NGTFOW :: Volume #10 晓域

#2233: Manor assembly

Newest website: 最新网址: Step zhi, what situation, asks us to come urgently.” After a black-clothed person enters the manor main hall, immediately to standing said in main hall central step zhi. “步骘,到底什么情况,这么火急火燎的找我们过来。”一个黑衣人进入庄园厅堂之后,立刻对站在大殿中央步骘说道。 „It is not anxious, waits for others.” Step zhi has not said anything, but hints the people patient. “不急,等等其他人。”步骘没有多说什么,只是示意众人稍安勿躁。 With entering the person in room are getting more and more, frowning of the people have doubts. 伴随着进入房间的人越来越多,众人都疑惑的皱起了眉头。 Step zhi, had anything you to say quickly, we come to take a big risk today, if were caught the handle by the person of step dust, must conduct the thorough clean to us.” One of them temper is quite irritable, really could not wait, therefore said. “步骘,有什么事情你快说,我们今天过来可是冒着不小的风险的,如果被步尘的人抓到把柄,恐怕就要对我们进行彻底清洗了。”其中一人性子比较急躁,实在等不下去了,于是开口说道。 Here leans the immortal city, under the step dust eye hides, once has an accident, they may one unable to escape. 这里是倾仙城,是在步尘眼皮子底下的,一旦出事,他们可就一个都逃不掉了。 To work as the preliminary buddhist accident room for maneuver dust to control Bu Family, cleaned in the family bloody many people, they were in that disaster escaped death by a hair's breadth initially, but this time is having an accident, perhaps did not have good luck that. 想当初步梵出事后步尘为了掌控步家,血腥清洗了家族中很多人,他们都是当初那场劫难中幸免于难的,但是这次在出事,恐怕就没那么好运了。 rest assured, this time was discovered even, has not mattered.” The step zhi chuckle was saying. 放心,这次就算是被发现了,也已经无所谓了。”步骘轻笑着说道。 What? What's the matter?” In the heart of people moves. “什么?怎么回事?”众人的心中都是一动。 What is called to discover also indifferent, that is must lose one's life! 什么叫做发现了也无所谓,那可是要送命的啊! Waits a bit, but also misses the last person.” Step zhi said. “稍等一下,还差最后一个人。”步骘说道。 The person in this moment great hall has 25, person who can trust completely. Because the matter is quite important, therefore the person of step zhi notice are not many, although these are loyal, but relates the quite far person, step zhi has not informed, otherwise it is estimated that about hundred people. 此刻大堂中的人有二十五个,全部都是能够信得过的人。因为事情比较重要,所以步骘通知的人并不多,那些虽然忠心,但关系比较远的人,步骘都没有通知,否则估计得有近百号人。 The people look at each other in blank dismay, does not know what medicine that in the step zhi bottle gourd sells, but has saying that the words that step zhi just spoke hung fully the appetite of people. 众人面面相觑,都不知道步骘葫芦里卖的什么药,但不得不说,步骘刚刚说的话吊足了众人的胃口。 Soon, the outside world has the sound of footsteps to transmit, a shadow flashed entered in the room. 不多时,外界有脚步声传来,一道黑影一闪进入了房间之中。 Step cry?” “步鸣?” The people see the instance of this person, the complexion changes. 众人看到这个人的瞬间,脸色都是一变。 Because the step cry is not their people, but is the person of step dust, even is step dust favorite. 因为步鸣并不是他们的人,而是步尘的人,甚至是步尘身边的红人。 What's the matter?” The people all looked. zhi, they leisurely stroll zhi not to harm them, but the appearance of step cry, really made them feel the shocking step “怎么回事?”众人全都看向了步骘,他们相信步骘不会害他们,但是步鸣的出现,实在让他们感到震惊。 Everyone rest assured, the step cry is our people, has hidden in the side of step dust.” Step zhi hurrying answered. “大家放心,步鸣是我们的人,一直潜藏在步尘的身边。”步骘赶紧解释道。 