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth a small influence comes. 何况此刻林川的容貌经过伪装,大家都不认识林川,再加上在林川的身上他们感受不到强大的灵力波动,足以见得这很可能就是一个小势力来的不知天高地厚的黄毛小子。 On the stage, the step dust and vision of numerous position Bu Family elder looked to Lin Chuan, the complexion was quite mostly cloudy. 台上,步尘和众位步家长老的目光都看向了林川,脸色大都比较阴沉。 A bystander, but attended the ceremony, where has the qualifications to speak in this case, let alone is so young, does not know good from bad simply. 一个外人,只是过来观礼的,哪有资格在这种情况下说话,何况还如此年轻,简直就是不知好歹。 „Do you want to do?” Sixth Elder complexion gloomy asking. “你想干什么?”六长老面色阴沉的问道。 Is this, I looked that Bu Family today do not investigate the embezzlement the matter? This zhi embezzlement but is actually not many, on several million Spirit Stone, here but several big fish, happen to with have a look to the Bu Family fellow elders taking this opportunity, I do not help you investigate in vain specially.” “是这样的,我看步家今日不是要调查贪污的事情吗?这步骘贪污的倒也不是很多,也就几千万灵石而已,我这里可是有几条大鱼,正好借着这个机会拿给步家的各位长老看看,也不枉我专门帮你们调查一回。” The Lin Chuan voice fell, lifts the hand to throw dozens Jade Tube, after these Jade Tube fell in the admission, immediately shines upon content under the Spiritual-Power stimulation, all was outside Bu Family the evidence of manager embezzlement, was more detailed than step zhi that as for the amount, that was bigger, least embezzled several billions Spirit Stone, many even achieved 10 billion ranks, had dantian abandoned step Luan, amount big 280 hundred million Spirit Stone that he embezzled, lifted up high the first place the position. 林川话音落下,抬手扔出了数十枚玉筒,这些玉筒落入场中后,立刻在灵力激发之下映照出了其中的内容,全都是步家外部管事贪污的证据,比步骘那个还要详细,至于数额,那就更大了,最少的一个都贪污了数十亿的灵石,多的甚至达到了百亿级别,其中就有丹田被废的步栾,他贪污的数额高大两百八十亿灵石,高举榜首的位置。 These thing Lin Chuan want to get so far as is actually very simple, Black Tortoise has own information network, investigates a person to embezzle the Spirit Stone matter should not be too easy. Let alone Jade Maiden, backs on Great Sound Pavilion such influence, these things are very easy to get so far as. 这些东西林川想要弄到其实很简单,玄武有自己的情报网络,调查一个人贪污灵石的事情不要太容易。何况还有玉女,背靠大音楼这样的势力,这些东西很容易就能够弄到。 Dissolute!!! These false information where you make? Dares to slander me here!!” “放肆!!!你是从哪里弄来的这些虚假情报?敢在这里污蔑我!!” Slanders!! This slanders absolutely, I have not really embezzled Spirit Stone.” “污蔑!!这绝对是污蔑,我真的没有贪污灵石。” Patriarch, this thing cannot believe that this person does not know the phony intelligence where makes, I have not embezzled absolutely!” 家主,这东西不能信,这人不知道从哪里弄来的假情报,我绝对没有贪污!” ...... …… Sees content that in that Jade Tube shines upon, was still looking at some stewards of step zhi good play immediately the complexion big change. 看到那玉筒中映照出来的内容,原本还在看步骘好戏的一些管事立刻脸色大变。 But the person who in the field the people and attend the ceremony also started to discuss, after all this thing seemed like very detailed, did not seem like counterfeits, almost labelled each time of embezzlement, amount, even was embezzles the wealth the whereabouts, letting the person has to believe. 而场中众人和观礼的人也开始议论了起来,毕竟这东西看起来还是很详细的,不像是作假,其中几乎标注了每一次贪污发生的时间,金额,甚至是贪污钱财的去向,让人不得不信。 Let alone Bu Family these manager embezzlement are not the secret, everyone has a tacit understanding, but was exposed at this moment in the presence of everyone, indeed hit the faces of many. 何况步家这些管事贪污本来就不是什么秘密,大家都是心照不宣而已,但此刻被当众揭露出来,也的确是打了不少人的脸。 Especially the step dust, complexion at this moment is gloomy can squeeze out the water, wishes one could the direct palm to pat dead Lin Chuan. 尤其是步尘,此刻的脸色更是阴沉的可以拧出水来,恨不得直接一掌拍死林川 Because of these people, is completely his trusted aide, this clarified aimed at his. 因为这些人,全部都是他的心腹,这摆明了就是针对他的。 Comes the person, takes to me him, dares to slander our outsides to be in charge in Bu Family, you are the Royal Family imperial prince, must give us a confession!” Sixth Elder has verified the Lin Chuan origin at this moment, knowing Lin Chuan is depends upon the invitation that step zhi gives to enter here, therefore does not have any extra worries. “来人,把他给我拿下,敢在步家污蔑我们的外部管事,你就是皇室皇子,也要给我们一个交代!”六长老此刻已经查明了林川的来历,知道林川是依靠步骘给的请柬进入这里的,因此已经没有了任何后顾之忧。
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