MRGMGCS :: Volume #32

#3153: 100 days

After all these gods, Lord God, regarding crawling tower matter, really non-inductive, they do not need to temper the body and spirit. 毕竟那些神明,还有主神,对于爬塔这种事情,真的无感,他们又不用锤炼体魄。 Why to discard the fight space hut, but goes to these high towers to shake. 何必舍弃战斗空间小屋,而去这些高塔里面晃悠呢。 The labor is so long, the harvest are not many. 辛辛苦苦那么久,收获还不多。 First sends an announcement.” “先发个公告吧。” Worships the giant demon god golden body full 100 days sincerely, then may obtain virtual showdown crystal one that the demon god idol grants.” “诚心祭拜巨型魔神金身满一百天,则可获得魔神神像所赐予的虚拟对决水晶一块。” This is Qi Le in view of ordinary person, virtual showdown crystal of adjustment gains way specially. 这是齐乐针对各位普通人,所特意调整的虚拟对决水晶获取方式。 Because according to the current money exchange rate comes to see. 因为按照通用货币兑换率来看。 Extremely what the god territory uses believes the stone, but what the celestial pole territory uses is the blood crystal stone. 神极域使用的是信仰石,而天极域这边使用的是血晶石。 The selling price of virtual showdown crystal, is 1000 belief stones, converts, needs 1500 blood crystal stones probably the appearances. 虚拟对决水晶的售价,是一千颗信仰石,换算过来,大概需要一千五百颗血晶石的样子。 Regarding ordinary person, absolutely was a high price. 对于普通人而言,绝对是一个高价了。 Normally, they are not willing to pull out so many blood crystal stones, purchases a virtual showdown crystal. 正常情况下,他们可不会愿意掏出这么多血晶石,来购买一个虚拟对决水晶的。 Even if in the god territory, Qi Le makes extremely from the beginning, is still the virtual showdown platform, places the crystal ball in shop. 而且就算是在神极域,齐乐一开始弄的,也是虚拟对决平台,是放在店里的水晶球。 But is not the virtual showdown crystal. 而并非是虚拟对决水晶。 Considered the ordinary person purchase level, will do. 就是考虑到了普通人的购买水平,才会那么做的。 Therefore to the celestial pole territory, wanted well the virtual showdown platform sold, if the nature made some small changes. 所以到了天极域,想要更好的把虚拟对决平台推销出去,自然要是做些小改变的。 Qi Le does not depend on this thing to eat meal in any case. 反正齐乐也不靠这个东西吃饭。 Virtual showdown crystal that offers free of charge, quick can a chapter of itself/Ben from the signal fee/spent. 免费赠送的虚拟对决水晶,也很快就能从信号费里面回本。 Does not have the loss absolutely the situation. 绝对不存在亏损的情况。 ...... …… Worships sincerely for 100 days, can obtain the one virtual showdown crystal.” “诚心祭拜一百天,就可以得到一颗虚拟对决水晶。” Virtual showdown crystal that you said that is what thing?” “你说的虚拟对决水晶,是什么东西?” I don't know either, I also the announcement that sends from simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu see.” “我也不知道,我也是从齐馆主发的公告上面看到的。” Originally is the announcement that simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu sends, that this what virtual showdown crystal, definitely is not tattered.” “原来是齐馆主发的公告吗,那这个什么虚拟对决水晶,肯定不是什么破烂吧。” „Did this also say with you?” “这还用你说?” simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu did the thing, when have is tattered?” “齐馆主的东西,什么时候有过破烂了?” You, if so slanders simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu again, do not blame us not being impolite!” “你要是再如此污蔑齐馆主,可别怪咱们不客气了!” „Is!” “就是就是!” After arriving the new city-state settles down, quality of life obviously obtained the residents of tremendous improvement, at this moment is discussing this morning, in the news that on the notice board sees. 来到新的城邦定居之后,生活质量明显得到了极大改善的居民们,此刻正在讨论着今天一大早,就在公告牌上看到的消息。 