This was he buries in a Bu Family deepest informer, at this moment also called him, obviously had arrived at the final time. 这是他埋藏在步家最深的一个眼线了,此刻将他也叫来,显然是已经到了最后的时刻。 Step Luan Dantian was destroyed, cultivates to fall later period of Void Refinement, although the step dust used some methods, the possibility of but also again not restoring.” The step called after the people nod, to step zhi was saying. “步栾丹田被毁,修为降到了炼虚后期,虽然步尘用了一些手段,但也再无恢复的可能。”步鸣冲着众人点了点头后,对着步骘说道。 Step Luan was Dantian destroyed? When matter?” “步栾丹田被毁了?什么时候的事情?” This is who does? Simply exciting!!!” “这是谁做的?简直大快人心!!!” Grass! Finally some people tidied up this boy, what a pity has not died!” “艹!终于有人收拾这小子了,可惜没死!” The people hear step Luan Dantian to be destroyed, showed the pleasantly surprised look. 众人听到步栾丹田被毁,纷纷露出了惊喜的神色。 When the preliminary dust cleans Bu Family, this step Luan is its side most virulent mad dog, in the people on the scene, has basically received his problem-making, even the family members of several people by step Luan Canhai, were heard step Luan Dantian to be destroyed at this moment, that is really overjoyed. Even if not revenges personally, but saw that step Luan has such fate, still solved hates of part of heart. 当初步尘清洗步家,这步栾就是其身边最恶毒的一条疯狗,在场众人中,基本上都受到过他的刁难,甚至有好几个人的家人都被步栾残害了,此刻听闻步栾丹田被毁,那是真的大喜过望。即便不是自己亲手报仇,但看到步栾有这样的下场,也算是解了一部分心头之恨。 Is the hand that you move?” The step cry looks at step zhi to ask. “是你动的手吗?”步鸣望着步骘问道。 Hears this saying , the joyful people frowned immediately, look . the zhi step 听到这话,原本还欣喜的众人立刻皱起了眉头,看向了步骘。 If this is really the hand that step zhi moves, may be big troublesome. But by the people to the step zhi understanding, he is never a rash person, now saw that Bu Lianshi must return, doesn't he need at this time to step Luan Chushou, to wait again is not? 这如果真的是步骘动的手,麻烦可就大了。但以众人对步骘了解来说,他从来不是一个冒失的人啊,现在眼看步练师就要回归了,他没必要在这个时候对步栾出手,再等等不是更好吗? What did step dust find out?” Step zhi narrowed the eye to ask. “步尘查出什么了吗?”步骘眯了眯眼睛问道。 The step cry shakes the head, does not have, step dust anything had not discovered, but this is also the strangest place, takes cultivating of step dust Great Ascension Stage Great Perfection as, wants to hide the truth from his eye is not an easy matter.” 步鸣摇了摇头,“没有,步尘什么都没有发现,但这也是最奇怪的地方,以步尘大乘期大圆满的修为,想要瞒过他的眼睛绝不是一件容易的事情。” That is good.” Step zhi said in a soft voice. “那就好。”步骘轻声说道。 Is really related with you?” The step cry asked that “真的跟你有关?”步鸣问道, I just left, hears some people to return, said that is step Luan is running into you to have an accident shortly, moreover at that time step Luan Juli you also only then about hundred meters distance, I estimated that the step dust has suspected you, even, even if not you do, he must be above you.” Matter had left, no matter what, must give a confession, if this confession can happen to help the step dust remove an eye-sore, that is really killing two birds with one stone. “我刚刚离开的时候,听到有人回报,说是步栾是在遇到你之后不久出事的,而且当时步栾距离你也就只有百米左右的距离,我估计步尘已经怀疑你了,甚至,即便不是你做的,他也要算在你头上。”事情已经出了,不管怎么样,都要给出一个交代,而如果这个交代能够正好能够帮助步尘除掉一个眼中钉的话,那真是一石二鸟。 Therefore, this matter is unimportant, more importantly at the tomorrow's congress that who does, the step dust will be very possible to want, because this matter lashed out at step zhi. 