NGTFOW :: Volume #10 晓域

#2234: Returns to the maternal home

Newest website: 最新网址: You...... you are......” “你……你是……” When sees the step buddhist appearance the instance, everyone unbelievable staring on the scene in a big way eye. 当看到步梵容貌的瞬间,在场的所有人都难以置信的瞪大了眼睛。 This appearance that familiar, initially the Bu Family prosperous period, they are follow at present this person, created high-spirited magnificence that leaned immortal Bu Family. 这个容貌是那么的熟悉,当初步家鼎盛时期,他们就是跟着眼前这个人,意气风发的创造了倾仙步家的辉煌。 That moment when he vanishes, regarding the people, that Bu Family in their heart has in fact collapsed. 而当他消失的那一刻,对于众人来说,他们心中的那个步家实际上已经坍塌了。 That moment despair, they are unable to describe in the spoken language. 那一刻的绝望,他们根本无法用言语去形容。 But follows the bloody clean, is to make everyone feel desperate, if were not step zhi brought back to the news about Bu Lianshi afterward, perhaps the thorough hidden world, have not prepared to toss about again. 而紧随其后的血腥清洗,更是让所有人感到绝望,如果不是后来步骘带回关于步练师的消息,他们恐怕早就彻底隐世,不准备再折腾了。 Family/Home...... Patriarch!!! Really is you?” “家……家主!!!真的是您吗?” Several ages slightly greatly, at this moment are the tears. 几个年龄稍微大一点的,此刻已经是老泪纵横。 Is I! I came back!” Step buddhist earnest saying. “是我!我回来了!”步梵认真的说道。 Acknowledged along with the step buddhist, the people during on the scene fell into the unequalled excitement to be excited. 伴随着步梵承认,在场众人都陷入了无与伦比的激动兴奋之中。 Step zhi looks at this, fell back on oneself father's side slowly, left the space talks about old days to the people and Patriarch, his very clear everyone's this time mood. 步骘看着这一幕,缓缓退到了自己父亲的身边,留出了空间给众人与家主叙旧,他很清楚大家这个时候的心情。 Tonight, being doomed is a sleepless night. 今晚,注定是一个不眠之夜。 In the presence of everyone after person several double-hour, departs, in the heart of everyone was full of the hope. 当众人几个时辰后离去的时候,每一个人的心中都充满了希望。 Next day. 翌日。 Today is to then lean the immortal Bu Family exterior crux of the situation assembly does first day, according to the stipulation, outside each is in charge must report the operating condition recent to Patriarch, how the income, have what difficulty wait/etc, although is insufficient all affairs big or small, but also needs to make massive preparations ahead of time. 今日便是倾仙步家外部管事机集会的第一天,按照规定,每一个外部管事都要向家主汇报最近几年的经营情况,收入如何,有没有什么困难等等,虽然不至于事无巨细,但也需要提前做大量的准备。 After all the outside manager wants the corrupt point money to be very easy, Bu Family also knows the situation probably, has turned a blind eye, but should set the example, must complete, otherwise was checked to reveal to the public, that had no leeway of recalling. 毕竟外部管事想要贪点钱还是挺容易的,步家也大概知道情况,一直都是睁一只眼闭一只眼,但该做做样子的,还是要做好,不然被查出来公之于众,那就没有任何挽回的余地了。 Very early in the morning, various roads are in charge then in the Bu Family mansion toward city to walk, various roads are in charge all the way are greeting mutually, are chatting in recent years outside situation, is very lively. 一大早,各路管事便朝着城中的步家府邸走去,一路上各路管事互相打着招呼,聊着最近几年在外面的情况,好不热闹。 Well, isn't this step zhi? Originally is also the character of Bu Family comparison core, how to see through is becoming is so poor?” Some people recognized. zhi, knits the brows to say the step “咦,这不是步骘吗?原来也算是步家比较核心的人物,怎么看穿着变得如此的寒酸了?”有人认出了步骘,皱眉说道。 