MRGMGCS :: Volume #32

#3152: New idea

The liberal condition, the outstanding environment, will make the ordinary person spontaneous accumulation come. 优渥的条件,优秀的环境,会让普通人自发的聚集而来。 For, is for own later generation, they are willing to catch up tirelessly. 无论是为了自己,还是为了自己的后辈,他们都愿意不辞辛劳地赶来。 Then to construct an ideal city-state, but the struggle is lifelong. 然后为了建设一座理想的城邦,而奋斗终身。 These City Lord , set the example to the successor in this regard. 那些城主,也在这一方面,给后来者做出了榜样。 Even if for oneself, this/should development city-state well is right, this can attract more residents truly, comes own city-state to settle down. 哪怕是为了自己,也该好好的发展城邦才对,这样才能真正吸引到更多的居民,前来自己的城邦定居。 Then the spontaneous construction city-state, lets the entire city-state, follows changed beyond recognition. 然后自发的建设城邦,让整座城邦,都跟着焕然一新。 This is a forward circulation, is more and more good foundation. 这是一个正向的循环,也是越来越好的基础。 Regarding this point, Qi Le is quite glad to see. 对于这一点,齐乐还是相当乐意看到的。 Where because of regardless , the creator of culture, the producer of resources, is the quantity hugest myriad lives. 因为无论在什么地方,文化的创造者,资源的生产者,还是数量最为庞大的万千生灵。 Rather than keeps aloof to Powerhouse. 而不是高高在上的至强者 The matter that therefore Qi Le handles, guides Powerhouse of celestial pole territory to change for example. 所以齐乐所做的事情,比如说引导天极域的强者做出改变。 For that countless small and weak life. 为的,就是那数之不尽的弱小生灵啊。 They, are the hope the place of saving, approaching of development trend. 他们,才是希望所存之处,未来发展之向。 Without hope, without the future, is left over, only had a stretch of unceasing decayed world. 若是没有了希望,也没有了未来,那么剩下的,就只有一片不断腐朽的天地了。 To welcome new student, is not that easy matter. 想要迎来新生,不是那么容易的事情。 However is good because of the present, had welcomed the beginning of change, following matter, was successful. 不过好在现在,已经迎来了改变的开端,后面的事情,也就是水到渠成了。 So long as competes to continue to conduct toward straight on bravely greatly, the giant demon god golden body continues to construct. 只要勇往直上大比拼继续举办,巨型魔神金身继续建造。 Then these binding, as those with vested interests, will continue to develop the welfare systems in city-state. 那么这些绑定者,做为既得利益者,就会继续把城邦之中的福利制度发展下去。 Snatched the action of person unable to finish, everyone was the competitor. 抢人的行动不会结束,大家都是竞争对手。 In compared with the rotten absolutely invalid situation, compared with, is the most correct choice. 在比烂绝对行不通的情况下,比好,才是最正确的选择。 Otherwise, let alone snatched the person from other city-state. 要不然,别说从别的城邦之中抢人了。 In own city-state resident, will not be given to whirl away by these competitors, that was the good deed. 自己城邦里面的居民,不会被那些竞争对手给卷走,那就是好事了。 Good, these had really presented the change city-state, will become the breeding soil of emerging culture, then changes the atmosphere in peripheral city-state, drives the change of entire celestial pole territory by this.” “真好啊,这些已经出现了改变的城邦,会成为新兴文化的孕育土壤,进而改变周边城邦的风气,以此来带动整个天极域的改变。” „The start of anything, is always most difficult.” “任何一件事的开始,总是最难的。” So long as there is start, the spark that then this ignites, one day, can form the prevailing situation.” “但只要有了开始,那么这燃起的星星之火,总有一天,能够形成燎原之势。” Is listening to this day-by-day, news that spreads unceasingly, Qi Le at heart is very happy. 听着这一天天的,不断传播出来的消息,齐乐心里还是很高兴的。 