所以,这件事情是谁做的已经不重要了,重要的是明日的大会上,步尘很可能要因为这个事情对步骘发难了。 Snort! The step dust must be above me, that was even good because of my head, step Luan the dantian is destroyed today is just an interest, I must kill him sooner or later personally.” Step zhi cold sound said. “哼!步尘要算在我头上,那就算在我头上好了,步栾今日丹田被毁只不过是一点利息而已,我迟早要亲手杀了他。”步骘冷声说道。 Ok, this matter everyone did not need to manage, today asks everyone to come, was mainly an event, that was we prepares to act!” Step zhi seriously and excited saying. “行了,这件事情大家不用管了,今天找大家过来,主要是一件事件,那就是我们准备出手了!”步骘面色凝重而激动的说道。 What? Wanted begins? Did the young lady come back?” “什么?要动手了?大小姐回来了?” On the people face showed the pleasantly surprised look, but is quick, many people were worried. 众人脸上都露出了惊喜的神色,不过很快,不少人就担心了起来。 Now begins not Shi Tai early? Young lady's strength is insufficient, the 【Akatsuki】 organization that she is at is also the internal disorder and foreign invasion, if acts forcefully, perhaps cannot achieve the effect of wanting, instead harmed the young lady.” “现在动手是不是太早了?大小姐的实力还不足,她所在的【晓】组织也是内忧外患,如果强行出手,恐怕达不到想要的效果,反而害了大小姐。” Yes, we have waited is so long, does not mind again multi- and other days.” “是啊,我们都已经等了这么久了,也不介意再多等几天。” Right, now begins is too dangerous, we are willing and other time, to be even dangerous, we still recognized.” “没错,现在动手太危险了,我们愿意在等一段时间,就算是危险,我们也认了。” ...... …… The people said that although they want to revenge, but cares about young lady's safety, if causes the matter to be defeated because of begins eagerly, even the young lady was therefore killed, that to them is the deathblow. 众人纷纷说道,他们虽然想要报仇,但更关心大小姐的安危,如果因为急于动手而导致事情失败,甚至大小姐因此丧命,那对于他们来说才是致命的打击。 Opportunity only then one time, if were defeated, everyone must die. 机会只有一次,如果失败了,所有人都得死。 Does not need to wait, I came back, making everyone wait for a long time.” “不必在等了,我回来了,让大家久等了。” The sound suddenly appears above the main hall together , two person's shadows appear. 一道声音突然出现在大殿之上,紧接着,两个人影浮现而出。 The step buddhist is looking secretly was so long, must say that not affected that is false. Even if crosses tribulation period Cultivator, facing these once the loyal subordinate, in the heart can still exude the mighty waves. 步梵在幕后看了这么久,要说一点不感动那是假的。即便是渡劫期修士,面对这些曾经忠心的部下,心中也是会泛起波澜。 Falls separately, initially after he was plotted, has not thought that can also have so many people willing to help his daughter, this benevolence, he remembered. 树倒猢狲散,当初他被暗算之后,没想到还能有这么多人愿意帮他的女儿,这个恩情,他记下了。 You are......” “你们是……” People shocking looks to these two sudden people, why does not know, they felt just that sound that familiar, probably...... 众人震惊的看向这两个突然出现的人,不知道为什么,他们感觉刚刚的那个声音是那么的熟悉,好像是…… Also in the people shocking vision, the step buddhist withdrew the hidden on face slowly, revealed own appearance/portrait. 也就在众人震惊的目光中,步梵缓缓撤去了脸上的隐藏,露出了自己的真容。 Repaired to be this degree, appearance anything has hardly known was changing, therefore the step buddhist at this moment, with departed the appearance almost to have no difference initially. 修为达到了这个程度,容貌什么的已经几乎不会在改变了,所以此刻的步梵,与当初离去时的样子几乎没有任何差别。 Newest website: 最新网址:
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