Core figure? He can live the present is not easy, but today, should also be his last day.” Stands another person by that person sneers was saying. “核心人物?他能活到现在都已经是不容易了,不过今天,应该也是他最后一天了。”站在那人身旁的另一人冷笑着说道。 What's wrong?” The surrounding some people do not know the situation, immediately opens the mouth to ask. “怎么了?”周围有些人不了解情况,立刻开口问道。 Yesterday step Luan Dantian was abandoned, Patriarch has possibly verified is the tricks that step zhi gets, perhaps today the congress, first is to handle this matter.” That person said. “昨日步栾丹田被废,家主已经查明很可能是步骘做的手脚,今日大会,恐怕第一个就是要处理这件事情。”那人说道。 Such matter?” People immediately surprised incomparable. “还有这样的事情?”众人顿时惊讶无比。 Also continues these, it is said the Patriarch investigation knew, step zhi and the others embezzled big Spirit Stone, today estimated that must calculate the general ledger with him.” Another person also interrupted to say. “还不止这些,据说家主调查得知,步骘等人贪污了好大一笔灵石,今日估计要跟他算总账了。”另一个人也插嘴说道。 Hears here, the complexion of people changed, several wanted the person who step zhi notified, at this moment also cancels the thought immediately, evaded by far, for fear that invited trouble. 听到这里,众人的脸色都是变了变,原本有几个想要上去跟步骘打招呼的人,此刻也立刻打消了念头,远远地避了开来,生怕惹祸上身。 Everyone was clear, step Luan's that matter does not calculate, embezzlement Spirit Stone this matter, if in the family does not want to manage, that is really no issue, but once if conscientiously checks, definitely will find out a thing. 大家都清楚,步栾的那个事情不算,就贪污灵石这种事情,如果家族中不想管,那是真的没什么问题,但如果一旦认真去查,必然会查出点东西。 Therefore step zhi such situation, can only the explanations, that be the step dust must to step zhi begins. 所以步骘这样的情况,只能有一个解释,那就是步尘要对步骘动手了。 Many people think, past years's that matter is the past, the step dust cannot again to person begins that the step buddhist leaves behind. But the matter of step zhi is a signal, is telling all Bu Family people, that matter was also far from the past, if the step dust wanted begins, will restart the clean momentarily. 很多人都以为,当年的那件事情已经算是过去了,步尘不会再对步梵留下的人动手了。但步骘的事情是一个信号,在告诉所有步家的人,那件事情还远远没有过去,步尘如果想要动手,随时都会重启清洗。 This is a warning, punishes one as a warning to others, whom tells everyone to lean immortal Bu Family true Patriarch at present. 这是一个警告,也是杀鸡儆猴,告诉所有人谁才是目前倾仙步家真正的家主 Step zhi, walks obviously to feel on avenue him the surrounding some people looked his look is not quite right. 步骘这边,走在大街上的他明显感觉周围一些人看他的眼神不太对。 It seems like the step dust must to your begins.” “看来步尘要对你动手了。” Follows to say in step zhi step buddhist sound-transmission. 跟在步骘身边的步梵传音说道。 Just these people's dialogues, 刚刚那些人的对话, Entire tribe that a character does not fall . the ear of buddhist step Sooner or later matter, I had expected, but has not thought that so will be quick, this Patriarch you returned fortunately, perhaps otherwise I......” step zhi shake the head slightly. 一字不落的全部落在了步梵的耳朵中。“迟早的事情,我早就料到了,只是没想到会这么快,还好这次家主您回归了,否则的话我恐怕……”步骘微微摇了摇头。 The step dust eventually is impossible to their rest assured, before had not cleaned to them thoroughly, the big probability is because Bu Family came under very tremendous impact at that time, if continues to act to step zhi and the others, will cause the vitality to damage severely, this let off them temporarily. 步尘终究是不可能对他们这些人放心的,之前没有对他们彻底清洗,大概率是因为步家当时受到了很大的影响,如果继续对步骘等人出手,会导致自身元气大伤,这才暂时放过了他们。 