After all own plan, to successful was also near one step. 毕竟自己的计划,离成功又近了一步。 Constructs these tall tower, or is the giant demon god golden body, is not the Qi Le ultimate goal. 建造那些高塔,或者是巨型魔神金身,并不是齐乐最终的目的。 These things, are not enough completely to change the atmosphere in celestial pole territory, at least does not have the means to make them vent the unnecessary energy. 这些东西,都不足以彻底改变天极域的风气,至少没办法让他们发泄出多余的精力。 The body cultivating temperance body and spirit, quenchings the vitality, will appear hot tempered testy. 体修者锤炼体魄,淬炼气血,才会显得暴躁易怒。 Therefore looks will have the common social practice valiant feeling. 所以看上去就会有种民风彪悍的感觉。 It seems Berserker to be the same, seems like, always possibly is not the mild-mannered and cultivated makings. 就好像狂战士一样,一眼看上去,总不可能是温文尔雅的气质吧。 Also so, makes Qi Le think, should find a place, making them rub a grinding the hot tempered temperament. 也正是如此,才让齐乐想到,是该找个地方,让他们把暴躁的脾气磨一磨了。 Reality extremely manic, that was inferior that...... throws them to the virtual world! 现实太过狂躁,那不如……把他们丢到虚拟世界去吧! This idea appears in the mind, makes Qi Le say the expert. 这个想法一出现在脑海之中,就让齐乐直呼内行。 Really worthily is I! 真不愧是我呢! No matter, is worrying about the business in shop, frequently is thinking gathers the customer for the shop. 不管什么时候,都牵挂着店里的生意,时时刻刻想着为店里招揽顾客。 Really, oneself are really a quite outstanding shopkeeper. 果然啊,自己真的是一个相当优秀的店长。 However now is not blowing own horn time. 不过现在也不是自吹自擂的时候。 Qi Le understands, under normal circumstances , to promote the words of virtual showdown platform rashly, then not necessarily was accepted easily. 齐乐明白,在正常情况下,贸然推出虚拟对决平台的话,未必那么容易被接受。 After all these fellow crawling towers crawled, the thoughts not necessarily placed this, on the one hand. 毕竟这些家伙爬塔爬多了,心思未必放在这一方面。 Moreover is different likes organizing to fight from the god territory extremely, celestial pole territory cultivator, independent combat, is a expert. 而且不同于神极域喜欢组团战斗,天极域这边的修炼者吧,单打独斗,才是一把好手。 Typical has the organization to be undisciplined. 典型的有组织无纪律。 Loses to the virtual showdown platform, feared that is a short time does not play clearly. 丢到虚拟对决平台里面去,怕是一时半会儿玩不明白。 However this are not related, many by oppressive several times, knows how should play, the hatred makes people progressive. 但是这也没关系,多被虐几次,就知道该怎么玩了,仇恨使人进步嘛。 Then, Qi Le arrives at the celestial pole territory from the beginning time, other matter must be done, was insufficient the present to think to the virtual showdown platform moving. 说起来,要不是齐乐一开始来到天极域的时候,还有别的事情要做,也不至于现在才想到要把虚拟对决平台给搬出来了。 This thing in god extremely territory, but there is a successful experience to confirm. 这玩意在神极域,可是有过成功经验验证的。 In full vigour regarding celestial pole territory crowd, cultivator of hobby fight, the attraction is definitely big. 对于天极域这群精力旺盛,又爱好战斗的修炼者来说,吸引力肯定不小。 However, from the successful experience of god extremely territory, demonstrated that a point, that is ordinary person, similarly is also the audience of virtual showdown platform, cannot neglect. 不过,从神极域的成功经验之中,也显示出了一点,那就是普通人,同样也是虚拟对决平台的受众群体,可不能忽略了。 Because the virtual showdown platform, is different in these high-end products. 因为虚拟对决平台,是不同于那些高端产品的。 This thing, been fastidious is a meager profit but high turnover, one is to sell the virtual showdown crystal, one is a receiving fee/spent. 