The virtual showdown crystal is they have not seen the thing, naturally does not know to be useful. 虚拟对决水晶是他们从来没有见过的东西,自然不知道有什么用。 However they know, oneself present life, in some sense, is simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu grants. 但是他们知道,自己现在的生活,从某种意义上来说,也算是齐馆主赐予的。 At least, simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu in this, has the unignorable impetus. 至少,齐馆主在此之中,有着不可忽视的推动作用。 Therefore anybody, does not allow to slander simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu. 所以任何人,都不允许污蔑齐馆主。 However solved after the issue that slanders simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu, they are very curious, is this virtual showdown crystal, what? 不过解决了污蔑齐馆主的问题之后,他们还是很好奇,这个虚拟对决水晶,到底是个啥? Then some residents look for cultivator that these idled are being all right to make, plans to ask them. 然后有些居民就去找了那些闲着没事做的修炼者,打算问问他们。 Has a look at these experienced fellows, knows that this virtual showdown crystal, is anything. 看看这些见多识广的家伙,知不知道这个虚拟对决水晶,是个什么东西。 This must benefit from the new stipulation that City Lord promulgates. 这还要得益于城主所颁布的新规定。 In the city-state, anybody, can not bully for no reason small and weakly, can not resort to violence for no reason. 在城邦之中,任何人,不得无故欺压弱小,也不得无故动武。 Disobeying orders, once were verified, light then compensates, heavy abolishes one to cultivate/repair is, serious, executes summarily directly! 违令者,一经查实,轻则赔偿,重则废除一身修为,最为严重者,直接格杀勿论! By the common social practice of celestial pole territory, only then such severe laws, can shock these unruly cultivator. 以天极域的民风来看,也只有这样的重典,才能震慑得住那些桀骜不驯的修炼者了。 In these have made in the change city-state. 所以在这些已经做出了改变的城邦之中。 Between ordinary person and cultivator, although has the generation gap as before, but, has been attempting to be together well. 普通人修炼者之间,虽然依旧存在着代沟,但是互相之间,已经在尝试着好好相处了。 It seems like now this, Ordinary resident not clear matter, can find cultivator to inquire 12. 就好像现在这样,普通居民不明白的事情,也能找到修炼者询问一二。 What you said is announced virtual showdown crystal that mentioned, actually I was not clear.” “你说的是公告上提到的虚拟对决水晶吗,其实我也不清楚。” According to me alines the hall main understanding, this thing should be some type of new commodity.” “按照我对齐馆主的了解,这玩意应该是某种新商品吧。” Function affirms big and that's the end.” “作用肯定不小就是了。” Asked cultivator also tells the truth, replied truthfully. 被问到的修炼者也是有一说一,如实回答。 About simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu the matter, does not know that does not know, has no place of attire. 关于齐馆主的事情,不知道就是不知道,没什么好装的地方。 At this time if came on one to understand that understood, feared that should not be hit. 这个时候要是来上一句“懂得都懂”,怕不是要被打一顿。 The riddle person tumbles out the emerging city-state. 谜语人还是滚出新兴城邦吧。 New commodity.” “新商品啊。” The residents nod, then looked to the giant demon god golden body in city-state. 居民们点点头,然后看向了城邦之中的巨型魔神金身。 „The commodity that simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu sells, in the overall commercial city may supply the commodity of exchange, is the good things.” “齐馆主出售的商品,还有积分商城里面可供兑换的商品,都是好东西。” „Such a thinks, this virtual showdown crystal, where also to will not go weakly.” “这么一想,想必这个虚拟对决水晶,也不会弱到哪里去。” So long as worships the giant demon god golden body 100 days, can obtain.” “只要祭拜巨型魔神金身一百天,就能得到。” simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu really justice and humanity unparalleled, unselfish.” “齐馆主果然仁义无双,大公无私。” Wholeheartedly for everyone seeks the benefits!” “一心为了所有人谋福利啊!” So thinking, everyone turned the head in abundance, arrived at the under foot of giant demon god golden body, sincerely worshipped. 