At the present the Bu Family situation has stabilized gradually, although is less than the prosperous period, but had basically fallen into. during the control of dust completely, now the death loyal person of step buddhist to step zhi acts again, will not have problems the step 而今步家的局势已经渐渐稳定,虽然不及鼎盛时期,但基本已经全部落入了步尘的掌控之中,现在再对步骘等原本步梵的死忠之人出手,已经不会出什么问题了。 Association that should come, now only step zhi rejoices is, the time of step dust choice was too simply good. 该来的总会来的,步骘现在唯一庆幸的就是,步尘挑选的这个时机简直太好了。 Also in everyone's attention places leans at the immortal Bu Family exterior manager congress, in leaning an immortal city common corner, space silent tearing, two person's shadows from takes a step to go out. 也就在所有人的注意力都放在倾仙步家的外部管事大会上时,在倾仙城一个不起眼的角落中,空间无声无息的撕裂开来,两道人影从其中迈步走出。 One is the white hair youngster, one is the beautiful young girl. 一个是白发少年,一个是绝美少女。 „Doesn't this really delay your cultivation?” Bu Lianshi asked. “这样真的不耽误你的修炼吗?”步练师问道。 This Bu Family meeting, Bu Lianshi is prepared to make the 【Akatsuki】 organization people come the help, does not want to disturb the cultivation Lin Chuan. 这次的步家聚会,本来步练师是准备让【晓】组织众人过来帮忙的,没想打扰修炼的林川 But Lin Chuan seems like knows that this matter is the same, before the action starts ended closing up. 林川似乎是知道这件事情一样,在行动开始之前结束了闭关。 „, My cultivation will not have ended, said again, has ancient enlightenment tree, I want to enter the cultivation condition am very easy, but returns to the maternal home with you, this is the first time, how I can miss.” The Lin Chuan chuckle was saying. “不会,我的修炼已经结束了,再说了,有悟道古树在,我想要进入修炼状态是十分容易的,但跟你回娘家,这可是第一次,我怎么能够错过呢。”林川轻笑着说道。 This Bu Lianshi return leans immortal Bu Family, not only need revenge, but must bring back belonged to all her. Although has his father to accompany in the side, but Lin Chuan eventually not rest assured. 这次步练师回归倾仙步家,不只是要报仇,还要拿回原本属于她的一切。虽然已经有了他父亲陪在身边,但林川终究是不放心 Thank you, Elder Brother Lin Chuan.” Bu Lianshi said in a soft voice. “谢谢你,林川哥哥。”步练师轻声说道。 These year of Lin Chuan have accompanied in her side, gave her greatest courage, particularly Southern Ming Continent that period of most difficult time, without Lin Chuan, Bu Lianshi really does not know oneself can live now, the idle talk found the father, recaptured to lean immortal Bu Family. 这些年林川一直陪在她的身边,给了她莫大的勇气,尤其是南明大陆那段最艰难的时光,如果没有林川,步练师真不知道自己能不能活到现在,更遑论找到父亲,重新夺回倾仙步家了。 Was my wife, but also me told that thanked?” Lin Chuan favors touches the head of Bu Lianshi drowns. “都是我媳妇了,还跟我说谢谢吗?”林川宠溺的摸了摸步练师的脑袋。 This return, a lot can come to the end. 这一次回归,很多事情都可以告一段落了。 Leaning immortal Bu Family is only the first step, next, entire Zhongchuan Continent must fall into the hand of Lin Chuan. 倾仙步家只是第一步,下一步,整个中川大陆都要落入林川的手中。 Deva Path is unable to prevent Lin Chuan, does this world have other more powerful strength? 就连天道都无法阻止林川,这个世界还有其他更强大的力量吗? Walks, I remember that outside Bu Family the manager congress, causes to allow to attend the ceremony, we have a look.” Lin Chuan is holding the hand of Bu Lianshi, probably ordinary Dao Companion like that toward leaning the immortal Bu Family direction walks gradually. “走吧,我记得步家的这种外部管事大会,使允许观礼的,我们也去看看。”林川拉着步练师的手,像是普通的道侣那般,朝着倾仙步家的方向缓步走去。 Newest website: 最新网址:
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