这玩意,讲究的就是一个薄利多销,一个是卖虚拟对决水晶,一个是收信号费。 Do not look that the unit price of signal fee/spent is low, but this thing is consumables. 别看信号费的单价低,但是这个东西是个消耗品。 Really wants, compared with the commodities of these fixed-price, was more valuable, moreover more used more expensive/noble. 真要算起来,比那些一口价的商品,可贵多了,而且还是越用越贵。 Therefore, facing biggest customer group, is these ordinary person, Qi Le is not willing to give up, must strive. 所以,面对最大的顾客群体,也就是那些普通人,齐乐可不愿意放弃,必须要争取过来。 The commodities of these cultivator uses, ordinary person has more than enough, that does not have the matter of means. 那些修炼者使用的商品,普通人用不了,那是没办法的事情。 But the virtual showdown platform is nothing uses the threshold, if also gives up this biggest customer group. 可是虚拟对决平台是没有任何使用门槛的,要是还放弃这最大的顾客群体的话。 That may not can be justified. 那可就说不过去了。 And...... 而且…… They really do not think that these tall tower, is I constructs to give these city-states free.” “他们不会真的以为那些高塔,是我免费建造给那些城邦的吧。” Qi Le was saying one at heart silently. 齐乐在心里默默的说了一句。 Cracks a joke, Shop Manager Qi that simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu who will never owe, does not suffer a loss, how may do this good deed. 开玩笑,永远不亏的齐馆主,绝不吃亏的齐店长,怎么可能会做这种好事呢。 Although these tall tower, truly are the free constructions. 虽然那些高塔,确实是免费建造的。 However, regarding Qi Le, this is also one point of layout. 但是,对于齐乐来说,这也是布局的一环。 Hammers the body tower frost, is the violent flames trial tower, or is the thunder crosses the tribulation tower, actually while giving these Challenger crawling towers, but also has another function. 无论是冰霜锻体塔,还是烈焰试炼塔,又或者是雷霆渡劫塔,其实在给那些挑战者爬塔的同时,还有着另外一个作用。 That exists as the signal tower! 那就是做为信号塔而存在! As the matter stands, did not need Qi Le to continue to lay down another set of signal tower again. 这样一来,也就不用齐乐再继续去铺设另外一套信号塔了。 The virtual showdown platform eats the signal device very much, otherwise the celestial pole territory range is so big, may not have the means to lose all players to a server. 要知道,虚拟对决平台可是很吃信号设备的,要不然天极域范围这么大,可没办法把所有玩家丢到一个服务器里面去。 Before god extremely territory, Qi Le to build the signal device, was busy well some time. 之前在神极域的时候,齐乐就为了搭建信号设备,忙了好一段时间。 Un, is these constructs the self-service shops in major god countries, mainly plays a role of connection signal. 嗯,就是那些建造在各大神国之中的自助店铺,主要还是起一个连通信号的作用。 Under line bricks-and-motar, in virtual shop with vanishing line, is develops the commercial the inevitable trend. 线下实体店,配合线上虚拟店,才是发展商业的必然趋势啊。 Therefore passed through such a long time upholstery, Qi Le felt, now finally arrives at the good time. 所以经过了这么长时间的铺垫,齐乐感觉,现在终于到了合适的时机了。 Has constructed the city-state of giant demon god golden body from these, starts the pilot. 就从那些已经建造了巨型魔神金身的城邦,开始试点吧。 Has succeeded extremely time in the god territory commercial mode, does not know that celestial pole territory, can develop what appearance.” “已经在神极域成功过一次的商业模式,不知道在天极域这边,能发展成什么样子呢。” Really pitifully, that side the god territory, the high tower should not can be popular extremely.” “真是可惜,在神极域那边,高塔应该流行不起来吧。” Qi Le is planning the following plan in the mind, while thinks. 齐乐一边在脑海之中规划着接下来的计划,一边想到。
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