如此想着,大家又纷纷转头,来到了巨型魔神金身的脚下,诚心诚意的祭拜起来。 Even if drops the blood to offer sacrifices, the effect of strength of feedback vitality, one day of one time. 即使滴血献祭,回馈气血之力的效果,一天只有一次。 The number of times of however sincerely worshipping, has not limited. 但是诚心祭拜的次数,可没有限制。 These ordinary person, itself worships and awes simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu extremely, now receives such big advantage. 这些普通人,本身就极为崇拜和敬畏齐馆主,现在又受了这么大的好处。 In the heart regarding simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu the belief, naturally was deeper. 心中对于齐馆主的信仰,自然更深了一层。 Worshipping at this moment, is sincerely. 此刻的祭拜,更是诚心诚意。 Perhaps also for virtual showdown crystal, but the belief in heart, will not be absolutely few. 也许也是为了虚拟对决水晶,但心中的信仰,绝对不会少。 These 100 days worships the time sincerely, does not carry out official duties to accuse, starts to calculate. 这一百天的诚心祭拜时间,可不是从公告发出来的时候,开始计算起的。 But constructed after the giant demon god golden body, since started to calculate. 而是从巨型魔神金身建造好了之后,就开始计算起的。 Before has worshipped number of days, will calculate. 之前祭拜过的天数,也会计算在内。 Therefore Qi Le have calculated the time, if constructs from the giant demon god golden body in the city-state starting from first day, a day many worships, that is supposing these days, can obtain the virtual showdown crystal. 所以齐乐自己算过时间,如果是从巨型魔神金身建造在城邦之中的第一天开始,一天不少的祭拜过来的话,那估摸着这几天,就能得到虚拟对决水晶了。 When the time comes, they know how must play. 到时候,他们就知道要怎么玩了。 In order to enables these ordinary person also to enter the virtual showdown platform, happy game. 为了能让那些普通人也能进入虚拟对决平台,痛痛快快的游戏。 Qi Le conducted a discount very much refreshedly, first two months , the signal fee/spent reduces to two blood crystal stone one day. 齐乐很爽快的搞了个优惠活动,前两个月时间内,信号费降低到两颗血晶石一天。 Or is two blood crystal stone 24 hours. 或者说是两颗血晶石二十四个小时吧。 After having waited for the discount deadline, but must restore to two blood crystal stone one hour of standard levels. 等过了优惠活动期限之后,可就要恢复到两颗血晶石一个小时的标准水平了。 This preferential effort, hits the bone fracture simply, moreover comminuted fracture. 这种优惠力度,简直就是打骨折啊,而且还是粉碎性骨折。 After all puts out 1000 blood crystal stones, buys a virtual showdown crystal, is not easy. 毕竟一口气拿出一千颗血晶石,来买一个虚拟对决水晶,并不容易。 However puts out two blood crystal stones, feels the game experience of virtual showdown platform, is inexpensive. 但是一口气拿出两颗血晶石,来感受一下虚拟对决平台的游戏体验,还是不贵的。 Moreover these 24 hours, only calculates the online time. 而且这二十四个小时,也只计算在线时间而已。 This price, loses to the god extremely territory, these customers can not be grateful directly. 这个价格,丢到神极域去,那些顾客不得直接感恩戴德啊。 Such big preferential effort, simply is unprecedented. 这么大的优惠力度,简直前所未见好吧。 Raises while convenient, the Qi Le's computation, has not actually made a mistake. 顺便一提,齐乐的计算,其实没出错。 Moreover facing giant demon god golden body, a day many who worships, but also are very many. 而且面对巨型魔神金身,一天不少的祭拜过来的人,还挺多的。 The good and evil is also almost can enhance the strength free of charge the good treasure, isn't every day is hurrying to worship? 好歹也是几乎能够无偿提升实力的好宝贝,不就是每天赶着去祭拜一下吗? This can waste how much time, must go! 这能浪费多少时间,必须要去啊!
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